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热度 3 dulizhi95 2011-7-6 17:46
国内专业顶级期刊计算机学报的审稿意见,及本人逐条详细解释说明 文章内容见前面博文里的说明。 先列一下专家的审稿意见: 1,算法第四步,“切和插的规则是:使新产生的断点数最少,计算深度为2,同时应避免相同的一截在几个不同的地方连续作无谓的插入”。 (1)为了保证新产生的断点数最少,一种可行的方法是枚举所有的插入方案,从中找出具有最少断点的方案。如果插入的位置个数是O(n),每个位置有正、反两个方向,那么尝试的可能性将达到2的n次方量级,时间就不可能是多项式的。如果不枚举所有的插入方案,论文没有给出在这一步选择最优方案(断点数最少)的方法并证明其正确性,也没有论证这个步骤为什么是多项式时间。 (2)计算深度为2的依据是什么?怎么证明这样做不会丢失了最优方案? (3)连续作无谓的插入的含义是什么?算法根据什么规则判断此刻所做的插入将是无谓的?连续的含义是什么?连着做几次算连续? 作为一个算法,不能采用通常的自然语言的说法,必须对每一步给出清晰的描述,以便于机器执行。 2. “若新产生的断点数不为0,同时又找不到一新断点与前面所有的主断点不同,这意味着图中不存在Hamilton环”。这是算法判断不存在Hamilton环的一个充分条件,应该给出数学证明,这关系到算法的正确性。 3. “无论图形多大,在计算的每一步,至多只有6个“部分”或12个节点对运算直接起作用”,算法第一步是将N(论文中N和n没有区分)个节点随意排列,形成一个包含r个断点的环,这里为什么只有12个节点起作用 下面是我的详细回答: 1,每次从主断点开始切掉一节,插入到剩余部分的某点,切的可能性有O(n)个,对每一个切,有O(n)个插入点,每一点插入时,有正反两个方向,那么每一节插的可能性有:2* O(n)个,所有节总的可能性是:O(n)*2* O(n)个,这是多项式。 说明:( 1)这一步当然不能保证整个环的最优,它只是从贪婪算法的角度,仅在这一步来看,在这个方法的多项式时间内是最优的。(2)该方法看似随机,但大量计算表明,该方法具有明显的强迫性,即:若图中有环,它会强迫着朝那个方向前进(非直线),并最终达到(需要证明)。(3)该方法包含了Posa那个著名的计算Hamilton环的rotation-extension法,但大大扩展了该方法。 2,我的证明方法是穷举法,即:如果我们能用本算法穷举计算所有无向图,包含任意个数的节点,最大度数为 3 ,都符合算法中所要求的规律,都能按本算法计算得到正确结果,那当然可以肯定算法是正确的。然而,所有无向图的个数是无穷大,如何穷举? 3 ,计算的每一步,各个节点都可删除,但删除不能破坏主 Hamilton 环,这点较复杂,文中已有详述。为什么可以这样做?要结合 2 中的穷举来证明。 4 ,由于每一步,各个节点都可删除,故, 审稿意见中问到为何是 12个节点,对此我的回答是:我这12个节点起作用,指的是对此时此刻的这步操作,只有12个节点起作用!你做一次切和插你试试看你就会明白,每次切和插最多不超过12个节点在起直接的作用。其他节点对该次切和插是不起直接作用的,这一点非常明显,我也在文中有详述。这里应特别注意,任何一步任何节点都可删除,删除的方式我文中已做了详解。所谓不起作用,也就是删除该节点后,切和插依然不变。包括起间接作用的节点加在一起最多不超过24个,故在进行结合和分解中,最多结合到24个节点。 这个结论在节点最大度数为3时,试试各种可能的图形,就可得到。 注意到用该算法去计算时, 每一步只有至多 12 个节点在起作用,其他节点不直接起作用(此特点在节点最大度数为三时易证)。也就是说,当你计算一个几百万个节点的大图形时,实际上你是在不断地计算 12 个节点的小图形(可能有大量的小图形是重复的)。当然,这 12 个节点不是固定的,而是动态变化的。这就是我证明的全部基础和关键点。所谓起直接作用就是:切的时候,被切掉的那截的两个端点,被切的地方即将靠在一起的两个节点,插入点的两个节点,这是 6个节点,明显的在起直接作用,又因为每个“部分”的两个端点不能只删除一个,也就是说两个端点若保留了一个,另一个也必须同时保留,故最大可能起直接作用的端点数是12。所谓起间接作用就是:删除后会改变新产生的断点数。同样,每个任意大的图形都可分解为12(11)个节点的小图形,也必须通过2中所说的穷举来完全证明。 5,既然每一步起作用的最多只有12个节点(可扩展到24),其他节点又可删除,那么,我只要动态地找到所有这些12个节点所构成的小图形,穷举它们,都符合我的算法,那当然就意味着我完成了穷举,证明了算法的正确性。这应该不难理解啊!为什么那么多审稿专家,包括国际知名的SCI期刊的审稿专家,就是理解不了这一点,就是要用这样的理由来否定我:你不能保证你的方法的正确性,你没有数学证明!?任何一个大的图形,不论多大,每一步实际上是在重复计算12个节点的小图形,这难道不是很容易看出来吗?!! 6,下面就是如何解决“这 12 个节点不是固定的,而是动态变化的”这个问题,以及除 12 个节点外还起间接作用的那些节点,我的方法是:通过“结合”和“分解”。 7,关于计算深度为2的问题,同样通过穷举来完成证明。 8,关于连续无谓的插入,你从主断点切掉一截,假使在几个点插入时新产生的断点数都为1,你用同一截在这几个地方连续插,每插一次,那个主断点就不能再用了,相当于你浪费了几个主断点,却没有进展。应避免这样连续(2次及以上都不行),这也是为何要计算深度为2的根本原因,你只能选其中一个,即在下一步断点数少的那个。 9,关于“若新产生的断点数不为0,同时又找不到一新断点与前面所有的主断点不同,这意味着图中不存在Hamilton环”的证明问题,回答是:穷举。 10,总之,理解非常难,这没有办法。需要审稿专家运用头脑和智慧进行多要素的关联和深入的思考,而绝不能仅进行表层思维就得出结论或判断。 欢迎同行专家批评指正!
6125 次阅读|7 个评论
热度 4 zheyang 2011-6-25 15:20
一切似乎都在想象之中,等了一个多月的时间,终于收到了某期刊对论文的审稿意见。 查看邮件前,心情有些跌荡。因为毕业一周年,刚刚给同学打完电话,本意是在这样的时间点上,给久未联系的同学送去一句问候。寒暄中因为一些个人因素,我的心又被紧紧地揪了一下。打完电话后回到办公室,趴在桌子上平复心情。有些事情已经过去了,再怎样都已经过去了。所以,一切顺其自然吧。 起身查看邮箱,终于收到了期刊审稿的回复邮件。带着窃喜的心情打开文档,审稿意见足有九条,针针见血,给出了修改后再审的通知。高涨的情绪一下子down了下去,虽然先前在本科学习阶段有过论文发表的经历,但是当时正值毕业之际,论文的联系人以及修改工作都是指导老师在负责,所以自己并未真正经历过这样的锻炼。 起初论文投稿前,导师还问我是否改投到国外期刊,我直接否决了。因为来到这里,我知道时机还不成熟,曾经拥有的那些信誓旦旦,都已经被现实磨平了棱角。我知道这篇文章还存有很多问题,如果真要投到外面,审稿后给我的打击会更大。 给导师转发了审稿意见的邮件,想看看她的意见。晚饭后在电梯里碰巧遇到她,聊起这个话题,我又被小小的打击了一次。因为最近她一直忙于项目开题答辩,谈论到文章的修改她给出的态度有些冷淡,这又勾起了我去批判曾经选择来到这里的那个决定。 早上得知导师出国了,那就忙去吧,论文的修改需要自己独立完成了。 因为有了因为,所以有了所以,既然已成既然,何必再说何必。 有些路需要自己亲自去走,走过之后,才知那是一条怎样的路。有些心情需要自己亲自去梳理,梳理过后,才知拥有怎样的心情自己才能快乐。有些决定既然已成既然,就不要再说何必。 不积跬步,无以至千里。虽然现在的步伐有些缓慢,但是一切都会好起来的。O(∩_∩)O
个人分类: 专业学习笔记|2824 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 18 nkivy 2011-6-17 01:34
从090807开始动笔到091018初稿完成,边做边写边写边做;(现在回过头来看看,当初写的别提有多糟糕了,虽然之前有写过一篇中文) 从091018老板第一次修改到091230第一次投稿,前前后后在老板的指导下改了9次;(还好,那时候实验室的文章不太多,往返比较快,呵呵) NO.1 杯具的时光是短暂的:09年的最后一天投到了Water research,十天以后有消息(大致的意思是说我们所做的与该期刊不符,被编辑否了,没有送审) NO.2 经历了慢慢的等待:100114投到Applied Catalysis: B Environmental,经历了January 14 with editor——February 19 under review——April 28 under review——May 18,2010,completed rejected。(三个审稿人回来两个审稿意见,Reviewer #1: major revision;Reviewer #2:If the authors want to publish it at App. Catal. B, they need to add more experimental results and discussions,实际上也应该是个major revision,结果编辑给rejected了,4各月零4天等到了这么个结果,杯具呀!)不过审稿人的意见还是蛮中肯的,接下来的几个月先是忙着硕士论文的答辩、办一些毕业手续、参加一些毕业活动,然后按照审稿人的建议进行了修改,补做了一个表征和一部分实验,不知不觉就到了9月份。(这个期刊也不都是这么慢,得看审稿人的速度了,我师姐投了一篇不到3个月就收了) NO.3 Sep 5 2010,Applied Catalysis: B Environmental again,结果可想而知,3天杯具,编辑的回信中提到:“ That is not the way you can resubmit your paper once completely rejected. Since no rebuttal system exists in APCATB and only way you can do is to send the paper again after extensive revision on the basis of the reviewers' comments directly to me at my Email address. Then, I will decide whether it can be re-resubmitted or not. ”貌似说我们没有直接email他。 NO.4 目前Accept的期刊Environmental pollution,这个期刊要求投稿之前先将摘要email编辑,同意之后才可以再投,老板给纳米材料领域的编辑发了个email,不久,编辑回信可投,于Oct 28, 2010投稿,记得好像是11年01月12日左右收到老板邮件有消息了(三个审稿人,reviewer #1:major revision;reviewer #2:This is a generall well written manuscript,although there are some relatively minor English/grammatical errors. I think the manuscript is worthy of publication however I do have some comments.我理解为minor revision;reviewer #3:major revision. 最后,编辑让major,还需要review again。看看时间快寒假了,去年寒假弄这篇,今年寒假还这篇,⊙﹏⊙b汗,年后(应该是初十)早早回校,和老板讨论修改后于3月7日修改稿返回。又过了将近两个月5月5日老板email,编辑email中说:“I am very pleased to inform you that the reviewers recommend that your manuscript should be accepted for publication, after satisfactory revision.”让小修,我又反复改了几次,正赶上老板去瑞士出差一个周,回来后Dr.Martin来访,又赶上博士硕士答辩,还有一个ETC的稿件要审(据老板说已经催过几次了,呵呵),还有几个基金要审(估计也快到期了),实验室需要修改的文章也越来越多(目前硕士也很少写中文的了),事情太多,一拖再拖,我是一催再催(O(∩_∩)O~当然要委婉点),终于在11年06月06日将修改稿返回去了,又是盼(不过,估计是差不多了),又是一个十天06月16日收到老板email说是Accept了O(∩_∩)O~! 感想:回想这一年十个月零九天,感慨颇多,在论文的不断修不断改中也学到了许多,也许这就是一个慢慢成长的过程吧! 插曲:和我同时投文章的还有一师兄和一师弟,我们三兄弟道路不同结果却极为相似,都是自己的第一篇SCI,都经历了一年多的时间,虽然投过稿的期刊不尽相同,但都经历了投-拒-投-再拒-再投……这么个过程,最后都于10年10月前后投到了EP(Environmental pollution),最先有结果的是师兄的,一个半月直接接收了(还是师兄啊),然后就是师弟了,两个半月小修之后就收了,悲催的我这时候还在等review again的消息呢:(。道路是曲折的,前途是光明的O(∩_∩)O哈!最终都瓜熟落地了bless!Go on fighting! 不伦不类写了一大堆,以此来纪念我的第一篇SCI!看看时间已是凌晨,该睡了_! ——二零一一年凌晨于南开大学寝室 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749111003496 Simultaneous adsorption and degradation of γ-HCH by nZVI Cu bimetallic nanopart.pdf
个人分类: 我的papers|20653 次阅读|23 个评论
热度 22 lujiangxiao 2011-6-16 13:37
  一个博士生工作了六七年,最后临门一脚由于技术上的失误,面临拿不到学位的可能,如果我们碰上该不该救?这种情况虽不常见,但是还是有的。有的研究所有规定,学生答辩后两年内一定要有篇文章被接收,否则不授予建议科学院授予博士学位。我觉得授予博士学位一定要发表一篇经过同行评议,有一定质量的原始文献。这绝对是个好的规定,标志着授予我国博士的标准达到世界最高。但是规定两年这个时限值得商榷。因为两年看似很长,但要做一篇好文章可能还不够呢。我听到有学生紧赶慢赶,在两年零几个月文章被接收了,但是却没拿到学位。我实在替他们惋惜。   几天前我也碰到一例。这不是我的学生,他在国内答辩后文章还没写好,就出来做博士后了,因为博后这边老板等不及。一离开实验室,写文章肯定就慢了,历尽辛苦写好投出以后,时间就非常紧,二审意见回来的当天就是答辩后两年的死线。可是一般审稿很少按期回来的,晚十天半月是常有的。学生急得象火上房,辗转托我以前的学生找到了我商量对策。我个人觉得,如果不是学术造假,不是本人不作为,一个学生用了六七年的大好青春努力工作了,一定要尽力去救的。我想这么紧急的情况也许应该让杂志的编辑知道,催一下。可是编辑只能按审稿人的意见办,催也可能有副作用。同时作为作者应该尽量遵守杂志的规矩,只能到期后再催。再有在审稿过程中催编辑也是一种忌讳,连他现在系里的资深教授都王顾左右而言它,不愿冒这个风险。可是我想我作为一个外人,也许能帮着和编辑搭个话,就算编辑照章办事,也不会把事情弄得太糟。于是就起草了一封比较委婉的电邮,想和编辑通个电话说明一下情况。为了慎重起见,电邮的草稿先寄给那学生,让他找位米国同事修辞一下。那位美国同事把文字改得非常恰当得体,我收到后立刻给编辑发出了。    当时已经是伦敦当地时间半夜12点了。没想到十分钟后就收到了回信,看来编辑是位工作十分勤奋的人。借此机会我在几分钟内又和她打了两通电邮,基本说明了情况。她十分愿意帮忙,但也说明只能给审稿人电邮说明情况,让他们按期打回意见,她在没看到意见前是不能正式写接收函的。同时她说,第一审没有重大意见,最终应该是能被接收的,只是时间问题不好控制。最大的问题是如果审稿人还有些意见,再修改一轮,就不易赶上死线了。    我把她的认为稿子没有重大问题的这层意思向国内的导师和学术委员会转述,基本上得到国内老师的理解,在学术委员投票时终于暂时通过了。在死线的当天,审稿意见果然按期回来,然而还有些小地方需要修改,但是只要编辑把关就行了。学生以最快的速度改完的最终版本,当天投出去,却担心当时已经是伦敦夜里,如果编辑明天才看,国内报批就赶不上了。于是我只好又给编辑写了一封电邮。伦敦时间凌晨两点,她回信说最终版本是被杂志控制的,她不能直接看到,只能去电邮催,让那边给她。没想到到了伦敦时间早上八点,她的正式接收函就到了。彻夜等候的学生立刻把接收函转到国内,当时是北京时间下午三点,老师们还没下班。问题终于得到圆满解决。    我和这位编辑素不相识,但对她的勤奋敬业印象十分深刻。我想她一定也经历过攻读博士学位的辛苦,因此能尽力帮着一个从未谋面的学生。学生给她的感谢函中写到“你的好心和努力救了一个学生的前途”。
