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Ecuadorian People厄瓜多尔人
waterlilyqd 2019-7-11 09:56
In this March, I went to Cuenca of Eduador to attend an international conference in Cuenca and visited two univerisities in Cuenca and Loja and one research institute in Quito, and met many Ecuadorian people. Some of them look like Nepalian and one Ecuadorian scholar also said the Nepalian took him as Nepalian local people when he visited Nepalian last year; Some of them look like white people in their profile and face but with darker skin perhaps due to the strong ultraviolent ray in the high latitude area, many of them are local Andean people with strong but retatively shorter height. I have met the farmers, pedlars, students, scholars, and governement department staffs, children, youngsters, middle-aged people, andsenior people. The Eduadorian people I met all show great kindness to me, and are very natural in my lens. 网上信息: 区域位置 厄瓜多尔共和国位于南美洲西北部。东北同哥伦比亚毗邻,东南与秘鲁接壤,西临太平洋。面积256370平方千米,海岸线长约930千米。赤道横贯国境北部,厄瓜多尔就是西班牙语“赤道”的意思。 地形地貌 全国分为西部沿海、中部山地和东部地区三个部分。 西部沿海:包括沿海平原和山麓地带,东高西低,一般海拔200米以下,有一些海拔600~700米的丘陵和低山。属热带雨林气候,最南端开始向热带草原气候过渡。年平均降水量从北往南由3000多毫米递减到500毫米左右。 中部山地:安第斯山脉自哥伦比亚入厄瓜多尔国境后,分为东、西科迪勒拉山脉,两山之间为北高南低的高原,海拔平均在2500米到3000米之间。安第斯山脉纵贯国境中部。山脊纵横交错,把高原分成十多个山间盆地。最重要的是基多盆地和南部的昆卡盆地。境内火山众多,地震频繁。著名的科托帕希火山,海拔5897米,为世界最高的活火山之一。位于厄瓜多尔中部的钦博拉索山,海拔6262米,为厄瓜多尔最高峰,厄瓜多尔的钦博拉索山处。从地心到山峰峰顶为6384.1公里。钦博拉索峰位于安第斯山脉西科迪勒拉山,曾长期被误认为是安第斯山脉的最高峰。它是一座休眠火山,有许多火山口,山顶多冰川,在约4694米以上,终年积雪。 东部地区:为亚马逊河流域的一部分。海拔1200~250米的山麓地带河水湍急,250米以下为冲积平原,河面开阔,水流平缓,多河曲。 科隆群岛(加拉帕戈斯群岛)位于太平洋中,东距大陆海岸约900多千米,面积7800平方千米,包括7个大岛和约70个小岛,全部由火山锥和火山熔岩组成。
个人分类: Around World|5646 次阅读|1 个评论
We The People, The Economic Origins of the Constitution
黄安年 2019-2-3 17:38
We The People, The Economic Origins of the Constitution 【 Forrest McDonald 著 《 我们人民,宪法的经济渊源》 1958 年版 】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 134 )】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 / 2019 年 2 月 03 日 发布(第 20814 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过133本,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Forrest McDonald 著 We The People, The Economic Origins of the Constitution ( 《 我们人民,宪法的经济渊源》 ),The University of Chicago Press, 1958 年版 , 417 页,复印本。 照片11张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9, 10 , 11 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1232 次阅读|0 个评论
Final days of some old people in Hawaii
zuojun 2017-6-5 15:42
(有空时翻译成中文) Final days of some old people in Hawaii C’s mom was as graceful as anyone I have ever met, who had her hair done and dressed in muumuu when inviting people to dine out. We were fortunate to join her family on all major US holidays. Before that, I never celebrated the Easter Sunday. C’s mom gave that holiday a non-religion meaning, that is, to celebrate new life in general. As time went by, C’s mom gradually retired from hosting semi-family gathering. Eventually, she developed dementia. She was fortunate enough to stay at home. When she could no longer care for herself, she had two helpers, each staying with her for 12 hours straight. These helpers did not cook for her. (They were paid by hourly wages. I don’t remember the exact rates, but it was more than $10/hr. You can figure out the monthly cost. I think the medical insurance paid for at least part of it.) Luckily, C has a brother, so the two took turns to send food to their mother. In her final days, she was put in hospice care at a hospital wing. (Hospice care is a type of care and philosophy of care that focuses on the palliation of a chronically ill, terminally ill or seriously ill patient's pain and symptoms, and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs. From wikipedia) Her mind was clear during the final days, when she requested my visit. S’s mother-in-law was a lot more demanding, probably because she had dementia. S was born in Japan, but she carries both Japanese women’s gentleness and American women’s toughness. She never complained about anything when we met for lunch or tea once every few months, until her mother-in-law drove her nuts. Dealing with an aging parent became part of our conversation. Eventually, her mother-in-law was sent to an adult daycare, just like a kid’s daycare, leaving home in the morning and coming home in the afternoon. S’s husband was the main caretaker, and S’s son helped. They struggled for years taking care of the grandma, until the very end. I never met G’s mom, but as if I knew her. G was a yoga class C1 regular, just like me. We gradually became friends. G lives in LA, but visited Honolulu twice a year, each time for at least a month to take care of her mom, who was blind and had dementia. When G was not around, her sister and brother took care of their mother. When G and her siblings decided that their mother needed hospice care, the doctor arranged for home hospice instead of using a hospice facility. The hospital was very supportive, and within a few hours of their request, the hospice team arrived. One registered nurse, and one LVN (Licensed Vocational Nurses) who bathed and changed their mother. They even offered the family religious personnel as well as a social worker. Final note: a yoga classmate of mine does house calls to her clients. I have tremendous respect for her and her work. And a yoga teacher of mine is a social worker. I am very fond of her, too. How much I wish all these are available in China, now.
