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xudabin98 2018-7-31 10:10
1 科技服务行业困境 《科技服务未来路在何方》作者通过科普的方式从公司维度展现了98年到2018年二十年科技服务起起伏伏,横贯全文,透露出一股时下流行的焦虑感。焦虑主要来自两个方面 : 第一科技服务的利润薄如刀锋,甚至负利;第二数据的高速产出已经超越对数据的解读能力,提供至市场的产品服务范围没有扩大,整个市场份额未出现较大增长。 以人力消耗为基准,可把世界上产业简单分为三类。第一类是轻度消耗型业务。最典型的产业如网游,《王者荣耀》程序码好了,在几亿用户基础上,即便再增加几千万用户,也仅仅是增加几台服务器,对人力的消耗,边际成本几乎为零。第二类是中度消耗型业务,比如淘宝,一些固定标准化的流程可以通过软件自动化实现,但出现售后服务依然需要人力来完成,随着用户数目扩大,人力成本损耗相应增加。第三类是重度消耗型业务,最典型的是医生,需要一对一的方式找出病人需求,每多增加1万名病人,就需要增加十几倍甚至几十倍的医护人员,人力消耗极大,几乎不可能迅速扩延服务线。 科技服务业务中,仪器试剂就属于典型的轻度消耗型业务,卖一百个实验室和卖五百个实验室,并不会在人力成本上产生较大需求,烧杯卖完了,几乎不会有太重售后服务产生。而基于二代测序的科技服务则恰恰是重度消耗型业务。业务逻辑及行业入门看似简单, 但这里面发生并消耗的人力成本是巨大的。比如一个重要的客户需求,销售发掘后,需要后台技术支持同事、产品同事、信息同事甚至实验同事共同协作配合,以综合评估是否能满足客户需求或者如何与竞争对手争夺,这个服务过程人力成本消耗是很大的,而且没有固定的标准可以量化。即便建库测序等流程可以自动化,以工业化的方式去生产,但服务的部分无法标准化和自动化,而这部分消耗巨大。2012年转录组2万元/个,与今日1200元/个,公司团队所付出的精力和时间并没有减少,而人力固定成本反倒大幅增加。 最终导致整个行业人均产出这么多年一直在30-45万/人/年徘徊。 在2012-2015年科技服务产品尚未成熟之际,公司之间的竞争更多是在产品内容层面比拼,随着产品成熟完善以及新玩家加入,价格这一最直接最血腥的竞争手段则成了各公司最后杀手锏。 著名经济学家曼昆在《经济学原理》书中从经济学的角度科学地证明了价格战是消费者选择的必然。价格战爆发有一定的经济规律,一般而言价格战很少发生在高度差异化的行业。但在一个高度同质化的行业,必须通过大幅降价才能说服顾客从其他公司转向自己。随着产品的丰富化、多样化,生产同一产品的企业日益增多,导致产品结构雷同,技术附加值低。许多企业的产品同质化很严重,产品没有创新,技术更新缓慢,缺乏差异性,企业为占有更多的市场份额而进行策略性降价甚至是价格战。 科技服务第一次大型价格战火拼发生在2014年春天。经过一年半产品打磨,诺禾致源转录组产品等在整个市面上声誉如日中天,市场份额不断扩大。在诺禾每个转录组样本最低报价12000元的基础上,华大科技直接报价8000元。要知道,降价20%就足以让客户心动,降价40%对客户而言已经是不可抗拒的诱惑。这点从华大基因招股说明书中有明确表示:“2014 年公司综合毛利率较低,原因系当年原材料采购成本较高、生育健康类服务短期暂停,以及公司主动下调部分业务销售单价应对市场竞争。”从此以后,科技服务全线产品开启了下跌之路。 科技服务价格战今后是否还会持续下去?除去技术升级带动成本下滑以及追求营收为目的玩家等各种因素,在盈利单一维度下,价格下探空间已经逼近极限,通过价格战抢占市场占有率,从营销策略上讲,已失去最大作用。 科技服务行业整体进入了一个瓶颈期,找不到增量发展的方向,而这个时候的博弈,就从共同突围转向相互攫取,做不到蛋糕变大,那就把精力放在在当下蛋糕基础上,力图多分一些蛋糕。在这样格局下,竞争激烈程度可想而知。然而,竞争是两个字,争的意思是在横向上进行厮打,竞说的是在纵向上一同向前。现在更多只有争没有竞,不向前进步的原地厮打是没有任何意义的。 《科技服务未来路在何方》作者从行业全局提出另外一个观点是今天数据高速产出能力已经远超对数据的解读能力。华大黄埔军校职能的丢失以及行业利润下滑导致的薪酬无竞争力,导致大量有经验的分析人员转行互联网、大数据挖掘等行业,数量锐减;而“常规分析人员”的增加并没有解决数据解读与分析的迫切需求。最直接的体现是产品层面停滞不前,除了高投入的大基因组文章以外,新颖思路的高水平文章极少在国内出现。 不仅仅是科技服务,基因检测产业发展二十余年来,除去NIPT这一爆款产品外,截止当下,尚未有另一个爆款产品出现。这应该是整个行业另外一个最大的困局之一。2018年5月NBT发表了北京大学光动态成像中心汤富酬特邀评论:提升单细胞的分析能力。文章指出,单细胞转录组测序正在改变我们对复杂生物系统的理解和认知。今天的技术手段可以在一次实验中测序数千个单细胞的转录表达情况,从而能够发现在群体水平上无法识别的稀有细胞类型和细胞异质性。然而,将来自不同单细胞实验的数据组合起来分析,在技术上具有很大挑战性。如果没有强大的分析工具,就无法充分利用正在产生的大量数据,无法挖掘现有数据集从而获得更多的未知。高校作为开拓新技术的先锋尚无能力去解决这一问题,而以盈利作为第一导向的企业,信息分析人员以硕士作为主体,在软件优化、算法升级上与高校有更大差距,对这一问题的解决亦是无能为力。题外话,今年整个单细胞测序市场需求日益增多,成了当时当下很多公司纷纷争抢的新大陆。 2 科技服务公司有没有护城河 护城河,在投资上这个词是巴菲特首次提出,用一句话简单来说,就是这家公司相对于同行业公司来说有没有行业壁垒。护城河是否宽广意味着同行业的公司能否短时间超过。既然护城河的定义就是拥有相对于同行业有竞争优势,那么我们就可以说一家有护城河的公司的盈利能力要比对方要强。一家公司有盈利能力,无非是两种,一种是比别人卖的贵,另一种就是比别人的成本低,从而有更多的利润空间。 2014年是华大科技内忧外困的一年,众多科技服务公司纷纷成立,迅速蚕食华大科技市场份额。而且大家出自华大,对华大运营体系、营销体系、技术体系等了如指掌,虽然出自华大,但打起来也毫不手软,这情景极像六大门派同时围攻光明顶。2015年华大科技重新更换掌门人后,在测序外包、口碑下滑、人才大幅流失等情况下依然快速走出泥潭,重现巅峰,靠的就是多年深耕科技服务市场建立的护城河。其成本控制系统、运营系统、技术系统、营销系统等等构筑了其强大护城河,而不仅仅是有多少台测序仪、几个技术大牛等。 如果想要超越华大科技、诺禾致源,成为一家有规模的科技服务公司,必须要解决五个方面的问题:产品的稳定性;产品是否满足目标的客户的需求;有竞争力的产品价格;客户的利益能不能得到长期保护;售后服务是否及时有效。 而这恰恰是一家公司能否建立竞争壁垒的护城河,想要建立这样的护城河,冰冻三尺非一日之寒。 前段时间美团在南京和上海发起了对滴滴的网约车大战,但从上海战的结果来看,身经百战的滴滴没有那么弱不禁风,看似简单的网约车对于美团来说有太多课要补。新的玩家携巨资、以同样的产品形态进入市场,因为品牌、文化等因素,要付出成本远高于现有玩家。就像美团做打车,滴滴做外卖,都要交上很久的学费。对于科技服务一样的道理。 去年有家科技服务公司短短半年时间就取得了过半亿的营收,这在业内也是无出其右,但是没有根基的催肥,不顾行业规律,一腔热血是没有任何用的,短暂的繁华过后,一旦遇到问题,消退起来很快。如果不能形成长久的竞争优势,短期的快速增长是不会有未来的。 其实这也是行业通病,没有愿景支撑的决策很容易变成机会主义,他只有继续扩张的惯性而没有继续伟大的方向。 3 不同公司的突围 科技服务寡头之一诺禾致源自从2016年起开始布局科研服务除测序以外的市场,其做法类似小米生态,虽然没有雷军力争千亿的小目标,但从其布局产品层面来看,基本是在科技服务领域多元化布局。其产品生态的第一个圈层是测序周边的产品,比如分子育种、基因编辑、蛋白质谱、建库试剂盒等,基于诺禾致源已取得的市场占有率和庞大的活跃用户群,测序周边产品是诺禾具有先天市场优势的一个产品圈层。第二个圈层还是基于实验的PCR酶、抗体等,虽然诺禾持续在这个夏天搞事情,定义为大事件,但市场对于其贴牌试剂似乎并不买账,转而成为美国迪安试剂代理商,这其中一个重要问题是诺禾致源品牌并不代表试剂。第三个圈层则是基于实验之外仪器耗材,这部分产品短时间内想取得明显营收,非一夕之功。诺禾致源在整个科技服务市场布局为其未来增长提供了足够想象空间。 位于上海的凌恩生物在市场上声音虽然不大,但是凭借在小基因组和简化基因组领域的多年深入耕耘,依靠优质的产品本身,超预期的服务质量,获得国际基因组顶级服务公司NRgene与Dovetail Genomics的服务提供商资格。同时凌恩生物联合以色列希伯来大学iCore中心建立亚太第一个植物PlantArray生理组表型检测服务中心,深耕植物-微生物科研领域,其公司战略特立独行。同样位于上海的烈冰科技,凭借其对科技服务市场未来的准确判断,几年前开始布局云平台,无论底层架构还是操作层面,公有云和私有云在整个业内位于一流。今年illumina推出的iSeq100,随着其仪器成熟,结合烈冰私有云,在不远的将来,烈冰市场份额增长清晰可见。 无论是寡头还是行业里细分领域公司,在精准医疗风口下,纷纷寻找进军医疗领域的突破口,而以科技服务为主的公司突围的业务基础依然是科技服务这片土地,是继续在这片土地上当农民,还是涌向城市当城市人,这个选择在不同时代会有不同理解,我们拭目以待! 4 华大测序仪能否改写行业竞争格局 我们看一下今天科研服务市场的格局,整个科研服务市场规模在20亿元左右,如果以每年营收进行划分,整个行业可基本分为三个梯队,华大和诺禾的双寡头,安诺优达、百迈克、美吉、欧易等第二梯队,锐翌、基迪奥、奥维森等第三梯队。华大和诺禾基本不会再有营收差距的拉开,而第二和第三梯队想要突破当前营收,难度亦是极大。当下行业格局,尤其是诺禾迅速崛起, Hiseq X Ten是其致胜重要因素之一。如果以仪器单一维度去考量,那么通过illumina仪器是否还有改写行业格局,成为科服头部玩家的机会?除去南京扬子科创这一国家队外,位于深圳的海普洛斯也由上饶市政府投资了10台Novaseq6000。在重型资产中,仪器折旧费用在所有成本中占据了很大比例,而海普洛斯完全不需要考虑这一因素。持续下滑测序价格,击穿市场,让竞争对手无法跟进,优化后台运营,可以迅速跑满其10台测序仪,形成聚拢效应,做大营收这一核心诉求。 作为寡头的华大科技和诺禾致源在奠定其头部位置的过程中,illumina测序仪起到了功不可没的作用,那么被很多人看好的MGIseq是否同样能够改写行业格局,重新定义时代?前不久华大MGIseq2000入驻日本理化学研究所,这是中国在基础科学研究领域第一次将大型仪器投入日本顶级研究机构,里程碑意义的重大事件。对于基因测序上游仪器设备的西方垄断,从根本上保障了中国基因测序领域的安全。如果国家政策层面大力支持华大测序仪,这一关键性因素足以改变行业格局。其二,如果华大测序仪性能稳定到Novaseq水平,那么借助其一代和二代测序多年深耕,对于绝大多数公司一定是毁灭性打击。 然而行业的改写往往并不是单一因素就能起到决定性作用,下面这张图可以简单说明为什么科技服务会是今天这样一个格局。那么华大测序仪能改写行业格局吗? 5 科技服务行业人才未来的路 吴军在《浪潮之巅》关于个人职业选择有一段非常精彩描述:每个行业的发展,都像一次一次的浪潮,有波峰有波谷。我们如果想让个人最大化地发挥自己的价值,加速自己的成长,最好的选择是进入一个上升的行业和一个上升的公司中。快速发展的行业,会涌进大量的资本和人才,市场竞争非常激烈。随着这个行业的发展,我们自己会得到非常大的提升,包括丰厚的职业回报。 所以如果能够选对一个,处于上升期的快速发展的行业,并且选中一家在这个行业中快速发展的公司,那么对个人来说,会极大的放大努力成果,极大的增加个人价值,加速成长。 从2015年起整个基因检测行业涌现了众多在肿瘤、消费级基因等方向创业公司,因无有经验人才可用,基本都是从科研服务方向攫取人才,并且给予相对高薪和重用。以吴军的观点来看,今天的科技服务无论是行业自身还是公司,对从业者本身而言似乎很难。 《科技服务下一个路口下》…………….
