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[争鸣] 激光器与引力波“被”拒稿:功不抵过?
zlyang 2019-12-28 17:54
为我国2070年开始的诺贝尔科学奖“井喷”清除障碍、铺平道路! 激光器 与 引力波“被”拒稿:功不抵过? 一、 激光 我国专家认为: 激光、原子能、半导体及计算机,是二十世纪四项重大发明。 美国国家科学院 NAS 评出的“20项20世纪最伟大的工程成就”里,“激光和光纤”列为第18项(18. Laser and Fiber Optics)。 与激光有关的研究,获得诺贝尔奖至少5次了。 二、引力波 相对论引力波是1936年爱因斯坦等人提出的。1893年奥利弗·海维赛德(Oliver Heaviside)就提出了非相对论引力波 gravitational waves。 奥利弗·海维赛德,比爱因斯坦早了43年。 The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 发给了 LIGO 的引力波探测。 假定LIGO真的检测到了引力波,那这个引力波到底是海维赛德的,还是爱因斯坦的? 三、“红宝石激光器”1960年被《Physical Review》拒稿 可怜的《物理评论 Physical Review》 Samuel Goudsmit 主编上了审稿人的大当,1960年拒发美国休斯公司梅曼(Theodore Harold Maiman)的红宝石激光一文。 四、爱因斯坦1936年引力波被《Physical Review》拒稿 《物理评论 Physical Review》可以大大地做广告了:1936年拒发了爱因斯坦有问题的引力波稿件。 爱因斯坦是一位善良的正直的科学家,一生至少犯了23个科技错误。像引力波这样的小错,爱因斯坦自己会纠正的,用不着审稿人大惊小怪。 五、激光与引力波:《Physical Review》功不抵过? 《Physical Review》拒稿了“激光器”和“引力波”。目前看来是一对一错。 《Physical Review》在这两件事情上,总体评价“功不抵过”( 功 过 ,或者“ 功绩小 、 过失大 ”)? 核心: “同行评议”往往是阻碍“重大创新”的。 正如我国一位真正的大专家所说: “ 一切真理开始时总是在少数人手里,总是受到大多数人的压力。这是一个规律。 ” 参考资料: the 20th century's greatest engineering achievements, the National Academy of Engineering http://www.greatachievements.org/ 18. Laser and Fiber Optics http://www.greatachievements.org/?id=2966 Lasers and Fiber Optics Timeline http://www.greatachievements.org/?id=3706 1960 Operable laser invented Theodore Maiman, a physicist and electrical engineer at Hughes Research Laboratories, invents an operable laser using a synthetic pink ruby crystal as the medium. Encased in a flash tube and book ended by mirrors, the laser successfully produces a pulse of light. Prior to Maiman’s working model, Columbia University doctoral student Gordon Gould also designs a laser, but his patent application is initially denied. Gould finally wins patent recognition nearly 30 years later. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1964 https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1964/summary/ Charles Hard Townes Prize share: 1/2 Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov Prize share: 1/4 Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov Prize share: 1/4 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1964 was divided, one half awarded to Charles Hard Townes, the other half jointly to Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov and Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle. A History of the Laser: 1960 - 2019 https://www.photonics.com/articles/a_history_of_the_laser_1960_-_2019/a42279 Generalized Lorenz-Mie theories and mechanical effects of laser light, on the occasion of Arthur Ashkin's receipt of the 2018 Nobel prize in physics for his pioneering work in optical levitation and manipulation: A review SCIENCE, 1964, Research on Maser-Laser Principle Wins Nobel Prize in Physics https://science.sciencemag.org/content/146/3646/897 Antigone Marino, 2019, Physics, lasers and the nobel prize https://www.europhysicsnews.org/articles/epn/abs/2019/02/epn2019502p26/epn2019502p26.html Oliver Heaviside. A Gravitational and Electromagnetic Analogy Part I. The Electrician, 1893, 31: 281-282. Oliver Heaviside. A Gravitational and Electromagnetic Analogy Part II. The Electrician, 1893, 31: 359. http://sergf.ru/Heavisid.htm The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2017/summary/ The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 was divided, one half awarded to Rainer Weiss, the other half jointly to Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018 https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2018/summary/ The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018 was awarded for groundbreaking inventions in the field of laser physics with one half to Arthur Ashkin for the optical tweezers and their application to biological systems, the other half jointly to Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland for their method of generating high-intensity, ultra-short optical pulses. 刘寄星. 《爱因斯坦和同行审稿制度的一次冲突》 . 物理, 2005, 34(07): 487-490. http://www.wuli.ac.cn/CN/abstract/abstract30656.shtml 《物理评论》当然也发表过错误文章,也犯过由于审稿人知识所限对重要文章拒稿的错误,最有名的事例是20 世纪60 年代初,当时的主编 Goudsmit 拒绝 Maiman 关于激光的文章。 科学网,2008-11-13,《探索》杂志:爱因斯坦一生中的23个错误 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2008/11/213197.html 相关链接: 2019-12-18,Zenas 公理:2017年《Nature》主编的表述 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1210560.html 2019-12-27,阻碍人类文明进步的评审人,任其“逍遥法外”:真是对真理莫大的讽刺! http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1211732.html 2019-12-02, 科技“同行评议”引发美国《大停滞》? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1208480.html 2015-09-04,1900年以来,被拒绝发表的重大科技成果实例(搜集) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-918419.html 2019-12-21,爱因斯坦“奇迹年”的直接原因:没有“同行评议” http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1210941.html 同行评议的局限性和改进之策 ,《科技中国》,2019年第十一期pp.34-36,日期:2019-11-19 http://www.casted.org.cn/channel/newsinfo/7562 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1206879.html 对科技成果代表作评价的具体建议 ,《科技中国》,2019年第二期p41,日期:2019-02-25 http://www.casted.org.cn/channel/newsinfo/7120 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1164530.html 感谢您的指教! 感谢您指正以上任何错误! 感谢您提供更多的相关资料!
