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热度 1 fisher123 2018-4-16 16:39
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ecoliugy 2017-10-16 09:28
海边生长的椰子 椰子是世界上最有名的热带植物之一,它通常生长在海岸之上,特别显眼,很有热带风情。椰子的果实中含有椰汁可以喝,椰肉香甜可以做食物,椰子是热带岛屿上的宝贝。 椰汁是椰子液态的胚乳 从植物学的角度上看,椰汁是椰子液态的胚乳,胚乳呈液态是植物界的一大奇葩。这导致椰子可以漂浮在海面上,散布到远方或其它海岸。 在BBC的记录片中,椰子被认为可远渡重洋,从非洲随着洋流漂到澳洲。 如此远距离的种子散布,这是真的吗? 椰子通过海水散布种子,可从一个海岛漂到另一个海岛 很遗憾,迄今为止并没有十足的研究证明椰子能够随着洋流远距离传播,椰子或可以从一个岛屿漂到另一个岛屿,但从非洲漂到澳洲这完全是不可能的。有研究认为,椰子独特的结构是适应海洋珊瑚环礁生态系统的散布模式,因为耐贫瘠、耐暴晒和耐强风,所以椰子可通过珊瑚礁湖占领海滩。 据称,椰子能够在海洋上漂110天,远走4800公里之后,依然能够发芽。依靠风力和洋流,椰子能够穿越印度洋,到达海岛后在萌发出来,最终成长起来。可是,迄今为止,没有十足的科学证据,发现椰子能够自行散布到整个热带地区。 椰子穿越海洋,到达彼岸。这不过是个传说而已。 南岛族群利用独木舟穿越海洋,最早占领了太平洋的岛屿。椰子是他们的食物和水源。 虽然椰子能漂洋过海,从一个岛屿漂到另一个岛屿。要从一个大陆到另一个大陆,椰子只能跟着人类的步伐才能完成占领全球的壮举。最新研究发现,椰子的远距离散布,是南岛族人最早通过迁徙而带到世界各地的。 南岛族群迁徙路线和时间图。一条跨越太平洋,另一条跨越印度洋抵达马达加斯加。 2011年,澳大利亚科学家发表一篇文章,作者利用十个遗传位点分析发现,全世界所有的椰子,或多或少都存在被人类驯化和培育的印记。如若与人类迁徙的历史路线相比,你发发现,很明显人类的祖先在穿越海洋的时候,把椰子带到了各个地方。 椰子虽然很重,但可以很好的漂浮在水面之上。南岛族人的祖先在穿越海洋的时候,把一大串一大串的椰子栓在独木舟的后面,一起漂向远方。椰子不仅不占地方,而且轻便可食。口渴了,可以喝椰子解渴;肚子饿了,还可以吃椰肉充饥。椰子独特的特性,使得它成为南岛族群迁徙的时候,都会带着它一起前行。 椰子在世界各地的遗传多样性。太平洋地区与印度洋地区的椰子分化明显。 椰子的起源中心有两个,一个是东南亚地区,另一个是印度。这两个地区的人分别独立驯化了椰子。椰子之后随着人类迁徙而传播到世界各地。 椰子的遗传多样性分析更加证实了它是由人类带着它走向全世界的。椰子遗传多样性主要分成两大类,一是太平洋诸岛类群,二是印度洋诸岛类群,这与南岛族群的迁徙路线完全吻合。 南岛族群最早起源于福建,之后通过台湾,进入东南亚。一条路线是进入太平洋,最终抵达南美洲;另一条路线则通过东南亚,跨越海洋最终抵达马达加斯加和南非。这与椰子的遗传分化完全吻合。 椰子起源与传播路线图 从椰子的多样性图谱上,我们还可看出印度洋地区的椰子还表现出更高的复杂性。这是为什么呢?原因是阿拉伯人也扮演了重要角色。它们把源于印度的椰子,沿着陆路,通过非洲大陆,最后传入马达加斯加,并与南岛人带入的椰子杂交。致使马达加斯的椰子具有更加复杂的遗传多样性。 最后一批带着椰子走向全球的人是欧洲的殖民者。西班牙人和葡萄牙人在开辟了新航线之后,把椰子从印度带入西非,然后再传入中美洲和加勒比海地区。这些地方的椰子的历史相对与印度洋和大西洋的椰子,历史都比较短。西非和加勒比地区虽然也具有风光迷人的椰林海滩,但这都是15世纪以后的事,不过五六百年的历史而已。 通过对椰子的起源、驯化和传播历史研究,以及椰子遗传信息的分析,椰子的传播历史基本印证了人类的迁徙历史。我们可遥想千年以前,人类乘着简陋的独木舟,船尾带着椰子等等,在没有任何导航设备的情况下,就穿越太平洋和大西洋,这是多么的艰难的旅途,多么不可思议的事情啊。 小小的椰子,它所承载的热带人类文明,这是何等惊险刺激,多么伟大的人类壮举。 参考文献:Gunn, B. F., Baudouin, L., Olsen, K. M. (2011). Independent origins of cultivated coconut (cocos nucifera l.) in the old world tropics. Plos One, 6(6), e21143. Harries, H. C., Clement, C. R. (2013). Long-distance dispersal of the coconut palm by migration within the coral atoll ecosystem. Annals of Botany, 113(4), 565-570. 图片/ 均来自网络
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Bearjazz 2011-2-24 09:26