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xudabin98 2017-2-20 11:27
公司简介 美因基因成立于2016年1月,由美年大健康董事长俞熔先生投资发起。公司核心成员来自于北京大学、牛津大学、中科院等知名院校,在国内外知名基因测序企业具有丰富的从业和创业经验。公司成立一年来高速发展,建设了高标准的实验平台,高通量测平台和信息分析平台。2017年公司将引进Illumina最新测序仪X Ten、Novaseq、Hiseq2500及三代测序仪Sequel,构建国内最新最全测序平台。 随着公司科研服务快速发展,我们需要有才华,有梦想的您加入。 一、 销售经理 90人 工作地点:北京、上海、广州、深圳、成都、重庆、陕西、新疆、内蒙等全国各地 岗位职责: 负责常驻地区的销售业务,工作内容包括: 1、所在地区高校、科研院所及医院意向客户挖掘,客户维护; 2、根据客户需求协调后台同事提供问题解决方案,负责项目签订; 3、及时跟进项目,促进项目顺利有效进行; 4、积极了解并反馈整个市场需求、相应产品竞争情况; 5、完成销售回款任务。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,分子生物学、医学、农学相关专业;对基因组学有一定的了解,有高通量测序相关经验者优先考虑; 2、本科或硕士阶段学习过分子遗传学、生物化学、基因工程原理等相关课程,有分子生物学实验相关经验; 3、抗压能力强,性格坚韧,亲和力强,反应敏捷,具备较强的沟通和表达能力,吃苦耐劳; 4、具有高效的执行力,工作态度认真负责,具备良好团队协作精神; 另外,如果您对产品经理、技术支持、生物信息分析工程师等感兴趣,也请及时给我们投递简历,这里一定有适合您的岗位。 薪资待遇:底薪6000元起+绩效奖励+五险一金+各种补贴 联系电话:徐经理 180 4650 7606(微信同号) 简历投递邮箱: xudabin@megagenomics.cn 美因健康科技(北京)有限公司
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alinatingting 2015-5-5 18:16
自 2014 年率先升级 PacBio RS II 最新试剂 P6-C4 以来,千年基因在国内已与中国科学院、中国农业科学院、北京大学、中国农业大学、四川大学、中南大学、中山大学、华南农业大学、南京农业大学、西北农林科技大学、陕西师范大学、广州医科大学等单位合作开展大量三代测序项目。通过项目经验的积累及严格的质量控制,千年基因目前每个 SMRT Cell 的数据量高达 1.2Gb ,测序读长高达 42Kb , reads N50 高达 18Kb ,远超 PacBio 官方提供的数据标准!在数据质量方面,与二代测序自身的系统误差相比,三代测序的碱基错误来源于随机误差,因此可通过提高覆盖度来显著提升碱基准确度。当序列覆盖度达到 30X 时,碱基准确度已超过 99.999% ( QV50 ),整体准确度已明显超过二代测序。 为了让更多研究人员体验我们高质量的三代测序服务, 千年基因将从 5 月 1 日起对 PacBio RS II 测序进行史无前例的低价促销。同时,为感谢大家一直以来对我们的支持与信任,在本次活动中签订项目额达 50 万元的合作伙伴,还可免费为其提供 HiSeq X Ten 个人基因组测序 ! 本次促销活动仅限 49 个名额,如欲订购,请速联系! 自 千年基因官网 。
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alinatingting 2015-3-19 09:48
近日,千年基因与欧洲著名的生物信息公司 Genalice 签署战略合作协议。双方将在海量数据的高效挖掘及精准分析方面建立合作,千年基因将应用专业的信息分析软件 Genalice Map 为全球研究人员提供最强大的信息分析解决方案。 千年基因拥有最全面的测序平台,主要包括 HiSeq X Ten 、 HiSeq 2000/2500 、 454/454 + 、 Ion Proton 、 PacBio RS II 等,每天产出海量的测序数据亟待分析, Genalice Map 则能以超高的效率及精准度对海量数据进行处理及分析。以常用的比对软件 BWA 为例, Genalice Map 进行数据比对的效率比 BWA 提升了 100 多倍。对于人类基因组数据,从数据比对至变异检出最快仅需 30 分钟,同时 SNP 及 InDel 的检出准确性也大幅提升。因此,千年基因与 Genalice 的合作将使其信息分析实力得到空前提升。在面对海量数据的挑战时,千年基因将以更高的效率向研究人员提供更可靠的数据分析结果。 对于此次战略合作,千年基因总部的 CEO Hyonyong Chong 表示,自 2014 年于全球首家提供 HiSeq X Ten 人全基因组测序服务以来,千年基因进一步巩固了其在测序科研市场的全球领导地位。 Genalice 提供的高质量及高效数据分析流程对于千年基因向客户提供更好的临床测序服务是至关重要的, 基于此次双方的 合作, 千年基因将进一步实现其在测序临床市场的领导地位。 自 千年基因官网 。
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千年基因与伦敦大学国王学院签署HiSeq X Ten测序合作协议,共促
alinatingting 2014-12-15 09:45
作为全球首家提供 HiSeq X Ten 测序的公司,千年基因已与中国、韩国、美国、西班牙、乌拉圭等国家的研究人员合作启动 2 万例人全基因组测序。近日千年基因再传捷报,目前已与伦敦大学国王学院( King's College London )签署基因组项目合作协议,将应用 HiSeq X Ten 平台开展大规模人全基因组测序,并共同促进神经系统疾病的研究! 伦敦大学国王学院精神病学研究所在精神病学及心理学方面的科研实力遥遥领先,该单位研究人员一直致力于在某些特定基因中挖掘与精神分裂症相关的遗传变异。随着人全基因组测序成本的显著降低,研究人员希望通过大规模人全基因组测序在整个基因组范围内发现更多致病变异同时包括前期尚未研究的结构变异。 为了找到最佳的项目合作伙伴,伦敦大学国王学院邀请全球最具影响力的几家测序机构参与竞标。最终千年基因以其 18 年的公司信誉、全球最高的测序质量及强大的数据分析实力从诸多竞争对手中脱颖而出,成为伦敦大学国王学院的项目合作伙伴。 对于本次合作,伦敦大学国王学院精神病学研究所 John Powell 教授表示:“我们正在研究基因结构变异对精神分裂症患者大脑功能的影响,并致力于开发新的诊断和治疗方法,千年基因提供的 HiSeq X Ten 测序将成为从大规模疾病样本中鉴定结构变异的最有效方法。” 同时,千年基因总部的 CEO HyungTae Kim 表示:“很荣幸能够通过伦敦大学国王学院严格的审核标准,并向其提供人全基因组测序服务。千年基因将提供最高质量的测序及数据分析服务,并协助该单位对神经系统疾病展开全面深入的研究。” 来 自千年基因官网 。
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【重磅消息 错过这次再等一年】千年基因测序分析大型倾情回馈
alinatingting 2014-11-7 09:21
千年基因于 2014 年 4 月全球首家提供 HiSeq X Ten 人全基因组重测序后,目前已启动近两万份样本的合作(实例请见文末),同时随着我们主要承担测序和分析工作的韩国“ 34 亿人民币后基因组计划”的开展,强大的规模优势带动了成本优势,积聚了最专业的方案设计和实验分析经验,为真情感恩合作者 18 年来的支持,现启动大型回馈计划! HiSeq X Ten 人全基因组重测序做一个送一个! 人全基因组重测序降至万元以下; 唯一提供 HiSeq X Ten 测序的 IGN 成员,官方保证全球最高质量、周期及分析实力; 近两万份人重测序合作,积聚了最专业的方案设计和实验分析经验; 除全基因组外更具备研究需要的全套解决方案。 PacBio RS II 三代测序做一个送一个 !序列读长达 40K ,极大程度提高基因组组装。 外显子组测序 4900 元 / 样本! 史上最低价,包括建库、测序( 100 ×)及数据分析。 iPad 、 iPhone6 及单反相机等众多礼品惊喜感恩赠送! HiSeq X Ten 人全基因组重测序合作实例: 香港大学李嘉诚嘉诚医学院 1000 个样本合作; 复旦大学 150 个样本合作; 美国华盛顿大学 5000 个样本合作; 西班牙 VHIR 研究所 1500 个样本合作; 乌拉圭巴斯德研究所 80 个样本合作; 中国科学院、中国医学科学院、中山大学、南京大学、天津医科大学、华西医院等 1000 样本合作; 亚洲人基因组计划 1000 个样本合作; 韩国 34 亿 RMB 后基因组计划万份样本。 活动时间:2014年11月1日-12月31日 来源于 千年基因官网 : 千年基因测序分析大型倾情回馈
个人分类: 公司资讯|2708 次阅读|0 个评论
alinatingting 2014-11-7 09:07
由 千年基因公司( Macrogen ) 和首尔国立大学发起的高品质亚洲人类参考基因项目有望作为该公司众多测序项目之中的核心,最终预计将产生1万多个亚洲人基因组序列。 Macrogen 的首席技术官Kap Seok Yang,研究总监Changhoon Kim以及首尔国立大学医学院(GMI)主任Jeong-Sun Seo提供了亚洲参考人类基因组的工作细节以及更广泛的亚洲基因组研究。 该计划准备采用美国Pacific Biosciences公司的PacBio RSII单分子实时(Single-Molecule Real-Time, SMRT)测序系统产生的序列来进行从头基因组组装( de novo genome assembly)。组装好的序列配合Illumina HiSeq X Ten BAC clone reads。最终达到医疗级“Medical Grade”基因组序列,该级别的基因组序列拥有超高的精确度,可作为科研和临床参考。 “该计划的基因组DNA来自于2009年Nature上发表的韩国人序列。目前基于该名男子(阿尔泰语族,代号“AK1”)的细胞系产生的BAC克隆已经达到约10万个。”该研究的带头人接受采访时说道。 在拥有原始亚洲基因组序列以及来自该团队成员随后进行的拷贝数研究后,研究人员越来越意识到亚洲人群个体基因组中存在的变量序列和结构特征。Macrogen和GMI的研究人员正在寻求怎样建立一个更完整的亚洲人参考基因组,以便在亚洲人群中进行更详细的分析。 “我们的目标是为未来的医疗实践提供一个完整的亚洲人类参考基因组”Macrogen的研究总监Changhoon Kim说,并指出团队奉行的是“医疗级”(medical grade)的基因组序列,该级别的基因组序列拥有超高的精确度,可作为科研和临床参考。“之所以需要医疗级基因组序列,是因为基因分型错误在试图将亚洲血统的短读长序列map到标准人类参考基因组的过程中非常容易发生,这种错误主要基于在一个或几个高加索人的序列间进行比对时。”Kim解释道。 毫无疑问,上述情况如果在进行更大规模的亚洲基因组计划试点工作时,将会导致更大的困难。在该计划的第一阶段,研究人员把目光投向产生1000个健康亚洲人的全基因组和外显子组序列这一目标上。 Yang,Kim和Seo指出,“在早期,亚洲基因组计划的成员们已经使用Agilent的目标序列捕获试剂盒和Illumina的测序仪进行了500左右亚洲人份的低覆盖率和高覆盖率的外显子组测序,产生了覆盖率100倍以上的外显子组数据。”但该组遇到了研究基因组臂(genome arms)的技术问题,那就是没有一个适当的参考序列用于把新产生成的短读长序列数据拼接在一起。 研究人员解释,“问题可能出现在当试图充分考虑那些无参考序列人群的结构变化,而等位基因频率又存在人与人之间的差异时,就可能会混淆针对特定个人的已有基因组序列的解释。 该团队还考虑到了现有人类参考序列中存在的Gaps(基因组漏洞),并且将兴趣点投入到使用长读长技术来建立即将开展的全新亚洲基因组参考序列计划。 为此,研究人员将主要依赖于PacBio长读长技术用于亚洲参考基因组的初始从头组装组,他们计划的预期平均深度为60倍。 首尔国立大学医学院是该参考基因组计划的引领者,但这项研究的测序和数据分析阶段将在Macrogen进行。“该项目的参考基因组臂预计在未来六个月内完成,价格标签约20万至30万美元。”Yang,Kim和Seo说道。 与此同时,作为该计划大规模研究的第一阶段,亚洲基因组计划的成员将继续开展来自韩国,蒙古和亚洲其他样本来源的人类基因组测序。这些数据进而有助于对亚洲等位基因频率,拷贝数变化曲线和结构变异进行更精确的计算,从而生成泛亚洲基因组参考序列。 伴随着对北亚及其他区域的人口统计以及人口历史的研究,研究人员同时希望能够了解那些常见和罕见的基因变异到底怎样导致该地区的疾病风险。 后期的工作是该项目第二阶段的重点:那就是对10000个来自于韩国,蒙古,中亚,日本,中国以及其他区域的亚洲人进行基因测序,致力于寻找与大脑有关的疾病,癌症以及与其他遗传性疾病相关的新的遗传信息。尤其是亚洲北部人群,如阿尔泰语族。在这个阶段的研究中,该小组开创了与医院和其他组织的合作,预计在2015年至2017年间进行,同时该项目也有可能很快扩大到其他区域。 比如,Yang, Kim和Seo就曾指出,研究人员计划在不久的将来与专注于肌肉萎缩症的协会合作。此外,作为亚洲基因组计划的一部分,他们还开展了一个在韩国寻找针对自闭症谱系障碍的遗传贡献者计划。 目前,在项目的一期二期阶段,该团队预计对个人基因组测序的平均深度约为30倍(采用Illumina HiSeq X Ten)。 以癌症为中心的分析将涉及从参与者至少选择3000份样本,对肿瘤及匹配的正常样本进行测序。虽然 Macrogen 的代表指出,这项研究的第二阶段最终可能涉及的测序将会多达30000个与疾病相关的基因组。 “我们希望得到医疗级的参考序列 ”Yang说。“然后,我们会将此扩大到整个亚洲疾病基因组。”“ Macrogen 正在接受韩国政府拨款的财政支持以及个人的投资,以支持更广泛的亚洲基因组计划。”Yang和他的同事随后解释说。 研究人员积极地认为他们在未来即将产生的大量数据是有益的,这些数据不仅能够帮助寻找人群特异性疾病的贡献者,同时也能为未来以基因组学为基础的诊断和治疗方法提出依据。 转自生物通。
