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Cockleburs 苍耳属 Xanthium spp
entomology 2008-7-19 23:13
XANTHIUM . Cockleburs. 苍耳属 a b Fig.1a-b Unknown mines on the leaves of Siberia Cocklebur ( Xanthium sibiricum ) 图1a-b. 苍耳上的未知虫道 【邓林峰2008年7月摄于中国赣州路旁,Nokia N70】 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: 1 English names: vegetable leafminer, garden pea leafminer Chinese names: 豌豆潜蝇(豌豆植潜蝇、豌豆彩潜蝇) Scientific names 学名: Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau)= Phytomyza horticola (Goureau)= Phytomyza atricornis Meigen Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 中国有分布 2 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: 紫苑斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza pusilla Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: No? 3 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: 线斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza strigata = Agromyza strigata = Agromyza violae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: No 国内无分布,属检疫害虫 4 English names: American serpentine leafminer Chinese names: 三叶草斑潜蝇,美国斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza trifolii = Oscinis trifolii = Liriomyza allivora = Liriomyza phascolunulata Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Refer to: http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/XANTHIUM.html Distribution in China: Yes but only in South China 国内仅华南有分布,检疫害虫
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3231 次阅读|0 个评论
Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 Phyllocnistis citrella (1)
entomology 2008-7-18 22:11
To be continued 续文请看: Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 Phyllocnistis citrella (2): Larva and adult 幼虫和成虫 @ http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=46185 English names: citrus leaf-miner (CLM) Scientific names: Phyllocnistis citrella Staiton Taxonomy: Order Lepidoptera, FamilyPhyllocnistidae Host plants: Citrus spp and related Rutaceae, Distribuition: Citrus producing area in China Natural enemies reported in China国内已报道天敌: parasitoids 拟寄生蜂, aphids lions 草蛉andants 蚂蚁.Reported parasitoid species include 白星橘啮小蜂 ( Citrostichus phyllocnistoides ), 长腹桔啮小蜂 ( Citrostichus dolichogaster ), 黄岩瑟姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus huangyanensis ), 江西瑟姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus jiangxiensis ), 桔潜蛾瑟姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus phyllocnistis ), 桔潜黑盾姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus nigriscutellari ), 横带瑟姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus lyncus ), 四带瑟姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus guadristriatus ), 瑟姬小蜂一种 ( Cirrospilus sp.), 潜蛾楔翅姬小蜂 ( Achrysocharella sp.), 潜蛾纹翅姬小蜂 ( Teleopterus sp.), 鹿蛾柄腹姬小蜂 ( Pediobus pyrgo ), 桔潜啮小蜂 ( Aproscetus sp.),潜蛾短腹啮小蜂 ( Tetrastichus sp.), 潜蛾羽角姬小蜂 ( Cympisis sp.), 潜蛾杂毛姬小蜂 ( Pnigalio sp.),潜蛾黄小蜂 ( Scotolinx phyllocnistis ), 潜蛾黑小蜂 ( Sympiesis sp.), 潜黑姬小蜂 ( Euderus sp.), 日本姬小蜂 ( Stenomesius japonicus ), 白足扁股小蜂 ( Elasmus corbetti ), 串茧跳小蜂 ( Ageniaspis citricola ), 桔潜蛾姬小蜂 ( Elachertus sp.) Refer to: http://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/citrus/citrus_leafminer.htm for detailed descriptions. Note thatsome researchersdoubt thatthe leaf miner feeding on plants other than Rutaceae might be other Phyllocnistis species (Liu Zeng, 1980) Ref: Liu X, Zeng R. The morphology of the citurs leaf miner ( Phyllocnistis citrella Staiton) and its food plants in Kwangtung Province. Journal of South China Agricultural College, 1980, (01): 117-124. Fig.1 Mines and larvae inside on the leaves of navel orange (Photo by Deng Linfeng with Nokia N73 @ Orchard, Ganzhou, China) 图1 脐橙叶片上的虫道及虫道内的幼虫 【邓林峰2008年7月摄于中国赣州怡风果园,Nokia N73】 Fig.2 Mines and larvaeof citrus leaf miner ( Phyllocnistis citrella ) onone twig of navel orange (Photo by Deng Linfeng with Nokia N73 @ Orchard, Ganzhou, China) 图2 脐橙嫩梢上的 柑橘潜叶蛾 虫道及虫道内的幼虫 【邓林峰2008年7月摄于中国赣州怡风果园,Nokia N73】 More pictures of CLM larva and mine under microscope 柑橘潜叶蛾的数码显微照片@ http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=43417 and http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=39043 Chinese names: 柑橘潜叶蛾 分类地位:鳞翅目:叶潜蛾科 寄主: 柑橘类 , 但刘秀琼,曾仁光(1980)认为取食非芸香科植物的潜叶蛾为其他种。 