大陆与岛屿植物遗传多样性进化 熊荣川 译 岛屿在植物进化生物学方面被赋予了极大的研究兴趣,因为它们面积有限以及和邻近大陆不同程度的隔离。大陆岛分布在大陆架上,其与大陆的隔离主要是海平面的抬升或是板块构造运动。因为海平面的变动,这些岛屿可能最近还和大陆通过大陆桥相连。相反,海岛则是由于火山喷发而从海底升起的岛屿,因此海岛上没有大陆生命的起源。因为海岛和大陆显著的时间和空间隔离,使得它们成为研究进化的较仿真实验室,成为研究植物历史迁移扩散及进化模式的理想系统。海岛上的物种形成及其具有不同的进化模式已有深入的研究,而很有少有研究关注同时在大陆和海岛分布的同一物种的种群分布,而这样的研究却能为理解决定物种早期分化和最近扩散的种内进化提供重要的线索。通常的观点认为岛屿上的种群遗传多样性低于大陆种群,因为其有限的基因流以及历史上可能存在的瓶颈效应。岛屿种群遗传多样性的衰退可能会损害其进化潜能甚至会导致其最终灭绝。进来对比大陆和岛屿种群的研究多选择大陆岛。这些研究案例的结果多支持大陆种群的遗传多样更高的观点。而发现大陆岛种群遗传多样性更高的研究结果可能是因为大陆岛多次从大陆引进种群;可能是因为大陆自己的遗传瓶颈效应;还有可能是物种最初发源地在大陆岛上,而后向大陆方向扩散。 ( Fernández-Mazuecos et al., 2011 ) 关键词:大陆岛 大陆 海岛 种群 遗传多样性 瓶颈效应 扩散 原文: Islands constitute a focus of research interest in plant evolutionary biology, given their limited area and varying degrees of isolation from nearby continents. Continental islands are located on continental shelves, and were isolated from the continent by means of rising sea level or/and by tectonic processes. These islands may have been recurrently connected to the continent by land bridges due to fluctuating sea levels. On the contrary, oceanic islands arise from the ocean floor, are usually of volcanic origin and have virtually no terrestrial life in origin , . Because they furnish clear-cut spatial and temporal limits, oceanic islands are considered to be living laboratories for evolution. That is why oceanic islands provide ideal systems to investigate historical colonization and evolutionary patterns in plants . Speciation processes giving rise to endemic species and lineages on oceanic islands have been widely discussed, leading to alternative models of evolution , , , , , . Less attention has been paid to populations of species distributed both on continents and oceanic islands. Nonetheless, populations of the same species distributed in insular and mainland areas can provide key insights into microevolutionary processes underlying recent colonization and early stages of differentiation. As a general pattern, lower levels of genetic variation are expected in island populations as compared to mainland populations due to founder effects and restricted gene flow . This depauperation may bring about an increased propensity for extinction and compromised evolutionary potential in island populations. Early studies of genetic variation in mainland and island populations included only one study of oceanic islands , . More recent examples of island-mainland comparisons have been reported, most of which also focused on continental islands , , , , . These examples generally agree with the expectation of higher genetic variation in mainland populations. The finding of higher variation in continental islands has been attributed to multiple continent-to-island introductions, genetic bottlenecks in the continent, or island-to-continent colonization , , . To our knowledge, higher genetic variation has not been reported for oceanic islands, where particularly strong genetic bottlenecks are expected due to isolation and the prevalence of single introduction events . 参考文献 Genetically Depauperate in the Continent but Rich in Oceanic Islands--Cistus mon.pdf Fernández-Mazuecos Mario,Vargas Pablo (2011). "Genetically Depauperate in the Continent but Rich in Oceanic Islands: Cistus monspeliensis (Cistaceae) in the Canary Islands." PloS one 6 (2): e17172.