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Macrogen为Vall d'Hebron研究所提供测序服务
alinatingting 2014-10-14 20:20
Macrogen公司在2014年10月13日宣布其将为Spain's Vall d'Hebron研究所(VHRI)提供测序服务的协议,其中包括使用Illumina的HiSeq X Ten新一代测序系统。   Macrogen公司将为VHRI的1200名研究员提供各类基因组服务,帮助其将研究成果转化至临床应用。VHRI在位于西班牙巴塞罗那的Vall d'Hebron大学医院进行生物医学研究。   Macrogen公司强调,其所提供的服务中包含了在Illumina的HiSeq X Ten平台上进行的测序工作,该平台于今年年初建立,旨在进行大规模全基因组测序。Macrogen公司称其是此系统欧洲唯一的供应商,此系统可在3天内分析16个人的基因组信息且费用低于1000美元/基因组。   据In Sequence 一月报道,这个源自韩国的基因组分析公司是第一批购买该平台的企业之一。Macrogen公司将其基于HiSeq X Ten的业务称为X-基因组服务(意为基因组高速公路)。   “通过这一协议,我们可以提供一系列NGS服务给VHRI”Macrogen总裁金亨泰在一份声明中说,他还称“可以帮助VHRI将其基因组研究转化为改善的患者生活质量。” 更多信息详见总部Macrogen网站报道: Spain VHIR Selects Macrogen as the Genomics Service Partner 。 Spain News.Net 报道 。 测序中国 报道。
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[转载]Macrogen运用HiSeq X Ten测序平台启动乌拉圭基因组计划
alinatingting 2014-9-23 09:24
千年基因 总部 Macrogen 、首尔大学和乌拉圭蒙得韦巴斯德研究所联合启动首个南美基因组-乌拉圭人类基因组计划,研究目标旨在挖掘乌拉圭人群中不同疾病的遗传机制,同时推动乌拉圭遗传学研究的发展。 Macrogen 将结合 Illumina HiSeq X Ten 平台对80个乌拉圭人进行全基因组测序,同时将在首尔大学和乌拉圭蒙得韦巴斯德研究所提供相应的信息分析培训。 Macrogen公司 是第一家获得 HiSeq X Ten 测序资格的商业公司。 HiSeq X Ten 是第一个把测序价格降到1000美元以下的平台,该平台一年可以对18000个人进行测序。 测序结果将建成一个乌拉圭专属的数据库,为未来乌拉圭的个体化医疗奠定基础。这些结果将帮助人们更好地理解乌拉圭人群遗传性疾病的遗传基础。 September 19, 2014 By a GenomeWeb staff reporter NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo in Uruguay, Seoul National University, and Macrogen have launched the Urugenomes Project. The goal is to discover the genetic basis of different diseases in Uruguay as well as spur genetics research growth in Uruguay. As part of the project, Macrogen will sequence 80 Uruguayan genomes over the next three years using Illumina's HiSeq X Ten. Urugenomes Project is very important to us in many different aspects. The science aspect of studying the Uruguayan genome is very exciting, but we are also extremely thrilled about the educational and cultural aspect of this project, Jeong-Sun Seo, chairman of Macrogen, said in a statement. The project will include bioinformatics training for Uruguayan scientists at Seoul National University and the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo. Development of bioinformatics capability is becoming strategically important not only for academic research but also for disease diagnosis and development of new biotech products in Uruguay, Luis Barbeito, the director of Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, said in a statement. The results of the project will be used to build a Uruguayan-specific database, which is expected to provide the basis for future personalized medicine in Uruguay. 更多信息 千年基因应用HiSeq X Ten平台启动首个南美基因组计划 。 总部Macrogen报道: Macrogen launch Urugenomes Project to decode the genome of Uruguyan population 。 测序中国报道: 南美首个基因组计划将使用X-Ten对80乌拉圭人测序 。 转自 GenomeWeb 。
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热度 9 xudabin98 2014-6-22 16:04
世界测序仪器制造巨头Illumina总裁兼CEO Jay Flatley在今年1月13号第32届摩根大通保健大会上 宣布了其最新款仪器X Ten,该仪器能够准确测出人类基因组序列,其成本1000美元。按照仪器成本 (10台仪器从美国买进国内需8000万人民币左右)、原装进口试剂成本、人工成本等,国内实现万 元人类基因组测序仍需一定时日,但测序领域事情发展总是超越人们目前思维,作为全球第四家引 进X Ten的北京诺禾致源生物信息科技有限公司率先实现了国内万元基因组测序,并公布了第一批人 类基因组重测序数据质量。对于中国的科研界真正进入了万元基因组时代,两年前测序一个人的基 因组最低也要三万元人民币,大规模测序人类基因组如果没有巨额经费支持仅是想想中的事情,几年前仅仅梦想获得的结果如今成为现实 。 癌症研究、人类遗传疾病研究最“现实”的手段还是对仅占基因组1%的外显子组进行测序。但是,越来越多的研究结果显示,外显子以外的非编码区对疾病形成有着举足轻重的影响——转录调控因子、增强子、启动子等将是下一个研究热点。 HiSeq X Ten是应运而生的产物,它将人类基因组测序用于疾病研究变成了可能——测序全基因组的价格和测序1%的外显子组相当。技术的进步总会伴随着质疑,也是科研工作者最基本的心态:如此大规模的测序,测序质量能达到要求吗? 在诺禾致源下机的第一批人类样本结果显示:该平台在碱基准确度、测序均一性、可用数据比例、测序深度及覆盖度等方面均表现优异,与目前主流测序仪HiSeq2000旗鼓相当,而测序通量提升3倍。其中,单张Flowcell 的数据产出达到了943.2 G,数据质量Q20 95%,Q30 88%,平均GC含量为43.6%。(见下表) 表1 HiSeq X Ten测序数据质控 表2 HiSeq X Ten测序数据比对分析 目前万元基因组测序仅应用于科研,什么时候真正走向临床,服务于百姓,让平头百姓从中获益仍未可知,但按照现在测序价格、效率、高质量的数据产出,百姓从中获益的答案是不容置疑的。接触过国内科研界的一些科研大牛,大牛之所以成为大牛,其眼光与境界真是异于常人数倍,几年前就开始收集国内那些具有特殊特征的样本,数年下来,几千例样本资源保存于实验中,如今随着测序成本的一降再降,大规模测序,大数据分析,挖掘重要信息,始终引领着基因组学的发展方向。 X Ten按照illumina的规定只能用于人全基因组测序,但科研的需求是多元化的,对于想大规模研究牛、羊、猪、鼠等基因组的科学家来说,目前的测序价格仍无法接受,illumina未来肯定会开发出一款新的大规模测序动植物基因组的仪器,有一点值得肯定的是尽早收集各类研究材料是不会错的,谁掌握着遗传资源,也就赢在了起点。
18167 次阅读|15 个评论
LifestyleDesign---Day 10
dymseu 2014-2-24 11:13
2/23/2014 Sunday 10:00:42 PM LifestyleDesign---Day Ten Mylife in the United States Welcometo day 10! Praisethe Lord, now comes to the end of the week. It’s time to reviewing the past and meet the new challenges in the coming week. Frist priority is the To Do Lists in the coming day and week, followed by the summary of the past week. 2 Timothy 2:4 No one serving as a soldier entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please the one who enlisted him. 2:5 And also if anyone contends in the games, he is not crowned unless he contends lawfully. 2:6 The laboring farmer must be the first to partake of the fruit. 