6896 次阅读|26 个评论
gangli1978 2011-6-15 22:08
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热度 10 JYH64J98Y99H 2011-5-9 12:16
有一位博友,写了篇《给国内大众“期刊编辑”们的几点意见》,加不加星,写得好不好,对于他本人可能是重要的,对于其他人就未必了。但这是一个可以讨论的话题。网络时代,几乎人人都是编辑,开设博客,甚至人人都是主编。同时,每一个学界中人都需要写稿、投稿。讨论这样的问题,很有意义。 我先将作者的文章要点拎出来。他说,作者应该是经常反思自己是否应该遵守学术操守?是否剽窃他人成果、捏造数据?是否一稿多投?是否发论文为了升迁评职称捞外快?等等。铺垫完了,他话锋一转,问道:国内期刊的部分编辑们,是否也应该反思一下,应该遵守什么样的职业操守?是否有五十步笑百步之嫌? 他问得好!学术期刊本来就是联系学者的桥梁和纽带。学术期刊的问题也折射了学术界的问题,值得好好讨论。他甚至提出期刊应该多刊发作者不太成熟的想法,我想,他要表达的意思是,要多发表有创新思想但未必完美的文章,也可能在呼吁多给年轻人发表的机会。也许他谈的某一具体而专业的问题,我们因为学科的屏障而不方便介入讨论。也有可能是审稿专家与作者本人意见不太统一,外行不好作出判断。但我们能够感受到意见的不同甚至截然相反,不然也不会冒出五十步笑百步之说。俗话说,没吃过猪肉还能没看过猪走?这样的事情在期刊界,在整个学术界可谓司空见惯。 唯其如此,学术问题才需要百家争鸣。没有什么人可以垄断真理,有问题,拿出来讨论。正像感到幸福你就喊一样,感到痛苦你也喊! 他对看重职称和基金作了批评。这可能与期刊评价指标有关。从概率论的角度,教授比副教授水平高、副教授比讲师水平高,尽管小概率事件也是常常发生的,但人们包括编辑产生社会刻板印象也是事出有因的。虽然博士学位是最高学位了,可是有人老是把他的博士后经历挂在嘴上,这和若干年前的一则招聘广告如出一辙:硕士待遇二室一厅,博士待遇三室一厅,博士后待遇四室二厅!呵呵。其实,与其批评期刊,还不如批评评定基金的专家、官员,为什么有学问的没有基金,未必有什么学问的拿走了那么多基金?他批评期没有审稿意见和编辑的官样回答:“很抱歉,文章不适合本刊的风格,欢迎下次再投”。他批评审稿周期长。他还批评一些期刊,通过收钱,然后寻租,拿钱在去买名声,名声好了,在提高价格。等等。我觉得这位博友可贵之处,就是他说得全是真话。 这些现象,我们有时称作乱象,就在当下中国客观存在着。对此,有人大声漫骂,理直气壮;有人悄悄议论,无可奈何;有人不予理睬,高视阔步;有人慷慨解囊,直呼划算;有人见缝插针,捕捉机遇。人过一百,形形色色。这都是转型期学者们真实而不同表现。 在我看来,很多时候,编辑充当了替罪羊的角色。有的时候,是审稿制度否定了作者的文章,有的时候,是刊物定位否定了作者文章,有的时候,是编辑的职业使命否定了作者的文章。有时回答等于没有回答,有时不回答有时也是一种回答。好多刊物作了明确说明。收费问题,不同国家不同刊物,同一国家不同刊物都执行不一样的标准。对于国内期刊,首要的任务在于需要明确规定,统一收费标准,换句话,买卖要公平,要明码标价,童叟无欺,不收费更要像中山陵免费开放一样大声吆喝。人们看问题角度不同,立场不同,阅历不同,意见也很不相同。所谓买卖毕竟不是一家。学术论文发表呼唤公开、公平、公正。 我个人觉得,作者希望获得审稿意见的要求也不能够算有什么不妥,但执行起来是需要一定条件的。谁来审稿?审稿人的报酬怎么确定,谁来支付?我到觉得医院的模式最为公平,谁都可以拎着尿样到任何一家医院,办妥了交费手续,按规定领回自己的化验报告。我国学术期刊可能需要在完善制度方面有所作为。将来的某一天,人人可以像领化验报告一样领取审稿意见,岂不美哉?这个问题要转换一下,就是谁来干?他有什么资质?他的劳动谁去支付报酬?别以为只是一个人的事情,同样的人多着呢。一个人报警可以不花钱,但打民事官司他必须首先花钱。法官普遍比公安干警富裕,不信可以调查一下。让别人义务劳动,一回可以,一百回呢,一万回呢。基本上,当作者感到满意的时候,可能就是专家、编辑在奉献着,一将功成万骨枯啊。过节的时候,老百姓欢天喜地的,警察可能就要荷枪实弹,如临大敌呢。 事实上,我们纯粹就是为了公益事业热心讨论问题的,而非其他,否则只会形成甚至加深偏见。我们常以理想化的标准要求他人,而往往并没有给他人理想化的对待。在我看来,发生在谁身上的问题,谁就尽量说得清清楚楚,否则,就别再说了。生活中很多道理貌似简单实则深奥,这相当于小马过河,牛可能感到水还不够深,松鼠则说自己的同伴早就被水淹死了。
个人分类: 博视坊间|8894 次阅读|21 个评论
热度 1 liwenbianji 2011-4-11 15:07
面向中国和日本科研人员的本地支持 美国物理联合会 (AIP) (www.aip.org) 和Edanz Group Ltd. ( 理文编辑 ) 与2011年3月21日签署合作协议,今后向AIP出版期刊投稿的作者在选择Edanz时会享受到更便捷、优惠的服务,中国和日本的科研作者将得到本地支持。新闻原文请见: AIP and Edanz Work to Support “AIP始终致力于为作者提供有意义的服务,”AIP期刊出版人Mark Cassar先生说。“为了实现这个承诺,我们的服务必须要突破常规,做到服务语言的本地化和服务时间的本地化。Edanz拥有专业的团队,能够帮助我们的作者提高写作质量,提升稿件的整体表达,出版过程中所涉及到的各个环节均将受益于此。” Edanz的英语母语编辑具有丰富的经验,专业背景覆盖了大部分的学术领域,其中也包括AIP出版的期刊系列。除了可以帮助希望向AIP投稿的作者修改稿件外,Edanz还能提供一系列其他服务,如撰写附信、回复审稿意见等等。对于AIP的作者,Edanz将提供10%的优惠折扣。 “2010年AIP北京办事处的成立无疑表明了AIP对于今日亚洲学术研究重要性的认可,”Edanz Group Ltd.董事长Kerry Greer先生说,“Edanz是唯一一个完全扎根在中国、为全球作者提供学术英语语言润色服务的机构,在中国这个关键的、迅速发展的市场中,Edanz已经做好了助力AIP作者的准备。”AIP和Edanz将针对如何写好学术论文共同开展培训项目。 美国物理联合会是代表了超过13.5万名科学家、工程师和教育者的由10个物理科学学会组成的联盟,它是全世界物理科学领域科学信息的最大的出版者。AIP还在教育和学生服务、科学交流、政府关系、科学和工程专业人士职业服务、统计研究、行业推广以及物理学和其他学科历史信息等方面提供有用的资源的专业的知识。AIP为科学学会和科学与工程学会的出版者提供伙伴解决方案,它是学术期刊电子出版领域的领导者。目前AIP出版13种期刊(journals.aip.org)和两份杂志 ,包括它的旗舰出版物《今日物理》,以及AIP会议文集系列。它的网络出版平台Scitation收录了来自28个学术团体出版社的190份学术期刊、会刊和学术团体电子书籍的160万篇论文。AIP推出了首个国际物理学界社交网络网站UniPHY,它集合了超过30万名科学家的信息,为全球科研人员的协作提供了平台。 Edanz Group Ltd.于1995年和2006年先后在日本和中国( 理文编辑 )成立公司,致力于提供英语学术文章的语言润色及相关服务。Edanz可以帮助作者提高文章的语言质量,达到国际期刊的发表标准,具有专业背景的英语母语编辑可以覆盖AIP所有期刊系列的学术领域。Edanz是唯一一家在日本和中国都设有办事机构的国际编辑服务公司,十分了解希望成功发表文章的英语非母语科学家所面临的挑战。
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热度 10 scaukzcai 2011-3-12 21:02
关于发表文章,大家都知道,不管是在国内还是国外的刊物上发表,一般都要经过同行评议这个过程。一般来讲文章作者都要尊重审稿人的审稿意见,进行认真的修改,这样才能增加发表的机率。也有例外,请看发生在我身上的几个例子: 1.一个例子是我作为审稿人评审国外SCI刊物的一篇稿子(作者是巴西的),由于研究内容是我熟悉的,因此我非常认真的进行了评审。提了不少修改意见。主要问题是:(1)作者漏掉了一些重要的文献,我帮他列了出来;(2)文中许多地方有重复,并且引用文献内容太多,经常是一大段一大段引用同一篇文献;(3)实验处理之间许多重要的结果没有进行比较,影响了文章的可读性。审稿结论是大修后可以考虑接受。可是过一段时间,发现该文章竟然一点也没有采纳我的修改意见,就在另一个影响因子差不多的刊物上发表出来,令人大吃一惊,这样都可以。 结论:此处不留人,自有留人处。但这种不采纳合理意见的做法不可取,也许偶尔可以成功,但迟早要吃亏的。也会影响你在这个圈子中的印象。 2. 另一个例子发生在我们课题组。我们将一篇文章投到本领域国内最好的一个刊物上面,回来三个审稿意见,一个接受,两个拒稿。原来是两个审稿人意见不一致,编辑部又找了第三个人审稿,结果第三个人也是拒稿,当然编辑部也是拒稿。我们看了审稿意见,觉得那两个拒稿的审稿人提的意见都是不合理的,都没有从学术内容方面提意见,并且没有认真看文章,仅仅几句泛泛的评语就把别人枪毙了。因此我们给编辑部回信,对审稿意见一一阐述我们的观点,最后表示我们接受审稿结果,但是不接受审稿意见。编辑可能觉得我们的争辩有道理,就回信让我们重新投稿,他们重新找审稿人,结果我们重投后,编辑部换了两个新的审稿人,都评价很好,文章基本没有怎么修改就接受了。 结论:只要坚信自己的研究结果,就不怕考验,也敢于争辩,可以对审稿人说不。
个人分类: 论文写作|16314 次阅读|16 个评论
热度 4 upflyzhang 2011-3-3 09:27
本人初出茅庐,在国际期刊上投过几次稿,经历了几次同行评议,略有感触,罗列于此。 如果一篇文章对于现有的理论进行进一步扩展和完善,或者不同角度证明现有的理论,这样的文章一般没有什么冲突,只要功底过硬,比较好发表。但一篇文章如果挑战现有的被广泛接受的理论,十有八九的命运就是被同行评议毙掉。也就是同行评议压抑真正的创新。这在科学史上的例子不胜枚举,但今天却让一个刚刚展露头角的我给碰上了,真是一肚子苦水。 我大概一年前发现空泡动力学中有一些经典的理论并不正确,跟导师商量后,导师也认为我是对的,但由于是挑战已经建立的理论,处理起来比较慎重,我们当时并没有选择发表,而是断断续续修改了将近一年,把相关的论文基本都推导了一遍,讨论了不下几十次,可以说见解也算比较全面了,学术上绝对的胸有成竹,文章更是精雕细琢,不敢有半点瑕疵。投稿之前,我已经有心理准备,知道这不是一个好差事,可能是一场恶仗。投到我们这个领域的顶级期刊后,最近拿到审稿意见。没想到,拿到的审稿意见后真是让我很失望,失望的原因倒不是编辑的退稿,而是让人哭笑不得甚至愤怒的审稿意见。简单讲两个审稿人洋洋洒洒挑了很多毛病,但却没有一个站的住脚的,甚至连专业常识都没有,很多批评连我们原文中的数据都引用错了,颠倒黑白。。我失望是因为我曾经这么喜爱的期刊,曾经发表过无数优秀文章的杂志竟然聘请这样的审稿人;我失望我精雕细琢不敢有半点瑕疵的得意之作竟被这样的审稿人,这样没有水准的审稿意见毙掉;我失望为了发表我的成果,我竟然要“认真的”去回答这些无聊的审稿意见。科研是一个多么有趣的事情,当我做出这个发现的时候,我激动得高兴了好几天,圣诞节把自己关在屋里,仔仔细细的推导,详详细细的做笔记。为了防止与别人已发表的工作重复,把ISI数据库中的几百篇的引用文章的摘要都过了一遍。为了让文章没有瑕疵,把相关的,不太相关的公式都仔细的推导了一遍,纠正了里面的错误,并将其都汇总,有必要指出的都在我的文章中做了标注,为的就是不让这些错误在我的文章中流传下去。诚然,在这个过程中,我收获的远不止这篇文章,而是对整个方向更加深刻的认识,对其应用的领域更为细致的了解。但整个科研的美妙,却被这份蹩脚的审稿意见所玷污,回答这些审稿意见当然不难,通过申诉程序文章也许仍能最终得以发表,但同行评议的制度似乎注定了让我们发表自己工作的时候,要花很多时间去对付某些无聊的审稿意见。悲哀!但浪费的青春是无价的,也许把他们用在我们所喜爱的工作上能结出更多的果实。 2011年2月3日写于Coventry
101 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 1 renquane 2011-2-11 16:47
【转】英文论文审稿意见汇总 收藏 转自‘海岩秋沙’的QQ空间: 以下是从一个朋友转载来的,关于英文投稿过程中编辑给出的意见。与大家一起分享。 以下12点无轻重主次之分。每一点内容由总结性标题和代表性审稿人意见构成。 1、目标和结果不清晰。 It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader. 2、未解释研究方法或解释不充分。 ◆ In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical me thods used in the study. ◆ Furthermore, an explanation of why the authors did these various experiments should be provided. 3、对于研究设计的rationale: Also, there are few explanations of the rationale for the study design. 4、夸张地陈述结论/夸大成果/不严谨: The conclusions are overstated. For example, the study did not show if the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation. 5、对hypothesis的清晰界定: A hypothesis needs to be presented。 6、对某个概念或工具使用的rationale/定义概念: What was the rationale for the film/SBF volume ratio? 7、对研究问题的定义: Try to set the problem discussed in this paper in more clear, write one section to define the problem 8、如何凸现原创性以及如何充分地写literature review: The topic is novel but the application proposed is not so novel. 9、对claim,如A>B的证明,verification: There is no experimental comparison of the algorithm with previously known work, so it is impossible to judge whether the algorithm is an improvement on previous work. 10、严谨度问题: MNQ is easier than the primitive PNQS, how to prove that. 11、格式(重视程度): ◆ In addition, the list of references is not in our style. It is close but not completely correct. I have attached a pdf file with "Instructions for Authors" which shows examples. ◆ Before submitting a revision be sure that your material is properly prepared and formatted. If you are unsure, please consult the formatting nstructions to authors that are given under the "Instructions and Forms" button in he upper right-hand corner of the screen. 12、语言问题(出现最多的问题): 有关语言的审稿人意见: ◆ It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader. ◆ The authors must have their work reviewed by a proper translation/reviewing service before submission; only then can a proper review be performed. Most sentences contain grammatical and/or spelling mistakes or are not complete sentences. ◆ As presented, the writing is not acceptable for the journal. There are pro blems with sentence structure, verb tense, and clause construction. ◆ The English of your manuscript must be improved before resubmission. We str ongly suggest that you obtain assistance from a colleague who is well-versed i n English or whose native language is English. ◆ Please have someone competent in the English language and the subject matte r of your paper go over the paper and correct it. ? ◆ the quality of English needs improving. 来自编辑的鼓励: Encouragement from reviewers: ◆ I would be very glad to re-review the paper in greater depth once it has be en edited because the subject is interesting. ◆ There is continued interest in your manuscript titled "……" which you subm itted to the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomat erials. ◆ The Submission has been greatly improved and is worthy of publication. 本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处: http://blog.csdn.net/chenyusiyuan/archive/2008/12/03/3437577.aspx
