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论文Influences of leaf-mining insects on their host plants
热度 1 entomology 2016-2-13 13:00
Liu W, Dai X*, Xu J. Influences of leaf-mining insects on their host plants: A review. Collectanea Botanica, 2015,34: e005. http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/collectbot.2015.v34.005 免费全文下载: http://collectaneabotanica.revistas.csic.es/index.php/collectaneabotanica/article/view/231/256 ABSTRACT Influences of leaf-mining insects on their host plants: A review. — Leaf-mining insects are an herbivore group whose larvae live and feed inside plant leaves. Leaf mines are distinct marks on leaves and can provide much information on insect-plant relationships. Most leaf miners are monophagous or oligophagous. Therefore ecologists and paleontologists use them to study interactions and coevolution among plants, insects and natural enemies. There are many different types of leaf-mining patterns on plant leaves, which may have different impacts on host plants. Compared with ectophagous herbivores, leaf-mining insects should have unique influences on host plant characteristics, such as leaf morphology, leaf chemistry, plant physiology, plant growth and production. Obvious impacts include leaf asymmetry, callus formation, photosynthesis, and green islands. Types and degrees of such influences are varied for different leaf miner species or different host plant species. In turn, the change of plant features may have positive or negative impacts on oviposition and feeding of leaf-mining insects. Studies on plant responses to leaf-mining and the defensive mechanisms of plants are helpful in understanding the coevolution between leaf miners and their food plants. KEYWORDS: chemical ecology; interspecific interactions; pest resistance. 摘要 潜叶昆虫对寄主植物的影响:综述。— 潜叶昆虫是一类植食性昆虫,以幼虫在叶片组织内取食并生活,不破坏叶表皮或至少不破坏外壁。潜道(潜叶幼虫在植物薄壁组织或表皮内部形成的取食道)为学者研究昆虫—植物关系提供了大量的信息。大部分潜叶昆虫为单食性或寡食性。因此,生态学家和古生物学家可将其作为模式生物,用于研究植物、昆虫和天敌三者的种间关系与协同进化。潜叶昆虫在植物叶片上形成许多不同类型的潜道,因而对植物造成的影响也不尽相同。与外食性昆虫相比,潜叶昆虫对植物形状有独特的影响,这些性状包括叶片形态、化学成分、植物生理、生长和产量。比较明显的影响包括叶片的不对称性、形成愈伤组织、降低光合作用以及形成“绿岛效应”。不同潜叶昆虫对不同植物的作用方式及影响程度不同。与此相反,植物特性的改变可能会促进或抑制潜叶昆虫的取食和产卵。因此,研究寄主植物对潜叶为害的应对措施及防御机制,有利于了解潜叶昆虫和寄主植物之间的协同进化。 关键词 :化学生态;种间相互作用;抗虫性。
个人分类: Introduction to leafminers 潜叶虫简介|5394 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 entomology 2016-2-13 12:54
潜叶昆虫研究组和长治学院白海艳博士合作发表第二篇细蛾新种新记录种文章 Bai H*, Xu J, Dai X. Two new and one newly recorded species of Gracillariidae from China (Lepidoptera). ZooKeys, 2016, 559: 139-150. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.559.6812 Abstract The paper presents four Chinese species belonging to the genera Metriochroa Busck, Eumetriochroa Kumata, and Gibbovalva Kumata Kuroko ( Lepidoptera , Gracillariidae ), including two new species: Metriochroa alboannulata Bai, sp. n. and Gibbovalva clavata Bai, sp. n. Eumetriochroa hiranoi Kumata, 1998, is newly recorded from China. Photographs of adults and figures of the genital structures are provided, along with keys to the Chinese species of Metriochroa , Eumetriochroa , and Gibbovalva . 免费全文下载地址:http://zookeys.pensoft.net/articles.php?id=6812
个人分类: Exchange & Cooperation 交流与合作|4931 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 entomology 2015-10-17 21:23
潜叶昆虫研究组和长治学院白海艳博士合作发表细蛾新种新记录种新记录属 Three new species, two newly recorded species and one newly recorded genus of Lithocolletinae (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) from China | BAI | Zootaxa http://www.biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.4032.2.10 Three new species, two newly recorded species and one newly recorded genus of Lithocolletinae (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) from China HAIYAN BAI, JIASHENG XU, XIAOHUA DAI Abstract The Chinese representatives of the genera Chrysaster Kumata and Cameraria Chapman (Gracillariidae: Lithocolletinae) were studied. Chrysaster is recorded for the first time in China. Three species belonging to Cameraria , C. diplodura Bai, sp. nov., C. rhynchophysa Bai, sp. nov. and C. jiulianshanica Bai, sp. nov., are described as new. Chrysaster hagicola Kumata and Cameraria magnisignata Kumata are new records for China. Adults and genitalia of the five species are illustrated. A key to the Chinese species of Cameraria is provided. Keywords Lepidoptera, China, Gracillariidae, Lithocolletinae, new species, new records, taxonomy
个人分类: Exchange & Cooperation 交流与合作|4139 次阅读|1 个评论
棕带突细蛾(Gibbovalva kobusi)【配彩色图】
热度 1 entomology 2014-4-27 21:31
徐家生,白海艳,戴小华*. 2014. 棕带突细蛾两种新寄主及其生物学研究. 中国森林病虫, 33(1): 5-7, 46. 摘要:首次报道棕带突细蛾Gibbovalva kobusi Kumata&Kuroko的2种新潜叶寄主凹叶厚朴Magnolia officinalis subsp.biloba和深山含笑Michelia maudiae,描述了棕带突细蛾的危害状、潜道特征、 形态结构及生活史,并给出了潜道、成虫和雌雄生殖器照片。 关键词:棕带突细蛾;细蛾科;潜叶虫;凹叶厚朴;深山含笑;新寄主;生物学 Two new host plants and bionomics of Gibbovalva kobusi /XU Jiashenget al. ( School of Life and EnvironmentalScience, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou 341000, China ) Abstract: Two new host plants ( Magnolia officinalis subsp. biloba and Michelia maudiae ) of Gibbovalva kobusi Kumata Kuroko were firstly reported. The damage symptoms, leaf mine characteristics, morphology and life history of G. kobusi were described.Photos of leaf mines, adults, and male/female genitalia were provided. The study could be used as a basis for the integrated control of leaf-mining pests of Magnoliaceae plants. Key words: Gibbovalva kobusi ; Gracillariidae;leafminer; Magnolia officinalis subsp. biloba ; Michelia maudiae ; new host-plant; biology 全文链接: http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/periodical_slbctx201401002.aspx 或 http://www.cqvip.com/QK/92651A/201401/48442494.html 原文只有黑白图,现将彩图附上: 图 1 棕带突细蛾 及其在寄主植物凹叶厚朴与深山含笑上的潜道 a. 凹叶厚朴叶片上末期潜道 ; b. 茧 ; c. 深山含笑上初期潜道 ; d. 深山含笑上末期潜道 ; e. 后期潜道脱落变成虫洞 ; f. 成虫 ♂ ;. g. 雄性外生殖器 ; h. 雌性外生殖器(生殖器比例尺为 0.5 mm ) 致谢:刘仁林博士帮助鉴定植物标本,赣南师范学院潜叶昆虫兴趣小组的各位同学参加了潜叶标本的采集、饲养、扫描和拍照等工作,九连山国家级自然保护区和井冈山国家级自然保护区提供了野外采集的各种便利,在此表示感谢!
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|5444 次阅读|1 个评论
枣掌铁甲(Platypria melli) [配彩图]
热度 1 entomology 2014-4-27 21:23
廖承清,徐家生,戴小华*,赵小林. 2014. 枣掌铁甲生物学特性研究. 北方园艺, (3): 118-120. 摘要:通过野外采集和室内饲养的方法,对枣掌铁甲的生物学特性,包括其寄主植物、潜道特 征、各虫态特征及其生活史进行了系统研究。结果表明:枣掌铁甲在江西省井冈山地区1a发生 1代,以幼虫潜食鼠李科枳椇叶片,老熟幼虫在叶脉处形成U型蛹室准备化蛹;枣掌铁甲形成不规则 斑块状潜道,严重影响叶片的光合作用。该研究可为枣掌铁甲的预报和防治提供理论基础。 关键词:枣掌铁甲;生物学特性;枳椇;潜叶昆虫 Study on the Biological Characteristics of Platypria melli LIAO Cheng-qing 1 , XU Jia-sheng 1 , DAI Xiao-hua 1,2 ,* , ZHAO Xiao-lin 1 (1.Schoolof Life and Environmental Science, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, Jiangxi341000; 2.National Navel-orange Engineering Research Center, Ganzhou, Jiangxi341000; *Corresponding author) Abstract: Biological characteristics of Platypria melli Uhmann (Coleopotera: Hispidae) were systematically studied and their host plant, leaf mine, larva morphology, pupa morphology and life history were described in detail. The results showed that it had one generation per year in Jingangshan of Jiangxi, P. melli larva mined in the leaves of Hoveniaacerba Lindl . (Rhamnaceae) and mature larva would make a U-shape mine near main vein to pupate. P. melli made irregular blotch mines, which seriously affected leaf photosynthesis. Theoretical bases had been provided for the prediction and control of P. melli . Key words : Platypria melli ; biological characteristics; Hovenia acerba ;leaf-mining insects 全文链接: http://jour.blyun.com/views/specific/3004/JourDetail.jsp?dxNumber=100300820156d=77E012EB0508AFAE077FA856A3DB9E18s=枣掌铁甲生物学特性研究ecode=utf-8 原文只有黑白图,现将彩图附上 图 1 枣掌铁甲各虫态 注: a :枳椇叶片上老熟幼虫潜道形态; b :初期幼虫; c :老熟幼虫; d :预蛹; e :蛹; f :初羽化成虫; g :羽化完全成虫; h :老熟幼虫在叶脉附近形成新潜道并准备化蛹; i : U 型蛹室。 Fig.1Different stages of Platypria melli Note: a: Leaf mines of maturelarvae on Hovenia acerba leaves; b: Earlylarva; c: Mature larva; d: Prepupa; e:Pupa; f: Early emerging adult; g: Fullyemerging adult; h: Mature larva makes a new mine near main vein to pupate; i: U-shapepupal chamber. (致谢:感谢美国Smithsonian研究所自然历史博物馆的Charles L.Staines.Jr.博士帮助鉴定为掌铁甲,赣南师范学院刘仁林博士帮助鉴定寄主植物标本,赣南师范学院潜叶昆虫研究组各位同学协助采集制作标本、扫描潜道叶片和整理寄主植物名录等工作,以及江西井冈山国家级自然保护区提供采集便利)
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|5374 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 entomology 2012-8-4 21:59
Map: Locations of leafminer collections 主要采集地点:江西九连山,江西峰山,江西井冈山,江西阳岭,江西赣南师院,海南霸王岭,河南伏牛山,安徽金寨天马 其它采集地点:江西赣江源,江西三清山,江西陡水湖,江西龙虎山,湖北武汉植物园,湖北神农架,湖北大九湖,江苏紫金山,河南嵩山,重庆武隆,四川安县,贵州梵净山,云南昆明植物园,广西坤平,广西南宁 近三年计划增加采集地点:江西齐云山,江西金盆山,江西三百山,江西武夷山,福建武夷山,福建梅花山,浙江天目山,浙江天童,广东黑石顶,湖南莽山,(上海),覆盖华东华南西南;争取华北、东北 已鉴定到科的潜叶虫:微蛾科,细蛾科,叶潜蛾科,冠潜蛾科,尖蛾科,潜蝇科,叶甲科,铁甲科,象甲科,吉丁虫科等 主要潜叶昆虫种类:柑橘潜叶蛾,柑橘潜叶甲,斑潜蝇属,趾铁甲属,掌铁甲属,樟细蛾,木兰突细蛾,跳象属,微蛾属,Phyllonocryter spp, 冠潜蛾属等 寄生蜂待鉴定。 寄主植物数量统计中,应该超过500种,重点采集壳斗科。 感谢国家自然科学基金和人保部留学项目支持。感谢国内外专家朋友给与采集和鉴定的大力帮助!
个人分类: My Work 我的研究|5375 次阅读|10 个评论
热度 1 entomology 2011-2-5 21:43
藏头诗 潜 夜润物好雨来, 叶 色花香春风裁。 昆 鸣噍噍生幽静, 虫 声知暖透窗开。 戴小华 2011.2.5 出处: (1)杜甫《春夜喜雨》:“好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。 野径云俱黑,江船火独明。晚看红湿处,花重锦官城。” (2)贺知章《咏柳》:“碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。” (3)《文选·扬雄<羽猎赋>》:“王雎关关,鸿雁嚶嚶,羣娱乎其中,噍噍昆鸣。” 王籍《入若耶溪》:“艅艎何泛泛,空水共悠悠。阴霞生远岫,阳景逐回流。蝉噪林逾静,鸟鸣山更幽。此地动归念,长年悲倦游。” (4) 刘方平《月夜》:“更深月色半人家,北斗阑干南斗斜。今夜偏知春气暖,虫声新透绿窗纱。”
个人分类: 扯闲皮儿 Babble Chat|4566 次阅读|2 个评论
潜叶的好处和坏处 Benefits/disadvantages of leafmining
entomology 2010-12-8 18:49
潜叶的好处和坏处 Benefits/disadvantages of leafmining 好处 : 避免风吹雨打UV辐射;保温保湿;避免取食难消化的几丁质和叶脉;避开植物结构防御和化学防御;低致病率 坏处 : 不能移动,容易被寄生;内食性,受植物影响很大,因此多为单食性和寡食性;枝断叶落或者潜道遭破坏时,容易致死;叶片扁平,体型受限制而微小,导致生活史短、繁殖力低、扩散能力弱和易受环境影响 参见Coska 1997; Connor Taverner 1997 关键词:潜叶,昆虫,寄主植物,leafminer,insect,host plant p.s. 你享受了一种选择的好处,也必然承担这个选择的不利之处,自然界如此,人类社会亦如此。
个人分类: Introduction to leafminers 潜叶虫简介|5039 次阅读|0 个评论
南京紫金山潜道 Leaf mines @ Zijin Mountain, Nanjing
entomology 2010-10-25 15:43
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|5140 次阅读|1 个评论
江西遂川潜道 Leaf mines @ Suichuan County, Jiangxi Province
entomology 2010-10-25 15:07
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|4296 次阅读|1 个评论
东北潜道 Leaf mines @ North East China
entomology 2010-10-25 14:52
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|4328 次阅读|0 个评论
赣南潜叶虫寄主植物调查初报 Host plants of leaminers in Ganzhou, China
entomology 2010-5-4 15:31
赣南潜叶虫寄主植物调查初报 Host plants of leaminers in Ganzhou, China (about 64 families, 137 genera and more than 200 species. Figuresto be updated) 关键词:insect,plant,leafminer,潜叶虫,昆虫,植物 调查地点:赣江源、油山、九连山、马祖岩等地自然植被以及赣南各地的水土保持林、果园、菜地、城市绿地。另、翠微峰、阳岭、峰山的数据整理中。 初步结果:赣南潜叶昆虫寄主植物大约有64科137属200多种,其中种类最多的是蔷薇科Rosaceae有5属20种;菊科Compositae有12属19种;樟科Lauraceae6属18种;茜草科Rubiaceae12属15种;蝶形花科Fabaceae9属14种;壳斗科Fagaceae 3属14种;马鞭草科Verbenaceae4属12种;其次是杜鹃花科Ericaceae3属7种;冬青科Aquifoliaceae有1属6种;芸香科Rutaceae4属6种;厚皮香科Ternstroemiaceae4属6种;卫矛科Celastraceae2属5种;山茶科Theaceae2属5种;桑科Moraceae1属5种;葫芦科Cucurbitaceae4属4种;防己科Menispermaceae4属4种;葡萄科Vitaceae3属4种;柿树科Ebenaceae1属4种;菝葜科Smilacaceae1属4种。 (李珺整理) (雷蕾整理)
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|5545 次阅读|1 个评论
[Article] Gracillariidae in Russia and Adjacent Countries 前苏联地区的细蛾
entomology 2010-3-29 13:06
Gracillariidae in Russia and Adjacent Countries 前苏联地区的细蛾 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Kuznetzov V I, Baryshnikova (Seksyayeva) S V. 1998. Brief catalogue of the mining moths of the Fam. Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) of Russia and adjacent countries. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 274: 1-60. 【俄罗斯及其邻近国家的鳞翅目细蛾科潜叶蛾的简要目录】(俄文) A list of 262 species of Gracillariidae found on the territory of the former Soviet Union (with main synonyms) is given. 共收入前苏联地区细蛾科的262种。
个人分类: References 参考文献|4069 次阅读|0 个评论
老虎与潜叶虫 Tigers and leafminers
entomology 2010-2-12 19:02
老虎与潜叶虫 Tigers and leafminers 关键词:潜叶,老虎,昆虫,植物,leafminer,tiger,insect,plant Hypothesis: Tigers ?- Vertebrates (eg. deers) (- Flowers) - Leaves - Leafminers 虎年了,咱也来凑个热闹。 有人会问:老虎跟潜叶虫,一个是顶级的捕食者,一个是渺小的食叶昆虫,也会有关系么? 莫急,等我推理而来。 多数潜叶虫在植物鲜活叶片中生活取食,但也有一些潜叶虫可以在落叶中潜食。 无论是脊椎动物(比如鹿)取食鲜叶还是落叶,都会直接压低潜叶虫的虫口密度。 还有文献表明,鹿取食花会影响植物的生长分配,低度到中度的食花可能提高叶片的质量,也许对潜叶虫有利,但高度的食花会最终影响植物的长势而对潜叶虫有害。 由此我想到,老虎取食鹿,应该能间接影响潜叶虫的密度 【假说】。 但是呦呦鹿鸣仍在,虎啸山丘难寻,可惜的是在中国大地,野生的华南虎已经灭绝,野生的东北虎和孟加拉虎也所剩不多。上面有关老虎和潜叶虫的假说难以验证了。
个人分类: Ecology 生态学|3915 次阅读|0 个评论
我收集的潜叶虫论著和重要综述 Books/reviews on leafminers
entomology 2010-1-30 23:20
1 我收集的潜叶虫论著和重要综述:最早,最迟 1 Books/reviews on leafminers that I have collected: earliest, latest 中国 China:1986,2009; 日本 Japan:1966,2009; 欧洲 Europe:1951,2010; 美国 USA:1928,2009; 澳洲 Australia New Zealand:1881,2010 2 潜叶虫文献丰富度 2 The richness of publications on leafminers 中国 China: + 日本 Japan: ++ 欧洲 Europe: +++ 美国 USA: +++ 澳洲 Australia New Zealand:++
个人分类: References 参考文献|3815 次阅读|0 个评论
Google 翻译 Translation:栎属潜叶虫检索表(节选)Keys to leafminers on Quercus (excerpt)
entomology 2010-1-18 14:52
Google翻译:栎属潜叶虫检索表(节选)Keys to leafminers on Quercus (excerpt) Wo nicht anders angegeben, lebt die Art an weichblttrigen Eichen {?weichblttrigen = weich blttrigen =?soft leafy} 1. Mine in der Zweig-od. Stammrinde2 --Mine im Blatt oder Blattstiel3 2. 3. Mine mit rundlichem od. Elliptischem Ausschnitt (aus der ganzen Blattiefe od. Aus der Epidermis)4 --Mine ohne Ausschnitt11 4. Der (stets runde) Ausschnitt erfolgt nur aus der os. EpidermisTischeria decidua --Der Ausschnitt erfolgt aus der ganzen Dicke des Blattes5 5. Ausschnitt rundlich; die Mine befindet sich nur in der Blattflche6 --Ausschnitt elliptisch; die Mine kann im Blattstiel beginnen10 6. Die Mine beginnt mit langem Gang, Ausschnitt im Verhltnis zur Mine klein7 --Mine vorherrschend platzartig, Ausschnitt im Verhltnis zur Mine gro, zuweilen Ausschnitt grer als der Rest der Mine9 原文出自Original Gemany text from Hering(1951), ref to: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=220906 中括号 were translated using Google Translater @ http://translate.google.cn/#de|en |,the results are acceptable. 关键词:leafminer,mine,潜叶虫,潜道,谷歌,Google,翻译
个人分类: Research tools 研究工具|5623 次阅读|1 个评论
Leaf mines @ Fuzhou 福州的潜叶虫道 (3)
entomology 2009-11-24 19:38
感谢郑云开博士(zhyk97@生态学学术QQ群)一如既往的支持。 Photo by Yunkai ZHENG with Nikon D90 and COOLPIX P6000 @Fuzhou, China,Oct 2009. 郑云开2009年10月摄于福建福州,Nikon D90 and COOLPIX P6000。 备注:长豆,柑,胡枝子,葱,和不知名的,这几的树种可能是芒果,含笑和女真(郑云开初步鉴定)
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|4477 次阅读|0 个评论
Mine Shape Characteristics 潜道形状特征 [ICBI 2009 Poster]
entomology 2009-11-16 17:19
Dai X, Liu R, Xu J. 2009. Preliminary Study on Mine Shape Characteristics of Leaf-Mining Insects in South Jiangxi, China. Poster of the International Congress on Biological Invasions (ICBI), 2-6 November 2009, Fuzhou, China. 2009福州国际生物入侵会议墙报:赣南潜叶昆虫潜道形状特征的初步研究 Generally, the mine shape of leafminers could be divided into three basic types:linear, blotch, and linear-blotch. Each basic mine type could be further categorized into several subtypes. Different mine shapes might indicate different adaption strategies to within-leaf resources, surrounding environment and natural enemies. In South Jiangxi, about 140 plant species by far were found to have leaf mines: 97 host plants had linear mines, 59 plants had blotch mines and 29 plants had linear-blotch mines. Apparently some plant species have more than one mine type. Secondly, we tried to quantify the shape characteristics of blotch mines with area:perimeter ratio and length:width ratio; linear mines with turn angle distribution, sinuosity and fractal dimension; and linear-blotch mines with blotch-area:linear-length and the above parameters. The host plants were then classified into more groups and the relationship between plant taxa and mine shapes were summarised. Moreover, we focused two typical linear mining pests: the citrus leaf miner and one invasive vegetable leaf miner. The citrus leaf miner mined in a much more tortuous pattern than the vegetable leaf miner. There were also intra-specific variations among mine shape characteristics in the two leafminers. Finally, the possible explanations for the inter- and intra-specific differences were presented and discussed. We are still checking the scientific names, genera and families of each plant to know more on the relationship between mine shapes and hosts. The identification of leaf mining species are very difficult due to the absence of alive larva, the lack of literatures and taxonomists. However, we have established the rearing techniques to obtain miner adults. We hope to get helps from experts all over the world, especially native taxonomists. Dai X, Liu R, Xu J. 2009. Preliminary Study on Mine Shape Characteristics of Leaf-Mining Insects in South Jiangxi, China. Poster of the International Congress on Biological Invasions (ICBI), 2-6 November 2009, Fuzhou, China.
