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【美】NYC Subway Map【Metropolitan Transportation Authrority NYC
黄安年 2020-8-20 07:41
【美】NYC Subway Map 【Metropolitan Transportation Authrority NYC Transit Authority 1990】 【美国问题英文书目(编 号第555号) 黄安年文 黄安年的博客/2020年8月20日发布(第25730篇) 2019 年1月6日 -11月24日笔者通过博客先后发布,个人收藏图书的英文图书书目、个人在纸媒发表的论著、译、评、介学术资料;吕启祥在纸质图书报刊上发表的论著等目录。完整保存这些学术资料,符合我们践行学术报国的心愿和学术为公、实事求是、与时俱进、资源共享的宗旨,也是一个普通教9 和学术工作者学术探索历程的文字记录。对于笔者和接受单位达成全部无偿捐赠的承诺,也是提供了一个完整目录检索。 自2019年11月25日开始集中发布笔者个人藏书中的美国问题中文藏书部分,迄今已经八个多月。按类别分大体上:【GWM00- 综合、哲学、心理学部分书目 GWM10- 社会学的部分 GWM20- 政治学(国内)部分 GWM30- 政治学(外交)部分 GWM40- 法学、军事学部分 GWM50- 经济学、环境学部分 GWM60- 科学技术部分 GWM70- 历史学、地理学部分 GWM80- 教育学、文化、新闻、图博部分 GWM90- 语言学、文学部分 鉴于这部分藏书较多,难以完全按照分类子目和出版时间顺序上 传,但编目划分是明确的。 需要说明的是该书为当年出版,本书目 叙述该书出版基本信息,内容评价见仁见智,这里 并不涉及博主当前美中关系评介和观点。 重要的是,在当今多样化时代我们需要知晓昨天和今天已经出版的各种书籍中有关美中关系的各种信息和不同见解。书目发布也符合科学网主张高等教育界学术交流的宗旨。 现在发布的是 【美】NYC Subway Map【Metropolitan Transportation Authority NYC Transit Authority 1990】 【美国问题英文书目(编号第555) ,一整张, 1990 年 9 月 30 日。 .   为避免上传时的困扰,照片9张,拍自 【美】NYC Subway Map【Metropolitan Transportation Authority NYC Transit Authority 1990】 【美国问题英文书目(编号第555) 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|920 次阅读|0 个评论
主编引语:社会交通中的交通博弈(2015. No. 03)
王飞跃 2015-10-8 08:59
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, VOL. 16, NO. 3, JUNE 2015 Scanning the Issue and Beyond: Transportation Games for Social Transportation This issue brings us a few new ways and directions to evaluate the past ITS practices and look into the future applications of intelligent technology for intelligent transportation. Especially, our three review articles address related issues in urban ITS, smart rail systems, and mitigating adverse weather impacts to mobility. For my part, inspired by the current success of Uber-type taxi services, I will discuss the importance and emerging trend of transportation games for social transportation. TRANSPORTATION GAMES FOR SOCIAL TRANSPORTATION Recently, I read an article on Uber’s business model and its bidding mechanism for real-time matching of demands and supplies, which claims that this model has revolutionized customers’ riding experiences, released fragmentized values, reconstructed social networks for connection beyond mobility, and should win the Nobel Prize for Economics. Having never used the Uber service myself, I am unable to judge the article’s claim from my personal experience, but I believe Uber’s phenomenal gro wth from Dollar 200K to Dollar 40 B in value and from cabs to airplanes in vehicles, in just five years, must mean something significant. When discus sing this with my students in game theory, they told me a few interesting stories of frauds for profits by Uber’s taxi drivers. However, I am still convinced that Uber’s practice, or in general, Transportation Games, will gain momentum shortly for fair and efficient mobility, and beyond, in this increasingly connected world. Through pervasive applications of smart phones, GPS, and other mobile devices, along with social media platforms such as WeChat, Facebook, and Twitter, individuals now can generate, obtain, and share real-time traffic information, and traffic operation centers can notify, direct, and interact with them and vehicles, together creating and altering traffic strategies via crowdsourcing, rather than the traditional fashion of command and control. To me, this offers us an exciting window of opportunity for various emerging live and grand Transportation Games in a new world, actually in three worlds: Physical World, Mental World, and Artificial World, in the sense of Karl Popper’s Worlds I, II, and III. Technically, I would like to call it the Era of Transportation in Cyber–Social–Physical (CSP) space, or the age of parallel transportation. Transportation games, or computational transportation games in CSP, to be more precise, will be the key to the success of ITS in this new age. This is an important issue that I should return to for a deep discussion later. Dynamic ridesharing service providers, such as Uber and Didi, provide primitive but powerful mechanisms and platforms for real transportation games in the real world. In just a few years, they have presented many interesting but complicated patterns of interactions and behaviors for mobility with various levels of social, economic, and engineering complexity. For example, The Washington Post reports that Uber’s dynamic price mechanism “Surge Pricing” actually “reduces demands for cars” since “less people want a car for a higher price” and “shift drivers to areas of high demand” instead of “create new supply,” as pointed out vividly by the Times, that Uber’s fee in Sydney “hikes upwards of four times their normal rate” after “an armed assailant burst into a city cafe and took hostages.” In China, the leading ridesharing company, Didi, has used a variant of Dutch auctions to match drivers and customers in the same area: a customer can set and modify her or his own price and a driver can grab his or her favored orders according to customers’ prices and destinations, creating a complicated