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[转载] 今日科学博文 Science Blog (in this message: 8 new items)
xupeiyang 2010-4-14 19:29
Science Blog (in this message: 8 new items) UI researchers analyze implications of 'intelligent design' for human behavior 'Vicious circle' offers new acute leukemia treatment target Groundbreaking MS research to be presented at American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting New drug design technique could dramatically speed discovery process Diet alone will not likely lead to significant weight loss Democracy not vital for Internet to flourish in some countries Argonne's CARIBU charge breeder breaks world record for efficiency Blinded by jealousy?
个人分类: 热点前沿|1240 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]今日科学博文 Science Blog (in this message: 8 new items)
xupeiyang 2010-4-14 08:00
Science Blog (in this message: 8 new items) Diminutive, but not Disappeared: Rare dwarf lemur rediscovered 100 years after last sighting OU geophysics group teams with China on seismic projects Experimental immune-boosting drug worsens TB in mice Scientists find key to gene that promotes cancer metastasis Energy wasted grinding switchgrass smaller to improve flowability Happy or sad, emotions persisted beyond remembering an event in people with amnesia Ultrasensitive imaging method uses gold-silver 'nanocages' Depression symptoms increase during medical internship
个人分类: 热点前沿|1298 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] 今日科学博文 Science Blog (in this message: 8 new items) 2010年4月8日 18:16 (星期四)
xupeiyang 2010-4-8 20:07
Science Blog (in this message: 8 new items) Traditional Sushi Eaters Have Specialized Gut Bacteria UBC graduate student finds a 'start/stop switch' for retroviruses Present imperfect: Is the human brain ill adapted for language? Review of polls suggests new health care law's implementation likely to be dogged by politics Traditional Inuit knowledge combines with science to shape weather insights Most women unaware of risk for debilitating fractures Astronomers capture a rare stellar eclipse in opening scene of year-long show Getting heavier, younger: U-M study shows generational shift in obesity
个人分类: 热点前沿|1640 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]今日科学博文 Science Blog (in this message: 8 new items)
xupeiyang 2010-3-30 08:37
http://www.scienceblog.com/cms/frontpage1 The Bearable Density of Bird Bones Why metastasic cells migrate Weathercasters take on role of science educators; feel some uncertainty on issue of climate change E20 fuel reduces carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions in automobiles University of Guam professors publish article in International Journal of Intercultural Relations Study from CWRU Nursing School finds a year after cardiac event only 37 percent still exercising New ethical guidelines needed for dementia research Breakthrough design opens door to 'full screen' Braille displays for the blind The Bearable Density of Bird Bones Posted: 29 Mar 2010 08:21 AM PDT For earthbound creatures like us, flight just seems so fantastical. How do birds and bats and other flying beasties manage to get off and stay off the ground? Well, having wings obviously helps. And... Why metastasic cells migrate Posted: 29 Mar 2010 07:45 AM PDT One of the most intriguing questions in cancer research is what causes metastatic tumour migration, why some tumour cells manage to migrate to other parts of the body but others cells don't. Weathercasters take on role of science educators; feel some uncertainty on issue of climate change Posted: 29 Mar 2010 07:40 AM PDT FAIRFAX, Va., March 29, 2010 -- In a time when only a handful of TV news stations employ a dedicated science reporter, TV weathercasters may seem like the logical people to fill that role, and in... E20 fuel reduces carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions in automobiles Posted: 29 Mar 2010 07:35 AM PDT A new study by the Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies at Rochester Institute of Technology indicates that the use of E20 fuel, which blends 20 percent ethanol with gasoline, reduces the tail... University of Guam professors publish article in International Journal of Intercultural Relations Posted: 29 Mar 2010 07:25 AM PDT Unique in its location and history, the island of Guam is a rich blend of cultures and customs. The largest island in Micronesia, Guam is home to the indigenous Chamorro people as well as people from... Study from CWRU Nursing School finds a year after cardiac event only 37 percent still exercising Posted: 29 Mar 2010 07:20 AM PDT Researchers from the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University found that one year after 248 individuals completed a 12-week cardiac rehabilitation program following a... New ethical guidelines needed for dementia research Posted: 29 Mar 2010 07:15 AM PDT How do we handle the ethical dilemmas of research on adults who can't give their informed consent? In a recent article in the journal Bioethics, ethicist Stefan Eriksson proposes a new approach to... Breakthrough design opens door to 'full screen' Braille displays for the blind Posted: 29 Mar 2010 07:10 AM PDT Imagine if your computer only allowed you to see one line at a time, no matter what you were doing -- reading e-mail, looking at a Web site, doing research. That's the challenge facing blind...