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Bearjazz 2011-1-30 10:37
岛屿种群遗传多样性是否低于大陆种群 熊荣川 译 岛屿种群比大陆种群更容易灭绝,其原因仍存争议。考虑到近亲繁殖而导致的遗传多样性丢失,岛屿种群的遗传多样性必然小于大陆种群。通过分析已经发布的在、核 DNA 标记,线粒体 DNA 、以及染色体倒置和数量性状上等水平的遗传多样性,发现绝大部分的岛屿种群的等位基因酶遗传多样性低于它们的大陆参照(占 202 个对比案例中的 165 个),多样性平均下降 29% 。这个巨大的差异与扩散能力有关。在其它的多样性比较中也存在相应的差异。在 38 个研究个案中, 34 例结果表明岛屿特有物种比大陆物种的遗传多样性低。在哺乳类和鸟类中,岛屿特有物种的遗传多样性下降程度明显高于非岛屿特有物种,在昆虫中这没有同样的现象。遗传因素不能排除导致岛屿种群比起大陆种群有更高灭绝几率的嫌疑。 关键词:等位基因酶 保持 特有物种 灭绝 遗传多样性 岛屿 原文: Do island populations have less genetic variation than mainland populations? Island populations are much more prone to extinction than mainland populations. The reasons for this remain controversial. If inbreeding and loss of genetic variation are involved, then genetic variation must be lower on average in island than mainland populations. Published data on levels of genetic variation for allozymes, nuclear DNA markers, mitochondrial DNA, inversions and quantitative characters in island and mainland populations were analysed. A large and highly significant majority of island populations have less allozyme genetic variation than their mainland counterparts (165 of 202 comparisons), the average reduction being 29 percent. The magnitude of differences was related to dispersal ability. There were related differences for all the other measures. Island endemic species showed lower genetic variation than related mainland species in 34 of 38 cases. The proportionate reduction in genetic variation was significantly greater in island endemic than in nonendemic island populations in mammals and birds, but not in insects. Genetic factors cannot be discounted as a cause of higher extinction rates of island than mainland populations. Keywords: allozymes, conservation, endemic species, extinction, genetic variation, islands. 参考文献: Do island populations have less genetic variation than mainland populations.pdf
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xupeiyang 2009-12-13 14:40
