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if229 2017-4-5 10:12
计算机界“诺贝尔奖”公布:万维网发明者获奖 当地时间4月4日,美国计算机协会(Association for Computing Machinery, 简称ACM)宣布,万维网发明者蒂姆·伯纳斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)获得2016年ACM“图灵奖”。   图灵奖(A.M. Turing Award),由美国计算机协会于1966年设立,又叫“A.M. 图灵奖”,专门奖励那些对计算机事业作出重要贡献的个人。其名称取自计算机科学的先驱、英国科学家艾伦·麦席森·图灵(Alan M. Turing)。图灵奖对获奖者的要求极高,评奖程序极严,一般每年只奖励一名计算机科学家,只有极少数年度有两名在同一方向上做出贡献的科学家同时获奖。因此它也被称为是计算机界的“诺贝尔奖”。图灵奖初期奖金为20万美元,1989年起增到25万美元,奖金通常由计算机界的一些大企业提供(通过与ACM签订协议)。目前图灵奖由Google公司赞助,奖金为100万美元。   ACM在官网给出蒂姆·伯纳斯-李的获奖理由是,其发明了万维网(World Wide Web),世界第一个网页浏览器,以及发明了允许网页扩展的基本协议和算法。 1955年6月8日,伯纳斯-李出生于英格兰伦敦西南部。他的父母都参与了世界上第一台商业电脑,曼切斯特1型(Manchester Mark I)的建造。1973年,伯纳斯-李中学毕业,进入牛津大学王后学院深造,最后以一级荣誉获得物理学士学位。2003年,英国女王授予他骑士称号。目前,他是麻省理工学院教授,也是是麻省理工学院计算机科学及人工智能实验室创办主席及高级研究员。   1989年,在欧洲核子研究组织(CERN)工作期间,伯纳斯-李成为Web研究的先锋。他希望Web能成为全球科学家分享信息的方式。他的成果包括创建网页命名方法(URI)、通信协议(HTTP)和网页语言(HTML)。此外,他用开源代码编写了第一个浏览器。这使得早期的网页浏览器能推广到学术界以外。   “第一个万维网网站在1991年上线。我们很难想象在伯纳斯-李先的发明之前的世界是什么样的。在很多方面,万维网的巨大影响是显而易见的。许多人可能不会完全理解让网络成为基础技术的贡献。伯纳斯-李的作用是不仅开发了关键组件,例如URI和Web浏览器,使我们能够使用Web,更重要的是他提供了一个一致的愿景:即这些单个元素作为整体的一部分,该如何协同工作。”ACM协会主席Vicki L. Hanson在声明中说。   “我感到荣幸能收到这个以计算机先锋命名的奖项。对于程序员来说,能用计算机来做什么,只能受到自己的限制。”伯纳斯-李说。   2017年6月24日,ACM将在旧金山举行颁奖礼。(记者 王心馨) zz:: http://us.xinhuanet.com/2017-04/05/c_129524955.htm 2017-04-05
个人分类: 计算机|1211 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 9 lionbin 2017-1-24 16:08
我最早接触互联网,是1995年参加中国科学院百所联网科学数据库建设之时。那时,频繁地在Netscape或IE中输入WWW的时候,就很奇怪,这三个W组成的字母究竟是什么呢?通过学习,慢慢理解了,WWW是World Wide Web的缩写(有时候仅仅用Web,也是WWW的含义),是互联网所提供的服务其中之一,一个由许多互相链接的超文本组成的系统。其核心,由统一资源标识符(URI)、超文本传送协议(HTTP)和超文本标记语言(HTML)三个标准构成。提姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)被称为 WWW之父,他在1989年,看到了将超文本系统与互联网结合在一起的机会,并在1990年9月至12月创建了这样的系统,并于1991年的8月23日正式向公众开放。1994年6月,北美的中国新闻电脑网络(CND)在为其电子刊物《华夏文摘》推出网站服务时,中国科学院已故院士、科学网李小文先生通过电子邮件提出翻译为“万维天罗地网”,简称“万维网”,正好与汉语拼音的简称完全相符,大家一致认为这个译法“信、达、雅”面面俱到,一锤定音。于是,“万维网”成为World Wide Web的标准翻译被广泛采纳 。 万维网的诞生,从根本上改变了我们生活的方方面面,对世界产生了深刻而又复杂的影响。 人们越来越认识到,必须有一个明确的研究议程来了解当前不断变化的潜在网络,更需要创建一个新的领域来探索万维网潜在的科学、工程原理和社会影响。2005年9月,在伦敦举办的英国计算机协会的研讨会上,万维网研究的科学家们讨论了构成万维网科学内核的科学和工程问题。与会人员考察了万维网的新趋势,并就如何利用新媒体的机会、数据资源以及知识库“网络化”的具体类型进行了激烈辩论。该研讨会涵盖了广泛的技术和法律主题。例如,从已经进行了许多研究的万维网构架和拓扑结构到网络连接的法律问题等等。这项工作使得一些人认为万维网的发展遵循一个进化路径,建议在一个生态条件下观察万维网。 分析万维网需要更好的数据模型是显而易见的。给定一个主题,如何找到权威的网页?对于这样一个简单的问题,传统的信息检索技术对于规模越来越大的网络是不够。人类在网络上交流的话题是可以通过链接矩阵进行分析的,信息检索和基于结构的搜索中的数学问题,定会随着万维网的发展变成一个热门的研究领域。然而,为模拟万维网所开发的数学框架,在方法有很大的不同。虽然系统分析中面向过程的方法、人工智能和语义研究的符号建模方法、以及在网络分析中所使用的数学方法都是相关的,但目前还没有一个数学的模型可以统领一切。十多年前的万维网正在经历一次从文本文档到数据资源的扩展。在人类可读文档的网络中,自然语言处理技术可以从这些文本中提取一些语义。这些方法是基于“隐藏”的语义,但计算机通过使用启发式技术来概括人类之间通信的意图。在关系数据和逻辑判断的“语义网”中,如果将计算机逻辑包含在这些元素中,就可以做得更多。研究人员可使用新的、基于逻辑的语言来回答问题,进行假设检查和数据建模。 次年(2006年),提姆·伯纳斯·李等在Science上发表了一篇文章“创建万维网科学” ,提出应形成专门的跨学科研究团体,推动万维网科学的各种学术计划和研讨会。这里讨论万维网的时候,特意加上了“科学”二字。物理学和生物学是人们能理解的科学,它们分析自然世界,试图通过寻找微观规律来外推到宏观领域,这是建立在观测行为基础上的研究。相比之下,计算机科学,虽然也进行局部分析,但主要还是综合的。如果要产生新的计算机行为,就涉及到构建新语言和算法。万维网科学正是这两个特征的结合。万维网是通过正式指定的语言和协议创建的工程空间。然而,由于人类是网页的创造者,与之有紧密的联系,其相互作用形成了万维网上宏观尺度的全新模式。人类的互动受社会习俗和法律的约束。因此, 万维网科学本质上必须是跨学科的,其目标一方面是要了解万维网的发展,另一方面又要创造新的方法让更强大和更有利的模式出现。 又是十年过去了,互联网已经成为信息传播的主要手段,不管是在科学研究还是公共领域,万维网日益成为一个重要的资源,并频频对现有的技术和社会管理提出挑战。 十年前,几乎没有多少人使用智能手机,大数据的概念还只是在学术圈有人提及,更没有人知道,数据科学会成为世界上最酷的工作。十年后,社会已经越来越依赖于互联网技术,几乎涵盖了通讯与处理信息的方方面面,网络访问正变得越来越移动且无处不在。 于是,2006年与提姆·伯纳斯·李一起合作发表那篇里程牌文章的两位合作者James Hendler和Wendy Hall在十年后再次撰文,探讨了近十年来万维网科学的发展 。 他们认为,过去十年万维网科学的研究人员一直专注于万维网各方面的发展。如今对数据科学的兴趣可归因于大量的信息存储,无论是结构化的(元数据组织在明确的字段中,如温度或降水)还是非结构化的(文档,图像和视频)数据,都为网络所用。基于移动网络平台的信息,如智能手机的地理定位信息,越来越多地应用于打车、旅行等新兴产业和共享经济(如共享单车)中。社交媒体分析师们希望能从数学和社会两个方面解析一些问题,通过结合社交网站中所分享的信息和移动应用程序(apps)中所收集的信息能更全面地反映某种趋势。虽然移动应用程序看起来并不像网页浏览,但它们都是依赖于同一个网络体系结构。现在,世界各地各级政府都习惯通过网络发布一系列开放数据了——从实时公共交通到到环境病原微生物报告。网络出版也正让研究人员能更快更方便地获得杂志和会议论文,还有一些在线论坛正为科学家和更广泛的研究团体提供新的信息资源。