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jhsweden 2017-9-1 18:50
中国核电跨越发展谈何容易? 2017-09-01 12:53:22中国核网   作者: 贺平伦 中国长期以来,以煤炭为主的能源结构不仅已无法适应经济的快速发展,也造成了较严重的社会能源、环境问题。所以,核能是目前唯一达到工业应用、可以大规模替代化石燃料的能源。 近年来,我国核电呈现快速发展的态势。截至2017年6月30日,我国投入商业运行的核电机组共36台,运行装机容量达到34718.16MWe。在建核电机组21台,装机容量2344万千瓦,在建规模居世界首位。 虽然我国核电技术走向了世界,但国内核电的发展,似乎不容乐观。弃核、核安全以及乏燃料处理,正困扰着我国核电。 核电陷入边建边弃困境 据统计,2016年我国核电在运机组共35个,全国核电机组按发电能力可生产2428亿度电,但实际完成的计划电量为1829亿度,参与市场交易消纳137亿度,总计损失电量462亿度,弃核率达19%。 全国政协委员、中国广核集团董事长贺禹在提到弃核问题时表示,“去年我们核电弃发430亿千瓦时,这个量相当于全国35台投入运行的机组里有7台处于停机状态。” 而根据国家能源局发布的《2017年能源工作指导意见》,今年将有8台核电机组开工。显然,如不解决消纳问题,核电将陷入如同风电、光伏发电一样“边建边弃”的困境。 与太阳能发电、风电项目相比,核电具有安全质量标准高、单体投资大、建设周期长、技术和资金密集等特点。国家花费巨大代价建成一座核电站,就应充分发挥其作用,不应使核电发电能力和资产出现闲置。在贺禹看来,“核电如果不能按照基本负荷运行,不能保证满发多发,本身就是一种严重浪费。” 为了解决消纳问题,国家发改委和国家能源局联合印发了《保障核电安全消纳暂行办法》。这份文件明确了核电保障性消纳的基本原则为"确保安全、优先上网、保障电量、平衡利益",提出核电机组应按发电能力满发运行来安排年度计划电量,电网企业应尽量减少安排核电机组调峰,同时鼓励通过电力直接交易等市场化方式促进消纳,并提出跨省区消纳,要求地方积极配合。 核电安全性受质疑 弃核问题虽然严重,但真正阻碍我国乃至世界核电发展的,却始终是安全问题。 对大众来讲,核电主要存在两方面威胁,一方面是爆炸,另一方面是核辐射。 首先,核电站内的反应堆,不可能像原子弹那样爆炸。原因很简单,核反应堆的燃料铀不纯。能够发生链式反应的铀为铀235,核弹要求铀235的纯度在90%以上。而核电站反应堆只有3%左右的铀235,完全无需担心链式反应所造成的爆炸。 其次,核电站日常辐射量可以忽略,核泄漏所引发核辐射的可能性也非常低。在不发生事故的情况下,核电厂日常辐射量非常小,比环境本体辐射量还要小很多。核能专家指出,核电厂几乎比所有的工业都要安全,其周围的辐射量,甚至比一般的火电厂要小很多。 那么在安全问题上,唯一应该担心的,便是核泄漏所引发的核辐射。 目前为止,世界上影响较大的核事故主要有三起,包括美国三哩岛核事故、苏联切尔诺贝利核事故和日本福岛核事故。 美国三哩岛核事故并未造成人员伤亡和实质性影响。1979年3月38日清晨,美国建在宾夕法尼亚洲哈里斯堡东南16公里的三哩岛核电站,第二号反应堆发生了一起严重的失水事故,反应堆的堆芯部分熔化,大部分燃料元件损坏或熔化,放射性裂变产物泄漏到安全壳内,但并未外泄,对环境造成了轻微影响。 切尔诺贝利核事故是技术落后和人为原因的结果。1986年4月26日,由于操作人员违反规章制度,切尔诺贝利核电站第四号反应堆大起火,并发生化学爆炸(并非核爆炸),其辐射量相当于400颗美国投在日本的原子弹。事故导致32人当场死亡,环境保护组织绿色和平组织2006年发表的报告称,切尔诺贝利核事故导致27万人患癌,间接死亡人数达9.3万。此外,切尔诺贝利核电站没有绝大多数核电站具有的安全壳。这次事故被称作历史上最严重的核电事故,切尔诺贝利城因此被废弃。 日本福岛核事故有自然灾害和安全措施不完善两方面原因。2011年3月11日,日本东北太平洋地区发生里氏9.0级地震,继而发生海啸,导致福岛核电站受到严重影响,第一核电厂的放射性物质泄漏,1、3、4号机组发生氢气爆炸。日本政府将福岛第一核电站报废处理分为三个阶段:核污染水处理、核燃料取出和核电站整体拆除“废炉”。整个处理计划耗时约35年。但是,由于辐射量非常大的问题,相关作业进展不顺利,原定于2017年内开始的3号机组燃料棒取出作业,延后至2018年中期实施。这是继2015年6月第二次推迟工程进度。屡次的推迟工作,足以见核泄漏影响的长久。 国际上把核设施内发生的有安全意义的事件分为七个等级,这三次事故中,美国三哩岛核事故为5级,切尔诺贝利核事故和福岛核事故均为7级。 全球核电产业停滞 美国三哩岛核事故和切尔诺贝利核事故后,人类利用核能的安全性受到质疑,核电发展受阻,世界各国建设核电站脚步放缓。而福岛核事故,更是让开始出现复苏的核电产业,再次受到严重打击。 福岛核事故引发了国际组织和各主要核电国家的高度关注。时任美国总统的奥巴马下令对美国所有核电站进行全面检查,加拿大在要求全国核电厂进行检查,欧盟也立即展开了核电厂风险和安全评估,而日本本国则暂停了所有核电厂。 我国也立即做出反应,福岛事故发生5天后,国务院出台了“国四条”,要求对全国在运在建核电机组进行安全检查,暂停审批核电项目。《能源发展“十二五”规划》中,原本计划到2015年核电装机量达0.4亿千瓦,随着福岛核事故的影响,2015年我国核电装机量只达到了0.27亿千瓦。 同时,福岛核事故影响了全世界对核电的态度。核电供应占全国供电量40%的瑞士表示,现有核电站将于2019年至2034年陆续达到最高使用年限,之后不再重建或更新核电站。德国宣布将于2022年前关闭国内所有核电站。比利时计划从2015年到2025年逐步关闭其核反应堆,尽管核电提供了全国50%左右的电量。法国、爱尔兰、意大利、瑞典、芬兰等国,也纷纷表示弃核或者降低核电比例。 乏燃料处理成为难题 除了核事故之外,乏燃料的处理问题也是阻碍核电发展的重要因素。 乏燃料是核反应堆经过辐射照射、使用过的核燃料,其铀含量低,已无法继续维持核反应。乏燃料仍然含有大量可利用物质,经过后续回收处理,最终转变为不再需要并具有放射性的核废料。 核废料拥有极强的放射性,且其半衰期长达数千年、数万年甚至几十万年之久。在几十万年后,这些核废料还能伤害人类和环境,因而如何安全、永久地处理核废料是科学家们一个重大的课题。 从核电商用到现在,全球已经积攒的大量乏燃料和核废料,这些物质的处理问题迫在眉睫。目前,世界上大多数乏燃料处理并没有采取有效的措施,而是处于暂存状态。 经过多年的试验与研究,目前世界上公认的最安全可行的核废料处理方法就是深地质处置,即将高放废料保存在地下深处的特殊仓库中永久保存。但到现在为止,还没有一个国家能够找到安全、永久处理高放射性核废料的办法。 大的有核国家,比如美国、俄罗斯都在他们本国找到了暂时存储核废料的地点。2010年美国国会通过,决定在美国西部内华达州沙漠地区存放美国核废料。俄罗斯决定在西伯利亚无人区建立核废料存放地,并欢迎其他国家付费存放。部分人口密集的有核国家很难找到合适的核废料存储地,而德国宣布不再新建核电站也与此原因有关。 我国不会放弃核电 弃核、核安全以及乏燃料的处理,共同制约着我国核电的发展。但作为能源消耗大国,我国不可能放弃核电。 福岛核事故之后,国家能源局原局长张国宝表示,作为一个人口众多、能源问题十分突出的大国,中国不可能放弃核电。 “十三五”规划中指出,日本福岛核事故影响了世界核电发展进程,但在确保安全的前提下,主要核电大国和一些新兴国家仍将核电作为低碳能源发展的方向。 核电是我国的发展清洁能源的必然选择,但几次核事故带来的教训不可忽视,也让我国在核电站设计、选址、审核方面变得更加严格。 事故发生之后,中国核电之父、中国科学院院士、核反应堆与核电工程专家欧阳予曾表示,福岛核电站属于第二代核电站,在安全设计上存在不足。为了提高核电的安全性和经济性,我国把重点放在建设第三代核电机组上。 贺禹介绍,我国在运、在建核电站均采用了更加成熟和更先进的核电技术,固有安全性更高。且在我国核电站的设计中,已经考虑了当地历史上曾经出现的最严重的地震、海啸、热带风暴、洪水等自然灾害的因素,能够自动或者手动安全停堆,拥有足够安全性。他提到,我国核电站从未发生过国际核事件分级表2级及以上运行事件,安全状况良好。 技术进步提高核电安全性 事实上,核电发展到现在,已经有了非常高的安全保障。核泄漏发生的可能性,也微乎其微。 资料显示,在目前核电站多重安全屏障的保护下,发生严重事故的几率极低,从概率上来讲,一个反应堆大约运行10万年才有可能存在一次,而目前新建的第三代机组发生事故的频率更低。 比较三次核事故:美国三哩岛核电站使用的是压水堆,因为安全壳的缘故并没有造成人员损失和环境污染;切尔诺贝利核电站使用的是石墨堆,且没有安全壳保护;福岛核电站使用的是沸水堆。而现在的压水堆核电厂反应堆中,有很完善的措施来保证放射性物质不会外泄。我国在运的核电站,使用的均是压水堆。 此外,核电站的安全性能也随着技术的进步而提高。经过第一代试验性的“原型堆”,目前在运的核电站大部分属于第二代商业堆。历经几次核事故的教训,第三代核电站技术被提出并完成了全部工程论证、试验工作和初步设计,它将成为下一代核电站的主力堆型,我国“华龙一号”就属于第三代核电站技术。 因而,核电站有着极高的安全性,大众无需如此排斥。 内陆核电站争议大 我国无法放弃核电,同时希望由核电大国转变为核电强国。既然如此,作为一个土地面积辽阔又资源消耗巨大的国家,只建设沿海核电站必然无法供给足够多的能源,对内陆核电站建设的需求也愈来愈大。但到目前为止,国内没有任何一个内陆核电站建设完成,这又是什么原因呢? 由于核电站的运行需要大量冷却水,因而内陆核电站的建设需选择水资源丰富的地方。如第一批获得国家发改委“路条”的湖南益阳桃花江核电站、湖北咸宁大畈核电站、和江西九江彭泽核电站,均选址于长江支流或水库附近。如此一来,这些核电站一旦发生泄露事故,会污染整个下游,造成极其严重的损失。 福岛事故后,我国内陆核电站陷入停滞状态。前期准备中的湖北咸宁、湖南桃花江、江西彭泽三座内陆核电站或停工、或迁址。之后,关于内陆核电站是否应当重启,引发了极大的争议。 国务院发展研究中心研究员王亦楠认为,内陆核电不适合我国国情,同时在内陆建设核电站,必须“万无一失”、“绝对可靠”地保证源源不断的冷却水供应(为火力发电站的数倍)。2014年,他在《我为什么不赞成重启内陆核电》一文中表示,内陆核电站因为缺少冷却水而运行困难、前景黯淡。 中科院院士何祚庥在2012年指出,必须立即停止在中国内陆地区建造任何核电站。他认为,万一出现核事故,海边的核电站还可能将放射性废水向大海排放,而一旦内陆核电站出现核泄漏,污染了地区水源和地下水,将是影响人类生存发展的大问题。 有反对声,就必然存在支持声。虽然福岛核事故之后,我国官方明确表示“十二五”不安排内陆核电项目,但随着我国能源、治霾压力与环保需求的加大,以清洁取胜的核电项目重启之声也愈来愈大。 自内陆核电站延缓建设以来,地方呼吁重启内陆核电的声音从未停止。一位核电行业专家透露,“现在,湖北、湖南、江西都强烈要求建设内陆核电站,这些省份不产煤,电力供应很紧张。” 湖南省桃花江核电站从2006年开始启动,截至2013年底,项目签约金额近160亿元,累计完成固定资产投资46.3亿元。从2013年开始到2016年,湖南代表团连续四年两会提议重启桃花江核电站。2014年,湖南代表团以全团名义提议尽早启动内陆核电项目建设。2016年,湖南决定成立桃花江核电站建设项目协调小组,并以全国政协委员、湖南省政协主席 陈求发 为第一提案人,呼吁尽早启动湖南桃花江核电站建设。 但内陆核电站何时能重新启动,依旧没有明确的政策指导。 2017年两会期间, 国家能源局 局长努尔?白克力表示,“要确保国家的能源安全和结构调整,发展核电肯定是一个必然的选择。但是在‘十三五’期间,对内陆核电,没有明确时间表。‘十三五’规划纲要和能源‘十三五’规划中,对内陆核电的表述就是两个方面,一是继续做好核电项目的前期论证,二是做好厂址保护工作。我可以负责任的讲,‘十三五’期间,没有内陆核电要开工的任何决策层面的意见。” 核废料处置库未建成 除了内陆核电站重启问题,我国对乏燃料的处理也停滞不前。 正是因为技术难度大,存在安全隐患,大众对于乏燃料后处理工作存在质疑,我国乏燃料后处理工程举步维艰。去年,中法合作计划建设的“核循环”项目前期选址工作,在连云港居民的抗议声中被暂停。 