个人分类: 热点前沿|1601 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]今日科学博文 Science Blog (in this message: 8 new items)
xupeiyang 2010-3-24 06:46
http://www.scienceblog.com/cms/blog Naval research laboratory takes a close look at unique diamonds High dietary phosphate intake may promote skin cancer formation Men and women respond differently to stress Sushi-cide: Secret ballot kills hopes for bluefin tuna protections Therapy via teleconference? Racial disparities diminish in specialized cancer centers Virtual biopsy probe system is 'almost perfect' in detecting precancerous polyps during colonoscopy Can Climate Models Predict Global Warming's Direct Effects in Your City? Naval research laboratory takes a close look at unique diamonds Posted: 23 Mar 2010 08:50 AM PDT The song says that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory are finding that diamonds are a researcher's best friend too. High dietary phosphate intake may promote skin cancer formation Posted: 23 Mar 2010 08:40 AM PDT A high dietary intake of phosphate promotes tumor formation in an animal model of skin cancer, researchers at Emory University School of Medicine have found. Men and women respond differently to stress Posted: 23 Mar 2010 08:35 AM PDT Montreal, March 23, 2010 -- Age and gender play a major role in how people respond to stress, according to a new study on 20-to-64-year-olds. Sushi-cide: Secret ballot kills hopes for bluefin tuna protections Posted: 23 Mar 2010 08:33 AM PDT The triennial meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is still underway in Doha, Qatar, this week, but so far news coming out of the... Therapy via teleconference? Posted: 23 Mar 2010 08:30 AM PDT Montreal, March 23, 2010 -- Obtaining therapy via teleconference is just as effective as face-to-face sessions, according to a new research by Stphane Guay, a psychiatry professor at the Universit... Racial disparities diminish in specialized cancer centers Posted: 23 Mar 2010 08:25 AM PDT African Americans die from cancer at higher rates than whites, studies have shown. Now, a new study led by Tracy Onega, PhD, MA, of Dartmouth Medical School finds that where patients are treated may... Virtual biopsy probe system is 'almost perfect' in detecting precancerous polyps during colonoscopy Posted: 23 Mar 2010 08:15 AM PDT JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- The newest generation of virtual biopsy colonoscopy probes being tested at the Mayo Clinic campus in Florida demonstrate that it might soon be possible to use such a device... Can Climate Models Predict Global Warming's Direct Effects in Your City? Posted: 23 Mar 2010 08:01 AM PDT Nobody lives in the global average climate. Nor are the massive grid cells favored by climate models run on today's supercomputers as useful as they could be for planning purposes, given that they...
个人分类: 网络技术|1836 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 yejianq 2010-3-7 15:56