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|3499 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]20 Things Only Highly Creative People Would Understand
carldy 2015-5-25 12:09
http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/20-things-remember-you-love-highly-creative-person.html 20 Things Only Highly Creative People Would Understand There’s no argument anymore. Neuroscience confirms that highly creative people think and act differently than the average person. Their brains are literally hardwired in a unique way. But that gift can often strain relationships. I’ve seen it firsthand while working with New York Times bestselling authors and Grammy-winning musicians. If you love a highly creative person, you probably experience moments when it seems like they live in a completely different world than you. Truth is, they do. But trying to change them isn’t nearly as effective as trying to understand them. It all begins by seeing the world through their lens and remembering these 20 things: 1. They have a mind that never slows down. The creative mind is a non-stop machine fueled by intense curiosity. There is no pause button and no way to power it down. This can be exhausting at times but it is also the source of some crazy fun activities and conversations. 2. They challenge the status quo. Two questions drive every creative person more than any others: What if? and Why not? They question what everyone else takes at face value. While uncomfortable for those around them, it’s this ability that enables creatives to redefine what’s possible. 3. They embrace their genius even if others don’t. Creative individuals would rather be authentic than popular. Staying true to who they are, without compromise, is how they define success even if means being misunderstood or marginalized. 4. They have difficulty staying on task. Highly creative people are energized by taking big mental leaps and starting new things. Existing projects can turn into boring slogs when the promise of something new and exciting grabs their attention. 5. They create in cycles. Creativity has a rhythm that flows between periods of high, sometimes manic, activity and slow times that can feel like slumps. Each period is necessary and can’t be skipped just like the natural seasons are interdependent and necessary. 6. They need time to feed their souls. No one can drive cross-country on a single take of gas. In the same way, creative people need to frequently renew their source of inspiration and drive. Often, this requires solitude for periods of time. 7. They need space to create. Having the right environment is essential to peak creativity. It may be a studio, a coffee shop, or a quiet corner of the house. Wherever it is, allow them to set the boundaries and respect them. 8. They focus intensely. Highly creative people tune the entire world out when they’re focused on work. They cannot multi-task effectively and it can take twenty minutes to re-focus after being interrupted, even if the interruption was only twenty seconds. 9. They feel deeply. Creativity is about human expression and communicating deeply. It’s impossible to give what you don’t have, and you can only take someone as far as you have gone yourself. A writer once told me that an artist must scream at the page if they want a whisper to be heard. In the same way, a creative person must feel deep if they are to communicate deeply. 10. They live on the edge of joy and depression. Because they feel deeply, highly creative people often can quickly shift from joy to sadness or even depression. Their sensitive heart, while the source of their brilliance, is also the source of their suffering. 11. They think and speak in stories. Facts will never move the human heart like storytelling can. Highly creative people, especially artists, know this and weave stories into everything they do. It takes longer for them to explain something, explaining isn’t the point. The experience is. 12. They battle Resistance every day. Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art, writes: “Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.” Highly creative people wake up every morning, fully aware of the need to grow and push themselves. But there is always the fear, Resistance as Pressfield calls it, that they don’t have what it takes. No matter how successful the person, that fear never goes away. They simply learn to deal with it, or not. 13. They take their work personally. Creative work is a raw expression of the person who created it. Often, they aren’t able to separate themselves from it, so every critique is seen either as a validation or condemnation of their self-worth. 14. They have a hard time believing in themselves. Even the seemingly self-confident creative person often wonders, Am I good enough? They constantly compare their work with others and fail to see their own brilliance, which may be obvious to everyone else. 15. They are deeply intuitive. Science still fails to explain the How and Why of creativity. Yet, creative individuals know instinctively how to flow in it time and again. They will tell you that it can’t be understood, only experienced firsthand. 16. They often use procrastination as a tool. Creatives are notorious procrastinators because many do their best work under pressure. They will subconsciously, and sometimes purposefully, delay their work until the last minute simply to experience the rush of the challenge. 17. They are addicted to creative flow. Recent discoveries in neuroscience reveal that “the flow state” might be the most addictive experience on earth. The mental and emotional payoff is why highly creative people will suffer through the highs and lows of creativity. It’s the staying power. In a real sense, they are addicted to the thrill of creating. 18. They have difficulty finishing projects. The initial stage of the creative process is fast moving and charged with excitement. Often, they will abandon projects that are too familiar in order to experience the initial flow that comes at the beginning. 19. They connect dots better than others. True creativity, Steve Jobs once said, is little more than connecting the dots. It’s seeing patterns before they become obvious to everyone else. 20. They will never grow up. Creatives long to see through the eyes of a child and never lose a sense of wonder. For them, life is about mystery, adventure, and growing young. Everything else is simply existing, and not true living
个人分类: 读书心得体会 Harvest|1281 次阅读|0 个评论
全球生物制药领域最有影响力的25位牛人- 中国人首次上榜
热度 1 wsyokemos 2015-5-14 08:41
生物制药领域颇有影响的媒体 FierceBiotech 今天新鲜出炉了 The 25 most influential people in biopharma in 2015 , 其详细名单如下: 这 25 位业界牛人中,有两位华人上榜,其中一位也是唯一一位来自中国大陆,他就是药明康德( WuXiPharmaTech Wuxi PharmaTech ) 的创始人和 CEO -李革,药明作为中国最大的 CRO 公司早在 2007 年就在纽约证交所上市,最近宣布要撤市完成私有化,其个中原因,《医药经济报》上近日的一篇题为 “ 药明康德私有化欲破三重门 ” 的文章分析的挺到位, 还有另外一篇更深入的分析,号称“ 关于拟退市药明康德一个最靠谱的分析报告 ” 。 FierceBiotech 整的 The 25 most influential people in biopharma 年度榜单已经有些年头了,据我了解, 李革是第一位来自中国大陆的上榜者, 可以说有里程碑意义。这也一定程度上体现了中国在生物制药领域的快速发展和日渐增强的国际影响力。 上榜的另外一位华人是 Patrick Soon-Shiong , 其中文名字是黄馨祥,他是美国最富有的华人、也是全球最富的医生。其传奇经历,我此前曾在一篇博文中介绍过他(参见: 黄馨祥 : 美国华裔首富 )。 由于时间和精力很有限,对这个榜单的其他上榜者就不做评论了。
个人分类: 生物制药|11466 次阅读|1 个评论
people will always find something to say
Zhuiri37927 2014-6-17 23:52
在微博上看到的一张图。有时候人们活的太累,一个原因可能就是被旁人(更多的是与你没有多大关系的人)的言语所束缚了,也就出现了活的很累的感叹。但是,看明白了,就知道,其实很多人的言语对自己来说意义又有多大呢?他并不是关心你,而是对你取得的一点点比他强的小小成就就垂涎三尺,有时候还想让你请他吃饭。所以,与其在某些一天到晚就喜欢在别人后面叨叨的人的言语中活的不自在,还不如活出自己的滋味,让那些人叨叨去吧 。 What ever we say,what ever we do,people will always find something to say.