尽管乏燃料后续处理能够有效利用资源,但由于后处理花费大且麻烦,世界上很多国家依然将乏燃料直接作为核废料处理。目前,我国已经建设有两座中低放射核废料处置库,分别位于甘肃玉门和广东大亚湾附近的北龙,并准备再建两座,但还没有一座高放射处置库。 我国原计划在2030年-2040年建成高放射性核废料处置库,然而到目前为止,选址工作依旧没有完成。在核废料库建成之前,所有的高放射性核废料只能暂时贮存在核电站的硼水池内。从中国第一座核电站秦山核电站1994年投入商业运行,到现在为止,各核电站的硼水池已经积攒了大量核废料,它们急需处理。 中国工程院院士周永茂在提到核废料的处理问题时表示,“在核废料、乏燃料的处理上,到目前为止,我国还没有一个很好的长远计划。” 即便如此,我国也在积极推进放射性废物治理。3月23日,国务院批复的《核安全与放射性污染防治“十三五”规划及2025年远景目标》中,安排了核设施退役及放射性废物治理重点工程,要求推进核设施退役及放射性污染治理,开展放射性废物处理设施和放射性废物处置场建设。 第四代核电技术有望突破困境 虽然目前核废料没有完美的处理办法,但科学研究还是给我们带来了希望。 2000年,美国发起了第四代核能系统,其目的除了解决核能的经济性、安全性、防止核扩散问题之外,也包括了减少废物的产生。 据了解,微软公司创始人比尔?盖茨对第四代核电技术充满兴趣。他所执掌的美国泰拉能源致力于研发一种新的核电技术——TravelingWaveReactor(行波堆),这项技术主要是燃烧核反应堆中被作为废料的铀238,即把废弃的核材料变为燃料。 我国核电企业与泰拉能源早有合作。从2009年开始,比尔?盖茨就曾多次来华进行技术交流。近日,国家能源局副局长李仰哲在北京会见美国泰拉能源公司董事长比尔?盖茨,双方就行波堆项目合作等深入交换了意见,并在会后共同见了相关合作协议的签署。 此外,第四代反应堆国际论坛(GIF)还针对四代堆提出了六种有望实现商业化的堆型,包括铅冷快堆、钠冷快堆、气冷快堆、超临界水冷堆、超高温气冷堆和熔盐堆。期望这些四代堆能从根本上解决目前的困境。
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[转载]GRO-seq (Global nuclear Run-On sequencing)服务
ericmapes 2017-4-2 10:50
GRO-seq(GlobalnuclearRun-Onsequencing)服务 发布时间:2016-12-2014:40:42 http://www.epibiotek.com/zhuanluyinzi/120.html 项目简介 GRO-seq(GlobalnuclearRun-Onsequencing) 是一种专门测量新生 RNA 的方法。该方法 通过对细胞进行迅速冷冻 , 使细胞核内正在转录的复合体处于冻结状态,然后提取细胞核,加入Runon缓冲液 , 使其重新恢复 RNA 的转录。 利用抗 BrdU 抗体提取带BrU标记的新生成 RNA, 用于下一步高通量测序分析。 新生 RNA 的变化直接反映了转录调控的多种机理, 通过 GRO-seq 技术,可以观测到基因组水平正在进行的转录,这是一种对所有参与 RNA 聚合酶位置、数量和定向的高分辨率虚拟图谱。 应用范围 1、取代常规 RNA-seq ,精准检测实时转录状态的基因表达 2、 精确定位基因的转录位置和转录方向 3、 发现直接作用的靶标基因 4、 发现新的转录本,包括非编码 RNA 5、 鉴定 eRNAs 分子 实验流程 送样要求 1.具备条件的,可以把细胞核分离好液氮速冻并干冰运输。 2.不具备前期准备条件的,需提供活细胞及配套培养基,常温运输。如需进行细胞前处理,请提供详细说明和相关材料,并收取相应处理费用。细胞培养及收集需根据细胞类型不同而收取相应费用。 细胞数量 1x10 7 个细胞每样本 仅限物种 人、大鼠、小鼠 测序模式 SE50 测序数据量 20M 生物信息分析 1.数据产出统计,对原始测序数据去接头、去低质量reads、去污染; 2.测序序列与参考基因组序列的比对,Reads在全转录组的分布; 3.Reads在转录起始位点(TSS)附近的meta分析; 4.转录暂停基因分析 5.eRNA分析 6.差异基因分析 7.差异基因GO功能聚类分析及KEGG生物通路富集分析 参考文献 CoreLJ,WaterfallJJ,LisJT.NascentRNAsequencingrevealswidespreadpausinganddivergentinitiationathumanpromoters .Science,2008,322(5909):1845-1848. DankoCG,HylandSL,CoreLJ,etal.IdentificationofactivetranscriptionalregulatoryelementsfromGRO-seqdata .Naturemethods,2015,12(5):433-438.
个人分类: 社会热点时评|416 次阅读|0 个评论
How to survive a nuclear detonation?
JudyZhu 2015-1-7 00:36
Recently the prestigious journal Science released some favorite science news stories of the year 2014, and the study “ Determining optimal fallout shelter times following a nuclear detonation ” is one of the most popular articles by readers. Let's imagine the scene: It begins with a flash brighter than the sun. You luckily survive the shock wave from initial blast. But the deadly radioactive fallout is on its way. What should you do then? The official U.S. government advice is to “take shelter in the nearest and most protective building.” For most people, that would be the basement of their home, offering little protection from fallout. In such cases the official recommendations suggest “early transit” to find better shelter with thick layers of concrete over your head and plenty of food and water. But the problem comes -- if you spend too much time outside in the fallout, you’re toast. Scientists have figured out what you should do if the case happens. Michael Dillon, an atmospheric scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, has built up a new mathematical model to answer the question raised by his curious family member. In his paper published last year, he demonstrated the sheltering strategies for people far enough from ground zero to survive the initial blast but close enough to face deadly fallout. We won't need to look into the number of complicated mathematical equations here. Just keep in mind that your total radiation dose is closely related to your distance from the detonation and the time you stay outside looking for and reaching a better shelter. Assuming that you are totally exposed while running to safe shelter, in the end, the calculation is simplified to a single critical number--the ratio of the time you spend hunkering down in your first shelter to the time you spend moving to the high-quality shelter. Then Dillon worked out what would happen with a variety of shelter options and transit times, as shown in the pictures below. The results are quite surprising. For low-yield nuclear detonations, you can do far better than just sheltering in place (the first option in the picture). If your current shelter is poor and higher quality shelter is less than 5 minutes away, you should run there as soon as you can (the 2nd option). If you got nothing but a higher quality shelter is available farther away, you should go for it no later than 30 minutes after detonation (the 3rd option). VERY IMPORTANT: You’ll need a watch and a good knowledge of your surroundings. Run!!! Of course not everyone is convinced of the new model. But according to an official from NIH, Dillon’s model reveals what is “possible to do and what is not likely to be useful. I just hope that we never have to use the guidelines. Let's pray for a peaceful world together at the beginning of the new year. Please see the link below for the original post. Thanks! http://blog.chinadaily.com.cn/blog-309597-25907.html
个人分类: science digests|2222 次阅读|0 个评论
qliu09 2013-9-14 23:19