2:7 Consider what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in all things. Must Do Tasks in the Coming Week Num. To Do List Priorities Due Date Yes/No 1 Finish Structural Dynamics homework 1 Mon. 05:00pm 2 Fellowship with Br. Luke via Skype 1 Tue. 10:00am 3 Finish Soil Engineering Homework 1 Wed. 06:20pm 4 Prepare for Road Test Documents 1 Wed. 10:00pm 5 Road Test Practice at Test Center 1 Wed. 05:00pm 6 Hand in the assigned draft paper 1 Fri. 04:15pm 7 Draft the Goals to be achieved in March 1 Fri. 23:15pm 8 Finish assigned tasks in daily schedule 1 Sun. 23:30pm To Do Lists on Monday Num. To Do List Priorities Due Date Yes/No 1 Finish Structural Dynamics homework 1 Mon. 05:00pm 2 Finish assigned tasks in daily schedule 1 Mon. 23:30pm 3 Fellowship with Br. Michael 2 Mon. 10:00am 4 Print Road Test Appointment Details 2 Wed. 06:20pm 5 Road test Practice 2 Wed. 17:30pm 6 Prepare for Road Test Documents 3 Wed. 10:00pm 7 Finish 2 pages of the Draft paper 3 Fri. 04:15pm 1 Thessonians 5:23 “And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ According to 1 Thessonians 5:23 man was created God’s vessel. The Bible divides thisvessel into three parts----the spirit, the soul, and the body. I’ll summarize my past week based on these three parts. Before we go, just a little bit definitions. The Body, refers to the physical body we have, belonging to the physiological level, contacts the things in the material world. It’s the most superficial part in man’s body. Inthe past week, I’m following a self-paced physical training plan: 14 Days to100 Burpees. Up to today, I can do 75reps, within 10 minutes. By the end I’ll be doing 100 at a time. This high intensity interval training basically removes any excuse I have for not working out because I don’t have enough time.Absolutely, in the past week, I feel more energetic, my endurance was boosted,and my efficiency was also improved. In the next week, I’ll stick to it. May Lord still strengthen me, and preserve my body! So what about the soul? The Soul simply the mental faculty, is our very self, possessing self-consciousness, that we may have our personality. It falls into psychological level, contacting the things of the mental realm and is a deeper part, a medium between our spirit and our body. The past week, I revised my daily schedule, and stick to it strictly. The most challenging one is that I developed a habit of writing blog in English. Writing,in general, is part of living a successful life. It is also a form ofcommunication. Anyhow, the better one writes, the better one speaks. In last week, based on my current skill level, I routinely give 45 minutes to this process each day. Mainly focused on building the habit of writing daily and learning to think in English. Also, I tried another three foreign languages, just out of interest. Anyone can learn to speak a foreign language as long as they are willing to put the time and focus into the project. 화이팅 ! It is never too late to learn to speak a new language! The Spirit, which is the deepest part of man, belong to the spiritual level. As our inmost part, the spirit possessing God-consciousness, that we may contact God.Praise the Lord, in the past week, I experienced Lord as my Good Shepherd, and the one who changes death into life. I no longer complain about death situations around me or I am within. I just turn to Lord, open to Him in every death situation, let this Life-giving Spirit come to my spirit. I felt like I need Him day by day, moment by moment, and Love Him more and more in the past week. Thanks the Lord, He leads me through all the ups and downs. For problems of the body one may see a doctor; for problems of the mind one may visit a psychiatrist; Yet only God can solve the problems of the spirit. Only God can sanctify me wholly and can preserve my entire being, my spirit and souland body, complete, keeping it from being common or defiled. In the coming week, I should cooperate with Him in this matter, pray consistently, and stick to the Bible reading schedule, enjoy Lord Himself daily. Tips:Place for everything and everything in its place. For the rest of your days follow these four rules to keep your house in order: “If you take it out, put it back. If you open it, close it. If you throw it down,pick it up. If you take it off, hang it up. “
个人分类: My Life in the United States|1411 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 24 xudabin98 2014-2-17 10:20
苹果前掌门人乔帮主离世两年多了,这位活着就为改变世界的天才在去世之前仍做了一件与他性格极其相符的事情:花费 10 万美元进行了一次全基因组测序。并对该技术抱有巨大期望:“我相信我会成为这家公司治愈的首批癌症患者之一,抑或是最后一批因为癌症而死亡的患者之一。”但由于治疗上的耽搁,该技术并未使得乔布斯从鬼门关返回。据乔布斯传记的作者艾萨克森透露,乔布斯当时是世界上仅有的 20 个完成个人基因组测序的人之一。技术的不确定性是其中一方面原因,高昂的测序价格也让很多人望而生畏,然而仅仅在乔布斯离世两年之后,风云变幻的测序市场,尤其是测序价格发生了翻天覆地的变化。 美国国家人类基因组研究所( NHGRI )估计,在 2001 年个人基因组测序的成本约为 9500 万美元。此后,测序成本以类似摩尔定律的轨迹呈现指数下降,意味着测序成本每两年下降 50% 。直到 2007 年春季,完成个人基因组测序的成本仍要花费近 1000 万美元。就在此时,新一代测序仪横空出世,使得测序成本以远远偏离摩尔曲线的速度下降。到 2011 年初,完成个人基因组测序的成本约为 2 万美元,且仍在继续急剧下滑。 在这样时代背景下,“ 1000 美元一个人类基因组”的目标被正是提出,并被寄希望于能在几年之内迅速实现。为什么要降低到 1000 美元? 在个性化医疗领域中,1000美元的价格标签经常被视为全基因组测序至关重要的成本效益。这个价格对那些“可能”的病人基因组测序是合理的,通过对他们的基因组测序,从而能够发现潜在的医疗信息。 冲着这一目标,全球各大测序仪器制造商纷纷开足马力,力图能够抢占未来最赚钱生物经济领域的制高点。 1000 美元一个人类基因组的口号很多公司都摇旗呐喊过,但尚未见到哪个公司能够真正实现这一目标。如 2012 年, Ion Torrent 曾宣布他们能够达到这一目标,然由于仪器产出通量及测序准确性证明他们并不具备这个能力。但在今年 1 月 13 号第 32 届摩根大通保健大会上,这一口号似乎要成为了现实。 在大会上,世界测序仪器制造巨头 Illumina 总裁兼 CEO Jay Flatley 宣布: Illumina 将推出两款新的测序平台: HiSeq X Ten 和 NextSeq 500 。 HiSeq X Ten 是一台工厂规模的测序仪,适合群体测序;而 NextSeq 500 是一台新的台式高通量测序仪,大小与 MiSeq 相当,性能却与 HiSeq 相当。新测序仪能准确地测出全基因组序列,其成本不到 1000 美元。《 Nature 》为此专门发表评论文章,解读即将到来的千元基因组时代。 HiSeq X 能够在三天时间内产生高达 1.8T 的数据,相当于 16 个人类基因组。据 Illumina 介绍,每台 HiSeq X Ten 每年将能够测序 18,000 个人类基因组。每个基因组都能够达到覆盖度 30x 的金标准,这意味着每个碱基平均被读取 30 次。基因组学研究者们将该技术称为颠覆式的里程碑。“这是可以与望远镜或微处理器相提并论的重要成就。”冷泉港实验室的定量生物学家 Michael Schatz 如此说道。“也许之前人们还在怀疑,基因组测序是否能使平头百姓获益。但以这样的价格和测序效率,我们的答案绝对是肯定的。” HiSeq X Ten 系统由十个 HiSeq X 系统组成,售价不低于一千万美金。 Illumina 总裁兼 CEO Jay Flatley 表示, 2014 年将向全球五家测序机构提供 HiSeq X Ten 。目前,全球仅有韩国的 Macrogen 、美国的 Broad 研究所、澳大利亚的 Garvan 研究所以及中国的北京诺禾致源生物信息科技有限公司订购了该仪器。 HiSeq X 系统将在 3 月开始发货。 HiSeq X Ten 系统的发布无疑会对全球测序市场产生不小的动荡,尤其是国内的华大基因。一直致力于成为全球测序服务巨头的华大, 2010 年购买了 Illumina 公司 128 台 HiSeq2000 测序仪,成为 Illumina 成立以来最大的一笔订单,直接帮助该公司完成了至关重要的商业爬坡。虽然 2013 年华大收购了提供外包基因组测序的 Complete Genomics 公司,但要做到占据 全球测试仪器市场71%份额的 Illumina 旗鼓相当地步,仍有很多路要走。 待续..........