个人分类: 一路走来|2769 次阅读|0 个评论
xuxfyuwp 2014-4-15 15:27
杨应昌老师身材魁梧,一脸的胡子,给人的第一印象是很适合干些力气活,到农场来应不难找到用武之地。若不是还带着一幅眼镜,很难与知识分子的形象联系在一起。不过,当他与我们交谈时,柔和的话语与其魁梧的身材有些不相匹配。杨老师在离开鲤鱼洲前一直担任我们班的班主任,尽管有些大材小用,但在那个特殊的年代,也还算是部分体现了价值。 记得那时王明珠老师教我们英语课,教材都是自编自印,不少是取材于一些与政治形势相吻合的文章,虽不够生活化、口语化,但一些政治化的句子倒是背得烂熟,至今不忘。王老师课上得很有激情,现在还能回忆起她上课时一边拍巴掌一边很有节奏地带我们念英语句子时的情景。如“好好学习、天天向上”(Study well and make progress everyday)、“为人民服务”(Serve the people,heart and soul)这样的句子,反复背诵,脱口而出,有的还编成了歌曲,这辈子大概也不会忘了。 教政治课的是朱德生教授,由于学问高深,又有口音,所以讲课效果不太好。虽然有些内容听不太懂,但由于确实有内容、有水平,不拘一格,倒还是有一种新鲜感。记得朱老师在讲哲学概念时,提出了世间万物都在变化的概念,有个同学听了后发问,那窗户上的玻璃也会变化吗?这个问题现在看起来有些幼稚,但当时还是引起了大家的兴趣。朱老师没有正面回答,让大家讨论一下。最后的结论是玻璃确实也会变化,只是变化的速度会慢一些,若过了一万年,其变化就会显现了。结论是大家讨论出的,还是老师总结的我就记不清了。 钱竹年老师主讲物理课,讲课效果我已记不清了。只记得他学识丰富,知道的事很多。农场组织千里拉练到安源,我们十二、三岁的学生要背着背包于同大人一起赶路,确实很辛苦。那时的精神状态现在确实不好像想了,遇上苦或累的事,不会有人退缩,500里井冈我们也是这样走过来的。行军路上,大家常要通过唱歌、喊口号来鼓舞士气。口号通常有两类,一是毛主席语录,如:“下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利。”另一种是自己编的顺口溜,如:“同志们,大步走,毛主席向我们挥巨手。想想红军两万五,我们今天哪算苦,想想革命老前辈,我们今天哪算累。”这些口号确实能在一定程度上起到鼓劲的作用,但也不能总喊,毕竟要消耗体力。钱竹年老师便承担起了一个重要任务,通过讲故事来缓解大家的疲劳感。那时经常看的电影有《列宁在十月》和《列宁在一九一八》,反映的是当初俄国十月革命时期的事。电影中情节提供了不少线索,钱老师便顺着这些线索介绍进一步的细节,如影片中的捷尔任斯基,就牵涉到当时十月革命及后来一个时期的许多反特事件,大家听得津津有味,将疲劳忘到了一边。真不知道这位物理老师怎么会知道这么多与专业不相干的事。 不记得林被甸老师教过我们什么课了。但对林老师印象最深的有两条,一是非常勤恳地在在学校的菜地里耕耘,将菜地整理得非常整齐。我们排负责菜地,我作为排长,自然常与林老师打交道;二是林老师很会总结,一点小事,经过林老师一归纳,一二三四五,有条有理,有根有据,不愧是教历史的,有很高的概括水平。否则,漫长的历史进程不知需要多少篇幅了。 杨海寿老师是地球系搞天文的,整天摆弄一架天文望远镜,对着天空看,我们自然也会去凑热闹,虽说看不懂,但听杨老师讲讲,也增添几分神秘感,浩瀚的星空中确实大有学问。 缪锦海老师负责学校的全面工作,他的专业是气象学。在农场整天要与天打交道,不少人都常向他请教天气变化问题,比如一早起来就会问,今天是否要下雨?若是已在下雨,就问他什么时候能停。缪老师自然会对着天东看看,西望望,然后解释一番,结论往往会有些模糊。由于我后来也学了气象,明白了仅靠看看天是无法做出准确预报的,必须对观测资料进行细致分析才行。缪老师大概也只能利用一点看天的常识来应付我们,为了不使大家失望,总要给出点结论才行,也难怪总是讲得那么不够确定。 往事如烟,但这些老师给我们留下的印象和影响将会是长远的,终身难忘。 (原文写于2009-05-24 09:09:08 新浪博客)
个人分类: 杂记|777 次阅读|0 个评论
haojiewuhen 2014-4-13 15:44
首先,请原谅我,因为我在思考的时候,或者称之为“头脑风暴”的时候是用英语来反问我自己的(肤浅的以为这样很解气),所以,我就那个英语记录了: What kind of life is meaningful? Is that very important?To whom? To save people?To fight for us?To be a hero?To love? To save the planet? 其实很多很多时候是为了自己的利益,你承认吗? 或许有N 种理由让我们告诉我们自己:我们必须奋斗,必须努力,我们要过上好日子,好---日---子??? 没有得到的就是最好的,这种狭隘的世俗观点充斥在我们生活的环境。 看看如今的“成功人士的判定标准”,看看各种媒体的宣传和标榜的对象,可悲! 很喜欢一句话:不能妄谈成功,成功,是将死之人的才念叨的事! 在哪里不重要,做什么才重要! 别再寻求“速成法”之路了!
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zhmgb 2013-11-28 20:19
One stop on the road to attaining a billion-dollar fortune is to seek advice at the feet of those who have already attained it. And while it might be difficult to get face time with some of Africa’s richest people, you can learn a lot from their words of wisdom. 在通往亿万财富的道路上有很多小站,其中之一就是从“过来人”那里寻求建议。要跟非洲最富有的人面对面交流,这样的机会固然难得,但从他们的名言金句中,你也可以获益良多。 In the spirit of self-motivation, here are 20 inspirational quotes from a few members of Forbes’ list of 50 Richest Africans. 本着自我激励的目的,在此将福布斯2013非洲50富豪榜成员的20句励志名言摘录如下: 1. If you don’t have ambition, you shouldn’t be alive. – Aliko Dangote 1. 没有抱负的人生不值得过下去。——阿里科·丹格特 2. People in Tanzania look at my wealth and think I must be sunbathing and playing golf all day. But I work really hard. I put in a hundred hours a week. It’s a never stopped game. You can never say I’ve worked hard enough now. – Mohammed Dewji 2. 坦桑尼亚人看到我的财富就会想,我肯定整天都在晒日光浴、打高尔夫。但我工作起来非常卖力,每周都要投入100小时在工作上。这是一场永无休止的游戏。你永远都没有机会说,现在我付出的努力已经足够了。——穆罕默德·德沃基 3. As you start out in life, it is important that you know at least something about everything, but as you get older it is important that you know everything about something. – Johann Rupert 3. 初涉人世的时候,你有必要凡事都懂一点,但随着年纪的增长,你得就需要至少对一件事了如指掌。——约翰·鲁伯特 4. The harder you work, the luckier you get. – Mike Adenuga 4. 你越努力,运气就越好。——迈克·阿登努加 5. In Life, you don’t get anywhere or do anything you hope to without some sort of sacrifice. – Stephen Saad 5. 在生活中,如果不作出牺牲,你就无法达到任何成就、实现任何期望。——斯蒂芬·萨阿德 6. I think there are a lot of people with family connections but who are actually nowhere. If you are hardworking and determined, you will make it and that’s the bottom line. I don’t believe in an easy way through. – Isabel Dos Santos 6. 我觉得,很多因家庭背景而人脉广泛的人都一事无成。如果你付出不懈努力并拥有坚定决心,你就能成功,这是最关键的。我不相信其中存在任何捷径。——伊莎贝尔·多斯桑托斯 7. One has to set high standards… I can never be happy with mediocre performance. – Patrice Motsepe 7. 目标一定要高。我永远都不会满足于平庸的表现。——帕特里斯·莫特赛比 8. Money is not my objective. – Desmond Sacco 8. 钱不是我的目标。——德斯蒙德·萨科 9. I own quite a lot and I have worked very hard for it. – Sudhir Ruparelia 9. 我拥有一大笔财富,而这些都是我辛勤努力的结果。——苏迪尔·鲁帕拉里亚 10. In today’s world, paradoxically, it is the boldest action that is often the safest. Remaining where you are in a world that is changing so rapidly is in fact the most dangerous of all places to be in. – Hakeem Belo- Osagie 10. 说来矛盾,在当今世界上,最大胆的举措往往都是最安全的。在这个瞬息万变的世界中,留在原地其实就是留在了最危险的地方。——哈基姆·贝罗-奥萨吉 11. Failure is a good thing – Hakeem Belo-Osagie 11. 失败是件好事。——哈基姆·贝罗-奥萨吉 12. It’s essential to draw up a “things to do” list on a daily basis and set priorities in executing them, making sure that any unfinished task get posted to the next day’s list. – Folorunsho Alakija 12. 关键是要坚持每天都列出一个“待办事项”清单,并且排出轻重缓急,确保任何未完成的任务都顺延到第二天的清单。——佛罗伦索·阿拉基嘉 13. I grew up in poverty, but I always saw it as a challenge. The good thing is that you can surmount a challenge if you are willing to pay the price. The price is hard work. – Reginald Mengi 13. 我在贫苦中长大,但我一直都将其视为一种挑战。好在,只要愿意付出代价,你就能战胜困难。而这个代价就是努力工作。——雷吉纳尔德·孟吉 14. Every morning when I wake up, I make up my mind to solve as many problems, before retiring home. – Aliko Dangote 14. 每天早上起来,我都下定决心,要在晚上回家前解决尽可能多的问题。