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【微生物生态学】资源精选(讲座 & 论文)
热度 1 WileyChina 2014-10-23 15:56
祝贺国际微生物生态学会会议(ISME)成功举办! 我们特选取 Wiley Microbiology 上一些优秀文章及讲座,供您阅读和观看 点击链接,即可获取最新资讯,更有在线讲座、特刊文章并获取ISME会议书刊折扣! http://wileymicrobialecology.weebly.com/ Wiley优秀期刊 在线讲座 Environmental Microbiology Annual Lecture Programming soil bacteria to do amazing things With guest speaker Professor Victor de Lorenzo Journal of Applied Microbiology Annual Lecture Bacterial metabolism in the large intestine and its consequences for the host With guest speaker Professor George Macfarlane ​ ​ 优秀期刊 Special Issue: Plant-Microbe Interactions Environmental Microbiology Special Issue: Microbial Community Ecology Environmental Microbiology Reports Special Issue: Polar and Alpine Microbiology FEMS Microbial Ecology Virtual Issue on Plant Resistance Journal of Applied Microbiology Supplement: Fungi Journal of Basic Microbiology Antimicrobials Virtual Issue Letters in Applied Microbiology Thematic Issue: Fish Vaccines Microbial Biotechnology Mol Micro Meeting 2014: Virtual Special Issue Molecular Microbiology Special Joint Virtual Issue FEMS Journals Wiley Microbiology 重点推介 Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria 伯杰氏细菌古生菌和细菌分类学手册 Wiley将于2015年与Bergey’s Manual Trust(伯杰氏手册基金会)合作出 版 Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria (BMSAB) 。 伯杰氏被公认是细菌和古菌多样性方面的权威,此次合作将会是首次电子出版第三版手册。 Biological Nitrogen Fixation 生物固氮作用 第二卷 本 书为 Fran s J. d e Bruijn 编辑的最新参考书。 本书深度涵盖现阶段固氮作用的研究,并在此基础上综合论述。 Biological Nitrogen Fixation 将会是微生物生态学家和环境生 态学 家 的上佳参考书籍,同时也有助于农业研究者的农作物可持续性研究。 获取更多 Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria 和 Biological Nitrogen Fixation 最新资讯,请发送邮件到 LifeScience@wiley.com 产品推介 Current Protocols 实验室指南 就像一本食谱那样, Current Protocols 为您提供详尽的生命科学实验步骤指导。本书有详细的指导说明,故障解决方案,配有视频、图像和表格来帮助理解。您可以在 PubMed和Scopus数据库找到本书。 微生物学实验指南 最新更新季刊 200篇指南 内含4000页 支持在线获取 免疫学实验指南 2000篇指南 内含7000页 支持在线和印刷版获取 点击查看更多 http://www.currentprotocols.com/WileyCDA/ 书籍折扣 直至2014年9月24日,您可在线获取ISME会议手册八折优惠!详情请登录 http://wileymicrobialecology.weebly.com
个人分类: Life Science|3223 次阅读|2 个评论
本科论文答辩,真的hold 不住
热度 22 manrongchen 2012-5-31 08:42
本科论文答辩,真的 hold 不住 (信息来源于朋友讲述,切勿对号入座) 关键词: microbial fuel cell; 本科论文答辩; 不管是否属于博文精品,都必须写。因为 hold 不住! 论文答辩中,学生对于老师的提问有些不服气,本来很好很正常,导师却说(师生)打起来怎么办?小器!意思是不要这样问!答辩就是一答一辩,没什么新鲜,但学生没见过,就像一个人人夸赞的小丫头,突然有人指出脸上一个小小的麻点一样,恼怒,不服。倒还没有撒泼打滚,嚎啕大哭! 有“教授”穿着像个小地痞,上衣都不系扣子,花花短袖衣衫,齐膝短裤,东倒西歪没有坐姿。研究一个可以输出最大 0.6 伏特电压的污泥“电池 ”( 普通一个干电池 1.5 伏特电压 ) ,几个“小玩意”才能点亮一个灯泡或听半导体收音机广播,为此洋洋得意。关键这不是世界上第一个,也许是第 N 个(未详细查阅文献和专利记录)。 有的教授,室外自然条件做土壤上下层污染物迁移,没有考虑下雨会有影响,问及学生,学生似乎说文献讲没有影响。我倒是不相信。导师对他的学生说,“这样反问(提问老师)你最吃亏”,原来被指导的学生是来占便宜的。 导师把学生的论文题目弄错了,把沸石说成是粘土,有人提出怀疑,急了,“沸石磨碎了就是粘土”!竟然这样荒唐! 有的学生论文题目里讲“环境激素类化合物如何如何”,这是一个本科学生做得出来的题目?其中东西太多了,一篇博士论文也只能完成一个化合物,而且未必就搞清楚来龙去脉。何况本科生乎? 有人说学生只做一些具体的事情,论文中的很多不清楚。那有什么资格申请学位?李政道三个“不知道”让南京大学学子佩服,因为实事求是,科学就是这样,但是我们总归知道点基础的或基本的知识,才能拿学位吧。人才质量啊!