21324 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 16 sqdai 2011-1-26 08:22
这些年来,经常向国内外科技刊物投稿,也常为它们审稿,发现国内外科技论文的审稿有诸多区别,举其要者,有: 1. 审稿人的区别。国外审稿人多为“小同行”,亦即所涉及的研究领域里的行家;国内审稿人多为“大同行”,亦即在二级学科意义下的同行。造成这一区别的主要原因可能是:国外做科研的人员众多,多数领域都有一批小同行;国外刊物的审稿实现了国际化,让各国小同行参加审稿;国外刊物建立了较为庞大的专家库,容易选定小同行审稿人。而国内在这三个方面都略逊一筹。 2. 审稿意见的区别。国外的审稿意见的篇幅大致是国内的 2 ~ 5 倍,内容翔实,多数意见切中要害,所提出的修改意见针对性强,无论同意发表或建议退稿的理由都相当充分。国内刊物的审稿意见有不少是浮皮潦草的,往往语焉不详;所提的修改意见要么是隔靴搔痒,要么是细枝末节。原因除了第一点所述之外,还有一个审稿态度问题。 3. 审稿过程的区别。国外刊物的投稿、审稿过程大多实现了电子网络化,整个过程较为透明,投稿者可以随时了解自己的稿件的处理过程;审稿的回应时间较短;允许作者进行有理有据的争辩。国内刊物在稿件处理的电子网络化方面进步很大,但仍不能尽如人意,有时投稿如石沉大海,多次催问也无结果;审稿过程多数如同“黑匣子”。 4. 审稿结果的区别。实际上,审稿过程是提高所发表的论文的质量的重要过程,由于有上述三个区别,一定程度上影响了我国科技刊物和科技论文的质量,有的刊物由于稿源匮乏,不得不放低录用条件,加上审稿不严,导致“垃圾文章”屡见不鲜。 当然,上面所说的仅为一般情况。国外审稿也有做得不好的;国内刊物审稿也有做得极好的。但总体说来,上面所说的四点差距是存在的。 对于上述差距,我们个人没有能力使之迅速缩短,但作为审稿人,应该努力提高自己的审稿水平。为此,应该按前天的博文推荐的小册子中所说,做好审稿工作,对自己不熟悉内容的论文的审稿要求说“不”;对接受审稿的论文给出客观、详尽、准确的评审意见;坚决反对“人情稿”。 我认为,改善国内刊物的审稿过程一事应该引起方方面面的充分重视。 写于 2011 年 1 月 26 日晨
个人分类: 科海随笔|8945 次阅读|21 个评论
caojian123 2010-12-28 15:55
事情是这样的,半年前,按审稿人要求,对文章进行了全面修改并提交。不久,主编来信告知,文章被拒,理由是英文不过关。 对这个理由,我们很质疑,因为投稿之前,稿件已经专业编辑公司修订。为此,我们做了再投的决定。大概过了2周,主编来信说,文章不再送审,要求是把整个稿件的修改过程说明清楚。从此,没了音讯。期间,我催问了几次,并做了撤稿决定。但因没有得到恢复,稿子还是没敢改投。茫然无措时,昨晚主编终于来信了。从三投到现在,差不多5个月了,真是漫长啊。 主编来信如下: Based on the advice received, the Editor has decided that your manuscript will be reconsidered after you have carried out the corrections as suggested by him. We strongly suggest that you use professional editing service to revise your manuscript. If you agree we will arrange to have it professionally edited at your expense. If it can be edited to the point where it can be reconsidered, we will make a final decision at that point. We estimate that this will cost approximately $350. All we can guarantee is that the English will be acceptable. You will have to pay regardless of our final decision since we cannot commit ourselves at this point to publishing the manuscript. 这是否意味着修改后接受?还是其他?这样的决定意见常见吗? 我应该采取何种措施?
个人分类: 生活点滴|8823 次阅读|12 个评论
热度 2 beersheen 2010-12-16 12:51
[题外话]最近读了很多博主的文章,深有感触,所以将我以前没有任何价值,甚至是污染人们眼睛的博文统统删除了。现在我想发一些我认为有价值的博文,尽量让大家觉得看我的博文不是在浪费时间。 我是个论文新手,请不要笑话我! Dear editor and reviewers, We really appreciate your earnest and careful review of my manuscript entitled as XXXXXXXXX. The language was polished as required and the constructive comments from both reviewers were appreciated and carefully considered with a complete revision. Please check the revised manuscript and responses below for more details. Again, many thanks for your efforts making our manuscript much better! Best regards. Guo-Ming Shen, Ph.D., School of Food Science and Biotechnology Zhejiang Gongshang University 149 Jiaogong Road, Hangzhou, 310012 China. Reviewer: 1 Recommendation: Accept paper with major/complete revision Comments:Review result of MS jph.201000310 by Shen et al.This study was to examine the responses of a high Cd accumulating rice mutant to Cd exposure, including Cd contents, antioxidants, antioxidative enzyme activity, in roots. A mutant has been successfully obtained cadH-5. Although the physiological and biochemical investigations have been done in rice upon exposure to Cd, it is still interesting for using a high Cd accumulating rice mutant to study of Cd responses.Because authors did not cite references mentioning the responses of shoots of rice seedlings to Cd administration in root system, the readers do not have any idea for why only roots were assayed. Authors have to explain this in the Introduction. Another concern is that the backgrounds on the relationships between Cd and rice, and between Cd and oxidative stress in rice. It is not easy for readers to understand why this investigation is necessary. Several experimental methods have not been carefully described. It can not be accepted in the present form. The data are not well calculated and presented in Figures. For example, in the Figure 2 and Figure 4 b, the Y-axis was drawn from a value 0? I strongly suggested that other Figures are also revised. In addition, because bar was chosen for Figure 3 and Figure 4a, the data of Y-axis should be from 0. It is a mistake.It needs a major revision. All comments should be considered before it can be accepted for publication inthe Journal. Response: We have carefully revised the manuscript, with all problems and concerns mentioned above have been considered and solved (see the revised manuscript for details), such as the relationships between Cd and rice, and between Cd and oxidative stress in rice, and all figures. Below we listed our responses to each comment one by one. Abstract1. P. 2, line 12-13: But, Cd accumulation in roots organelles varied. needs to be clarified. It is not adequate for the use of accumulation here. Response: We should have used the 'contents' instead of 'accumulation'. We corrected all misuses of accumulation in the text. 2. P. 2, line 16: The full name of GSH/GSSG and ASC/DHA is needed in the Abstract, although these have been mentioned in the Introduction and Materials and Methods?Response: The full names were added as your request. Introduction1. The Introduction is needed to be re-written, especially the backgrounds on the relationships between Cd and rice, and between Cd and oxidative stress in rice. It is not easy for readers to understand why this investigation is necessary. Response: We have re-written this section and highlighted the changes with track. 2. P. 3, line 9: changed to Cd can also affect different metabolic processes, Response: Corrected. Materials and Methods1. It needs to be carefully revised. Many usages and sentences are not adequate. Some is listed as follows.2. P. 4, line 12: japonica - Japonica 3. P. 4, line 23: (photo flux density of 500 Ms-1m-2). - (photon flux density of 500 molm-2s-1). The light source should be also indicated. 