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jerrycueb 2013-8-31 21:19
1 safe·ty noun \ ˈ sāf-tē\ plural safeties Definition of SAFETY 1 : the condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or loss 2 : a device (as on a weapon or a machine) designed to prevent inadvertent or hazardous operation 3 a (1) : a situation in football in which a member of the offensive team is tackled behind its own goal line that counts two points for the defensive team — compare touchback (2) : a member of a defensive backfield in football who occupies the deepest position in order to receive a kick, defend against a forward pass, or stop a ballcarrier b : a billiard shot made with no attempt to score or so as to leave the balls in an unfavorable position for the opponent c : base hit See safety defined for English-language learners » See safety defined for kids » Examples of SAFETY The changes were made in the interest of public safety . He made some suggestions about how to improve airline safety . I'm worried about the safety of the people who were left behind. We were reluctant to leave the relative safety of our hotel. She was only a mile from the safety of her home when the accident occurred. The car has been redesigned for improved safety . The toys are inspected for safety . They were led to safety by the rescuers. The injured hiker was finally able to reach safety . Origin of SAFETY Middle English saufte, from Anglo-French salveté, saufté, from salf safe First Known Use: 14th century Related to SAFETY Synonyms protection , safeness , security Antonyms danger , distress , endangerment , imperilment , jeopardy , peril , trouble Related Words aegis ( also egis ), cover , defense , guardianship , ward ; guard , safeguard , screen , shield ; asylum , harbor , haven , refuge , retreat , shelter ; impregnability , impregnableness , invincibility , invincibleness , inviolability , inviolableness , invulnerability , invulnerableness Near Antonyms hazard , risk , threat ; instability , precariousness ; harm's way ; exposure , liability , openness , violability , vulnerability , vulnerableness ; susceptibility , susceptibleness more Other Baseball Terms alley , cleanup , nightcap , save , shag 2 safety transitive verb safe·tied safe·ty·ing Definition of SAFETY : to protect against failure, breakage, or accident safety a rifle First Known Use of SAFETY 1927 safety noun (Concise Encyclopedia) Activities that seek to minimize or to eliminate hazardous conditions that can cause bodily injury. Occupational safety is concerned with risks in areas where people work: offices, manufacturing plants, farms, construction sites, and commercial and retail facilities. Public safety is concerned with hazards in the home, in travel and recreation, and in other situations that do not fall within the scope of occupational safety. Learn More About SAFETY Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for safety Spanish Central: Spanish translation of safety Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about safety Browse Next Word in the Dictionary: safety arch Previous Word in the Dictionary: safe sex All Words Near: safety Seen Heard
个人分类: 安全科学|2744 次阅读|0 个评论
What is safety science?
jerrycueb 2013-8-28 21:19
