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一篇Applied Surface Science论文获ESI高被引
热度 2 rczeng 2019-2-18 11:18
课题组2018年3月15日发表在 表面领域Top期刊 Applied Surface Science (IF4.439) 上 的一篇论文 镁合金表面旋涂层层组装涂层耐蚀性能 被ESI高被引。论文第一作者为硕士研究生赵延斌,通讯作者为李硕琦博士和曾荣昌教授。 Fig. 1 . Schematic representation of the S-C technique used for the coating production. Fig. 2 . Schematic diagram of the internal structure of the (PVP/PAA) 10 films prepared by (a) D-C method and (b) S-C method. ( Yan-Bin Zhao, Han-Peng Liu , Chang-Yang Li, Yong Chen, Shuo-Qi Li *, Rong-Chang Zeng*, Zhen-Lin Wang. Corrosion resistance and adhesion strength of a spin-assisted layer-by-layer assembled coating on AZ31 magnesium alloy , Applied Surface Science, 434( 2018 )787-795 ) 链接: 1. 一篇Corrosion Science 论文成为ESI高被引论文 2. 镁合金腐蚀研究进展(19)—镁合金表面旋涂层层组装涂层耐蚀性能
个人分类: 论文写作|11391 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 1 lkzmaster 2017-6-14 19:50
今天电脑弹出一个对话框: 微软问我会不会给其他人推荐这个机器,让给个分数,分越高越好。我给了1分(因为没有0分可选),他们居然还要理由。下面就是一个流水账的理由,挂在这里希望有人能看见,别瞎的像我: 我和同事买了两台surface,有一台回来就发现亮度最低的时候屏幕一闪一闪,找销售商,那个店长一开始还不承认,说没看见,还有有两个小伙子比较实诚,说看见了,最后给换了一台。再说另外一台,回来用了四五个月,突然就开不了机了,找幸亏及时备份资料,要不然自杀的心都有。这还不是高潮,高潮的是你们微软的售后居然打不通,一天打了十几个电话都打不通,气的吐血。后来我灵机一动打商城试试,果然一次都通了,我就让商城帮我转到售后,这样搞了四五次,终于接通了,说是实在太忙了,这surface质量得多差呀,售后都忙死了。 你们的售后如果能像商城一样效率高,那我吃亏也认了。可是你们商城周末是8:30上班,售后却是10:00上班,放假还没人值班。我正好清明节前出的问题,最后打通电话的时间是节前一天下午5点多,你们售后就告诉了我一些方法和昆明售后的联系方式。然后就是各种方法的试,最后电脑彻底试死了。我就联系了昆明售后,他挺痛快,直接让我去找他。我就飞奔而去,结果到了发现这个维修点就跟杂货铺差不多,跟黑店一样,和惠普、联想的差远了。最关键的是,那人居然不在,走了、走了。我从家出发到那里也就是二十多分钟,他是不是放下电话就走了?当时真他妈想骂人。 然后就等待假期结束,继续联系不上售后,继续让商城给转接,期间居然有个接话员不给转,说是和售后两条线,不能转。我一下子血压就又高了,老子转了没有十次也有八次了,为什么就你不能转?后来因为我就是不挂电话,她说她试试看。我估计这妹子接线员也做不长。 Anyway ,最后售后让寄给他们维修,大概要15-30天。我是一个天天要用电脑的人,你一修修一个月让我怎么活?但是没办法,卖电脑的说这个surface维修仪器太高大上,不是哪都能修的,所以只能寄到厂里修。欺负我没见过世面是不是?在维修上不愿意付出真金白金、不愿意多设维修点就是了,还扯得有模有样。哪家电脑公司不是同城有正规的维修点(而不是什么协议点),我们是被骗大的吗? 电脑寄走了,一等就是个把月,终于寄回来了。我兴冲冲的开机装程序,然而又悲剧了。突然原装的键盘罢工了,每次开机都是前2分钟可以,然后就是罢工,在网上百度了各种方法都不行,又只能联系售后,这次有进步,打通了。又是按照她说的方法各种试,结果还是不行。最后又是返厂........。 我再重复一遍,我是一个天天要用电脑的人,这前前后后折腾我几个月,这电脑不是白买了吗?然后这还没完。前天电脑又寄回来了,说是给我换了个新的,我是不是该谢谢你们啊?这次倒是没什么大问题了,但是这个风扇就是呼呼转不停,后面也是贼烫。前一个电脑可没这毛病啊,我还没搞清楚状况。 虽然我尽量用平和的叙述方式,但实际上心里是万马奔腾。你说经历这些,我还能推荐给别人吗?还想问,你们的推荐为什么没有0分?