4. P. 5, lines 8-9: with the wild type Kasa (Oryza sativa ssp. Indica - with the wild type Indica rice variety Kasa 5. P. 5, line 15: Hydroponic Culture : Authors stated that 0 d as the control. According to the design and results of the present study, the data of 0 d were the initial value as the control, that is, the initial control, and for example, WT is the control material in Figure 2. So, 0 d (as control) is not adequate. Authors have to correct it. 6. P. 5, line 17: 0 Mm (as control) - 0 mM (as control) P. 5, line 20: For, the roots were cut, frozen in liquid nitrogen, some free Cd2+ may be carried on the surface of root tissue. In general, to assay the Cd contents in tissues treated with Cd2+, tissues will be washed with Milli-Q water to remove the surface Cd2+. Authors should clarify whether the roots are rinsed with Milli-Q water or not. 8. P. 5, line 23: Because the uptake of Cd was not really calculated in the present study, so changed Cd uptake - Cd contents P. 6, line 2: were measured AAS directly - were measured by AAS directly 10. P. 6, line 25: For H2O2 determination, the unit was mol?g-1 of dry weight (DW). Authors did not show how the root dry weight was determined or estimated? It has to be indicated. 11. P. 8, Enzyme Assay: changes absorption coefficient - extinction coefficient in this section P. 8, line 11: changes to potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.8) containing P. 8, line 15: changed to Aliquot of the supernatant (50 ?L) was . (also in line 24) P. 9 Statistical Analysis: No statistical method has been indicated. It seems that only t-test has been approached in this study. If yes, it has to be indicated here or in Figure legend.Response: All the typos and grammars (from 1-14) were corrected as suggested. Results and Discussion1. Changed H-5 - cadH-5 in Figure 1. P. 9, line 17: 0.75 mM Cd - Cd of 0.76 mM Response: They have been corrected as suggested. P. 9, lines 17-20: Why authors stated it is reasonable for the choice of 83.25 g Cdg-1 as screen level. They said tat this is based on the results of (Bingham et al., 1975) that rice was still alive on the concentration of 640 g Cd/g soil. Because these are two different units, it is hard for readers to make sense. It has to be clarified and re-written. Response: We completely agree with the reviewer. It is unnecessary statement, and we have deleted this sentence. 4. P. 10, line 5: mM? Check the concentration unit is the Italic font? P. 10, line 7: statistical significant, indicated - statistical significance, indicating P. 10, line 8: changed to a relatively high Cd accumulation mutant P. 10, Figure 2: the Y-axis is drawn from a value 0? It is a big mistake. Authors have to check their data carefully. P. 10, line 9: Cd-PC: In general, PC was calculated from non-protein thiol. But authors did not indicate this in Materials and Methods. (move P. 11, lines 27-28 to Materials and Mehods) P. 10, lines 8-13: Because the shoots or straws or leaves were not the materials for the assay of Cd contents, it is not known whether Cd contents will be relatively high in shoots in mutant as compared to WT shoots. I am wondering that can authors state that the straw is often fed to ruminants; thus, the mutant cadH-5 is a potential hazardous material? It seems to me that authors have over-explained or over-extended their results. By the way, because authors would like to explain the responses of rice, the cited references (lines 10-11) should be restricted to rice instead of other plants. 10. P. 10, line 14: Specify the tissue as root: The subcellular distribution of Cd showed - The subcellular distribution of Cd in roots showed. P. 10, line 15: The increase in Cd - The increase in Cd contents 12. P. 11, lines 4-26: Several references on H2O2 and Cd toxicity in rice have not been cited and discussed. For example, Shah K, Kumar RG, Verma S, et al. 2001. PLANT SCIENCE 161: 1135-1144; Kuo MC, Kao CH. 2004. BOTANICAL BULLETIN OF ACADEMIA SINICA (presently Botanical Studies) 45: 291-299; Hsu YT, Kao CH. 2007. PLANT AND SOIL 298: 231-241, 300: 137-147; Chao YY, Hsu YT, Kao CH. 2009. PLANT AND SOIL 318: 37-45 13. P. 11, lines 27-30 and P. 12, lines 1-3: PC has been well known in heavy metal detoxification. Authors did not cite references and discuss here, therefore it is strongly recommended authors to compare their results with published data in references, even in plants other than rice .(呵呵!审稿人估计就是这个人,不过不引用他的文章是我的不对,是我忽视了他的工作。) 14. P. 12, line 2: Revise For, Cd can combine phytochelatins, and it should be phytochelatins can bind Cd 15. The data of Y-axis in Figure 3 should be from 0, because it is bar.Reference:P. 19, line 14: Italic font for Brassica juncea P. 19, lines 17-19: Capitolize the first character of each word? Response: Thanks for the reviewers careful insights! All the comments and suggestions (4-15 from Results and Discussion, References) were carefully considered and revised accordingly. Reviewer: 2 Recommendation: Accept paper with major/complete revision Comments:Environmental and Experimental BotanyManuscript Number: EEB-D-09-00400 ( We were a little confused by the Manuscript Numberhere (EEB-D-09-00400). I thought My MS Number is jph.201000310 .(晕死了,审稿人将我们文章投的刊物搞错了) )Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Guo-Ming Shen,et al. The paper bases on the fact that an environmental stress such as heavy metal stress, NaCl salinity nutrient deficiency can lead to an increase of cellular damage due to increased ROS generation. The relationship between stress, antioxidative activity and tolerance was lately reported in several crops and has become a major topic for research. However, studies related to Oryza sativa antioxidative system towards Cd stress conditions are scare. The authors showed impressively by comparing a wiltype (WT) with a mutant (cadH-5) that oxidative stress plays an important role at Cd detoxification and that under these conditions several antioxidative mechanisms act together in a distinct pattern.Beside the interesting story of this paper I have also some criticism according to this basic aspect. The selected parameters do not allow a clear causal explanation for differences in tolerances between wildtype and mutant! Heavy metal stress is a multifactorial burden for the plants and the ions play the (!) major role if you want to distinguish between Ca or Mg deficiency and Cd toxicity. I would emphasize to add results about ion relations to optimize the discussion. Response: Thanks for your insightful suggestions! However, heavy metal stress is a complex biological process, we can not present ion relation results in this paper due to space limit. Recently, Liu et al. (2003a, 2003b see ref.) demonstrated that neither sensitive nor tolerant rice cultivars/genotypes had significant correlation between Cd and Mg. Furthermore, in this experiment all element is excessive in rice culture solution, we believe that Cd can not cause Ca or Mg deficiency in rice. Using GeoChem-EZ software (Shaff et al., 2010. Plant Soil 330, 207-214) results as following: Ca ( 87.54 % as a free metal; 0.16 % complexed with PO4; 0.73 % complexed with Citr; 0.01 % complexed with Cl; 11.57 % complexed with SO4) Mn +2 86.99 % as a free metal 1.03 % complexed with Citr .48 % complexed with Cl 11.49 % complexed with SO4 Cd 56.17 % as a free metal .04 % complexed with PO4 23.36 % in solid form with PO4 .71 % complexed with Citr 7.91 % complexed with Cl .06 % complexed with NO3 11.76 % complexed with SO4 Zn 73.88 % as a free metal .25 % complexed with PO4 15.61 % complexed with Citr .26 % complexed with Cl .09 % complexed with NO3 9.76 % complexed with SO4 .14 % complexed with OH- Mg 89.85 % as a free metal .03 % complexed with PO4 .57 % complexed with Citr .12 % complexed with Cl 9.43 % complexed with SO4 K 99.19 % as a