What is safety science? Terje Aven , University of Stavanger, 4036 Stavanger, Norway AbstractThis paper addresses the issue of how to understand safety science as a concept. Several definitions of safety are reviewed and discussed, including the interpretations that safety is the absence of undesirable events and accidents and that safety is the antonym of risk. Reflections are also made on what science means in relation to safety. It is argued that safety science can be viewed as knowledge about safety related issues, and the development of concepts, theories, principles and methods to understand, assess, communicate and manage (in a broad sense) safety. In addition we may speak about science safety as a discipline, covering the totality of relevant educational programmes, journals, papers, researchers, research groups and societies, etc. Article Outline 1. Introduction 2. Review and discussion of common definitions of safety 3. General reflections on what science means 4. Discussion of how to understand “Safety science” 5. Scientific journals 6. Knowledge about safety related phenomena, processes etc. 6.1. Risk assessment example 7. Conclusions Acknowledgments References
个人分类: 文献备份|2933 次阅读|0 个评论
Issues in safety science ☆
热度 1 jerrycueb 2013-8-25 23:59
Andrew Hopkins Australian National University, School of Sociology, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia Abstract This paper deals with three issues. First, the question of the boundaries of safety science – what is in and what is out – is a practical question that journal editors and reviewers must respond to. I have suggested that there is no once-and-for-all answer. The boundaries are inherently negotiable, depending on the make-up of the safety science community. The second issue is the problematic nature of some of the most widely referenced theories or theoretical perspective in our inter-disciplinary field, in particular, normal accident theory, the theory of high reliability organisations , and resilience engineering. Normal accident theory turns out to be a theory that fails to explain any real accident. HRO theory is about why HROs perform as well as they do, and yet it proves to be impossible to identify empirical examples of HROs for the purpose of either testing or refining the theory. Resilience engineering purports to be something new, but on examination it is hard to see where it goes beyond HRO theory. The third issue concerns the paradox of major accident inquiries. The bodies that carry out these inquiries do so for the purpose of learning lessons and making recommendations about how to avoid such incidents in the future. The paradox is that the logic of accident causal analysis does not lead directly to recommendations for prevention. Strictly speaking recommendations for prevention depend on additional argument or evidence going beyond the confines of the particular accident. Highlights ► The boundaries of the field of “safety science” are inherently unclear. ► Normal accident theory, resilience theory and HRO theory are all problematic. ► Logic of accident analysis does not lead directly to recommendations for prevention. Keywords Causation ; Accident analysis ; Theory ; Reviewing 1-s2.0-S0925753513000210-main.pdf
个人分类: 安全科学|2618 次阅读|2 个评论
The nature of safety culture
热度 1 jerrycueb 2013-8-17 15:02
The nature of safety culture: a reviewof theory and research F.W. Guldenmund Safety Science Group, DelftUniversity of Technology, Kanaalweg 2b, NL-2628 EB Delft, The Netherland The nature of safety culture.pdf
个人分类: 安全科学|2569 次阅读|2 个评论
关于期刊Safety Science,说两句
热度 1 Greg66 2013-7-8 17:49
查看了下 Safety Science ,以前去那里基本都没看,这次认真读了下其简介的部分内容,感觉对国内的安全刊物没准还有点借鉴意义: Safety Science serves as an internationalmedium for research in the science and technology of human safety. It extendsfrom safety of people at work to other spheres, such as transport, leisure andhome, as well as every other field of man's hazardous activities. Safety Science 是一本国际性学术期刊,主要涉及人们的安全问题。目前,其内容已经从工作安全(职业安全)扩展到更广泛领域的安全问题,如交通安全、休闲、家庭生活中的安全等。事实上,人类活动中所遇到的任何危险、有害方面,都是本刊的涉及范围( 这一段是说 Safety Science 所涉及的安全问题所在的行业或者领域 )。 Safety Science is multidisciplinary. Itscontributors and its audience range from psychologists to chemical engineers.The journal covers the physics and engineering of safety; its social, policyand organisational aspects; the management of risks; the effectiveness of controltechniques for safety; standardization, legislation, inspection, insurance,costing aspects, human behaviour and safety and the like. 安全科学( Safety Science )是一本多学科交叉的学术刊物,其作者和读者可能有心理学家也可能有化学工程师。本期刊的论文内容涉及安全的物理、工程方面,社会、政策方面,组织特性等;也涉及风险管理、安全措施的有效性、安全标准化、安全法规、安全检查、保险、安全成本、行为等这一类的内容( 这一段是说 Safety Science 所涉及的、解决安全问题的手段或者研究方法 )。 思考:投往 SafetyScience 的文章,既可以是社会科学、管理方面的,也可以是自然科学、工程技术方面的,但都必须有比较系统的研究背景、严谨的理论或概念或方法设计、充分的数据支持,否则是不能发表的,也没必要投稿。
