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First Snow
zhigangwu 2017-10-11 12:56
The first snow of this season wakes up The colorful morning of Rocky Mountains, But not my youthful dreams long, long ago. They roam at the lucid darkness before dawn, Crystalizing birds’ chirping on red leaves: Oh, memory, dear memory, What do you still carry? When falling in my old remote country. 2017.10.09
个人分类: 现代诗歌|1974 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Mete: Snowfall & Snow Depth
lixujeremy 2015-10-14 10:39
Introduction 降雪量与积雪深度(雪深)是降雪事件不同角度的观测量,他们非常容易混淆,特在此详细记录二者准确定义,廓清二者的本质与外延。 Definitions 来源:中国气象局( China Meteorological Administration ) 降雪量指雪溶化后的水,在水平面上积累的深度,对于其大小需要用统一规定的标准进行界定,它是气象观测员用标准的降水观测容器(俗称雨量器),将收集到的雪水融化后测量出的量度,以 mm 为单位,亦称降水量。 积雪深度是指从积雪表面到地面的积雪垂直深度,是指气象员使用量雪尺在观测场内或附近平坦、开阔的地方,当落地雪尚未融化时,测得的积雪的深度(厚度),以 cm 为单位。 American Standard 美国气象部门在降雪观测指导手册中对测量事项有非常具体的规定,这些内容有助于增进对降雪量、积雪深度的理解和把握。 U.S. National Weather Service Four values measured when reporting solid precipitation: Snowfall: Maximum amount of new snow that has fallen since the previous observation. Snow Depth: The total depth of snow (including any ice) on the ground at the normal observation time. The snow depth includes new snow that has fallen combined with snow already on the ground. Snowfall Water Content (also known as Water Equivalent): The water content of new snowfall since the previous day’s observation. Snow Depth Water Content: The water content of new and old snow on the ground measured by taking a core sample. Summary 降雪量有一次降雪量和累计降雪量的情况,一次降雪量即为一次降雪事件从开始至结束降雪后转化为水的深度,观测时间一般不固定,随一次降雪过程而始终,累计降雪量是一段时间内多次降雪事件的累计之和。 积雪深度一般是在均匀的观测时间,定期对积雪厚度的测量,它是测量时间之前(本次降雪季或冰冻季开始之后)积雪的累计厚度,包括多次降雪过程,风吹、蒸发而流失的积雪不包含在内。 Snowpack :积雪场。 References “ 降雪量与降雪深度 ” . 中国气象报社 . January 19, 2010. Retrieved October 14, 2015. National Weather Service. Snow Measurement Guidelines for National Weather Service Surface Observing Programs. September, 2013. file.pdf
个人分类: Physics|1173 次阅读|0 个评论
Snow Depth
lixujeremy 2015-10-11 11:07
Summary 空间分布的积雪深度量测历来是难点,但这又很关键,它是估算积雪影响尤其是雪灾情况的重要依据。 Methods 目前,这里有两个方法量测空间上的积雪深度分布情况:其一,遥感手段量测,这部分数据来自车涛博士的研究,我将 2012 年 1 月逐日的雪深数据平均而得该月月度数据,空间分辨率是 25km ;其二,基于站点采样的 ANUSPLIN 空间插值,站点积雪深度数据来自中国气象局气象站点数据共享网络,温度是积雪存在的条件,降水是积雪的原料,在此,以站点经度、纬度为样条自变量,温度及降水为表面自变量, ANUSPLIN 空间插值中国北方 2012 年 1 月积雪深度。两种方法得到的 2012 年 1 月内蒙古某地积雪深度如 Fig. 1 : Fig. 1 由 Fig.1 可知,这两种方法得到的积雪深度差别很大,这一差别也在车涛博士的文章中有提到,还没有找到比较恰当的关系建立遥感数据与采样数据之间的有效联结。 MODIS 产品中包含指示雪盖信息的数据,它是 MOD10A2 , 500m 分辨率, 8 天合成,以 Fig. 2 四张图片表达 2012 年 1 月雪盖分布的空间变化: Fig. 2 由 Fig.2 可知, 2012 年 1 月雪盖分布在空间上有变动,分布情况与 Fig. 1 所述两种量测分布并不一致。光谱遥感与微波遥感原理及功能差异明显,再者,光谱遥感与观测数据也没能建立较好的联结。 SnowValidation.rar Supplement ANUSPLIN 插值温度过程中加入高程信息作为协变量,温度插值结果在呈现纬度地带性、经度地带性的同时,还呈现垂直地带性。这一温度加入 ANUSPLIN 积雪深度插值,使得积雪分布情况也呈现垂直地带性。对比实际的积雪分布 Fig. 3 ,积雪分布正是具备温度的垂直地带性特征。 Fig. 3 References 中国长时间序列雪深数据集 . “中国气象科学数据服务网”数据下载一般说明 .