柑桔是中国南方省份最重要的水果,其产量占了该地区所有水果产量的30%。柑桔潜叶蛾 Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton属于鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)叶潜蛾科(Phyllocnistidae), 又称画图虫、鬼画符、潜叶虫等,主要为害柑橘类的植物,是柑桔苗木、幼年树和成年树嫩梢期的重要害虫,也是我国公布的《双边协定中涉及限定性有害生物及其他植物检疫性有害生物》中规定的危险性害虫。为2001年中国农业部确定的278种有害生物疫情普查重点之一。分布于非洲、亚洲、大洋洲和美洲的许多国家和地区,在国内外柑桔产区都有分布。以幼虫在柑桔嫩茎、嫩叶表皮下钻蛀为害,成银白色的蜿蜒隧道。受害叶片不能充分发育,卷缩、变硬或坏死,易于脱落,新梢生长受阻,发生严重时,新梢、嫩叶几无幸免。不仅影响幼树树冠的长成,也影响幼年树结果和成年树产量。同时,幼虫为害的伤口,有利溃疡病菌的侵入,常诱发柑桔溃疡病的大发生;被害卷叶又为红蜘蛛、锈避虱和卷叶蛾等害虫提供越冬聚集场所,增加了越冬害虫防治的困难,为害极大。柑桔潜叶蛾在全国各柑桔产地均有分布,基本上属于稳定的、历来危害严重的柑桔害虫,有时具有毁灭性。 参见: 刘秀琼, 曾仁光; 柑桔潜叶蛾( Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton)的形态及其寄主植物 ; 华南农业大学学报(自然科学版); 1980年01期; 117-124.
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|7051 次阅读|1 个评论
致谢 Acknowledgements
entomology 2008-7-18 21:43
感谢以下单位和个人提供珍贵照片、资料、材料、建议或者帮助调查、鉴定或者图像处理。 With thanks to whom offer me suggestions, photos and/or materials, or help me investigate, identify and/or PS: 江西九连山国家自然保护区、湖北神农架大九湖国家湿地公园、贵州梵净山国家自然保护区、生态学学术讨论QQ群 EcoScience QQ Group (7768696) 中科院动物所:朱朝东、袁峰(寄生蜂) 南开大学:李后魂、王淑霞(小蛾类) 荷兰莱顿自然历史博物馆(National Museum of Natural History Naturalis, Leiden):Erik J. van Nieukerken 广东省昆虫研究所:吴伟南(植绥螨) 赣南师范学院:刘仁林(寄主植物) 中山大学:廖文波、凡强(寄主植物) 中科院武汉植物园:李晓东(寄主植物) 赣南师范学院:徐家生、曹利民、徐华、胡殿明、王学雄、屈鸿恩 中科院武汉植物园:任明迅 德班理工大学(Durban University of Technology, South Africa):Kevin J Duffy 中山大学:余世孝、刘蔚秋、杨雪 福建农林大学:尤民生、郑云开 华东师范大学:熊李虎 东北林业大学(now 北京师范大学):王化儒 中科院动物所:徐峰 江西师范大学:简敏菲 河南农科院:任应党 北京林业大学:武三安 江西井冈山国家级自然保护区 江西齐云山省级自然保护区 赣州市果业局:钟八莲、谢金招 赣州市农业局:李爱华 北京农林科学院:虞国跃 华中农业大学:付新华 中国科学院成都生物研究所:顾垒 浙江大学:杜玉娟 江西环境工程职业学院:黄敦元 于都果业局:杨斌华 安远果业局:李卫敏 兴国果业局:李明 全南果业局:陈安 南开大学:席丽 潜叶昆虫标本采集与制作技术、潜叶虫寄生蜂鉴定:中科院动物所朱朝东 江西省脐橙工程中心捕食螨繁殖中心:兰桥妹、廖雪梅 脐橙园昆虫和寄主调查:邓林峰、曾竞、罗能忠、徐家生、曹利民、李珺、周建、王秀萍、刘文平、王飞、赣南师院05生物本、08生物本(周亮、蓝雅惠、姚发标、曾春星、江智敏、刘星、陈惠娟、李丽萍、陈兵华、廖海荣)、09生物本(梁金水等) 昆虫摄影:邓林峰、任明迅、郑云开、熊李虎、曾竞、李珺、雷蕾、周建、江智敏 生态学学术讨论群(QQ群):熊李虎、任明迅、邓艳、张珑及群内很多朋友 YAHOO邮件群组:ukleafminers Planta: 陈沉, 红景天 Emay: mrstarlitsky 图像处理 Image processing: Jack Tasoff @ San Pedro, California; 雷蕾 相关研究得到下列基金支持: 国家自然科学基金 人力资源和社会保障部留学人员科技活动项目择优资助经费 国家科技支撑计划 江西省教育厅科技项目 赣州市果业基金 南非国家研究基金(NRF) 等 另有许多朋友提供帮助,已在相应博文中说明,也表达诚挚谢意!可能有缺漏的地方,我将努力加以修正。
个人分类: Acknowledgements 致谢|6183 次阅读|5 个评论
白背叶上的蚁巢 Ant's nests on the leaves of Mallotus apelta
entomology 2008-7-18 17:21
Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Nokia e50 @ Youshan, Ganzhou, China, July 2008 戴小华2008年7月摄于江西赣州油山江西省林业实验中学野外实习基地,Nokia E50 The extrafloral nectaries on leaf baseof Mallotus apelta can attract ants to feed or nest there. The ants will provide patrol and defense for the plants. It is an interesting mutualistic relation. We even found several ant species on a leaf. 带学生野外实习,突然发现有的植物叶子基部有蚁巢,如果没有蚁巢就有些蚂蚁在叶基忙碌。经鉴定,该植物为白背叶 Mallotus apelta ,基部有腺点, 可以分泌蜜液吸引蚂蚁。而蚂蚁可以提供巡逻和防御作为回报。这是一种互利共生的关系。我们甚至在一片叶子上看到了几种蚂蚁。
个人分类: Other Insects 其他昆虫|2791 次阅读|0 个评论
图片欣赏 Enjoy the pictures
entomology 2008-7-18 15:53
ID 相册名 封面 状态 排序 操作 操作 操作 操作 26962 Leafminers 已推送到 动物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 24824 神农架昆虫之生态图 已推送到 动物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 9716 三清山风光 The Scenery of Sanqing Mountain 已推送到 植物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 8218 赣南柑橘害虫 Citrus pests in South Jiangxi 已推送到 动物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 8064 南非生态图片集 Pictures in the wild Africa 已推送到 植物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 5516 脐橙园灯诱昆虫 Light-trapped insects 已推送到 动物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 5490 未知潜叶虫的潜道 Leaf mines of unknown insects 已推送到 动物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除
个人分类: My Album 图片集|2343 次阅读|0 个评论
看“粪”识潜虫 To identify miners by frass
热度 1 entomology 2008-7-18 13:27