个人分类: 3|18779 次阅读|5 个评论
Journal of safety science
jerrycueb 2013-7-2 03:22
期刊名称 ISSN 学科分类 来源数据库 起止时间 Accident Analysis Prevention ☆ 0001-4575 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY Elsevier ScienceDirect 1995 to present Health Beauty Salon 0261-4146 BEAUTY CULTURE OCLC - WilsonSelectPlus 2002 to 2004 Industrial Safety Hygiene News 8755-2566 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier 01/2001 to present Injury Control Safety Promotion 1566-0974 CONSUMER EDUCATIONAND PROTECTION EBSCOhost - Academic Source Premier 03/2000 to 12/2004 Job Safety and Health Quarterly 1057-5820 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY OCLC - WilsonSelectPlus 1998 to 2003 Journal of Safety Research ☆ 0022-4375 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Elsevier ScienceDirect 1995 to present Professional Safety 0099-0027 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY OCLC - WilsonSelectPlus 1997 to present Professional Safety 0099-0027 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY EBSCOhost - MasterFILE Premier 07/1997 to present Professional Safety 0099-0027 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier 07/1997 to present Professional Safety 0099-0027 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY EBSCOhost - Academic Source Premier 07/1997 to present Risk: Health, Safety Environment 1073-8673 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY OCLC - WilsonSelectPlus 1998 to 2002 Safety Compliance Letter 1069-2037 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier 06/2003 to present Safety Director's Report 1524-1564 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier 01/2001 to 12/2004 Safety Management 1069-2118 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier 02/1999 to 03/2003 Safety Science ☆ 0925-7535 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Elsevier ScienceDirect 1995 to present
个人分类: 期刊主题|2498 次阅读|0 个评论
jerrycueb 2013-6-14 00:06
个人分类: 安全科学|2095 次阅读|0 个评论
security accident 和 safety accident 的区别
热度 3 Greg66 2013-4-26 17:23
安全学科以“事故”为研究对象 , ,但关于“事故”的说法却有很多。教科书上一般有这样的基本定义,即“事故是人们不期望发生的、造成损失的意外事件” 。根据事故发生原因中人的意志的作用,事故大约可以分为三类。第一类事故是人为主动策划、操控出来的,如边境事故、社会治安事故等。这类事故给受害人带来损失,也即对受害人来说是事故,但却给策划者带来收获,所以对策划人来说是成功事件,而不是事故。英文可以叫做 security accident 。第二类事故不是人为主动策划、操控出来的,但却是人类各种业务、生活活动带来或者造成的,给人带来损失。如果人类不活动,这类事故就不会产生;人类通过妥善安排活动,这类事故就能够得以避免。英文可以叫做 safety accident 。第三类事故是自然灾害, natural disaster ,其发生是人类无法控制的自然界运动的结果,如地震、风灾等。对于这类事故,人类虽无法控制其发生,但却能通过妥善安排而减少其损失,如汶川大地震中,桑枣中学就通过各种措施避免了其师生的伤亡 。上述三类事故的原因解释中,分别重点使用了“主动策划、人类活动、自然运动”三个关键词。这三类原因虽然有时会交织在一起而导致事故,但如果充分尊重科学,还是基本能够把事故类型区分开来的。 无论哪类事故,受损失的一方都是 事故的主体组织 。 ] 傅贵,张江石,许素睿 . 论安全科学技术学科体系的结构和内涵 . 中国工程科学, 2004 , 6 ( 8 ): 12-16. ] GCT 考试网 . 安全工程领域简介 .(2013-02-27) , http://edu.gct-online.com/specialty/430125.html. ] 吴穹,许开立 . 安全管理学 . 北京:煤炭工业出版社 ,2002:15-16. ] 凤凰资讯 . 中学校长花 40 万元加固劣质教学楼致地震无伤亡 . (2008-05-24) http://news.ifeng.com/photo/zt/wenchuan/200805/0524_3494_560073.shtml.
个人分类: 3|9217 次阅读|14 个评论
热度 2 skdhf 2013-2-16 17:31