个人分类: 未分类|4781 次阅读|2 个评论
刘丽君论文年三十《Surface and Coatings Technology》发表
热度 2 rczeng 2016-2-9 16:16
论文在大年三十发表,有点意外。 Lijun Liu, Pingping Li, Li Shen, Yuhong Zou, Kaijie Luo, Fen Zhang, Rong-Chang Zeng , Shuoqi Li. In vitro corrosion and antibacterial performance of polysiloxane and poly(acrylic acid)/gentamicin sulfate composite coatings on AZ31 alloy , Surface and Coatings Technology , Available online8 February 2016, 2016, 291(15): 7-14, doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.02.016 Highlights • A polysiloxane and LbL composite coating was prepared on AZ31 alloy. • The drug release from the composite coating lasts for 17 days. • The composite coating shows corrosion resistance and antibacterial effect. • It is a versatile approach to develop functional coatings on magnesium implants. Abstract An investigation on the corrosion resistance and antibacterial properties of polyelectrolytes and polysiloxane coatings on magnesium alloy with gentamicin was made. The microstructure and composition of the multilayer coatings were characterized by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscopy. The analysis of electrochemical measurement in HBSS suggested that the composite coatingsimproved the corrosion resistance of AZ31 alloy. Finally, the result ofplate-counting method demonstrates the effective antibacterial properties of the functionalized substrates. Thus, it can be concluded that the multilayer-treatment reported here is a versatile approach to develop antibacterial and anticorrosion coatings on magnesium implants. Keywords Magnesium alloy ; Corrosion resistance; Antibacterial performance; Polyelectrolyte; Polysiloxane; Gentamicin
个人分类: 科研|3346 次阅读|4 个评论
17th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces (WDPS-17)
gcshan 2016-2-2 10:49
17th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces (WDPS-17) 17th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces (WDPS-17) Milan (Italy), September19-21, 2016 http://wdps17.fisica.unimi.it/ Dear colleague, We are pleased to announce the 17th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces (WDPS-17) to be held next September in Milan (Italy), September 19-21, 2016. The Workshop will be the 17th of a series started in 1983 (SURPHON workshops). Since then it became a regular meeting event for theoretical and experimental surface physicists and chemists along the years. The last two editions took place in Leiden (The Netherlands, 2012) and Madrid (Spain, 2014). The workshop complements traditional topics for the series (growth, vibrations, surface chemistry…) with timely subjects: this edition, emphasis will be on the properties of hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces. Confirmed Invited Speakers: Alessandro Coati, Synchrotron SOLEIL (FR) George Malliaras ENS Mines de Saint Etienne, (FR) Eva