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[转载][動作] [热血街区电影版3:终极任务 HiGH&LOW THE MOVIE 3
lcj2212916 2018-6-6 08:09
导演: 久保茂昭 / 中茎强 编剧: 平沼纪久 / 渡辺啓 主演: 岩田刚典 / 黑木启司 / 洼田正孝 / 山田裕贵 / 林遣都 / 更多... 类型: 动作 制片国家/地区: 日本 语言: 日语 上映日期: 2017-11-11(日本) 片长: 118分钟 IMDb链接: tt7624932 九龍对SWORD实施毁灭行动。为了保护重要的人!终极一战,即将上演。影片由岩田刚典、黑木启司、洼田正孝、山田裕贵、林遣都、TAKAHIRO、登坂广臣、岸谷五朗等出演,11月11日日本上映。 下载地址: http://tadown.com/fs/6l2c4je252d1e259163/
1995 次阅读|0 个评论
chnfirst 2013-3-29 17:22
http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-372254-421438.html 动力学轨迹用VMD转Movie的方法 已有 751 次阅读 2011-3-12 10:22 | 系统分类: 科研笔记 | 关键词:frame 动力学 angle 动画 先把轨迹载入VMD里,确认成功后,点击Extensions --- Movie Maker 在Render 下拉菜单里面选择你需要的渲染工具,默认是screens capture,如果装有Ray tracer的话可以选; Movie setting 里选动画的模式,不用过多解释,一看就明白,一般选择Trajectory,当然你可以可以自己定义; Format 下拉菜单里可以选择AVI或者MPEG-1,默认MPEG-1,AVI太大了; Name of movie 动画的名称,随便设 Rotation angle 如果在Movie setting里选择了旋转,角度在这里控制 Trajectory step size 每隔多少个frame 输出 一帧,比如你的轨迹有10万个frame,可以10步输出一帧,也就是1万帧 Movie duration 会根据Trajectory step size的 设置 自行计算 设置好了点击 Make Movie 实际上 vmd 就是输入一帧帧的图片,然后你可以通过工具把这些图片整合成一个动画,常用的 软件 是videomach http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/plugins/vmdmovie/ 这里有更多的选择 vmd输出渲染好的图片后就会提示找不到videomach的路径,然后你手动给它指定好路径后,videomach就会自动打开 完成后生成的图片会自动删除(你可以在Movie setting设置不删除),目标目录下会生成一个MPG/AVI的动画,打开就能播放了。
个人分类: LAMMPS|0 个评论
[转载]Movie Time
metanb 2013-1-4 19:31
个人分类: 转载/链接|1313 次阅读|0 个评论
The Hobbit (movie)
热度 2 zuojun 2013-1-3 16:26
Even though I was told by "the young master" that the movie was not great, I still wanted to see it with my own eyes. Well, he was right, I was not impressed at all. For one thing, once you have seen The Lord of the Rings, you expect more. For another, you knew most of these main characters would not die (because they needed to live long enough to be in the Lord of the Rings). The end.
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|2873 次阅读|3 个评论
Dear Santa
zuojun 2012-12-27 08:40
I know that sometimes I have to take a rain check even from you. However, I don't like to get a wrong gift. I wanted to see movie "Lincoln," not " Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunte r ." Well, since it's a 3D, I will have to just watch it. Maybe it's time for you to hire a younger mind for the job? ps. I know the gingerbread men I left out for you this year were so great. It's all this gluten-free non-sense. I will find you better ones next year.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2216 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Movie Time
metanb 2012-12-7 00:45
个人分类: 转载/链接|1417 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] Indian movie: Awaara (The Tramp)
zuojun 2012-11-26 14:52
Indian movie: Awaara (The Tramp) 印度电影《流浪者》 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awaara 视频 : 印度电影《流浪者》插曲:拉兹之歌 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDAxNDQwNTI=.html 视频 : 印度电影《流浪者》插曲:丽达之歌 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDAxNDM3ODg=.html 视频 : 印度电影《流浪者》你是我的心 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzY5MjEyMjg=.html
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|2788 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Movie Museum at Kaimuki
zuojun 2012-11-26 04:46
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|1955 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] Barfi! (A new Indian movie)
热度 1 zuojun 2012-9-24 04:43
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barfi ! Barfi! is a 2012 Indian romantic comedy film written and directed by Anurag Basu . It tells the story of "Barfi", a mute and deaf boy in Darjeeling , West Bengal and his relation with two girls, one of whom is autistic . The film stars Ranbir Kapoor , Priyanka Chopra and Ileana D'Cruz in lead roles.