维基百科等网站是由多人互动所推动的,越来越多的公民科学网站,如拥有众多公民科学项目的宇宙动物园网站(Zooniverse),为科学家与万维网志愿者们的互动提供了新的方式。这些网站利用了数以百万计人的认知能力,其结果是“社交机器”在社会影响力方面的影响是极其强大的,仅仅维基百科每月的浏览量就高达数十亿。 2009年,IBM提出“智慧地球”概念,被美国人认为与当年的“信息高速公路”有许多相似之处。当年,美国将新能源和物联网列为振兴经济的两大重点,中国政府总理“感知中国”的讲话也推动将物联网正式列为国家五大新兴战略性产业之一。物联网这个物物相连的互联网技术,让所有的物体都具有收集和交换数据的功能,无疑会产生更多的信息,这些信息不仅是个人的运动数据,还包括现代社会中有关能源和各种资源的的信息。可获得信息的增长也导致许多领域对数据分析的利用越来越多,自此, 网络科学、数据科学和万维网科学正帮助那些为解决大尺度问题的科学家和工程师们产生新的技术。 2012年,遍布世界各地的万维网科学实验室开展了一项研究,称为“网络观测台”(Web Observatory),旨在收集和分享有关万维网利用的数据。随着研究的开展,该工作从静态分析转移到实时跟踪万维网使用的变化,并不断改善预测模型来了解互联网上信息使用的影响。在计算机科学中,与万维网相关的研究主要集中在信息检索算法以及通过互联网的信息路由算法。而计算机科学之外的研究人员却越来越依赖于网络,但他们也没有办法探索万维网上所出现的新趋势,也没有与万维网研究群体讨论如何为科学家的需求服务。 万维网科学研究人员正在研究我们可以从众包、群体智能、公民科学以及各种基于万维网技术所累积的数据中获得什么。 那些设计成功且妥善运营的网站有什么开发原则,如何为科学家和其他网站创立者降低进入门槛。 当然,随着万维网信息的不断增长,数据提供者与信息潜在用户之间有关隐私问题的张力也会随之加剧。如互联网管理及其政策、万维网工程原则、数字身份,数字文化,以及社会面临的隐私和道德问题,因为我们现在的生活越来越多是在线的。目前,更多的学生正进入科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)领域,这带来了不菲的经济优势。无论在发达国家还是发展中国家都有一个共同认识,在当今社会发展中社会科学和人文科学的价值较小。然而,万维网不仅是机器的网络,它是世界上数十亿的人以前所未有的方式相互作用的网络。关注万维网科学和工程对社会的影响,同时社会也对万维网和互联网的发展产生影响,这需要我们深刻地理解社会-技术系统。因此, 万维网科学必须保持一个跨学科的追求,团结一大批来自物理和数学、工程、人文科学和社会科学等许多领域的研究人才,这样万维网才能继续使人们团结在一起,为社会提供难以想象的机会。 参考资料: (1) “万维网”一词是李小文院士的首创与独家发明——大概率事件 (2) Tim Berners-Lee, Wendy Hall, James Hendler, Nigel Shadbolt, Daniel J. Weitzner, 2006. Creating a Science of the Web. Science, 313: 769-771. (3) James Hendler, Wendy Hall, 2016. Science of the World Wide Web. Science, 354: 703-704.
个人分类: 一起读顶刊|13116 次阅读|16 个评论
热度 8 caojun 2013-5-1 02:02
20年前今天,日内瓦的欧洲核子研究中心宣布万维网技术(World Wide Web,3W)对任何人免费开放,不收取任何费用。这些技术包括技术标准、服务器软件、一个基本的浏览器软件。从此我们进入了网络社会。 网络其实早已存在。七十年代美国就形成了为军事服务的主干网,是互联网的前身。八十年代扩展到大学之间互联,九十年代向公众开放。这些包括了互联网的硬件及TCP/IP协议。 万维网其实也不是20年前发明的。万维网就是我们所熟悉的www或http,是互联网上运行的一套服务。在万维网发明之前,大家熟悉的互联网服务还包括邮件系统、Gopher、FTP、telnet等。欧核中心的蒂姆·伯纳斯-李于1989年发明了这项技术。1993年4月30日,欧核中心声明将其免费提供给社会,因此把4月30日当成了万维网的诞生日。 1993年我来到高能所读研究生。高能所是那时国内唯一一家接上互联网的单位。做为接入的条件,高能所还承担为国内上百名著名科学家提供电子邮件服务。那时候还没用上3W网,除了看邮件,传文件用FTP,登服务器用telnet,看网页(如果也叫网页的话)用Gopher。 3W网的特点,简单地说,就是简单,傻瓜都会用。如果没有3W,光靠Gopher,很可能今天网络仍然是一小部分人的特权。有时候,看似一小步的改进也能导致根本的变化。我母亲以前不会用计算机、跟网络绝缘,因为她不会英语,也不会拼音,因此无法输入。以前上学时是没有教拼音的。ipad有两个小小的好处,一个是方便的手写输入,一个是方便的手指点击、缩放。从纯技术角度,这也算不上什么了不起的、横空出世的发明,只是ipad将已有技术做得更方便而已。但是有了ipad以后,她就每天上网,搜索各种东西,用QQ视频等。除了简单易用,还有一点至关重要——免费。在3W免费后不久,Gopher宣布不再免费,大部分用户转向3W。正是因为3W的免费,造就了今天的网络信息社会。 一项影响人类社会发展的计算机技术,居然诞生在一个高能物理实验室,是不是有点奇怪? 实际上这是由需求驱动的。 高能物理实验规模大,合作交流的需求非常大,就逼着科学家去考虑怎么高效地 共享信息 ,结果诞生了万维网。大型强子对撞机造价昂贵,两个大实验各有3000名科学家参与,遍布在世界各地。海量数据的处理也逼着科学家去考虑怎么高效地 共享计算能力 ,结果诞生了“网格计算”。这是今天随处可见的各种“云”计算、“云”存储的前身。“社会对科技一旦产生需求,将比十所大学更有力地推动科学的发展。” 高能物理的国际合作模式也是一件非常有意思的事情。一个自发的、松散的科学共同体,却要做对分工合作要求极高的事。当大型强子对撞机建成的时候,有人站在巨大的探测器处感慨:这么复杂的设备,由分属上百个大学的几千人合作修建,每个大学的管理方式、人员组成、风格文化都不一样,谁也不听谁的,不同地方来的部件凑在一起,居然也能装成一个设备,还能工作,真是不容易。 看看我们隔壁(指指日内瓦的联合国机构),他们就什么也没干成 。(转述听来的段子)
个人分类: 物理八卦|4448 次阅读|19 个评论
WWW 2012 社会网络相关文章
york8001 2012-6-7 15:05
整理了一下WWW2012上有关社会网络的论文,主要是看文章名字和作者挑出来的,还没有细看,可能有一些是无关的,还有一些遗珠,不过足够看上一阵子了。 Actions speak as loud as words: Predicting relationships from social behavior data Sibel Adali, Fred Sisenda and Malik Magdon-Ismail Analyzing Spammers’ Social Networks For Fun and Profit — A Case Study of Cyber Criminal Ecosystem on Twitter Chao Yang, Robert Harkreader, Jialong Zhang, Suengwon Shin and Guofei Gu Bimodal Invitation-Navigation Fair Bets Model for Authority Identification in a Social Network Suratna Budalakoti and Ron Bekkerman Branded with a Scarlet ? C ?: Cheaters in a Gaming Social Network Jeremy Blackburn, Ramanuja Simha, Nicolas Kourtellis, Xiang Zuo, Matei Ripeanu, John Skvoretz and Adriana Iamnitchi Human Wayfinding in Information Networks Robert West and Jure Leskovec Implementing Optimal Outcomes in Social Computing: A Game-Theoretic Approach Arpita Ghosh and Patrick Hummel Information