23675 次阅读|58 个评论
[转载]NASA's construction of up to ten new SLR stations
jlpemail 2013-5-4 09:26
Stephen Merkowitz: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Geodesy Project (SGP) is soliciting information to improve its understanding of the interest, capabilities, and Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) estimates for planning the construction, deployment, and operation of the next generation Space Geodesy (SG) Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) stations that will be part of a new NASA’s Space Geodetic Network (SGN). NASA is considering the construction of up to ten new SLR stations that will contribute to the larger Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS).
个人分类: 卫星与激光|1941 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]十位史上最佳母亲Ten of the Best Mothers Ever
liyanwu 2012-5-15 09:30
Ten of the Best Mothers Ever 发布时间:2012-05-05 文章出自:www.esquire.com 原文链接: 点击查看 Ten of the Best Mothers Ever Salute the all-time masters in mommying with forgotten tales of the rearing of quarterbacks, presidents, Nobel Prize winners, and more By Sean Cunningham 10. Gloria Connors Jimmy Connors won 109 titles (including eight Grand Slams) and, along with fellow gutty athlete/total jerk John McEnroe, actually got America excited about white men in tiny shorts hitting yellow balls. None of it would have happened without his mother. Momma Connors started coaching her undersized boy at age two and taught him a crucial lifelong lesson: The world is a cruel place. ("See, Jimmy, even your own mother will do that to you, " she reportedly announced while whipping shots past him.) The early abuse gave Jimmy a passion that was as impressive (he made a legendary run to the U.S. Open semifinals at 39) as it was obnoxious (he famously expressed his disagreement with a call by giving the linesman the finger). Jimbo summed up it best when he credited her as the person who "made me a world champion." 9. Lucinda Elizabeth Shaw As any college student will tell you, sometimes the nicest thing parents can do is provide financial support until their child discovers what he or she wants to do. Of course, this is taken to an extreme when the child in question, like George Bernard Shaw, doesn’t know what he wants to do until he’s almost 40. Born in 1856, Shaw didn’t support himself as a writer until he began working as a theater critic in 1895 (and didn’t have his first real literary success until he was 41, with the play The Devil’s Disciple). Since Dad was an alcoholic with an inoperable squint — society did not look kindly upon squinters in this era — there was only one person to turn to: Mom. Her allowance/free housing kept him going until he established himself as one of the major writers of the twentieth century, winning a Nobel Prize for Literature (and an Oscar for the My Fair Lady-inspiring Pygmalion). He repaid her by tirelessly defending women’s rights. (Luckily, she was dead before she could witness his less-rousing senile final years, when he championed Joseph Stalin.) 8. Olivia Manning Quarterback Archie Manning knew he was onto something good when he married the Ole Miss Homecoming Queen, but had no idea how much he’d lucked out. In addition to doing extensive charity work for her home city of New Orleans, she sired three boys: Peyton (Super Bowl MVP quarterback), Eli (Super Bowl MVP quarterback No. 2), and eldest son Cooper, who may be her greatest triumph, despite his lack of hardware. A highly regarded receiver before the discovery of a career-ending spinal condition, Cooper is married with three children and works at an energy-investment firm instead of cranking out dozens of commercials, instantly making him the most likable Manning brother. Now if only Olivia would just adopt Jeremy Shockey. 7. Mother Brown You think your mom had it bad? Try being Irish writer Christy Brown's mother. In 1932, Mrs. Brown gave birth to a son, Christy, who had cerebral palsy and was essentially paralyzed except for one foot. While doctors and the boy’s father dismissed him as hopelessly retarded, she taught him to read and write. Meanwhile, she took care of the other 12 children — yes, as in a dozen — in hardscrabble Dublin on her spouse’s bricklayer salary. (She also had nine other kids who died shortly after childbirth — yay, Catholicism!) Her faith was vindicated as Christy went on to live a full life including a marriage and the autobiography My Left Foot, which inspired the movie of the same name and Daniel Day-Lewis’s non-milkshake-related Oscar. 6. Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Some might take away points for her lobotomized daughter, but Rose still raised nine children including three senators, the first of whom went on to be president, the second of whom was the attorney general and one of the most beloved presidential candidates ever, and the third of whom was, er, Teddy. Her personal tragedies were the nation's as well, with Rose surviving the assassinations of two children, the plane-crash deaths of two more during World War II, and a marriage to an adulterous bootlegger. Unstoppable, Rose engaged in philanthropic works into her nineties and died at 104. Top that, Barbara Bush. 5. Mary She gave birth to Jesus Christ, who, depending on your particular belief system, was Our Lord and Savior or at least an unusually good prophet. The result of the Immaculate Conception (she was conceived without the stain of original sin), she later gave virgin birth to Jesus, paving the way for the salvation of humanity and the comic delight Monty Python’s Life of Brian. 4. Sarah Bush Lincoln Abraham Lincoln’s early life wasn’t easy. As we all know, he was born in a log cabin. His mother died when he was only nine. He was distant from his father growing up, and they didn’t get closer as the years passed. Fortunately, he had his stepmother, Sarah Bush Johnson, in his corner. She raised him as her own, encouraged his love of learning, and was so close Abe called her "Mother." Up until he entered the White House and the Civil War started taking up his time, Abe made a point of visiting her, proving parenting's about more than paternity. 3. Mary Thomas Granted, Mary Thomas's son, Isiah, hasn’t been doing all that well lately (although it does take a certain talent to lose a sexual harassment suit, two job titles, and 72 percent of the games coached, all in the same season), but just the fact that Zeke is in position to tarnish his NBA Hall of Fame career is a testament to her sheer will. At 14, she took a bus, by herself, from Mississippi to the West Side of Chicago, where she carved out a new life. (A change that was later immortalized by Alfre Woodard in the TV movie A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story.) Years later several armed members of the Vice Lords showed up at her home and demanded her seven sons join their street gang. This single mother quietly excused herself for a moment, fetched a sawed-off shotgun from the bedroom, and suggested they move along. While three of her sons ultimately got caught up in crime, Mary's other four boys and two daughters turned out just fine. Especially her youngest child, point-guard prodigy Isiah, who won a college title at Indiana University and two more as a professional with the Detroit Pistons. While Isiah's career off the court has been less than spectacular (he destroyed the CBA and the dreams of Knick fans everywhere), it’s estimated the Knicks owe him at least $18 million, so Mary will be able to afford plenty of ammo. 2. Mother Teresa While Mother Teresa is not a mom in the biological sense of the word, we'll make an exception for the winner of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. Receiving the call from God at the age of 12, she joined the Sisters of Loreto at 18 and began serving in India in 1931. She would remain there for the final 66 years of her life. While she is inevitably described as a "saint on earth, " letters released after her death revealed a complex woman who struggled with her faith — "I spoke as if my very heart was in love with God — tender, personal love. If you were , you would have said, 'What hypocrisy.'" — yet she never let doubt stop her from caring for the destitute. At her funeral, Indian Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral proclaimed, "Millions are feeling that they have become orphaned. I am one of the orphans." 1. Angela Cavallo A mother is loving, devoted, and possesses mind-blowing brute strength. At least, that’s the case with Angela. When her son Tony was working on a 1964 Chevy Impala in the driveway and the jack collapsed, she did exactly what you’d expect any woman in her late 50s to do: She lifted the car up a few inches for five minutes until neighbors could pull her baby to safety. So next time you manage to trap yourself under heavy machinery, remember: As long as Mom’s in shouting range, it’s going to be just fine. 十位史上最佳母亲 发布时间:2012-05-05 文章出自:译言 原文链接: 点击查看 吉米·康纳斯(Jimmy Connors)曾109次夺得冠军(包括8个大满贯),并且和他的同胞约翰·麦肯罗(John McEnroe)一起,使美国人真正对网球——这个白人穿着小短裤击打小黄球的运动兴奋起来。要是没有他的母亲,这一切是不会发生的。妈妈在康纳斯两岁的时候就开始教他打球,那时候他的个子比同龄孩子还矮小。妈妈教给他的更是一个至关重要的终身教训:世界是个残酷的地方。(“看,吉米,甚至连自己的妈妈都不会放过你!”据说她一边向他抽球一边这样喊着。)这种早期“虐待”给吉米带来的激情既令人钦佩(39岁时还传奇式地杀入美网半决赛),又使人憎恶(众所周知他曾向边裁竖中指,表达不满边裁喊出界)。吉米最贴切地概括了自己和母亲的关系,他说,妈妈是“使我成为世界冠军的人”。 【译注】康纳斯是美国网球史上的传奇人物之一,巅峰时期起始于1974年,最终结束于1983年,曾在1974-1978连续五年年终世界排名第一。 9. 露辛达·伊丽莎白·萧(Lucinda Elizabeth Shaw) 任何一个大学生都会告诉你,有时家长能做到的最伟大举措就是提供财务支持,直到孩子发现自己想要做的事情究竟是什么。当然,如果这个孩子,如萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw),直到快四十岁才弄清楚自己想干什么,那可就有点过分了。萧伯纳出生于1856年,作为一个作家自己养活自己已是1895年的事了,那年他开始写剧评。他的第一个真正文学成就是在41岁时凭剧本《魔鬼的门徒》(The Devil’s Disciple)获得的。萧伯纳的父亲是个酒鬼,又患有不可矫正的斜视(那年头社会对斜眼可不善),他能求助的就只有一个人了——他的妈妈。母亲给他津贴和免费住房,直到他成为二十世纪的主要作家之一。他荣获诺贝尔文学奖,甚至还间接地得了个奥斯卡奖——影片《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady)是根据他写的舞台剧《卖花女》(Pygmalion)改编的。他一生不知疲倦地维护妇女权利,以此来报答母亲。幸运的是,母亲没有活着见到他不甚光彩的晚年,那时候他拥护斯大林。 【译注】萧伯纳(1856-1950),直译为乔治·伯纳德·萧,著名的爱尔兰剧作家(他出生时爱尔兰属于英国),1925年因作品具有理想主义和人道主义获诺贝尔文学奖。