game scenario among operators, drivers, and customers, a powerful display of smart phone supported social transportation games for business operations. Transportation games have a long history in transportation research: Wardrop’s selfish routing games in 1952, Rosenthal’s congestion games in 1973, and Monderer and Shapley’s potential games for heavy-duty vehicles in 1996 are just a few examples. More recently, Stackelberg strategies have been widely employed and experimented for transportation and mobility, e.g., Krichene et al. in 2012 and Bayen in 2013 have studied Stackelberg routing strategies on parallel networks with horizontal queues for reducing traffic congestion, under the assumption that the central authority can incentivize the routes of a subset of players on a network and the remaining players choose their routes selfishly. Such “soft” traffic suggestions, rather than “hard” traffic controls, could be an ideal match with the total or complete traffic control approach I have proposed in the Editorial from Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2014. Just before I am finishing this editorial, I sadly learn that John F. Nash and his wife were killed in a taxi crash in New Jersey. Nash, born in the year of 1928 when game theory was invented by John von Neumann, was a pioneer in games. Nash equilibrium has played a central role game research, and Nash strategy has been used widely in earlier transportation games. Personally I have a deep and special interest in game theory. Thirty years ago when writing my PhD dissertation on coordination theory of intelligent machines, I tried both machine learning and game-theoretic approach, with Nash, Cooperative, and Stackelberg strategies. As social networks and connected societies are becoming normal of our life, we should speed up our work in transportation games for social transportation, and make our ITS real smart, in human’s terms. FEI-YUE WANG, Editor-in-Chief ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scanning the Issue and Beyond: Transportation Games for Social Transportation.pdf
5281 次阅读|0 个评论
主编引语:现场交通研究与服务中的众包 (2015. No.1)
王飞跃 2015-9-21 11:09
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, VOL. 16, NO. 1, FEBRUARY 2015 Scanning the Issue and Beyond: Crowdsourcing for Field Transportation Studies and Services Happy New Year to Everyone! This is the year of the sheep according to the Chinese lunar calendar, which implies a year of happiness in every day, almost! I wish our journal to be a better one in the year of the sheep with your help. So please check @IEEE-TITS ( http://www.weibo.com/u/3967923931 ) in Weibo (an extended Chinese version of Twitter), IEEE ITS Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/IEEEITS), and our Twitter account @IEEEITS (https://twitter.com/IEEEITS) for upcoming news in the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, and the IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. The three sites are still under development, and your participation and any suggestions for their operation are extremely welcome. CALL FOR CROWDSOURCING FOR FIELD TRANSPORTATION STUDIES AND SERVICES Since 2012, I have tried many times to drive by myself in order to have some real field taste of Beijing ’ s traffic problems. Those experiences are quite useful for me, but sometimes they are also quite dangerous. One time I was horned by over a dozen angry drivers behind my car since I was still waiting anxiously for the traffic light in front of me to turn green while the tiny green light indicating to go had actually been on for almost half a minute in my far right with a distance about 30 meters away! Last summer, I almost had three accidents while try to have a feeling of crossing the city without GPS navigation from the center to Beijing ’ s International Conference Center in the northeast corner of Ring 5. I was confused by traffic signs along the way and was bouncing back and forth between Ring 3 and Ring 4, then Ring 5. Finally, I had to turn my GPS on just to make sure about my driving direction and call friends for road information. It took almost 5 hours to complete a trip that normally should take only 1 hour to finish, but I should feel fortunate since I was able to reach my destination before the rush hours. After this experience, I decided to pay a taxi driver and one of my students to collect the information I need for field transportation studies. So far, I have a plenty of words or complaints or suggestions to say about traffic signs, traffic equipment, and traffic fences that separate lances physically in both cities of Beijing and Qingdao (or Tsingdao) but, most of all, about people ’ s driving and traveling behaviors and metropolitan traffic management styles. However, my enthusiasm for more field transportation investigation was stopped suddenly by a conversation with my niece, who is completing her MS degree in Engineering Management. While I was telling her the traffic problems I had experienced, she said she never noticed them since she always use her smart phone