——阿里科·丹格特 15. A vision on its own is not enough. Hard work dedication is required to make that vision a reality – Strive Masiyiwa 15. 光有远见是不够的。你还需要努力地工作和全身心地投入来将这种远见变成现实。——斯特拉夫·马希依瓦 16. Today is the beginning of the Rest of your Life! You are the Pilot of your life! Lock in your destination; take off to it, from where you are! – Vimal Shah 16. 今天是你余下人生的起点!你是自己人生的舵手!锁定目标,向前进发,就从你现在所处的地方开始!——维玛尔·沙阿 17. In business you have to know when to retire, before someone knocks you out.” – Lauritz (Laurie) Dippenaar 17. 在生意中,你必须知道何时退休——不要等到别人把你踢出去。——劳里茨(劳里)·迪彭纳 18. In whatever you do, strive to be the best at it – Aliko Dangote 18. 无论你做什么,都要尽力做到最好。——阿里科·丹格特 19. Whether you’re a farmer, builder or engineer, the opportunities are equal: Just add a little innovation – Strive Masiyiwa 19. 不管你是农民、建筑工人还是工程师,机会都是均等的:只要加入一点点创新就行。——斯特拉夫·马希依瓦 20. Entrepreneurship without skills limits your growth potential – Strive Masiyiwa 20. 没有创业技巧而空有创业精神,这会阻碍你的增长潜力。——斯特拉夫·马希依瓦
个人分类: 生活点滴|1148 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] Schmidt Ocean Institute holds its 1st symposium
zuojun 2013-10-30 03:20
On November 1-2, 2013, at the Royal Hawaiian Resort in Honolulu, Schmidt Ocean Institute will hold its first research symposium. The theme will be: Accelerating the Pace of Ocean Science Through Technological Advancement and Open Sharing of Information. For more, visit: http://www.schmidtocean.org/story/show/2171 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZvhO1dsza0 ps. China blocks Youtube, but here is an excellent example what is missed for ocean researchers in China. pps. I never dreamed about being rich, because I didn't know what I was going to do with all that money. But I start to dream now: IF one day I became RICH, I would like to build an r/v and name it.... Never mind about the name, for I will never be so rich.
个人分类: My Research Interests|1970 次阅读|0 个评论
It's time to go "people watch"
热度 1 zuojun 2013-10-3 12:07
I will take a bus to a sightseeing place, just to check out how many tourists are there...
个人分类: 中文博客|2374 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Some medications used for really old people...
zuojun 2013-6-6 04:45
Donepezil Donepezil hydrochloride tablets USP areindicated for the treatment of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. Efficacy hasbeen demonstrated in patients with mild, moderate, and severe Alzheimer’sdisease. http://www.drugs.com/pro/donepezil.html Risperidone Risperidone is an antipsychotic medication. It works by changing the effects ofchemicals in the brain. Risperidone is used to treat schizophrenia and symptoms of bipolar disorder(manic depression). It is also used in autistic children to treat symptoms ofirritability. Risperidone may also be used for purposes other than those listed in thismedication guide. http://www.drugs.com/risperidone.html
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|2948 次阅读|0 个评论
emails from people who had asked his advice
jingyanwang 2013-5-30 01:08
Posted by honuhawaii (221) 22 Nov 2011 to esi83: Hi - A couple of thoughts. I am in a field where conferences outweigh publications as well, and do not have too much to say in terms of peer-reviewed publications for myself. Also, Zhang Associates is my attorney. My NIW case was submitted in January, and I just received and forwarded to my attorney the response to my RFE. Therefore, I am familiar with all your issues, and this is what I will say. Please do watch my case - I expect to receive a decision in the next month or so, and I do hope it is a good one - that will tell you whether to believe my recommendations or not, since I myself have no faith in these till I learn for sure that they worked for me! :) 1. Without peer reviewed publications, you have to move mountains to justify to an immigration officer that you are NIW worthy. While I had very impressive letters, what the RFE boiled my case down to was insufficient publications/citations, and therefore, insufficient evidence of impact on the field. 2. The solution to my problem was thinking outside the box to demonstrate national influence without citations. I contacted people around the country who have talked to me, implemented my strategies, and benefited from my work to demonstrate impact. So you may want to start thinking about who attended your talks/posters, and who took your ideas and did something with them in their own areas, and get letters from those people. 3. Zhang Associates is timely, and very efficient. They were good about providing examples, and even editing the drafts I wrote. The problem with them was with thinking outside the box. I found that I had to do that thinking for myself. They didn't have a lot of experience with cases where people had demonstrated national influence without citations. Having said that, my attorney did share one example of an engineer who responded to an RFE about lack of national influence by submitting 100s of emails from people who had asked his advice on various matters over the years, and were grateful for what they had learned, and described how they implemented his suggestions into their work. So get your out of the box thinking hat on - you need to demonstrate that your work has influenced that of other people. Outside of citations, how would you best go about the process of demonstrating that? Remember, the proof is probably in the pudding, but the burden of showcasing it is entirely yours to bear. Retaining Zhang Associates will not change that burden much. Finally, while it is a