实验室安全是个老话题,很多人都讨论过,之前我发表过相关的感慨。下面是有了新见闻后的新感受,写来分享。 上周进行了一个实验室安全方面的培训,是很正式的培训,化学系有专门负责的人,该负责人单独为我们刚来的三个人开了小灶,当然在我看来是小灶,但对他而言也许即使一个人也会郑重其事的花上一个上午的时间去讲解。实验室安全,特别是化学类实验室安全更是关乎生命,这本就不是小事。在整个的safety instruction过程中,真是即受益又汗颜。他们的实验室安全已经不是规范和规则了,而是一项立法,如果出了什么问题对他们就是违法行为。试想国内,即使出了大的安全事故,也是找几个替罪羊草草了事,好了伤疤忘了疼,太多的例子啊!在说到实验室安全立法方面,该教授看看了看我说中国没有,我听到有些不舒服,他并没有冒犯我,甚至只是一句玩笑,我很想告诉他我们早晚会有的,但什么时候呢?用法律保护是一条途径,但关键是我们要真正重视起来,而非想起来就说说,出了事故再后悔。 既然听了一上午我也不是白听了,也记住了一些。其中进实验室的三件事尤其深刻:一、自我安全评估,也就是自己要做的实验可能会有哪些安全隐患然后防患于未然。二、规范操作,按照要求操作实验设备,(每种仪器设备都有一份安全操作指南,每个学生必读而且需签名的)。三、熟悉周围的环境,如果别人实验有隐患要指出(这条竟然是受法律保护的!)。 此外,他们在安全方面的重视不是几句话说说就了事的,也的确做到了实处。实验室整体的规划处处有着安全第一的影子,学生做实验护目镜是必须的,无论何种实验,只要进实验室,实验废弃物的回收处理都有着严格的分类等等。 (刚来牛津大学化学系进行短暂博士联合培养,对于这样一个世界顶尖大学化学系给了我很深的印象,无论是从实验室安全、学术交流,还是这里的学生和老师,以及这个地方。希望国内的实验室也能更加全面的发展,吸引更多人才加入。)
3979 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 10 skdhf 2013-2-12 01:25
我这里只比较国内自己实验室和牛津这边的实验室,当然包括实验室的人事物。 一、背景 在国内实验室待了近五年了,经历了实验室快速发展的黄金时期,实验室的规模从原来的十几人到现在的三十多人,老师也增加了好几位。当然,实验室在装备方面也更加先进,测试环境也有了极大改善。 而目前的这个实验室chemical research lab(CRL)属于牛津大学化学系,有待深入认识。 比较一:实验室硬件 可以毫不吹牛的说在实验室整体配备方面国内的实验室要强于CRL,国内实验室可以很容易的进行材料相关结构和形貌等表征,而CRL需要去其它地方才能做到,从测试周期上看,国内效率更高。当然牛津整体的测试平台那就另当别论了。 比较二:实验室环境 在环境的舒适性和安全性上CRL要略胜一筹,CRL的实验室和办公的地方是通过玻璃门严格隔开的,非常注重实验的操作的安全性和规范性,每一个仪器都有safety assessment,而且每个人都要读相关的安全说明并进行安全培训。国内实验室在有新生进入的时候也会组织安全方面的培训,可平时具体做的时候这方面意识还是较差。 比较三:导师与学生 先说导师,国内导师和学生之间还是有着根深蒂固的代沟,而CRL里面的学生和老师之间看不到这些,无论从称呼还是从平时相互交谈等方面看都像是朋友之间,这也是中西方文化之间很明显的差异。 再说学生,国内的学生明显要勤奋很多,这点我想国内大多数实验室都如此,而CRL里面的人大都过着朝九晚五的幸福生活,朝九都算早的了,而且他们是晚上和周末都基本不在实验室的,而在国内呢,哎,不说了。 比较四:更喜欢哪一个 自己问自己更喜欢哪个,第一个声音是喜欢国内实验室。已经过惯了苦日子,一下安逸了反而不适应。在国内实验室能够更为迅速的实现自己的想法,得到更大满足。不过,这边的规范性、严谨性是我们更需要学习的东西。 在CRL只是短暂的停留,希望会是一生的财富,不断学习新的东西,不断增长自己的见识,不断完善自我,这就是生活。
11255 次阅读|14 个评论
[转载]Behavior-based safety
热度 1 smqinghua182 2012-12-17 17:01
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Behavior-based safety (BBS) is the "application of science of behavior change to real world problems". BBS "focuses on what people do, analyzes why they do it, and then applies a research-supported intervention strategy to improve what people do". At its very core BBS is based on a larger scientific field called Organizational Behavior Analysis. To be successful a BBS program must include all employees, from the CEO to the floor associates. To achieve changes in behavior, a change in policy, procedures and/or systems most assuredly will also need some change. Those changes cannot be done without buy-in and support from all involved in making those decisions. BBS is not based on assumptions, personal feeling, and/or common knowledge. To be successful, the BBS program used must be based on scientific knowledge. A good BBS program will consist of: Common goals – Both employee and managerial involvement in the process Definition of what is expected – Specifications of target behaviors derived form safety assessments Observational data collection Decisions about how best to proceed based on those data Feedback to associates being observed Review All of the BBS programs reviewed included multilevel teams. Some programs use them in the assessment phase, some in observation and some in review. Some had all three areas using multilevel teams. Some argue that behavior-based safety must also have attitude adjustment to be sustaining as it has been proven that "behavior influences attitude and attitude influences behavior". The goal should be small gains over and over again; continuous growth. BBS is not a quick fix. It is a commitment. There are numerous programs on how to implement behavior-based safety programs. They vary in price, detail and commitment. But the goal is always the same: eliminate injury. A review of all scientific publications on behavior-based safety since the mid 1970s to date shows that different approaches exert different effects. Focusing on workgroups, in static settings was demonstrated to be the most efficient at behavior change and injury reduction. Different configurations of the design elements also affects the Return on Investment, with one producing $1.7 million, per 200,000 hours worked, while another loses $2 million per 200,000 hours worked.
