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Current Drug Metabolism:总参考文献数与期刊因子呈现负相关
热度 1 zhpd55 2015-5-20 10:06
Current Drug Metabolism: 总参考文献数与期刊因子呈现负相关(修改稿) 诸平 《药物代谢研究最新进展》( Current Drug Metabolism ,ISSN:1389-2002)是由Bentham Science出版和管理的一种刊载由著名专家撰写的有关药物新陈代谢和特性最新和最重要评论的期刊。2013年影响因子为3.487,5年影响因子为4.205;2006年的影响因子达到2003-2013年之间的最高值(IF=5.762),在199种药理学和药剂学期刊中名列第13;2013年在291种生物化学和分子生物学期刊中名列第101名;在254种药理学和药剂学期刊中名列第54名。2006年总参考文献数为7593条 (IF=5.762) ,2007年增加到8173条,IF下降到4.49;2008年参考文献总数增加到11387条,IF下降到4.35;2009年总参考文献数增加到12668万条,IF下降到4以下。总参考文献数与期刊因子的负相关性图示如下: 统计结果 Current Drug Metabolism N Mean SD Sum Min Max Total References 11 8857.72727 3272.78551 97435 4033 14321 SJR 11 1.33782 0.28748 14.716 0.966 1.879 Current Drug Metabolism Correlations Coefficients Total References SJR Total References Pearson Corr. 1 -0.63304* Total References Sig. -- 0.03656 SJR Pearson Corr. -0.63304* 1 SJR Sig. 0.03656 -- 2-tailed test of significance is used *:Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level Current Drug Metabolism N Mean SD Sum Min Max Total References 11 8857.72727 3272.78551 97435 4033 14321 Cites / Doc. (2years) 11 5.02818 0.85542 55.31 3.86 7.06 Current Drug Metabolism Correlations Coefficients Total References Cites / Doc. (2years) Total References Pearson Corr. 1 -0.22482 Total References Sig. -- 0.50629 Cites / Doc. (2years) Pearson Corr. -0.22482 1 Cites / Doc. (2years) Sig. 0.50629 -- 2-tailed test of significance is used *:Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level
个人分类: 科技期刊研究|6050 次阅读|2 个评论
研究热点:药物代谢 Drug Metabolism
xupeiyang 2010-5-13 15:45
http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/2?WEB01ow1fcrlhuyabI45I7lI00h01000900000000000300000012000030120205 100,000 of 1,606,615 documents semantically analyzed Top Years Publications 2009 69,120 2008 15,412 2010 15,314 2007 94 2004 9 2005 7 2002 4 2006 3 2000 2 1 2 3 ... 9 Top Countries Publications USA 28,185 China 8,721 Japan 8,135 Germany 4,910 United Kingdom 4,248 Italy 3,921 South Korea 3,289 Canada 3,234 France 3,074 India 2,694 Spain 2,492 Brazil 1,946 Australia 1,715 Taiwan 1,592 Netherlands 1,569 Sweden 1,211 Switzerland 1,040 Turkey 996 Poland 960 Belgium 842 1 2 3 ... 9 1 2 3 ... 150 Top Cities Publications Seoul 1,441 Tokyo 1,432 Beijing 1,368 Boston 1,209 New York 1,143 Shanghai 1,090 London 1,056 Baltimore 836 Bethesda 729 Houston 726 Nanjing 700 Paris 699 Philadelphia 698 Chicago 655 Toronto 644 Guangzhou 623 Taipei 605 Los Angeles 583 Madrid 574 Rome 573 1 2 3 ... 150 1 2 3 ... 189 Top Journals Publications J Biol Chem 1,262 Biochem Biophys Res Commun 891 Bioorg Med Chem Lett 784 J Med Chem 745 J Neurosci 718 Eur J Pharmacol 717 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 704 Plos One 641 Cancer Res 619 J Neurochem 593 Clin Cancer Res 550 Antimicrob Agents Chemother 526 J Pharmacol Exp Ther 515 Blood 496 Neuroscience 477 Brain Res 473 Bioorg Med Chem 467 Biochim Biophys Acta 435 Endocrinology 430 Neurosci Lett 393 1 2 3 ... 189 1 2 3 ... 2157 Top Terms Publications Humans 57,969 Animals 52,751 Proteins 27,695 Pharmaceutical Preparations 21,168 Patients 20,490 Mice 20,344 Rats 18,536 Evaluation Studies as Topic 16,730 Genes 15,001 Adult 14,322 Therapeutics 11,584 signal transduction 11,450 Cell Line 11,303 Tissues 10,945 Neoplasms 10,920 Middle Aged 10,818 Metabolism 10,724 Cells, Cultured 10,533 Oxides 10,447 metabolic process 10,438 1 2 3 ... 