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|2147 次阅读|2 个评论
hdmutong 2012-6-14 09:32
《北方今日谈》解密肉食鸡42天“疯长”之谜(完整版) 时间:2012-05-23 来源:《北方今日谈》栏目 看看正宗的养殖专家的解释吧 视频连接 http://www.lntv.com.cn/ltv/newindex/news/tbtj/tj5/201205/23-221611.html 点击即可观看视频
个人分类: 学海泛舟|2199 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] The Descendants (film)
zuojun 2012-1-23 02:57
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Descendants_%28film%29 The Descendants is a 2011 American comedy-drama film directed by Alexander Payne . The screenplay by Payne, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash is based on the novel by Kaui Hart Hemmings. The film stars George Clooney , Shailene Woodley , Judy Greer , Matthew Lillard and Beau Bridges , and was released in the United States on November 18, 2011 after being screened at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival .
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|1662 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]3D movie "Pina"
zuojun 2011-12-28 09:36
http://news.yahoo.com/indie-box-office-wim-wenders-pina-opens-big-004325299.html Indie Box Office: Wim Wenders' "Pina" opens big http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1440266/
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|1609 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 wsyokemos 2011-4-23 02:49
很久以来,我一直觉得写论文和导演导一部电影有点类似, “ 治大国如烹小鲜,写论文如导大片 ” 这个标题并非为了制造噱头,更非标题党。写论文尽管并非需要强调如 “ 治大国如烹小鲜 ” 那般的无为而治和气定神闲的境界,但在投稿后确实需要这种境界。在此不再展开来说。下面主要谈谈我对写论文如导大片的一点体会。但需要说明的是,本人从来没有有幸导演过任何电影(这辈子估计都没戏啦),所以,虽然写过一些小文章,但对写论文和导演导电影的比较显然有很多想象的成分。像我这样,既没有导过大片,又没有发过牛论文的无名小卒,只能发扬“无知者无畏”的伟大精神,斗胆写本文话题。 作为作者,在写论文之前,和导演在拍电影之前的准备工作一样,需要将前期工作做好,所谓 “ 兵马未行,粮草先动 ” ,导演在开机之前要先选好主要演员,熟悉剧本,还要确定配角、群众演员和场地等。同样在作者在开写论文前,也需要许多准备工作,简而言之,作者也要先确定自己的主要演员(文章解决的主要的问题和主要结果),熟悉自己的剧本(文章的腹稿 + 整理的图表和文章框架),当然光有主要演员(即使是大腕)也无法拍一部大片,还要有配角、群众演员(支持主要结果的一些相对不是很重要的实验结果 + 别的作者的文章和相关报道结果)。 一切准备好了之后,开机后的第一个镜头很重要,和拍电影不同的是,科技论文有一些类似八股文(这种八股上百年来已被证明是最有效的科研结果展示方式)的格式,不像拍电影那样可以有很多艺术手法,比如不少电影中常用的倒叙手法:电影开头先是一具无头女尸(女网友看到这,别骂我 ),电影最后才是杀手浮出水面,写论文自然不能采用如此方式,你不能一句话不说,上来就是实验结果推出,读者自然是一头雾水,这时候就要先让群众演员(别的作者的文章和相关报道结果)先上场了,所以让什么群众演员上,上的次序和方式以及和主要演员出场时的时机最好要无缝衔接,既要合情更要合理,这种合理比拍电影更重要,电影你可以玩 “ 阿凡达 ” ,好看就行,合理性没有人太挑刺,但是写科技论文,句子与句子之间,段落于段落之间,必须要有严谨的逻辑关系,在论文中要凸显这一点,一个需要注意关键点就是配角、群众演员都是为主要演员服务的,不能喧宾夺主,所以在 Introduction 和 Discussion 部分,配角、群众演员(别的作者的文章和相关报道结果)的戏份要合适,如果太多,就喧宾夺主了,当然太少了也不行,孤掌难鸣啊。 我们都知道,电影中的第一个镜头,或者说前一分钟的镜头,非常重要,有不少大片(电影或电视剧)开头一分钟的镜头可能花费几百万甚至更多,就是为了吸引观众看下去,论文的开头虽然没有像电影的开头那么重要(因为不少读者和审稿人直接先看图表和结果了),但是也并非无足轻重,第一话如何写,一定程度上决定了 Introduction 第一段甚至更多的走向,不少新手,可能思索半天还不知道如何下手第一句话,万事开头难啊!我的经验 / 体会是,您如果实在不知道如何开头,就将第一句或第一个单词选用标题中的某个关键词,当然具体选哪个也需精挑细选。 电影中不能有穿帮镜头,不能动不动就玩穿越(尤其是拍古装戏,当然现在穿越戏反而很火),也就是说要符合情理,同样写文章更要讲究符合情理,比如你的实验结果和前人报道的结果有不同之处,甚至是截然相反的,这时候,就是显示导演(作者)的水准的时候了,如何解释和别人不同之处,可能的原因是什么?这些可能的原因也不能是靠玩穿越弄来的,要旁征博引,引经据典,加以合理的解释,起码要能说服审稿人和编辑才可能发表。另外论文本身的数据之间也要自洽或相一致。如果有看似矛盾的结果,也需要加以说明或解释,而非视而不见。 当然,文章写好之后,和电影的后期制作类似,也要进行后期修改,这是必要和值得的。我们大陆拍的一些大片,经常需要送到香港甚至国外去后期制作、剪辑,尤其是一些高难度的电脑模拟的镜头的,投资巨大。类似的,论文写好初稿后,自己先反复修改,直至自己实在是改不出任何毛病了,再送给导师(如果是学生或博士后)或者同事、同行进行进一步修改,如果是英语不好且工作繁忙的临床医生等,可能还需要花钱送到论文润色 / 服务公司进行专业修改,当然一篇文章的最终质量还是主要取决于科学 / 实验结果本身,英语 / 写作可以说只能起到锦上添花的作用。在统计学和计算机科学/ IT 界有句名言:“ Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO) " . 也就是垃圾进,还是垃圾出。想依靠论文润色 / 服务公司将自己的稻草变成黄金的想法,是不切实际的。就像一部电影的好坏,并不是光靠剪辑、音响效果等后期制作,但是大家都花钱投不菲的钱在后期制作上,说明是必要和值得的。类似的,花钱让专业公司修改有时候也是必要、值得的,根据我自己帮人改文章的经验,一篇没有多少创新性,英文写得又差的论文,大多只能发在大约影响因子在 1 分以下的期刊,但是如果经过专业编辑的修改,或再加以补充一些明显需要补的实验,通过精心选择适当的期刊,完全有可能发在 2-3 分甚至是 4 分多(指影响因子)的期刊上 。 最后,说几句题外话,我个人认为,写好英文科技论文至少需要英语和科研素质 / 能力两方面的要求,而这些,对于像我这样智力平平的网友而言,都非一朝一夕的功夫,如果幻想像小沈阳在《大笑江湖》那样,偶然得到一般武林秘籍,外加高手传内功,很快自己也变成高手了,这毕竟是幻想、是神话,对于写好英文科技论文而言,尽管有方法、有经验可以学习,但是最好、最有用的“秘籍”应该还是多练,自己不写、不练,看一万本论文写作书,自己也成不了论文写作高手。 (王守业草于 2010 年 10 月,修改于 2011 年 4 月 21 日 , 初稿曾贴于丁香园论文版,文中图片来自网络,向作者表示致谢。引文地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=563591do=blogid=436339 )