good idea to send them your letter drafts before sending them off to people for their signatures, do review them - sometimes the statements they add in may not be appropriate, or may repeat themselves from one letter to another. In summary, good attorneys, but you need to be the champion of your own cause, and be an out of the box type of thinker. Good luck! Posted by gctracker250 (45) 23 Nov 2011 I think you are ok for NIW, though close to borderline. You can make a stronger NIW case if you can get your publication count and citation count higher. But letters will matter a lot too ... get good, independent, and international letters. When submitting a letter, include the CV of the writer to show that he or she is an expert in the field. ( reply ) Posted by jingyanwang (2) 2 hours 23 minutes ago Hi all, I'm working as a postdoc in US with a J1 visa, and I obtained my PhD on computer science from China. Currently, I have: -Publications: 22 first author papers, including 12 journal papers (8 indexed by SCI), 9 conference papers, and 1 book chapter, -Citations: 23 non-self citations to my first author papers, -Review: 12 invited review to papers of others (9 of them are SCI indexed journal paper), Do you think I have a chance for NIW green card? Thanks a lot! ( reply ) ( report this ) Posted by hickory (469) 2 hours 11 minutes ago to jingyanwang: Obtain some real strong letters that outline how important your studies are for the US. You have just about 2 citations per peer reviewed publication and that can be an issue when you try to prove that your studies are well recognized by your peers. In such a situation, exhibiting your works' national importance is the way to go. I also see that you can comfortably claim publications, and reviewing others' work. But carefully consider the requirement stated in this page for NIW - http://tinyurl.com/yzrp539 Hope you can ensure that you can fulfill 3 of the requisites. All the best. ( reply ) ( report this ) Posted by jingyanwang (2) 3 minutes ago to hickory: Thank you very much for your kindly reply. You are right --- my main weakness is the citation. Maybe I should apply later when I enough citations, since some of my papers are published very recently. But how many citations could make my case safe? 40, or 60 citations? Or more? Best regards! ( reply ) ( edit ) ( delete ) ( report this ) Posted by hickory (472) 18 minutes ago to jingyanwang: There is in fact no rule of thumb for citation numbers with respect to NIW. I only had about 60 when I applied for NIW in 2010. If you go through the profiles of various NIW applicants on trackitt, there are quite a few who have about 20-30 citations. However, as I wrote earlier, the burden of proving that your work benefits and will benefit the nation is upon you. And the expert support letters and your own cover letter can do that job quite well. Regards and wishes. ( reply ) ( report this )
个人分类: NIW|3 次阅读|0 个评论
How people in science see each other?
热度 3 wfshigiat 2013-5-8 14:46
Beijing, 2:30pm, Institute of Zoology. I have been swampted by writing a new manuscript and got stucked this afternoon, partly due to fatigue and partly due to the terrible weather of Beijing. Anyway, I would like to share you guys an old figure that a lot of people might have seen. I hope this figure would make you feel happy and have a nice afternoon. Definitely, every guy will have his own understanding to this funny figure. However, it really means something. Finally, can I ask you a question? Who you are? The genius, the gossipy girls, the slaves, the Donald Duck or the great hero?
个人分类: 科研心得|5631 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]三一五打假美国——华夏 与 华盛顿西雅图
热度 2 nature2012 2013-3-15 22:12
[转载]三一五打假美国——华夏 与 华盛顿西雅图
玩 一 ,那是最后的事,是人类的顶级之事。 Einstein说: For people, the fourth dimension is only in mathematics there. His intellect does not understand the fourth dimension. 对于人类,这个第四维只在数里,人类的才智搞不懂它。 干点力所能及的吧,中国有个地方称呼为“夏”。美国的首都是华盛顿,还有个地方也叫华盛顿,在美国的西北角,首府为西雅图seattle,发音为夏图。 Genis=进士,当下各位院士就是进士,就是Genis。也就是创纪录的贤人、神人。这个词来源于我们的“进士”。 夏图的东边有块突出的地方,称为火烧滩=火尧火 滩,按照祖先以前的写法就应当是“火尧火”。 尧是我们的祖宗啦。这个地方突出的就是突突地冒气,见图: 火烧滩在美国人的地图上不写,百度上标注的清楚(下图)。 将火烧滩放大,上面是整齐的点点,点点处是砂子。 西雅图Seattle为华盛顿Washington州的首府,如果连起来按照我们的顺序读音则为“华夏”。 再向西偏南些,这个地方叫做Yakima,在其上面是Yakima Firing Range。这个区域都是砂子的点点,也是突突地冒气只是没有我们的整齐。那么yakima firing range=? yaki=火烤,firiing=火烧? range=那旮的? 那马呢? 加在一起那就是火龙驹吧? 同火烧滩是一个意思,马驹=关雎!总而言之,这两个地方的地貌一致,地名一致,都是国家的起源地。 谁是原创呢? 谁还敢说是中国人盗用美国人的呢? 是美国人自己起的名字吗? 是沿用了玛雅人的地名吗? 皆有可能! 无论如何,我们是文明的祖宗,他们使用了我们的“华夏”,这是我们的知识产权,他们得改名字,否则,拜师也可! 三一五打假,打打美国这个假! 纯粹调侃,绝对不是个人学术,请编辑理解、放行。
161 次阅读|5 个评论
How people in science see each other
TeaAndBlueSky 2013-3-7 20:10
科学界有很多角色,他们如何看待他人和自己呢?请看下图: 请留心他们看待自己的方格。 我的博士研究生戴帅夫从UC Berkeley访学归来后提供了这幅图片。 另见赵晓濛的日志 : http://blog.renren.com/GetEntry.do?id=750924176owner=278774914。
2206 次阅读|0 个评论
yue 2013-3-5 20:43
我们对林肯的思想比较熟悉的是“三民主义”:民治、民有和民享。即By the people, for the people, of the people. 今天听了一段林肯的话,内容如下: You can fool all people some of time, you can fool some people all time, but you cannot fool all people all time. 难怪美国人还算诚信,原来这方面的教育很多。 又想到美国的许多电影,格调之高,中国的电影一般难以望其项背。例如《拯救大兵瑞恩》中的爱国主义,《功夫熊猫》中的哲理,《史莱克》中的朴实。
个人分类: 法学|2383 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Plant in motion
ljxue 2013-2-22 05:19
http://plantsinmotion.bio.indiana.edu/plantmotion/movements/leafmovements/clocks.html Interesting movies Plant in motion. Image processing is more and more important for Biology research. I think many people like automatic stuffs.