语云闻香识美人,就是通过间接的信息进行物种或者个体的鉴定。对于潜叶虫而言,潜道就是物种识别的最明显的证据。在野外要采集到具备活潜叶虫的叶子是比较难的,要么错过了季节,要么虫子直接就死在虫道里。但潜道一直都保留着,甚至可以到来年。 To know a beauty by her scent, that is to say, we can identify a species or an individual according to indirect information. As for leafminer, the trails (mines) are the most distict feature to aid identification. In the wild it is difficult to collect leaves with active miners, one reason may be that we miss the season, the other is that the larva died in the trail. However, the mine is there and will be kept until next year. 不同目的潜叶虫在叶子上作画的风格各具特色:鳞翅目蛾类的喜欢用虫粪形成的单线条绘制廊道或者斑块;而双翅目蝇类幼虫的粪便则形成平行的双线;与双翅目相比,膜翅目蜂类的粪便更多更黑;鞘翅目甲虫类则经常造成叶子的缺刻。 Leafminers from different orders have theirunique styles of leaf drawing:Lepidopteral mothslike todraw galleries or blotches with single frasslines,while Diptera fliesusuallydraw two parallel frass trails. The mines of Hymenoptera wasps have more and darker frass than the mines of dipetrous flies. Coleoptera beetles alwaysmake cut-outs and holesin the leaves. 参考 Refer to: http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/leaf_mines.htm a b Fig.1 Leaf mines and miner larva (the little yellow one in Fig. 1b)@ cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ). Since the mine is serpentine with frass alternatively at each side, the mines only occur on the surface of the leaves, and the larva is golden-yellow maggot, the miner is Lriomyza sativae . 图1. 豇豆上的潜道和潜叶虫(图1b中的黄色小虫),根据蛇形潜道,粪便在两侧交替排列,潜道仅出现在叶正面,和幼虫特征,潜叶虫种类是美洲斑潜蝇。【戴小华2008年8月17日摄于福建连城父母的菜园中,相机为Olympus X-775. 】
个人分类: Introduction to leafminers 潜叶虫简介|2763 次阅读|2 个评论
基于数字图像的斑潜蝇潜道几何形态数据提取技术探讨 Discussion on the extraction of geometrical-shape data
entomology 2008-7-17 22:57
基于数字图像的斑潜蝇潜道几何形态数据提取技术探讨 戴小华 赣南师范学院化学与生命科学学院,赣州 341000 ,江西 摘要 :斑潜蝇指双翅目潜蝇科斑潜蝇属的蝇类昆虫,是蔬菜、花卉等植物上的一类重要害虫,目前已记载的有 300 多种,主要集中在温带地区,多数种类被国际上列为检疫对象,以幼虫潜入植物叶片中取食形成弯曲的潜道为特征。我国有 15 种斑潜蝇分布,以美洲斑潜蝇和南美斑潜蝇危害最重,它们均起源于南美洲。斑潜蝇的入侵,对我国的蔬菜和花卉生产造成了重大损失。 采用数码相机、扫描仪、数字显微镜、数码摄像机等图像采集设备获取斑潜蝇为害叶片的高清晰数字图像,然后通过一系列图像处理技术从数字图像中提取斑潜蝇潜道的几何形态特征图像,再将特征图像矢量化后输入 CAD 或者 GIS 软件可获得潜道几何形态特征的原始数据。本研究旨在探讨不同图像获取设备、不同分辨率、不同图像处理软件、不同植物叶片的提取效果,发现最佳的潜道提取技术。通过 GIS 空间分析,可以研究潜道的叶面分布格局、虫害面积测定、潜道几何形态分析和潜食路径分析等。由于不同的斑潜蝇潜食行为的差异,或许还可以通过潜道的几何特征和潜道叶面分布进行斑潜蝇种类的鉴定。 关键词 :斑潜蝇 潜道 数字图像 GIS 第一届全国入侵生物学术研讨会摘要,福州,2007
个人分类: Ecology 生态学|2671 次阅读|0 个评论
【硕士论文 Master Thesis】两种斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究 Preliminary Studies on Host-Selection by Two
entomology 2008-7-17 22:05
Dai, Xiaohua. (2000) Preliminary Studies on Host-Selection by Two Liriomyza species. (Thesis/Dissertation completed at Fujian Agricultural University) ABSTRACT: In this paper, host-plant ranges of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard and L. huidobrensis (Blanchard) and their preference to different plants were systematically studied. And the influences of soil nitrogen, phosphor and potassium, moisture, salinity, heavy metals and heterogeny plant substances on host-selection by L. sativae , and the relationship between L. sativae selection and the content of nutritional substances were studied to clarify the mechanism of host-selection by Liriomyza spp. And the possible model of host-selection by Liriomyza spp. and some advice on the control of the leafminers were given. Firstly, the preliminary lists of host-plants of both leafminers in the suburb of Fuzhou were respectively recorded, based on outdoor investigations. It was found that L. sativae can feed on the plants of 20 families with 85 species, and L. huidobrensis can feed on the plants of 20 families with 73 species. Then the host families of the two leafminers were given. The major vegetable, flower and weed host-plants were discussed. The agricultural control methods of interplanting and cleaning the weeds were proposed. The Liriomyza species are very adaptive: the range of their hosts is gradually expanded. Their dynamics should be considered seriously. The feeding and ovipositing selection of L. sativae to important vegetables was studied in the laboratory. It was found that L. sativae can do