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Bill Evans Trio - Turn Out The Stars
nowherepuppy 2014-7-21 05:15
Bill Evans最后的三重奏,留下的绝大部分是现场录音。 某种程度上,Bill Evans之后,爵士钢琴三重奏就分成“像Bill Evans”和“不像Bill Evans”两种了,太多后来者在“有多像”的眼光里一筹莫展,跟着爵士乐一起隐去。 这样的说法显然掺和了太多的个人情感,但是,Bill Evans能够有这样的影响力,从爵士乐的同行到仅仅听过唱片的异国听众,本身就是个传奇。如此说来,“世间爵士三重奏这么多,我只听Bill Evans就好了”这样的想法似乎也很正常。 不管对Bill Evans也好,爵士三重奏也罢熟悉到什么程度,Bill Evans三重奏最后的那些录音,都适合作为聆听的终点和起点——螺旋式上升认知的关键拐角。如果把Bill Evans第一个三重奏奉若经典,那么这最后的三重奏极像是一次“文艺复兴”。Bill Evans没有选择“第三潮流”或者更时髦激进的自由爵士,摇摆依然是演奏的奥义,但是跟取悦听众相比,自我表达比以往任何时期都要强调,听众要么一起共鸣,要么走开。 在持续的探索里,不知道Bill Evans是否也变得越来越习惯在音乐里的存在,罔顾肉身的沉重。他最后留下的几部现场,几乎都是连续一个星期以上的驻场演奏,体力消耗惊人,无法不求助于药物。最终,在80年代第一个年头溘然离世。 1980年6月在前卫村俱乐部的现场录音以《Turn Out The Stars》为名,这首Bill Evans创作的曲子,大概也是他早就写好的告别吧。
个人分类: 弦外有音|4425 次阅读|0 个评论
yaoronggui 2008-7-3 11:42
David A. Evans was born in Washington D.C. in 1941. He received his A.B. degree from Oberlin College in 1963. He obtained his Ph.D. at the California Institute of Technology in 1967, where he worked under the direction of Professor Robert E. Ireland. In that year he joined the faculty at the University of California, Los Angeles. In 1973 he was promoted to the rank of Full Professor and shortly thereafter returned to Caltech where he remained until 1983. In that year he joined the Faculty at Harvard University and in 1990 he was appointed as the Abbott and James Lawrence Professor of Chemistry. In July of 1998 he completed his three-year term as chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, and has gratefully returned to his research group and the pursuit of real science! 有机合成超级大牛--D.A.Evans(哈佛大学)主页: http://www2.lsdiv.harvard.edu/labs/evans/index.html 主页里该组的Seminar,还有David A. Evans所发表的324篇文章的全文下载等等非常好的资料。
个人分类: 文献介绍|14037 次阅读|0 个评论

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