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baohaifei 2009-12-29 09:46
英诗译 -秋 鲍海飞译 2009-12-29 我在山下张望,忽然身后一位老人对我说:嘿,小伙子,到山上去看看吧!那里站得高看得远,风光别色!我们于是步行上山,坐在高高的山坡上。山下,林海起伏,秋水激荡。虽然是夏末时光,但是秋声劲响。你看见什么啦?还记得那夏日时光吗?但你看现在,风来叶落,年华将逝,不要悲哀,那青春带给你的喜悦和成熟让你和这凛冽的秋风一起成长,无论怎样,上苍都不会抛弃那一花一沙,世界并不悲凉、、、、、、 风越刮越大,老人的声音越来越小,我回头一看,老人已经不见了,原来是一场梦。我于是赶紧拿起笔,将老人的话记下来。 The Autumn Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1833) Go, sit upon the lofty hill, And turn your eyes around, Where waving woods and waters wild Do hymn an autumn sound. The summer sun is faint on them The summer flowers depart Sit still as all transformd to stone, Except your musing heart. 秋 行到山巅坐四望, 林波激水秋声扬。 夏末暗淡百花落, 心语独言万木伤。 How there you sat in summer-time, May yet be in your mind; And how you heard the green woods sing Beneath the freshening wind. Though the same wind now blows around, You would its blast recall; For every breath that stirs the trees, Doth cause a leaf to fall. 夏日时光涌心上, 清风林海相吟唱。 此风又至何曾似, 秋叶难持风劲强。 Oh! like that wind, is all the mirth That flesh and dust impart: We cannot bear its visitings, When change is on the heart. Gay words and jests may make us smile, When Sorrow is asleep; But other things must make us smile, When Sorrow bids us weep! 风自欢笑尘世事, 心若伤感莫来访。 忧思悲泣终将去, 吾辈欢畅再笑扬。 The dearest hands that clasp our hands, Their presence may be oer; The dearest voice that meets our ear, That tone may come no more! Youth fades; and then, the joys of youth, Which once refreshd our mind, Shall come as, on those sighing woods, The chilling autumn wind. 心手相牵将永逝, 美妙之音再闻难。 青春渐逝秋风叹, 青春作伴秋风长。 Hear not the wind view not the woods; Look out oer vale and hill In spring, the sky encircled them The sky is round them still. Come autumns scathe come winters cold Come change and human fate! Whatever prospect Heaven doth bound, Can neer be desolate. 穿林破雾尽远望, 山川锦绣春秋芳。 冬寒秋冽何所惧, 一花一沙不孤凉。
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