个人分类: 论文写作|11701 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载] FLOW, a film everyone should watch
zuojun 2011-2-10 13:48
http://www.flowthefilm.com/trailer About the Film Irena Salina's award-winning documentary investigation into what experts label the most important political and environmental issue of the 21st Century - The World Water Crisis. Salina builds a case against the growing privatization of the world's dwindling fresh water supply with an unflinching focus on politics, pollution, human rights, and the emergence of a domineering world water cartel. Interviews with scientists and activists intelligently reveal the rapidly building crisis, at both the global and human scale, and the film introduces many of the governmental and corporate culprits behind the water grab, while begging the question "CAN ANYONE REALLY OWN WATER?" Beyond identifying the problem, FLOW also gives viewers a look at the people and institutions providing practical solutions to the water crisis and those developing new technologies, which are fast becoming blueprints for a successful global and economic turnaround. On December 10th, 2008 FLOW was invited to screen at the United Nations as part of the 60th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights. Watch the video here: FLOW at the UN
个人分类: Education|1458 次阅读|0 个评论
Movie: Red (retired & extremely dangerous)
zuojun 2010-11-8 08:40
I don't know since when I prefer to watch fun movies, instead of those depressing ones, such as To Live. I went with some friends to see Red last night, and we all had a great time. Red(or, Retired and Extremely Dangerous)was the perfect mix of actionandcomedy. There was no shortage of fist fights, gun fights, and explosions, but at the same time the filmmanaged to keep up the comedic timing... If I wasnt sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next, I was laughing my butt off. The story itself had great twists and turns, including the reveal of the bad guy. I suggest you read the rest of the review (using link below) after you have seen the movie. Oh, please let me know who shot Joe and whether or not Joe is dead. http://www.bscreview.com/2010/10/red-movie-review/
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|3894 次阅读|0 个评论
Gossip and the Movie “Doubt”
zuojun 2009-10-6 03:25
The m ovie Doubt is tho ught-provoking, not for someone who wants a relaxing evening. In the movie, one scene seems more powerful to me than all others, in which Father Flynn ( Phillip Seymour Hoffman ) gives a sermon on the nature of gossip: A woman came to confess about a gossip she told and asked for forgiveness. She was told to take a feather pillow and a knife to the rooftop of a high-rise. She did, using the knife to repeatedly stab the feather pillow and the feathers rained down like Christmas snow The woman returned to the church and asked what she should do next. She was told that now she had to go and COLLECT all the feathers Most of us are involved in some kind of gossip, mostly harmless. However, I will always remember the feather pillow when I am about to pass on another gossip. Gossip From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gossip is idle talk or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. It forms one of the oldest and most common means of sharing (unproven) facts and views, but also has a reputation for the introduction of errors and other variations into the information transmitted. The term also carries implications that the news so transmitted (usually) has a personal or trivial nature, as opposed to normal conversation . The term is sometimes used to specifically refer to the spreading of dirt and misinformation , as (for example) through excited discussion of scandals . Some newspapers carry gossip columns which detail the social and personal lives of celebrities or of lite members of certain communities . Doubt (2008 film) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Doubt is a 2008 film adaptation of the John Patrick Shanley stage play Doubt: A Parable . Written and directed by Shanley and produced by Scott Rudin, the film stars Meryl Streep , Philip Seymour Hoffman , Amy Adams , and Viola Davis , who were all nominated for Oscars at the 2009 ceremonies . It premiered on October 30, 2008 at the AFI Fest before being distributed by Miramax Films in limited release on December 12, 2008 and in wide release on December 25, 2008. You can learn about the plot at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doubt_%282008_film%29
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|4335 次阅读|0 个评论
荡气回肠的“The last Mohegan”
sunon77 2008-7-3 05:05
A breathtaking Movie - The last Mohegan I Just watched The last Mohegan, a movie full of bloody and breathtaking scenes. You certainly feel that how pale our philosophy is: you can argue endlessly how one culture or one science theory is equally plausible as another. But when there is a struggle, specially a military one, it is not the issue of right or wrong any more. It is the issue: To live or to die. You can watch the End Scene from YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9rRKaD_lqM or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SoeDAPj6ggfeature=related This is definitely not a movie to describe how Indians are slaughtered by the white. It is the killing and slaughtering to each other. The most bloody version of Tooth for tooth, eye for eyes. All the most cruel activities such as killing both women and children, ripping the heart from a human being, burning people alive, forcing people to drop from abyss which definitely give a vivid replica of bloody time of the early America colony. Lying deeper is the despair of less developed civilization. As the Last Mohegan said, this world will belong to his son and his sons woman. It will belong to him no more. At the end of the day, there will be no frontier any more. All can be remembered is just a piece of history. Peaceful co-existence of two polar systems? Could two totally different type of civilization be co-existed in peace? Could people can solve their different political or economical issues in a peaceful way? The problem is that there must be some hierarchy in the society. Who will be in the higher rank? Who will be in the lower? There are no clear-defined boundaries. Nobody is willingly staying below if they can reach higher. A process of changing this hierarchy is the reason for the political and economical struggles. This is a really dilemma. We want to progress, we like to introduce some revolutionary elements in our society. Then the society can really go forward. However, if this kind of change is not well-defined, it will lead to unavoidable conflicts. No body at the top is willing to give away their privileges and let others to enjoy, while the lower parts are desperately seeking the higher one by all his means. Brave new world solution If we only want the stability, we can use what Brave new world said, to predetermine that everybody will like their roles in the society and do nothing to challenge them. Then everybody is satisfied in the white-washed pale happiness and the whole society will change no more. However, the payment is really too large that we would lose all our passion and yearning for something which is really worthwhile: such as our curiosity of questing the nature, our spending time on anything rather than our social duties. Life is too short to lose all these beautiful parts. END
个人分类: 影音拾贝|4859 次阅读|1 个评论

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