个人分类: 安全工程|1829 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 4 beepro 2012-8-27 11:25
第2次下水, 是千人朋友的后院。 最近买了一个20刀的Ball Mount, 双球, 2“, 1 7/8”。 本来要在Walmart买个便宜的(带运费才16刀, 还带那个Pin+safety pin), 但是他们太慢, 要9/4才到, 我取消了。 今天发现右边的灯不干活, 最后还是上路了。 下次修吧。 看来还得干脆买新接线头, 全新。 上次2个灯都干活的啊。 买了1打minnow, 有120来个。 今天钓完还有100来个。 从香港买了一个气泵, 所以今天一个小鱼也没有死。 4点左右开钓, 1小时没有东西。 后来说俺钓的是寂寞, 话没有完上来一条17“的鲈鱼。 后来又一个15”(也是在帮人起勾在水草的鱼钩以后, 发现有鱼在线上!). 都给学生了。 他们2个6:30 回去做实验。 我回去继续钓Crappie (中文: 花鲫、莓鲈、刺盖太阳鱼、可爱皮等)。 钓到10条, 放回2个小的。 还有8条太阳鱼。
个人分类: 退休/投资|2846 次阅读|8 个评论
[转载]The LANCET: Food safety in China: a long way to go
csichina 2012-7-13 17:22
To many Chinese, food is not only the first necessity, but also represents their proud culture and long history. However, a slew of high profile food safety scandals in the past few years has seriously challenged public confidence in the domestic food industry. One of the most infamous incidents in 2008 was melamine-adulterated milk and powered infant formula, which affected about 300000 babies and resulted in at least six infant deaths. With the forthcoming 2012 London Olympic Games, to minimise the risk of accidental doping from clenbuterol-tainted meat, the Chinese women's volleyball team has adopted a strict vegetarian diet. Unlike major food safety problems in developed countries, China's recurrent problems with food contamination are not due to unintended infectious agents or environmental toxins, but to illegal chemical additives purposely introduced into the food chain. In most cases, the underlying reason is the pursuit of profit. China has struggled with food safety issues for years. In 2003, the State Food and Drug Administration of China (SFDA) was founded to consolidate food and drug regulation. In 2009, the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China came into effect. In fact, there are already 1070 national food standards and 1164 industry-specific standards in China. Despite these efforts, “China still faces a grave situation in ensuring its food safety”, said Li Keqiang, Chinese vice Premier and head of the food safety commission, on Feb 8 this year. Why is it so hard for China to root out food scandals? First, the large number and diversity of food producers—most being small companies—makes it difficult to maintain high safety standards for all products. Second, the food safety management system is multilayered, with national, provincial, and local levels. At the national regulatory level alone, there are 14 different departments involved including SFDA, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Commerce. This complexity has posed considerable problems for efficient collaboration and coordination between agencies, while specification of responsibilities and identification of clear chains of accountability between different levels remain additional concerns. Third, while many food manufacturers operate at local levels, local governments may lack the capacity or incentive to establish effective supervision and enforcement of regulations and legislation. In addition to weak surveillance, corruption is a risk and the cost of violating the law is relatively low. On July 3, food safety became a national priority, when the Chinese Cabinet—State Council pledged to solve food safety problems in 3 years and to improve food safety monitoring, surveillance, and legislation within 5 years. For the first time, food safety will be used as a performance indicator for local governments' annual assessments. Harsher punishments have been emphasised. A database monitoring the food industry's safety records and a list of offending food manufacturers will be created. The surveillance roles of the public and the media are also acknowledged. Whistleblowers reporting illegal practices will be encouraged and rewarded. To increase public awareness and understanding of food safety, relevant education and training will be incorporated into public services and courses for middle and primary schools. Foodborne disease surveillance systems will be strengthened. Food safety is receiving high-level political attention in China. Yet the plan falls short on details about how to define success or failure. The target, though timely, is not easy to gauge without specific indicators. Overlapping responsibilities across the various regulatory bodies remain. There is a lack of practical means to ensure the implementation of foodborne disease surveillance system improvement. As reported by Ted Alcorn and Yadan Ouyang in The Lancet's 2012 special issue on China, only a minority of patients with food poisoning seek formal medical care, and so epidemiological investigation of outbreaks is not well developed and foodborne diseases are often invisible. In addition, boosting the training and research relevant to foodborne diseases for health professionals, essential for effective health-care services, needs to be put on the agenda. As China grows as a food exporter, domestic food safety issues will inevitably have global implications. China as a whole should be encouraged to meet global standards and regulations, as has Hong Kong. High-level political commitment is a welcome start, but similar statements in the past have not yet produced the high food quality that people in China should expect.
3344 次阅读|0 个评论
Ranking of Safety Journals
热度 2 jerrycueb 2012-7-1 00:57
A ranking of safety journals using different measurement methods Genserik Reniers a , b , , , Yannick Anthone a a Faculty of Applied Economic Sciences, Research Group ARGoSS, University of Antwerp, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium b Centre for Economics and Corporate Sustainability (CEDON), HUB, KULeuven, Stormstraat 2, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Abstract: Using an online survey, we asked safety researchers around the globe how they perceived the quality of a list of 35 representative safety journals . We found that the most well-respected journal by expert opinion was the Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. However, taking both the respondents’ results and the citation-based results into consideration, the Journal of Hazardous Materials is the most influential journal , followed by Reliability Engineering and System Safety , Risk Analysis, Accident Analysis and Prevention and Safety Science. Highlights Safety journals ’ perceived quality- and 1-year IF- rankings were uncorrelated. Safety journals ’ perceived quality- and 5-year IF- rankings were correlated. Top 5 of safety journals was determined w.r.t. objective and subjective criteria. Keywords Safety journals ; Ranking ; Journal quality; Journal evaluation; Perception; Impact factor A ranking of safety journals using different measurement methods.pdf
个人分类: 期刊主题|4387 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载] Food safety in India
zuojun 2012-2-14 04:24
I am not surprised by this report. http://www.cnbc.com/id/46363667 As I am planning for my first trip to India, this news does not help. Sure, I can eat and drink the minimum, which may be a great opportunity to lose some weight.