个人分类: Ecology 生态学|5300 次阅读|0 个评论
[我的诗作 My Poem] Minor Miner 渺小的潜叶虫
entomology 2009-10-25 22:38
Minor Miner 渺小的潜叶虫 Without beautiful wings as swallowtails Without elegant songs as crickets In an invisible corner Minor me,for the future live hard but strong Minor me, in this world Also left a unique mark of mine 没有凤蝶美丽的翅膀 没有蟋蟀优雅的歌喉 在不为人注意的角落 渺小的我,为了明天 艰难而坚强的活着 渺小的我,在这个世界 也留下了独有的属于我的潜痕 参见:潜叶虫在歌唱 A Leafminer is Singing http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/Econtent.aspx?id=51815 大学室友傅雨兄高才,将我的中文改编为古诗,随附如下: 蝶翼丽兮蟀声高 微其潜兮待明朝 吾生无形亦无咏 留坚痕兮鉴丝毫
个人分类: Exchange & Cooperation 交流与合作|4627 次阅读|2 个评论
[Book] Host specialization in the world Agromyzidae (Diptera) 世界双翅目潜蝇科的寄主专化性
entomology 2009-10-15 22:49
Host specialization in the world Agromyzidae (Diptera) 世界双翅目潜蝇科的寄主专化性 Spencer, K. A. Host specialization in the world Agromyzidae (Diptera). 1990. Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Contents Preface 1 Division Bryophyta 2 Divisions Equisetophyta and Polypodiophyta Class Equisetatae Class Filicopsida 3 Division Pinophyta 4 Division Magnoliophyta (Angiosperms) A. Class Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons) Subclass Magnoliidae Subclass Hamamelidae Subclass Caryophyllidae Subclass Dilleniidae Subclass Rosidae Subclass Asteridae Order Asterales B. Class Liliopsida (Monocotyledons) Superorder Liliiflorae Superorder Ariflorae Superorder Alismatiflorae Superorder Bromeliiflorae Superorder Zingibiflorae Superorder Commeliniflorae Order Cyperales Order Poales 5 Polyphagous species 6 Concluding remarks: phylogeny, coevolution, colonization Taxonomic appendix Acknowledgement References Index 目录 前言 1 苔藓植物门 2 木贼门和水龙骨门 木贼纲? 薄囊蕨纲 3 松柏植物门 4 被子植物门 A 双子叶植物纲 木兰亚纲 金缕梅亚纲 石竹亚纲 五桠果亚纲 蔷薇亚纲 菊亚纲 菊目 B 单子叶植物纲 百合超目 Ariflorae超目(?天南星超目 泽泻超目 Bromeliiflorae超目(?凤梨超目 Zingibiflorae超目(?姜超目 Commeliniflorae超目 (?鸭跖草超目 莎草目 禾本目 5多食性种类 6结束语:系统学,进化和定殖 分类附录 鸣谢 参考文献 索引 注:奇怪,单子叶里面这么多超目(总目)找不到对应的中文?现在采取一个迂回的方式,先英文google到Commeliniflorae里面的order为Commelinales,然后查到Commelinales为鸭跖草目,然后定为鸭跖草超目。
个人分类: References 参考文献|4699 次阅读|2 个评论
The shape of leaf mines 潜道的形状
entomology 2009-9-24 16:06
The shape of leaf mines 潜道的形状 关键词 Key words: leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant According to the shape, leaf mines can be classified into three main types: (1) linear mines; (2) blotch mines; (3) linear-blotch mines. If the larva tunnel only in one direction through the parenchyma, linear mines are produced. If the tunnels are winding then they are named serpentine mines. When the larva create broad patches during eating, blotch mines are formed. The blotch may vary in different shapes such as circular, oval, oblong, lobed, omoeba-like, digitate, etc. There are a whole series of intergradations between typical linear and blotch mines . Often a linear mine expands suddenly and broadly, or, sometimes a blotch mine extends to a narrow channel, both cases are called linear-blotch mines (Needham et al, 1928; Hering, 1951; Cska,2003). 根据形状,潜道可以分为3种基本类型:线型、斑块型和线-斑块型。如果幼虫保持同一个方向在叶肉中挖掘隧道,就形成了线型潜道。如果这个隧道是蜿蜒的,就叫做蛇形潜道。如果幼虫取食时造成宽的斑块,就形成了斑块型潜道。斑块型潜道的形状多变,包括圆形、椭圆形、长方形、叶状、变形虫状、指状等。在典型的线型潜道和斑块型潜道间有一系列的过渡。经常有线型潜道突然扩展变宽,或者有时候斑块型潜道延伸出一条窄的虫道,这两种情形都叫做线-斑块型潜道(Needham et al, 1928; Hering, 1951; Cska,2003)。 References 参考文献: Cska G 2003. Levlaknk s levlaknzk - Leaf mines and leaf miners. Budapest:Hungarian Forest Research Institute. 1-192. HERING E M. 1951. Biology of the leaf miners. Berlin: Dr. W. Junk Gravenhage, 1-420. Needham J G, Frost S W, Tothill D. 1928. Leaf-mining insects. Baltimore: The Williams Wilkens, Co., 1-351. Fig 1. Linear mines on Tropaeolum majus. 旱金莲上的线型潜道 (Photo by Dr. Mingxun Ren with Nikon COOLPIX 15 @ Beijing Botanic Garden, China in May 2009. 任明迅博士2009年5月摄于北京植物园,Nikon COOLPIX 15) Fig 2. Blotch mines on Pueraria lobata 野葛上的斑块型潜道 (Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Olympus X-775 @ his parents' vegetable garden, Liancheng, Fujian, China, August 17 2008) Fig 3. Linear-blotch mines on Blastus apricus . 线萼金花树上的线-斑块型潜道 ( Scanned by Jian Zhou with Winfolia LA2400 scanner. The mined leaves were collected by Xiaohua Dai, Jiasheng Xu, Jing Zeng, Jun Li from Jiulianshan Nature Reserve, June 2009. The species name of plant was identified by Renlin Liu)
个人分类: Introduction to leafminers 潜叶虫简介|5785 次阅读|1 个评论
[Book] Familie Coleophoridae 鞘蛾科 Family Coleophoridae
entomology 2009-8-30 16:41
Familie Coleophoridae 鞘蛾科 Family Coleophoridae Biesenbaum, W. van der Wolf, H.W., 1999 - Die Lepidopterenfauna der Rheinlande und Westfalens, Band 7, Familie Coleophoridae Hbner, , 333pp., XXIX pl. Inhalt Einleitung Lebensweise und Gefhrdung Nomenklatur und Systematik Danksagung Legende zu den Fundortkarten Legende zu den Fundortlisten Naturrumliche Gliederung des Arbeitsgebietes Literatur Artenverzeichnis mit Fundortkarten Fundortlisten Fundortverzeichnis mit Koordinaten Alphabetisches Artenregister Zusammenfassung, Abstract, Rsum, Samenvatting Farbabbildungen Biesenbaum, W. van der Wolf, H.W., 1999 -- Lepidopteran fauna of the Rhineland and Westphalia, Volume 7, Family Coleophoridae Hbner, , 333pp., XXIX, plates. Content Introduction Lifestyle and risk Nomenclature and classification Acknowledgments Legend for the Location Map Legend of the localion lists Nature regions of the working area Literature Species list with Location Maps Location Lists Location directory with coordinates Guide to Types tab (?? Names in alphabetical order) Zusammenfassung, Abstract, Rsum, Samenvatting (!!Abstracts in four languages) Color illustrations Biesenbaum, W. van der Wolf, H.W., 1999 -- 威斯特伐利亚和莱茵兰鳞翅目动物志,第7卷 鞘蛾科, ,333页。附图29页。 内容 导言 生活方式与风险 命名和分类 鸣谢 位置图的图例 位置列表的图例 研究工作区所在的自然区域 参考文献 物种名单及其位置图 (物种所在)位置列表 位置目录及其坐标 ?按字母顺序的名称索引 (!4种语言的摘要) 彩色插图 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant
个人分类: References 参考文献|4352 次阅读|0 个评论
[Journal] 特辑:潜叶昆虫的生物学 Biology of leaf mining insects 絵かき虫の生物学
entomology 2009-8-29 18:45
昆虫と自然 2009年 6月号 Vol. 44 No. 7 特集:絵かき虫の生物学 価格:定価1,800円(税込) 特集編輯 広渡 俊哉 特集「絵かき虫の生物学」 ◆総論 絵かき虫の生物学         広渡 俊哉 ◆潜葉生活への数奇なる適応            加藤 真 ◆コチョッキリ属の潜葉性         沢田 佳久 ◆カンコノキを送粉するハナホソガ  川北 篤 ◆チビガ科の潜葉習性  小林 茂樹?広渡 俊哉 THE NATURE INSECTS 2009,44(7) Special Edition Biology of leaf mining insects Contents: Biology of leaf mining insects Unique adaptation to leaf-mining habits Leaf-mining habits of the rhynchitid genus Cartorhynchites Seed-parasitic Epicephala moths that pollinate host Glochidion flowers Larval mining habits of bucculatricid moths 自然与昆虫,2009年第44卷第7期 特辑:潜叶昆虫的生物学 目录: 总论:潜叶昆虫的生物学 潜叶生活的独特适应 齿腭象科Cartorhynchites属昆虫的潜叶习性 种子寄生的头细蛾为寄主算盘子属植物的花授粉 (?为算盘子属寄主的花授粉但寄生其种子的头细蛾?翻译得不是很好) 稜巢蛾科的潜叶习性 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant source: http://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/s/?@0_mall/book/cabinet/jan_4910038/4910038270695.jpg
个人分类: References 参考文献|5990 次阅读|1 个评论
[Book] Small Moths of Europe 欧洲小蛾类
entomology 2009-8-5 16:18
Small Moths of Europe 欧洲小蛾类 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant KRENEK V. - Small Moths of Europe. ?esk Těn 2000. 174pp Fine photographs taken through a binocular microscope of 242 species from 37 families. Brief introductory text for each family 275 colour photos. 174pp. Contents Introduction Classification of Butterflies and Moths Morphology of Moths From the Egg to the Moth Moth Generations and Their Life Span What the Moths and Larvae Feed on Butterflies and Their names Colouring and Drawing of Moth Wings The Real Water Moth Cameraria ohridella Moths sitting on leaves Faces of Moths Photographs of Preparated Moths References Index 目录 导言 蝴蝶和蛾类的分类 蛾类的形态 从卵到蛾 蛾类的世代和寿命 蛾类和幼虫吃什么 蝴蝶和他们的名字 蛾类翅膀的着色和绘制 真实的水蛾 Cameraria ohridella (注:一种潜叶蛾) 坐在叶子上的蛾 蛾类的面部 蛾类标本的照片 参考资料 索引
个人分类: References 参考文献|4357 次阅读|0 个评论
[Book] A Field Guide to the Smaller Moths of South-East Asia 东南亚小蛾类野外指南
entomology 2009-8-5 16:02
A Field Guide to the Smaller Moths of South-East Asia 东南亚小蛾类野外指南 关键字:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Robinson, G.S., Tuck, K.R., Shaffer, M. and Cook, K. (1994). A field guide to the smaller moths of South-East Asia. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur First general work on the rich Microlepidoptera fauna of the region, describing and illustrating 650 species (about one tenth of the total known species). Covers southern Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, southern Vietnam, West East Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines. Contents Preface About the authors and artist Introduction Acknowledgements Using the book Superfamilies and families Hepialioidea蝠蛾总科 Nepticuloidea微蛾总科 Incurvarioidea穿孔蛾总科 Tineoidea谷蛾总科 Gracillarioidea细蛾总科 Yponomeutoidea巢蛾总科 Gelechioidea麦蛾总科 Tortricoidea卷蛾总科 Sesioidea透翅蛾总科 Choreutoidea拟卷叶蛾总科 Immoidea伊蛾总科 Copromorphoidea粪蛾总科 Epermenioidea邻蛾总科 Alucitoidea翼蛾总科 Pterophoroidea羽蛾总科 Hyblaeoidea鸵蛾总科 Thyridoidea网蛾总科 Pyraloidea螟蛾总科 Bibliography Index to hostplants and prey Index Figrues Plates
个人分类: References 参考文献|5469 次阅读|0 个评论
[Book] Microlepidoptera of the Philippine Islands 菲律宾群岛的小蛾类
entomology 2009-8-5 15:38
Microlepidoptera of the Philippine Islands 菲律宾群岛的小蛾类 关键字:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Diakonoff, A. 1968: Microlepidoptera of the Philippine Islands. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 257: 1-484. Contents目录 Introduction导言 Acknowledgments致谢 Phaloniidae 细卷蛾科 Tortricidae,Tortricinae卷蛾科,卷蛾亚科 Olethreutinae新小卷蛾亚科 ChlidanotinaeChlidanotinae亚科 ChlidanotiniChlidanotini族 Schoenotenini苇卷蛾族 Carposinidae蛀果蛾科 Xyloryctidae木蛾科 Timyridae祝蛾科 Gelechiidae麦蛾科 Orneodidae多羽蛾科 Cosmopterygidae尖蛾科 ScaeosophinaeScaeosophinae亚科 Cosmopteryginae尖蛾亚科 Oecophoridae织蛾科 Glyphipterygidae雕蛾科 Heliodinidae日逐蛾科 Aegeriidae透翅蛾科 Yponomeutidae巢蛾科 Ethmiidae草蛾科 Plutellidae菜蛾科 Lithocolletidae细蛾科 Lyonetiidae潜蛾科 Tineidae谷蛾科 Adelidae长角蛾科 References参考文献 Appendix 1: Selection of lectotypes for some Formosan species of Glyphipterygidae, described by E. Meyric Appendix 2: List of selected lectotypes Appendix 3: List of species and islands of their occurrence Figures 1-846 Index of generic and specific names Index of latin names of food-plants
个人分类: References 参考文献|4667 次阅读|0 个评论
[CD-ROM] Agromyzidae of the World 世界潜蝇科
entomology 2009-8-5 15:06
Agromyzidae of the World 世界潜蝇科 关键字:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Dempewolf, 2004 M. Dempewolf, Arthropods of Economic Importance Agromyzidae of the World (CD-ROM). ETI, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam The mining flies are a highly diverse dipteran family of exclusively phytophagous species. The world fauna consists of about 2,750 species. Of these, some 110 species are known to occur on cultivated plants. A number of species are of particular importance, especially Liriomyza and Ophiomyia species. This CD ROM aims to improve the management of pest-agromyzids by providing access to taxonomic and biological data. In addition to literature reviews, numerous new digital images are presented. A matrix key contains the characters of 114 species and outlines the morphology, biology and techniques for collecting and handling of Agromyzidae. This CD ROM aims to enable entomologists working in agriculture, horticulture and plant quarantine inspection to identify the most important species. Contents Introduction The Biodiversity and Environmental project The Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification UNESCO Installation for Macintosh users Installation and starting up for Windows users Arthropods of Economic Importance: Agromyzidae of the World Linnaeus II modules Search and Identification Software License Registration card 目录 导言 生物多样性和环境项目 分类鉴定专家中心 教科文组织 Macintosh用户的安装 Windows用户的安装和启动 具有经济重要性的节肢动物:世界潜蝇科 林奈II模块 ?? 搜索和鉴定 软件许可 登记卡 Referencing website 参考网站: http://nlbif.eti.uva.nl/bis/agromyzidae.php
个人分类: References 参考文献|4377 次阅读|0 个评论
Snapdragon 金鱼草属 Antirrhinum spp.