Transfer in Social Media Greg Ver Steeg and Aram Galstyan New Objective Functions for Social Collaborative Filtering Joseph Noel, Scott Sanner, Khoi-Nguyen Tran, Peter Christen, Lexing Xie, Edwin Bonilla and Ehsan Abbasnejad Online Team Formation in Social Networks Aris Anagnostopoulos, Luca Becchetti, Carlos Castillo, Aristides Gionis and Stefano Leonardi Partitioned Multi-Indexing: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications to Social Search Bahman Bahmani and Ashish Goel Recommendations to Boost Content Spread in Social Networks Sayan Ranu, Vineet Chaoji, Rajeev Rastogi and Rushi Bhatt The Role of Social Networks in Information Diffusion Eytan Bakshy, Itamar Rosenn, Cameron Marlow and Lada Adamic Understanding and Combating Link Farming in the Twitter Social Network Saptarshi Ghosh, Bimal Viswanath, Farshad Kooti, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Korlam Gautam, Fabricio Benevenuto, Niloy Ganguly and Krishna Gummadi Using Content and Interactions for Discovering Communities in Social Networks Mrinmaya Sachan, Danish Contractor, Tanveer Faruquie and L. V. Subramaniam An Exploration of Improving Collaborative Recommender Systems via User-Item Subgroups Bin Xu, Jiajun Bu, Chun Chen and Deng Cai Community Detection in Incomplete Information Networks Wangqun Lin, Xiangnan Kong, Philip Yu, Quanyuan Wu, Yan Jia and Chuan Li Crosslingual Knowledge Linking Across Wiki Knowledge Bases Zhichun Wang, Juanzi Li, Zhigang Wang and Jie Tang Discovering Geographical Topics from Twitter Streams Liangjie Hong, Amr Ahmed, Siva Gurumurthy, Alex Smola and Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis Document Hierarchies from Text and Links Qirong Ho, Jacob Eisenstein and Eric Xing Dynamical Classes of Collective Attention in Twitter Janette Lehmann, Bruno Gon?alves, José Ramasco and Ciro Cattuto Factorizing YAGO: Scalable Machine Learning for Linked Data Maximilian Nickel and Volker Tresp Learning and Predicting Behavioral Dynamics on the Web Kira Radinsky, Krysta Svore, Susan Dumais, Jaime Teevan, Eric Horvitz and Alex Bocharov Vertex Collocation Profiles: Subgraph Counting for Link Analysis and Prediction Ryan N.Lichtenwalter and Nitesh V. Chawla We Know What @You #Tag: Does the Dual Role Affect Hashtag Adoption? Lei Yang, Tao Sun and Qiaozhu Mei
4262 次阅读|0 个评论
timy 2011-1-23 21:08
From: http://render-project.eu/diversiweb-2011/ First International Workshop on Knowledge Diversity on the Web Workshop at WWW 2011 , Hyderabad, India March 28 or 29 (TBD) , 2011 Supported by the EU FP7 projects RENDER and Living Knowledge Almost 20 years after its introduction, the Web provides a platform for the publication, use and exchange of information, at planetary scale, on virtually every topic, and representing an amazing diversity of opinions, viewpoints, mindsets and backgrounds. The success of the Web can be attributed to several factors, most notably to its principled scalable design, but also to a number of subsequent ICT developments such as smart user-generated content, mobile devices, and most recently cloud computing. The first two of these have dramatically lowered the last barriers of entry when it comes to producing and consuming information online, leading to an unprecedented growth and mass collaboration. They are responsible for hundreds of millions of users all over the globe creating high-quality encyclopedias, publishing Terabytes of multimedia content, contributing to world-class software, and lively taking part in defining the agenda of many aspects of our society by raising their voices, and publicly expressing and sharing their ideas, viewpoints, and resources. The other side of the coin in this unique success story is, nevertheless, the great