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孟加拉印象: 蜜蜂和人
热度 3 beepro 2012-11-4 12:54
看来英文就没有人发表讨论? 那我翻译一下啊。 在孟加拉支边2周。 这是一个大概的总结。 以后有时间再发每天的情况。 1. 这是一个王子建的一个城堡 Lalbagh Fort, 建于1678. 在这个废墟的门口, 我发现大蜜蜂在采蜜(见 #5). 2. 当地人用瓶子喂蜜蜂糖浆。 3. 西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)在采水。 这是在一个盆子里面放了水, 里面放上植物(水浮莲?)。 4. 他们不知道他们有大蜂螨(台湾叫蟹螨!)(Varroa destructor)。 我教他们如何用粉糖去将螨从蜜蜂身上搞下来。 5. 大蜜蜂(Apis dorsata)在采花。 我不认得这个植物。 后来在吉隆坡也发现这个。 6. 后来在我住的地方 (Proshika 的总部)发现大蜜蜂在采一种唇形科的植物的花。 叶子有点像紫苏。 但是不是。 后来发现, 估计是同一个蜜蜂, 天天早上来采, 让我拍。 她6点来,9点以后就没了。 7. 美女补席子。 8. 市场上2个男人在快乐着。 8. 路边的妇女和小孩, 估计在等巴士? 9. 我每天6-7点去散步, 当地朋友一起, 这样我拍照时也比较方便。 他们主动要我拍。 有时是朋友叫他们让我拍。 这里有2-3家人。 10. 2个上学路上的小孩。 11. 三个女孩在一起玩儿。 我在里面吃饭。 用长镜头拍她们。 她们好象又害羞, 又想让我拍。 12. 牛也坐漂亮的卡车。 他们喜欢鲜艳的颜色(好色!), 连卡车上面到处是画的不同东西。 13. 全国各地都很多的人力车。 我坐了一次到城里。 6公里, 2个人, 一共25美分! 另一个人坐巴士, 更便宜。 2.5美分! 14. 路比尼泊尔还烂。 15.那天我去看3个蜂场, 智勇350公里, 但是坐了8 .5小时的车! 在这里我们馅住不能开了。 来了2个村民, 推我们的车出来。 要给他们钱。 不要。 最后拿了。 每人25美分。 另外一个地方有小孩晕倒(下次给片片), 好多人帮忙, 洗头, 电话。 看来民风比内地好!
个人分类: 国外|3829 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]Science Blog 2012年05月08日 20:30 (星期二)
xupeiyang 2012-5-8 20:57
http://scienceblog.com/ Some giant planets in other systems most likely to be alone 70 percent of beaches eroding on Hawaiian islands Kauai, Oahu, and Maui Taking America’s Rarest Snake Back to the Woods Heart attack survivors living close to highways face higher 10-year death risk Diabetes drug metformin could treat blindness ‘Brain pacemaker’ may hold promise for mild Alzheimer’s Mastodons, humans lived side-by-side Bandwidth Caps Create Uncertainty, Risky Decisions Elevated HIV infection risk in some Step Study participants Plan would control deadly tsetse fly One Supernova Type, Two Different Sources Death penalty or penal labor for poachers Gut flora affects maturation of B cells in infants Researcher designs schoolyard for children with autism Unconscious racial attitudes playing large role in 2012 presidential vote
个人分类: 科学博客|1813 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Science Blog (in this message: 15 new items)04月19日
xupeiyang 2012-4-19 21:34
http://scienceblog.com/ Finding ET may require giant robotic leap Killing in war linked with suicidal thoughts among Vietnam veterans Kids get more active when given more toy choices Speed and ecstasy associated with depression in teens Death knell for dark matter theories? Magnetic fields can send particles to infinity Mammals didn’t always eat they way they do now Medical neutron source goes chip-size Curbing College Binge Drinking: What Role Do ‘Alcohol Expectancies’ Play? Joint failures potentially linked to oral bacteria Carrot but no stick for a healthy child Dropping the bomb on tumors Exercise, counseling, meditation make brain better Can behavior be controlled by genes? The case of honeybee work assignments Belief in God strongest in US and Catholic countries
个人分类: 科学博客|1388 次阅读|0 个评论
Climate Change Impacts on the Giant Panda
xupeiyang 2010-1-4 17:00
http://www.worldwildlife.org/climate/act-for-our-future/species-panda.html Climate Change Impacts on the Giant Panda With fewer than 2,500 adult giant pandas in the wild, the species is categorized as endangered on the IUCNs (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species. While todays giant pandas are largely safe from the historic threat of poaching, their populations at least until recently have continued to decline due to habitat loss and fragmentation, primarily as a result of development. Jenny Jonak/WWF-US Access to the giant pandas primary source of food, bamboo, may become restricted as the basin of Chinas Yangtze River is increasingly affected by climate change. The Yangtze River basin is projected to undergo warming trends, higher levels of CO2 and more extreme weather events (Yangtze Conservation and Development Report 2009). These changes are expected to result in an increase in forest pests and diseases and may impact the production of some forest species (Yangtze Conservation and Development Report 2009). If these changes subsequently result in decreased bamboo production there will be less food available for the giant panda. Learn more about giant pandas Sources Sources: Loucks, C.J., Z. L, E. Dinserstein, W. Dajun, F. Dali and W. Hao. 2003. The giant pandas of the Qinling Mountains, China: a case study in designing conservation landscapes for elevational migrants. Conservation Biology 17(2):558-565. Loucks, C.J., Z. L, E. Dinserstein, H. Wang, D.M. Olson, C. Zhu and D. Wang. 2001. Giant pandas in a changing landscape. Science 294(13):1465. L, Z, D. Wang and D.L. Garshelis. 2008. Ailuropoda melanoleuca . In: IUCN 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . Accessed on 11 May 2009. McClean, C. and J. Lovett. 2008. Bamboos and climate change in China: preliminary report . University of York, England. 27 pp. Accessed on 12 May 2009. Xu, W., X. Wang, Z. Ouyang, J. Zhang, Z. Li, Y. Xiao and H. Zheng. In press. Conservation of giant panda habitat in South Minshan, China, after the May 2008 earthquake. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, July 27, 2009 e-View. Yangtze Conservation and Development Report , 2009. China Academy of Sciences, et al. Executive Summary in English. Accessed on 8 May 2009. Youde, C., Z. Jinna and Y. Ming. 2007. The green heart of China: integrated landscape conservation and sustainable development in giant panda ranges in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. WWF China. 18 pp. Zhang, B., M. Li, Z. Zhang, B. Goossens, L. Zhu, S. Zhang, J. Hu, M. Bruford and F. Wei. 2007. Genetic viability and population history of the giant panda, putting an end to the evolutionary dead end? Molecular Biology and Evolution. 24(8):1801-1810. Impacts on species around the globe Polar Bears African Lions Whales and Dolphins Penguins Reef-building Corals Marine Turtles
个人分类: 科学研究|2211 次阅读|0 个评论

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