entomology 2009-6-17 18:59
Snapdragon 金鱼草属 Antirrhinum spp. 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Snapdragon, Dragon's month,Common snapdragon: Antirrhinum Antirrhinum is known as snapdragons because the flowers are resembling the face of a dragon that opens and closes its mouth when laterally squeezed (thus the 'snap') ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antirrhinum ). The antirrhinums used to be put in the family Scrophulariaceae, but DNA analysis indicate that it should be in Plantaginaceae. 金鱼草,龙头花、狮子花、龙口花、洋彩雀。原来放在玄参科,但DNA分析表明应改入车前科。花冠筒状唇形,基部膨大成囊状,上唇直立,2裂,下唇3裂,开展外曲,应而得名啮龙花(snapdragon)。 Miner species 潜叶虫种类: 1 Diptera 双翅目, Agromyzidae 潜蝇科, Liriomyza 斑潜蝇属:线斑潜蝇 ( Liriomyza strigata ), Liriomyza xanthocera , 菜斑潜蝇( Liriomyza brassicae ) 2 Diptera 双翅目, Drosophilidae 果蝇科, Scaptomyza 姬果蝇属: Scaptomyza flava 3 Diptera 双翅目, Agromyzidae 潜蝇科, Chromatomyia 彩潜蝇属:豌豆彩潜蝇 garden pea leafminer( Chromatomyia horticola ) Figs. Antirrhinum majus and mines . 金鱼草及其上面的潜道 Photo by Dr. Mingxun Ren with Nikon COOLPIX 15 @ Beijing Botanic Garden, China in May 2009. 任明迅博士2009年5月摄于北京植物园,Nikon COOLPIX 15。 Since the photos of Antirrhinum majus , Orychophragmus violaceus and Tropaeolum majus and their mines are taken at the same places at the same time. And they have many common miner species. I guess maybe the miners should belong to one speces. However, just a guess. cf. http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=238721 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=238719 既然金鱼草、 旱金莲和二月兰及其潜道都是在同一时间、同一地点拍摄的,而且根据资料他们有很多共同的潜叶虫种类。我猜测这些潜叶虫可能属于同一种。但,仅仅是猜测而已。 参见: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=238721 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=238719 http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfplantaginaceae/antirrhinum.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antirrhinum http://baike.baidu.com/view/92281.htm http://baike.baidu.com/view/622125.htm References
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|7905 次阅读|1 个评论
Nasturtium 旱金莲属 Tropaeolum spp
entomology 2009-6-17 18:32
Nasturtium 旱金莲属 Tropaeolum spp 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Nasturtium: Tropaeolum Note: not the Watercresses of the genus Nasturtium , of the Mustard family (Brassicaceae). However, Tropaeolum spp could produce a similar oil to which produced by Watercress ( Nasturtium officinale ),therefore they are also named Nasturtium. Food plants of the larvae of some moths and butterflies including Dot Moth ( Melanchra persicariae ), Garden Carpet ( Xanthorhoe fluctuata ) and Large White (Cabbage White) Butterfly ( Pieris brassicae ). 旱金莲,别名:旱荷、金莲花、旱莲花。旱金莲科旱金莲属。英文名字Nasturtium和十字花科豆瓣菜属名一样,注意区别,但旱金莲属植物会生产与豆瓣菜( Nasturtium officinale )类似的油类物质,因此得名Nasturtium。鳞翅目幼虫如乌夜蛾( Melanchra persicariae )、一种波尺蛾( Xanthorhoe fluctuata )和大菜粉蝶( Pieris brassicae )的寄主植物。 Miner species: 1 Lepidoptera 鳞翅目, Plutellidae 菜蛾科, Plutella 菜蛾属:小菜蛾 Diamondback moth( Plutella xylostella ) 2 Coleoptera 鞘翅目, Curculionidae 象甲科, Ceutorhynchus 龟象属: Ceutorhynchus minutus 3 Diptera 双翅目, Drosophilidae 果蝇科, Scaptomyza 姬果蝇属: Scaptomyza flava 4 Diptera 双翅目, Agromyzidae 潜蝇科, Chromatomyia 彩潜蝇属:豌豆彩潜蝇 garden pea leafminer( Chromatomyia horticola ) 5 Diptera 双翅目, Agromyzidae 潜蝇科, Liriomyza 斑潜蝇属:线斑潜蝇 ( Liriomyza strigata ), Liriomyza xanthocera , 菜斑潜蝇( Liriomyza brassicae ), 番茄斑潜蝇、瓜斑潜蝇( Liriomyza bryoniae ) Figs. Tropaeolum majus and mines. 旱金莲及其上面的潜道 Photo by Dr. Mingxun Ren with Nikon COOLPIX 15 @ Beijing Botanic Garden, China in May 2009. 任明迅博士2009年5月摄于北京植物园,Nikon COOLPIX 15。 References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropaeolum http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pftropaeolaceae/tropaeolum.htm http://baike.baidu.com/view/48963.htm
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|8610 次阅读|1 个评论
Orychophragmus violaceus 诸葛菜
热度 1 entomology 2009-6-17 17:48
Orychophragmus violaceus 诸葛菜 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Orychophragmus violaceus . Family: Cruciferae (i.e. Brassicaceae) 日本語: ムラサキハナナ 诸葛菜、菜子花、二月兰。十字花科诸葛菜属,二年生草本花卉。因农历二月前后开始开花,故称二月兰。 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: 双翅目的一种潜叶蝇 a leafmining fly (Diptera). Photo by Dr. Mingxun Ren with Nikon COOLPIX 15 @ Beijing Botanic Garden, China in May 2009. 任明迅博士2009年5月摄于北京植物园,Nikon COOLPIX 15。 References: http://www.hudong.com/wiki/%E8%AF%B8%E8%91%9B%E8%8F%9C http://baike.baidu.com/view/188195.htm
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|10235 次阅读|2 个评论
Meadow Rue 唐松草属 Thalictrum spp.
entomology 2009-6-17 11:08
Meadow Rue 唐松草属 Thalictrum spp. 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Meadow Rue: Thalictrum The taxonomy of the genus Thalictrum is still unclear. The plants are perennial herbs. 唐松草属,毛茛科,多年生草本,分类尚不明确。 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: 1 植潜蝇属 Genus Phytomyza, 潜蝇科 Family Agromyzidae, 双翅目 Order Diptera: Phytomyza thalictricola, Phytomyza aquilegiae, Phytomyza minuscula, Phytomyza albifrons 2 斑潜蝇属 Genus Liriomyza, 潜蝇科 Family Agromyzidae, 双翅目 Order Diptera: Liriomyza thalictri Figures of Thalictrum sp. and mines cf. 唐松草和潜道的图片请参见:http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=236133 References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalictrum http://baike.baidu.com/view/876778.html?fromTaglist http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfranunculaceae/thalictrum.htm http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=236133
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|4916 次阅读|0 个评论
Traveller's Joy 铁线莲属 Clematis spp.
entomology 2009-6-17 10:53
Traveller's Joy 铁线莲属 Clematis spp. 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Traveller's Joy: Clematis Most plants in the genus Clematis are climbing lianas with charming flowers. Generally they are calcicole species. 铁线莲属,毛茛科。多属攀援藤本,花美丽。通常为钙生植物 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: 1 植潜蝇属 Genus Phytomyza , 潜蝇科 Family Agromyzidae, 双翅目 Order Diptera: Phytomyza fulgens, Phytomyza kaltenbachi, Phytomyza vitalbae, Phytomyza clematidis,Phytomyza cirrhosae, Ptochomyza mayeri,Phytomyza pulsatillae,Phytomyza dalmatiensis,Phytomyza rectae 2 Genus Pseudodineura ,叶蜂科 Family Tenthredinidae,膜翅目 Order Hymenoptera: Pseudodineura clematidis,Pseudodineura clematidisrectae 3 Genus Argopus , 叶甲科 Family Chrysomelidae, 鞘翅目 Order Coleoptera: Argopus nigritarsis, Argopus ahrensi 4 Genus Ptochomyza , 潜蝇科 Family Agromyzidae, 双翅目 Order Diptera: Ptochomyza mayeri 其中,潜叶蝇为铁线莲上的常见虫害。Leaf mining flies are common pests of Clematis spp in China. Figures of Clematis ranunculoides and mines cf. 绣球藤 和潜道的图片请参见: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=237026 References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clematis http://baike.baidu.com/view/491879.htm http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfranunculaceae/clematis.htm http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/clematis.htm http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/research/projects/british-insect-mines/database/Key.do?plantGenus=Clematis http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/CLEMATIS.html http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=237026
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|4424 次阅读|0 个评论
Coffee leaf miner 咖啡潜叶蛾 Leucoptera coffeella
entomology 2009-5-30 21:04
Coffee leaf miner 咖啡潜叶蛾 Scientific name 学名: Leucoptera coffeella (Gurin-Mneville) Synonym 异名: Cemiostoma coffeella Gurin-Mneville; Elachista coffeella Gurin-Mneville; Perileucoptera coffeella (Gurin-Mneville) English names 英文名: Coffee leaf miner, White coffee leaf miner Taxonomy 分类地位: 鳞翅目Lepidoptera,潜蛾科Lyonetiidae Distribution 地理分布:新热带区的咖啡生产国 neotropical coffee producing countries Distribution in China 国内分布:否 No。检疫害虫 Quarantine pest Natural enemies 天敌:寄生蜂和拟寄生蜂如姬小蜂科、茧蜂科 parasitic wasps and hymenopteran parasitoids including Eulophidae, Braconidae; 蚂蚁 ants Host plants: Coffea spp, the miners can also lay eggs on wild Rubiaceae plants such as Pavetta spp., Diplospora spp. 咖啡属植物。此外,可在一些野生的茜草科灌木植物上产卵,如:大沙叶属和狗骨柴属植物。 Figures 图片: Larvae 幼虫: http://www.dowagro.com/br/lorsban/images/pragas/leucoptera.jpg Adults 成虫: http://www.scielo.br/img/revistas/ne/v36n3/05f3.gif Other Leucopeter leafminers on Coffea spp 危害咖啡的银潜蛾属的其它潜叶虫: 咖啡条纹潜蛾(咖啡小扇潜蛾) L. coffeina Washb ( http://www.fao.org/docrep/008/ae939e/ae939e3g.jpg )、迈氏潜叶蛾 L.meyricki Ghesquire ( http://www.infonet-biovision.org/res/res/files/1423.280x185.clip.jpeg )及咖啡逗点潜蛾 L. coma Ghesquiere ( http://nzdl.sadl.uleth.ca/gsdl/collect/tulane/index/assoc/HASHe262.dir/p155.jpg ). These species distributed in African countries including Kenya, Tanzania, buganda Island, Madagascar, Congo, Ethiopia, Angola and Cote d'Ivoire.这几种分布于非洲的肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、岛干达、马达加斯加、刚果、埃塞俄比亚、安哥拉和科特迪瓦等国。 References 参考文献: 1 http://www.hudong.com/wiki/%E5%92%96%E5%95%A1%E6%BD%9C%E5%8F%B6%E8%9B%BE 2 http://www.coffee-tea.co.uk/leafminer.php 3 http://www.coffee-tea.co.uk/leafminer-pest.php 4 http://www.dowagro.com/br/lorsban/pragas/bichomineiro.htm 5 http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1519-566X2007000300005script=sci_arttext 6 http://repository.tamu.edu/handle/1969.1/85837 7 http://www.insect-zju.org/iqpm/Factsheet/insect/kfqye.htm
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|11529 次阅读|0 个评论
Leaf mines @ Fuzhou 福州的潜叶虫道 (2)
entomology 2009-5-17 19:18
Leaf mines @ Fuzhou 福州的潜叶虫道 (2) 感谢郑云开(zhyk97@生态学学术QQ群)提供以下照片: Photo by Yunkai ZHENG with OLYMPUS E-410 @ Dongqiao, Minqing, Fuzhou, China,Apr 2009. 郑云开2009年4月摄于福建福州闽清东桥,奥林帕斯E-410。
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|4509 次阅读|1 个评论
海南的潜叶虫道 Leaf mines @ Hainan Island
entomology 2009-5-17 19:11
感谢武汉植物园的任明迅博士(竹下客@生态学学术QQ群)以下照片: Photo by Dr. Mingxun Ren with sony HDR-SR7E @BawanglingMountain and Jianfengling Moutain, Hainan, China inApril 2009. 任明迅博士2009年4月摄于海南霸王岭和尖峰岭,sony HDR-SR7E。 Hainan is a tropical island in South China, should have a high diversity of leaf miners and mined plants. 海南是南中国的一个热带岛屿,无论潜叶昆虫还是被潜食植物的多样性应该很高。
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|6309 次阅读|0 个评论
嵩山的潜道 Leaf mines @ Mount Song
entomology 2009-5-17 18:56
生态群友张珑也加入了潜叶昆虫的研究行列,下面是他在嵩山所拍的潜道图片链接: Links to pictures of leaf mines @ Mount Song (Songshan), photoed by Long Zhang in May 2009. 1 潜叶虫两则 Two leaf mines http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=231835 The second plant is 小白菜 Pak Choi( Brassica rapa chinensis ) 2 潜叶虫又两则 Another two leaf mines http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=232511 ShaolinTemple @ Mount Song,with the longitude and latitude of 112.944E and34.517N, is longfamous for the martial arts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaolin_Monastery
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3493 次阅读|1 个评论
Citrus Leafmining Beetles 柑橘潜叶甲 Podagricomela spp
entomology 2009-4-19 19:50
Podagricomela spp (Order Coleoptera:Family Chrysomelidae:Subfamily Alticinae) The genus Podagricomela has about 13 species,with 10in China.Most of themfeed on Rutaceaehosts (Zhang Yang, 2004). 鞘翅目叶甲科跳甲亚科潜跳甲属,全世界有13种,其中10中国内分布。大多数种类以芸香科植物为食。 There are twoleafmining Podagricomela on Citrus. 有2种柑橘潜叶甲。 1 English names: flea beetle (also citrus leaf miner) Chinese names: 柑橘潜跳甲 别名 柑橘潜叶跳甲、(中)柑桔跳甲 Scientific names 学名: Podagricomela nigricollis Chen Taxonomy: 鞘翅目 Order Coleoptera, 叶甲科 Family Chrysomelidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布 2English names: citrus bud-feeder Chinese names: 枸橘潜叶跳甲 又称拟恶性叶甲、潜叶绿跳甲、枸橘潜斧 Scientific names 学名: Podagricomela weisei Heikertinger Taxonomy: 鞘翅目 Order Coleoptera, 叶甲科 Family Chrysomelidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布 References: 1 Zhang Y, Yang X. 2004. A Study of the Genus Podagricomela Heikertinger(Coleoptera'.Chrysomelidae:Alticinae)from China. Entomotaxonomia, 26(4): 272-283. Photos 照片: a幼虫 larvae b幼虫头部 head of larvae c幼虫潜道和成虫取食孔 mines of larva and feeding holes of adults d幼虫潜道 one mine in detail Fig.1a-dLeafmining beetles and their damageson grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) 图1a-d. 柚子叶片上的柑橘潜叶甲及其为害状 【戴小华等2009年4月摄于中国赣州】 The species is possibly Podagricomela nigricollis but we are still waiting them to pupate and to emerge.Should be easily identified since the two mining Podagricomela adults are very different. Why not Phyllocnistis citrella , the leafmining moth? The frass are dark color and there are many holes near the mines. The holes are typical feeding harm by beetles. The larva can move out and make a new mine in the same leaf or in a different leaf. 虫道粪便较黑,且周围有甲虫成虫取食的小孔,并且幼虫可以爬出虫道重新潜食,甚至转叶为害。明显与柑橘潜叶蛾为害状不同,初步判定为柑橘潜叶甲。目前正在饲养等待化蛹羽化,做最后的鉴定。 You can campare the above mines with those of Phyllocnistis citrella. 请对比它们与柑橘潜叶蛾虫道的区别。 Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 Phyllocnistis citrella (1) Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 Phyllocnistis citrella (2): Larva and adult 幼虫和成虫 感谢曾竞、李珺、刘文平和赣南师范学院08生物本科潜叶虫兴趣小组帮助调查和拍摄。
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|9691 次阅读|1 个评论
【无奇不有】A leaf-mining mite feeding on waterhyacinth 取食水葫芦的一种潜叶螨
entomology 2009-3-22 15:59
A leaf-mining mite feeding on waterhyacinth 取食水葫芦的一种潜叶螨 Orthogalumna terebrantis (Acarina: Galumnidae) 蜱螨目:大翼甲螨科 As we know, leafminers are insects belong to four orders. Yesterday, it was amazing for me to read that one oribatid mite ( Orthogalumna terebrantis ) has similar food habit to leaf mining. The phytophagous mite feed on Pontederiaceae plants, including the noxious water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes ) and pickerelweed( Ponterdria cordata ). The adults lay eggs on pseudolaminae (i.e. leaf-like structures) and the immatures make mines in leaves (Walter Proctor, 1999). To the most, the mite can make 25-50 feeding mines in a cm 2 area, and the mines may overlap each other to form large dry patches. However, a large number of mites are required to efficiently control the waterhyacinth (Gerson et al., 2003). More interestingly, the mines help the infestion of a leaf spot fungus ( Acremonium zonatum , which is vectored by this mite species). The tissue injury of waterhyacinth by this mite will release a kairomone to stimulate the weevil ( Neochetina eichhorniae ) to oviposite, and the agents would not harm each other. Such combination may give a better control on water hyacinth (Del Fosse, 1978; Cromroy 1983;Walter Proctor, 1999; Gerson et al., 2003). Description of the species pls ref to 物种描述请参见: http://www.invasive.org/eastern/biocontrol/4WaterHyacinth.html Photo:Mines of the waterhyacinth mite ( Orthogalumna terebrantis ) 照片:水葫芦甲螨(暂用中文名, Orthogalumna terebrantis )的潜道 我们所说的潜叶虫是昆虫,分属于昆虫纲的四个目。但是,昨天我很惊讶地读到一种甲螨( Orthogalumna terebrantis )具备类似于潜叶的食性。该螨为植食性,主要取食雨久花科植物,包括臭名昭著的水葫芦( Eichhornia crassipes )和眼子菜( Ponterdria cordata )。成螨产卵于叶状体上,幼螨则潜叶(Walter Proctor, 1999)。最多的时候,每平方厘米叶面上有25-50个取食虫道。虫道可以相互重叠形成大的斑块。然而,需要很高数目的螨才能控制水葫芦(Gerson et al., 2003)。 更有趣的是:水葫芦甲螨所造成的伤口有助于环带顶孢( Acremonium zonatum )的侵染,水葫芦甲螨也是这种真菌的传播媒介。甲螨所造成的水葫芦组织损伤会释放出一种益他性外激素,刺激水葫芦象甲( Neochetina eichhorniae )的产卵,两种生防因子可以和平相处。这种组合可以更好地控制水葫芦(Del Fosse, 1978; Cromroy 1983;Walter Proctor, 1999; Gerson et al., 2003)。 References 参考文献: Cromroy H L. 1983. Potential use of mites in biological control of terrestrial and aquatic weeds. In: Hoy M A, Cunningham G L, Knutson L. (eds.) Biological Control of Pests by Mites. Berkeley: University of California Agriculture Experiment Station Special Publication, 3304: 61-66. Del Fosse E S. 1978. Interaction between the mottled waterhyacinth weevil, Neochetina eichhorniae Warner and the waterhyacinth mite, Orthogalumna terebrantis Wallwork. In: Freeman T E. (ed.) Proc. IV Int. Symp. Biological Control of Weeds. Gainesville: University of Florida, 93-97. Gerson U, Smiley R L, Ochoa R. 2003. Mites (Acari) for Pest Control. Oxford: Blackwell: 344-349. Walter D, Proctor H. 1999. Mites: Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour. Sydney Wallingford UK: Univ. of NSW Press CABI Publishing, 177.