Rauls, Universität Paderborn (DE) Stefan Rauschenbach, Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart (DE) Alex Shluger, University College London (UK) Ralf Tonner, Philipps-Universität Marburg (DE) Latha Venkataraman, Columbia University NY (US) Astrid de Wijn, University of Stockholm (SE) In addition to the invited talks the program will include oral contributions as well as poster sessions. Abstract submission and registration will be open from May 2nd to June 19th, 2016. Students and young researchers will be encouraged to apply for local support. Further details and updates are available at the workshop website: http://wdps17.fisica.unimi.it/ We kindly ask you to advertise the workshop in your professional networks and to encourage your colleagues to participate in WDPS-17. The workshop flyer is available at: http://wdps17.fisica.unimi.it/files/WDPS17_flyer.pdf . We hope to see you in Milan next September! With best regards, The organising committee: Guido Fratesi (Università di Milano, Italy) William Allison (University of Cambridge, UK) Giulio Casati (Università dell’Insubria, Italy)
个人分类: 科学札记|1793 次阅读|0 个评论
pwscf 画费米面
plgongcat 2015-5-1 09:50
费米能级附近的费米面形状对于材料来的输运性质,超导等具有重要意义。 网上有计算Fermi surface的例子,可是有中错误一直未解。错误如下: “ forrtl: severe (59): list-directed I/O syntax error, unit 5, file stdin Image PC Routine Line Source bands_FS.x 000000000048005A Unknown Unknown Unknown “ 后来仔细研究examples02计算Ni的FS,发现步骤如下: 1. ‘scf‘ 2.产生k points(kvecs_FS.x) 2.‘bands‘ ( !注意这里不是‘nscf’ ,用这个是导致上面 红色错误 的原因,可是为何?) 3.后处理(bands_FS.x) 一些链接: http://emuch.net/html/201207/4667669.html
个人分类: pwscf|5236 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 陈小斌 2015-4-7 22:42
Surface自从诞生那一天起我就比较看好它。当然我看中的是Surface Pro,而不是RT。Surface Pro的优势在于其支持完整的Windows应用,这当然是足以激动人心的。尽管当时很多人跟随苹果公司的论调,批评Surface Pro定位不清。 三年过去了。定位清晰的Surface RT死了,而定位不清的Surface Pro却越活越好,对Mac Book和iPad同时构成一定的威胁,尽管目前看起来这种威胁还微不足道。随着Surface的价位越来越合理,将会有越来越多的人喜欢这款产品。不过,对于我而言,只要Surface不支持GPS定位和导航,我是不会入手的。 虽然功能上支持完整的Windows,但原有的PC系统上的菜单式的WIN程序, 在触摸屏上操作起来还是不太方便。为此微软设计了外接的触摸键盘。触摸键盘的使用方式与桌面PC类似,导致Surface平板特性的体验下降。比如我出野外,经常需要边走边操作平板,键盘就没有意义。 不过,微软忘记了它提供的另一件武器:触碰笔。这支被乔布斯极力抛弃、在三星处复活、被微软重新拾起的电子笔,给了微软在平板上模拟完整鼠标功能的可能。这只要在触碰笔上设计一个小按钮作为鼠标右键就行了。也就是说,对于这样的一支笔,其笔尖模拟鼠标的左键,而新增加的按钮则模拟鼠标的右键,这样我们就可以在Surface平板上方便地操作老的下拉菜单式的Windows桌面程序,比如MT-Pioneer软件。 在触碰笔上增加右键按钮功能实际上是很容易的。比如,可以开启平板的蓝牙功能,接受按钮信息并转化为Windows右键消息。或者还有其他的办法。总之,这不是很难的技术问题。 有了带右键按钮的触碰笔,估计Surface就真的成为PC和平板二合一的产品了。
个人分类: 一孔之见|10979 次阅读|9 个评论
悼念2011年9月因病去世的applied surface science 主编Frans教授
daylighter 2013-6-25 15:06
今日在木虫上得知applied surface science 的前主编Frans Habraken教授于2011年9月因病去世,虽然至今已经时隔近两年,但仍然值得我在此为其悼念。只要投过应用表面科学杂志的人或许都知道,Frans Habraken教授是非常给力的,通常都是第一时间处理稿件,不管是否周末,都能等到他的email,这为多少苦苦等待的孩纸带来了希望和安慰,老教授的心血都已灌注在已经出版的数万篇论文之中,是永垂不朽的。我最早出版的SCI论文便是由 Frans Habraken教授处理的,非常感谢,在此深切缅怀!
个人分类: 感悟点|2325 次阅读|0 个评论
水之魂14: 水和冰的表层到底是固态还是液态?