needed to upload in google acount! 1. MIT 量子.场论课程 connected to youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yfcqI-lEj0list=SP958F66FFE4393435index=0 http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/8-323-relativistic-quantum-field-theory-i-spring-2008/ cambriger http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/qftvids.html 2. Radiational nucl related: prof brown NSCL highlights http://www.nscl.msu.edu/~brown/highlights/high.html workshops https://groups.nscl.msu.edu/theory/content/local-workshops-msu meeting http://www.nscl.msu.edu/~brown/meetings/meetings.html 欧核协会 http://www.nupecc.org/presentations/ Nuclear Structure and Reactions useful http://www.nucleartheory.net/tnet/presentations.htm ETC http://www.ectstar.eu ECT* Workshop 2013 From Few-Nucleon Forces to Many-Nucleon Structure http://theorie.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de/ect13/Talks.html 3.google summer school meeting nuclear physics summer school: America http://www.int.washington.edu/NNPSS/schools.html International Summer School for Advanced Studies 'Dynamics of open nuclear systems' IOP science http://iopscience.iop.org/search journal of physics :conference series http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/413/1 例其中paper exotic structure and decay http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/413/1/012007 17th UK Nuclear Physics Postgraduate Summer School : useful and easy http://ns.ph.liv.ac.uk/~ajb/summerschool/programme.html 4.report vedio :BNL MIT SLAC GERN vedio similar to 康奈尔大学的arXiv.org http://pirsa.org good 5.nuclear data http://www.nucleartheory.net/data.htm
1 次阅读|3 个评论
A Spectroscopic Quantum Model 1. Effective Nuclear Charge
baijiab 2013-5-11 22:29
J. Am. Huilin Ins. 2012, 4, 1-23 Journal of American Huilin Institute ISSN 2160-438X http://www.amhuilin.com/journal/jahi Review A Spectroscopic Quantum Model 1. Effective Nuclear Charge 2. Effective Principal Quantum Number Yonghe Zhang American Huilin Institute, http://www.amhuilin.com , E-Mail: y.zhang.huilin@gmail.com Received: 2 February 2012; in revised form: 2 March 2012 / Accepted: 5 April 2012 FullText(SpQtmModel) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstracts : Based on the Bohr quantum energy levels, a spectroscopic quantum model for easily calculating the effective nuclear charge Z* and the effective principal quantum number n* from the ionization energy I z of the all orbitals from 1s to nf is established: Z*=n*(I z /R) ½ No longer using the traditional rules for estimating artificially the shielding effects , the model successfully derived many important quantitative methods , such as the IC-model, electronegativity, Lewis acid strengths, crosslink density and e ffective Polarizing Power, which can calculate and describe quantitatively chemical phenomena and the dual observations of the ionic and the covalent of bond, correlated with chemical theorems and regulations and predicted chemical processes and products. ___________________________________________________________
个人分类: 科研成果|1520 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]NKI LaminB1 DamID Map
genesquared 2012-12-12 08:49
Nature. 2008 Jun 12;453(7197):948-51. doi: 10.1038/nature06947. Epub 2008 May 7. Domain organization of human chromosomes revealed by mapping of nuclear lamina interactions. http://0-www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.ilsprod.lib.neu.edu/pubmed/18463634 Guelen L, Pagie L, Brasset E, Meuleman W, Faza MB, Talhout W, Eussen BH, de Klein A, Wessels L, de Laat W, van Steensel B. Source Division of Molecular Biology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Plesmanlaan 121, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Abstract The architecture of human chromosomes in interphase nuclei is still largely unknown. Microscopy studies have indicated that specific regions of chromosomes are located in close proximity to the nuclear lamina (NL). This has led to the idea that certain genomic elements may be attached to the NL, which may contribute to the spatial organization of chromosomes inside the nucleus. However, sequences in the human genome that interact with the NL in vivo have not been identified. Here we construct a high-resolution map of the interaction sites of the entire genome with NL components in human fibroblasts. This map shows that genome-lamina interactions occur through more than 1,300 sharply defined large domains 0.1-10 megabases in size. These lamina-associated domains (LADs) are typified by low gene-expression levels, indicating that LADs represent a repressive chromatin environment. The borders of LADs are demarcated by the insulator protein CTCF, by promoters that are oriented away from LADs, or by CpG islands, suggesting possible mechanisms of LAD confinement. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the human genome is divided into large, discrete domains that are units of chromosome organization within the nucleus. PMID: 18463634 ============================ Chromatin genomics In every eukaryotic cell, hundreds of chromatin proteins work together to control the expression of thousands of genes. Each chromatin protein interacts with many other proteins and regulates specific parts of the genome. In addition, the spatial organization of chromosomes is important for gene regulation. To study these processes, we take a broad integrative genomics approach, using both fruit fly and mammalian cells as model systems. Research lines Genome–nuclear lamina interactions We investigate the role of the nuclear lamina in the spatial organization of chromosomes, and how this contributes to gene regulation and other nuclear functions. The chromatin network We aim to elucidate how hundreds of chromatin proteins work together to package the genome and regulate gene expression. We study the domain organization of chromatin along the genome, and we investigate the protein interaction networks that underlie the principal chromatin types. New genomics technologies We design and apply whole-genome technologies to study the interactions and regulatory functions of chromatin proteins. We have developed DamID, an approach for large-scale mapping of in vivo protein-genome interactions. Other methods are being developed. Bioinformatics Whole-genome datasets cannot be interpreted without the help of bioinformatics. We are developing analytical tools to extract relevant biological information from DamID, expression profiling and other datasets. http://research.nki.nl/Vansteensellab/ ============================ Data on UCSC NKI LaminB1 DamID Map http://0-www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.ilsprod.lib.neu.edu/sites/entrez?db=gdsterm=GSM220164%5BAccession%5Dcmd=search Public on May 07, 2008 http://0-www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.ilsprod.lib.neu.edu/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE8854 Title Domain organization of human chromosomes revealed by mapping of nuclear lamina interactions Organism Homo sapiens Experiment type Genome binding/occupancy profiling by genome tiling array Summary Proper genome functionality is underpinned by the non-random, spatial or ganisation of chromatin. At the periphery of the nucleus, the association of chr omatin with the nuclear lamina is thought to facilitate both structural organisa tion and regulation of gene expression. Except for a small number of individual loci, the regions of the human genome that locate at the nuclear lamina have not been identified. Here we used DamID to map the interaction sites of lamin B1 at high resolution in human fibroblasts. We show that almost half of the human gen ome preferentially associates with the nuclear lamina. Chromatin-lamina interact ions occur via sharply demarcated domains of up to several megabases in size, wh ich are bordered by similar sized domains that do not associate with the lamina. Lamina associated domains (LADs) are typified by low gene density and low gene expression levels. This is reflected by low levels of PolII binding and histone modification H3K4me2, in combination with enrichment of H3K27me3 (and H3K9?). A considerable subset of LADs is flanked by active promoters pointing outwards, or by the insulator protein CTCF, suggesting possible mechanisms of LAD confinemen t. Finally, we found that chromosome re-arrangements occur more frequently betwe en loci located either within or outside LADs. The identification of enormous, s harply defined stretches of the human genome that associate with the nuclear lam ina provides unprecedented insights into the 3D organisation of chromatin within the nucleus. Our results reveal the division of the human genome into periphera l and internal domains, which is echoed in genome functionality. Keywords: DamID Overall design DamID profiling of LaminB1 and Emerin in human fibroblasts. Two biological replicate samples of LaminB1 and of Emerin were hybridized in dye swap orientation on high density array covering human chromosome HSA4. Two biological replicate samples of LaminB1 were hybridized in dye swap orientation on a series of 8 high density arrays covering the whole human genome. Contributor(s) Guelen L, Pagie L, van Steensel B Citation(s) Guelen L, Pagie L, Brasset E, Meuleman W et al. Domain organization of human chromosomes revealed by mapping of nuclear lamina interactions. Nature 2008 Jun 12;453(7197):948-51. PMID: 18463634 Submission date Aug 22, 2007 Last update date Mar 17, 2012 Contact name Bas van Steensel E-mail(s) b.v.steensel@nki.nl Phone + 31 20 512 2040 Fax +31 20 669 1383 URL http://www.nki.nl/nkidep/vansteensel Organization name Netherlands Cancer Institute Department division of Molecular Biology Lab van Steensel group Street address Plesmanlaan 121 City Amsterdam ZIP/Postal code 1066 CX Country Netherlands http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgc?c=chr1o=66844710t=66845280g=laminB1i=laminB1l=66844710r=66845280db=hg19 ============ http://jcb.rupress.org/content/192/5/711.full Published March 7, 2011 // JCB vol. 192 no. 5 711-721 The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201010129 © 2011 Rajapakse and Groudine Review On emerging nuclear order Indika Rajapakse1,2 and Mark Groudine1,3 + Author Affiliations 1Division of Basic Sciences and 2Biostatistics and Biomathematics, Public Health Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA 98109 3Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA 98195 Correspondence to Mark Groudine: markg@fhcrc.org Back to TopAbstract Although the nonrandom nature of interphase chromosome arrangement is widely accepted, how nuclear organization relates to genomic function remains unclear. Nuclear subcompartments may play a role by offering rich microenvironments that regulate chromatin state and ensure optimal transcriptional efficiency. Technological