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|3731 次阅读|1 个评论
Determination tables of the leaf mines of Europe 欧洲潜叶虫道检索表 Bestimmungstabellen d
entomology 2009-3-17 17:42
德文潜叶虫经典书籍 A classical book on leafminers (written in Germany) /////TranslateusingGoogle Translator, sorry for the errors. 使用Goolge翻译辅助翻译,对德文一窍不通,有错请指正。bersetzen mit Hilfe von Google Translator, Pardon fr die Fehler.//// Title, Titel, 书名: Bestimmungstabellen der Blattminen von Europa: Einschliesslich des Mittelmeerbeckens und der Kanarischen Inseln Determination tables of the leaf mines of Europe: Including the Mediterranean Basin and the Canary Islands 欧洲潜叶虫道检索表: 包括地中海盆地和加纳利群岛 Author, Autor, 作者: Prof. Dr. Erich M. Hering Publisher, Verleger, 出版社: UITGEFERIJ DR. W. JUNK -- 'S-GRAVENHAGE 1957. Band I: Pflanzengattungen A-L; Erzeuger Nr. 1-3133: S. 1-648. Band II: Pflanzengattungen M-Z; Erzeuger Nr. 3134-5551: S. 649-1185. Band Ill: Neubeschreibungen von Minen-Erzeugern; Systematische bersicht der Wirtspflanzen und der Minen-Erzeuger; Ab-bildungen: S. 1-221, Mit 725 Abbildungen. 卷I:(寄主)植物属 A-L;(潜叶虫)编号:1-3133. 第1-648页 卷II:(寄主)植物属 M-Z;(潜叶虫)编号:3134-551. 第649-1185页 卷III:按潜叶虫道重新编号;寄主植物和潜道的系统概述:第1-221页, 附725图 Volume I: plant genera A-L; miners No. 1-3133: p. 1-648. Volume II: plant genera M-Z; miners No. 3134-5551: p. 649-1185. Volume Ill: redescribed by mine producers; Systematic overview of the host plants and mines of the producer, ex-Education: p. 1-221, with 725 illustrations. TABLE OF CONTENTS INHALTSBERSICHT 目录 -------------------------------- Band 1. Vorwort Verzeichnis der im Text verwendeten Abkrzungen und Zeichen Abkrzungen der Autoren der zoologischen Namen der Minenerzeuger Bestimmungstabellen der Minen nach den Pflanzengattungen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge: Pflanzengattungen A-L; Erzeuger Nr. 1-3133 Band 2. Bestimmungstabellen der Minen nach den Pflanzengattungen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge: Pflanzengattungen M-Z; Erzeuger Nr. 3134-5551 Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der deutschen Namen der Pflanzengattungen Alphabetischer Register der Minenerzeuger nach Gattungen und Arten Band 3. Taxonomischer Anhang: Beschreibung der im Werk neu benannten Arten bersichten: Die Gattungen der Wirtspflanzen in natrlicher (verwandtschaftlicher) Reihenfolge Die Gattungen der minierenden Insekten in natrlicher (verwandtschaftlicher) Reihenfolge Abbildungen --------------------------------- Volume 1 Preface List of abbreviations used in text and characters Abbreviations of authors of the zoological name of the miners Destination tables of mines after the plant genera in alphabetical sequence: Plant genera A-L; miners No. 1-3133 Volume 2 Destination tables of mines after the plant genera in alphabetical sequence: Plant genera M-Z; miners No. 3134-5551 Alphabetical list of German names of plant genera Alphabetical index of miners to genera and species Volume 3 Taxonomic Appendix: description of the newly appointed plant species Overviews: The genera of host plants in natural (family) sequence The genera of discriminatory insects in the natural (family) sequence Figures ------------------------------------- 第1卷 前言 名单中所用的缩写文字和字符 作者潜叶虫动物学名称的作者缩写 按字母顺序的各植物属的潜道检索表:(寄主)植物属 A-L;(潜叶虫)编号:1-3133 第2卷 按字母顺序的各植物属的潜道检索表:(寄主)植物属 M-Z;(潜叶虫)编号 按字母顺序排列的德文植物属名 按字母顺序排列的潜叶虫属、种索引 第3卷 附录分类:新命名的植物物种描述 概述: 寄主植物属按自然(科)序列 潜叶昆虫属按自然(科)序列的 附图 -----------------------------------------
个人分类: References 参考文献|1753 次阅读|1 个评论
Beet Leaf Miner 甜菜潜叶蝇 Pegomyia hyoscyami
entomology 2009-2-12 10:51
English names: Beet Fly, Beet Leaf Miner 中文名:甜菜潜叶蝇、甜叶潜蝇、藜泉蝇 Scientific names 学名: Pegomyia hyoscyami Panzer. Taxonomy 分类地位: Class Insecta, order Diptera, family Anthomyiidae, genus Pegomyia 昆虫纲双翅目花蝇科泉蝇属 Host plants 寄主植物: Chenopodiaceae (beet, spinach), Solanaceae (goose-foot, jimson weed, benbane, belladonna), Hippocastanaceae (chestnut), Amarantaceae, Portulacaceae, Aizoaceae, Caryophyllaceae. 藜科、茄科、七叶树科、苋科、马齿苋科、番杏科、石竹科植物,例如叶恭菜(莙荙菜)、甜菜、菠菜等 Distribuition: The species is known from Northern America and Europe.Beet producing area in China. 起源于北美和欧洲,国内主要分布在东北松辽平原、内蒙古河套及黄河中下游甜菜栽培区。 Figure links as below 图片链接见下面: Mine 潜道: Egg 卵: Larva 幼虫: Adult 成虫: references: http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Flies/ Pegomya_hyoscyami .html http://www.bladmineerders.nl/minersf/dipteramin/pegomya/hyoscyami/hyoscyami.htm http://www.ppq.gov.cn/nzwbch/11%EF%BC%8D%E7%B3%96%E7%83%9F/1195%E2%80%941196%20%E7%94%9C%E8%8F%9C%E6%BD%9C%E5%8F%B6%E8%9D%87.htm http://www.agroatlas.spb.ru/en/content/pests/Pegomyia_hyosciami/
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|6442 次阅读|0 个评论
[我的诗作 My Poem] 潜叶虫在歌唱 A Leafminer is Singing
entomology 2008-12-19 10:31
虽然空间狭小,我仍努力地伸展身躯; 外面的世界美好,我需要耐心等待。 羽化的瞬间,是我的心在放声歌唱! 听!是自由的翅膀飞翔的歌声。 Though in a small place, I still try to stretch my body; The world outside is wonderful, but I should wait with patience. Once emerging, it is myheart that sings aloud! Listen! The song of my wings flying at liberty.
个人分类: Exchange & Cooperation 交流与合作|3188 次阅读|0 个评论
Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 Phyllocnistis citrella (2): Larva and adult 幼虫和成虫
entomology 2008-11-10 20:12
Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 Phyllocnistis citrella (1) @ http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=32643 戴小华2008年10-11月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区, IPM Scope数码显微摄像头 Photo by Xiaohua Dai with IPM Scope digital micorscope @ Huangjing Campus, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,October-November 2008.
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|5852 次阅读|0 个评论
Leafminers and red mites under the digital microscope 显微摄像头下的潜叶虫及螨类
entomology 2008-10-20 21:23
戴小华2008年10月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区, IPM Scope数码显微摄像头 Photo by Xiaohua Dai with IPM Scope digital micorscope @ Huangjing Campus, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,October 2008. The IPM Scope combines advanced digital optics and LED lighting in a IPM scouting microscope that fits in the palm of your hand. 40 - 140X (12-140 X for Mega Pixel ) magnification lets you zoom in on the fine details of insects and plant disease symptoms. Place the IPM Scope over the sample, and comfortably view the image right on your computer screen, instead of straining to look into a tiny eyepiece. Capture images, easily add labels, take measurements and even draw right on the live image. More details about IPM Scope @ http://www.specmeters.com/IPM_and_Plant_Health_Tools/IPM_Scope.html IPM Scope结合了电子照相机、精准的光学和LED光源成为一套强力显微镜和影像软体:可用活动的40-140X切换开关來放大植物疾病症兆,害虫或其他裸视无法看清的事物。可轻易地攫取影像、作标定、作测量或什至在影像上作图。只需将IPM Scope放在样品上并在电脑萤幕前舒适地观看影像 更多介绍请参见: http://www.kohsieh.com.tw/PDF_Files/Spectrum/IPM%20%20DM.pdf FIGURES: 1 Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 ( Phyllocnistis citrella ) @ Navel Orange 脐橙 --larva and mine 幼虫和潜道 2Citrus red mite 柑橘红蜘蛛 ( Panonychus citri )
个人分类: Research tools 研究工具|4127 次阅读|1 个评论
Leaf mines @ Fuzhou 福州的潜叶虫道
entomology 2008-10-13 12:08
感谢郑云开(zhyk97@生态学学术QQ群)提供以下照片: Photo by Yunkai ZHENG with OLYMPUS E-410 @ Dongqiao, Minqing, Fuzhou, China, Oct 2008. 郑云开2008年10月摄于福建福州闽清东桥,奥林帕斯E-410。 如能帮忙鉴定寄主植物,感激不尽。 1 东桥寄主植物1 Dongqiao Host 01
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3029 次阅读|0 个评论
Enjoy the beauty of mines! 原来虫道也很美! -- High Diversity of Leaf-Mined Hosts @ Jiul
entomology 2008-10-6 20:26
High Diversity of Leaf Mined Hosts @ Jiulian Moutain 九连山潜叶虫寄主植物的高多样性 【【大量附图在文末,原来虫道也很美!】】 {{Many mine pictures at the end of the text. The mines areexcellently designed! Enjoy the beauty of mines! }} Jiulian Mountain National Nature Reserve is located at South Jiangxi. The original nature reserve was about 42 km2 in size, with two core areas, at Xiagongtang and Daqiutian, separated by buffer zone. In 2002 it was enlarged to 134 km2 including a core area of 43 km2 (32% of total reserve area, from Huangniushi in the south to Shanghualu in the north), a buffer zone of 14 km2 (11%, immediately fringing the core) and an experimental zone of 77 km2 (57%) (Liu X.Z. et al., 2002;Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, 2003). From Sep. 30 to Oct. 3, we investigated the leaf-mining hosts in Jiulianshan (i.e. Jiulian Mountain). It is regretful that we were not able to visit the above two core areas because that no accommodation is available for too many tourists during the national holidays. However, Mr. Tang, the deputy director of the Reserve suggested us to Duntou, which is near the peak--Huangniushi in the south. When we arrived Duntou, we were disappointed to see rice field and secondary pine forests. Better than do nothing, we began our investigation next day. To our suprise, there are many many plants with mines on leaves. Even we had not reached the peak since we did not have time, we did collect 100 plant samples and 500 mine photos. Jiulian Mountain indeed a great place with abundant plants and insects. More details on the Rserve please refer to: Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, 2003. Report of Rapid Biodiversity Assessments at Jiulianshan Nature Reserve, South Jiangxi, China, 2000, 2001 and 2003. South China Forest Biodiversity Survey Report Series (Online Simplified Version): No. 33. KFBG, Hong Kong SAR, ii + 21 pp. 国庆假期我们一行四人去九连山科考,重点是调查潜叶虫。遗憾的是由于游客太多,最核心区都找不到住处了。刘仁林博士几乎走遍了江西的保护区,自然很有人缘。多亏刘博士帮忙联系了九连山自然保护区的唐佩荣局长。唐局长建议我们直接坐车到保护区与广东交界的墩头。我们坐车由国道转入水泥路,然后转入山路,颠簸了许久方才到达目的地。虽然途经核心区时看到茂密的森林,但下车后却看到了水稻田和次生针叶林,还是有些失望。 既来之,则安之。第二天8点左右我们朝目标黄牛石--九连山主峰(1470m)前进。出乎我们意料的是,虽然前面一段路是稻田,但还是出现了一些我们没有在赣南其他地方见过的昆虫,开花植物也非常多。上了山之后,一路的潜道,我们拍照,定位,采集标本,记录,忙得不亦乐乎,半天只挪动了很短的距离。我们从海拔400多米爬到600米出头,结果GPS电池用完,采集用的塑料袋也没了,只好先回头。回到住宿的地方,才下午1点多。 第三天,把电池都充满,也买了备用的电池,带上所有的塑料袋,我们再次出发。一路急走,打算先爬到主峰再慢慢往回走。我们大概12点钟到了海拔950m的一个山峰,结果山路开始下坡,不知尽头。计算了一下时间,可能无法攀登主峰了。于是开始往回走,拍照、定位、采集、记录,收获非常丰富。虽然我带了相机的备份电池,还是未能坚持到底;塑料袋不够用了,只好把记录直接写在叶片上。回到宿处,下午5点了。 由于大家很累,而且要回家修整准备上课,所以第四天就回家了,未能顺利登上黄牛石,有些遗憾。所幸我们采集了约100份有潜道的植物标本,拍摄了几百张潜道的照片,还是完成了既定的任务。如果仅从潜叶虫寄主植物的角度而言,九连山不愧为国家级自然保护区。 Photo by Xiaohua Dai @ Jiulian Moutain with Cannon IXUS 75, October 2008. 戴小华2008年10月摄于九连山,相机为Cannon IXUS 75。 With thanks to Liming Cao, Jiasheng Xu and Jing Zeng, who were very helpful for the investigation, collection, identification and photography. 感谢曹利民、徐家生和曾竞协助调查、采集、鉴定和拍照。 Also with thanks to Peirong Tang, Renlin Liu. 也感谢九连山保护区的唐佩荣局长、我的同事刘仁林博士的协助。
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2933 次阅读|1 个评论
Garden Pea 豌豆 Pisum spp.