热度 3 ecqsun 2012-12-27 17:33
•小角拉曼谱: 当由块体移到表面(层)时,水(蓝色) 和冰(红色)的高频振动谱均发生蓝移直至:~3450 cm^-1波数。 - 尚无解。 Kahan , et al, J. Phys. Chem. A 111 , 11006 (2007).
个人分类: 水之魂|4416 次阅读|5 个评论
Progresses on microwave remote sensing
maokebiao 2012-7-9 17:04
Progresses on microwave remote sensing of land surface parameters Abstract: Highly accurate observations at various scales on the land surface are urgently needed for the studies of many areas, such as hydrology, meteorology, and agriculture. With the rapid development of remote sensing techniques, remote sensing has had the capacity of monitoring many factors of the Earth’s land surface. Especially, the space-borne microwave remote sensing systems have been widely used in the quantitative monitoring of global snow, soil moisture, and vegetation parameters with their all-weather, all-time observation capabilities and their sensitivities to the characteristics of land surface factors. Based on the electromagnetic theories and microwave radiative transfer equations, researchers have achieved great successes in the microwave remote sensing studies for different sensors in recent years. This article has systematically reviewed the progresses on five research areas including microwave theoretical modeling, microwave inversion on soil moisture, snow, vegetation and land surface temperatures. Through the further enrichment of remote sensing datasets and the development of remote sensing theories and inversion techniques, remote sensing including microwave remote sensing will play a more important role in the studies and applications of the Earth systems. microwave remote sensing, soil moisture, vegetation, snow water equivalent, land surface temperature SHI JianCheng, DU Yang, DU JinYang, JIANG LingMei, CHAI LinNa, MAO KeBiao, XU Peng, NI WenJian, XIONG Chuan, LIU Qiang, LIU ChenZhou, GUO Peng, CUI Qian, LI YunQing, CHEN Jing, WANG AnQi, LUO HeJia, WANG YinHui, Progresses on microwave remote sensing of land surface parameters, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2012 Vol. 55 (7): 1052-1078. PDF.pdf
个人分类: 星星点灯|4021 次阅读|0 个评论
Surface dipole moment and work function change
SuperSurfer 2012-5-2 17:59
如果做有关材料表面的 DFT 计算,两个经常遇到的量可能就是表面偶极矩 ( μ ) 及其引起的表面功函数变化 ( Δφ ) 。两个量单位不同,但是所表现的物理意义基本上是一样的 : 表面偶极的出现导致表面功函数的变化。如果想把两都统一起来,或者相互转化一下,下面的公式很有用 ( 下面 μ 和 Δφ 的单位分别为 eÅ 与 eV) Δφ = - μ *e/ ε 0 *10 10 /A = - μ *180.95/A 或者 Δφ = - μ *12* p /A/0.20822678 = - μ *181.05 /A Note: 表面功函数变化与表面偶极矩的符号是相反的 , e 是单位电荷, e 0 为真空电容率 , A 为表面面积 (Å 2 ) , 10 10 是为了把 ε 0 的单位从 m -1 转换仍 Å -1 , 0.20822678 是为了适应公式 (2) 中的单位 eÅ(1 Debye ≈ 0.20822678 eÅ) References 1 T. C. Leung, C. L. Kao, W. S. Su, et al., Phys. Rev. B 68 , 195408 (2003). 2 W. X. Li, C. Stampfl, and M. Scheffler, Phys. Rev. B 65 , 075407 (2002).