论坛 1.水木社区美丽的秘密版及精华区 http://www.newsmth.net/bbsdoc.php?board=Beauty http://www.newsmth.net/bbs0an.php?path=/groups/talk.faq/Beauty 3.时尚论坛美容护肤版 http://bbs.trends.com.cn/forumdisplay.php?fid=10 2.YOKA时尚论坛美容护肤版 http://bbs.yoka.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=36filter=digestpage=2 Onlylady论坛美容版 http://bbs.onlylady.com/forum-3-1.html ======================================================== blog 1.跟着尼可变美丽 http://space.yoka.com/nicbeauty/blog/ 2.Rox-搜狐博客 http://agelesslove.blog.sohu.com/ 3.明宇原创之化妆品解构 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1400384801_0_1.html 4.人间MM http://bolichengbao.blog.163.com/ 5.理性谈风月 http://blog.earlzhang.com/ 6.药妆面面观 http://ultratalk.blog.sohu.com/ 7.我是張麗卿老師 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/cos-topic 8.5047 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/cosmetic-5047/ 9.夏冬形象空间(关于化妆) http://blog.sina.com.cn/xiadong2009 ============================================================= 帖子 网络信息浩瀚繁杂,良莠不齐。我把一些个人认为对大家有帮助的好帖子整理一下,减少大家花费在搜索信息上的时间。不过还是要提醒一句,护肤品最重要的还是按照自己的实际情况来选择,而不是盲目照搬。 一产品(及)综合评价和推荐 1.1小金年度大帖~~最新版2009年@COSME日本美容大赏 http://bbs.55bbs.com/thread-3314447-1-1.html 1.2大牌化妆品背后的秘密 原帖: http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/no11/1/721240.shtml 易读版: http://www.yilook.com/art_5101_8595.html 二产品的成分和配方分析 2.1配方师关于市面化妆品概述及配方解析 http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-499824-1--.html 三洁面和卸妆 3.1卸妆洁面之我见(论文型帖) http://bbs.pclady.com.cn/topic-96756-1.html 四祛痘 4.1开个帖子说说敏感油皮豆豆肌肤护理的经验 http://bbs.55bbs.com/viewthread.php?tid=2690056page=1authorid=750804 4.2长豆豆的肌肤产品推荐 http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-241284---.html 五防晒 5.183年的GG谈一下最近用过的28个牌子的55款防晒 http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-327786---.html 5.2防晒知识大全+防晒品推荐 http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-260503---.html 六抗衰老 6.1(知识汇总)关于A酸,A醇,A醛用法和注意事项 http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-226729-1-1.html 6.2一些A醇retinol产品 http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-224644---.html 6.3胜肽护肤品全攻略 http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-246565-1--.html 6.4左旋C,维生素C产品集合 http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-248962---.html 七保湿 7.1透明质酸(玻尿酸)产品大汇总 http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-247699---.html 八其它 8.1精油全书--完整版 http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-229213---.html 8.2 黑眼圈问题和产品大集合(上集) http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-252081---.html 黑眼圈问题和产品大集合(下集) http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-253796---.html 8.3 药妆10brandsfromUS(上) http://bbs.trends.com.cn/viewthread.php?tid=342523extra=page=1 药妆10brandsfromUS(下) http://bbs.trends.com.cn/viewthread.php?tid=352196 8.4孕期护肤知识汇总 http://bbs.onlylady.com/thread-240083---.html
个人分类: 护肤话题|9106 次阅读|0 个评论
zhao1198 2010-2-8 10:05
ScienceCommons http://en.scientificcommons.org/ The major aim of the project is to develop the worlds largest communication medium for scientific knowledge products which is freely accessible to the public. In Deutech and English. http://en.scientificcommons.org http://ideas.repec.org Munich Personal RePEc Archive http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de
个人分类: 网络资源|2608 次阅读|0 个评论
wsunchunxiao 2010-2-2 09:39
今天,2010.2.2,终于把科学网的blog搞定,很高兴; 以后能在这里和众多大师和青年才俊一起交流,很欣慰; 认识科学网近半年来,学到看到了很多有益的东西,很感激; 快过年了,希望大家能回家就回家,常回家看看吧, 谢谢。
个人分类: 生活点滴|2904 次阅读|3 个评论
自然博客网(Nature Blog Network )真不错!