entomology 2008-9-22 11:03
Garden pea: Pisum Pisum contains one to five species, depending on taxonomic interpretation. Of which, Pisum sativum (the field or garden pea), is domesticated and is a major human food crop. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisum 豌豆属,豆科或者说蝶形花科。起源亚洲西部、地中海地区和埃寒俄比亚、小亚细亚西部,因其适应性很强,在全世界的地理分布很广。种子及嫩荚、嫩苗均可食用;种子含淀粉、油脂,药用有强壮、利尿、止泻的功效;茎叶能清凉解暑;并作绿肥和饲料。 豌豆依用途分为两大类: 1.粮用豌豆;2.菜用豌豆。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/44954.htm 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: 1 English names: vegetable leafminer Chinese names: 美洲斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza sativae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 2 English names: pea leafminer Chinese names: 南美斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza huidobrensis Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 3 English names: American serpentine leafminer Chinese names: 三叶草斑潜蝇,美国斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza trifolii = Oscinis trifolii = Liriomyza allivora = Liriomyza phascolunulata Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes but only in South China 国内仅华南有分布,检疫害虫 4 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: 线斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza strigata = Agromyza strigata = Agromyza violae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: No 国内无分布,属检疫害虫 5 English names: Tomato Leaf-miner Chinese names: 番茄斑潜蝇、瓜斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza bryoniae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 6English names: Bean Leaf-miner 10 English names: vegetable leafminer, garden pea leafminer Chinese names: 豌豆潜叶蝇、豌豆彩潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae, 彩潜蝇属 Chromatomyia Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 11 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: ? Scientific names 学名: Scaptomyza flava Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 果蝇科 Drosophilidae, 姬果蝇属 Scaptomyza Distribution in China:No. 国内无分布 Chinese names: 豌豆斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza congesta Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布 7 English names: Pea Leaf-miner Chinese names: ? Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza pisivora Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China:No. 国内无分布 8 English names: a leaf-mining fly Chinese names: ? Scientific names 学名: Agromyza lathyri Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China:No. 国内无分布 9 English names: a leaf-mining fly Chinese names: ? Scientific names 学名: Ophiomyia orbiculata Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae, 蛇潜蝇属 Ophiomyia Distribution in China:No. 国内无分布 Refernces: 1. http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/PISUM.html 2. http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pffabaceae/pisum.htm 3. http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/pisum.htm
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2749 次阅读|1 个评论
Cucurbita 南瓜属 Cucurbita spp
entomology 2008-9-17 09:46
Cucurbita spp Common species: (squashes, pumpkins and marrows, and chilacayote) Cucurbita is first cultivated in the Americas and now used in many parts of the world including china. It includes species grown for their fruit and edible seeds , as well as some species grown only as gourds. Specialist pollinator bees, especially the genera Peponapis and Xenoglossa , can be very important for fruit set for Cucurbita . Refs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucurbita Cucurbita L. 南瓜属,葫芦科,约25种,产美洲,中国引入栽培的有西葫芦 C. pepo L. ,笋瓜 C. maxima Duch. 和 南瓜 C. moschata (Duch. )Poir. 3种,供食用,但南部栽培的多为后一种。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/896225.html?wtp=tt Miner species 潜叶虫种类: http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/cucurbita.htm http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/CUCURBITA.html 1 English names: vegetable leafminer Chinese names: 美洲斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza sativae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 2 English names: pea leafminer Chinese names: 南美斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza huidobrensis Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 3 English names: American serpentine leafminer Chinese names: 三叶草斑潜蝇,美国斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza trifolii = Oscinis trifolii = Liriomyza allivora = Liriomyza phascolunulata Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes but only in South China 国内仅华南有分布,检疫害虫 4 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: 线斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza strigata = Agromyza strigata = Agromyza violae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: No 国内无分布,属检疫害虫 5 English names: Tomato Leaf-miner Chinese names: 番茄斑潜蝇、瓜斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza bryoniae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 6 English names: Pea leaf miner Chinese names: 豌豆彩潜蝇、豌豆植潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Chromatomyia horticola = Phytomyza atricornis = P. nigricornis horticola Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布 a b 图1a-b 斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sp. @ 南瓜 Pumpkin ( Cucurbita moschata ) 戴小华2008年9月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区, X-loupe显微相机 Photo by Xiaohua Dai with X-loupe microscope camera @ Huangjing Campus, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,September 2008.
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3562 次阅读|0 个评论
Leafminers and red mites under the portable microscope camera 显微相机下的潜叶虫及螨类
entomology 2008-9-15 13:07
戴小华2008年9月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区, X-loupe显微相机 Photo by Xiaohua Dai with X-loupe microscope camera @ Huangjing Campus, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,September 2008. 数微相机X-LOUPEi6/7系列是结合数码相机和显微镜头的新工具,能够清楚拍摄6mm到10m的大小(6mm~10m),帮助人们大幅度提升眼力。X-LOUPEi6/7系列镜头让显微镜观察(Micro preview)和显微摄影(Micro photography)合而为一。( http://www.strider-tech.com/sh/X-LOUPE/x_loupe_intro.htm ) The X-Loupe Digital Field Microscope allows you to capture microscopic photos at a resolution up to 6 Megapixels. It is ideal for documentation and display work when you need to clearly capture objects from 6mm to 10 microns. ( www. x-loupe .com ) 数码显微相机的一个好处就是便于携带到野外拍摄微小的昆虫和植物结构,但使用时很难对焦,因为昆虫是运动而且风会摇动树枝,要拍更清楚倍数更大的照片应选择数码显微镜。不管怎样,数码显微相机的确为生态学研究带来了更大的方便。 Oneadvantage of digital microscopic camera is that we can easily take photos forsmall insects and plant structure in the wild. But, it is difficult to focus because of the movement of insects and the shaky branchesin thewind. One should choose digital microscope if she/he wants clearer and larger photos. However, digital microscopic camera can indeed provide more conveniences for ecological research. 1 Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 ( Phyllocnistis citrella ) @ Navel Orange 脐橙 a-b c-e h-j a b c d e f g h i j 2 斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sp. @ 南瓜 Pumpkin ( Cucurbita moschata ) a-b a b 3 Citrus red mite 柑橘红蜘蛛 ( Panonychus citri ) a b-d b one mite and two eggs. 一只螨和两粒卵 a b c d
个人分类: Research tools 研究工具|4214 次阅读|5 个评论
Leaf mines @ Guangxi 广西的潜叶虫道
entomology 2008-9-15 12:17
感谢邓艳(艾草@生态学学术QQ群)提供一下照片: Photo by Yan DENG with canon A95 @ Nonglatun, Mashang County, Guangxi, China,August 2008. 邓艳2008年8月摄于广西马山县弄拉屯,佳能A95。 如能帮忙鉴定寄主植物,感激不尽。 1 马山县寄主01 Host 01
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2635 次阅读|0 个评论
Rhododendron 杜鹃花属 Rhododendron spp
entomology 2008-9-9 09:44
Rhododendron spp It is a large genus with over 1000 species and most have showy flower displays. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhododendron 杜鹃花属,杜鹃花科 是一北温带分布的大属,主产东亚和东南亚。我国是杜鹃花属最集中的产地,集中分布于西南山区。它们的花色艳丽多姿,是著名的观赏植物。包括体形大的西洋杜鹃和体形小的映山红类杜鹃。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/1284967.htm Miner species 潜叶虫种类: http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfericaceae/rhododendron.htm http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/rhododendron.htm http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/RHODODENDRON.html 1 鳞翅目 Lepidoptera:丽细蛾属 Caloptilia Only one species is reported in the above three sites: Azalea Leaf Miner ( Caloptilia azaleella ) 上述三个网站仅报道一种 Caloptilia azaleella 。 No Rhododendron miner species reported in China presently. 目前未见杜鹃花属潜叶虫种类的报道。 Fig.1 Leaf mines @ Rhododendron simiarum . 图1a-c. 猴头杜鹃 Rhododendron simiarum 上的潜道. 【戴小华2008年8月2日摄于三清山,相机为Olympus X-775. 感谢以下同仁帮助植物鉴定:中山大学的廖文波教授和凡强博士等。】 According to the description, the miner in Fig.1 should not be Caloptilia azaleella .根据潜道特征,图1的潜叶虫并非 Caloptilia azaleella 。
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2891 次阅读|0 个评论
Cow pea 豇豆属 Vigna spp
entomology 2008-9-3 13:14
Mung-bean, Cow pea, etc.: Vigna Many Vigna species are cultivated for vegetable. 豇豆属,豆科或者说蝶形花科,很多种类都栽培做蔬菜。 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: Refernces: 1. http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/VIGNA.html 1 English names: vegetable leafminer Chinese names: 美洲斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza sativae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 2 English names: pea leafminer Chinese names: 南美斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza huidobrensis Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 3 English names: American serpentine leafminer Chinese names: 三叶草斑潜蝇,美国斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza trifolii = Oscinis trifolii = Liriomyza allivora = Liriomyza phascolunulata Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes but only in South China 国内仅华南有分布,检疫害虫 4 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: 线斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza strigata = Agromyza strigata = Agromyza violae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: No 国内无分布,属检疫害虫 5 English names: vegetable leafminer, garden pea leafminer Chinese names: 豌豆潜叶蝇、豌豆彩潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 a b c d e f g Fig.1 Leaf mines and miner larva (the little yellow one in Fig. 1e-g)@ cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ). Since the mine is serpentine with frass alternatively at each side, the mines only occur on the surface of the leaves, and the larva is golden-yellow maggot, the miner is Lriomyza sativae . 图1. 豇豆上的潜道和潜叶虫(图1e-g中的黄色小虫),根据蛇形潜道,粪便在两侧交替排列,潜道仅出现在叶正面,和幼虫特征,潜叶虫种类是美洲斑潜蝇。【戴小华2008年8月17日摄于福建连城父母的菜园中,相机为Olympus X-775. 】
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3308 次阅读|0 个评论
Kudzu 葛属 Pueraria spp
entomology 2008-8-25 20:01
Kudzu: Pueraria , fast-growing, twining, perennial, woody vine, some species ( Pueraria lobata , or P. thunbergiana ) are famous for their edible, starchy roots. Ref: http://www.answers.com/topic/pueraria-1 葛属,豆科或者说蝶形花科。约20种以上,分布于亚洲热带地区至日本,我国有12种,广布于各省。 其中野葛 Pueraria lobata (Willd. )Ohwi 是很好的覆盖植物,有固砂作用,花入药,地下部的淀粉可食,至华南栽培的粉葛 P. thomsoni Benth.,其地下部含淀粉尤富,可为蔬菜食用。 Ref: http://baike.baidu.com/view/461427.htm Miner species 潜叶虫种类: 1 双翅目 Diptera: 东潜蝇属 Japanagromyza ***Possible Kudzu miners in China ***中国可能存在的葛潜叶虫种类 1 Chinese names: 豆叶东潜蝇 English names 英文名:Soy bean black leaf miner Scientific names 学名: Japanagromyza tristella (Thomson) Description of mine 潜道描述:Blotch miner on the upper surface of young leaves and leaflets respectively, normally with several larvae in each mine (1-5). 危害葛、沙葛、大豆等豆科作物。以幼虫在叶片内潜食叶肉,残留叶表皮,在叶面上呈现长径1~2厘米的白色膜状斑块,此有别于其他潜蝇造成的弯曲蛀道状。通常每叶可有多个斑块,严重危害时影响叶片光合作用,植株生长受阻。 Refs: 1. http://nlbif.eti.uva.nl/bis/agromyzidae.php?menuentry=soortenid=63 2. http://www.dhbc.net/datalib/2003/VegetableIll/DL/DL-20031205161431/md_edit_form?pageIndex=3 a b c d e Fig.1 Leaf mines and miner larva (the little white one in Fig. 1e)@ Pueraria lobata . Since the mine is blotch and the larva looks like one maggot, the miner ispossible Japanagromyza tristella . 图1. 野葛上的潜道和潜叶虫(图1e中的白色小虫),根据潜道特征和幼虫特征,潜叶虫种类很可能是豆叶东潜蝇。【戴小华2008年8月17日摄于福建连城父母的菜园中,相机为Olympus X-775. 】
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3974 次阅读|2 个评论
Rubus 悬钩子属 Rubus spp
entomology 2008-8-14 13:02
Rubus , including Cloudberry, Brambles, Shrub dewberry and Raspberry 悬钩子属,蔷薇科,包括黄莓、树莓、露莓和黑莓等。 Referencing links: http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/rubus.htm , http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/RUBUS.html , http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfrosaceae/rubus.htm Miner species 潜叶虫种类: 1 双翅目 Diptera: 潜蝇属 Agromyza , 泉蝇属 Pegomyia 2 鳞翅目 Lepidoptera: 鞘蛾属 Coleophora , Coptotriche 属, Ectoedemia 属, 穿孔蛾属 Incurvaria , 微蛾属 Stigmella , 3 膜翅目 Hymenoptera: Fenella 属, 潜叶蜂属 Metallus 4 鞘翅目 Coleoptera: 窄颈铁甲虫属 Dactylispa ***Possible Rubus miners in China ***中国可能存在的悬钩子潜叶虫种类 1(?) Chinese names: 台湾铁甲虫 English names: Scientific names: Dactylispa insulicola Taxonomy: 鞘翅目 Order Coleoptera, 铁甲科 Family Hispidae, 铁甲亚科 Subfamily Hispinae Ref: http://gaga.jes.mlc.edu.tw/9507bx/392.htm a b c Fig.1a-c Leaf mines @ Rubus trianthus Focke. 图1a-c. 三花悬钩子 Rubus trianthus Focke上的潜道. 【戴小华2008年8月2日摄于三清山,相机为Olympus X-775. 感谢以下同仁帮助植物鉴定:中山大学的廖文波教授和凡强博士等。】 a b Fig.2a-b Leaf mines @ Rubus chingii Hu. 图2a-b. 掌叶覆盆子 Rubus chingii Hu上的潜道. 【戴小华2008年8月2日摄于三清山,相机为Olympus X-775. 感谢以下同仁帮助植物鉴定:中山大学的廖文波教授和凡强博士等。】
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|5741 次阅读|4 个评论
Diversity of leaf mines @ Guifeng 龟峰的潜叶虫道多样性
entomology 2008-8-14 09:06
帮忙鉴定下面的潜叶虫寄主植物。 Please help to identify the host plants of the leafminers. Photo by Xiaohua Dai @Guifeng Moutainwith Olympus X-775, August32008. 戴小华2008年8月3日摄于龟峰,相机为Olympus X-775。 龟峰属于丹霞地貌,丹霞地貌好像无法形成像花岗岩那样的大山(如三清山)。龟峰、冠豸山、老虎山和丹霞山等8个国内有名的丹霞地貌也正在联合申遗。冠豸山只要我回父母家,远远地就可以看到。龟峰原来不对公众开放,所以相对封闭,因此植被和生物多样性尚佳。最深刻的一个景点就是电视剧《西游记》片头的取景地吧,那个地方没有人能上去,唐僧师徒是用电脑合成上去的。顺便提一下龙虎山,特色是水和悬棺,我们主要也是在水中赏景,也看了颇具特色的悬棺和表演。在岸上走了一下,发现人类活动的痕迹非常明显,没有拍到潜叶虫的照片。由于人多村多,所以老虎山的旅游是由各村分段承包的(?),管委会的权力可能太小,因此无法有效地管控,所以我们在坐竹筏的时候遇到了不愉快,对老虎山的印象分更下降了。8个丹霞景区应该在管理上多下功夫了,只要有1个景区拖后腿,申遗的成功性就更下降了。 Guifeng mountain and Long Hu mountain are both red bed landforms (Danxia Landform). They are applying for Heritage together with 6 other DAnxia mountains. However, there are more human activities in Long Hu moutain. I only found leaf mines at Guifeng. (The other reason might be that we were mostly boating at Long Hu). However, the anthropic impact on biodiversity is distinct. 龟峰寄主01 Host 01 龟峰寄主02 Host 02 龟峰寄主03 Host 03 龟峰寄主04 Host 04 龟峰寄主05 Host 05 龟峰寄主06 Host 06 龟峰寄主07 Host 07
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2864 次阅读|1 个评论
Eupatorium 泽兰属 Eupatorium spp
entomology 2008-8-6 13:17
Eupatorium 泽兰属,菊科 Referencing links: http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/eupatorium.htm , http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/EUPATORIUM.html , http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfasteraceae/eupatorium.htm , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eupatorium Miner species: 潜叶虫种类 1 双翅目 Diptera: 萼潜蝇属 Calycomyza , 斑潜蝇属 Liriomyza , 彩潜叶属 Chromatomyia , 植潜蝇属 Phytomyza ,实蝇属 Trypeta , Stemonocera 属 2 鳞翅目 Lepidoptera: 鞘蛾属 Coleophora , Digitivalva 属 检索表 Keys: http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfasteraceae/eupatorium.htm http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/EUPATORIUM.html **中国境内泽兰上可能有的潜叶虫 Possible Eupatorium leaf miners in China** 1 豌豆潜叶蝇 Chromatomyia horticola = Chromatomyia 'atricornis' ? 2 美洲斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sativae 3 番茄斑潜蝇 L. bryoniae 4 三叶草斑潜蝇 L. trifolii (目前仅发现于华南only found in South China presently) 5 蒿萼潜蝇 Calycomyza artemisiae 6 泽兰植潜蝇 Phytomyza eupatorii (cf. taibnet.sinica.edu.tw) 7 艾提米实蝇 Trypeta artemisiae (cf. taibnet.sinica.edu.tw) a b c d e f g Fig.1a-g Mines on the leaves of Eupatorium japonicum Thunb. Since the frass distributealternatively at either side of the mines, the miners should be a fly. 图1a-g. 泽兰 Eupatorium japonicum Thunb. 叶上的虫道。由于粪粒在潜道两侧交替排列,估计多为潜叶蝇。【戴小华2008年8月2日摄于三清山,相机为Olympus X-775;感谢以下同仁帮助植物鉴定:中山大学的廖文波教授和凡强博士,emay的mrstarlitsky,Planta的陈沉等。】