个人分类: Detials|5782 次阅读|0 个评论
8.2.1 Surface Preparation (In Situ)
xpzhanghit 2011-12-10 07:52
8.2.1 Surface Preparation (In Situ) Surface preparation includes both cleaning and surface modification . Bombardment of the substrate surface by energetic particles prior to the deposition of the film material allows in situ cleaning of the surface (Sec. 12.10). Any surface placed in contact with a plasma will assume a negative potential (sheath potential) with respect to the plasma (self-bias) due to the more rapid loss of electrons to the surface from the plasma compared to the loss of ions to the surface. The sheath potential will accelerate ions across the sheath to bombard the surface . The voltage that develops across the sheath, depends on the flux and energy of the electrons striking the surface. For a weakly ionized DC plasma , the sheath potential will be several volts . Ions accelerated across this sheath potential can desorb adsorbed molecules such as water vapor (“ion scrubbing”). If the ions are of a reactive species , such as oxygen, they will react with contaminant layers, such as hydrocarbons, to produce volatile reaction products and clean the surface. Higher negative sheath potentials can be developed on the substrate surface by accelerating electrons to the surface , applying a DC potential to an electrically conductive surface (applied bias) , or by applying an rf or pulsed DC to an insulating surface . When the potential is high enough for the accelerated inert gas ions from the plasma to attain energies greater than about 100 eV , the ion bombardment can cause physical sputtering that cleans the surface by sputter cleaning . If a chemically reactive species , such as chlorine from CCl4, is present, the surface may be cleaned by plasma etching if a volatile chemical compound is formed by the bombardment. Bombardment can also cause surface modification that can be conducive to film formation. For example, bombardment of a carbide surface by hydrogen ions results in the decarburization of a thin surface layer producing a metallic surface on the carbide, and bombardment from a nitrogen plasma can be used to plasma nitride a steel surface prior to the deposition of a TiN film. Bombardment can also make the surface more “ active ” by the generation of reactive sites and defects. For example, un-bombarded silicon surfaces metallized with aluminum shows no interdiffusion, but the bombarded surface gives rapid diffusion. If done at low bombarding energies , the cleaning of semiconductor materials can be done without introducing surface defects which affect the electronic properties of the surface/interface.
个人分类: 读书笔记|8 次阅读|0 个评论
纳米阵列,纳米花样,Nano Pattern, Array
热度 4 SKYang2011 2011-7-4 16:17
纳米阵列,纳米花样,Nano Pattern, Array
纳米尺度的材料有广泛的应用。在器件领域,如何实现大规模有序的阵列合成是一个首先需要克服的问题。传统的微加工技术在阵列合成上十分有效。然而,耗时,耗能,耗财。利用二维胶体晶体模板作为掩膜的技术,已经发展成为一个低廉,易行的技术来合成蜂窝状的纳米结构阵列。这个领域的领军人物,他叫Van Duye. 但是,这个方法的缺点在于这列的结构不易控制。近期,我们利用二维胶体晶体模板作为初始模板,然后利用二氧化硅溶胶复形,制备了碗阵列。然后利用这些规则排列的碗作为独立的反应容器,结合dewetting的技术,成功实现了具有六角对称的纳米颗粒阵列。阵列结构高度,精确可控。更加重要的是,这个方法能够简单的合成具有特定元素比的合金颗粒,如金银合金。而且,纳米颗粒的尺寸能够被预先准确的计算。这个方法的原始想法来源于自然界。我们知道水落到荷叶上会收缩成小水滴,同时流向最低处。那么,如果把一层金属薄膜热蒸度到规则的碗阵列上,然后加热让金融化,金会不会模拟水在荷叶上的行为呢? 我们通过试验发现,的确如此。在每个碗的底部都可以发现一个金的纳米颗粒!此发现拓宽了纳米阵列合成的方法,为下一步的光学敏感器件研究做了良好的铺垫。其核心结果发表在材料领域杂志,先进功能材料上(adv. funct. mater, 2011, 21, 2446/ http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adfm.201002387/abstract ).