他去世14年后,根据他的剧本改编的电影《窈窕淑女》赢得八个奥斯卡小金人。 8. 奥利维亚·曼宁(Olivia Manning) 四分卫阿奇·曼宁(Archie Manning)迎娶“返乡女王”奥利维亚时只知道他找到了一生挚爱,但他完全没想到自己后来会有多幸运。奥利维亚除了为家乡新奥尔良做广泛的慈善工作,还培育了三个男孩:佩顿(Peyton,超级碗最有价值球员、四分卫)、伊莱(Eli,超级碗最有价值球员、四分卫二号),而长子库珀(Cooper)可能是她最大的成功,尽管他缺少硬件。库珀曾是一位呼声甚高的接球手,但有病的脊髓使他结束了体育生涯。他结了婚,有三个孩子,在一家能源投资公司工作而不是制作商业广告,这即刻让他成为最惹人喜爱的曼宁兄弟。嘿,要是奥利维亚收养杰里米·肖基(Jeremy Shockey)就更好了。 【译注】橄榄球爱好者一定会记得今年超级碗(Super Bowl 2012)决战最后一分钟,伊莱·曼宁神奇达阵,帮助纽约巨人队击败新英格兰爱国者队,也使他第二次荣膺超级碗最有价值球员(MVP)称号。伊莱是历史上第五位两次赢得MVP的选手。佩顿现加盟丹佛野马队。文中最后提到的杰里米·肖基是新奥尔良圣徒队的近边锋。 7. 母亲布朗(Mother Brown) 你认为你妈妈过得不容易?想象一下爱尔兰作家克里斯蒂·布朗(Christy Brown)的母亲吧。1932年,布朗夫人生下了儿子克里斯蒂,他有脑瘫,除了一只脚以外基本上全身都是瘫痪的。虽然医生和孩子的父亲都认为他迟钝而毫无希望,她还是教他读书写字。同时,她要照顾其他12个孩子——没错,正是“一打”,而且是在生活艰辛的都柏林,靠着丈夫当瓦工的微薄薪水。(她还有其他九个孩子死于分娩后不久,没办法,天主教徒嘛!)她的信念终于得到了证实,因为克里斯蒂过上了完整的生活,包括婚姻和自传《我的左脚》(My Left Foot)。这部自传启发了同名电影,并且使扮演他的影星丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis)获得了名副其实的奥斯卡奖。 【译注】克里斯蒂·布朗(1932-1981)克服了常人难以想象的残疾,成为爱尔兰作家、画家。1970年,他将自传扩展为一部小说,该书荣登国际畅销书榜首,其后又有几部作品问世。他40岁结婚,去世时49岁。根据他的自传改编的电影在1989年拿到两项奥斯卡奖。 有些人可能说她的做了脑白质切断术的女儿给她丢了分,但露丝还是养大了九个孩子,其中包括三名参议员:第一位当上了总统;第二位任司法部长,也是史上最受爱戴的总统候选人之一;第三位是,呃,泰迪(Teddy)。那是她个人的悲剧,也是国家的悲剧——两个儿子遇刺身亡,还有两个在二战期间死于坠机。她的婚姻十分不如意,丈夫曾通奸并走私酒类。然而露丝是永不停步的,她到了九十多岁还在从事慈善工作,在104岁时寿终正寝。她的地位只有作为总统夫人和总统母亲的芭芭拉·布什(Barbara Bush)可与之争锋了。 【译注】约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy,1917-1963),1960年当选为美国第35任总统,1963年11月22日被刺杀。罗伯特·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy,1925-1968),在竞选总统的活动中被刺杀。爱德华·“泰迪”·肯尼迪(Edward “Teddy” Kennedy,1932-2009),死于脑癌。 5. 圣母玛丽亚(Virgin Mary) 她生下了耶稣。取决于你的信仰体系,耶稣被看作我们的上帝和救世主,或者至少是一个不寻常的良好先知。作为始胎无玷(Immaculate Conception)的结果,她是没有原罪污点而怀孕,以处女之身诞下耶稣,为拯救人类铺平了道路,也激发了巨蟒喜剧团的《布莱恩的一生》(Monty Python’s Life of Brian,又译《万世魔星》)。 【译注】“巨蟒”(Monty Python)是英国著名的喜剧团体,《布莱恩的一生》是其成员导演的一部荒诞不经的调侃宗教的电影,有许多啼笑皆非的故事,对虔诚的宗教人士是场挑战。 4. 萨拉·布什·林肯(Sarah Bush Lincoln) 亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)的早年生活是不容易的。大家都知道,他出生在一间小木屋。在他只有九岁时,母亲就去世了。他成长过程中和父亲的关系很淡漠,后来也一直不亲密。幸运的是,继母萨拉·布什·约翰逊始终支持着他。她像对待亲生孩子一样抚养他长大,鼓励他爱学习的习惯。他们之间非常亲近,亚伯拉罕叫萨拉“妈妈”,成人后还一直坚持去探望她,直到入主白宫、内战开始使他不再有时间这样做。这证明,为人父母之道远比生出一个孩子重要得多。 【译注】林肯(1809-1865),美国第16任总统,任期1861-1865,在任期间击败了南北战争中的南方分离势力,废除了奴隶制度,维护了国家统一。1865年4月15日遇刺身亡。 3. 玛丽·托马斯(Mary Thomas) 诚然,玛丽·托马斯的儿子伊塞亚(Isiah)最近不大走运(要说呢,在同一个赛季里输掉了一场性骚扰诉讼,丢掉了两个职称,还输掉了执教球队72%的比赛,这也得有点才能才做得到吧)。但是,伊塞亚是美国篮球协会名人堂(NBA Hall of Fame)的成员,所以才有玷污他职业生涯之说,这事实本身就纯粹是玛丽顽强意志的明证。她14岁那年,孤身一人乘坐长途汽车,从密西西比河来到芝加哥西城,在那里塑造出一个全新的生活。(这个改变后来被阿尔法·沃德(Alfre Woodard)描述在一部电视影片里:《母亲的勇气:玛丽·托马斯的故事》(A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story)。)几年后的一个晚上,“邪恶之王”(Vice Lord)帮派的多名成员带着武器来到他家,逼着她的七个儿子加入他们的街头黑帮。这位单身母亲悄悄离席,从卧室拿出一支自制霰弹猎枪,指着叫他们走开。虽然玛丽有三个儿子最终因犯罪被捕,她的其他四个男孩和两个女儿都成长为好人了。尤其是她最小的孩子,天才的控球后卫伊塞亚,他在印第安纳大学队赢得了美国大学联赛冠军,并作为职业球员在底特律活塞队(Detroit Pistons)两次夺冠。虽然伊塞亚在球场外的职业生涯一直不怎么辉煌(他摧毁了大陆篮球协会和尼克斯球迷的所有梦想),但是据估计尼克斯还欠着他至少1800万美元,因此,玛丽将能够买得起大量的弹药。 【译注】伊塞亚·托马斯1961年出生,人称“娃娃脸刺客”(Baby-Faced Assassin),业绩辉煌。1994年因伤病从职业篮球退役,1996年入选NBA历史50大球星,2000年入住名人堂。文中所述关于性骚扰诉讼等事件是2010年的情况,最新消息是他在上个月(2012年4月)被佛罗里达国际大学解雇了教练职位。 2. 特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa) 虽然特蕾莎修女(英文称“特蕾莎母亲”)不是生物学意义上的妈妈,我们在此将这位1979年诺贝尔和平奖得主作为一个例外。她12岁接受上帝的召唤,18岁加入罗雷托修女会,1931年开始到印度服务。她之后的66年生命一直是在那里度过的。虽然她无可争议地被描述为“地球上的圣人”,她去世后公布的一些信件却揭示了一个在信仰中挣扎的女人复杂的内心——“我这样说,就好像我的心在与上帝恋爱,那是温柔的、个人的爱恋。如果你在场,你一定会说:‘多么虚伪啊。’”然而,特蕾莎修女从来没有让困惑阻止她照顾贫穷困苦的人。在她的葬礼上,印度总理古杰拉尔(Inder Kumar Gujra)宣称:“数以百万计的人们感到自己成了孤儿。我就是这样的孤儿之一。” 【译注】特蕾莎修女(1910-1997)是出生在马其顿的阿尔巴尼亚人,著名的天主教慈善工作者,一生致力于为印度(主要在加尔各答地区)的穷人和病人服务,生前身后享誉全球。 1. 安吉拉·卡瓦罗(Angela Cavallo) 一位母亲拥有的是爱心、忠诚,还有不可思议的蛮劲儿。至少,安吉拉的情况就是这样。那天在车道上,儿子托尼钻到车下修理一辆1964年的雪佛兰黑斑羚,忽然间千斤顶塌了下来!你猜猜一个年近60的老太太能怎么做?她把车子抬起了几英寸,足足坚持了五分钟,直到邻居们把她儿子安全地拖出来。因此,你若不幸被重型机械困住时,记住:只要妈妈能听到你喊叫,你就会没事的。 【译注】此事发生在1982年美国乔治亚州,后来在医学上被看作巨大刺激使肾上腺素猛增,产生超强力量的例子。 本文由由译言网meihelen提供
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[转载]Top Ten Innovations 2010 (2010年十大创新)
xupeiyang 2010-12-2 08:10
http://www.the-scientist.com/article/display/57835/ Volume 24 | Issue 12 | Page 47 Date: 2010-12-01 Reprints | Issue Contents var addthis_config = { services_exclude: 'print,printfriendly', services_custom: { name: "Print", url: "http://www.the-scientist.com/article/print/57835", icon: "http://images.the-scientist.com/graphics/interface/print.gif"} }; Comment on this article By The Scientist Staff Top Ten Innovations 2010 Innovative products that have the life science community buzzing. As the global economy continues to pull out of its recent precipitous nosedive, one mantra rings true from Beijing to Bostoninnovation can save us. If developing interesting new technologies and products really is the lifeblood of economic health, then the life sciences industry is innovations beating heart. The Scientist received more than 60 entries to our third annual Top 10 Innovations competition, presenting our judgesNorthwestern University molecular chemist Neil Kelleher, sequencing pioneer Jonathan Rothberg, Princeton University genomicist Amy Caudy, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory biologist H. Steven Wileywith the very challenging task of winnowing these products down to the 10 best. This years winners include essential tools, such as sequencers, imagers, and cell counters, that have the potential to simplify and streamline work in biology labs; and cutting-edge advances, from tailor-made disease-model cell lines to heart cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. Take a look at 2010s Top 10 Innovations. Their clever designs speak volumes about the bright future of scientific experimentation. THE JUDGES JONATHAN ROTHBERG is best known for pioneering high-speed, massively parallel DNA sequencing, an idea that came to him after his infant son was rushed to intensive care and he realized how critical individual genome sequencing is to human health. He founded 454 Life Sciences, bringing to market the first new method for sequencing genomes since Sanger and Gilbert won the Nobel Prize in 1980. Rothbergs invention ushered in the era of personal genomes with the first streamlined sequencing of an individual genomethat of James Watson, codiscoverer of DNAs molecular structure. AMY A. CAUDY is a Lewis-Sigler Fellow at Princeton Universitys Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics. Prior to her appointment at Princeton, she coauthored the textbook R ecombinant DNA: Genes and Genomes , and, as a graduate student in the Watson School of Biological Sciences at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, cloned several components of RNAi complexes. Her lab combines genomic and metabolomic methods to discover the biological roles of uncharacterized enzymes, with the goal of identifying key drivers of cancer growth. NEIL L. KELLEHER is a researcher at Northwestern University where his group is recognized as a significant force in top-down proteomics, natural-products biosynthesis/discovery, and chromatin biology. Kelleher has been successful in driving both technology development and applications for high-performance mass spectrometry at the interface of chemistry and biology. He is especially interested in the biosynthesis and discovery of polyketides and nonribosomally produced peptides. H. STEVEN WILEY is the lead biologist at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he utilizes cell imaging, computational biology, and high-throughput proteomics to study cell communication. His work combines the techniques of molecular and cellular biology with both biochemical and optical assays, and uses the results to construct computer models of cellular processes. He sits on the editorial board of The Scientist , and is a frequent contributor to the magazine. Third-Gen Sequencing Courtesy of Pacific Biosciences The long awaited third-generation sequencer from Pacific Biosciences takes first place in this years Top 10 Innovations contest. The technology qualifies as belonging to a new era because its the first single-molecule real-time sequencer, says Stephen Turner, the machines coinventor and the companys chief technology officer, speaking to a packed auditorium at this years American Society of Human Genetics meeting. Related Articles Top Ten Innovations of 2009 Top Ten Innovations of 2008 Heres To Intelligent Innovating Like other single-molecule sequencing machines, the PacBio RS reads a burst of fluorescent color as a tagged nucleotide is incorporated into a single molecule of DNA. However, what differentiates this technology from others is that the anchored DNA polymerase processes nucleotide binding in real time. Most second-generation technologies wash each type of nucleotide over the polymerase one at a time, simplifying detection, but slowing the process. The PacBio RS eliminates the need for multiple washings by anchoring a single DNA polymerase at the bottom of a chamber. The labeled nucleotides diffuse freely into the well, where they are excited by a laser and their fluorescence is detected by optics on the transparent underside of the chamber. Because the laser light emits a wavelength of about 600nm, it cant penetrate farther than the bottom part of the 70-nm-wide well, keeping labeled nucleotides outside of the well in the dark, and thus greatly reducing background signal. The surprising advantage of real-time sequencing is that the machine can detect a natural stalling when, for example, the DNA polymerase encounters a methylated or otherwise modified base. The amount of time the polymerase stalls can be used to calculate different epigenetic modifications, adding a new layer of information to the sequencing data. The instrument costs $695,000; consumables and sequencing kits are sold separately. Rothberg: PacBio RS is a true technical tour de force. Nothing but awe comes with the observations of single molecules of DNA read out to thousands of basestruly a seductive technology. Caudy: Ultrafast sample analysis and long read lengths make this an exciting new entrant to the DNA sequencing field. My early-adopting pals suggest there are some initial hiccupshope they can deliver on the promises. Another knockout performance Courtesy of Sigma-Aldrich Sigma-Aldrich