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3297 次阅读|0 个评论
Diversity of leaf mines @ Sanqing Mountain 三清山的潜叶虫道多样性
entomology 2008-8-6 11:21
帮忙鉴定下面的潜叶虫寄主植物。 Please help to identify the host plants of the leafminers. Not only a pleasant hiking site with nice views, Sanqing Moutain present us diverse wildlife. Take leaf miners as an example, I found about 10 plant species with leaf mines even through cursory observation. The mines vary in color,shapeand size, indicating that the vegetation here is preserved very well. 三清山不仅景色宜人适合徒步旅行,也展现了丰富多样的野生动植物。以潜叶虫为例,走马观花的情况下仍然发现了10种左右的潜叶虫寄主植物。潜道呈现出不同的颜色,性状和大小,说明当地的植被保护得较好。 Since it is a tour trip rather than an investigation one, I did not collect plants and insects. What a pity! 由于是旅游而不是考察,因此未采集植物和昆虫标本,甚憾! Photo by Xiaohua Dai @ Sanqing Moutainwith Olympus X-775, August 22008. 戴小华2008年8月2日摄于三清山,相机为Olympus X-775。 Plant identification by Prof. Wenbo Liao and Dr. Qiang Fan of Sun Yat-Sen University, mrstarlitsky of emay.com.cn, Chen Chen of Planta.cn,etc. 感谢以下同仁帮助植物鉴定:中山大学的廖文波教授和凡强博士,emay的mrstarlitsky,Planta的陈沉等。 1 寄主植物01 Host plant 01 2 寄主植物02 Host plant 02 3 寄主植物03 Host plant 03 4 寄主植物04 Host plant 04 5 寄主植物05 Host plant 05 6 寄主植物06 Host plant 06 7 寄主植物07 Host plant 07 (?same as 02 同02?) 8 寄主植物08 Host plant 08 9 寄主植物09 Host plant 09 (?same as 02, 07, 同02、07?) 10 寄主植物10, Host plant 10 11 寄主植物11 Host plant 11 12 寄主植物12 Host plant 12 (?是潜叶虫道吗 leaf mines or not?) 13 寄主植物13 Host plant 13 14 寄主植物14 Host plant 14
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|4819 次阅读|8 个评论
Leaf-mining insects 潜叶昆虫
entomology 2008-8-1 00:48
Needham JG, Frost SW, Tothill D, 1928, Leaf-mining insects. The Williams Wilkens, Co., Baltimore, 351p Contents 1 A general acquaintance with leaf-mining insects 潜叶昆虫的一般性认知 1.1 The leaf as a dwelling place 叶子作为居住场所 1.2 The insects 昆虫种类 1.3 Life histories 生活史 1.4 The mines 潜道 1.5 Mining operations 潜食活动 1.6 Frass 虫粪 1.7 Tenancy 潜食期 1.8 Origin of the leaf-mining habit 潜叶食性的起源 1.9 Intergradation with other habits 与其它食性的间渡 1.10 Enemies 天敌 1.11 Collecting and rearing leaf-miners 潜叶虫的采集和饲养 2 Extent of the leaf-mining habit 潜叶食性的广度? 2.1 Economic species 经济种类 2.2 Host plants 寄主植物 2.3 Table of orders of leaf mining larvae 潜叶幼虫分目表 3 Order Lepidoptera 鳞翅目 4 Suborder Jugatae 轭翅亚目 4.1 Family Eriocraniidae 毛顶蛾科 5 Suborder Frenatae 缰翅亚目, Superfamily Incurvarioidea 穿孔蛾总科 5.1 Incurvariidae 穿孔蛾科 6 Superfamily Nepticuloidea 微蛾总科 6.1 Nepticulidae 微蛾科 7 Superfamily Tineoidea 谷蛾总科 7.1 Tischeriidae 冠潜蛾科 7.2 Lyonetidae 潜蛾科 7.3 Gracilariidae 细蛾科 7.4 Coleophoridae 鞘蛾科 8 Superfamily Cynodioidea 草潜蛾总科 8.1 Cycnodiidae 草潜蛾科(Elachistidae)? 8.2 Douglasiidae 道格拉斯蛾科 8.3 Heliozelidae 日蛾科 9 Superfamily Gelechoidea 麦蛾总科 9.1 Gelechiidae 麦蛾科 9.2 Lavernidae 柳叶菜蛾科(Momphidae)? 10 Superfamily Yponomeutoidea 巢蛾总科 10.1 Yponomeutidae 巢蛾科 10.2 Glyphipterygidae 雕蛾科 10.3 Heliodinidae 日逐蛾科 11 Superfamilies Tortricoidea, Pyralidoidea, and Noctuoidea 卷叶蛾总科、螟蛾总科、夜蛾总科 11.1 Tortricidae 卷叶蛾科 11.2 Pyralidae 螟蛾科 11.3 Noctuidae 夜蛾科 12 Order Coleoptera 鞘翅目 12.1 Family Buprestidae 吉丁虫科 12.2 Family Chrysomelidae 叶甲科 12.3 Family Curculionidae 象鼻虫科 13 Order Hymenoptera 膜翅目 14 Order Diptera 双翅目 15 List of leaf-mining insects 潜叶昆虫名录 16 Host plants of leaf-mining insects 潜叶虫寄主植物名录
个人分类: References 参考文献|2946 次阅读|4 个评论
Bionomics of Leaf-Mining Insects 潜叶昆虫的生态学
entomology 2008-7-31 23:18
Hespenheide H A. 1991. Bionomics of leaf-mining insects. Annual Review of Entomology, 36: 535-560. 目录: 1 Introduction 介绍 2 Taxa of leaf-mining 潜叶类群 3 Host plant interactions 寄主植物关系 3.1 Host specificity and species diversity 寄主专一性与物种多样性 3.2 Biogeographic pattern of diversity 多样性的生物地理格局 3.3 Host plant defenses 寄主植物防御 4 Life history and ecology 生活史和生态学 4.1 Adult reproductive behavior 成虫繁殖行为 4.2 Larval ecology 幼虫生态学 4.2.1 Distribution of mines and miners 潜道和潜叶虫的分布 4.2.2 Patterns of survivorship and mortality 生存和死亡的模式 4.2.3 Parasitism 寄生 4.2.4 Intraspecific competition 种内竞争 4.2.5 Leaf abscission 叶离现象 4.2.6 Predators and abiotic factors 捕食和非生物因素 4.3 Population behavior 种群行为 5 Parasitoids of leaf-miners 潜叶虫的拟寄生物 5.1 Faunal size 动物区系数量? 5.2 Ecological specialization 生态专化 6 Effect of leaf-miners on plants 潜叶虫对植物的影响 7 Economic importance 经济重要性 8 Conclusions 结论
个人分类: References 参考文献|2158 次阅读|0 个评论
Not only mining leaves 不仅仅是潜叶
entomology 2008-7-28 14:16
Leaf miners typically live and feed between the epidermal layers of a leaf. However, some miners will mine the surface of the fruit or the twigs, some mine the petioles and flowers stalks, and some also make galls. Therefore,you will possibly finda borer, a miner or a galler in the same genus and some species have two feeding habits above(cf. Byers, 2006). The mine may occur in the parenchyma of various parts of the plant,including the root, stem, flower, fruit, leaf or petiole (Hering, 1951; Kang, 1996; Almeida-Cortez, 2006). But, in whatever plant part, the miner normally dont damage the epidermal layers or at least not the outerwalls (Hering, 1951; Kang, 1996). 潜叶虫通常在叶子的表皮层间生活和取食。然而,一些潜叶虫会潜入果皮或者嫩梢,一些会潜入叶柄或者花梗,还有一些则会制造虫瘿。因此,很可能在同一个属里发现钻蛀虫、潜叶虫或者造瘿虫,而一些种类同时拥有以上的两种取食习性(cf. Byers, 2006)。除了在叶片外,潜食也可以发生在果实、花朵、叶柄、茎秆和根的薄壁组织中(Hering, 1951; 康乐, 1996; Almeida-Cortez, 2006)。但无论在什么部位,潜食都不破坏表皮或者至少外壁(Hering, 1951;康乐,1996)。 References: Hering, E. M. Biology of the leaf miners. Berlin: Dr. W. Junk Gravenhage, 1951. Kang, L. Ecology and Sustainable Control of Serpentine Leafminers. Beijing: Science Press, 1996. Almeida-Cortez J. S., Melo-de-Pinna G. F. A.. Morphology and anatomy of a leaf mine in Vismia guianensis (Aubl.) Choisy (Clusiaceae) in a fragment of Brazilian Atlantic forest. Braz. J. Biol. . 2006, 66(2b): 759-763. Byers J A. Leaf-Mining Insects. http://www.chemical-ecology.net/insects/leafmine.htm Last modified: 03/30/2006 10:48:34 Note: According to the presentreports, it is not very rare to find Phyllocnistis spp. tunnels in plant twigs ( http://www.bladmineerders.nl/minersf/lepidopteramin/phyllocnistis/ramulicola/ramulicola.htm , http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Lepidoptera/P.ramulicola.htm ) or petioles ( http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Lepidoptera/P.saligna.htm , http://www.bladmineerders.nl/minersf/lepidopteramin/phyllocnistis/saligna/saligna.htm ), for example, the famous citrus leaf miner ( Phyllocnistis citrella ) will mine not only twigs (Fig.2)but also the oranges ( http://www.bladmineerders.nl/minersf/lepidopteramin/phyllocnistis/citrella/citrella.htm , http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Lepidoptera/P.citrella.htm ). Therefore, the minerin Fig.1might possibly be a Phyllocnistis sp. ( http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Lepidoptera/P.ramulicola.htm ) 注: 叶潜蛾属 ( Phyllocnistis )在植物嫩枝或者叶柄上潜食的现象并不是非常罕见,例如 柑橘潜叶蛾 会在柑橘梢上或者果上潜食(图2)。因此怀疑图1的潜叶虫可能是一种叶潜蛾。有关图片还可以参考前一段的有关链接。 Fig. 1. Unknown mines on the twig of hankow willow ( Salix matsudana )[Photo by Dr. Xiong Lihu with sony dcr-hc 100E (DV) @ Lvhua Town, Chongming Island, Shanghai, China, July 2008). 图1. 旱 柳 嫩梢上的潜道 【熊李虎博士2008年7月摄于崇明岛崇西湿地科学试验站, sony dcr-hc 100E (DV)】 Fig.2 Mines and larvaeof citrus leaf miner ( Phyllocnistis citrella ) onone twig of navel orange (Photo by Deng Linfeng with Nokia N73 @ Orchard, Ganzhou, China) 图2 脐橙 嫩梢上的 柑橘潜叶蛾 虫道及虫道内的幼虫 【邓林峰2008年7月摄于中国赣州怡风果园,Nokia N73】
个人分类: Introduction to leafminers 潜叶虫简介|3317 次阅读|1 个评论
Privet 女贞属 Ligustrum spp
entomology 2008-7-24 11:42
Privet: Ligustrum China is the center of diversity, with about 38 species 女贞属,木犀科。 中国是女贞属的分布中心,约38种,而全世界约50种。 Miner species: 潜叶虫种类: 1 English names: Lilac leafminer Scientific names: Gracillaria syringella = Caloptilia syringella Chinese names 中文名: ? Taxonomy: 鳞翅目 Order Lepidoptera, 细蛾科 Family Gracillariidae Distribution in China: ?No 未见报道 2 English names: privet leafminer Scientific names: Caloptilia cucilipennella Chinese names 中文名: ( ) 丽细蛾 Taxonomy: 鳞翅目 Order Lepidoptera, 细蛾科 Family Gracillariidae Distribution in China: Yes. 国内有分布 3 English names: apple leafminer Scientific names: Lyonetia prunifoliella Chinese names 中文名:银纹潜叶蛾 Taxonomy: 鳞翅目 Order Lepidoptera, 潜蛾科 Family Lyonetiidae Distribuition in China: Yes. 国内分布 4 English names: flea beetle Scientific names: Argopistes tsekooni Chinese names 中文名:女贞潜叶跳甲,女贞瓢跳甲,赤星跳甲 Taxonomy: 鞘翅目 Order Coleoptera, 叶甲科 Family Chrysomelidae Distribuition in China: Yes. 国内分布 5 English names: flea beetle Scientific names: Argopistes hoenei Chinese names 中文名:丁香潜叶跳甲, 棕色瓢跳甲 Taxonomy: 鞘翅目 Order Coleoptera, 叶甲科 Family Chrysomelidae Distribuition in China: Yes. 国内分布 Keys 检索表: http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfoleaceae/ligustrum.htm http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/mine-guide/privet.htm a b Fig.1a-b Distinctive mines on the leaves of Quihoui privet ( Ligustrum quihoui ). Since the mine color is so dark and the leaves have many small feeding holes or scars, and I aslolook upXu Yang (2007)'s book, the leafminershould be a beetle ( Argopistes sp.). Fig.2 Unknown mines on the leaves of Quihoui privet ( Ligustrum quihoui ). Note that the leave here is older than Fig.1. The miner could be a moth. [Photo by Dr.Xiong Lihu with sony dcr-hc 100E (DV) @ Lvhua Town, Chongming Island, Shanghai, China, July 2008). 图2. 小叶女贞老叶上的未知虫道,可能由一种蛾类造成。【熊李虎博士2008年7月摄于崇明岛崇西湿地科学试验站, sony dcr-hc 100E (DV)】
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3274 次阅读|3 个评论
Willow 柳属 Salix spp
entomology 2008-7-23 22:08
Willow: Salix 柳属, 柳科 It is amazing that there are so many miner species living on Salix spp., although willow leaves are often thin and long. Since the leaf area is so small, some miners will either mine from one leave to the other or even tunnel into the twigs. Why leafminers prefer this genus? One reason, I guess, might be that the leaves have high nutrition and low toxicants. However, the answers awaited more guesses and proofs. 很惊讶地发现虽然柳属植物的叶子细长, 但潜叶虫种类非常丰富, 例如bladmineerders.nl网站上有超过40种, ukflymines.co.uk有35种。 既然柳树叶子面积小, 有一些潜叶虫就可能潜到另外一片叶子继续危害, 也可能潜入嫩梢。潜叶虫为什么如此珍爱该属?我猜一种原因可能是其叶子营养丰富而且有毒物质含量低。但是, 需要更多的猜想和证明来回答这个问题。 Ref: Mopper, S., Y. Wang, C. Criner, K. Hasenstein. 2004. Iris hexagona hormonal response to salinity stress, leafminer herbivory, and phenology. Ecology 85:38-47. (A) Miner species: 潜叶虫种类: 1 双翅目 Order Diptera: 潜蝇属 Agromyza , Aulagromyza 属, 瘿潜蝇属 Hexomyza , 菲潜蝇属 Phytobia , 2 鳞翅目 Order Lepiodptera: Callisto 属, 丽细蛾属 Caloptilia , 直鞘蛾属 Coleophora , Ectoedemia 属, 小卷蛾属 Gypsonoma , 桃潜叶蛾属 Lyonetia , 叶潜蛾属 Phyllocnistis , 潜叶蛾属 Phyllonorycter , 微蛾属 Stigmella , 白潜叶蛾属 Leucoptera , 巢蛾属 Yponomeuta 3 鞘翅目 Order Coleoptera: I sochnus 属, 直角象属 Rhamphus , 跳象属 Tachyerges , 潜叶甲属 Zeugophora , 4 膜翅目 Order Hymenoptera: 凹颜叶蜂属 Heterarthrus , Fenusella 属 (B) Keys: 检索表: http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfsalicaceae/salix.htm http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/SALIX.html (C) Possible willow miners in China: 中国柳树上可能有的潜叶虫: (1) 柳枝瘿潜蝇 Hexomyza simplicoides (2) 杨柳小卷蛾 Gypsonoma minutana (3) 柳细蛾 Lithocolletis pastorella = Phyllonorycter pastorella (4) 桃潜叶蛾 Lyonetia clerkella (5) 杨银叶潜蛾 Phyllocnistis saligna (6)兔形直角象 Rhamphus pulicarius (7) 杨白潜蛾 Leucoptera susinella (8) 盾瘤胸叶甲 Zeugophora scutellaris (9) 白杨小潜细蛾 Phyllonorycter populiella (?) ***** 柑桔潜叶蛾 Phyllocnistis citrella ****** Note that some researchers doubted that Phyllocnistis citrella will feed on plants other than Rutaceae,sometimes it is very difficult to identify between different Phyllocnistis species(Liu Zeng, 1980) 但刘秀琼,曾仁光(1980)认为取食非芸香科植物的潜叶蛾为其他种,而非 柑桔潜叶蛾 。 Ref: Liu X, Zeng R. The morphology of the citurs leaf miner ( Phyllocnistis citrella Staiton) and its food plants in Kwangtung Province. Journal of South China Agricultural College, 1980, (01): 117-124. 参见: 刘秀琼, 曾仁光; 柑桔潜叶蛾( Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton)的形态及其寄主植物 ; 华南农业大学学报(自然科学版); 1980年01期; 117-124. Fig. 1. Unknown mines on the twig of hankow willow ( Salix matsudana )[Photo by Dr. Xiong Lihu with sony dcr-hc 100E (DV) @ Lvhua Town, Chongming Island, Shanghai, China, July 2008). Note: According to the presentreports, it is not very rare to find Phyllocnistis spp. tunnels in plant twigs. Therefore, the miner here might possibly be a Phyllocnistis sp. 图1. 旱柳嫩梢上的潜道 【熊李虎博士2008年7月摄于崇明岛崇西湿地科学试验站, sony dcr-hc 100E (DV)】注: 叶潜蛾属 ( Phyllocnistis )在植物嫩枝上潜食的现象并不是非常罕见,怀疑这里的潜叶虫可能是一种叶潜蛾。
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|4155 次阅读|3 个评论
Cinnamon 樟属 Cinnamomum spp
entomology 2008-7-23 18:37
Cinnamon: Cinnamomum Evergreen trees and shrubs with aromatic oils in their leaves and bark. 樟属,樟科,多为常绿乔灌木,叶子和树皮含芳香油。 Miner species 潜叶虫种类: 1 English names: unknown Scientific names: Acrocercops ordinatalla Chinese names 中文名: 樟细蛾,樟潜叶蛾,香樟潜叶细蛾 Taxonomy: 鳞翅目 Order Lepidoptera, 细蛾科 Family Gracillariidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布 a b Fig.1a-b Mineson the leaves of Camphor tree ( Cinnamomum camphora ), the minermight possibly be Acrocercops ordinatalla 图1a-b 香樟树叶上的潜道,很可能是樟潜叶蛾所造成。 【任明迅博士2008年7月摄于武汉植物园,sony HDR-SR7】 Fig.2a-b Mineson the fallenleaves of Camphor tree ( Cinnamomum camphora. Some studiesfound that the early leaf falling might be a protection againstleaf mining. 图2a-b 香樟落叶上的潜道。一些研究发现提早落叶可能是植物对潜叶的一种适应性保护。【熊李虎博士2009年4月摄于武汉植物园,Canon Powershot Pro90 IS】
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3418 次阅读|1 个评论
Luffa gourd 丝瓜属 Luffa spp
entomology 2008-7-22 09:30
Luffa gourd: Luffa The Luffa or Loofah/Lufah are tropical and subtropical vines comprising the genus Luffa. The fruit of at least two species, ridged gourd ( Luffa acutangula ) and dishcloth gourd ( Luffa cylindrica ), is grown to be harvested before maturity and eaten as a vegetable in China. 丝瓜属,葫芦科;约6种,分布于热带地区,其中棱角丝瓜 L. acutangula (L. )Roxb. 和丝瓜 L. cylindrica (L. )Roem. 2种,我国各地多有栽培供蔬食,或取成熟果肉的网状纤维为洗濯盆碗之用。 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: 1 English names: vegetable leafminer Chinese names: 美洲斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza sativae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 2 English names: pea leafminer Chinese names: 南美斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza huidobrensis Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 3 English names: American serpentine leafminer Chinese names: 三叶草斑潜蝇,美国斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza trifolii = Oscinis trifolii = Liriomyza allivora = Liriomyza phascolunulata Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes but only in South China 国内仅华南有分布,检疫害虫 4 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: 线斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza strigata = Agromyza strigata = Agromyza violae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: No 国内无分布,属检疫害虫 Fig.1The mines of Liriomyza sp. on the leaf of Luffa cylindrica (Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Kodak Easyshare @ Vegetable Farm, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,November 2007) 图1 丝瓜上的斑潜蝇潜道 (戴小华2008年7月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区附近菜地,Kodak Easyshare)
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2633 次阅读|0 个评论
Beautyberry 紫珠属 Callicarpa spp
entomology 2008-7-21 09:37