http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB04lwzc0o58qguIuI1I00f01000j100300.y Human Genetic Diversity and Asia 22,256 documents semantically analyzed statistics 1 2 3 Top Years Publications 2008 2,186 2007 2,074 2006 2,012 2005 1,766 2004 1,654 2009 1,532 2003 1,383 2002 1,217 2001 1,141 2000 1,054 1999 861 1998 702 1997 599 1996 548 1995 458 1994 421 1993 327 1992 295 1991 232 1990 213 1 2 3 1 2 3 ... 6 Top Countries Publications Japan 5,235 China 3,369 India 1,488 USA 1,486 South Korea 1,358 Taiwan 1,237 Turkey 765 United Kingdom 551 Israel 500 Thailand 479 Iran 356 Singapore 281 Germany 277 France 224 Hong Kong S.A.R., China 211 Australia 185 Malaysia 148 Italy 136 Canada 132 Saudi Arabia 128 1 2 3 ... 6 1 2 3 ... 48 Top Cities Publications Tokyo 1,186 Seoul 919 Beijing 682 Taipei 600 Shanghai 475 Bangkok 321 Ankara 284 Singapur 281 Nagoya 273 Guangzhou 240 New Delhi 237 Kolkata 231 Osaka 215 Tehran 213 Hong Kong 211 London 192 Fukuoka 186 Istanbul 178 Nanjing 166 Chengdu 165 1 2 3 ... 48 1 2 3 ... 100 Top Journals Publications Hum Genet 460 J Hum Genet 389 Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 364 Am J Hum Genet 338 Tissue Antigens 282 Hum Mutat 275 Hum Hered 266 J Clin Microbiol 262 Hemoglobin 235 Am J Med Genet A 226 Hum Biol 214 Clin Genet 200 J Med Virol 161 Neurosci Lett 147 Clin Chim Acta 147 Biochem Bioph Res Co 144 J Med Genet 137 Cancer Epidem Biomar 134 Int J Cancer 130 Mol Vis 125 1 2 3 ... 100 1 2 3 ... 1183 Top Terms Publications Humans 21,879 Genes 13,887 Asian Continental Ancestry Group 11,634 Patients 10,134 Genotype 8,830 Alleles 8,536 Adult 8,529 Mutation 8,328 Polymorphism, Genetic 7,789 Middle Aged 7,382 Polymerase Chain Reaction 6,797 Gene Frequency 6,208 Japan 6,179 DNA 5,659 China 4,734 Aged 4,487 Base Sequence 4,095 Variation (Genetics) 3,692 Genetic Predisposition to Disease 3,559 Exons 3,257 1 2 3 ... 1183 Top Terms Publications Haplotypes 3,205 Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide 3,190 Child 3,153 Adolescent 3,152 Phenotype 3,063 Nucleotides 3,061 Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length 2,966 Proteins 2,817 Case-Control Studies 2,802 Prevalence 2,643 Risk Factors 2,433 India 2,433 DNA Mutational Analysis 2,317 Pedigree 2,243 Genome 2,213 Genomics 2,202 Diagnosis 2,066 Enzymes 2,060 Evaluation Studies as Topic 1,987 Codon 1,911 1 2 3 4 ... 1183 Top Terms Publications Point Mutation 1,898 Ethnic Groups 1,894 Child, Preschool 1,732 Odds Ratio 1,692 Animals 1,639 Heterozygote 1,632 chromosome 1,586 Korea 1,578 Mutation, Missense 1,566 Incidence 1,546 Genetics, Population 1,533 Sequence Analysis, DNA 1,519 autosome 1,491 Syndrome 1,425 Chromosomes 1,407 Viruses 1,374 Homozygote 1,357 Introns 1,356 Amplifiers 1,336 Infant 1,334 1 2 3 4 5 ... 