advances now provide genome-wide and four-dimensional analyses, permitting global characterizations of nuclear order. These approaches will help uncover how seemingly separate nuclear processes may be coupled and aid in the effort to understand the role of nuclear organization in development and disease. =================== The Nuclear Lamina as a Gene-silencing Hub *Corresponding author: shevelev@img.ras.ru Yuri Y. Shevelyov1* and Dmitry I. Nurminsky2 1 Department of Molecular Genetics of Cell, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 123182, Kurchatov Sq. 2, Moscow, Russia 2 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 108 N. Greene St., Baltimore, MD 21201, USA Abstract There is accumulating evidence that the nuclear periphery is a transcriptionally repressive compartment. A surprisingly large fraction of the genome is either in transient or permanent contact with nuclear envelope, where the majority of genes are maintained in a silent state, waiting to be awakened during cell differentiation. The integrity of the nuclear lamina and the histone deacetylase activity appear to be essential for gene repression at the nuclear periphery. However, the molecular mechanisms of silencing, as well as the events that lead to the activation of lamina-tethered genes, require further elucidation. This review summarizes recent advances in understanding of the mechanisms that link nuclear architecture, local chromatin structure, and gene regulation. http://www.horizonpress.com/cimb/v/v14/27.pdf ==================== Constitutive nuclear lamina – genome interactions are highly conserved and associated with A/T-rich sequence. http://compbio.mit.edu/publications/80_Meuleman_GenomeResearch_12.pdf Abstract In metazoans, the nuclear lamina is thought to play an important role in the spatial organization of interphase chromosomes, by providing anchoring sites for large genomic segments named laminaassociated domains (LADs). Some of these LADs are cell-type specific, while many others appear constitutively associated with the lamina. Constitutive LADs (cLADs) may contribute to a basal chromosome architecture. By comparison of mouse and human lamina interaction maps we find that the sizes and genomic positions of cLADs are strongly conserved. Moreover, cLADs are depleted of synteny breakpoints, pointing to evolutionary selective pressure to keep cLADs intact. Paradoxically, the overall sequence conservation is low for cLADs. Instead, cLADs are universally characterized by long stretches of DNA of high A/T content. Cell-type specific LADs also tend to adhere to this “A/T-rule” in embryonic stem cells, but not in differentiated cells. This suggests that the A/T-rule represents a default positioning mechanism that is locally overruled during lineage commitment. Analysis of paralogs suggests that during evolution changes in A/T-content have driven the relocation of genes to and from the nuclear lamina, in tight association with changes in expression level. Taken together, these results reveal that the spatial organization of mammalian genomes is highly conserved and tightly linked to local nucleotide composition.
个人分类: UCSCtrack|2776 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]生研院 冯新华教授 EMBO Rep解析关键信号通路
crickxiang 2012-3-13 11:10
近日来自浙江大学生命科学学院的研究人员在新研究中揭示了对TGFβ信号传导通路起重要调控作用的一个蛋白磷酸酶。这一研究成果“PPM1A dephosphorylates RanBP3 to enable efficient nuclear export of Smad2 and Smad3”公布在国际权威期刊《EMBO Reports》上。 近日来自浙江大学生命科学学院的研究人员在新研究中揭示了对TGFβ信号传导通路起重要调控作用的一个蛋白磷酸酶。这一研究成果“PPM1A dephosphorylates RanBP3 to enable efficient nuclear export of Smad2 and Smad3”公布在国际权威期刊《EMBO Reports》上。 领导这一研究的是2009年起担任浙江大学生命科学研究院院长的冯新华教授,其早年毕业于武汉大学,重要研究方向是分子信号转导、蛋白质修饰及其在疾病发生和发育过程中的功能。在迄今在国际权威杂志如Cell、Molecular cell、Nature等上发表论文80余篇,总被引用超过5000次。 QIAGEN 隆重推出体细胞突变筛查试剂盒,点击获取相关资料 转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)是一个包括数十种TGF-βs、骨形态发生蛋白(BMPs)等配体在内的生长因子超家族。近年来大量的研究表明TGF-β信号通路控制着一系列的细胞反应,包括细胞增殖、分化、细胞外基质重建和胚胎发育。TGF-β信号转导异常与多种疾病如肿瘤的起始和转移、组织纤维化,自身免疫性疾病及心脑血管疾病有关。Smad2和Smad3 (Smad2/3)是TGFβ信号传导通路中重要的信号传导因子。 在这篇文章中,研究人员揭示了一个调控TGFβ信号通路的关键蛋白磷酸酶PPM1A。体内外实验表明PPM1A可直接与输出蛋白RanBP3发生相互作用,使得RanBP3第58位丝氨酸发生去磷酸化。与此相一致的是,研究人员在PPM1A敲除小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞中检测到RanBP3磷酸化水平增高。进一步的分析表明,第58位丝氨酸去磷酸化使得RanBP3被激活,将Smad2/3输出核外,从而导致了TGFβ信号通路的终止。 新研究证实了蛋白磷酸酶PPM1A对TGFβ信号通路的重要调控功能及分子作用机制。并为研究人员开发出TGF-β信号转导异常导致多种疾病的有效治疗策略提供了一个潜在的靶点。 PPM1A dephosphorylates RanBP3 to enable efficient nuclear export of Smad2 and Smad3 Smad2 and Smad3 (Smad2/3) are essential signal transducers and transcription factors in the canonical transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signalling pathway. Active Smad2/3 signalling in the nucleus is terminated by dephosphorylation and subsequent nuclear export of Smad2/3. Here we report that protein phosphatase PPM1A regulates the nuclear export of Smad2/3 through targeting nuclear exporter RanBP3. PPM1A directly interacted with and dephosphorylated RanBP3 at Ser 58 in vitro and in vivo. Consistently, RanBP3 phosphorylation was elevated in PPM1A-null mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Dephosphorylation of RanBP3 at Ser 58 promoted its ability to export Smad2/3 and terminate TGF-β responses. Our findings indicate the critical role of PPM1A in maximizing exporter activity of RanBP3 for efficient termination of canonical TGF-β signalling.