free metal .03 % complexed with Cl .77 % complexed with SO4 Additionally are the described antioxidative responses a consequence of problems with or at least connected to the CO2/H2O gas exchange. I am astonished that the authors did not consider this at all! I would expect to find this aspect much more pronounced in the introduction and in the discussion. I would also emphasize to include results about CO2/H2O gas exchange (photosynthesis) or at least about chlorophyll fluorescence. This aspect is conspicuously missing apart from that impressing list of results. Response: We should have added something we already knew about CO2/H2O gas exchange in this manuscript. Former experiments in our Lab demonstrated (He et al. 2008, Photosynthetica 46, 466-470) that in the sensitive rice mutant (now named as cadB-1) had lower net photosynthetic rate (PN), transpiration rate (E), and stomatal conductance (gs) than WT rice, however, it had higher intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), indicating that non-stomatal factors accounted for the inhibition of PN. Maximal photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 (Fv/Fm), effective quantum yield of PS2 (PS2), and photochemical quenching (qP) decreased much in the mutant under Cd stress. There is another similarity between introduction and discussion which is really annoying: The style of writing is extremely static and there are several grammar mistakes! But let me discuss the content of both chapters:1) The uptake by divalent ion transporters is just mentioned but its consequence not considered at all. Response: We deleted the sentence Cd is taken up by divalent ion transporters in the roots. in the chapter of Introduction. And we will further discuss this in our next manuscript as Interaction of Cd and mineral nutrients for uptake and accumulation in rice Cd sensitive cadB-1 and Cd tolerant cadH-5 mutants. 2) The applied aspect or better the intension of this work is not explained sufficiently. If you produce a more tolerant but at the same time more Cd- accumulating rice mutant you also develop a more toxic food. Wouldnt it make more sense to select and develop an avoidance type? Response: In the revised MS, we presented it as The mutant might be a good material for phytoremediation in heavy metal contamination rice planted area. 3) Your major argument for ROS stress is that Cd can indirectly activate the plasmamembrane reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase and generate reactive oxygen species. However, the results of NADP, NADPH (or the ratios of) do not fit perfectly to your results of the enzymes and substrates involved in the Halliwell-Asada system (see also page 12 line 21 to 25, page 14 line 23 to 30)?! Response: We agree with the reviewer and have re-written this section. Please check it for more details in the text. 4) In addition to this Achilles' heel you argue that ASC-GSH cyle was more inhibited in the WT than in the cadH-5 mutant. I would like to know how you can distinguish between a higher expression in the mutant and an inhibition in the wildtype? This static system is visible in all chapters, in the material and methods such as in the discussion. It is common to use such a static system in the chapter results, so it is there not as annoying as in the other chapters! In the discussion it is nothing else but a list of a short interpretation of every single result one after the other in the same sequence as in the chapter results. Partially important bits of the discussion are missing: This is also the case e.g. for the interpretation of the differences between ROS and NADPH development (page 14 line 5 to 10). Please add this discussion and in this aspect also some essential literature!The single discussions are incomplete, they do not give a survey of the relevant corresponding literature and they do not give a complete survey about potential relationships and the conception of causal relation. Therefore the overall message remains far behind the potential of the shown results!! I have also my problems to understand the direct connection to the interrogation and importance of the subcellular distribution analysis of Cd. If you include it to the text, it should be discussed in a comprehensible manner. This is not done at all. The reason is probably a missing link in the argumentation chain. This could be the connection to other divalent ions! Response: Appreciate for the comments. We realized this and have re-written the section of Results and Discussion. I am completely happy about the used statistics with one exception. I cannot comprehend the number of replicates used! Please add this information (number of cultures etc.). Response: The numbers of replicates used were added in the text. At the end just some formal aspect: The authors should control critical the grammar of their text (such as at page 2 line 12 or page 3 line 20 and 23. In general, the paper is clear and well-written although it would help to ask a native English speaker to improve the grammar! However, because of the reasons mentioned above it is suitable for publication just after major corrections. Response: Thanks for your suggestions. We got some native English speakers to improve the language. 看到没有,这两个审稿人多认真,是他们在指导我写论文。国内的所谓博导多半不会指导学生这样写文章吧! 所以博士生们,你们的导师如不参与写作、修改论文,我建议将文章投向德国刊物,看他们多认真!
个人分类: 论文投稿|14576 次阅读|3 个评论
caojian123 2010-12-1 09:29
今天早晨看到文章审稿意见回来了,几多欢喜几多愁,有哪位高人可指点迷津,告诉我修改接受的胜算有多少? 意见如下: REFEREES REPORT Paper: The effect of grazing on plant species richness on the Qinghai Plateau, Tibet Authors: Jianjun Cao, Nicholas M. Holden, Xiao-Tao Lu and Guozhen Du Overall assessment This very short paper presents data on some very interesting differences in plant species diversity in relation to relatively short changes in grazing patterns. The finding that single household grazing reduces species diversity is interesting but counterintuitive. From this point of view, the paper is a worthwhile addition to the scientific literature albeit somewhat rather localised. Given that English is not the first language of the senior author, the English expression is good but needs some further editing. Scientific standard The general standard of this paper would be acceptable for publication. However, I believe that the paper could be shortened because some of the information on the background to the changes in management is not really relevant to the paper. The paper, in itself, is sound but I believe that the data are insufficient for a full publication. Specific comments There are a number of other points that need to be considered: 1. The introduction gives too much information relative to the overall study. Some reduction would be required. 2. More detail of the quadrat sampling is required. 3. Table 1 needs to be completely reorganised. There should be 3 columns one for species names and the others for values. As it is now, the reader has to compare the same species on different lines. 4. Given that this paper presents data from a management change, will these results be used to further change the land management policy? Recommendation I recommend that this paper could be accepted for publication in Grass and Forage Science but only as a technical note or even as a short communication after revision. I suggest that this revision be undertaken in light of the comments made above.