harm to all vegetables studied; host-selections by L. sativae are not only different between families, between genus, and between species, but also between variations and between varieties; the host-selection sequence by L. sativae is Leguminosea, Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, Cruiciferae and Compositae. It was discovered in the field that main hosts of L. huidobrensis were listed in series as follows: Caryphyllaceae, Leguminosea, Compositae,Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, Ranunculaceae and Cruiciferae. The influences of N, P, K on host-selection by Liriomyza sativae Blanchard were studied. It was found that deficient of nitrogen is unfavorable for the leafminers feeding and ovipositing on the foliage of Vigna sinensis (L.) Savi. But its selection enhances with the increase of N concentration, and reaches the maximum when N concentration is about 60mmol/L, then decreases. Deficient of phosphorus is also unfavorable for the leafminers selection, and its selection enhances with the increase of P concentration. When P concentration is about 4mmol/L, the foliage becomes most favorable. Then it also decreases. But the entire shift is more slow. Deficient of potassium is very favorable for the leafminer. And with the increase of K concentration, its selection inclines exponent-like. The possible mechanism and its application in practice were also discussed. The host-selection by L. sativae is affected by water and salinity. Drought, excessive humidity or the stress of sodium chloride (NaCl) can strengthen the host-selection of L. sativae . Its host selection enhances with the increase of NaCl concentration. It reaches the tiptop when NaCl concentration is 0.6%, then drops slightly. But the influence of salinity is not notable (F test, P0.05) 。 Heavy metals can also affect the host-selection by L. sativae . Cd can promote its host selection, while Zn and Pb reduce the selection. The influence of Cu is small, Cu can only promote slightly the leafminers selection. But the influences of heavy metals are not notable (F test, P0.05) 。 It showed in the treatments of substances from heterogeny plants that, if the leaves of the leafminers favorite host-plant were treated with water-soluble substances from its unfavorable hosts or nonhosts, it would reduce the leafminers selection; while the leaves of the insects unfavorable host were treated with water-soluble substances from its favorite hosts, it would promote the insects selection. But if we treated the leaves with extracts, it had no effect. The result may be explained by the fact that there are deterrents or phagostimulants in the soluble substances. It was known through the measuring of nutritional substances in foliage that host-selection by L. sativae has nothing to do with the content of protein in foliage; while it is negatively correlated with the content of soluble sugar in foliage, i.e., the content of sugar is high, then the leafminer is apt to not feeding or oviposting. It could be explained that if the content of sugar is too high, it will restrain the development of the leafminer. Moreover, high sugar content may arise the increasing of secondary substances based on carbon inside plants, such as sinigrin in mustard and tomatine in tomato. these substances will restrain the feeding of the leafminer. Its selection is not related to the water content of foliages. Finally the possible mechanism and model of host-selection by Liriomyza species, and advice on the control of leafminers such as cleaning the weeds in the field, intercropping, strengthening the management of watering and fertilizing, crossbreeding leafminer-resistant varieties and the utilizing of plant protectants were provided. Key Words: Liriomyza sativae Blanchard, L. huidorensis (Blanchard), Host-Selection, Environmental Factors, Nutritional Substances 戴小华. 2002. 两种斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究. 福建农业大学硕士论文. 