3099 次阅读|2 个评论
Free-Electron Lasers at the ELBE - in Dresden-Rossendorf
gcshan 2014-6-12 04:42
Free-Electron Lasers at the ELBE - Center for High-Power Radiation Sources at the HZDR in Dresden-Rossendorf FELBE is an acronym for the free-electron laser ( FEL ) at the E lectron L inear accelerator with high B rilliance and Low E mittance ( ELBE ) located at the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany. The heart of ELBE is a superconducting linear accelerator operating in cw mode with a pulse repetition rate of 13 MHz. The acceleration is performed in two superconducting units with 20 MV each. The average beam current is 1 mA. The electron beam is guided to several laboratories where secondary beams (particle and electromagnetic) are generated ( → details ). Two free-electron lasers ( U27-FEL and U100-FEL ), produce coherent electromagnetic radiation in the mid and far infrared (4 - 250 μm). Pulse energies are in the few 100 nJ range with pulse duration of a few picoseconds. The typical operation mode offers 13 MHz micropulse repetition rate, in macropulses of a few 100 μs at up to 25 Hz or, alternatively, FEL operation in a continuous 13 MHz mode. The two free-electron lasers U27-FEL and U100-FEL with the undulators, U27 and U100 , produce intense, coherent infrared radiation, which is tunable over a wide wavelength range by changing the electron energy or the undulator magnetic field. ( → FEL description , → FELs worldwide ) Parameters of the FEL radiation Wavelength- range 4 - 22 μm 18 - 250 μm U27-FEL with undulator U27 U100-FEL with undulator U100 Pulse energy 0.01 - 2 μJ depending on wavelength Pulse length 1 - 25 ps depending on wavelength Repetition rate 13 MHz 3 modes: cw macropulsed 100 μs, 25 Hz single-pulse switched at kHz/Hz As a user facility FELBE is open for external users.
个人分类: Information|2673 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]"Nature"新闻与评论:Chaos Billiard Lasers
fangjinqin 2010-6-12 17:04
Nature新闻与评论: Chaos Billiard Lasers Chaos Billiard Lasers
个人分类: 杂谈评论|2192 次阅读|1 个评论
最近一篇合作的工作被选中NPG Asia Materials research highlight
BaoQiaoliang 2009-12-21 18:52
REF: H. Zhang, Q. L. Bao , D. Y. Tang*, L. M. Zhao, and K. P. Loh. Large energy soliton erbium-doped fiber laser with a graphene-polymer composite mode locker . Applied Physics Letters , 2009, 95, 141103. ( Selected for the November 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science and highlighted by NPG Asia Materials ) 该工作证实了graphene-poymer nanocomposite在超快激光中的应用,得到了高能量的超短孤子脉冲。graphene的独特光学性质加上polymer host的易加工成膜性,使得grpahene-polymer复合光学薄膜最有可能率先突破成为graphene的一个重要工业应用。 详细请参阅: http://www.natureasia.com/asia-materials/highlight.php?id=594 和转载张晗的博文: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=280281 近期,我们将有另外一篇全文发表在Advance Functional Materials上,详细探讨graphene-poymer membrane在ultrafast photonics 中的应用,敬请期待。
个人分类: Graphene Research|7995 次阅读|0 个评论

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