for instruction, not the traffic sign on roadside. What a generation gap! I talked to my students and young colleague about this, basically they told me that I am almost “Out,” and I should use the crowdsourcing that I had championed for social computing a long time ago for field transportation field studies and services. After a few days of searching the Web, I feel strongly that we should invent and popularize more digital tools that enable citizens to exert power over institutions and decision makers for design, construction, maintainence, and management of transportation infrastructure and systems. So this is my call: 1) We should construct platforms similar to OpenStreetMap for traffic and transportation for lowering the barriers of taking the first civil steps at scale so people can generate and see related information easily, and make them available free to all. Call them OpenTrafficMap or RealTrafficMap? Actually, Automotive Navigation Data (AND) has participated in OpenStreetMap already by donating a complete road data set for The Netherlands and trunk road data for China and India. 2) We should establish organizations similar to MySociety for traffic and transportation for cultivating a strong accountability and a thriving civil society that are vital to mobility and impossible without engagement with government and communities. We should turn MySociety to MyTransportation, and FixMyStreet to FixMyTraffic, and so on. 3) We should create activities similar to that of Waze to gather location data and other traffic information from volunteers for learning driving times and providing routing and realtime traffic updates. With such software, people can report accidents, traffic jams, and speed and police traps, and can update roads, landmarks, house numbers, as well as identify the cheapest fuel station nearby or along routes. Unfortunately, Google acquiredWaze last year.We need more open and free software for better traffic and good transportation. 4) In the end, we need an open and free knowledge system for traffic and transportation, similar to Wikipedia, to host, connect, facilitate, and collect information from these platforms, organizations, and activities, where transportation knowledge automation tools or transportation knowledge robots play a critical role to make of use of those easy and efficient. When those platforms, organizations, activities, and knowledge systems are available, I am confident that crowdsourcing will be a normal manner of collecting traffic and transportation information, and field transportation studies and services will be in a new era. FEI-YUE WANG, Editor-in-Chief ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/icp.jsp?arnumber=7029214 Scanning the Issue and Beyond: Crowdsourcing for Field Transportation Studies a.pdf
个人分类: 学海泛舟|5434 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]PAPER-WRITING: A Guide for Transportation Students
zhangdong 2015-7-20 00:18
交通界大神加州大学伯克利分校 Daganzo 教授的殷殷教诲,建议交通学科的研究生都打印一份贴床头,早晚各膜拜一次,各种SCI必然随便发,我已经准备这么搞了~ http://www.ce.berkeley.edu/~daganzo/WRITING.pdf PAPER-WRITING A Guide for Transportation Students .pdf
2088 次阅读|0 个评论
Welcome to IEEE ITSS Summer School on Transportation 5.0
热度 1 王飞跃 2015-6-18 10:18
IEEE ITSS Summer School on Frontiers in ITS: Transportation 5.0 - Call for Participation IEEE ITSS Summer School on Frontiers in ITS: Transportation 5.0 Qingdao, China July 12-17, 2015 http://www.itsssummerschool.org/ Join us in the IEEE ITSS Summer School on Frontiers in ITS: Transportation 5.0 ! Areas of Interests: - Social transportation: traffic and transportation analytics with Big Data and social signals - Crowdsourcing mechanisms for transportation-based Internet of Everything - New and smart ITS services beyond location-based services (LBS): decision-based services (DBS), task-based services (TBS), information or intelligence-based services (IBS) or knowledge-based services (KBS) - Web-based agent technology for transportation control and management - ITS with Mobile Internet, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things, Services, and Everything - ITS knowledge automation - Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS) for transportation Speakers: Prof. Fei-Yue Wang , Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Topic: Crowdsourcing and Social Transportation Abstract: C urrent ITS projects are still too much field or discipline centric, traffic, vehicular, infrastructural, computers , control, communication, web, services, and so on, issues and problems are addressed mostly independently, sometimes integrated only at the small-scale or local levels. To many total integration in physical space is something of an impossible mission: a hopeful journal to nowhere due to various forbidding economic, legal, ethical, or scientific barricades on the road. This is true to a large degree, but now, Cyberspace offers us a new mechanism of overcoming these barricades and an augmented reality infrastructure of integrating technology, systems, and societies for transformation in transportation and