个人分类: News|1709 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Call for ideas to answering four key food safety challenges
LEOLAND 2011-8-15 14:59
Call for innovative research ideas to answering four key food safety challenges Wednesday 10 August 2011 The Food Standards Agency is inviting researchers to come up with innovative approaches to answering four key food safety challenges. The Agency usually issues calls for evidence to address specific research questions, but is piloting this new approach to commissioning research to identify innovative approaches and provide significant leaps forward in addressing our strategic challenges. Four challenges have been identified: · ensuring imported food is safe to eat, including early identification of emerging risks · using novel methods in managing outbreaks of foodborne disease · improving compliance of food businesses with food safety laws · obtaining better data on costs to industry that will be used to inform Agency policies To find out more about these research opportunities, you will need to register as a supplier on the Agency’s electronic tendering system at the link below. Procurement
个人分类: 食品安全|1754 次阅读|0 个评论
Why use the agent that the agent is
蒋高明 2011-5-31 18:01
By Han Lewu http://www.f-paper.com/?i320058-Why-use-the-agent-that-the-agent-is Posted:May 27,2011 Views:7 Subscribe: Do not use a lot of external resources for its success in maintaining soil fertility and health. This is a hundred years ago, China's agriculture in Western agronomists found the most amazing place. But today, China's agriculture is on the road to industrialization by the large chemical fertilizer large pesticides, herbicides, additives, plastic sheeting and other running all the way coerced. Now we are bogged down in the food security dilemma can not extricate themselves. Experts have warned that, should reflect our current agricultural production? 'White terror' The 'white pollution', people tend to more concerned about the disposable plastic lunch boxes and the city shopping bags used. But the reporter was informed that currently there are about 500,000 tons of plastic sheeting year remains in the soil, plastic film rate of 40%. Agriculture film production in the agricultural use does not take into account a large number of the degradation problems, the ecological environment of China paid a heavy price, to accelerate the land of 'death( http://www.f-paper.com/).' 'I have a few field trips in ten countries, had never seen a country like ours, in a big way to promote the application of plastic sheeting, the country with mountains and rivers of a 'white'.' Jiang Gaoming researcher at the Institute of Botany says. Long-term commitment of degraded ecosystems and rehabilitation of degraded farmland Jiang GM, told reporters a few days ago I start to see him in some rural areas was almost clear of a white plastic film covered farmland, hillside scene, the use of 'white terror' to describe. According to Jiang Gaoming introduced a large number of residues in the soil in the plastic sheeting, 15-20 cm soil layer in the formation of hard permeable, breathable layer of hard farming. Some of his life and concluded: probably seven generations, 140 years is also degradation can not afford. In Jiang Gaoming view, plastic sheeting is the most rubbish inventions of modern agriculture(News News http://www.f-paper.com/ ). People use it to be part of the increase resulting from dependence. Hoeing in the departure from the traditional approach, without organic manure, straw and other support, the covering layer of plastic sheeting to achieve the insulation, water, weeding, pesticides and other purposes, appear to be no better thing, but actually paid a heavy price, is accelerating land 'death.' tantamount to 'get its eggs.' 'Red lines' and endangered Reporters were told that since the last century since the late 70s, just a few decades, China's cultivated land there is a clear decline in fertility, the national average of less than 1% of soil organic matter. And at the same time, China's chemical fertilizer and the growth rate is surprised. According to Jiang Gaoming, the international recognized safety limits application of chemical fertilizer is 225 kg / ha, but the average per unit area of application of chemical fertilizers reached 434.3 kg / ha, 1.93 times the safe limit. Provided from the average application rate of fertilizer chart shows changes in the last century, the age of 50 hectares (15 acres) of land more than 8 kg of chemical fertilizer is now 868 pounds. To a hundred times the speed increase. 