个人分类: 生活点滴|8434 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 1 Synthon 2010-10-4 13:58
同行评议制度的问题:一篇文章,四份截然不同的审稿意见 大半夜的,实验进行中,不能睡觉,干脆上来更新个博客。 话说我有篇文章前些日子被接受,可能马上出版了,写写这个文章一波三折的故事。 文章大概去年年底写成,算是我老人家博士期间比较得意的工作之一了,于是当然要投好期刊!选择了催化这行当里头最好的期刊,Journal of Catalysis。文章投出去等了三个月,审稿意见姗姗来迟。一共两位审稿人。 第一位审稿人上来就说,英文实在太差了,完全达不到发表要求,两位资深作者(指我的两位导师)应该多花点时间,好好指导年轻人,特别是外国年轻人,提高他们的英文写作水平。后面并举例说明哪些哪些地方英文写的很差,等等。后面另有不痛不痒的学术问题若干。我看过之后哑然失笑:他指出来那些英文写作有问题的句子,都是我导师亲自动笔写的,我自己的Chinglish,倒是没哟被他挑出毛病,两位加起来英文讲了100多年的导师的英文,居然有这么多错误?我跟导师反复研读,愣是无法发现其中的语法错误,于是决定,对于这位审稿人的意见,只回复学术方面的,对于英文方面的意见,我们实在无法回复。 第二位审稿人更有意思了。他老人家说,碳纳米管负载的催化,是个很新的课题,很遗憾,一直没有看到系统的研究,所以,我希望你们系统的研究XX反应、XXX反应和XXXX反应,并在修改稿中添加相关内容。我说大哥。。。我如果有空系统的研究了XX反应、XXX反应和XXXX反应,那就是三篇完整的paper好不好。。。除了系统研究XX反应、XXX反应和XXXX反应之外,该审稿人还提出了添加一系列内容,其实我个人觉得都跟文章主旨没有关系。最后我们的做法,是把该审稿人提出要求添加的内容,除了系统研究XX反应、XXX反应和XXXX反应之外,其他内容都揉进文章中去了。 修改的过程中还有个故事,我导师某天突然发话,说当初投稿的时候,我就觉得有个地方不太踏实,你是否能把这块儿再仔细做做?我说好。说实话,这是本次修改稿中唯一我觉得对文章质量有益的添加。。。 修改稿交回去两个月,等来了文章被拒的通知。。。其实我早料到被拒的,当初收到第一次审稿意见的时候我就跟导师建议撤稿重新投其他期刊,或者要求Journal of Catalysis更换审稿人,但是导师都不同意。。。拒搞原因也很简单:没有按照审稿人的要求进行修改。。。 这下总该改投其他期刊了吧?导师说,你别急,让我琢磨琢磨改投哪儿。我建议投Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,导师说,别着急别着急,让我再琢磨琢磨。琢磨了有一个多月,某一天导师突然跟我说,咱们投Langmuir吧。我说反正我不同意,Langmuir每期上才两三篇关于催化的文章,你发了给谁看啊。。。导师还想坚持Langmuir,我拿出我的杀手锏:ACB影响因子高!导师有句名言,说我不在乎影响因子,但我充分尊重你想发高因子期刊的想法,我在这里就利用了这一点,嘿嘿。。。不过后果就是,导师后来跟师妹开玩笑的时候说,我投稿是看期刊的内容来的,Xiaoming是看期刊的影响因子来的,我汗,我的一世英名啊。。。 言归正传,文章决定投ACB,我又把上次应Journal of Catalysis审稿人要求加到文章里头的内容删掉,都扔到补充材料里面,投给了ACB。 两个月之后,ACB的审稿意见回来,也是两个审稿人,两个人都说文章非常好,几乎可以发表,意见基本都是关于格式、数据分析的细节等,我们很快做了答复,一周之内就返还给了编辑部,又过了一周,文章被接受。 接受之后回过头来说,同一篇文章,投两个同一领域内的期刊,却收到了截然不同的审稿意见。这,或许就是同行评议制度的不足之处吧。这种不足,如何来弥补呢?
个人分类: 科研涂鸦|17576 次阅读|15 个评论
xinliscau 2010-6-26 12:36
1 如何回复SCI投稿审稿人意见 1.所有问题必须逐条回答。 2.尽量满足意见中需要补充的实验。 3.满足不了的也不要回避,说明不能做的合理理由。 4.审稿人推荐的文献一定要引用,并讨论透彻。 以下是本人对审稿人意见的回复一例,仅供参考。 续两点经验: 1. 最重要的是逐条回答,即使你答不了,也要老实交代;不要太狡猾,以至于耽误事; 2. 绝大部分实验是不要真追加的,除非你受到启发,而想改投另外高档杂志----因为你既然已经写成文章,从逻辑上肯定是一个完整的 story 了。 以上指国际杂志修稿。国内杂志太多,以至于稿源吃紧,基本没有退稿,所以你怎么修都是接受。 我的文章水平都不高,主要是没有明显的创新性,也很苦恼。但是除了开始几篇投在国内杂志外,其他都在国际杂志(也都是SCI)发表。以我了解的情况,我单位其他同志给国内杂志投稿,退稿的极少,只有一次被《某某科学进展》拒绝。究其原因,除了我上面说的,另外可能是我单位写稿子还是比较严肃,导师把关也比较严的缘故。 自我感觉总结(不一定对): 1)国内杂志审稿极慢(少数除外),但现在也有加快趋势; 2)国内杂志编辑人员认真负责的人不多,稿子寄去后,少则几个月,多则一年多没有任何消息; 3)国内杂志要求修改的稿子,如果你自己不修,他最后也给你发; 4)国外杂志要求补充实验的,我均以解释而过关,原因见少帖)。还因为:很少杂志编辑把你的修改稿再寄给当初审稿人的,除非审稿人特别请求。编辑不一定懂你的东西,他只是看到你认真修改,回答疑问了,也就接受了(当然高档杂志可能不是这样,我的经验只限定一般杂志(影响因子1-5)。 欢迎大家批评指正。 我常用的回复格式: Dear reviewer: I am very grateful to your comments for the manuscript. According with your advice, we amended the relevant part in manuscript. Some of your questions were answered below. 1) 2) .... 引用审稿人推荐的文献的确是很重要的,要想办法和自己的文章有机地结合起来。 至于实验大部分都可以不用补做,关键是你要让审稿人明白你的文章的重点是什么,这个实验对你要强调的重点内容不是很必要,或者你现在所用的方法已经可以达到目的就行了。 最后要注意,审稿人也会犯错误,不仅仅是笔误也有专业知识上的错误,因为编辑找的审稿人未必是你这个领域的专家。只要自己是正确的就要坚持。在回复中委婉地表达一下你的意见,不过要注意商讨语气哦! 我得回复格式是这样的: Dear Professor xx: Thank you very much for your letter dated xxx xx xxxx, and the referees reports. Based on your comment and request, we have made extensive modification on the original manuscript. Here, we attached revised manuscript in the formats of both PDF and MS word, for your approval. A document answering every question from the referees was also summarized and enclosed. A revised manuscript with the correction sections red marked was attached as the supplemental material and for easy check/editing purpose. Should you have any questions, please contact us without hesitate. 然后再附上Q/A,基本上嘱条回答,写的越多越好(老师语)。结果修改一次就接收了:) 我的回复,请老外帮忙修改了 Dear Editor: Thank you for your kind letter of ...... on November **, 2005. We revised the manuscript in accordance with the reviewers comments, and carefully proof-read the manuscript to minimize typographical, grammatical, and bibliographical errors. Here below is our description on revision according to the reviewers comments. Part A (Reviewer 1) 1. The reviewers comment: ...... The authors Answer: ..... 2. The reviewers comment: ...... The authors Answer: ..... ... ... Part B (Reviewer 2) 1. The reviewers comment: ...... The authors Answer: ..... 2. The reviewers comment: ...... The authors Answer: ..... ... ... Many grammatical or typographical errors have been revised. All the lines and pages indicated above are in the revised manuscript. Thank you and all the reviewers for the kind advice. Sincerely yours, *** 一个回复的例子(已接收) Major comments: 1. The authors need to strengthen their results by including MMP secretion, and tran-matrigel migration by a positive control progenitor cell population i.e. enriched human CD34 cells obtained from mobilized PBL, since this is a more clinically relevant source of CD34 cells which has also been shown to secrete both MMP-9 and MMP-2 (ref. 11). CD34 enriched cells from steady state peripheral blood which also secrete MMPs are also of interest. 2. In fig 1C please specify which cell line represents MMP-negative cells. This needs to be clarified, as well as a better explanation of the method of the protocol. 3. The ELISA results are represented as fold increase compared to control. Instead, we suggest that standards should be used and results should be presented as absolute concentrations and only then can these results be compared to those of the zymography. 4. When discussing the results, the authors should distinguish clearly between spontaneous migration vs chemotactic migration. Furthermore, the high spontaneous migration obtained with cord blood CD34 cells should be compared to mobilized PBL CD34 enriched cells and discussed. 5. The authors claim that the clonogenic assay was performed to determine the optimum concentration for inhibition of MMP activity by phenanthroline and anti MMP-9 mAb, however they should clarify that this assay can only determine the toxicity of the inhibitors and not their optimal inhibitory concentrations. Minor comments: 1. There are many spelling and syntax errors, especially in the results and discussion, which need correction. a. Of special importance, is the percent inhibition of migration, which is described as percent of migration. i.e. pg 7:Migration of CB CD34 was reduced to 73.3%? Instead should read Migration of CB CD34 was reduced by 73.3%? b. The degree symbol needs to be added to the numbers in Materials and methods. 2. It would be preferable to combine figure 1A and B, in order to confirm the reliability of fig. 1B by a positive control (HT1080). Answer to referee 1 comment: 1. Mobilized peripheral blood is a more clinical source of CD34+ cells, so it is necessary to compare the MMP-9 secretion and trans-migration ability of CB CD34+ cells with that of mobilized PB CD34+ cells. However, we couldn't obtain enough mobilized PB to separate PB CD34+ cells and determine the MMP-9 secretion and migration ability, so we couldnt complement the study on PB CD34+ cells in this paper. Results obtained by Janowska-Wieczorek et al found that mobilized CD34+ cells in peripheral blood express MMP-9. Furthermore, Domenechs study showed that MMP-9 secretion is involved in G-CSF induced HPC mobilization. Their conclusions have been added in the discussion. In our present study, our central conclusion from our data is that freshly isolated CD34+ stem/progenitor cells obtained from CB produce MMP-9. 2. MMP-9 negative cell used in fig 1C was Jurkat cell. In zymographic analysis, MMP-9 was not detected in the medium conditioned by Jurkat cell. To exclude that the contaminating cells may play a role in the observed MMP-9 production, we screened the media conditioned by different proportion of CB mononuclear cells with MMP-9 negative cells by zymography. This result may be confusion. Actually, only by detecting the medium conditioned by 2X105 CB mononuclear cells (MNC)/ml (since the purities of CD34+ cell are more than 90%), it could exclude the MNC role. In the revised manuscript, we only detected MMP-9 activity and antigen level in the medium conditioned by 2X105 CB mononuclear cells (MNC)/ml. There is no MMP-9 secretion be detected in the medium conditioned by 2X105 CB MNC/ml. It excluded the possibility that the MMP-9 activity in CB CD34+ cells conditioned medium is due to the contamination by MNC. 3.In this revised paper, we have detected the MMP-9 antigen levels by using commercial specific ELISA kits (RD System, sensitivity, 0.156ng/ml). Recombinant MMP-9 from RD System was used as a standard. The results are expressed in the absolute concentration. The absolute concentration result has been added in the paper. As shown in Fig2, MMP-9 levels were detectable in both CB CD34+ cell conditioned medium and BM CD34+ cell conditioned medium. However, MMP-9 level was significantly higher in CB CD34+ cell conditioned medium than in BM CD34+ cell conditioned medium (0.4060.133ng/ml versus 0.1950.023ng/ml). Although gelatinolytic activity was not detected in media conditioned by CD34+ cells from BM, sensitivity of ELISA favors the detection of MMP-9 antigen in the BM CD34+. 