个人分类: Laugh|1604 次阅读|0 个评论
gabbro 2013-1-17 10:45
北京随着几条新线路开通,坐地铁5号线换乘10号线上班,成为一件极其困难的事。原来只是5号线上车难,换乘10号线比较容易,现在10号线已经荣升为北京地铁拥挤冠军了。 现在乘坐地铁上班,要做好一不怕等,二不怕挤,三不怕同性、异性零距离接触的准备。 进站要等很久,为了控制人流,检票口只开一个通道;为了安全,电梯停运。好不容易到了站台上,才发现people mountain and people sea。每次过来的车已经非常满了,而且想上去的人多,下来的人极少。在等了n次(n5)车后,终于挤上去了,男女老少齐贴面。下车时,通常是后面的人推着往前冲,每次都感觉到一股冲击波把我冲到2米外,我才能停住。在新的换乘站台,重复着等待、挤车、贴面的步骤。 不要以为这是痛苦的经历,这就算享受了。有时候想等待、挤车、贴面都有点奢侈。 譬如,痛苦的是如今早,一列地铁机车出故障,5号线全线瘫痪,想等待、挤车、贴面都不行。 还有痛苦的是,有一次上车后,我的羽绒服后背和帽子被夹到车门中间,更悲催的是,列出从下站起开启“右侧车门”,我只能被吊在车门上。在稍微可以活动的情况下,把羽绒服脱下来,强行拉出来,当然,帽子是没法要了,后背也需要洗了。 比悲催更可怕的是危险。有一次,人多拥挤,我被挤倒在地,只感觉有脚在我腿上踩踏,我使劲挣扎,用手拉住其他人的衣服,很快在周围几个人的帮助下,我站起来了,才发现我后面有人半倒着支撑着我,我才比较容易站起来,幸运的是除了淤血,没有大碍。 选择开车上班也是无奈之举,想为减少PM2.5做贡献也不容易。
6012 次阅读|0 个评论
Only happy people read daily news
zuojun 2013-1-2 03:16
Why? Because 80% of the headline news, say at Yahoo! news front page, is bad news, even on the New Year's Day. That is even hard for a happy person to take. If one is not happy, he does not need more bad news. Maybe it’s time for the media to rethink of its negative impact on people’s daily life. Make people happy, not sad, every day! ps. I am glad that the world didn’t end in 2012. However, Super S torm Sandy, Newtown killing of little kids, and then the horror story of a female Indian medical student, each depressed me for days. I could not imagine what these victims’ families were going through, and felt the hopelessness of not being a superman.
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2793 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] The Ultimate Social Network (aka your body)
zuojun 2012-11-26 11:05
Researchers who study the friendly bacteria that live inside all of us are starting to sort out who is in charge—microbes or people? By Jennifer Ackerman … The study of the microbiome has even partially rehabilitated the reputation of one disease-causing bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. Fingered by Australian physicians Barry Marshall and Robin Warren in the 1980s as the causative agent of peptic ulcers, H. pylori is one of the few bacteria that seem to thrive in the acidic environment of the stomach. While continued use of medicines known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, had long been known to be a common cause of peptic ulcers, the finding that bacteria contributed to the condition was remarkable news. After Marshall’s discovery, it became standard practice to treat peptic ulcers with antibiotics. As a result, the rate of H. pylori –induced ulcers has dropped by more than 50 percent. Yet the matter is not so simple, says Martin Blaser, now a professor of internal medicine and microbiology at New York University who has studied H. pylori for the past 25 years. “Like everyone, I started working on H. pylori as a simple pathogen,” he says. “It took a few years for me to realize that it was actually a commensal.” In 1998 Blaser and his colleagues published a study showing that in most people, H. pylori benefits the body by helping to regulate levels of stomach acids, thus creating an environment that suits itself and its host. If the stomach churns out too much acid for the bacteria to thrive, for example, strains of the bug that contain a gene called cagA start producing proteins that signal the stomach to tone down the flow of acid. In susceptible people, however, cagA has an unwelcome side effect: provoking the ulcers that earned H. pylori its nasty rap. … Mazmanian contends that the recent sevenfold to eightfold increase in rates of autoimmune disorders such as Crohn’s disease, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis is related to the decline in beneficial microbes. “All these diseases have both a genetic component and an environmental component,” Mazmanian says. “I believe that the environmental component is microbiotic and that the changes are affecting our immune system.” The microbial shift that comes with changes in how we live—including a decrease in B. fragilis and other anti-inflammatory microbes—results in the underdevelopment of regulatory T cells. In people who have a genetic susceptibility, this deviation may lead to autoimmunity and other disorders. … TheultimatesocialnetworkScientificAmericanjun2012.pdf
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|2473 次阅读|0 个评论
San Francisco
jiaguangjia 2012-11-24 13:07
if you're going to san francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair if you're going to san francisco you're gonna meet some gentle people there for those who come to san francisco summertime will be a love-in there in the streets of san francisco gentle people with flowers in their hair all across the nation such a strange vibration people in motion there's a whole generation with a new explanation people in motion people in motion for those who come to san francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair if you come to san francisco summertime will be a love-in there if you come to san francisco summertime will be a love-in there 朋友最近要去San Francisco进修学习,我突然想起了上研究生时,我们外教经常给我们播放的一首曲子。今天下载后,听了听,感觉还是很好。 外教是一位因为战争而留在中国的美国老人,他在学校的家,是一座小楼,他会说一些汉语,还有两位中国孩子。 时间已经过去很久了,不知老人现在状况如何?谢谢这位留在中国而从事英语教育的老师。
2336 次阅读|0 个评论
duke01361 2012-11-1 02:20
美国第16任总统林肯说:“ You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” Abraham Lincoln , (attributed) 16th president of US (1809 - 1865) 推荐林垦这段话用于科学家的城市的座右铭!一名科学家一定要牢记林垦先生的这段话 同时,最好也要记住马克思的这段话: There is no royal road to science,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - 1872 Preface 记住上述两段话让人能够认命,且会培养职业素养。
个人分类: My Ideas|2644 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]"I was wondering if ...."
chnfirst 2012-8-30 10:05
http://www.english-test.net/forum/ftopic12278.html why people say " I was wondering if ...." not " I am wodering if .... "? Thanks. They say both. I think that putting a request or question in the past makes it sound more polite, much as putting it in the conditional would. "I'm wondering if you'll help me," sounds a little abrupt. It sounds more diplomatic if it is changed to "I was wondering if you would help me."
个人分类: 学习、语言|1 次阅读|0 个评论
Why is Happiness in intelligent people so rare?
duke01361 2012-8-4 06:59
Why is Happiness in intelligent people so rare? Is it because that the desires with the intelligent people are too many? I can see too many Desires with the intelligent people for being intelligent by accomplishing something? or beingable to see the devastating truth? or being very thoughtful? or being too busy being smart? or having been rejected the part of you thatmakeshappiness? or being too stupid incapable of creating happiness? What else? At the least I cannot see some people feel happy when theyalways feel lonely I can say that making lots ofreal friends may be effective inobtaining happy lives. I might beright?