cracked the upper reaches of our inaugural Top 10 Innovations list in 2008, snagging third place with its CompoZr custom zinc-finger nuclease service. Ever since then, the platform has borne serious fruit. Last year, Sigma-Aldrichs knockout rat, made using CompoZr, took fifth place. This year, the company scores silver with the next step in realizing the potential of zinc-finger technology: custom-made cell lines. This year its all about cells and cell biology, says Dave Smoller, president of Sigmas research biotech business unit. Sigma first offered the design-your-own-cell-line service to biopharmaceutical companies in February, according to Supriya Shivakumar, the companys global commercial marketing manager. Its very interesting what customers are bringing to us and having us make for them, because its beyond even what we had thought of, Shivakumar says, adding that companies have requested more-efficient engineered cells capable of pumping out specific therapeutic proteins and custom cells that mimic a particular human disease. Weve made everything from simple to large deletions; weve inserted big chunks of fluorescent protein genes, and even made single-nucleotide changes. Though Smoller wont say how many custom orders have been filled, he notes that the price varies from north of $40,000 to $50,000 all the way up to $100,000 for a custom-made cell line, depending on the genetic manipulations requested. In November, Sigma began shipping off-the-shelf cell linesstarting with human osteosarcoma cells containing fluorescently-tagged organelle marker proteinscreated using CompoZr, and selling for approximately $6,000 a pop, according to Smoller. Sigma is betting that the ease, convenience, and precision of their service will attract more business as it expands. Theres a lot of demand for having something thats guaranteed, everything is done for you, and everything you wanted is delivered to your door, Shivakumar says. Caudy: Designer cell lines without the work of mouse engineering are an exciting development that brings the power of zinc finger technology to the masses. Kelleher: Making precise molecular surgery in mammalian systems is hard and tedious work. Many such systems have endogenous backgrounds that make teasing out of the mechanisms and effects of pharmacophores in cell biology difficult. Be Gone, Tedium Courtesy of EMD Millipore Forget the days of squinting at slides with a clicker in hand, or operating bulky benchtop machines to determine the number of cells in your sample. Cell counting is now portable, using the new Scepter Handheld Automated Cell Counter from EMD Millipore. It takes the tedium away, says Grace Johnston, product manager for Scepter. Introduced in March 2010, the EMD Millipore Sceptercurrently the only handheld automated cell counter availablesold over 1,000 units in its first six months on the market. The Scepter handles like a pipette and is equipped with a screen that displays instructions to guide the user through the process. A lot of scientists get nervous about adapting to an automated instrument, but its really straightforward and easy to use, says Johnston. Instead of relying on object recognition software like some automated benchtop counters, the Scepter draws samples into a disposable sensor where they pass through an opening charged with a current. As cells disrupt the current, the Scepter records each change in voltage. Within seconds14, on averagethe screen displays cell concentration, average cell diameter, and average cell volume, as well as histograms of each distribution. You can have accurate and reliable cell counts from one sample to the next, and all of that can be done right at the culture hood within 30 seconds, says Johnston. At a list price of $2,995, its also the most inexpensive automated cell counter on the market, she adds. Wiley: Cell counting is normally a very tedious process and usually only provides minimal information on the cell population. This instrument, which is only slightly larger than an automatic pipette, allows you to count cells in your tissue-culture hood, simplifies the procedure, and provides much useful data, such as the fraction of intact cells. Caudy: At last, an alternative to lining up for the Coulter counter, and far easier than sweating over fragile hemocytometers. Pure and Simple Courtesy of Diffinity The Diffinity RapidTip is a one-step pipette tip for use in DNA purification. Following a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), samples contain more than just the DNA of interest. They also contain nucleotides, primers, and other impurities that must be removed. Traditional techniques for purifying the DNA involve several steps of washing, buffering, and rinsing that can take up to 30 minutes or longer. With the Diffinity RapidTip, all those steps are combined into a single, normal-looking pipette tip. The product is extremely easy to use, says the companys CEO and president Jeff Helfer. Put on the pipettor, aspirate, and dispense. Its that simple. The process requires 1012 repetitions of pulling up and releasing the solution, and takes about one minute, making it about 50 times faster than traditional post-PCR purification techniques, Helfer says. The company plans to release a newer version of the RapidTip in January, one that would require only two or three repetition cycles, making it even more efficient. You start and end the process with the very same disposable pipette tip, Helfer says. Its green, much less expensive, and at the end of the day, we improve lab work flow and productivity. The tips contain a proprietary substance that removes the impurities from a PCR reaction while simultaneously repelling the amplified double-stranded DNA of interest. Using similar differential-affinity technology, Diffinity is developing several other tips for use in a variety of applications, including automated applications, restriction-digest experiments, DNA extraction from electrophoresis gels, and next-generation sequencing library preparation. The list price is $1.50/tip, available in boxes of 48 or 96. Discounts and free samples are available. Wiley: A great technology that saves time and effort in the lab while improving sample handling and experimental reproducibility. This would be great when using robotics. Caudy: Finally, the convenience Ive enjoyed for years in peptide sample cleanup, applied to DNA. Heart Cells on Demand Courtesy of Cellular Dynamics International iCell Cardiomyocytes are essentially human heart cells in a test tube. Researchers at Cellular Dynamics International (CDI) induce human fibroblasts to become pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). The iPSCs are then reprogrammed to become a mixture of cells that are representative of the human heart and exhibit the typical electrophysiological characteristics of a living heart. The main purpose of iCell Cardiomyocytes product is for drug discovery, says Joleen Rau, senior director of marketing and communications at CDI. Cardiotoxicity is a serious problem in drug development and is the second biggest reason for drug withdrawal from the market. We saw a market need based on a serious human health issue and realized there was an opportunity to save pharma money, make drug development safer, and perhaps save lives. The cardiomyocytes express monomeric red fluorescent protein, which allows for their easy identification under appropriate conditions, and a blasticidin-resistance gene, which allows CDI to achieve cardiomyocyte cultures that are at least 95 percent pure. CDI can also create iCell Cardiomyocytes from peripheral blood samples, meaning that doctors and researchers can send in blood drawn from any human donor and have CDI generate the iPSCs needed to make personalized cardiomyocyte cultures. This capability to generate cells from diverse groups will help our customers to better understand how drug effects vary across different populations, Rau says, as well as to generate cardiomyocytes from patients afflicted with diseases such as hypertrophy and long QT syndrome (a potentially fatal condition), which will also aid in drug discovery. A vial that contains a minimum of 1.5 million plateable cells lists for $1,500, and is guaranteed to cover a single 96-well plate. Kelleher: A symbol of just how fast a basic-science breakthrough can lead to new products. Wiley: This is the first of what we expect to be many commercially available cell lines from differentiated human stem cells. This will start to move experimental biology from using the most convenient types of cell to those most relevant to a particular study. Fluorescence movies in focus Cytometry A. 2006 Aug 1;69(8):748-58. Multispectral imaging in biology and medicine: slices of life. Levenson RM, Mansfield JR. This material is reproduced with permission of John Wiley Sons, Inc., Watching drugs or biologics pulse through a patient in real time usually takes expensive equipment such as a PET and/or CT scanner. For in vivo mouse studies on tight budgets researchers commonly bind a fluorescent marker to the compound of interest, and take a fluorescence snapshot. The natural background fluorescence of the entire mousewhich makes it hard to distinguish the target from normal tissueis then subtracted away to sharpen the image. But subtracting background fluorescence in a live movie proved challenging. So the scientists and engineers at Cambridge Research Instrumentation Inc. (CRI) took a page from PET scan technology: using the compounds pharmacokineticsthe rate at which the drug is absorbed, circulated, and excretedthey improved the resolution by compensating for the background at every time point. The kinetic imaging movie is of a bolus of indocyanine green travelling through the vasculature of a mouse over about 2 minutes following a tail vein injection. The dye mixes into the general blood pool, then accumulates in the liver. The technology, called the Maestro Dynamic, could be especially useful for tracking