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[转载]Game Changers for Nuclear Energy
whyhoo 2012-1-7 20:34
The devastating earthquake and tsunami off the coast of Japan in March 2011 will have a significant impact on the future of nuclear energy. The ultimate outcome of the Fukushima Daiichi accident will influence public opinion and government decisions about the future development of nuclear power worldwide. And the lessons we learn from the crisis will inform future decisions about nuclear fuel storage, appropriate safety standards and accountability measures, and emergency preparedness. However, our ability to respond effectively to the challenges presented by the Fukushima Daiichi accident has been, in large part, predicated on research, practices, and policies developed over the last three decades. What additional events or developments might surprise us in the future that could affect the spread of nuclear energy? How can we better anticipate such surprises so that we can more effectively mitigate the impacts of negative develop ments and maximize the impact of positive developments? Toward this end, in August 2010 the American Academy, as part of its Global Nuclear Future Initiative, cosponsored a meeting with the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at Stanford University on Game Changers for Nuclear Energy. The conference brought together a small group of representatives from diverse energy backgrounds—including government, industry, NGOs, national laboratories, and academia—for an in-depth discussion of variables that could affect the future of nuclear power. These include reactor and fuel cycle technology and regulation, accidents and security incidents, climate change, and relevant politics. The purpose of the workshop was to explore what events, foreseen or not, could change the presently foreseen nuclear power “game.” What follows is the resulting paper from this meeting. This Occasional Paper is part of the American Academy’s Global Nuclear Future Initiative, which examines the safety, security, and nonproliferation implications of the global spread of nuclear energy and is develop ing pragmatic recommendations for managing the emerging nuclear order. The Global Nuclear Future Initiative is supported by generous grants from Carnegie Corporation of New York; the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; the Flora Family Foundation; and Fred Kavli and the Kavli Foundation. The American Academy is grateful to the principal investigators of the Global Nuclear Future Initiative—Steven Miller, Scott Sagan, Robert Rosner, and Stephen Goldberg—for contributing their time, experience, and expertise to the work of the Initiative. CISAC would like to thank the Flora Family Foundation and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for supporting the scholars’ work on this project. We would like to thank Thomas Isaacs, Michael May, and Kate Marvel for organizing a substantive meeting and the participants for their thoughtful contributions at the meeting and to this paper. We are grateful to Michael and Kate for bringing their knowledge and insight to bear on this important issue. Leslie Berlowitz President and William T. Golden Chair American Academy of Arts and Sciences Scott D. Sagan Caroline S.G. Munro Professor of Political Science Codirector, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University 原文见 http://www.amacad.org/pdfs/book_game_changers.pdf
个人分类: 能源|1274 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Kim's death sparks hopes for nuclear talks
王汉森 2011-12-20 12:40
Six party talks on nuclear disarmament stalled since 2009 CBC News Posted: Dec 19, 2011 8:08 AM ET The death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has raised hopes that nuclear disarmament talks on the volatile Korean peninsula can be resumed. The Japanese government, in particular, is watching to see whether Kim’s death will lead to a resumption of the so-called six party talks on North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, CBC's Craig Dale reported from Tokyo. The discussions involving North and South Korea, Japan, Russia, China and the U.S. have been suspended since 2009. The news of Kim's death and the tension surrounding North Korea's estimated half-dozen nuclear weapons sparked calls for calm from leaders around the world. Following a meeting in Tokyo with Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said both countries "share a common interest in a peaceful and stable transition in North Korea," Clinton said Monday. "We reiterate our hope for improved relations with the people of North Korea and remain deeply concerned about their well-being," she said. Earlier, Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd called the peninsula "the single largest militarily armed zone in the world. It has been thus for decades, and right now we're at one of those critical junctures in post-1950 military history where we need to ensure that calm and restraint are exercised at an exceptionally difficult period of transition." Kim, who assumed power in 1994 after the death of his father, Kim Il-sung, is reported to have died Saturday after suffering a heart attack . His third son, Kim Jong-un, who is said to be in his 20s and the heir apparent, was dubbed the "great successor" by North Korea media on Monday. In South Korea, where the military was put on alert following the surprise announcement of the leader's death, the Yonhap news agency said North Korea test-fired at least one short-range missile. South Korean officials don't believe the missile firing was linked with Kim's death. Security meetings held China, regarded as North Korea's closest ally, sent its condolences. Chinese state TV said China expressed confidence that co-operation between the two countries will continue, and said it had confidence in Kim Jong-un, Reuters reported. 'Let us hope that the North Korean people will soon be freed from the Communist prison in which they have been captive for six decades.' — Jason Kenney, Canada's citizenship and immigration minister, on Twitter Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu also said Beijing would make "active contributions to peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in this region." The Cuban government has decreed three days of mourning for the late North Korean leader. The governments of South Korea and Japan both held national security meetings. Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Kim Jong-il will be remembered "as the leader of a totalitarian regime who violated the basic rights of the North Korean people for nearly two decades." 'Reckless decisions' “We hope his passing brings positive change allowing the people of North Korea to emerge from six decades of isolation, oppression and misery," Harper said in a statement. "The regime's reckless decisions have resulted in North Korea being an impoverished nation and a country isolated from the international community because of its dangerous nuclear proliferation and ballistic missile programs." Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney tweeted: "Let us hope that the North Korean people will soon be freed from the Communist prison in which they have been captive for six decades." British Foreign Secretary William Hague said the change in leadership "could be a turning point for North Korea" P.O.V. How will North Korea change under Kim Jong-un? "We hope that their new leadership will recognize that engagement with the international community offers the best prospect of improving the lives of ordinary North Korean people," Hague said in a statement. "We encourage North Korea to work for peace and security in the region, and take the steps necessary to allow the resumption of the six-party talks on denuclearization of the Korean peninsula". UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon extended his condolences to the people of North Korea, and reaffirmed his commitment to peace and security on the Korean peninsula. Just hours later, the UN General Assembly voted 123-16, with 51 abstentions, to support a resolution condemning North Korean human rights violations ranging from public executions to restrictions on freedom of expression, religion and assembly. The body urged North Korea "to immediately put an end to the systematic, widespread and grave violations." The vote on the resolution had been scheduled prior to the announcement of Kim Jong-il's death. Possible power struggle "Everyone fears that there may be a power struggle that's going to involve the neighbours," foreign affairs analyst Eric Margolis told CBC News. " has been a non-entity up until now.... will likely emerge as a figurehead behind different competing factions." Gordon Chang, author of Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World, suggested in an interview with CBC News that Kim Jong-un’s inexperience could present difficulties. “He’s only had on-the-job training for about two years,” he said. “Kim Il-sung, the founder of North Korea, spent two decades getting Kim Jong-il ready to take on the throne. Kim Jong-il only spent two years for Kim Jong-un, who is not ready. This is going to be a real problem. “Kim Jong-un hasn’t had the time to develop the network, and the friendships and the knowledge about how to keep all of these various groups inside the regime happy. Kim Jong-il, his dad, was very good at that.” CBC's Anthony Germain, a former correspondent in Beijing, said Kim's death will be a test of stability for a regime that has long been supported by China. "This is really going to turn into a medieval power struggle with a son who nobody expected to be the successor in this bizarre 'everybody worship the one man' kind of state," he said. "We're going to see a medieval kind of struggle behind the scenes with brothers and cousins and uncles fighting to jockey to try and get their guy in to be the leader."