mobility. Total integration in cyberspace still faces many hurdles, but much less daunting, and should be feasible for implementation with models for artificial or software-defined transportation systems, methods for computational experiments, and tools for parallel execution of actual and virtual operations and organizations. I believe that this will be the future for ITS and for future transportation and mobility research, development, and applications. Prof. Wei Chen, Zhejiang University, China Topic: Visual Analysis of Urban Data Abstract: Data-driven intelligent transportation systems utilize data resources generated within intelligent systems to improve the performance of transportation systems and provide convenient and reliable services. Urban data refers to datasets generated and collected on urban life. Data visualization is an efficient means to represent distributions and structures of datasets and reveal hidden patterns in the data. This talk introduces the basic concept and pipeline of urban data visualization, provides an overview of related data processing techniques; and elaborates on existing methods for depicting the temporal, spatial and numerical,categorical properties of urban data. Prof. Pu Wang, Central South University, China Topic: Traffic and Transportation Analytics with Social Signal Data Abstract: With the fast development of electronic and sensing techniques, individual portable devices such as smart phones have experienced rapid growth and generated huge volumes of social signals. Social signals, from GPS coordinates generated by taxis to mobile phone billing records and messages on the social networking, record our daily spatiotemporal information and create large amounts of data for traffic and transportation analysis. Social signal data, which record various aspects of human behaviors, are characterized by big volume, wide spatial coverage, long observational periods, and real-time features. The emergence of large-scale social signal data promotes our understanding of human mobility and offers researchers unprecedented opportunities to analyze traffic and transportation. In this lecture, I will introduce a few works on the applications of social signal data in traffic and transportation analytics and summarize the features, analytical approaches and applications of commonly used social signal data. Prof. David Good, Indiana University Bloomington, USA Topic: Benefit Cost Analysis for Life Saving Transportation Improvements Abstract: The World Health Organization estimates that globally in 2012, 1.2 million people were killed in traffic crashes annually. Fatality rates are particularly high in the developing world (India, Brazil and Africa). As vehicles become more commonplace in these countries, it will be important to press for a wide variety in improvements in the infrastructure and vehicle design to prevent this tragedy from becoming still worse. These transportation improvements lead to a wide variety of outcomes, often conflicting with one another. In some cases those outcomes are relatively easy to quantify (for example reduced expenditures on fuel). In other cases they are much more difficult to value (for example improved air quality, or a reduction in morbidity and mortality). In this talk, some of the valuation methods used to evaluate safety, such as fatalities, injuries, reduced life-years for victims and reductions in the quality of life for those who are not killed will be discussed, often raising moral dilemmas. Applications include active safety systems in vehicles, passive safety systems in vehicles and regulatory analysis. Differences in the approaches use, for example regulatory analysis in different parts of the world are also discussed. Prof. Lingxi Li, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA Topic: Active Safety Systems in ITS: Concepts, Technologies, and Challenges Abstract: How to improve driving safety is one of the most important aspects for intelligent transportation systems. Traditional passive safety systems (e.g., seat belts, airbags, etc.) take effects to prevent potential losses after crashes occurred. In recent years,vehicle active safety systems have been playing an important role in driving safety. These systems are in general based on advanced sensing/communication/control technologies, and are able to identify and predict potential crash/near-crash events and take appropriate actions to mitigate crash effects or even completely prevent potential crashes. Many active safety products have been equipped in vehicles, including pre-collision systems, crash imminent braking systems, pedestrian/bicyclist detection systems, etc. In the lecture, I will introduce basic concepts of active safety systems and present several works on their design and performance evaluation, along with some challenges. Dr. Xiaoyong Yan, Beijing Jiaotong University, China Topic: Uncovering and Predicting Human Mobility Patterns: Big data and Statistical Physics Approach Abstract: Understanding and predicting human mobility patterns are of importance