4. In our study, to establish the direct link between MMP-9 and CB CD34+ cells migration, we only determined the role of MMP-9 in spontaneous migration of CB CD34+ cells, but not in chemotactic migration. Actually, regulation of hematopoietic stem cell migration, homing and anchorage of repopulation cells to the bone marrow involves a complex interplay between adhesion molecules, chemokines, cytokines and proteolytic enzymes. Results obtained by the groups of Voermans reveal that not only the spontaneous migration but also the SDF-1 induced migration of CB CD34+ cells is greatly increased in comparison to CD34+ cells from BM and peripheral blood. 5. CD34+ cells we obtained in each cord blood sample were very limited. It is not enough to screen the inhibitors concentrations to select the optimal inhibitory concentrations. In the blocking experiments, based on the concentrations used by others and the manufacturer's recommendation, we then determined the inhibitors concentrations by excluding the toxicity of the inhibitors in that concentration, which was determined by clonogenic assay. Minor comments: 1.The spelling and syntax errors have been checked and corrected. 2.Since the results in figure 1A and B were obtained from two separated and parallel experiments, it is not fitness to combine two figures. 这是我的一篇修稿回复,杂志是JBMR-A,影响因子3.652,已发表,供参考! Reply to the comments on JBMR-A-05-0172 Comment: Reference #10 is missing from the Introduction but used much later in the manuscript. Should these be in order used in manuscript? Reply: The missing reference has been added into the revised manuscript. Comment (continued): What is the sample size for all tests performed? Reply: The sample size for drug release and PCL degradation tests was 3.03.0 cm2, with a thickness of about 0.1mm and a weight of about 40mg. This dada have been added into the revised manuscript. Comment (continued): Figure 7. There is no scientific evidence presented in the TEM figure to convince this reviewer of sub-jets. This statement on Page 9 cannot be made without clear evidence during the jet formation/separation. Figure 7 is just a large fiber and small fiber fused together, no other conclusion than this can be made. Reply: Necessary change in the statements has been made in the revised manuscript as well as in the referred figure accordingly. Comment (continued): Table 3: Need standard deviation for all values reported not just for a select few.. Equation after Table 3 not necessary. Just reference method used. Reply: Done accordingly. Comment (continued): Page 11: faster weight loss What was the sample size? Where is the statistical analysis of this data? This reviewer does not see a significant difference in any of the data presented, thus weight loss would be considered equivalent. Reply: Although not too much difference was seen, the conclusion that the GS/PCL membrane exhibited a relatively faster weight loss compared with the RT/PCL membrane was indeed applicable through one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) analysis. Following the reviewers comment, a new sub-section has been added to the manuscript to address the statistical analysis for the data. Comment (continued): Page 12: What is the sample size for release data? Looks like results based on a sample size of one? Need stand deviations on the data presented in Figure 11. Why wasn't release performed and compared for all electrospun conditions investigated otherwise? Reply: Three repeated tests were performed for each set of measurements and the resulting data were averaged. As stated in the revised manuscript, each sample had a square area of 3?3cm2 with a slightly different thickness. Standard deviations have been added to the data shown in Fig. 11. The present manuscript aimed to show that medical drugs can be encapsulated in ultrafine fibers through a co-axial electrospinning process. The drug release data intended to show that the encapsulation was successful. We did not consider any specific application in this preliminary paper, and in fact the two drugs were just chosen as model illustration. As such, there seemed not necessary to perform release experiments for all of the membranes electrospun with different conditions (i.e. the core concentrations) Comment (continued): Table 3: Yang's or Young's Modulus (page 10 says Young's). Reply: Corrected accordingly. Comment (continued): Figure 11: What is the % release, not just concentration. Why just this small sample of release data? Where is the release data for the other conditions? Reply: Unfortunately, we did not measure the amount of the shell material in obtaining the composite nanofibers. Namely, the flow rate of the shell solution during the electrospinning was not accurately controlled using an injecting pump. Hence the % release was not applicable. Please refer to the previous reply related to Page 12 and Figure 11 for the remaining comments. We acknowledge the reviewers comments and suggestions very much, which are valuable in improving the quality of our manuscript.
个人分类: 科研之路|271 次阅读|0 个评论
fqng1008 2010-4-15 08:12
按:本书已经编了5年,至今仍然有诸多不满意(出版社催逼好久),这两天我又看了一遍,以下是发现的部分问题。以前医院编的几本书都还比较顺利,就它难产。 1.第1-2章字数8万,图1、2缺图名。 2.第3章字数0.7万,内容太简单。 3.第4章字数1.8万,肝脏的生理解剖结构可否放在第3章?内容比较简单。 4.肝脏与免疫 4.2 万字, 可否作为第5章? 但是其第二节与下篇部分内容重复。 5.第5章字数1.8万,基本无需调整。 6.第6章字数2.3万,其中第一节相关病理基础知识属于检测方法,是否可调整到第7章第四节? 7.第七章第一节病毒性肝炎的生物化学检验5.5万字,内容尚可。 8.第七章第二节病毒性肝炎的免疫学检测1.3万字,是否可增加引起肝损害的其他病毒的免疫学检测?是否可增加免疫球蛋白、补体、自身抗体、T淋巴细胞亚群、CTL细胞功能、NK细胞功能、干扰素抗体、细胞因子等的检测(袁静的肝脏与免疫本来是这方面的,但她没有立足于介绍检测方法)? 9.第7章第三节分子生物学检测 字数1.8万,是否可增加分子病理学的某些检测?某些细胞因子的mRNA检测可否加入?HDV、HEV再丰富一点检测方法。 10.第7章第四节肝脏活体组织检查 字数0.8万,可否将第6章第一节相关病理基础知识的内容移入? 11.第八章第一节肝脏的影像学检查4.1万字,可否让超声波检查前移?DSA在肝脏中的应用0.6万字,可否并在一起? 12.第八章第二节介入诊断与治疗 字数1.9万,或放在本章最后一节,或移入第九章? 13.第八章第三节病毒性肝病的超声诊断4.5万字,建议将治疗的内容删除。 14.第八章第四节核素显像在肝胆疾病中的应用2.6万字,内容尚可。 15.第八章第五节PET/CT在肝脏肿瘤诊断中的应用0.7万字,内容尚可,能否合并在第一节? 16.第八章第六节消化内镜在肝胆疾病中的应用3.8万字,内容尚可,题目可否调整? 17.第九章病毒性肝炎治疗药物内容尚可。 18.下篇第一章甲型病毒性肝炎5.8万字,第四节甲型肝炎的发病机制似乎得重新写,其中一、抗感染免疫的概念与类型,二、抗肝炎非特异性天然免疫力,三、抗肝炎适应性特异性免疫力缺乏针对性。 19.第二章乙型病毒性肝炎17.5万字,临床检测和药物治疗两节需要压缩,与上篇重复太多。 20.第三章丙型病毒性肝炎11万字,临床检测和药物治疗两节需要压缩。 21.第4章丁型病毒性肝炎4.7万字,内容尚可。 22.第五章戊型病毒性肝炎4.8万字,第一节概述的第三部分我国及主要邻近国家戊型肝炎研究现况及展望可压缩一些。 23.第六章新型病毒性肝炎2.2万字,内容尚可。 24.第七章重型肝炎10.1万字,临床检测和药物治疗两节需要压缩,与上篇重复太多。 25.第八章病毒性肝炎的并发症与合并症14万字,并发症部分与病毒性肝炎各章均有重叠,但本章比较系统,如何处理? 26.第九章肝纤维化与肝硬化6万字,内容适中。 27.第十章原发性肝癌11.3万字,病因学方面是否稍散?临床检测和药物治疗两节需要压缩,某些表格仍然是图像粘贴,需重新输入表格。 28.第十一章肝移植21万字,可以单独出书,最好压缩至10万字以内。 29.第十二章病毒性肝炎的护理5.3万字,内容适中。 30.第十三章病毒性肝炎中医诊断与治疗12.5万字,内容尚可。 31.第十四章婴儿肝炎综合征1.4万字,稍简单,能否增加到2.0万字? 32.第十五章小儿病毒性肝炎3.5万字,内容较好。 33.第十六章妊娠期病毒性肝炎2.7万字,内容较好。 34.第十七章老年病毒性肝炎3.25万字,内容适中。 35.第十八章病毒性肝炎相关的精神心理问题4.3万字,内容较好。 36.附:血液净化及人工肝技术1.3万字,如果能够增加一些图表就更好一些,建议作为单独一章,放在肝移植前面,一起移至上篇。 37.附件1:黄疸诊断及鉴别诊断2.25万字,内容较好。 38.部分章节缺少署名。 39.部分章节可以增加一些图表。
个人分类: 肝病手记|3626 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 3 liwenbianji 2010-1-7 11:54
Dr. Daneil McGowan论文写作系列第十讲 —— Responding to peer reviewers: dealing with rejection Dr. Daneil McGowan 论文写作系列的中文版本终于与大家见面了,希望大家继续支持!译文见下方。 Your papers will sometimes be rejected. It is inevitable. The percentage of papers that is accepted and published without the need for any revisions is very small, and even the best scientists, writing up the best science, will face rejection from journals or the need to make revisions before their paper is considered acceptable for publication. Rather than thinking of rejection from your target journal and requests for major revisions as a negative experience, it is important to realize that this is an integral part of the publication process that exists to make your paper as robust and complete as possible before it joins the ‘collective knowledge’ as part of the literature. There are many different possible reasons for rejection from a journal, and most of these have been described in previous tips in this tips series. For example, if you submitted your manuscript to an inappropriate journal it is likely you will receive a rejection letter without the paper even being sent to review. By selecting an appropriate journal (see tip on journal selection ) you will increase the chances that your manuscript will be sent out for review. Similarly, a poor cover letter might result in immediate rejection without review, so submitting your manuscript with a good cover letter is essential (see tip on cover letter development ). Failure to follow the instructions set out in the target journal’s Guide for Authors is another possible reason for rejection and considered insulting to the journal editors, although it is likely that you will simply receive an invitation to resubmit in the correct format. Other reasons for rejection include flawed study design , poor written language , inappropriate or incompletely explained methodology or statistical tests , incorrect description or overstatement of results, lack of balance or detail in the introduction and/or discussion, or simply a lack of novelty (for example, if your study simply repeats something that