2157 药物代谢的定义   药物代谢是研究药物在生物体内的吸收、分布、 生物转化 和排泄等过程的特点和规律的一门科学,即药物分子被机体吸收后,在机体作用下发生的化学结构转化。也是药物研发产业链中的重要环节,贯穿药物研究过程的始终。   代谢的意义就在于能把外源性的物质包括药物和毒物,进行化学处理失活,并使排出体外。但药物的作用、副作用、毒性、给药剂量、给药方式、 药物作用 的时间、药物的相互作用等对代谢具有重要的影响。    药物代谢的过程   1、药物的吸收和相互作用   药物吸收是指从用药部位转运至血液的过程。吸收的快与慢、多与少、易与难受药物本身理化性质、给药途径、药物浓度、吸收面积和局部血流等因素的影响。一般来说,脂溶性、小分子、水溶性、非解离型有机酸等药物口服吸收较快而多;碱性药物(如生物碱)则因在胃酸中解离而难以吸收;静脉给药、肺泡(气雾剂)、肌注或皮下注射、粘膜、皮肤给药的吸收速度依次递减。而药物浓度高,吸收面积广、局部血流快可使药物吸收加快。胃肠道淤血时则吸收减慢。   在疾病治疗过程中:①用药改变了胃肠道PH值,可影响药物的解离度和吸收率。如应用抗酸药后提高胃肠道PH值。故同服弱酸性药物,因解离增加而影响吸收;②改变胃排空或肠蠕动速度的药物能影响药物的吸收,例如阿托品、普鲁本辛可延缓胃排空,增加药物的吸收;而甲氧氯普胺(胃复安)、多潘立酮(吗丁啉)等能增加肠蠕动,从而减少了药物在肠道中的吸收;③药物同服时,由于相互作用而影响吸收。如抗酸药中的Ca2+、Mg2+、Al3+与四环素类同服,形成难溶性的配位化合物,而不利吸收。   2、药物的分布和相互作用   药物进入血液后,随血液循环向全身分布。有些药物对某些组织有特殊的亲和力,如碘集中于甲状腺中,氯喹在肝脏中,汞锑砷等在肝肾在沉积较多。同时分布到作用部位必须通过生物膜、血脑屏障、胎盘、脑脊髓等屏障。影响分布的另外一个因素是药物与血浆蛋白结合力,结合态药物不能通过生物膜也没有药理作用,不能由肾小球滤过。   分布过程的药物相互作用主要表现在与血浆蛋白结合的竞争。当药物合用时,它们可以在蛋白结合部位发生竞争性相互置换,结果与蛋白结合部位亲和力较高的药物将另一种与蛋白结合力较低的药物置换出来,使之游离型增多,药理活性增强。如保泰松、阿司匹林、苯妥英钠可使双香豆素从蛋白结合部位置换出来,而引起出血;亦可将与蛋白结合的磺酰脲类降血糖药置换出来引起低血糖等。   3、药物的代谢和作用   机体内的物质代谢主要在肝脏。多数药物在肝脏要经过不同程度的结构变化,包括氧化、还原、分解、结合等方式。经过代谢,其药理作用被减弱和消失。只有少数药物经过代谢才能发挥治疗作用(如环磷酰胺)。   一般药物进入血液后,由门静脉进入肝脏,经肝内药物 代谢酶 作用,使血药浓度降低,药理作用减弱,这种现象称为首过效应。(又称首过作用:第一关卡效应)。   有些药物可诱导 肝微粒体酶 的活性增强叫酶促作用,从而使药物代谢加速,导致药效减弱,如 苯巴比妥 ,苯妥英纳可使双香豆素、糖皮质激素、雌激素代谢加快,药理作用减弱。反之。有些药物可抑制肝微粒体酶的活性,叫酶抑作用,从而使某些代谢减慢,药效增强甚至引起中毒。如异烟肼、 氯霉素 、香豆素类可抑制苯妥英钠代谢,从而使苯妥英纳血药浓度增高,引起中毒;西咪替丁口服后可使华法林代谢减慢,疗效增强甚至出现出血倾向等。另外,有少数药物进入血液循环后,经肝脏代谢,以原形随胆汗排入肠道,又经肠粘膜重新吸收,进入血液循环,称为肠肝循环。肠肝循环可延长药物在体内的作用时间,亦会造成药物在体内的蓄积中毒。   4、药物的排泄和相互作用   肾脏是药物排泄的主要途径。一般酸性药物在碱性尿中排泄较多;而碱发性药物在酸性尿中易于排出。这一规律可用于某些 药物中毒 的治疗:如苯巴比妥中毒,给予碳酸氢钠碱化尿液从而使苯巴比妥大量排出,用于解毒。除肾脏外,还可能过呼吸道、胆汁、乳腺、汗腺及粪便排泄。   药物相互作用主要表现在肾小管分泌和重吸收方面。肾小管分泌是一个主动转运过程,需要特殊的载体,即酸性药物和碱性药物载体。当两种酸性药物或碱性药物合用时,可相互竞争载体而出现竞争性抑制现象,从而使其中一种药物肾小管分泌减少,影响从肾脏排泄。如双香豆素降低氯磺丙脲的排泄,增高其血药浓度而发生低血糖反应等。   肾小管的重吸收是被动吸收,因此药物的解离度对其有重要影响。碱性尿液可增加巴比妥类、保泰松、磺胺类等药物的排泄;而酸性尿液可增加吗啡、抗组胺药、氨茶碱等药物的排泄。    药物代谢的方式   药物从体内消除(elimination)主要有两种方式,即代谢(metabolism)和 排泄 (excretion)。代谢是大部分药物从体内消除的主要方式。药物的代谢反应大致可以分为氧化(oxidation)、还原(reduction)、水解(hydrolysis)和结合(conjugation)四种类型,氧化、还原和水解为Ⅰ相代谢,结合反应为Ⅱ相代谢。有些药物可以同时通过几种反应类型进行代谢。   1、肝脏代谢   肝脏是药物的主要清除器官,肝脏清除分成肝脏代谢和 胆汁排泄 两种方式(图1)。肝脏富含药物Ⅰ相代谢和Ⅱ相代谢所需的各种酶,其中以P450酶最为重要。P450酶是由多种类型的P450酶所组成的一个大家族,根据氨基酸的排序的雷同性,P450酶可以分为不同几个大类,每个大类又可以细分成几个小类。在人体中重要的P450酶有CYP1A2、CYP2A6、CYP2B6、CYP2C8、CYP2C9、CYP2C19、CYP2D6、CYP2E1、CYP3A4和CYP3A5(图2)。P450酶存在有明显的种属差异,药物在动物和人体内的代谢途径和代谢产物可能是不同的。多态性(polymorphisms)是P450酶的一个重要特征,是导致药物反应的 个体差异 的一个重要原因。所谓的多态性,是指同一种属的不同个体间某一P450酶的量存在较大的差异。量高的个体代谢速度就快,称为快代谢型(extensive metabolizer); 量低的个体代谢速度就慢,称为慢代谢型(poor metabolizer)。人体内许多P450酶表现出多态性,其中以CYP2D6和CYP2C19的多态性最为典型。另外,P450酶具有可诱导和可抑制性。也就是说,P450酶的量和活性会受到药物(或其他外源物)的影响,可能会影响药物本身的代谢,并可能会引起代谢性药物相互作用。   2、肠壁代谢(Intestinal Metabolism, Gut Metabolism)   近年来研究发现许多药物在小肠吸收后通过肠壁时被代谢,从而导致药物的 生物利用度 降低,这种肠道的首关效应已引起相当重视。肠道内壁的上皮细胞从绒毛(villi)的低端移动到顶端后脱落,这个过程中上皮细胞逐渐成熟,整个过程大约需要两三天时间(图3)。肠壁中药物代谢酶主要分布于成熟的上皮细胞内,其中绒毛尖端活性最强。目前已经在肠壁中发现许多种类的代谢酶,如CYP26、CYP2C9、CYP2C19、CYP3A4、CYP3A5等, 其中以CYP3A4的含量最高(ref1)。许多临床常用的药物为CYP3A的底物,可以在肠壁内代谢。肠壁代谢是造成许多药物口服生物利用度偏低的重要原因之一。
个人分类: 热点前沿|3343 次阅读|0 个评论