11178 次阅读|30 个评论
[转载]2011 Summer Course on Microbial Oceanography
zuojun 2011-6-24 07:41
You may want to take a look before the site is "closed." http://cmore.soest.hawaii.edu/summercourse/2011/ http://cmore.soest.hawaii.edu/summercourse/2011/syllabus.htm
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|1482 次阅读|0 个评论
The 3 hypotheses on living microorganisms should be a whole
biozhang 2010-1-9 17:07
(Zhang Xingyuan) Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms as a whole, mainly as follows: ①A complete ideological system: Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms (Metabolic energy sustentation hypothesis, Metabolic networks hypothesis and Cell-economy hypothesis), as well as the reasoning on the premise they made, constitute a complete ideological system. The first hypothesis reflects the premise of the vital activity of microorganisms (to supply energy continuously); the second hypothesis embodies the contents of microbial life (energy and material conversion relations); the third hypothesis to reveal the law of microbial vital activity (to provide the basis for co-operation between human being and microorganisms). The three basic hypotheses from three different visual angles analyze the same issue, the vital activity of microorganisms, embody the three hypotheses are interlinked and coordinated. The first hypothesis, from the perspective of bioenergetics and metabolic energy, we firmly believe that microbial cells are convertor of metabolic energy; the second hypothesis, from the perspective of biochemistry and metabolism, we firmly believe that microbial cells are biological and chemical reactors and biological materials processor; the third hypothesis, from the perspective of bioinformatics, we firmly believe that microbial cells are bio-informatics encoder, information sensor and information processor. ②The three hypotheses support each other, constraint and complement each other: Energy metabolism relies on metabolic networks to achieve sustainability; metabolic energy is needed for metabolic networks to run to support metabolism, energy metabolism and material metabolism overlap each other, and are subject to norms and constraints from cell economic laws. Currents of flowing metabolites in metabolic networks rely on supporting of metabolic energy, and are under constraint of cell economy laws; but the studies on metabolic energy sustainment and cell economy must resort to their work-carrier, metabolic networks. ③ Nature dialectics in fermentation engineering: Modern industrial fermentation is going to establish in the bases of profound research of the three hypotheses on metabolic energy sustentation, metabolic networks and cell-economy. The hypothesis of metabolic energy sustentation revealed the driving force behind the industrial fermentation. In the hypothesis of metabolic networks, metabolic pathways (enzymes) and related carriers (proteins) have been organized as a whole, and known as the metabolic networks (material metabolism network).This will help us to have a good grasp of microbial physiology and material metabolism in the macro level, and to set up the basis of analysis for the actual operation sites in the design of industrial fermentation from raw materials to the target products. The concept of cell-economy have been put forward, it provides a theoretical basis of handling the relationship of the unity of opposites, i.e., subjective desires (industrial fermentation) and the objective law (microbial vital activity). ④Cross-disciplines and infiltrate-disciplines: The establishment of the new concept of fermentation science is based on the combination, infiltration, fusion, and support each other,in the fields of disciplines of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, cytology and the fields of disciplines of physics, physical chemistry, chemical engineering principles, electrotechnics, biology, economics, philosophy and dialectics of nature.
个人分类: 生命系统|4868 次阅读|3 个评论
Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms
biozhang 2010-1-9 17:00
Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences (Zhang Xingyuan) The Three Basic Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences put forward in the field of fermentation engineering by the author in 1997 could be named Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms. The Three Basic Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences has entered the textbooks Principles of fermentation (Science Press, published in 2005). On the occasion of alma mater (Wuxi Light Industry College, now Jiangnan University) anniversary commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary, the author gives the copies of the hypotheses available in English and Traditional Chinese version, hoping hear opinions from domestic and overseas readers. ZHANG Xingyuan ,Jiangnan University, China Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms (Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences) Hypothesis 1 Metabolic energy sustentation hypothesis The intermediate form of energy, used directly to drive vital activity (to do cell-work), can be called metabolic energy . Microbial cells rely on self-agencies for energy transformation, to change chemical energy (or light energy) into metabolic energy ; The latter can be directly used to drive vital activity of cells . Hypothesis 2 Metabolic networks hypothesis On the bases of integration in the levels of molecules, and the coordination in the levels of co-factors (co-enzymes), metabolic pathways and delivery systems across the cells inside and outside constitute metabolic networks. Metabolic network is a kind of scale-free networks of cell self-regulation, which as a whole bear the microbial cell material metabolism and energy metabolism. Hypothesis 3 Cell-economy hypothesis (metabolic economy hypothesis) Microbial cell is an open system far from equilibrium state of imbalance, a cell economy system that has been optimized in natural selection. Cell economy system operates to keep to cell economy laws, and provides protection for cell survival in the aspects: adaptability, economical efficiency, and persistence. The three hypothesis in the annotations These three hypotheses to some extent also can be applied to other life forms, but they have bright pertinence against applied microorganisms. Microbial cells directly facing the environment they live in, and survival in environment around them maintain independence and keep initiative, thus they have its own particularity compared with other life forms. The three hypotheses suitable for microorganisms ( except viruses ) ; For other organisms, except microorganisms, it is not completely applicable to, but can be learned from.
个人分类: 生命系统|4770 次阅读|0 个评论

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