1183 Top Terms Publications Women 1,333 Taiwan 1,328 Aged, 80 and over 1,318 Serum 1,266 Linkage Disequilibrium 1,247 pathogenesis 1,242 Metabolism 1,239 metabolic process 1,237 Genetic Markers 1,224 Amino Acids 1,223 Asia 1,210 Neoplasms 1,208 Population Characteristics 1,178 Phylogeny 1,176 Microsatellite Repeats 1,175 Amino Acid Sequence 1,158 DNA Primers 1,143 European Continental Ancestry Group 1,140 Confidence Intervals 1,134 Turkey 1,118 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 1183 http://www.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2009/12/226089.shtm 《科学》:解读亚洲人群遗传多样性 该研究由泛亚SNP计划协作组的90多位科研人员共同完成 一项从全基因组水平揭示亚洲人群的精细遗传结构、系统阐明亚洲人群遗传结构与地理分布,以及语言结构之间关系的研究成果,12月10日发表在国际权威学术期刊《科学》杂志上,引起国际科学界广泛关注。 这项研究由国际人类基因组组织泛亚SNP计划协作组的90多位科研人员共同完成。这些科研人员来自于中国、印度、印度尼西亚、日本、韩国、美国等11个国家和地区。中科院-马普学会计算生物学伙伴研究所所长、复旦大学副校长金力教授和中科院上海生命科学院计算生物学所徐书华副研究员是该项研究成果的共同通讯作者。 国内外科研人员在研究中发现,亚洲人群的遗传结构与人群的语言结构有很好的对应关系,包括阿尔泰、汉藏、苗瑶、侗傣、南亚、南岛等语系都有相应可识别的遗传成分,其相关性甚至高于遗传结构与人群的地理分布的关系。这说明现代人群的流动性很大,但文化语言的凝聚力依然很强。 研究还发现,大多数亚洲人群都包含多个遗传组分,说明亚洲人群之间的基因交流相当频繁。东亚人群的典型南北分布以及遗传多样性从南到北的梯度递减模式,揭示了东亚人群的南方起源和史前北迁的历史。 科研人员通过系统深入的分析,认为现代亚洲人群的基本遗传结构特征和地理分布模式主要是人群早前迁移的结果。尽管近期的人口流动和基因交流使得亚洲人群的遗传结构更加错综复杂,但通过全基因组数据的研究,仍然可以揭示史前的人群迁徙以及人群融合的历史。 国际人类基因组组织泛亚SNP计划是在生物芯片技术日趋成熟、并开始服务于群体基因组学研究的背景下开展起来的,项目于2005年正式启动。亚洲各国研究人员通过近4年的密切合作,共收集了覆盖东亚、南亚及东南亚各区域的70多个亚洲代表人群的样本,并对1700多例样本进行了全基因组基因分型。 金力表示,此次研究是泛亚SNP计划的第一期成果,要最终解决亚洲人群遗传历史研究中的问题,还需要更高密度的群基因组遗传标记,这将是下一期研究的目标。 更多阅读 《科学》发表论文摘要(英文) http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/326/5959/1541 Science 11 December 2009: Vol. 326. no. 5959, pp. 1541 - 1545 DOI: 10.1126/science.1177074 Prev | Table of Contents | Next Reports Mapping Human Genetic Diversity in Asia The HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium * , Asia harbors substantial cultural and linguistic diversity, but the geographic structure of genetic variation across the continent remains enigmatic. Here we report a large-scale survey of autosomal variation from a broad geographic sample of Asian human populations. Our results show that genetic ancestry is strongly correlated with linguistic affiliations as well as geography. Most populations show relatedness within ethnic/linguistic groups, despite prevalent gene flow among populations. More than 90% of East Asian (EA) haplotypes could be found in either Southeast Asian (SEA) or Central-South Asian (CSA) populations and show clinal structure with haplotype diversity decreasing from south to north. Furthermore, 50% of EA haplotypes were found in SEA only and 5% were found in CSA only, indicating that SEA was a major geographic source of EA populations. * All authors with their affiliations appear at the end of this paper. To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ljin007@gmail.com