个人分类: Discusson|3251 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Data: MODIS Snow Cover
lixujeremy 2015-10-9 08:39
Summary These products are generated using the MODIS calibrated radiance data products (MOD02HKM and MYD02HKM), the geolocation products (MOD03 and MYD03), and the cloud mask products (MOD35_L2 and MYD35_L2) as inputs. The MODIS snow algorithm output ( MOD10 _L 2 and MYD10_L2) contains scientific data sets (SDS) of snow cover, quality assurance (QA) SDSs, latitude and longitude SDSs, local attributes and global attributes. The snow cover algorithm identifies snow-covered land; it also identifies snow-covered ice on inland water. Data list: MODIS/Terra Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 500m Grid, Version 5 Summary The MODIS/Terra Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 500m Grid (MOD10A2) data set contains data fields for maximum snow cover extent over an eight-day compositing period and a chronology of snow occurrence observations in compressed Hierarchical Data Format-Earth Observing System (HDF-EOS) format, along with corresponding metadata. MOD10A2 consists of 1200 km by 1200 km tiles of 500 m resolution data gridded in a sinusoidal map projection. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) snow cover data are based on a snow mapping algorithm that employs a Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) and other criteria tests. Citing These Data We kindly request that you cite the use of this data set in a publication using the following citation. For more information, see our Use and Copyright Web page. The following example shows how to cite the use of this data set in a publication. List the principal investigators, year of data set release, data set title and version number, dates of the data you used (for example, December 2003 to March 2004), publisher: NSIDC, and digital media. Hall, Dorothy K., George A.Riggs, and Vincent V. Salomonson. 2006, updated weekly. MODIS/Terra Snow Cover8-day L3 Global 500m Grid V005, . Boulder, Colorado USA: National Snow and Ice Data Center. Digital media. References MODIS Snow Cover . Maximum_Snow_Extent Field . Eight_Day_Snow_Cover Field .
个人分类: Data|1386 次阅读|0 个评论
lixujeremy 2015-2-11 14:25
“ 中国长时间序列雪深数据集 ”提供 1978 年到 2012 年逐日的中国范围的积雪厚度分布数据,其空间分辨率为 25km 。用于反演该雪深数据集的原始数据来自美国国家雪冰数据中心( NSIDC )处理的 SMMR ( 1978-1987 年 ) , SSM/I ( 1987-2008 年 ) 和 AMSR-E(2002-2012) 逐日被动微波亮温数据。由于两个传感器搭载在不同的平台上,所以得到的数据存在一定的系统不一致性。通过对不同传感器的亮温进行交叉定标提高亮温数据在时间上的一致性。 车涛博士在 Chang 算法基础上针对中国地区进行修正的算法进行雪深反演。 针对该数据集提供的经纬度投影文件,利用 Matlab 编写代码使之分布在空间并赋上地理参考,代码运行结果如图 1 ,数据空间覆盖中国及蒙古国全境,部分覆盖中亚及俄罗斯远东地区。 图 1 附上测 试数据 及代码( SnowDepth.rar ,Updated by LI Xu on 30 September, 2015 )。 注意源数据坐标指示像元的中心位置( XLLCENTER 、 YLLCENTER ),这一点与平常 Arc/Info ASCII Grid 略有差异。 批处理代码( SnowDepthBatch.rar )。
个人分类: Data|3098 次阅读|0 个评论
Art is forever, right? Wrong...