challenges associated with managing the sheer amounts of information continuously being published online, whilst allowing for purposeful use, and leveraging the diversity inherently unfolding through global-scale collaboration. In this context, diversity includes different opinions, sentiments, preferences, or worldviews that are reflected in the way information is expressed on the Web. These challenges are still to be solved at many levels, from the infrastructure to store and access the information, through the methods and techniques to make sense out of it, to the paradigms underlying the processes of Web-based information provision and consumption. As an example, when searching for blog posts, state-of-the-art technology – be that popularity-based algorithms, recommendation engines or collaborative filters – tends to return either the most popular posts, or those which correspond with a personal profile and therefore with the known opinions and tastes of the reader. Alternative points of view, and new unexpected content, are not taken into account as they are not highly ranked, and posts expressing different opinions are sometimes even discarded. This behavior has particularly negative consequences when dealing with information that is expected and intended to be subject to diverse opinion – as is the case with news reports, ratings of products or media content, customer reviews, or any other type of subjective assessment. The same negative effects apply in a community-driven environment that is designed for collaboration – the most obvious example here being Wikipedia and the blogosphere. The information diversity exposed in such an environment, impressive both with respect to scale and the richness of opinions and viewpoints expressed, cannot be handled without adequate computer support in an economically feasible manner. In the long run, maintaining the current state-of-affairs will change the ways and the extent to which people are informed (or not) on a particular topic, tremendously influencing how they look into that topic, what they find about it and what they think about it. On top of all this, it is meanwhile acknowledged that the current state of affairs hampers true collaboration. Wikipedia is a tremendous success, but it is also a largely meritocratic system with a decreasing number of active contributors, whereas the blogosphere has to deal with the limited attention of the blog authors. What is needed are novel concepts, methods and tools that allow humans and machines to leverage the huge amounts of information created by a community, based on interaction models that support expressing, communicating and reasoning about divergent models simultaneously. This would not only enhance true collaboration, but would also significantly improve various aspects of the information management life cycle, thus addressing information overload in sectors which rely on opinions-driven information sources and mass participation – news, ratings, reviews, and social and information sharing portals of any kind. Goal of the workshop The overall aim of this workshop is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss their ideas related to the challenges posed by diversity on the Web. We aim to address a wide array of interdisciplinary questions, which need to be tackled in order to preserve the fragile balance between a world that is continually converging and growing together, the rich diversity of the global society, and the dangers of fragmentation and splintering. This includes but is not limited to questions such as ‘How to model diversity?’ , ‘How to discover bias and opinion in blog posts, tweets, forum items, wiki edits, etc.?’ , ‘How to rank, aggregate, summarize, and exploit information in a diversity-aware manner?’ , ‘What are the applications of diversity-rich information sources?’ , ‘How can we use diversity as an asset instead of regarding it as a barrier?’ . Topics In particular we welcome submissions that Analyze the capabilities of current information management models, algorithms and technologies to leverage knowledge diversity, Extend existing models, methods, techniques and tools to accommodate the requirements arising from paying a proper account to diversity-expressed information sources and communication and collaboration environments characterized by a rich variety of opinions and viewpoints. Discuss the foundations of knowledge diversity on the Web and propose alternative paradigms, Propose novel evaluation strategies, methods and techniques to assess the impact of diversity-minded information management. Topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to: Risks and advantages of diversity and diversification on the Web Facets of knowledge diversity and conceptual and formal models for representing and understanding diversity Discovery and mining of corpora for diversity-related information Use of Natural Language Processing techniques for diversity mining Classifying Web 2.0 content items such as blog posts, videos, tweets, and wiki-edits by their biases Usage and benefits of diversity in the corporate context, e.g. in order to understand feedback and communication with the customer Enabling or improving communication and collaboration over barriers induced by diversity Extensions to Web applications taking diversity into account Exposing and explaining diversity to end users User experiences avoiding the radicalization of groups by exposing them to alternatives User interfaces allowing the explicit annotation of content with diversity markers Studies on the acceptance by end-users of diversified applications. We explicitly invite experience reports on topics related of diversity from the Web as it is used in India. Submissions We aim at four different kind of submission: research papers of the length of 8 pages presenting mature work, prototypes and methodologies, position papers of the length of 4 pages presenting early work and elaborated ideas, demo outlines of the length of 2 pages, and experience reports of up to 6 pages about dealing and managing with diversity, especially within the usage of the Web in India. Submission format is the same as for WWW 2011 (i.e. ACM style). Selected papers will be invited for a special issue of a journal or as bookchapters, pending negotiations. Submissions can be submitted to EasyChair . Important dates Submission deadline: Submission deadline: 11th February, 2011 Notification of acceptance: 7th March, 2011 Camera ready versions of accepted papers: 19th March, 2011 Workshop date: 28th or 29th March, 2011 (TBD) Programm Committee To be announced Organization committee Elena Simperl , AIFB, KIT, Germany Devika P. Madalli , Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, India Denny Vrandecic , AIFB, KIT, Germany Enrique Alfonseca , Google Zurich, Switzerland Contact us at diversiweb@lists.kit.edu
个人分类: 信息检索|1560 次阅读|0 个评论
pc1500 我用过最早的计算机
热度 2 windlight 2010-10-12 01:25