xupeiyang 2009-12-17 08:55
详细信息见: http://natureblognetwork.com/index.php?cat=start=1 点击率排名: Rank Blog Today Average Category 1 Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted) A molecular evolutionary ornithologist writes about evolution, speciation, behavioral ecology and natural history of birds and other animals. Lots of pictures! 3760 11297 Natural History 2 Zooillogix - Don't Stick Your Fingers in the Cage Zooillogix is dedicated to bringing you the very best in bizarre zoology news. We cover new species discoveries, strange animal behavior and amusing videos targeted to juveniles senses of humor, like our own. 2730 6786.4 Natural History 3 Greg Laden's Blog Evolution, Life Sciences, Nature, Birds, African Mammals, Evolution, Conservation, and Stuff 3116 3637 Academic 4 Tetrapod Zoology Amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals (the tetrapods), living and fossil. Their evolution, ecology, behaviour and biology. Think killer eagles, dinosaurs, giant caimans, mystery cats and lake monsters. 3127 2797.7 Natural History 5 10,000 Birds Birding, blogging, conservation, and commentary for the discerning naturalist. Join Mike, Charlie, and Corey as they travel the globe in search of birds and adventure! 1688 2212.1 Birds 6 Deep-Sea News All of the news on the earth's largest habitat, the deep sea. 1412 1889.1 Marine 7 This Week at Hilton Pond An on-going weekly series of photo essays about plants, animals, habitats, and natural phenomena of the Carolina Piedmont, and beyond. Also highlighting hummingbirds in the U.S., Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Belize. Long-running blog founded February 2000. 1235 1645.4 Natural History 8 Ugly Overload Giving ugly animals their day in the sun. Your source for daily ugly. 880 1249.2 Natural History 9 Hort Log Plants, critters, field notes and nature through the tainted lenses of a plant enthusiast ..... 449 1191.1 Flora 10 The Conservation Report The Conservation Report presents the latest environmental buzz, news, and comment. From air pollution to zoonotic diseases and everything else in between. 897 1153.4 Conservation 11 Vista al Mar Informacin relacionada con el Mar y los Ocanos (especies, ecologa, biodiversidad) 746 1150.9 Marine 12 Cryptozoology Online: Still on the track Cryptozoology, high strangeness, conservation, education and good old-fashioned Natural-History. The Centre for Fortean Zoology have adventures, hunt unknown-animals, publish books, get into trouble, and try to change the world ..just a little bit 694 912.9 Natural History 13 rvores Vivas em Nossas Vidas Inspired by trees and how humans are connected to them throw culture, history, products. In portuguese 631 823.8 Flora 14 Laelaps Laelaps focuses on paleontology, natural history, and zoology. Extinct or extant, if it's weird or has big teeth it's at Laelaps. 763 655.6 Natural History 15 Exploring the World of Trees A collection of pictures and observations on a wide variety of tree species. 473 625.2 Flora 16 Wildlife Mysteries Lots of analysis, stories, and dubious speculation about the natural world. 498 598.6 Natural History 17 Science Soul Come and visit to get a sampling of biology, bioengineering, ecology, and zoology. Add hiking, climbing, and kayaking for some kick. Top it off with a look at the cultural and sociological effects of scientific discoveries and you have Science and Soul. 446 577.2 Academic 18 Birdchick Blog To show the world that you can be a birder without being a geek. 362 550.8 Birds 19 Aetiology Aetiology covers the most populous organism in nature--microbes! Investigate their ecology, interactions with other species, and diseases that pass between man and animal. 313 543.2 Natural History 20 NOVA Geoblog Earth science observations, news, photos, teaching, commentary by Callan Bentley 398 513.3 Natural History 21 The Everyday Adventurer A daily updated blog introducing beginners to nature, hiking, and everything outdoors in a fun and creative way. 447 505.5 Hiking/Outdoors 22 Julie Zickefoose I'm an artist, writer and NPR commentator who lives in the Appalachian foothills of Ohio. With this blog, I hope to show what happens when you make room in your life, every day, for the things that bring you joy. Strange...most of them are free. 590 501.1 Natural History 23 this planet is wonderful A blog done by those who love nature and animals and is in love with our beautiful planet 515 477.8 Natural History 24 The Intersection Where Science Collides With Life, Slams Into Culture, Crashes into Politics, And Gets Totaled 399 446.1 Natural History 25 Snail's Tales Snails, slugs, natural history, evolution and everything else. 340 431.2 Mollusks 26 Fish aquatic news A blog devoted to everything relating to our worlds aquatic environments. Read about environmental work, new species and other green topics. 365 423.4 Marine 27 The Saipan Blog Angelo Villagomez and his quest to protect the famed Mariana Trench and surrounding ecosystems 273 417.2 Marine 28 Myrmecos Blog Ants, photography, and photography of ants 267 415.2 Invertebrates 29 Bill of the Birds My name is Bill and I am a bird watcher. 317 382.2 Birds 30 The Oyster's Garter Science served wet and salty. 254 358.6 Marine 31 TGAW Hiking/Photo Blog with an emphasis on trees and patterns: Survivor Trees, Hearts in Nature, Silo Trees, Kooshballs in Nature. 264 348.9 Hiking/Outdoors 32 Southern Fried Science marine biology, deep sea ecology, shark conservation, mycology, and the intersection of science and southern culture. 248 344.8 Marine 33 Catalogue of Organisms The Catalogue of Organisms looks at the diversity of life on Earth, past or present, from spiders smaller than bacteria to ducks bigger than elephants. Multicellular bacteria, carnivorous fungi and foot-long protozoa also considered. 200 336.9 Academic 34 Bug Girl's Blog Entomology. Gardening. Nerdery. Ranting. I love insects and the ways in which they interact with our culture. 283 334.7 Invertebrates 35 Bird Ecology Study Group A blog devoted to the study of bird behaviour and ecology. 296 332.9 Birds 36 Coffee Conservation All about the connection between coffee and biodiversity. 248 329.5 Conservation 37 Watching The World Wake Up Salt Lake City amateur botanist and avid cyclist seeks to observe and understand flora and fauna of the Wasatch Front. 253 325 Flora 38 The Natural Patriot Dedicated to a new ideal of patriotism based in stewardship for the interdependent web of life that supports us. 269 316.1 Natural History 39 Wild Muse Meandering musings about the natural world: ecology, evolution and our environment. (Some science posts, some wild nature conservation posts.) 267 309.4 Natural History 40 Observations of a Nerd A witty, poignant blog on anything and everything that piques the interest of a biologist.