热度 1 zuojun 2013-12-23 02:06
You look at a statue from hundreds of years ago, or a cave painting from thousands of years ago. You listen to clssical music from many generations before you were born. You think: Art is forever, until you see Simon Beck's snow art, that itself never lasts overnight. http://www.npr.org/blogs/13.7/2013/12/22/251615317/the-amazing-snow-art-of-simon-beck
个人分类: I Love NPR|2989 次阅读|4 个评论
It will snow in Hangzhou
热度 1 zuojun 2013-2-23 12:19
If the weather forecast turns out to be good , I will see snow in Hangzhou during this visit. I know snow can be beautiful, but I would rather see it from a distance...
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3031 次阅读|3 个评论
I could feel it...
热度 1 zuojun 2012-2-20 02:00
I could feel it...
It's 31F outside, but the weather report says it FEELS like 22F. I planned to go out to take some photos, but my hands were icy cold after taking only a few shots outside. I don't know how far I dare to walk before I turn icicle myself. ... I almost became an icicle after taking this photo. Here is the proof.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2252 次阅读|5 个评论
A White Sunday
热度 1 zuojun 2012-2-19 09:49
is coming to Salt Lake City. The chance for snow is 100% tonight, and 80% for tomorrow. Ready my camera!
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2203 次阅读|2 个评论
Salt Lake City needs SNOW
zuojun 2012-2-19 05:14
The city is surrounded by mountains, but only a few mountain peaks are covered by snow. Still, it's great for someone from Hawaii to see snows... Bring your sun glasses, if you visit the city in winter. I wish I didn't change my mind at the last minute (and left mine in the car).
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2332 次阅读|0 个评论
School-less in Seattle
zuojun 2012-1-20 08:32
Once in a blue moon, there is a BIG snow in Seattle, as it happened yesterday. The kids had fund with the heavy snow, and missed the school for the second day... http://news.yahoo.com/photos/seattle-braces-for-snowstorm-1326836522-slideshow/pedestrians-navigate-snow-downtown-seattle-during-rush-hour-photo-031006520.html
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2436 次阅读|0 个评论
Happy and busy snow man in Canada
热度 1 Penrose 2011-2-3 07:45
个人分类: 信笔小文|4977 次阅读|1 个评论
BaoHaifei 2010-6-7 11:15
一片残雪 鲍海飞 译 2010-6-7 ??那是圣洁的雪,晶莹、洁白,世界是那么美丽!怎么,忽然发现,在那一个角落里,现在只剩下一片雪,随着时间的流逝,表面污渍沉积;就像一张报纸被风被雨吹过来,混合着泥土,蜷缩在那角落里。美丽洁白的雪已经不见,就和那些曾经读过的新闻一样,也一并忘却了。 Robert Frost所写的这样一首简短的小诗,也引来人们无数的猜测和遐思。美好的事物真的就这么容易让人忘怀吗? ?? A Patch of Old Snow --Robert Frost There's a patch of old snow in a corner ?? That I should have guessed ?? Was a blow-away paper the rain ?? Had brought to rest. ??角落里有一片残雪 ??我原以为那是 ??一张随雨而飘至的报纸 ??在那暂时歇息。 ?? It is speckled with grime as if ?? Small print overspread it, ?? The news of a day I've forgotten - ?? If I ever read it. ??上面点点污渍好似 ??印满了的小字, ??我早忘记是哪天的新闻 - ??即使我曾读过(毕)。
个人分类: 英诗译|4452 次阅读|3 个评论
Life is beautiful! (ZZ with comments)
zuojun 2009-12-23 11:56
This pdf file is made from a ppt show, 45 Lessons in Life, by He Yan thatwill bring you love and peace (with music) when it's cold or when you are down Please watch it when you get a chance. Life is beautiful! ps. If youreally wantto watch a ppt version, please send me a short message with your email address. It's more than 5M, too big for uploading to the Net. Updates: I was told that some of the photos are done through Infrared_photography . Something to learn every day!
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|6978 次阅读|0 个评论

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