饭桌上,聊起www那年出现,有人说90年代,我记得是80年代末。谈到我在80年代用过最早的计算机就是pc1500,拿他打游戏,编程统计班级成绩,画汉字点阵,打印汉字,打印彩色线圈。有很多乐趣。 zt 曾经的辉煌-----SHARP 夏普PC-1500计算器怀旧篇 字体大小: 大 | 中 | 小 2009-07-28 13:28 - 阅读:484 - 评论 :1 (1) 概述 SHARP PC-1500系列是80年代初期引入我国的,先后装备了地质测量系统,公路系统,气象系统,大专院校,军队...是我国最早引进现代化的设备之一.当年可是轰轰烈烈异常热闹.各地培训班如雨后春笋,个人也是以有与会用为骄傲. 夏普公司一共出产了 1210(1979),, 1211,1251 1500(1982),和改进型1500A , 1501, 1600,我所知道的某部一次采购就是1千万.我国挂林计算机厂也组装过PC-1500,(好象大连计算机厂也组装过), PC-1500的接口灵活,丰富的周边扩展配置也是当年流行的因素.印象中某些人一个控制电路,乃至一段程序便成了专家.专利更是一扫笆扫好几大堆.纵则现在当你碰到哪位头发花白的老工程师吹嘘当年我.....你也别奇怪,那种成就感荣誉感年青人是体会不到的.其实不过一个工具尔,现在想想却是好笑. 你拿袖珍计算机pc-1500孤狗一下,似乎我国方方面面的现代化都靠它了,甚至连空军飞机都用上它了( http://www.google.cn/search?q=%E ... ;start=140sa=N )真让人忍俊不禁. 本人翻出的老古懂,再加上又捡了个打印机,稍加修理居然还显灵了: 网上搜集的SHARP系列资料. SHARP公司一共生产了30款小型计算器式的微型计算机(当时的称谓),我这里精选了几款有代表性的里程碑式照片,从中也可理出一些发展脉络:(图上传不全,去论坛看) SHARP PC-1500A 的相关参数: 中央处理器(CPU):8位LH5801 (兼容Z80) 程序语言:固化的带扩展的BASIC语言 汇编语言 内存容量:系统ROM(只读存贮器)16Kb RAM 3.5kb(1500), 8.5kb(1500A,1501)另可选扩展16~32kb) 子程序:30层。 FORNEXT语句:16层。 ※基本运算功能:算术运算,负数,指数运算。 ※一般函数:三角函数和反三角函数(角度以度、弧度、百分度为单位),对数和指数,平方根,绝对值,求不大于某算术表达式的值(X)的最大整数,随机数,符号函数,圆周率。 ※特定函数:字符~数值代码转换函数,键函数,字符个数函数,数字~数字符号互换函数,查内存容量函数,时钟函数等。 ※数的计算范围:110-99到9.99999999910^99 计算位数:10位有效数字加2位指数。 ※键盘:共65个按键,包括字母键,数字键、符号键、操作功能键和备用键等。 ※显示:液晶显示,显示屏有7156个图点,可单行显示26个字符,每个字符由75个图点组成,程序和命令每行最多可达80个字符,但显示屏最多同时显示26个字符。 打印:四色 文本打印 绘图打印 关于 BASIC语言汇编语言 码字太难了,网上孤狗一下,不难学.1500基本上通吃, 这个可对比参考一下: http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms225234 (VS.80).aspx 关于PC-1500的内存多有诟病,其实是可以改善和扩充的.请看当年人家是怎么玩的: (张扬:四川省建筑科学研究计算中心主任、高级工程师;成都建龙软件有限公司技术总监.在成都的玩家朋友可以去拜访一下) .....分配到一台曰本SHARP公司生产的PC1500计算机。这个8-bit的小东西,基本内存只有8K居然五脏俱全,还有打印机。更让我着迷的是除了具有BASIC语言以外还可以用LH-5801 机器码驱动硬件和底层开发,也就是说我可以用汇编语言来开发自己的语言。除了能轻松应付工作以外,我还经常用它的接口来驱动和控制一些设备和信号,它对我来讲,更多的时候是一个玩具,但这段经历奠定了我与计算机结缘的基础。 ......从事建筑结构设计,常常需要到计算站上机,并支付几百乃至上万元不等的上机费。一次到同学单位串门,看见他们使用PC1500计算机附带一个程序模块盒,可以完成绝大多数计算任务,但程序是加了密的,只能计算不能看见原程序。用我以前玩PC1500的基础,不到一分钟就将其解密了。于是向领导申请买了一台 PC1500A,记得花了2400元,这时它的内存已经可以扩充到28K了,节约了大量的上机费。后来发现最主要的应用程序框架结构计算程序,运算太慢,计算规模也太小,于是开始用汇编语言改写最耗时的解线性方程组的程序,一下子将过去需要耗费45分钟的计算提高到仅用15秒,再通过计算机接口扩充附加内存(最多可附加到512K,并增加了60多条扩展BASIC指令,可运行附加内存的程序、向附加内存存储变量,还可输出汉字),将只能计算3跨6层的规模提高到可以计算6跨15层的规模,许多朋友开始向我索要和购买程序,同时也让我发现了其间的商业价值。后来这个模块在国内销售到了十五个省市。 ....想想阿波罗登月时,人类计算机的内存只有8K,我们就没有什么做不到的!只是看投入与产出是否合算而已..... http://www.qqgb.com/Program/VC/VCJQ/Program_256118.html 桑海拾遗: (1). 《水利程序集》软件介绍 ( 作者:城市伞兵 http://www.shuigong.com/forum/vi ... extra=page%3D1 ) 1985 年,水电部水利水电规划设计院电算处与水电部天津勘测设计院电算处根据我国具体情况,按水电部设计规范和设计中常用的一些算法,组织编辑了《水利水电工程 PC-1500程序集》(85版),获得了国家计算机应用三等奖 。 与此同时,1981年,新疆自治区科委曾以新科字(81) 046号文委托新疆水利厅以《水利水电工程设计电算应用程序的引进编制和推广应用》科研课题开展科研工作,于1985年出版了《 PC-1500袖珍计算机水利水电工程程序汇编》 。 经推广使用,反映良好。其它如四川、湖北等地都曾编辑出版了有关 PC-1500的程序集,也都在工程实践中得到了应用。为使《水利水电工程 PC-1500程序集》进一步完善和系统化,1986年 3月在水电部水利水电规划设计总院召开的计算机会议上决定由天津院和新疆院负责组织编委会,编辑出版新版的《水利水电工程 PC-1500程序集》。经过一年的准备,1987年3月,总院电算处主持,与天津、新疆的同志共同商议,组成了《水利水电工程 PC-1500程序集》(88版)编委会,具体安排了实施计划。会后,在全国水利水电勘测设计系统中广泛地进行了征稿,编辑了《水利水电工程PC- 1500程序集》(88版)。后来,经中国计算机用户协会便携机分会的同意,总院电算处处长还支持并协助新疆、天津等地的同志组建了中国计算机用户协会便携机分会水利专业委员会,负责出版发行工作。   《水利水电工程 PC-1500程序集》(88版)较之《水利水电工程 PC-1500程序集》(85版)和《 PC-1500袖珍计算机水利水电工程程序汇编》等有较大的扩充,实现了水利水电工程勘测设计多专业的分类,包括16个软件包,共计100多个程序.
个人分类: 吃行天下|12275 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]CFP: IWWIP 2010
timy 2010-4-8 11:03
http://www.icmlc.com/iwwip/iwwip_welcome.htm Organized By: IEEE System, Man and Cybernetic Society, Shenzhen Chapter Harbin Institute of Technology(Shenzhen), China The World Wide Web (WWW) is an extremely important information source, which is widely used by people from every walk of life. In addition, due to the growing popularity of the WWW, information on the web gets richer and richer everyday. But, this does not come in at no cost. The growing amount of information over the WWW renders information processing more and more complex and hence more time consuming. This leads to the inception of the International Workshop on Web Information Processing (IWWIP) series. IWWIP 2010 will provide a forum for researchers on information processing to explore techniques for retrieving, organizing, analyzing, mining and learning of both structured and unstructured information on the WWW. Especially, IWWIP 2010 focuses on research on the application of text mining, natural language processing and natural language understanding techniques