has already been done before), significance or relevance. By critically analyzing your paper prior to submission, and considering all of the items that peer reviewers will look at, you will hopefully be able to identify any problems in advance. By following the advice in the tips in this tips series, you will speed up the process from initial submission to publication and make the stages in between considerably less stressful. Therefore, it is worthwhile getting your paper into the best possible form before submitting it anywhere to minimize the likelihood of rejection. In considering peer review and how to address it, it is helpful to think about how a peer reviewer would have approached your paper. Different journals will ask different things of peer reviewers, but in general they will be checking for the following aspects of good science and scientific writing, and asked to comment whenever any of these criteria are not satisfactorily met in the submitted manuscript: Significance What is the importance of the findings to researchers in the field? Are the findings of general to interest to researchers in related and broader fields? Novelty Are the claims in the paper sufficiently novel to warrant publication? Does the study represent a conceptual advance over previously published work? Introduction Does the introduction provide sufficient background information for readers not in the immediate field to understand the problem/hypotheses? Are the reasons for performing the study clearly defined? Are sufficient and appropriate references cited to justify the work performed? Are the study objectives clearly defined? Methods/Technical rigor Are the methods used appropriate to the aims of the study? Is sufficient information provided for a capable researcher to reproduce the experiments described? Are any additional experiments required to validate the results of those that were performed? Are there any additional experiments that would greatly enhance the quality of this paper? Are appropriate references cited where previously established methods are used? Results/Statistics Are the results clearly explained and presented in an appropriate format? Do the figures and tables show essential data or are there any that could easily be summarized in the text? Is any of the data duplicated in the graphics and/or text? Are the figures and tables easy to interpret? Are there any additional graphics that would add clarity to the text? Have appropriate statistical methods been used to test the significance of the results? Discussion Are all possible interpretations of the data considered or are there alternative hypotheses that are consistent with the available data? Are the findings properly described in the context of the published literature? Are appropriate references cited in meeting the above criterion? Are the limitations of the study discussed Conclusion Are the conclusions of the study supported by appropriate evidence or are the claims exaggerated? Are the significance/applicability/implications of the findings clearly discussed? Literature cited Is the literature cited balanced or are there important studies not cited, or other studies disproportionately cited? Journal selection Is the target journal appropriate? Language Is the manuscript clearly written so as to be understandable by researchers not in the immediate field? When you receive a letter of rejection and peer review reports from the journal editor it is important that you carefully study all of the comments (from the editor as well as the reviewers), address these in your manuscript as appropriate, and prepare a detailed response. It is usual to return a revised manuscript and response letter (it is also acceptable to separate the cover letter and responses into different files), and these normally need to be returned within a set period of time or the revised manuscript will be considered as a new submission. It is essential that you respond to all of the points made by the editor and/or reviewers, even if you disagree with them. If you do disagree with a point that has been made, you should provide a polite and scientifically solid rebuttal. This might take the form of a reference to a particular paper that supports your statement (such a paper might need to be added to the reference list of your manuscript if it isn’t already cited), an explanation of why an experiment was performed in a particular way, or an explanation of why you didn’t perform additional experiments recommended by the reviewer. Whatever you do, do not ignore or overlook comments, because this will only lead to delays. Your paper will not be published until all comments are appropriately addressed. The best format for a response letter is to paste in the comments made by the editor and reviewers and write your response beneath each comment. Use different font styles (for example, normal and italics) to differentiate comments from responses. When referring to changes in the text provide the page and line numbers so that these changes can quickly be identified. Copy the new or modified text into the letter so it is immediately clear how your changes address the comment. It is also usual to distinguish major changes in the text in some way, for example, with yellow highlight and/or underline and strikethrough fonts, to make them easy to identify. Finally, if additional analyses or experiments are required to satisfy the editor or reviewers, you should perform them and add the data to your manuscript; these serve to make the final paper stronger and will increase the chances of eventual publication. Example Checklist Don’t take rejection personally; the object is to make your paper stronger and more reliable Address all points raised by the editor and/or reviewers by revising the manuscript and showing the changes in your letter Perform any additional experiments or analyses requested unless you feel that they would not add to the strength of your paper (in which case you should provide a rebuttal) Provide a polite and scientifically solid rebuttal to any points or comments you disagree with Differentiate comments and responses in the letter file by using different font styles Identify major revisions in the text, made in response to peer review comments, with highlight, underline and strikethrough fonts Return the revised manuscript and response letter within the requested time period to avoid your paper being treated as a new submission 回复审稿人:冷静应对拒稿 论文有可能被拒。谁都被拒过稿。只字不改就接受的论文极少,即使是最优秀的科学家,最漂亮的研究,也照样可能被拒或者被要求修改。不要消极对待目标期刊拒稿和退修要求,而应把它视为发表过程的一个环节,其目的是为了让你的论文在科学上尽可能更健全,以便将来被录用为科学文献,并成为“集体知识”的一部分。 期刊拒稿有各种原因,大多数在本系列讲座的前文中已经提及。 比如,如果对拟投期刊的选择不当,就有可能不送去审稿便直接拒稿。期刊定位恰当才能增加稿件获得同行评议的机会(参见 第六讲“选择合适的目标期刊” 中的注意事项)。同理,拙劣的投稿信也可能造成不经审稿便直接拒稿(参见第三讲“ 如何写出吸引读者的‘cover letter’” 中的注意事项)。违反目标期刊《稿约》的规定可能被期刊编辑认为不尊重对方,从而造成拒稿,当然更可能的是被要求修改格式后再投。其他拒稿原因包括 研究设计 有缺陷、论文写作 语言水平 不合格、研究方法或 统计检验 选择或解释不当、结果叙述不当或夸大其辞、引言和/或讨论不客观公正或缺乏细节;或者就是缺乏新颖性(比如你的研究只是简单重复别人已发表的工作) 、重要性或相关性。投稿之前严格分析你的论文,考虑审稿人会着眼的所有要素,你就可能提前发现这些问题。照着本讲座系列中的经验来做,就能加快从初投到录用的进度,并让其间的各个阶段相对顺利。所以,在投稿前值得尽全力完善文稿质量,以减小拒稿的可能。 关于同行审稿和如何应付,可以考虑一下审稿人会如何处理你的稿件。不同的期刊对审稿人的要求各不相同,但是他们基本上都会要求审稿人审查你的稿件是否满足如下这些良好科研和写作的要素;如果你的稿件不满足其中某项,审稿人还要写出相关评语。 重要性 结果对该领域的重要性是什么? 结果是否对会受到相关和更广范围的研究者关注? 新颖性 文中的主张是否足够新颖、因此值得发表? 研究是否在已有发表工作基础上取得进展? 引言 是否提供充分的背景信息,让非本领域读者能理解研究问题/假说? 研究的理由是否定义清楚? 为论证本研究工作所引文献是否充分恰当? 研究目的是否定义清楚? 方法/技术严谨性 所用方法对研究目的是否适当? 叙述的实验信息是否完整,能让其他研究者重复? 是否另需实验来验证该研究结果? 补充实验是否能显著提高该文质量? 对于已确立的方法,其引用文献是否适当? 结果/统计 结果解释是否清晰,表达方式是否恰当? 图表信息是否必要,是否更易于用文字表达? 插图和正文内部或二者之间数据有无重复? 图表是否易于解读? 是否需要补充插图以增加清晰性? 有否使用适当的统计学方法来检验结果的显著性? 讨论 有否考虑数据的所有可能解释,是否存在也能解释数据的备择假设? 有无在现有文献背景基础上适当说明结果? 满足上述标准同时是否引用了适当的参考文献? 有无讨论研究局限性? 结论 研究结论是否有适当证据支持,有无夸大? 是否清楚讨论了结果的重要性/应用性/意义? 文献引用 所引文献是否全面客观,有无遗漏重要研究,有无过分引用某些研究? 期刊选择 目标期刊是否恰当? 语言 稿件行文是否清楚、因此能被该领域以外的研究者理解? 当你收到退修信和审稿意见时,应仔细研读其中所有评语(包括编辑评语和审稿人评语),根据需要在稿件中作出相应调整,然后撰写一份详细的回复函。通常需要返回修改稿和回复函(回复函和再投稿信可分为两个文件),并且需要在规定时间之前返回,否则修改稿将被作为新稿处理。编辑和/或审稿人的所有意见都必须回应,即使你不同意其意见。若你对某点持反对意见,应该礼貌并有理有据地反驳。在反驳时,可以引用某论文来支持你的说法(如该文不在参考文献中,可以考虑将其收入参考文献列表),可以解释为何某个实验是以某种特定的方式开展的,也可以是解释为何你不按照审稿意见去做补充试验。但无论如何,不要不理睬或忽略审稿意见,因为这只会导致延迟。只有所有意见都妥当回应之后,你的论文才有可能发表。 回复函最好的格式是把编辑和审稿人的意见复制下来,然后在各条意见下面逐条回应。审稿意见和回应要用不同字体加以区分(如正体和斜体)。当提到文中的改动时,给出页码和行号以便迅速查找。把修改前后的文字都复制在回复函中,让人一目了然你如何修改回应审稿意见。通常要在文中标记出主要改动之处以便查找,比如用黄色高亮和/或使用下划线/删除线。最后,若编辑或审稿人要求补充分析或者实验,你应该照办并把数据加入稿件;这会让稿件更富有说服力并增加发表的机会。 实例 切记 1. 不要带着个人情绪去看待拒稿;拒稿的目的是使你的论文更有力和更可靠。 2. 修改稿件来回应编辑和/或审稿人提出的全部意见,并在回复函中说明这些修改。 3. 按要求补充实验或分析,除非你认为这样做意义不大(在这种情况下,需要给出反驳意见)。 4. 对于你不同意的审稿意见,礼貌而地提出有根据的反驳。 5. 用不同字体区分审稿意见和回应。 6. 为回应审稿人意见而在正文中所作的主要改动之处要予以标记,可以用黄色高亮、加下划线,或加删除线等方式。 7. 按期返回修改稿和回复函,以免被当作新投稿处理。 在这里还需提请各位注意,Dr. McGowan 的母语是英语,无法阅读中文,因此请大家尽量使用英文回帖,如有任何需要与他沟通的学术和语言问题也请使用英语,Dr. McGowan 会及时回复大家的。 Dr. Daniel McGowan 曾任 Nature Reviews Neuroscience 副编辑,负责约稿,管理和撰写期刊内容。于2006年加入理文编辑(Edanz Group) 并从2008年起担任学术总监。Dr. Daniel McGowan 有超过十年的博士后和研究生阶段实验室研究经验,主要致力于神经退化疾病、分子及细胞生物学、蛋白质生物化学、蛋白质组学和基因组学。
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