Beautyberry: Callicarpa 紫珠属,马鞭草科 其潜叶虫种类未见报道。No miners reported at: http://www.leafmines.co.uk , http://www.bladmineerders.nl , http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/index.html I searchedwith GOOGLE and BAIDU and presently found no reports, too. 用谷歌和百度搜索亦未发现报道。 However, it was very common to seemined leavesof a Callicarpa sp. @ Youshan, Ganzhou, China. 但本人在赣州油山的江西省林业教学实验中心却经常可以看到一种紫珠(绒毛紫珠)上有许多潜道:
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2175 次阅读|0 个评论
Lettuce 莴苣属 Lactuca spp
entomology 2008-7-20 21:46
Lactuca: lettuce , including the cultivated vegetable ( L. sativa ) and the wild india Lettuce( L. indica ) 莴苣属 【菊科】包括栽培的莴苣(莴笋, L. sativa )和野生的山莴苣(苦荬菜, L. indica) Miner species: 潜叶虫种类 1 双翅目 Diptera: 斑潜蝇属 Liriomyza , 彩潜叶属 Chromatomyia , 蛇潜蝇属 Ophiomyia , 植潜蝇属 Phytomyza ,实蝇属 Trypeta 2 鞘翅目 Coleoptera: Orthochaetes 属 Refer to: http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/lactuca.htm http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfasteraceae/lactuca.htm http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/LACTUCA.html 检索表 Keys: http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfasteraceae/lactuca.htm **中国境内莴苣上所发现的潜叶虫 Lettuce leaf miners in China** 1 豌豆潜叶蝇 Chromatomyia horticola 2 美洲斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sativae 3 番茄斑潜蝇 L. bryoniae 4 南美斑潜蝇 L. huidobrensis 5 三叶草斑潜蝇 L. trifolii (目前仅发现于华南only found in South China presently) Fig.1 Unknown mine on the leaf of Indian lettuce Lactuca indica. Since the minewas mainly along the midvein, the leafminer might be Liriomyza sp. (Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Nokia E50 @ GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China, July 2008) 图1 山莴苣上的未知潜道。由于潜道主要沿着主脉走,这可能是一种斑潜蝇。(戴小华2008年7月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区,Nokia E50)
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3653 次阅读|2 个评论
Cockleburs 苍耳属 Xanthium spp
entomology 2008-7-19 23:13
XANTHIUM . Cockleburs. 苍耳属 a b Fig.1a-b Unknown mines on the leaves of Siberia Cocklebur ( Xanthium sibiricum ) 图1a-b. 苍耳上的未知虫道 【邓林峰2008年7月摄于中国赣州路旁,Nokia N70】 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: 1 English names: vegetable leafminer, garden pea leafminer Chinese names: 豌豆潜蝇(豌豆植潜蝇、豌豆彩潜蝇) Scientific names 学名: Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau)= Phytomyza horticola (Goureau)= Phytomyza atricornis Meigen Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 中国有分布 2 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: 紫苑斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza pusilla Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: No? 3 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: 线斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza strigata = Agromyza strigata = Agromyza violae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: No 国内无分布,属检疫害虫 4 English names: American serpentine leafminer Chinese names: 三叶草斑潜蝇,美国斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza trifolii = Oscinis trifolii = Liriomyza allivora = Liriomyza phascolunulata Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Refer to: http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/XANTHIUM.html Distribution in China: Yes but only in South China 国内仅华南有分布,检疫害虫
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3231 次阅读|0 个评论
Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 Phyllocnistis citrella (1)
entomology 2008-7-18 22:11
To be continued 续文请看: Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 Phyllocnistis citrella (2): Larva and adult 幼虫和成虫 @ http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=46185 English names: citrus leaf-miner (CLM) Scientific names: Phyllocnistis citrella Staiton Taxonomy: Order Lepidoptera, FamilyPhyllocnistidae Host plants: Citrus spp and related Rutaceae, Distribuition: Citrus producing area in China Natural enemies reported in China国内已报道天敌: parasitoids 拟寄生蜂, aphids lions 草蛉andants 蚂蚁.Reported parasitoid species include 白星橘啮小蜂 ( Citrostichus phyllocnistoides ), 长腹桔啮小蜂 ( Citrostichus dolichogaster ), 黄岩瑟姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus huangyanensis ), 江西瑟姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus jiangxiensis ), 桔潜蛾瑟姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus phyllocnistis ), 桔潜黑盾姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus nigriscutellari ), 横带瑟姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus lyncus ), 四带瑟姬小蜂 ( Cirrospilus guadristriatus ), 瑟姬小蜂一种 ( Cirrospilus sp.), 潜蛾楔翅姬小蜂 ( Achrysocharella sp.), 潜蛾纹翅姬小蜂 ( Teleopterus sp.), 鹿蛾柄腹姬小蜂 ( Pediobus pyrgo ), 桔潜啮小蜂 ( Aproscetus sp.),潜蛾短腹啮小蜂 ( Tetrastichus sp.), 潜蛾羽角姬小蜂 ( Cympisis sp.), 潜蛾杂毛姬小蜂 ( Pnigalio sp.),潜蛾黄小蜂 ( Scotolinx phyllocnistis ), 潜蛾黑小蜂 ( Sympiesis sp.), 潜黑姬小蜂 ( Euderus sp.), 日本姬小蜂 ( Stenomesius japonicus ), 白足扁股小蜂 ( Elasmus corbetti ), 串茧跳小蜂 ( Ageniaspis citricola ), 桔潜蛾姬小蜂 ( Elachertus sp.) Refer to: http://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/citrus/citrus_leafminer.htm for detailed descriptions. Note thatsome researchersdoubt thatthe leaf miner feeding on plants other than Rutaceae might be other Phyllocnistis species (Liu Zeng, 1980) Ref: Liu X, Zeng R. The morphology of the citurs leaf miner ( Phyllocnistis citrella Staiton) and its food plants in Kwangtung Province. Journal of South China Agricultural College, 1980, (01): 117-124. Fig.1 Mines and larvae inside on the leaves of navel orange (Photo by Deng Linfeng with Nokia N73 @ Orchard, Ganzhou, China) 图1 脐橙叶片上的虫道及虫道内的幼虫 【邓林峰2008年7月摄于中国赣州怡风果园,Nokia N73】 Fig.2 Mines and larvaeof citrus leaf miner ( Phyllocnistis citrella ) onone twig of navel orange (Photo by Deng Linfeng with Nokia N73 @ Orchard, Ganzhou, China) 图2 脐橙嫩梢上的 柑橘潜叶蛾 虫道及虫道内的幼虫 【邓林峰2008年7月摄于中国赣州怡风果园,Nokia N73】 More pictures of CLM larva and mine under microscope 柑橘潜叶蛾的数码显微照片@ http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=43417 and http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=39043 Chinese names: 柑橘潜叶蛾 分类地位:鳞翅目:叶潜蛾科 寄主: 柑橘类 , 但刘秀琼,曾仁光(1980)认为取食非芸香科植物的潜叶蛾为其他种。 柑桔是中国南方省份最重要的水果,其产量占了该地区所有水果产量的30%。柑桔潜叶蛾 Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton属于鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)叶潜蛾科(Phyllocnistidae), 又称画图虫、鬼画符、潜叶虫等,主要为害柑橘类的植物,是柑桔苗木、幼年树和成年树嫩梢期的重要害虫,也是我国公布的《双边协定中涉及限定性有害生物及其他植物检疫性有害生物》中规定的危险性害虫。为2001年中国农业部确定的278种有害生物疫情普查重点之一。分布于非洲、亚洲、大洋洲和美洲的许多国家和地区,在国内外柑桔产区都有分布。以幼虫在柑桔嫩茎、嫩叶表皮下钻蛀为害,成银白色的蜿蜒隧道。受害叶片不能充分发育,卷缩、变硬或坏死,易于脱落,新梢生长受阻,发生严重时,新梢、嫩叶几无幸免。不仅影响幼树树冠的长成,也影响幼年树结果和成年树产量。同时,幼虫为害的伤口,有利溃疡病菌的侵入,常诱发柑桔溃疡病的大发生;被害卷叶又为红蜘蛛、锈避虱和卷叶蛾等害虫提供越冬聚集场所,增加了越冬害虫防治的困难,为害极大。柑桔潜叶蛾在全国各柑桔产地均有分布,基本上属于稳定的、历来危害严重的柑桔害虫,有时具有毁灭性。 参见: 刘秀琼, 曾仁光; 柑桔潜叶蛾( Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton)的形态及其寄主植物 ; 华南农业大学学报(自然科学版); 1980年01期; 117-124.
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|7051 次阅读|1 个评论
致谢 Acknowledgements
entomology 2008-7-18 21:43
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个人分类: Acknowledgements 致谢|6183 次阅读|5 个评论
图片欣赏 Enjoy the pictures
entomology 2008-7-18 15:53
ID 相册名 封面 状态 排序 操作 操作 操作 操作 26962 Leafminers 已推送到 动物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 24824 神农架昆虫之生态图 已推送到 动物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 9716 三清山风光 The Scenery of Sanqing Mountain 已推送到 植物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 8218 赣南柑橘害虫 Citrus pests in South Jiangxi 已推送到 动物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 8064 南非生态图片集 Pictures in the wild Africa 已推送到 植物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 5516 脐橙园灯诱昆虫 Light-trapped insects 已推送到 动物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除 5490 未知潜叶虫的潜道 Leaf mines of unknown insects 已推送到 动物图 0 批量管理 修改 上传图片 删除
个人分类: My Album 图片集|2343 次阅读|0 个评论
看“粪”识潜虫 To identify miners by frass
热度 1 entomology 2008-7-18 13:27
语云闻香识美人,就是通过间接的信息进行物种或者个体的鉴定。对于潜叶虫而言,潜道就是物种识别的最明显的证据。在野外要采集到具备活潜叶虫的叶子是比较难的,要么错过了季节,要么虫子直接就死在虫道里。但潜道一直都保留着,甚至可以到来年。 To know a beauty by her scent, that is to say, we can identify a species or an individual according to indirect information. As for leafminer, the trails (mines) are the most distict feature to aid identification. In the wild it is difficult to collect leaves with active miners, one reason may be that we miss the season, the other is that the larva died in the trail. However, the mine is there and will be kept until next year. 不同目的潜叶虫在叶子上作画的风格各具特色:鳞翅目蛾类的喜欢用虫粪形成的单线条绘制廊道或者斑块;而双翅目蝇类幼虫的粪便则形成平行的双线;与双翅目相比,膜翅目蜂类的粪便更多更黑;鞘翅目甲虫类则经常造成叶子的缺刻。 Leafminers from different orders have theirunique styles of leaf drawing:Lepidopteral mothslike todraw galleries or blotches with single frasslines,while Diptera fliesusuallydraw two parallel frass trails. The mines of Hymenoptera wasps have more and darker frass than the mines of dipetrous flies. Coleoptera beetles alwaysmake cut-outs and holesin the leaves. 参考 Refer to: http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/leaf_mines.htm a b Fig.1 Leaf mines and miner larva (the little yellow one in Fig. 1b)@ cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ). Since the mine is serpentine with frass alternatively at each side, the mines only occur on the surface of the leaves, and the larva is golden-yellow maggot, the miner is Lriomyza sativae . 图1. 豇豆上的潜道和潜叶虫(图1b中的黄色小虫),根据蛇形潜道,粪便在两侧交替排列,潜道仅出现在叶正面,和幼虫特征,潜叶虫种类是美洲斑潜蝇。【戴小华2008年8月17日摄于福建连城父母的菜园中,相机为Olympus X-775. 】
个人分类: Introduction to leafminers 潜叶虫简介|2763 次阅读|2 个评论
基于数字图像的斑潜蝇潜道几何形态数据提取技术探讨 Discussion on the extraction of geometrical-shape data
entomology 2008-7-17 22:57
基于数字图像的斑潜蝇潜道几何形态数据提取技术探讨 戴小华 赣南师范学院化学与生命科学学院,赣州 341000 ,江西 摘要 :斑潜蝇指双翅目潜蝇科斑潜蝇属的蝇类昆虫,是蔬菜、花卉等植物上的一类重要害虫,目前已记载的有 300 多种,主要集中在温带地区,多数种类被国际上列为检疫对象,以幼虫潜入植物叶片中取食形成弯曲的潜道为特征。我国有 15 种斑潜蝇分布,以美洲斑潜蝇和南美斑潜蝇危害最重,它们均起源于南美洲。斑潜蝇的入侵,对我国的蔬菜和花卉生产造成了重大损失。 采用数码相机、扫描仪、数字显微镜、数码摄像机等图像采集设备获取斑潜蝇为害叶片的高清晰数字图像,然后通过一系列图像处理技术从数字图像中提取斑潜蝇潜道的几何形态特征图像,再将特征图像矢量化后输入 CAD 或者 GIS 软件可获得潜道几何形态特征的原始数据。本研究旨在探讨不同图像获取设备、不同分辨率、不同图像处理软件、不同植物叶片的提取效果,发现最佳的潜道提取技术。通过 GIS 空间分析,可以研究潜道的叶面分布格局、虫害面积测定、潜道几何形态分析和潜食路径分析等。由于不同的斑潜蝇潜食行为的差异,或许还可以通过潜道的几何特征和潜道叶面分布进行斑潜蝇种类的鉴定。 关键词 :斑潜蝇 潜道 数字图像 GIS 第一届全国入侵生物学术研讨会摘要,福州,2007
个人分类: Ecology 生态学|2671 次阅读|0 个评论
【硕士论文 Master Thesis】两种斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究 Preliminary Studies on Host-Selection by Two
entomology 2008-7-17 22:05
Dai, Xiaohua. (2000) Preliminary Studies on Host-Selection by Two Liriomyza species. (Thesis/Dissertation completed at Fujian Agricultural University) ABSTRACT: In this paper, host-plant ranges of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard and L. huidobrensis (Blanchard) and their preference to different plants were systematically studied. And the influences of soil nitrogen, phosphor and potassium, moisture, salinity, heavy metals and heterogeny plant substances on host-selection by L. sativae , and the relationship between L. sativae selection and the content of nutritional substances were studied to clarify the mechanism of host-selection by Liriomyza spp. And the possible model of host-selection by Liriomyza spp. and some advice on the control of the leafminers were given. Firstly, the preliminary lists of host-plants of both leafminers in the suburb of Fuzhou were respectively recorded, based on outdoor investigations. It was found that L. sativae can feed on the plants of 20 families with 85 species, and L. huidobrensis can feed on the plants of 20 families with 73 species. Then the host families of the two leafminers were given. The major vegetable, flower and weed host-plants were discussed. The agricultural control methods of interplanting and cleaning the weeds were proposed. The Liriomyza species are very adaptive: the range of their hosts is gradually expanded. Their dynamics should be considered seriously. The feeding and ovipositing selection of L. sativae to important vegetables was studied in the laboratory. It was found that L. sativae can do harm to all vegetables studied; host-selections by L. sativae are not only different between families, between genus, and between species, but also between variations and between varieties; the host-selection sequence by L. sativae is Leguminosea, Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, Cruiciferae and Compositae. It was discovered in the field that main hosts of L. huidobrensis were listed in series as follows: Caryphyllaceae, Leguminosea, Compositae,Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, Ranunculaceae and Cruiciferae. The influences of N, P, K on host-selection by Liriomyza sativae Blanchard were studied. It was found that deficient of nitrogen is unfavorable for the leafminers feeding and ovipositing on the foliage of Vigna sinensis (L.) Savi. But its selection enhances with the increase of N concentration, and reaches the maximum when N concentration is about 60mmol/L, then decreases. Deficient of phosphorus is also unfavorable for the leafminers selection, and its selection enhances with the increase of P concentration. When P concentration is about 4mmol/L, the foliage becomes most favorable. Then it also decreases. But the entire shift is more slow. Deficient of potassium is very favorable for the leafminer. And with the increase of K concentration, its selection inclines exponent-like. The possible mechanism and its application in practice were also discussed. The host-selection by L. sativae is affected by water and salinity. Drought, excessive humidity or the stress of sodium chloride (NaCl) can strengthen the host-selection of L. sativae . Its host selection enhances with the increase of NaCl concentration. It reaches the tiptop when NaCl concentration is 0.6%, then drops slightly. But the influence of salinity is not notable (F test, P0.05) 。 Heavy metals can also affect the host-selection by L. sativae . Cd can promote its host selection, while Zn and Pb reduce the selection. The influence of Cu is small, Cu can only promote slightly the leafminers selection. But the influences of heavy metals are not notable (F test, P0.05) 。 It showed in the treatments of substances from heterogeny plants that, if the leaves of the leafminers favorite host-plant were treated with water-soluble substances from its unfavorable hosts or nonhosts, it would reduce the leafminers selection; while the leaves of the insects unfavorable host were treated with water-soluble substances from its favorite hosts, it would promote the insects selection. But if we treated the leaves with extracts, it had no effect. The result may be explained by the fact that there are deterrents or phagostimulants in the soluble substances. It was known through the measuring of nutritional substances in foliage that host-selection by L. sativae has nothing to do with the content of protein in foliage; while it is negatively correlated with the content of soluble sugar in foliage, i.e., the content of sugar is high, then the leafminer is apt to not feeding or oviposting. It could be explained that if the content of sugar is too high, it will restrain the development of the leafminer. Moreover, high sugar content may arise the increasing of secondary substances based on carbon inside plants, such as sinigrin in mustard and tomatine in tomato. these substances will restrain the feeding of the leafminer. Its selection is not related to the water content of foliages. Finally the possible mechanism and model of host-selection by Liriomyza species, and advice on the control of leafminers such as cleaning the weeds in the field, intercropping, strengthening the management of watering and fertilizing, crossbreeding leafminer-resistant varieties and the utilizing of plant protectants were provided. Key Words: Liriomyza sativae Blanchard, L. huidorensis (Blanchard), Host-Selection, Environmental Factors, Nutritional Substances 戴小华. 2002. 两种斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究. 福建农业大学硕士论文. 本文系统调查和研究了美洲斑潜蝇和南美斑潜蝇的寄主植物范围,以及它们对不同植物的选择性,并研究了土壤氮磷钾、水分、盐分、重金属以及植物水提物和水溶物对美洲斑潜蝇选择性的影响,以及美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性与植物叶片营养物质含量之间的关系,试图阐明斑潜蝇的寄主选择性机制。文章给出了斑潜蝇寄主选择性的可能模式并在此基础上提出了一些防治建议。 通过田间调查并记录了福州郊区美洲斑潜蝇、南美斑潜蝇寄主植物的初步名录,结果发现该地区美洲斑潜蝇可取食20科85种植物,南美斑潜蝇可取食20科73种。并给出了两种斑潜蝇可能取食的寄主植物科的名录。同时阐明了两种斑潜蝇的主要寄主作物和杂草,并提出套种和田间清除的农防措施;指出斑潜蝇的适应性很强,寄主范围正逐步扩大,应密切关注其动态。 通过室内研究美洲斑潜蝇对主要作物的取食和产卵选择性,结果发现,美洲斑潜蝇能够为害所有供试的豆科、葫芦科、茄科、菊科和十字花科作物;美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性不仅存在科、属、种间差异,也存在变种和品种间差异;美洲斑潜蝇对不同科蔬菜的选择顺序为:豆科、葫芦科、茄科、十字花科和菊科。并通过室外研究发现,南美斑潜蝇的主要寄主包括:石竹科、豆科、菊科、苋科、葫芦科、茄科、毛茛科和十字花科。 通过氮磷钾对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响的研究发现,缺氮不利于美洲斑潜蝇在豇豆上的取食和产卵,但随着氮浓度的上升,其选择性也随之增强,在60mmol/L附近时达到最大值,然后呈下降趋势;缺磷也不利于美洲斑潜蝇的选择,其选择性也随磷浓度的上升而增强,在4mmol/L附近时达到最大,然后亦呈下降趋势,但整个变化趋势较为平缓;缺钾则十分有利于美洲斑潜蝇,随着钾浓度的上升,美洲斑潜蝇的选择性则呈类似指数减弱的趋势。同时讨论了上述影响的可能机理及其在生产实践中的应用。 土壤水分、盐分和重金属都会影响美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性。干旱、土壤过湿、NaCl胁迫都会增加美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性。而重金属则不影响美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性。 通过植物水溶物或水提物处理叶片的实验表明,用美洲斑潜蝇不嗜好寄主或者非寄主的叶片水溶物处理其嗜好寄主叶片,会降低美洲斑潜蝇对嗜好寄主的选择;相反,如用美洲斑潜蝇嗜好寄主的叶片水溶物去处理其不嗜好寄主的叶片,则会促进美洲斑潜蝇对不嗜好寄主的选择。而用叶片水提物则没有影响。这可能和水溶物中含有美洲斑潜蝇的拒食剂或助食剂有关。 通过测定植物叶片营养物质的含量可知,美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的大小与植物叶片中的蛋白质含量无关,与叶片中的可溶性糖含量呈负相关,即糖含量越高,美洲斑潜蝇越倾向于不取食或产卵。这可能是因为含糖量过多,会对美洲斑潜蝇生长和发育有抑制作用。另外,糖含量高可能会导致植物体内一些以碳为基础的次生物质如芥菜中的芥子油糖苷、番茄中的番茄碱糖苷的增加,这些次生物质对美洲斑潜蝇的取食可能有抑制作用。美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性与叶片含水量无关。 文章最后提出了斑潜蝇寄主选择性的可能机制和模式图,以及对斑潜蝇的防治建议如清除田间杂草、套种、加强水肥管理、抗虫育种以及植物保护剂的使用。 关键词:美洲斑潜蝇 南美斑潜蝇 寄主选择性 环境因素 营养物质