个人分类: 开放获取|2507 次阅读|0 个评论
【首篇】 开始科学的生活
caecae 2009-12-4 16:47
呵呵,早就听说科学网的 大名,科学网小木虫 是科研的两把 利剑,老板推荐了科学网,呵呵,也算给老板个面子,在科学网,开个blog,安家立户了。 我个人很少写blog的,以前建立过,可是搞了两篇用户名和密码都忘记了,一直到现在,希望,这个能坚持下来,因为这个blog是有主题的!
个人分类: 生活感想|2835 次阅读|0 个评论
woodenson 2009-11-6 12:49
去年的11月6日,来到科学网圈地开博,转眼已经一年,收获良多,特发此文以作纪念! 另一篇投到Journal of Mammalogy上的文章收到接受函,很是高兴,再贺!
个人分类: 生活点滴|3452 次阅读|3 个评论
开博啦 哈哈
atlas 2009-10-27 16:10
My new blog in sciencenet!~ woo!~~ Bless!~
个人分类: 未分类|3124 次阅读|1 个评论
Archive for the ‘Stata’ Category
zhao1198 2009-8-31 18:21
Archive for the Stata Category Many Stata do-files , also with R. http://changjx.wordpress.com/category/stacomputing/stata/
个人分类: Stata|2559 次阅读|0 个评论
Just initiated - 开博了
yujoak 2009-8-31 13:01
十多年前,在BBS灌过水,还不是web版的,算是老资格的水虫。现在是web2.0时代,要没有一个博客,都不好意思和人打招呼。要上就上实名的,还多少要点学术的。就是科学网了。 在聚合过程中,自由基一旦生成,就有一定的概率引发(initiate)链反应,形成一个高分子,直至终止。既然开博,当然不希望过快过早的终止,虽然内容也不过是记些流水账,发发感慨。因为我坚持博客不是讨论过于专业问题的好地方,这好比穿西装戴瓜皮帽,怎么看怎么别扭。但博文多少会和学术或科学沾点边,实在不行,就在文中提几遍中国科学院或科学网。 就这样,开博了。
个人分类: 博客相关|2892 次阅读|1 个评论
whitesun 2009-7-16 01:20
没让我想到的是我的blog被推荐了,成为新博推荐之一。 自从开博以来,也有9千多次访问,我想没人会出来证明是我自己点击了这么多次,因此,还是有人看过我的一些观点。说实话,从2000年进入科研界到现在,也发过些论文,自己是认真的写的,觉得还是有些观点的,也推荐一些人看,但人家未必看,尤其是认真的看,感觉论文成果对科研没什么直接贡献,而我感觉自己对科研的贡献更多体现在给别人说一些自己看过的东西,促进其他同仁去真正推进科研进步吧。尤其最近在科研道路上遇到很多困惑与痛苦,更觉得发表高水平、有价值的论文是非常难的办到,至少是目前做不到,但是感觉自己的鉴别力还是有的,至少不想让没价值的科研论文到处飘,所以感觉自己更适合出来说说自己的一些观点,让那些想发垃圾论文的人尽量少发,不发,最好说一些科研观让他们无地自容,离开科研界,少危害点科研,我想这样的价值可能更大,因此,我想写博文的价值可能大于所谓的学术论文,日后努力做科研还需坚持,发表点科研心得说不定价值更大,这样也许自己对科研会有一点点贡献。
个人分类: 有思有考|3549 次阅读|1 个评论
qizhwei 2009-7-6 17:11
个人分类: 杂感随谈|2960 次阅读|0 个评论
Start the blog.....