how long cancer drugs remain at their target before being metabolized and/or excreted. Normally, to obtain data about drug accumulation in organs or tumors, one would sacrifice a cohort of mice every hour or two over the course of a day. By continually collecting data in real time, says James Mansfield, director of the companys multispectral imaging systems, the number of mice needed could be reduced from around 100200 to about 10. Fluorescent labels can only yield information to a depth of a few centimeters, which just about covers the depth of the average mouse from all sides. For use in humans, however, CRI researchers have designed a mount for their fluorescence-detection camera that you can swing over top of a surgical suite, says Mansfield, giving doctors the ability to image the surface of the organs theyre working on in real time, to check, for example, that theyve removed all of a tumor. The list price in the United States is $230,000. Wiley: A kinetic in vivo imaging system that generates time-based kinetic images of fluorescent reagents and labeled antibodies. The kinetic data is used to greatly enhance the information that can be extracted from in vivo imaging, thus extending the usability of this technology to a far greater number of applications. Caudy: The Maestro Dynamic takes whole-animal imaging from static to dynamic, operating over a range well into the tissue-permeating near-infrared spectrum. Culturing Cells in 3-D Courtesy of Reinnervate Limited Most three-dimensional cell-culturing technology is not what it should be, says Ashley Cooper, CEO of Reinnervate Limited. Many nanoscale scaffolds currently on the market are so large that cells grown in the material dont even touch. You get cells growing in two dimensions in a three-dimensional architecture, he says. This year, after eight years of development, Reinnervate introduces Alvetex, a thin, highly porous and uniform scaffold for 3-D cell culturing that better mimics the growth and formation of tissues in the body. Were defining once and for all what is proper three-dimensional cell culture, says Cooper. The inert, stable polystyrene scaffold is made of the same material as most of the clear plastic multiwell dishes used by cell biologists today. It was a conscious design feature, says Cooper, geared for easy assimilation of the new technology into the lab. The scaffold comes precut into thin 200 discs, and the material can hold an average of 20 cell layers per disk. This allows every cell to be within easy reach of nutrients and airnever more than 100 from the edge, the same as the average distance between cells in the body and blood vessels. This is absolutely important for an avascular in vitro cell-culture system, says Cooper. The scaffold requires no additional lab equipment and is compatible with a broad range of lab techniques, including immunofluorescence microscopy, he says. Alvetex debuted at the Cell-Based Assays conference in London at the end of November, and is currently available in a 12-well plate format that costs $109. Additional formats, including 24-, 48- and 96-well plates and various well inserts, will become available over the next 12 months. Wiley: This should enable the routine and reproducible creation of 3-D cell cultures in the laboratory. Extends the concept of 3-D culture beyond simple, reconstituted extracellular matrices to complex extracellular structures. Kelleher: Another example of innovation to move us closer to better models for mimicking in vivo behavior of cells with the control of in vitro conditions. Centering cells with sound Courtesy of Applied Biosystems Invented by Applied Biosystems in California, the Attune Acoustic Focusing Cytometer is the first instrument that uses ultrasound waves to position cells flowing through a cytometer into a single line before they reach a laser-based detection device. The focusing technology allows for better efficiency without sacrificing resolution and sensitivity when quantifying and/or observing cells in real time. The sample rates are greater than 10 times faster than traditional cytometers, says Mike Olszowy, head of flow cytometry at Life Technologies, Applied Biosystems mother company. Prior to the advent of the Attune cytometer, researchers controlling the sample stream had to choose between speed of sampling and resolution quality. Now, with the help of sound waves that line up cells in the center of the sample stream, researchers can maximize speed and resolution simultaneously and adjust the flow to perform cell-by-cell analyses at the detection point. The new machine can thus allow researchers to more efficiently identify cell surface proteins expressed by cells (immunophenotyping), detect rare cell populations, quantify DNA binding to cell surfaces, or simply count cells. Currently selling for around $100,000, the device was put on the market in June 2010, and Applied Biosystems has sold more than 25 of the benchtop counters worldwide. Wiley: Designed to use sound waves to precisely control the movement of cells and increase instrument simplicity, sensitivity and throughput. Looks like it will be particularly useful for analyzing dilute cell samples. The simplicity and relatively low cost of the instrument should also increase the number of scientists who use flow cytometry. Caudy: With a footprint small enough to fit in a laminar-flow hood and a completely new approach to fluidics, the Attune cytometer promises less clogging than other flow cytometers, even while speeding through huge populations of cells. Picture-Perfect Gels Courtesy of Bio-Rad Laboratories Gel electrophoresis and blotting techniques are by far the most commonly employed methods for the identification and quantification of specific DNA, RNA, and proteins in a sample. But very often, capturing quality images of the separated bands and readying them for publication using photo-editing software can be laborious and time-consuming. With Gel Doc EZ, the newest gel imaging system from Bio-Rad Laboratories, researchers can load a gel and get print-quality images of up to 1200 dpi in seconds with just a single push of a button, says Ryan Short, marketing manager for Bio-Rad imaging. The most user-friendly and versatile of the gel documentation systems on the market, according to Short, the Gel Doc EZ system offers four specialized gel trays for the imaging of fluorescent, colorimetric, and SYBR Green stains, as well as a novel stain-free option for imaging protein gels that circumvents the multiple washing and staining steps required. The stain-free application can save scientists hours, if theyre doing traditional protein staining, Short says. With a high-quality camera and lens packed into a housing thats just 44 x 26 x 38 cm, the system is also markedly compact and can easily fit on a benchtop with room to spare. The Gel Doc EZ costs $8,350 and includes software for image acquisition and analysis. Trays are sold separately and are priced at $1,150 each, with the exception of the stain-free tray, which costs $3,350. Stain-free precast gels are sold for $15 and $16. Rothberg: Sometimes the best innovations are products that make the things you do simpler, faster, and cheaper. The Gel Doc EZ imager is one of those products. Wiley: Combines a number of innovations to make a tedious lab chore easy. This is clearly a case where the whole is much greater than the sum of its parts. A handy little squirt Courtesy of Redd Whyte Redd Whyte, a small UK-based life-science company, breaks into the top 10 this year thanks to the versatility of their new microplate dispenserthe Preddator. This bench top robot addresses the vexing limitations of existing fluid dispensers, which typically cant handle cell-containing sample volumes smaller than 3 microliters. According to Redd Whytes managing director, Roger Poole, the Preddator can dispense as little as 20 nanoliters of a variety of solutions, including normal aqueous solutions, cell-containing solutions, saline solutions, beads, mineral oils, and surfactants. This product gives the platform to try things that they never would have dreamed that they could have done, Poole says. The Preddator, which has a price tag of about 26,000, was adapted from a robotic instrument that came to Redd Whyte from the glue industry, where precision spots of adhesive are applied to manufacture an army of plastic goods. A suite of enhancements later, the microplate dispenser can drop virtually any fluid volume into 96-well to 3456-well plates in a variety of patterns that the user can program. Poole says that the Preddator, which was officially released in October, was developed with Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis, which fully endorses the product and uses the instrument to test targets and drugs in primary and secondary screenings. This helps them significantly speed up the process and takes out a lot of the guesswork, he says. But high-throughput screening for drug discovery is only one of the applications to which the Preddator is suited. Poole adds that PCR work and protein crystallography could also benefit from the robots ability to handle exceedingly small quantities of a variety of sample types. Wiley: Accurately dispensing beads and cells into high-density microtiter plates has been very challenging. This remarkably flexible and high-speed dispensing system appears to solve the problem, opening up new applications for high-throughput robotics. Kelleher: The efficiency of high-throughput assays relies on flexible, low-volume liquid handling. Working with high precision at low volumes is often limited by reagent delivery. The Preddator system works right in a critical volume regime where pilot assays need to deliver smaller volumes to go big in terms of success. Read more: Top Ten Innovations 2010 - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciences http://www.the-scientist.com/article/display/57835/#ixzz16uNmVpKx
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