12029 次阅读|3 个评论
46, 3D Surface Mesh Generation on CGAL
weihuayi 2010-9-4 19:38
复习CGAL中的surface mesh生成部分。 以前没做好笔记,也没做好总结,现在只好又新返工。 46. 1 介绍 这个包提供一个函数模板,它的功能是计算出一个能够逼近一个曲面的三角形网格。 算法要求提供一个外部信息源, 它能够判断一条线段,一条直线或者射线是否和这个曲面相交, 如果相交则能够计算出交点。 应用广泛: 零水平集表示的函数,gray level set 描述的曲面。 算法基于概念: restricted Delaunay triangulation. 算法流程:计算出一些曲面上的样本点, 从这些点的三维网格剖分中抽出一个插值的曲面网格,在Delaunay细分的过程中,新的样本点不断加入,直到曲面网格中的单元满足一定的形状和尺寸准则为止。 形状和尺寸准则引导算法细分过程的行为,控制着算法终止。为最终的网格中单元的形状和尺寸提供了条件。 软件包提供了标准的准则,也可以由用户提供自己的准则。 软件包适用的范围。 homeomorphic(同胚), (hausdorff or Frechet distance), 光滑曲面有保证,非光滑曲面没保证 46.2 The Surface Mesh Generator Interface for Smooth Surfaces object-type/class-model-concept 这几个概念的异同? traits class ?一篇 中文说明 ,写的不错。
个人分类: 生活|5927 次阅读|0 个评论
Is the liquid water surface basic or acidic? Macroscopic vs. molecular-scale inv
wkzhang 2008-7-24 03:14
Is the liquid water surface basic or acidic? Macroscopic vs. molecular-scale investigations 摘要 Many physical phenomena are affected by the intrinsic acidity/basicity of the free liquid water surface, yet it remains an active and controversial subject. Macroscopic bubble and droplet experiments have been interpreted to indicate an airwater interface covered with hydroxide, whereas recent molecularscale studies produce the opposite conclusion, viz. that hydroxide is repelled from the interface while hydronium is strongly adsorbed. Here we report results from resonant UV second harmonic generation (SHG) experiments that are best modeled by surface depletion of hydroxide and establish at most a weak surface adsorption. This finding is consistent with our earlier SHG measurements indicating surface enhancement of hydrated protons, as well as with other molecular-scale experiments and simulations, but stands in stark contrast to the results from macroscopic studies. The acidity, or basicity, of aqueous surfaces could strongly influence heterogeneous atmospheric chemical processes, such as aerosol reactions and gas uptake. SHG方法能够从微观的角度研究界面离子浓度,他们研究组之前的UV SHG研究空气水界面的工作中发现了hydrated protons在表面的富集。但是这和一些宏观研究方法的结果似乎有些矛盾。UV SHG可以直接和溶液中的CTTS共振,Hydroxide exhibits a broad charge-transfer-to-solvent (CTTS) transition centered at 187 nm in the bulk ,从而可以研究溶液界面的离子,We have taken a different approach and applied SHG in the UV to directly probe the interfacial ions. At the UV wavelengths used in these experiments, water possesses no resonances, whereas several anions exhibit strong charge-transfer-to-solvent (CTTS) transitions . 本文题目是水的界面是酸性还是碱性? At 225 nm, the SHG intensity remains constant, within experimental uncertainty, due to the limited concentration range explored. At 200 nm, however, the SHG intensity increases significantly at high bulk concentration. Since such a bulk concentration-dependence increase is not observed at the non-resonant wavelengths, this constitutes a direct measurement of surface hydroxide ions at these high concentrations. However, this does not in itself imply surface enhancement of hydroxide. As described above, a small fraction of hydroxide will always exist at the interface despite a repulsive Gibbs free energy due to thermal fluctuations. 讨论 Our direct experimental support for weak hydroxide and strong hydronium propensities for the water surface agrees with the other molecular-level investigations, as described above, but are in stark contrast to the interpretations of macroscopic bubble and droplet electrophoresis experiments . Those experiments measure the motion of gas bubbles or oil droplets in aqueous solution when an electric field is applied. The motion of the droplets/bubbles is analyzed in terms of their zeta-potential and is interpreted as a measure of the overall charge of the droplet/bubble. For neutral and basic pH, the derived zeta-potential is negative, implying that the droplets and bubbles carry a negative surface charge, and only at low pH is a positive zeta-potential observed, i.e. the isoelectric point is around pH 34. Such findings appear universal for hydrophobic interfaces and have been interpreted as clear evidence for a strong surface enhancement of hydroxide . However, those experiments only show that the bubbles and droplets behave as though they are negatively charged, moving in a solvent bath that would have to be positively charged, and not directly establishing that the outermost liquid layer is covered by hydroxide.
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