for exploring many complex systems affected by human activities and have many practical applications in transportation planning, traffic management, location-based service and so on. The increasing availability of big data from mobile phones, on-board GPS devices and location-based apps has triggered a revolution in the research of human mobility patterns. In this lecture I will talk about how to extract and uncover individual and population patterns of human mobility from mobile phone data, taxi GPS data and social media check-ins data. I will also introduce some of our new proposed statistical physics models of predicting human mobility patterns, including a maximum entropy model to explain the scaling law in travel distance distributions and predict extreme events in human mobility, and a population-weighted opportunity model to predict crowd mobility patterns in cities. Dr. Qingpeng Zhang, City University of Hong Kong, China Topic: Evolution and the Impact on Traffic Conditions during Social Movements Abstract: During the past decade, social movements and other social unrest related movements have become increasingly prevalent all over the world. Social media has been playing an important role in organizing and disseminating information during almost all recent social movements, in both West and East. In this talk, we will first go through the basics about social media analytics, and then use one case study to exemplify the research methodologies. The speaker will present his research aiming to characterize the evolution of topics discussed on Twitter, and to identify the impact on the traffic conditions during a social movement happened in Hong Kong - Occupy Central Movement (OCM) in 2014. The results indicate that (a) Twitter has been mainly used as a tool to publicize and disseminate information, instead of organizing the movement; (b) the effect on the traffic speed of main routes in Hong Kong was not significant. We also discuss the practical implications of our observations. Prof. Hwasoo Yeo , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , Korea Topic: Future Travel Time Prediction: Data-driven Approach and Model-driven Approach Abstract: Future travel-time information is one of the most critical factors that travelers consider before making trip decisions. It enables optimal route choices of drivers and mitigates congestion by distributing traffic demands. However, traffic state prediction is a challenging research subject involving prediction reliability. In order to effectively support various transportation strategies and applications including Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), it is necessary to apply appropriate forecasting methods for matching circumstances in a timely manner. This lecture provides a comprehensive review on modern techniques related to travel-time and traffic condition predictions that are based on “data-driven” approaches and “model-driven. In data-driven approach, different approaches are categorized as parametric (linear regression time-series) and nonparametric approaches (artificial intelligence and pattern searching) based on the underlying mechanisms and theoretical principles. Then, the approaches are analysed for their strengths, potential weaknesses, and performances from four main perspectives that are prediction range, accuracy, efficiency, applicability, and robustness. The model-based approaches consider underlying traffic mechanisms and behaviors in developing the prediction procedures and they are logically intuitive unlike data-driven approaches that often lead to prolonged computations that are typically not fit for on-line applications. This lecture reviews model-based travel-time prediction approaches by classifying them into four categories according to the level of details involved in the model: Macroscopic, Mesoscopic, CA-based, and Microscopic. Then each method is evaluated from five main perspectives: Prediction range, Accuracy, Efficiency, Applicability, and Robustness. Finally, this paper concludes with evaluations of model-based approaches in general and discusses them in relation to data-driven approaches along with future research directions. More speakers and lectures information keeps updating. Organizers : Organized by: Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries IEEE ITSS Shandong Local Chapter Co-Organized by: The State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems Chinese Association of Automation Sponsored by: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Important Dates: Application deadline: June 3 0, 2015 Admission notice: Ju ly 01 , 2015 Registration and payment: July 0 8 , 2015 The school is primarily intended for students and young researchers interested in CPSS-based Transportation 5.0, but we will take applications from others who are interested as well. We look forward to seeing you in Qingdao! Contact Information: fits2015@qaii.a c .cn (for inquiry) itsreg2015@126.com (for registration) Please visit the school website at http://www.itsssummerschool.org/ for details.