The 3 hypotheses on living microorganisms should be a whole
biozhang 2010-1-9 17:07
(Zhang Xingyuan) Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms as a whole, mainly as follows: ①A complete ideological system: Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms (Metabolic energy sustentation hypothesis, Metabolic networks hypothesis and Cell-economy hypothesis), as well as the reasoning on the premise they made, constitute a complete ideological system. The first hypothesis reflects the premise of the vital activity of microorganisms (to supply energy continuously); the second hypothesis embodies the contents of microbial life (energy and material conversion relations); the third hypothesis to reveal the law of microbial vital activity (to provide the basis for co-operation between human being and microorganisms). The three basic hypotheses from three different visual angles analyze the same issue, the vital activity of microorganisms, embody the three hypotheses are interlinked and coordinated. The first hypothesis, from the perspective of bioenergetics and metabolic energy, we firmly believe that microbial cells are convertor of metabolic energy; the second hypothesis, from the perspective of biochemistry and metabolism, we firmly believe that microbial cells are biological and chemical reactors and biological materials processor; the third hypothesis, from the perspective of bioinformatics, we firmly believe that microbial cells are bio-informatics encoder, information sensor and information processor. ②The three hypotheses support each other, constraint and complement each other: Energy metabolism relies on metabolic networks to achieve sustainability; metabolic energy is needed for metabolic networks to run to support metabolism, energy metabolism and material metabolism overlap each other, and are subject to norms and constraints from cell economic laws. Currents of flowing metabolites in metabolic networks rely on supporting of metabolic energy, and are under constraint of cell economy laws; but the studies on metabolic energy sustainment and cell economy must resort to their work-carrier, metabolic networks. ③ Nature dialectics in fermentation engineering: Modern industrial fermentation is going to establish in the bases of profound research of the three hypotheses on metabolic energy sustentation, metabolic networks and cell-economy. The hypothesis of metabolic energy sustentation revealed the driving force behind the industrial fermentation. In the hypothesis of metabolic networks, metabolic pathways (enzymes) and related carriers (proteins) have been organized as a whole, and known as the metabolic networks (material metabolism network).This will help us to have a good grasp of microbial physiology and material metabolism in the macro level, and to set up the basis of analysis for the actual operation sites in the design of industrial fermentation from raw materials to the target products. The concept of cell-economy have been put forward, it provides a theoretical basis of handling the relationship of the unity of opposites, i.e., subjective desires (industrial fermentation) and the objective law (microbial vital activity). ④Cross-disciplines and infiltrate-disciplines: The establishment of the new concept of fermentation science is based on the combination, infiltration, fusion, and support each other,in the fields of disciplines of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, cytology and the fields of disciplines of physics, physical chemistry, chemical engineering principles, electrotechnics, biology, economics, philosophy and dialectics of nature.