个人分类: Life a Bit|2992 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]YC合伙人Garry Tan:创业初期把事做精最重要
crossludo 2012-5-24 23:44
YC合伙人Garry Tan:创业初期把事做精最重要 中国持续升温的创业热的变现之一,就是众多创业孵化器的出现。而和他们接触,常常会聊到他们共同瞻仰的对象,Y Combinator (YC),位于美国的目前世界上最富盛名的互联网创业公司孵化器。 近日,动点科技卢刚( 微博 )对YC的合伙人Garry Tan进行了一次独家专访。Garry Tan是微博客服务Posterous的联合创始人,在2011年初以合伙人身份加入YC,特别是在产品设计上指导YC的各个团队。对于YC的成功,创业的方向和需要注意的地方,Garry畅谈了他自己的看法。 创业孵化器成功的关键:运营者 Paul Graham,Y Combinator的创始人,不仅仅YC的领袖,更是成为硅谷创业者教父级的人物。Paul自己的背景就是一个程序员和创业者,查询Wikipedia上对他的介绍其名字的后面还特别注明了Computer Programmer。他开发出了知名的在线电商软件Viaweb,后被Yahoo收购成为Yahoo! Store。 Garry认为正因为这些经历,Paul非常理解创业公司的需求。Garry说,在美国也有不少复制YC模式的孵化器,但是目前都没有YC成功。 Paul不是学术派,不是什么500强公司的管理者,也不是什么金融家,他是个骇客(Hacker),是个创始人。他知道如何去创业,从产品设计到产品开发再到用户。这是YC能够成功的根本。 风险投资者的背景多是经济金融,或者MBA, 这些东西对于什么都没有的创业公司的价值是有限的。在创业团队积累了一定量的用户并且开发出可能的商业模式后,风险投资进入的价值才会更好的体现。 Garry同时也认为,风投行业也在改变,美国也逐渐出现了一些风投公司,他们的创始合作人的背景已经是100%的极客和知道怎么从0开始做创业公司的人。 YC选择项目的标准 对于项目选拔,Garry非常肯定的说创业团队比项目本身更加重要的。Paul自己曾经说,YC选择的标准是人,而不是商业计划或者说商业想法。商业想法总会被时间改变,所以从该想法中看到的最有价值的东西是提出这个想法的人。 所以Garry认为在进入YC的一些项目在一段时间后的发展方向和最初会有改变是件正常的事。比如说一些项目在开始时移动互联网,智能手机等等行业大环境并不够好,当时就进入移动互联网并不是好的时机,而现在不一样了,所以一些重心也必须改变。不过Garry也认为这也不能绝对化,象AirBnb, Dropbox等等这样的一些公司的方向从来没有改变过。 对于团队,我们一般来说倾向于选择那些有能力开发出好产品的骇客团队。但更为重要的,他们必须有能力理解社会,市场和客户需要什么。 对于YC每一次选拔的过程,Garry简单介绍说每一次YC选拔都会吸引全世界上千个项目的申请, 其中差不多三分之一的项目会在初选时就被拒绝掉,剩下的项目YC的合伙人和一些负责人都将参与评审并以投票的方式再筛选出一部分进入面试阶段,平均最终会有3%的项目最终进入YC的孵化计划。 如何定义创新 YC的项目,很多都会给人眼前一亮的感觉。对于创新的定义, Garry说,YC给每个团队的成员都会发一件T-Shirt,上面印着: Make Something People Want. 他认为这就是对创新的最好诠释。创新就是让这个世界,这个社会变的更好,虽然开始的时候可能只是赚些小钱,但是有日后赚大钱的潜力。 给创业团队的三条建议 1. 创始团队必须互相信任。创始团队就是一个家庭,一次婚姻。 2. 不要害怕打破常规。不要简单重复去做别人已经在做的事情,或者说必须要有新的想法。Garry举了一个例子,很多网站在用户注册时都要求他们输入两次密码,这好像是常规的用户流程,因为大家觉得可以避免用户日后忘记密码。为什么就不能只输一次呢? 因为从另一个角度,让用户输入太多的信息反而会造成用户的流失,特别是在移动器件上。另一个例子是Uber这家创业公司。他们做的事是通过App帮助用户找到私车司机接送服务。在最初他们做的事也可以说是非法的,但是事实证明他们的服务是很有价值的,很多人喜欢用。Garry强调The source of power for startups is breaking the rule! 3. 从‘小事’做起 Do Things Unscalable。创业团队在开始不要把注意力放在所做的事情是不是可以做到规模化。在创业初期把想做的事情做精最重要。Garry举例说,YC的项目Wufoo就是一个很好的例子。Wufoo是一个非常好用的在线表格生成工具,其在拿到11.8万美元投资后就没有新的融资,而去年以3千5百万美元的价格被收购。 对于第三点建议, 我问Garry, 如果做的事情是不能规模化的(Unscalable),那么相信很多人都会质疑说这个项目的市场会有多大。Garry认为这就像生火,你最初需要的只是火柴点燃小火,当然如果你只有石头那就没有生火的可能。坚持去做Unscalable的事情直到发现它可以Scalable的地方,这正说明你在走向成功。 趋势:没必要强调什么SoLoMo SoLoMo只是一个嚼头而已。社会化Social, 移动化Mobile, 本地化Local这些都是产品很自然应该考虑的功能。对于趋势,Garry并不认为从SoLoMo的角度思考会有很大的意义,他认为我们应该关心的是目前市场上存在的问题,就是说市场本身的需求。 Garry说,实际想想看,有多少时候人们在抱怨当前的科技不给力? 其实没有,人们最关心的是当前的科技如何更好的解决问题。老百姓需要什么,创业公司能够提供什么服务解决问题最重要。就像AirBnb帮大家把闲置的房间租出去,同时也满足了很多人找短期住宿的需求;而YouGotListings为房屋中介和租房者搭建一个更好的发布平台也是一个很好的例子。 思考 虽然绝大多数国内的创业孵化器运营的时间都不长,现在还无法评定他们的成败。但是反复思考Garry的各个看法,真的担心国内孵化器们的前景和发展思路,至少按Garry的思路,我们目前别奢望会有自己的YC。因为我们只有型,没有神。 或许你要说中国国情不一样,YC也不是绝对对的。也许吧,希望我的担忧是多余的。
个人分类: 战略对话|1421 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Peace means development
wangql 2012-5-3 08:14
Jen Marlowe, an author and human rights advocate, said, "As so many people from South Sudan told me over and over: Peace means development. Peace means the ability to send your children to school, and to give them access to health care." Washington Rally for Peace in Sudan, South Sudan Kelly Nuxoll | Washington, DC May 01, 2012 If President Obama looked out his window last weekend, he would have seen more than two hundred people in the park outside the White House wearing tee shirts and carrying signs calling for peace in Sudan and South Sudan. He would have heard a little music, too, from performers as diverse as hip hop Sudanese singer Mista D, to the guitar strumming Rabbi Elhan "Sonny" Schnitzer of Bethesda, Maryland. This is the third year people from churches, mosques, and synagogues around the world have gathered in Washington, DC to call attention to suffering in both Sudans and to pressure government leaders to do something about it. Naimet Ahmadi, a member of the Fur tribe in Sudan and an activist for Darfuri women, said her goal for the rally was to bring the president of Sudan to justice. "All of the people who are here tell their representatives, their governors, the Obama administration, and leaders of the United Nations, particularly those who are members of the UN Security Council, be serious about holding Omar al-Bashir accountable," Ahmadi said. The International Criminal Court has charged Omar al-Bashir with crimes against humanity. But the rally was not just political. Reverend Vincent Allen from the Upper Room Baptist Church asked the participants to bow their heads in prayer. "As Christians, as Muslims, as Jews, or whatever persuasions of faith from which we come, we pray for the beginning of a new way of life, for freedom and peace," he said. Abdel Maliky, a Muslim from Benin, echoed the reverend's emphasis on the importance of an interfaith response to the crisis in Sudans, especially since he believes the predominantly Muslim government of Sudan is using religion as a wedge to create conflict with the predominantly Christian south. "It's not about religion," Maliky said. "It's people using religion to do what we're doing to oppress people's civil rights and oppress the right of the other people." Beverly Goines, an assistant pastor at National City Christian Church here in Washington, DC, came to the rally after her services ended. Still in her church dress, she walked back and forth in front of the White House with a sign that read, "We'll Never Forget." "The bottom line is that we're all God's creation. And that at least for me and my understanding, we are our brothers' and our sisters' keepers. And we have to speak up and stand for how we believe God would have us treat each other," Goines said. About fifty members of Congress recently signed a resolution calling for an end to human rights violations in Sudan. But it is unclear whether those intentions will be turned into action. The most concrete accomplishment of the rally so far was to raise almost twenty thousand dollars to build a kitchen in a primary school in South Sudan's Turalie, so students can have a meal prepared with supplies from the UN's World Food Program. Yet even the rally organizers recognize that the people they want to help need far more. Jen Marlowe, an author and human rights advocate, said, "As so many people from South Sudan told me over and over: Peace means development. Peace means the ability to send your children to school, and to give them access to health care." Until those aims are accomplished, activists for both Sudans say they will continue to call attention to the conflict, by protesting, praying, and singing.