7060 次阅读|1 个评论
VRPMT 与 transportation problem
flyman 2013-6-4 04:37
transportation problem 是VRP的一个特殊情况,可以被归类为多仓库(multiple depots)、多次运输(Multiple Trips)的VRPMT么? 似乎不是,transportation problem潜在的逻辑是车辆的容量足够大,一次就可以把货物全拉过去。
个人分类: 物流 供应链管理|3958 次阅读|0 个评论
woodenson 2010-7-15 19:05
换个角度,你就有收获 (2010-07-14 12:53:11) 一早醒来,打开邮箱,transportation research part d: transport and environment的新邮件。说实话,心里又是一紧,估计又挂了。然而,没想到的是I am pleased to confirm that your paper ~ is accapted ~ My God! 那一刻的兴奋,可能仅次于我的第一篇sci。这篇文章的接受,可以说是历经磨难,十个月的时间,动物学类期刊投了三四个,鸟类学期刊投了三四个,多样性保护类期刊投了两三个,几乎都是相同的语言,reject! 这种打击,是我第一次,所以其实自己倒也有些麻木了。然而,任务总要交差,最后一次,我选择了交通类杂志。从理科转投工科,跨度太大,不过似乎也是没有办法的事情。出乎意料的是,一个半月,居然就直接接受了!柳暗花明啊,文章发了,任务完成,后续的钱有了。当然,这也是我到南大自己开展研究以来的第一篇sci, 加上之前的red-crowned crane的bc文章,两年时间,开始有成果了。人在大丰,麋鹿,也快了! PS:其实,这篇文章能够被接受,很大程度上是投机取巧,歪门邪道有时是可以起很大作用的,但终归不是正途。实验的设计,背景的掌握,甚至整个文章的构思,才是科研工作的重点。实验之前的充分考虑,能大大提高后期论文写作、修改的效率。希望以后这样的事情,少点发生。
个人分类: 研究论文|3653 次阅读|6 个评论
Journals and Conferences on Transportation
weberfrank 2010-2-1 22:06
innoparticular order: ==Part one Transportation Journals and Conferences== *Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research About the Journal: TL is a quarterly journal that publishes high-quality review and min-review papers as well as major contributions to the state of the art in transportation research. The focus of Transportation Letters is on analytical and empirical findings, methodological papers, and theoretical and conceptual insights across all areas of research in transportation. The journal will be available in both print and electronic versions. It is intended to provide a rapid turn-around time that result in publication of high quality research ideas and results with immediacy and profound impacts on transportation and related fields. Of particular interest are review resource papers that merge descriptions of the state of the art with presentations of innovative and new methodological, theoretical, and conceptual insights across areas of research in transportation spanning the entire domain of this field. The main topics and subject areas covered in the journal include, but are not limited to, state-of-the-art research in transportation policy analysis and planning, system design, operations, management, maintenance and rehabilitation, as well as modeling and simulation, choice and other decision making models, behavioral and attitudinal analysis, and human factors and cognition. No index, no impact factor Journal Editors-in-Chief: Kostas Goulias, University of California , Santa Barbara ( goulias@geog.ucsb.edu ); Kouros Mohammadian, University of Illinois , Chicago ( kouros@uic.edu ) Publisher: J. ROSS PUBLISHING *HKSTS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE About the conferenceThe Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS) has been formed on February 9, 1996. HKSTS is affiliated to the Eastern Asian Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) President: William H.K. Lam, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, E-mail: cehklam@polyu.edu.hk , HomePage: http://www.cse.polyu.edu.hk/~cehklam *Transportmetrica About Transportmetrica: Journal of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. Transportmetrica is an international journal whose objectives are to provide a discussion forum for transportation studies, and exchange of new and innovative ideas in transportation research. Although the focus of the journal is placed on the quantitative analysis and studies, policy and descriptive papers with arguments supported by transportation statistics and data are acceptable. Short and discussion papers are also welcome. Volume Number: 6 Frequency: 4 issues per year Print ISSN: 1812-8602 Online ISSN: 1944-0987 Abstracting / indexing: Science Citation Index Expanded Impact factor: now 2.043 in 2008 was 0.960 in 2007. Ranked 2/23 in Transportation Science Technology Ranked 1/18 in Transportation. Page charges: There are no page charges to individuals or institutions. Publisher: Taylor Francis *Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. Impact Factor: 1.832 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.384 Issues per year: 10 *Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. *Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. *Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. *Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. *Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. *Accident Analysis Prevention Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. *Journal of Air Transport Management Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. *Journal of Safety Research Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. *Journal of Transport Geography Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. *Research in Transportation Economics Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. *Transport Policy Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. *ISTTT The ISTTT series is the premier gathering for the world's leading transportation and traffic theorists, and for those who are interested in contributing to or gaining a deeper understanding of the field. The symposium covers both scientific and operational aspects of transportation and traffic, spanning all modes of transport, including freight as well as private and public transport. The symposium, which is held every three years, is the oldest meeting devoted exclusively to the scientific aspects of transportation and traffic phenomena, and the proceedings define the international state of the art of research in transportation and traffic science. Topics range from traffic flow theory and travel demand modelling to road safety and logistics and supply chain modelling. Chair: Carlos Daganzo *Transportation Science Transportation Science is the foremost journal in the field of transportation analysis. Published quarterly by INFORMS, it features comprehensive, timely articles and surveys that cover all levels of planning and all modes of transportation. Topics covered include economic analysis of transportation systems; strategic, tactical, and operational transportation planning; and transportation systems design. Transportation Science is international in scope, with editors from nations around the globe. Frequency: Bimonthly ISSN: 0041-1655 (Print), 1526-5447 (Online) Institute for Scientific Information (Thomson ISI) Index/Category Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) category: Transportation Science Citation Index (SCI) category: Operations Research Management Science, Transportation Science Technology Ranked #6 in 2008 JCR 2008 Impact Factor: 1.534 5-Year Impact: 2.821 Editor-in-Chief: 20112009: Michel Gendreau michel.gendreau@cirrelt.ca *TRB Printer: Transportation Research Board of the National Academies *TRR Printer: Transportation Research Board of the National Academies *JOURNAL OF URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT The Journal of Urban Planning and Development covers the application of civil engineering to such aspects of urban planning as area-wide transportation, the coordination of planning and programming of public works and utilities, and the development and redevelopment of urban areas. Subjects include environmental assessment, esthetic considerations, land use planning, underground utilities, infrastructure management, renewal legislation, transportation planning, and evaluation of the economic value of state parks. ISSN: 0733-9488 Printer: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Editor: Gang-Len Chang, Ph.D., University of Maryland Frequency: Quarterly ==Transporation related Journals and conferences== *DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS SERIES B: APPLICATION ALGORITHM ISI IMPACT FACTOR (IF): 0.108 in 2006 *European Journal of Operational Research Printer: Elsevier *Networks and Spatial Economics Printer: Springer Netherlands to be continue
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