'But these fertilizer utilization rate is only around 40%. Did not run out, have become contaminated.' Jiang Gaoming said. Jiang Gaoming that maintaining the current food production, to pesticides and fertilizers, the application rate by half is sufficient. There are a number for Jiang Gaoming to heart:China's factory farm animals produce 2.7 billion tons of animal waste every year, about 3.5 times the industrial solid waste. But separation of breeding and cultivation and other reasons, they could have become very good fertilizers, animal wastes should not use the place. results 'on the one hand agricultural non-point source pollution, on the one hand mass production of fertilizers. Both are due benefits or reduce. Victims are cultivated with consumers.' Jiang Gaoming said. In fact, even without a direct result of chemical fertilizer and pesticide pollution, irrigation and other industrial and mining waste water sewage pollution on the land have made it an indirect overwhelmed. According to the survey, the country's arable land contaminated about 1.5 million mu, accounting for almost the total area of cultivated land in China one-tenth. this insight calls, hold 18 million mu of arable land 'red line' not just hold their number, but also keep their health, cleanliness of the 'red line.' Where are we going? In Jiang Gaoming view, Investment in agriculture rely on a large number of chemical substances called the salient features of the so-called modern agriculture, harm many, unsustainable. It is not only a large number of mining exploration, oil, etc., so that increased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, a large number of chemicals into arable land, causing land pollution, 'but the damage must not stop there, land pollution is also a serious threat to food, food security.' Jiang Gaoming said, 'around a circle, the ultimate land of toxic substances in the body to return to camp.' Recent reports 'cadmium rice' is an example. When the 'hoe Wo day when afternoon' type replaced the traditional farming methods, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, herbicides, additives, plastic sheeting and other modern agricultural 'conventional weapons', the Jiang Gaoming that 'industrialization of agriculture has been greatly shaken our The agriculture. ' When the cause of watermelon 'explosion' is the leavening agent known to the public, people puzzled 'why use it' because it is clear that this is contrary to the laws of plant growth. However, contrary to the laws of nature similar phenomenon in agricultural production everywhere, just as Jiang Gaoming cited: in-season fruit and vegetable production, exacerbated by drug residues in agricultural products, animals, 'crash course' to chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry class life cycle shortened to 28-45 days, the pigs reduced to 2.5-4 months. 'These serious breaches of the law of planting and breeding biology model inundation, so that a variety of pesticides, hormones and food additives, filled with urban and rural areas.' People are confused: the source of our food - the primary agricultural products, have been subjected to such a chemical production, industrialization of the 'baptism', dare again in food processing, transport or preservation without restraint or even added a variety of chemical agents non-toxic and hazardous substances consumed? we really want to go? Legal Daily (Korean Music Wu)
个人分类: 环保呐喊|2788 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 fpe 2011-2-7 11:07
烟花安全之我见 最近全国烟花问题频现,沈阳高层大火,浙江淳安森林火灾,北京劣质烟花造成的人身伤害等,舆论又要讨论是否禁止烟花燃放的问题了。我国的政策总是摇摆不定,禁放烟花和开放烟花都不是正确的管理办法,而是有条件的集中施放,谁出事,谁负责。把经济责任分清楚,要比动不动禁放的决策容易多了。安全问题,是管理问题,是认识问题,不是简单的问责问题和撤职问题。我们的管理当局总是对安全问题表现出不成熟的一面,不知道现代社会的安全是如何管理的,当局者迷,旁观者急。 自从 911 发生之后,美国对爆炸物的管理日趋严格,超过多少克的炸药(比如驱动灭火系统快速释放的启动设备,含有一点炸药)都不能直接使用。工业界从上倒下筛选,一点超标都会被划归另类,而另类的安全产品的运输,储存,保险都会另类处理,所以工业界有很大的压力避免使用炸药。 国内烟花爆竹领域如此兴旺,还是政策纵容的结果。工业界不能从安全角度来自律,光靠消防队员的英勇和蛮干是无法对付烟花问题的。民众为何喜欢放烟花?因为烟花消费税太低了,烟花管理过程缺乏有效的监督,你把那么多的炸药送到社会上去,然后对消防队员说,保证市民安全,可能么?这就是安全问题的悖论了:在烟花领域的收入,远远不敌在安全领域的投入。我们只看到烟花工业的收入,而在公共安全领域投入不足,就是今年烟花问题特别多的关键原因了。 一个现代成熟的社会,必然选择发展阻力最小的道路。禁止烟花固然有点过头,没有考虑历史的传统和惯性。而烟花市场如此火爆,让我们安全工作者如何开展工作?让校园安全教育如何进行?政策制定者,不可不察也。 美国是利用法律和经济杠杆比较成熟的社会,看一看税收,就知道管理者希望发展什么,希望禁止什么。国内管理者光顾着收税了,没有想到税收的杠杆调节作用,令我们安全工作者无可奈何。 另外,我国的消防制度也有很大的问题,世界上除了中国以外的任何国家,包括解放前的中国(见民国散文《救火夫》),都是全民参与消防工作。由于有了民众的参与,消防宣传工作容易展开,因为民众的积极性高。当前我国的消防制度,一方面利用廉价的军人从事消防工作,另一方面没有民众的志愿参与,因此消防工作不能普及。离开政府的消防工作,我们社会就不能有安全管理了么?一方面社会缺乏职业化消防人才,另一方面禁止(至少是不鼓励)民众的广泛参与,就是国内的消防制度了。吃饭靠政府,工作靠政府,安全也要靠政府么?政府管得太多了,本来需要人人参与的安全工作,政府反而顾不上了。不能发动民众从事安全工作,就是民众安全素质低的深层原因了。 回到唐宋元明清,任何一个朝代的任何一个人都可以说,我的邻居会灭火。当前社会谁敢这么说?这就是安全教育不能顺利进行的重要原因了。因为火灾问题多,所以赔偿低,因为赔偿低,所以火灾问题多,两者互为因果。 有道是,火树银花处处开,火警救护时时闻,安全工作靠管理,安全觉悟赖人人。
个人分类: 消防时评|3797 次阅读|5 个评论
Gulf seafood tested so far is safe to eat, OR IS IT?