to process large amount of complex Web information. IWWIP 2010 will be held as part of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2010). Participants are free to attend sessions, tutorials, panels, and demonstrations offered by both ICMLC 2010 and IWWIP 2010. All IWWIP 2010 papers will be published in the ICMLC 2010 Proceedings and appear in IEEE Xplore (All past ICMLC papers are EI indexed). Furthermore, selected papers will be recommended for publication in the International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Far East Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence and International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Topics of Interest We invite submissions in all Web information processing related areas. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Content-based Web Information Filtering Intelligent Human-Web Interaction Machine Learning for Information Processing Ontology-Based Information Extraction and Retrieval Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis Search Engines and Meta-search Engines Social Networks Model and Mining Soft Computing for Information Processing Language Generation Parsing and Chunking Question Answering Web Information Extraction Semantic Role Labeling for Information Processing Machine Translation Multilingual Processing Multimodal Systems and Representations Statistical and Machine Learning Methods Knowledge Grids and Grid Intelligence Text Mining and Web Content Mining Web Information Categorization Web Information Clustering Web Information Retrieval Web-Based Ontology Learning Paper Submission Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of 6 pages (one extra page would be allowed with additional payment). The papers must be written in English and should be formatted according to the ICMLC 2010 paper format requirements (please refer to ICMLC 2010 website). All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity. The workshop only accepts on-line submissions. Organization and Committees Conference Co-Chairs: Xiaolong Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Kam-Fai Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Daniel Yeung, South China University of Technology, China General Co-Chair: Qingcai Chen, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Key-Sun Choi, Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology, Korea Program Co-Chairs: Chunyu Kit, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Ruifeng Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Steering Committee Co-Chairs: Chu-Ren Huang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Qin Lu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China Maosong Sun, Tsinghua University, China Shiwen, Yu, Peking University, China Chengqing, Zong, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Organization Chair: Bingquan Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Publication Chair: Chengjie Sun, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Program Committee: Yuxing, Ding, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Guohong Fu, Heilongjiang University, China Jun He, Renmin University of China, China Xuanjing Huang, Fudan University, China Lun-Wei Ku, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Wei Lam, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Haizhou Li, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Sujian Li, Beijing University, China Wenjie Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong HongFei Lin, Dalian University of Technology, China Qun Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Tao Liu, Renmin University of China, China Ting Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Jian-Yun Nie, University