本文系统调查和研究了美洲斑潜蝇和南美斑潜蝇的寄主植物范围,以及它们对不同植物的选择性,并研究了土壤氮磷钾、水分、盐分、重金属以及植物水提物和水溶物对美洲斑潜蝇选择性的影响,以及美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性与植物叶片营养物质含量之间的关系,试图阐明斑潜蝇的寄主选择性机制。文章给出了斑潜蝇寄主选择性的可能模式并在此基础上提出了一些防治建议。 通过田间调查并记录了福州郊区美洲斑潜蝇、南美斑潜蝇寄主植物的初步名录,结果发现该地区美洲斑潜蝇可取食20科85种植物,南美斑潜蝇可取食20科73种。并给出了两种斑潜蝇可能取食的寄主植物科的名录。同时阐明了两种斑潜蝇的主要寄主作物和杂草,并提出套种和田间清除的农防措施;指出斑潜蝇的适应性很强,寄主范围正逐步扩大,应密切关注其动态。 通过室内研究美洲斑潜蝇对主要作物的取食和产卵选择性,结果发现,美洲斑潜蝇能够为害所有供试的豆科、葫芦科、茄科、菊科和十字花科作物;美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性不仅存在科、属、种间差异,也存在变种和品种间差异;美洲斑潜蝇对不同科蔬菜的选择顺序为:豆科、葫芦科、茄科、十字花科和菊科。并通过室外研究发现,南美斑潜蝇的主要寄主包括:石竹科、豆科、菊科、苋科、葫芦科、茄科、毛茛科和十字花科。 通过氮磷钾对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响的研究发现,缺氮不利于美洲斑潜蝇在豇豆上的取食和产卵,但随着氮浓度的上升,其选择性也随之增强,在60mmol/L附近时达到最大值,然后呈下降趋势;缺磷也不利于美洲斑潜蝇的选择,其选择性也随磷浓度的上升而增强,在4mmol/L附近时达到最大,然后亦呈下降趋势,但整个变化趋势较为平缓;缺钾则十分有利于美洲斑潜蝇,随着钾浓度的上升,美洲斑潜蝇的选择性则呈类似指数减弱的趋势。同时讨论了上述影响的可能机理及其在生产实践中的应用。 土壤水分、盐分和重金属都会影响美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性。干旱、土壤过湿、NaCl胁迫都会增加美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性。而重金属则不影响美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性。 通过植物水溶物或水提物处理叶片的实验表明,用美洲斑潜蝇不嗜好寄主或者非寄主的叶片水溶物处理其嗜好寄主叶片,会降低美洲斑潜蝇对嗜好寄主的选择;相反,如用美洲斑潜蝇嗜好寄主的叶片水溶物去处理其不嗜好寄主的叶片,则会促进美洲斑潜蝇对不嗜好寄主的选择。而用叶片水提物则没有影响。这可能和水溶物中含有美洲斑潜蝇的拒食剂或助食剂有关。 通过测定植物叶片营养物质的含量可知,美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的大小与植物叶片中的蛋白质含量无关,与叶片中的可溶性糖含量呈负相关,即糖含量越高,美洲斑潜蝇越倾向于不取食或产卵。这可能是因为含糖量过多,会对美洲斑潜蝇生长和发育有抑制作用。另外,糖含量高可能会导致植物体内一些以碳为基础的次生物质如芥菜中的芥子油糖苷、番茄中的番茄碱糖苷的增加,这些次生物质对美洲斑潜蝇的取食可能有抑制作用。美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性与叶片含水量无关。 文章最后提出了斑潜蝇寄主选择性的可能机制和模式图,以及对斑潜蝇的防治建议如清除田间杂草、套种、加强水肥管理、抗虫育种以及植物保护剂的使用。 关键词:美洲斑潜蝇 南美斑潜蝇 寄主选择性 环境因素 营养物质
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美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究 Preliminary Study on Host-Plant Selection by Liriomyza sativae
entomology 2008-7-17 22:02
Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2003) Preliminary Study on Host-Plant Selection by Liriomyza sativae . Journal of Shandong Agricultural University, 34(2), 202 - 205. ABSTRACT: In this paper, the feeding and ovipositing selection of Liriomyza sativae to important vegetables is studied. It is found that L. sativae can do harm to all vegetables; host-selection by L. sativae is not only different between families, between genus, and between species, but also between variations and between varieties; the host-selection sequence by L. sativae is Leguminosea, Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, Cruiciferae and Compositae. 戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2003). 美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究. 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版), 34(2), 202 - 205. 运用方差分析和聚类分析 ,系统研究了美洲斑潜蝇对豆科、葫芦科、茄科、十字花科和菊科作物的选择性差异 ,对同科不同种作物的选择性差异 ,以及对豇豆不同品种的选择性差异。结果表明 ,美洲斑潜蝇能够在所有供试作物上取食和产卵 ;美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性不仅可能存在科、属、种间差异 ,也可能存在变种和品种差异 ;美洲斑潜蝇对不同科作物的选择顺序为 :豆科、葫芦科、茄科、十字花科和菊科。 文章下载
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氮、磷、钾对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响 Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium via leaf on ho
entomology 2008-7-17 21:59
Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2002) Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium via leaf on host-selection by Liriomyza sativae . Acta Entomologica Sinica, 45(1), 145 - 147. ABSTRACT: The effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium via leaf on host-selection by Liriomyza sativae were studied with their application significances discussed. 戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2002). 氮、磷、钾对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响. 昆虫学报, 45(1), 145 - 147. 研究了不同浓度的氮、磷、钾营养液处理豇豆叶对美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyzasativae寄主选择性的影响 ,并探讨了其可能的机理和应用 文章下载
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土壤水分和盐分对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响 Effect of water and salinity of soil on the host-selection