zuojun 2010-7-12 08:08
According to NOAA, the seafood from the Gulf of Mexico is still safe to eat, where the oil spill has been ongoing since April 20, 2010. The news link is at NOAA: Gulf seafood tested so far is safe to eat It says: NOAA and the Food and Drug Administration began catching seafood species in the Gulf within days of the April 20 BP rig explosion off Louisiana that generated a massive oil spill. The agency is mostly looking for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, the most common carcinogenic components of crude oil. If you have been paying a little attention to the accident, you may also have heard that chemicals have been used to make the crude oil dissolve quickly. So, shouldn't NOAA and FDA also test for such chemicals? Do we know how these chemicals may affect human health in 5-10 years? More and more, seafood packages in the US supermarket indicate where the products came from. I like seafood, but I will NOT eat any from the gulf for a long time. Because I don't want NOAA or FDA to apologize to me 10 years from now: We are very sorry that we made a big mistake in telling you the seafood from the gulf was safe to eat. Common sense tells me it's NOT safe, period.
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|3066 次阅读|1 个评论
China Daily: Genetically modified rice could hit shelves
蒋高明 2010-2-11 21:43
2010-02-04 12:27:58 GMT 2010-02-04 20:27:58 (Beijing Time) China Daily A farmer smiles after a good harvest of the high-yielding super rice in Tiantai, Zhejiang province. The government is expected to approve commercial planting of genetically modified (GM) rice in three to five years as a major effort to raise food supply. Huang Dafang, a member of the Biosafety Committee at the Ministry of Agriculture, said the nation -- which faces shrinking farmland and an increasing population -- will turn to genetically modified organism technology to ensure grain security. In November, the ministry issued biosafety certificates to strains of pest-resistant GM rice and corn. The announcement has aroused debate on the Internet with several forums soliciting signatures against commercialization of GM rice with the call Saving our posterity. The strains need registration and production trials before commercial output can begin, which may take three to five years, Huang told China Daily. The issue of biosafety certificates has great implications as it is the first time a major grain producer is endorsing the use of GM technology in a food staple, said Xue Dayuan, professor of biotechnology at Minzu University of China. Xue said that he is worried about the health and environmental risks involved in the planting of GM rice although he personally does not oppose to its commercialization. The government has set a target of increasing grain output by 50 million tons between 2009 and 2020. The current annual average production is 60 million tons. Once GM technology is used for mass production, it would definitely help China achieve that target and feed its 1.3 billion people, said Huang, also a researcher with the Biotechnology Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The use of GM technology is an inevitable trend for the global agriculture industry, including in China, he stressed, adding that it has been scientifically proven that the approved GM strains are as safe as non-genetically modified varieties. Currently, 10 percent of the non-genetically modified rice output is lost annually to pests, and that means the loss can be avoided with wide use of the technology, he noted. The two GM rice strains, developed by Huazhong Agricultural University, would help reduce the use of pesticide by 80 percent while raising yields by as much as 8 percent, said Huang Jikun, chief scientist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The ministry granted safety certificates to other GM crops cotton in 1998 and tomato and pepper in 1999. The United States is also a major developer of GM crops and most of the country's soybean and cotton are from GM strains. But a rice strain which has been given approval for cultivation has not yet seen widespread use. But given the controversy over the safety of GM food for a long time, such crops are not accepted in most countries worldwide, said Fang Lifeng, spokesman for Greenpeace Chinas GM program. A 2007 survey by the organization found that 65 percent of the 2,000 people polled in the country said they would not choose GM food over safety concerns. We firmly oppose the technology being put into mass production and commercialization in a rush, Fang said. To ensure food supply, we have other options with no potential health risks like biological agriculture, he noted. The stamp of approval might have been premature, said Professor Jiang Gaoming, at Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Botany. GM corn sold by Monsanto, the US-based agriculture company, causes organ damage in rats, mostly in the liver and kidney, according to a paper by three French scientists published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences.
个人分类: 环保呐喊|3949 次阅读|1 个评论

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