de Montreal, Canada Bing Qin, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Jian Su, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Zhifang Sui, Beijing University, China Le Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Songbo Tan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China XiaoJun Wan, Peking University, China Ting Wang, National University of Defense Technology, China Bin Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Yunqing Xia, Tsinghua University, China Hongbo Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Endong Xun, Beijing Language and Culture University, China Muyun Yang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Jianmin Yao, Suzhou University, China Tianfang Yao, ShangHai Jiao Tong University, China Min Zhang, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Hai Zhao, ShangHai Jiao Tong University, China Jun Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Tiejun Zhao, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Guodong Zhou, Suzhou University, China Lina Zhou, University of Maryland at Baltimore County, USA Jingbo Zhu, Northeastern University, China Important Date: Submission Due: April 20, 2010 Notification of Acceptance: May 15, 2010 Registration Due: May 22, 2010 Camera-Ready: May 24, 2010 Conference: July 12-13, 2010 For further details or clarifications, please see our websites: Conference website: http://www.icmlc.com Workshop website: http://www.icmlc.com/iwwip or contact the PC co-chairs: Ruifeng Xu xuruifeng@hitsz.edu.cn Chunyu Kit ctckit@cityu.edu.hk
个人分类: 研究方法|2887 次阅读|0 个评论
Social Networks and Web 2.0 Papers at WWW 2009
bingoal 2009-12-12 00:21
Social Networks and Web 2.0 Papers at WWW 2009 The organizers of the World Wide Web conference recently announced the list of accepted papers for this years event. In the Social Networks and Web 2.0 track (chaired by Elisa Bertino and Lada Adamic) the following papers are listed (where the paper is available online, Ive provided a link to the PDF): Sharad Goel, Roby Muhamad and Duncan Watts. Social Search in Small World Experiments Ulrik Brandes, Patrick Kenis, Juergen Lerner and Denise van Raaij. Network Analysis of Collaboration Structure in Wikipedia Yutaka Matsuo and Hikaru Yamamoto. Community Gravity: Measuring Bidirectional Effects by Trust and Rating on Online Shilad Sen, Jesse Vig and John Riedl. Tagommenders: Connecting Users to Items through Tags Jiang Bian, Yandong Liu, Ding Zhou, Eugene Agichtein and Hongyuan Zha. Learning to Recognize Reliable Users and Content in Social Media with Coupled Mutual Reinforcement Jrme Kunegis, Andreas Lommatzsch and Christian Bauckhage. The Slashdot Zoo: Mining a Social Network with Negative Edges Dietwig Lowet and Daniel Goergen. Co-browsing dynamic web pages Anon Plangprasopchok and Kristina Lerman. Constructing Folksonomies from Userspecified Relations on Flickr Jose San Pedro and Stefan Siersdorfer. Ranking and Classifying Attractiveness of Photos in Folksonomies David Crandall, Lars Backstrom, Daniel Huttenlocher and Jon Kleinberg. Mapping the World's Photos Munmun De Choudhury, Hari Sundaram, Ajita John and Doree Seligmann. What Makes Conversations Interesting? Themes, Participants and Consequences of Conversations in Online Social Media Thomas Karagiannis and Milan Vojnovic. Behavioral Profiles for Advanced Email Features Cristian Danescu Niculescu-Mizil, Gueorgi Kossinets, Jon Kleinberg and Lillian Lee. How opinions are received by online communities: A case study on Amazon.com helpfulness votes Meeyoung Cha, Alan Mislove and Krishna Gummadi. A Measurement-driven Analysis of Information Propagation in the Flickr Social Network
个人分类: 科研人生|6404 次阅读|0 个评论

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