个人分类: 时事纵横|1805 次阅读|0 个评论
zhangt10 2011-4-13 02:12
日本总算官方承认了大家这一个月来都知道的事实,这次核灾难是和Chernobyl同级的七级核事故。顿时全球股市大受冲击,日本经济的迅速复苏受到极大质疑。 其实从美国太平洋沿岸的放射同位素监测结果来看,日本政府从一开始就没有完全的对公众公布实况: 这里 是西雅图的华盛顿大学从物理楼的通风口收集的数据。 这里 是伯克利的空气测量值。 一致的观察是辐射值高峰开始是3/19或者3/20那几天,也就是对应着日本3/12开始的氢气爆炸。 据纽约时报4/6 报道 的美国NRC3/26报告 "The document also suggests that fragments or particles of nuclear fuel from spent fuel pools above the reactors were blown “up to one mile from the units,” and that pieces of highly radioactive material fell between two units and had to be “bulldozed over,” presumably to protect workers at the site. The ejection of nuclear material, which may have occurred during one of the earlier hydrogen explosions, may indicate more extensive damage to the extremely radioactive pools than previously disclosed." 这也就解释了为什么东京电力现在仍然难以控制情况。那里现在是一片核地雷呀。 另一篇日本读卖新闻4/12的 报道 则解密了东京电力在地震过后在最初24小时的灾难避免过程中的失误:供电车到了却没有电缆,总理亲至核电站要求开阀门东京电力却迟迟不予反应,终于灾难无法避免。
个人分类: 生活点滴|2666 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 zlyang 2011-4-6 20:52
漂亮的“世界核电站分布图” 美国 SCIENCE 杂志的“Nuclear Power's Global Fallout”。在 http://www.sciencemag.org/content/331/6024/1502.full 下载pdf。后转换成图片。 看在人类共同利益的份上,请 SCIENCE 允许真傻把它们贴在这里吧! 既然 SCIENCE 在2005年的“125 big questions” http://www.sciencemag.org/site/feature/misc/webfeat/125th/ 都免费了,想必这个“Nuclear Power's Global Fallout”也会免费的。 假如美国 SCIENCE 杂志对俺的做法不满意,请留言说明。谢谢! 假如美国 SCIENCE 杂志允许俺贴出这些图片,俺愿意替 SCIENCE 杂志向上帝祈祷! 愿上帝保佑那些“ 像居里夫人一样,为了人类根本利益而放弃自己私利 ”的所有人! 相关链接: 《《科学》发表系列文章绘制世界核电站分布图》 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2011/4/245769.shtm Nuclear Power's Global Fallout http://www.sciencemag.org/content/331/6024/1502.full 台湾是中国的一个省。
10744 次阅读|10 个评论
[转载]The wolf is here, finally…
热度 1 zuojun 2011-3-29 15:08
Toxic plutonium seeping from Japan's nuclear plant
个人分类: News|1329 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Built For Bombs, Sensors Now Track Japan Radiation
zuojun 2011-3-26 02:08
I heard this on NPR. Built For Bombs, Sensors Now Track Japan Radiation by Geoff Brumfiel http://www.npr.org/2011/03/25/134833909/built-for-bombs-sensors-now-track-japan-radiation ... Gerhard Wotawa, with the Austrian meteorological institute, has been studying data coming in from the monitoring stations and says there's no doubt that what they're picking up comes from Japan. "Data like that I have never seen in my career," he says, "so it is pretty much clear where it comes from." The sensors are registering radioactive elements including iodine-131 and cesium-137 — byproducts from nuclear fission inside the core of a reactor. Wotawa has been feeding the data into computer models that can forecast where the radiation will go. He also uses the models to work backward and calculate the amount of material first released. Based on those calculations he says the accident, in some ways, is roughly the size of Chernobyl. "The daily release is comparable to what was released in Chernobyl," he says. "However, the effect of the power plant accident in Japan is not comparable to the effect of Chernobyl on the former Soviet Union." ...
个人分类: I Love NPR|1518 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Tokyo: Tap water not safe for infants
zuojun 2011-3-23 15:21
Is this the beginning or the end of Japan's nuclear crisis? Read "Tokyo: Tap water not safe for infants"
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|1589 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Russia to build nuclear power plant in Venezuela
neumse 2010-10-16 14:58
MOSCOW, (Reuters) Russia agreed yesterday to help build Venezuelas first nuclear power plant, sell it tanks and buy $1.6 billion of oil assets, reinforcing ties with President Hugo Chavez who shares Russian opposition to US global dominance Chavez presided over the deals at a Kremlin ceremony with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who said the two countries shared a strategic partnership and a vision of a world free of overwhelming U.S. influence. Both Russia and Venezuela favour the development of a modern and just world order a world order in which our future does not depend on the will or desire of any one country, its well-being or its mood, Medvedev said. After the presidents talks, Russian nuclear agency chief Sergei Kiriyenko and Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro signed a deal on the construction and use of an atomic power station on the territory of Venezuela. The deal foresees the construction of a power plant with two 1,200-megawatt nuclear reactors as well as a separate research reactor, Russias state nuclear energy company Rosatom said. Chavez later met Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who announced that Russia will soon ship 35 tanks to Venezuela. Chavez told Putin he wants Russian carmaker Avtovaz to assemble cars in Venezuela for the Latin American market. Russia, which recently finished Irans first nuclear power plant, has pushed to expand its presence on the global atomic energy market, and stresses other nations right to peaceful nuclear energy. Medvedev hinted that Chavezs foe, the United States, might not like the deal, but said it was peaceful. A deal in the atomic sphere has just been signed. I already know that it will make someone shudder. The president (of Venezuela) told me that there will be states that will have different types of emotions about this, Medvedev said. I would like to underline that our intentions are clean and open: we want our partner the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to have a full range of energy choices, to have energy independence, he said. Chavez says Venezuela, South Americas biggest oil producer, needs nuclear power to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. He slammed the United States, blaming Washington for his countrys excessive dependence on natural resources. We are still too dependent on oil because the Yankee empire imposed this model on us, he said. He has also cast Venezuelas decision to build nuclear reactors as defying U.S. concerns. He said on Thursday in Moscow that nothing will stop us from developing nuclear power. website:http://www.stabroeknews.com/2010/news/breaking/10/15/russia-to-build-nuclear-power-plant-in-venezuela/ 注:之前本人转载的一篇新闻中提到俄罗斯打算大举进军国际核电市场,这次转载的就是他们近期的行动之一,他们已经和委内瑞拉达成协议,帮助他们建设核电站。Both Russia and Venezuela favour the development of a modern and just world order a world order in which our future does not depend on the will or desire of any one country, its well-being or its mood,俄罗斯总统 Medvedev 如是说,他还说到与委内瑞拉建议战略合作伙伴关系以对抗美国的影响(a vision of a world free of overwhelming U.S. influence)。这是否表明了俄罗斯不希望美国一家独霸?想要与美国展开竞争呢? 面对国际核电市场的激烈竞争,中国应该如何应对?中国国内目前正在大力兴建核电站,我们的技术是否足以在国际市场激烈的竞争中占有一席之地呢?