Sakumi 2009-5-25 13:00
I want to start mine blog on the science net blog................... Whish I still have enough time to refresh it............
个人分类: 未分类|1748 次阅读|0 个评论
laozu 2009-3-4 11:02
个人分类: 漫画|6738 次阅读|31 个评论
eloa 2008-10-30 12:04
科学松鼠会 发表于2008-10-29 星期三 16:50 编者按:在这次德国之声博客大奖赛中,入围全球最佳博客的还有一个我们的同行德国的科学写作博客scienceblogs。今天,在他们的博客上看到了一篇介绍松鼠会的文章,松鼠会成员小熊同学志愿为我们翻译了全文。全文如下: 松鼠、树洞和松鼠(原文是老鼠)的朋友中国科学博客 正如 Jessica 报道的那样(Jessica的原文在 这里 ),入围德国之声博客大奖最终轮的诸多博客中有一个来自中国的科学类博客科学松鼠会,他们号称是一群剥开科学坚果的松鼠。 有兴趣的读者可以用 在线词典leo 逐字逐句翻译成德文读一下,或者就干脆用google整页翻译,很好用哦。 对于欧洲人来说,拿动物来自喻并不常见,但是很有趣。不仅仅创作者自称松鼠,里面的博客文章成为树洞,而友情链接的分类则是松鼠的朋友。 不管怎样,我觉得将科学家比喻成松鼠还是很贴切的:因为众所周之松鼠是非常勤奋的小动物,它们在夏日搜集大量坚果,然后无目的地贮藏在树干里。到了冬天就会收获极大的欢喜,因为它们可以再次发现当时的储备并尽情享用了。这就像是科学家的工作,他们在各自的领域里付出很多勤奋的努力,积累科学知识,然后体现在科普文章中,十年二十年之后,当人们再次读起它时,方能真正体会前人作出的无私贡献,并真正将科学转化为应用。 与其他科学博客相比,松鼠会文章可能不多,但是很多人参与评论。另外还有相当多科学史一类的文章,比如拓扑学的历史(其中令我很惊讶的就是,拓扑学的概念与李斯亭和代数拓扑学与庞卡莱之间的渊源,当然这要看你使用的翻译网站是否听说过 Listing 和 Poincar 了。) 总而言之,这是一次很有意思的机会,通过博客大赛认识了松鼠会这种与众不同的科学文化。 评论 Jessica Ricc 28.10.08 16:29 Uhr 首先感谢你关于松鼠会的截屏。但是我发现了一个问题,今天我们的中国同事留言说,松鼠会的标语应该是剥开科学坚果的松鼠们,当然,我也觉得称他们为松鼠很合适,虽然按欧洲人的逻辑,有些滑稽。 Thilo Kuessner 28.10.08 16:33 Uhr 收集科学果实的松鼠,我也觉得很贴切 作者介绍: 关于Mathlog 本博客是关于数学博客,主要包括觉得我自己以及大众所感兴趣的数学话题。我计划长期介绍关于数学不同研究领域的导论,其中也有关于最新研究成果的单篇文章。 几何学和拓扑学将会成为我关注的重点,当然来自其他数学领域有意思的新话题我也不拒绝。 转载原创文章请注明,转载自: 科学松鼠会 本文链接: http://songshuhui.net/archives/3539.html
个人分类: 其他|1644 次阅读|0 个评论
zww8113 2008-6-30 12:26
偶然不经意间来到了科学网,读着一个个大牛的大作,真是享受不已啊。 试着申请了这个blog。起初,一直在寻觅个好空间想记录些自己在科学道路上的坎坷历程和美好体验。这里给了我chance,而且成功了。太excited了。 一定要常来光顾自己的小小空间,留下自己的好的和不好的点点滴滴。 不是为了成为scientist而做研究,而是为了感受science才选择了继续走下去,不管以后的路有多难。 人,贵在坚持。不是吗?
个人分类: 研究|1257 次阅读|2 个评论

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