entomology 2008-7-17 21:57
Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2001) Effect of water and salinity of soil on the host-selection of Liriomyza sativae . Journal of Fujian Agricultural University, 30(2), 205 - 208. ABSTRACT: The host- selection of Liriomyza sativae is affected by water and salinity. Drought,excessive humidity and the stress of low mass fraction of sodium chloride could strengthen the host- selection of L. sativae 戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2001). 土壤水分和盐分对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响. 福建农业大学学报, 30(2), 205 - 208. 水分和盐分都会影响美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性 .干旱、土壤过湿、低质量分数的NaCl胁迫都可能增加美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性 文章下载
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植物水溶物对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响 The influences of water-soluble substances from other plants
entomology 2008-7-17 21:55
Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2001) The influences of water-soluble substances from other plants on the host-selection of Liriomyza sativae . Journal of Fujian Agricultural University, 30(4), 490 - 492. ABSTRACT: The host- selection of Liriomyza sativae could be influenced by water- soluble substance from other plants. If the leaves of the leafminer's favorite host-plant were treated with water-soluble substances from its unfavorable hosts or nonhosts,the leafminer's selection would be reduced;while the leaves of the insect's unfavorable host were treated with water-soluble substances from its favorite hosts,the insect's selection would be promoted. 戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2001). 植物水溶物对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响. 福建农业大学学报, 30(4), 490 - 492. 植物水溶物会影响美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性 .用美洲斑潜蝇不嗜好寄主或者非寄主的叶片水溶物处理其嗜好寄主叶片 ,会显著降低美洲斑潜蝇对嗜好寄主的选择性 ;相反 ,如用美洲斑潜蝇嗜好寄主的叶片水溶物处理其不嗜好寄主的叶片 ,则会明显促进美洲斑潜蝇对不嗜好寄主的选择 文章下载
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美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性与寄主植物叶片营养物质含量的关系 The relationship between the host-selection by Liriom
entomology 2008-7-17 21:51
Dai, X. H., M. S. You, et al. (2001). The relationship between the host-selection by Liriomyza sativae and the content of nutritional substances in foliage. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University 32(3): 311-313. ABSTRACT: The relationship between the host-selection of Liriomyza sativae and the content of nutritonal substances was studied. It was found that the insect's host-selection is irrelated with the content of protein in foliage; while it is negatively correlated with the content of soluble sugar in foliage, i.e., the higher is the content of sugar, the less will the leafminer feed on or oviposite on the leaves. 戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2001). 美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性与寄主植物叶片营养物质含量的关系. 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版) 32(3): 311-313. 研究了美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性与寄主植物叶片营养物质含量的关系。结果发现 ,美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的大小与植物叶片中的蛋白质含量无关 ,与叶片中的可溶性糖含量呈负相关 ,即糖含量越高 ,美洲斑潜蝇越倾向于不取食和产卵。 文章下载
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南美斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究 Preliminary Study on Host-Selection by Liriomyza huidobrensis (B
entomology 2008-7-17 21:44
Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2001) Preliminary Study on Host-Selection by Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard). Journal of Laiyan Agricultural College, 17(S), 112 - 114. ABSTRACT: Host-selection by Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) was studied. It was found that major families of host-plants of this leafminer includes Caryphyllaceae, Leguminosea, Compositae, Solanaceae, Convolvulanceae, Amaranthaceae, Cucuritaceae, Ranunculaceae and Cruciferae, especially feeds and oviposites more on Stellaria.