个人分类: 核电动态|2376 次阅读|0 个评论
siccashq 2010-10-14 23:00
Journal of nuclear materials,这是一本很专业的核材料期刊,但是常关注她的人可能会发现这本期刊上面中国本土发表的文章相当地少。这个倒是和我们的核能发展速度不太匹配。法国打仗不行,不过核能研究倒是走在前面。
个人分类: 甬道行|5322 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载]Russia plans on controlling 1/4 of world nuclear reactor market
neumse 2010-3-20 21:59
文章出处: http://www.techjackal.net/interesting-stuff/2010/03/19/russia-plans-on-controlling-14-of-world-nuclear-reactor-market/ Despite having incurred the worlds worst nuclear reactor meltdown in history, Russia appears ready to improve and strengthen their reliance on nuclear power. According to sources, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin wants to boost his countrys nuclear power market to the point where his country will account for one quarter of the worlds nuclear reactor market. On Thursday, Putin stated that his country cannot afford to control less than a 25% market share of the global market of nuclear plants. While the Russian Prime Minister did not give a timetable for obtaining the 25% goal, he appears to be ready to begin the project immediately. Russia plans to invest at least $6 billion this year alone on their nuclear energy project. Presently, Russia accounts for a 20% share of the global nuclear reactor market. In the nuclear sector, Russia competes widely with both the United States and France. To regain some of their market share in Europe and Asia, Russia is considering an alliance with Siemens. ......... 作者注:核电是清洁高效的能源,目前中国正在大力发展核电,全国许多地方已经在陆续开工建设核电站,以期在十年之后将核电比例提高到4%,而且核电技术的国产化也提上了日程,但是目前我国的核电技术还无法与美国、俄罗斯、法国等核电大国相比。甚至已经落后于韩国,他们当初与我们同时起步发展核电,甚至起点还不如我国,然而经过多年的发展,他们已经能够出口核电技术了,有报道称韩国已经与西亚一些国家达成协议,韩国出口自己的技术帮助他们修建核电站。在上面这则报道中,俄罗斯已经明确提出要瓜分世界核电版图的意图,美、法已经是这个领域的强者,韩国在这方面也已经领先我们一大步了。未来的能源战争是相当残酷和惨烈的。因此,中国核电如何发展,是值得深思的。
个人分类: 核电动态|2654 次阅读|1 个评论
Application of the Zhang effective nuclear charge
baijiab 2010-1-15 11:22
Yonghe Zhang ionocovalent theory applications (17) Application of the Zhang effective nuclear charge Base on the model of the Zhang effective nuclear charge Z* and effective pricipal quantum number n* : Z*=n*(I z /R) 1/2 Keyan Li and Dongfeng Xue derived a Ion electronegativity : X i =n*(I m /R) 1/2 /r i And YU Dian derived a electronegativity of the Noble Gas Elements : X y = 0.070n*(-E i ) 1/2 r c -2 Y. Zhang. Inorg. Chem., 1982, 21, 3886. Keyan Li and Dongfeng Xue , J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 11332-11337 喻典 , 重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版) 2006 , 23 ( 3 ) 1-3.
个人分类: 科研成果|611 次阅读|0 个评论
Ion electronegativity derived from Zhang effective nuclear charge
baijiab 2010-1-14 11:54
Zhang ionocovalent theory applications (16) Ion electronegativityderived fromZhang effective nuclear charge Base on the model of Zhang effective nuclear charge Z* and effective pricipal quantum number n* : Z*=n*(I z /R) 1/2 ZhangderivedIon electronegativity : X z = 0.241 n*( I z /R) ½ r c -2 + 0.775 where I z is the ultimate IE . R is the Rydberg constant, R = 2 p 2 4 2e 4 /h 2 = 13.6 eV, h is Plancks Zhang effective nuclear charge Z* is derived from Bohr energy model : E = - Z 2 me 4 /8n 2 h 2 ? 0 2 = - RZ 2 /n 2 and Zhang effective pricipal quantum number n*is derived from the observation-feedback calculation based on the consideration ofthe spatial screening of the electron orbitals and the Zhengsionization energies : n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n* 1(0.85) 1.99 2.89 3.45 3.85 4.36 4.36(4.99) Y. Zhang, J. Molecular Science 1, 125(1981) Y. Zhang. Inorg. Chem., 1982, 21, 3886. N. Bohr, Philosophical Magazine 26 , 1-25 (1913) N.-W. Zheng, Ko Hsueh Tung Pao, 1977, 22 (12), 531
个人分类: 科研成果|621 次阅读|0 个评论
Zhang Effective Nuclear Charge
baijiab 2009-12-26 09:05
YongheZhangionocovalenttheoryapplications(3). I. Methods Zhang Effective Nuclear Charge According to the Bohr energy model E = - RZ 2 /n 2 we have derived the effective nuclear charge Z* from ionization energy (IE) and the effective principal quantum number n* : Z*=n*( I z /R) ½ where I z is the ultimate IE. R is the Rydberg constant, R = 2p 2 4 2e 4 /h 2 = 13.6eV, h is Plancks constant. Based on the ionocovalent theory which closely correlated with quantum mechanical parameters Z* and the electron configuration wherein the ionization energy and the covalent radius are determined by spectroscopy , Zhang Electronegativity agrees fairly well with the chemical observations of elements throughout the period table. However, the current effective nuclear charge and the Allred-Rochow electronegativity are from the arbitrarily estimated Slater rule . And the Pauling electronegativity is not the quantitative configuration energy data, but is one datum per element based on only a limited situation of the linear difference of the thermochemical energy of two atoms (H and Cl) extended to the all elements. Therefore, Pauling left a wide front for arguments and has lead to many different suggestions for the electronegativity and bond strengths Y. Zhang, J. Molecular Science , 1 (1981) 125. Y. Zhang, Inorg Chem. 21 (1982)3886. Y.Zhang,ZhangElectronegativityEds:K.M.Mackay,R.A.Mackay,W.HendersIntroductiontoModernInorganicChemistry6thed.,NelsonThornes,UnitedKingdom,2002,pp53-54) A. L. Allred and E. G. Rochow, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 5 (1958) 264-268. J. Slater Phys., Rev. 1929, 34, 129. L. Pauling, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 54 (1932) 3570.
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