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美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究 Preliminary Study on Host-Plant Selection by Liriomyza sativae
entomology 2008-7-17 22:02
Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2003) Preliminary Study on Host-Plant Selection by Liriomyza sativae . Journal of Shandong Agricultural University, 34(2), 202 - 205. ABSTRACT: In this paper, the feeding and ovipositing selection of Liriomyza sativae to important vegetables is studied. It is found that L. sativae can do harm to all vegetables; host-selection by L. sativae is not only different between families, between genus, and between species, but also between variations and between varieties; the host-selection sequence by L. sativae is Leguminosea, Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, Cruiciferae and Compositae. 戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2003). 美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究. 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版), 34(2), 202 - 205. 运用方差分析和聚类分析 ,系统研究了美洲斑潜蝇对豆科、葫芦科、茄科、十字花科和菊科作物的选择性差异 ,对同科不同种作物的选择性差异 ,以及对豇豆不同品种的选择性差异。结果表明 ,美洲斑潜蝇能够在所有供试作物上取食和产卵 ;美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性不仅可能存在科、属、种间差异 ,也可能存在变种和品种差异 ;美洲斑潜蝇对不同科作物的选择顺序为 :豆科、葫芦科、茄科、十字花科和菊科。 文章下载
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氮、磷、钾对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响 Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium via leaf on ho
entomology 2008-7-17 21:59
Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2002) Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium via leaf on host-selection by Liriomyza sativae . Acta Entomologica Sinica, 45(1), 145 - 147. ABSTRACT: The effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium via leaf on host-selection by Liriomyza sativae were studied with their application significances discussed. 戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2002). 氮、磷、钾对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响. 昆虫学报, 45(1), 145 - 147. 研究了不同浓度的氮、磷、钾营养液处理豇豆叶对美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyzasativae寄主选择性的影响 ,并探讨了其可能的机理和应用 文章下载
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土壤水分和盐分对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响 Effect of water and salinity of soil on the host-selection
entomology 2008-7-17 21:57
Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2001) Effect of water and salinity of soil on the host-selection of Liriomyza sativae . Journal of Fujian Agricultural University, 30(2), 205 - 208. ABSTRACT: The host- selection of Liriomyza sativae is affected by water and salinity. Drought,excessive humidity and the stress of low mass fraction of sodium chloride could strengthen the host- selection of L. sativae 戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2001). 土壤水分和盐分对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响. 福建农业大学学报, 30(2), 205 - 208. 水分和盐分都会影响美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性 .干旱、土壤过湿、低质量分数的NaCl胁迫都可能增加美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性 文章下载
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植物水溶物对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响 The influences of water-soluble substances from other plants
entomology 2008-7-17 21:55
Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2001) The influences of water-soluble substances from other plants on the host-selection of Liriomyza sativae . Journal of Fujian Agricultural University, 30(4), 490 - 492. ABSTRACT: The host- selection of Liriomyza sativae could be influenced by water- soluble substance from other plants. If the leaves of the leafminer's favorite host-plant were treated with water-soluble substances from its unfavorable hosts or nonhosts,the leafminer's selection would be reduced;while the leaves of the insect's unfavorable host were treated with water-soluble substances from its favorite hosts,the insect's selection would be promoted. 戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2001). 植物水溶物对美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的影响. 福建农业大学学报, 30(4), 490 - 492. 植物水溶物会影响美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性 .用美洲斑潜蝇不嗜好寄主或者非寄主的叶片水溶物处理其嗜好寄主叶片 ,会显著降低美洲斑潜蝇对嗜好寄主的选择性 ;相反 ,如用美洲斑潜蝇嗜好寄主的叶片水溶物处理其不嗜好寄主的叶片 ,则会明显促进美洲斑潜蝇对不嗜好寄主的选择 文章下载
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美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性与寄主植物叶片营养物质含量的关系 The relationship between the host-selection by Liriom
entomology 2008-7-17 21:51
Dai, X. H., M. S. You, et al. (2001). The relationship between the host-selection by Liriomyza sativae and the content of nutritional substances in foliage. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University 32(3): 311-313. ABSTRACT: The relationship between the host-selection of Liriomyza sativae and the content of nutritonal substances was studied. It was found that the insect's host-selection is irrelated with the content of protein in foliage; while it is negatively correlated with the content of soluble sugar in foliage, i.e., the higher is the content of sugar, the less will the leafminer feed on or oviposite on the leaves. 戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2001). 美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性与寄主植物叶片营养物质含量的关系. 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版) 32(3): 311-313. 研究了美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性与寄主植物叶片营养物质含量的关系。结果发现 ,美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的大小与植物叶片中的蛋白质含量无关 ,与叶片中的可溶性糖含量呈负相关 ,即糖含量越高 ,美洲斑潜蝇越倾向于不取食和产卵。 文章下载
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南美斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究 Preliminary Study on Host-Selection by Liriomyza huidobrensis (B
entomology 2008-7-17 21:44
Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2001) Preliminary Study on Host-Selection by Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard). Journal of Laiyan Agricultural College, 17(S), 112 - 114. ABSTRACT: Host-selection by Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) was studied. It was found that major families of host-plants of this leafminer includes Caryphyllaceae, Leguminosea, Compositae, Solanaceae, Convolvulanceae, Amaranthaceae, Cucuritaceae, Ranunculaceae and Cruciferae, especially feeds and oviposites more on Stellaria.
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美洲斑潜蝇、南美斑潜蝇寄主植物比较 Comparison of Host-Plants of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard and L
entomology 2008-7-17 21:33
戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2000). 美洲斑潜蝇、南美斑潜蝇寄主植物比较. 武夷科学,16, 202 - 206. 摘 要:本文记录了福州郊区美洲斑潜蝇、南美斑潜蝇寄主植物的初步名录。发现该地区美洲斑潜蝇可取食20科85种植物,南美斑潜蝇可取食20科73种。最后讨论了这两种斑潜蝇的主要寄主作物和杂草,并提出套种和清除田间杂草的农防措施;斑潜蝇的适应性很强,寄主范围正逐步扩大,应密切关注其动态。 关键词:美洲斑潜蝇 南美斑潜蝇 寄主植物 名录 福州 Dai, Xiaohua; You, Minsheng; Fu, Lijun. (2000) Comparison of Host-Plants of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard and L. Huidobrensis (Blanchard). Wuyi Science Journal, 16, 202 - 206. ABSTRACT: Both Liriomyza sativae Blanchard and L. huidobrensis (Blanchard) have wide ranges of host- plants. There are both overlap and difference between the ranges of their hosts. It is found in the suburban of Fuzhou that L. sativae can feed on the plants of 20 families with 58 genera,85 species, and L. huidobrensis can feed on the plants of 20 families with 50 genera,73 species. And 46 species are their common host-plants. The major vegetable,flower and weed host- plants are discussed.The agricultural control methods of intercrop and cleaning the weeds are proposed.The Lirlornyza species are very adaptive and the range of their hosts is gradually expanded. Their dynamics should be considered seriously. 文章下载
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Citrus spp 柑橘
entomology 2008-7-17 17:15
Citrus spp (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, etc. ) Family: Rutaceae 柑橘(柑桔),含柑、橘、橙、柚、柠檬等, 芸香科柑橘属 潜叶虫种类:Miner species: 1 English names: citrus leaf miner Chinese names: 柑橘潜叶蛾, 柑桔叶潜蛾 Scientific names 学名: Phyllocnistis citrella Taxonomy: 鳞翅目 Order Lepidoptera, 叶潜蛾科 Phyllocnistidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布 Fig.1 A CLM mine on a navel orange leaf 图1. 脐橙叶片上的柑橘潜叶蛾虫道 【戴小华2007年11月摄于中国赣州果园; 感谢Jack Tasoff @ San Pedro , California 进行图像后处理】 2 English names: flea beetle (also citrus leaf miner) Chinese names: 柑橘潜跳甲 别名 柑橘潜叶跳甲、(中)柑桔跳甲 Scientific names 学名: Podagricomela nigricollis Chen Taxonomy: 鞘翅目 Order Coleoptera, 叶甲科 Family Chrysomelidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布 3 English names: citrus bud-feeder Chinese names: 枸橘潜叶跳甲 又称拟恶性叶甲、潜叶绿跳甲、枸橘潜斧 Scientific names 学名: Podagricomela weisei Heikertinger Taxonomy: 鞘翅目 Order Coleoptera, 叶甲科 Family Chrysomelidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3574 次阅读|2 个评论
Reed 芦苇 Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud
entomology 2008-7-17 12:57
Reed Phragmites australis ( P. communis) , Family: Poaceae 芦苇:禾本科芦苇属 潜叶害虫属 Miner genus: 1 双翅目Diptera 潜蝇属 A gromyza ,角潜蝇属 Cerodontha ,伪萝潜蝇属 Pseudonapomyza ,毛眼水蝇属 Hydrellia , Thrypticus 属 2 鳞翅目Lepidoptera 尖蛾属 Cosmopterix ,草潜蛾属 Elachista , Monochroa 属, Donacaula 属 参考 http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/phragmites.htm , http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfpoaceae/phragmites.htm , http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/PHRAGMITES.html 潜叶虫检索表Miner Keys:参考 http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfpoaceae/phragmites.htm http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/PHRAGMITES.html 感谢熊李虎指出芦苇学名的错误。Thanks for Hier bin ich for the correction of Reed's scientific name.
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2740 次阅读|2 个评论
Leaf mine--a map on the leaf surface 潜道--叶面上的地图
entomology 2008-7-17 10:29
Whether you are in a crop land or in a wild land, or even in your garden, with a bit attention, you will probably find some mines on the leaves. Like cartographers, miners draw lines or blotches between epidermal layers and feeding on internal tissue. It is interesting that different mining species make different mine shapes. 只要你留心一下,无论是农田还是野外,甚至就在你的花园,你就会发现叶子上的潜道。潜叶虫犹如制图师,在表皮层间画线或者斑块,取食其中的组织。有趣的是不同种的潜叶虫制作出不同的潜道形状。 Why? The evolution and ecologicalsecrets behind such patternsfascinate me. 这些潜道后面隐藏着的进化生态秘密使我着迷。 Fig.1 Unknown mine on the leaf of Indian lettuce Lactuca indica (Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Nokia E50 @ GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China, July 2008) 图1 山莴苣上的未知潜道 (戴小华2008年7月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区,Nokia E50) Fig.2 Unknown mine on the leaf of Callicarpa sp. (Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Nokia E50 @ Youshan, Ganzhou, China, July 2008) 图2 一种紫珠上的未知潜道 (戴小华2008年7月摄于江西林业实验中学(油山),Nokia E50) Fig.3The roadson thesurface of the Earth. (Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Nokia E50 @ Quanzhou-Ganzhou Rail Train, China, October 2006) 图3地球表面上的道路 (戴小华2006年10月摄于泉州--赣州火车上,Nokia E50)
个人分类: Introduction to leafminers 潜叶虫简介|2844 次阅读|0 个评论
请分享您的资料和观点 Please share your great information and opinions here
entomology 2008-7-17 00:04
It would be highly appreciated if you can provide photos and information on Chinese leaf miners. 如能提供有关潜叶虫的图片和资料,深表谢意! Any suggestions are welcome, do not hesitate to contact me. 有什么好的建议请联系:Dr. Xiaohua Dai. Email: 9778129 qq.com. Here you should change to @. 请将 替换成@. 植物受害状标本和潜叶虫标本的饲养、鉴定和制作比较困难,您如果有能力和条件做,也可以按植物标本和昆虫标本的制作方法进行。你也可以饲养潜道内的活虫知道它们变成成虫,这对潜叶虫的种类鉴定帮助很大。You can make speciments of either mined plants or miners. You can also rear the active larva in the leafmines until it become adults. It couldgreatlyhelp the identification of miner species.
个人分类: Exchange & Cooperation 交流与合作|3142 次阅读|4 个评论
谁潜食在叶片上下表皮间?Who are mining between leaf layers?
entomology 2008-7-16 23:50
潜叶虫包括鳞翅目、双翅目、鞘翅目和膜翅目昆虫的幼虫,潜在叶中生活并取食。 自然环境中,较少看到潜叶虫的大规模发生,并且很多植物可以耐受轻微的潜食。但是, 由于该类害虫体型微小,生活周期短,繁殖力强,隐蔽性取食,早期不易被发现,能在较短期内造成危害,不易防治。严重危害时,植物叶面虫道密布,使叶片早期枯死或脱落,影响光合作用与产量。其中包括潜叶蝇、潜叶蛾等为重要农林害虫,对蔬菜、花卉、果树和作物等威胁较大。 目前未发现成虫有潜叶习性。 Leafminers are insect larvaein the following four orders: Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera, which mine and feedbetween leaf layers. In natural systems, the popuplation sizes of leaf miners are low and many plants can tolerate slight mining activities.However, according to their small body size, short life history, high reproductive rate, and cryptic feeding habit, they are difficult to discover and control. Once outbreak, they can cause damages in a short time.If theyoutbreak, the mines will cover nearly all the leaf surface, the leaves willdie orfallearlier andphotosynthesis and production will be affected. Some leafminers (e.g.mining flies and mining moths) are important pests in agriculture and forestry, which have great threats on vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and other crops.Pr esently no adult insects have the mining habit. Fig.1The mines of Liriomyza sp. on the leaf of Luffa cylindrica (Photo by Xiaohua Dai with Kodak Easyshare @ Vegetable Farm, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,November 2007) 图1 丝瓜上的斑潜蝇潜道 (戴小华2008年7月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区附近菜地,Kodak Easyshare) a b Fig.2 Leaf mines and miner larva (the little yellow one in Fig. 2b)@ cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ). Since the mine is serpentine with frass alternatively at each side, the mines only occur on the surface of the leaves, and the larva is golden-yellow maggot, the miner is Lriomyza sativae . 图2. 豇豆上的潜道和潜叶虫(图2b中的黄色小虫),根据蛇形潜道,粪便在两侧交替排列,潜道仅出现在叶正面,和幼虫特征,潜叶虫种类是美洲斑潜蝇。【戴小华2008年8月17日摄于福建连城父母的菜园中,相机为Olympus X-775. 】
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