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美洲斑潜蝇、南美斑潜蝇寄主植物比较 Comparison of Host-Plants of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard and L
entomology 2008-7-17 21:33
戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2000). 美洲斑潜蝇、南美斑潜蝇寄主植物比较. 武夷科学,16, 202 - 206. 摘 要:本文记录了福州郊区美洲斑潜蝇、南美斑潜蝇寄主植物的初步名录。发现该地区美洲斑潜蝇可取食20科85种植物,南美斑潜蝇可取食20科73种。最后讨论了这两种斑潜蝇的主要寄主作物和杂草,并提出套种和清除田间杂草的农防措施;斑潜蝇的适应性很强,寄主范围正逐步扩大,应密切关注其动态。 关键词:美洲斑潜蝇 南美斑潜蝇 寄主植物 名录 福州 Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2000) Comparison of Host-Plants of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard and L. Huidobrensis (Blanchard). Wuyi Science Journal, 16, 202 - 206. ABSTRACT: Both Liriomyza sativae Blanchard and L. huidobrensis (Blanchard) have wide ranges of host- plants. There are both overlap and difference between the ranges of their hosts. It is found in the suburban of Fuzhou that L. sativae can feed on the plants of 20 families with 58 genera,85 species, and L. huidobrensis can feed on the plants of 20 families with 50 genera,73 species. And 46 species are their common host-plants. The major vegetable,flower and weed host- plants are discussed.The agricultural control methods of intercrop and cleaning the weeds are proposed.The Lirlornyza species are very adaptive and the range of their hosts is gradually expanded. Their dynamics should be considered seriously. 文章下载
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Citrus spp 柑橘
entomology 2008-7-17 17:15
Citrus spp (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, etc. ) Family: Rutaceae 柑橘(柑桔),含柑、橘、橙、柚、柠檬等, 芸香科柑橘属 潜叶虫种类:Miner species: 1 English names: citrus leaf miner Chinese names: 柑橘潜叶蛾, 柑桔叶潜蛾 Scientific names 学名: Phyllocnistis citrella Taxonomy: 鳞翅目 Order Lepidoptera, 叶潜蛾科 Phyllocnistidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布 Fig.1 A CLM mine on a navel orange leaf 图1. 脐橙叶片上的柑橘潜叶蛾虫道 【戴小华2007年11月摄于中国赣州果园; 感谢Jack Tasoff @ San Pedro , California 进行图像后处理】 2 English names: flea beetle (also citrus leaf miner) Chinese names: 柑橘潜跳甲 别名 柑橘潜叶跳甲、(中)柑桔跳甲 Scientific names 学名: Podagricomela nigricollis Chen Taxonomy: 鞘翅目 Order Coleoptera, 叶甲科 Family Chrysomelidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布 3 English names: citrus bud-feeder Chinese names: 枸橘潜叶跳甲 又称拟恶性叶甲、潜叶绿跳甲、枸橘潜斧 Scientific names 学名: Podagricomela weisei Heikertinger Taxonomy: 鞘翅目 Order Coleoptera, 叶甲科 Family Chrysomelidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3574 次阅读|2 个评论
Reed 芦苇 Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud
entomology 2008-7-17 12:57
Reed Phragmites australis ( P. communis) , Family: Poaceae 芦苇:禾本科芦苇属 潜叶害虫属 Miner genus: 1 双翅目Diptera 潜蝇属 A gromyza ,角潜蝇属 Cerodontha ,伪萝潜蝇属 Pseudonapomyza ,毛眼水蝇属 Hydrellia , Thrypticus 属 2 鳞翅目Lepidoptera 尖蛾属 Cosmopterix ,草潜蛾属 Elachista , Monochroa 属, Donacaula 属 参考 http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/phragmites.htm , http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfpoaceae/phragmites.htm , http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/PHRAGMITES.html 潜叶虫检索表Miner Keys:参考 http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfpoaceae/phragmites.htm http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/PHRAGMITES.html 感谢熊李虎指出芦苇学名的错误。Thanks for Hier bin ich for the correction of Reed's scientific name.