个人分类: 生命系统|4887 次阅读|3 个评论
Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms
biozhang 2010-1-9 17:00
Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences (Zhang Xingyuan) The Three Basic Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences put forward in the field of fermentation engineering by the author in 1997 could be named Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms. The Three Basic Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences has entered the textbooks Principles of fermentation (Science Press, published in 2005). On the occasion of alma mater (Wuxi Light Industry College, now Jiangnan University) anniversary commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary, the author gives the copies of the hypotheses available in English and Traditional Chinese version, hoping hear opinions from domestic and overseas readers. ZHANG Xingyuan ,Jiangnan University, China Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms (Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences) Hypothesis 1 Metabolic energy sustentation hypothesis The intermediate form of energy, used directly to drive vital activity (to do cell-work), can be called metabolic energy . Microbial cells rely on self-agencies for energy transformation, to change chemical energy (or light energy) into metabolic energy ; The latter can be directly used to drive vital activity of cells . Hypothesis 2 Metabolic networks hypothesis On the bases of integration in the levels of molecules, and the coordination in the levels of co-factors (co-enzymes), metabolic pathways and delivery systems across the cells inside and outside constitute metabolic networks. Metabolic network is a kind of scale-free networks of cell self-regulation, which as a whole bear the microbial cell material metabolism and energy metabolism. Hypothesis 3 Cell-economy hypothesis (metabolic economy hypothesis) Microbial cell is an open system far from equilibrium state of imbalance, a cell economy system that has been optimized in natural selection. Cell economy system operates to keep to cell economy laws, and provides protection for cell survival in the aspects: adaptability, economical efficiency, and persistence. The three hypothesis in the annotations These three hypotheses to some extent also can be applied to other life forms, but they have bright pertinence against applied microorganisms. Microbial cells directly facing the environment they live in, and survival in environment around them maintain independence and keep initiative, thus they have its own particularity compared with other life forms. The three hypotheses suitable for microorganisms ( except viruses ) ; For other organisms, except microorganisms, it is not completely applicable to, but can be learned from.
个人分类: 生命系统|4791 次阅读|0 个评论

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