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2740 次阅读|2 个评论
Leaf mine--a map on the leaf surface 潜道--叶面上的地图
entomology 2008-7-17 10:29
Whether you are in a crop land or in a wild land, or even in your garden, with a bit attention, you will probably find some mines on the leaves. Like cartographers, miners draw lines or blotches between epidermal layers and feeding on internal tissue. It is interesting that different mining species make different mine shapes. 只要你留心一下,无论是农田还是野外,甚至就在你的花园,你就会发现叶子上的潜道。潜叶虫犹如制图师,在表皮层间画线或者斑块,取食其中的组织。有趣的是不同种的潜叶虫制作出不同的潜道形状。 Why? The evolution and ecologicalsecrets behind such patternsfascinate me. 这些潜道后面隐藏着的进化生态秘密使我着迷。 Fig.1 Unknown mine on the leaf of Indian lettuce Lactuca indica (Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Nokia E50 @ GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China, July 2008) 图1 山莴苣上的未知潜道 (戴小华2008年7月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区,Nokia E50) Fig.2 Unknown mine on the leaf of Callicarpa sp. (Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Nokia E50 @ Youshan, Ganzhou, China, July 2008) 图2 一种紫珠上的未知潜道 (戴小华2008年7月摄于江西林业实验中学(油山),Nokia E50) Fig.3The roadson thesurface of the Earth. (Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Nokia E50 @ Quanzhou-Ganzhou Rail Train, China, October 2006) 图3地球表面上的道路 (戴小华2006年10月摄于泉州--赣州火车上,Nokia E50)
个人分类: Introduction to leafminers 潜叶虫简介|2844 次阅读|0 个评论
请分享您的资料和观点 Please share your great information and opinions here
entomology 2008-7-17 00:04
It would be highly appreciated if you can provide photos and information on Chinese leaf miners. 如能提供有关潜叶虫的图片和资料,深表谢意! Any suggestions are welcome, do not hesitate to contact me. 有什么好的建议请联系:Dr. Xiaohua Dai. Email: 9778129 qq.com. Here you should change to @. 请将 替换成@. 植物受害状标本和潜叶虫标本的饲养、鉴定和制作比较困难,您如果有能力和条件做,也可以按植物标本和昆虫标本的制作方法进行。你也可以饲养潜道内的活虫知道它们变成成虫,这对潜叶虫的种类鉴定帮助很大。You can make speciments of either mined plants or miners. You can also rear the active larva in the leafmines until it become adults. It couldgreatlyhelp the identification of miner species.
个人分类: Exchange & Cooperation 交流与合作|3142 次阅读|4 个评论
谁潜食在叶片上下表皮间?Who are mining between leaf layers?
entomology 2008-7-16 23:50
潜叶虫包括鳞翅目、双翅目、鞘翅目和膜翅目昆虫的幼虫,潜在叶中生活并取食。 自然环境中,较少看到潜叶虫的大规模发生,并且很多植物可以耐受轻微的潜食。但是, 由于该类害虫体型微小,生活周期短,繁殖力强,隐蔽性取食,早期不易被发现,能在较短期内造成危害,不易防治。严重危害时,植物叶面虫道密布,使叶片早期枯死或脱落,影响光合作用与产量。其中包括潜叶蝇、潜叶蛾等为重要农林害虫,对蔬菜、花卉、果树和作物等威胁较大。 目前未发现成虫有潜叶习性。 Leafminers are insect larvaein the following four orders: Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera, which mine and feedbetween leaf layers. In natural systems, the popuplation sizes of leaf miners are low and many plants can tolerate slight mining activities.However, according to their small body size, short life history, high reproductive rate, and cryptic feeding habit, they are difficult to discover and control. Once outbreak, they can cause damages in a short time.If theyoutbreak, the mines will cover nearly all the leaf surface, the leaves willdie orfallearlier andphotosynthesis and production will be affected. Some leafminers (e.g.mining flies and mining moths) are important pests in agriculture and forestry, which have great threats on vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and other crops.Pr esently no adult insects have the mining habit. Fig.1The mines of Liriomyza sp. on the leaf of Luffa cylindrica (Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Kodak Easyshare @ Vegetable Farm, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,November 2007) 图1 丝瓜上的斑潜蝇潜道 (戴小华2008年7月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区附近菜地,Kodak Easyshare) a b Fig.2 Leaf mines and miner larva (the little yellow one in Fig. 2b)@ cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ). Since the mine is serpentine with frass alternatively at each side, the mines only occur on the surface of the leaves, and the larva is golden-yellow maggot, the miner is Lriomyza sativae . 图2. 豇豆上的潜道和潜叶虫(图2b中的黄色小虫),根据蛇形潜道,粪便在两侧交替排列,潜道仅出现在叶正面,和幼虫特征,潜叶虫种类是美洲斑潜蝇。【戴小华2008年8月17日摄于福建连城父母的菜园中,相机为Olympus X-775. 】
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