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[转载]Best Careers for Shy People
liyanwu 2012-5-2 10:00
Best Careers for Shy People 发布时间:2012-04-22 文章出自:education.yahoo.net 原文链接: 点击查看 Learn more about careers that tend to embrace internal thinking over social interaction. By Amy Winter Are you an introvert looking to find your place in the working world? You're in luck. There are actually a variety of jobs out there that are geared toward the less-than-social. Career coach Curt Rosengren recommends that introverts look for careers more focused on the internal process. "Envision doing something where a majority of the time is spent doing things in your head, " says Rosengren. "An introvert would feel more comfortable and enjoy the solo time." Ready to find your career match? Check out these five career options that just might embrace your introverted qualities. Career #1 - Computer Programmer If you don't mind a position where the main interaction occurs between you and your computer, a career as a computer programmer could be a good fit for your introverted nature. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, computer programmers might spend time alone writing in computer languages like C++ and Java in order to create software programs. They're also the ones who test code and fix mistakes in the event of an error. Click to Find the Right Computer Science Program. Education options: Ready to use your introverted qualities in the tech world? A bachelor's degree in computer science or a related subject - like computer programming - is often recommended, says the Department of Labor. However, the Department notes that some employers might hire those with an associate's degree. Career #2 - Medical Records and Health Information Technician Want to enter the health care field but prefer a more behind-the-scenes position? A career as a medical records and health information technician could be a good fit. Instead of being hands-on with patients, these technicians are generally more hands-on with patients' health information, making sure it's accurate, up-to-date, and accessible in paper and electronic systems, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Click to Find the Right Health Information Technology Program. Education options: Think this career might fit your introverted personality? An associate's degree or certificate program in health information technology is generally preferred by employers, says the Department of Labor. Career #3 - Graphic Designer Looking for a creative outlet where you can work on your own? Consider a career as a graphic designer, where you might be able to eventually work from home - or even work on a freelance basis. This could mean more time for you to tap into your creative mind without the noise and commotion often found in an office. By mixing art with technology, graphic designers can communicate ideas to consumers by developing the layout and design for brochures, websites, advertisements, or other marketing visuals, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Click to Find the Right Graphic Design Program. Education options: Ready to brush up your artistic skills to prepare for this introspective career? A bachelor's in graphic design or fine arts can help prepare you to pursue a graphic design career, says the Department of Labor. Career #4 - Network Administrator. 最适合内向型性格的工作 发布时间:2012-04-22 文章出自:译言 原文链接: 点击查看 让我们更加了解那些需要独立思考而不是社交的工作。 艾米 温特 你是否是一个性格内向想在职场立足的人?你的好运来了。其实有很多工作都需要不太爱社交的人。 职业教练科特 罗森格伦推荐内向型人才去找那些更加关注内部过程的职业。 “设想一下做一件事的大部分时间都花在思考上,”罗森格伦说,“一个内向型性格的人会感觉更舒服,而且更加享受独自工作的时间。” 准备好发现适合你的职业了吗?看看这五项职业,它们有可能更加需要你的内向品质。 如果你不介意在你的工作里主要的交流都发生在你和你的电脑之间,对于你内向的性格,电脑工程师可以成为一个好的选择。 根据美国劳工部,电脑程序员单独使用像C++和Java这样的计算机语言来编程,他们也测试代码并且修改错误。 教育选项:准备好把你的内向性格用在技术行业了吗?根据美国劳工部,计算机科学、电脑编程或者其他相关专业的本科学位是一个不错的选择。然而,劳工部提醒说很多雇主会倾向于雇佣那些有专科学位的人。 你是否想要从事医疗行业但是更希望做幕后工作?医疗记录工作者或者医疗信息技术员都是不错的选择。 根据美国劳工部,这类技术员一般处理病人健康信息,而不是直接与病人接触。这类工作要确保病人的医疗信息精确,即时,并且可通过纸质和电子系统获取。 教育选项:如果这类工作适合你的性格类型,在医疗信息技术上的专科学位或者课程证书也被雇主所青睐。 你想要找一个有创意的直销店来独立工作?那你可以考虑平面设计师这样的工作。这样你就可以在家上班,而且可以成为一个自由职业者。这意味着你可以更多的挖掘你的创意,而不被办公室的噪音和骚动影响。 根据美国劳工部,把艺术和技术结合,平面设计师可以通过布局和设计产品名册,网站,广告或者其他营销视觉效果来和顾客沟通。 教育选项:准备好把你的艺术能力运用在这个内向型职业里了吗?平面设计或者美术本科学位都能帮你找到一份平面设计工作,美国劳工部如是说。 本文由由译言网MichelleYang提供
个人分类: 英语学习|1935 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Science Blog 05月01日 20:18 (星期二)
xupeiyang 2012-5-1 20:32
http://scienceblog.com/ Highly religious people are less motivated by compassion than are non-believers A 100-gigbit highway for science The bright side of death: Awareness of mortality can result in positive behaviors Technology Eases Migraine Pain in the Deep Brain Synthetic stool a prospective treatment for C. difficile New way to measure racism among youth A Few Cells to Make a Heart Another piece of obesity puzzle falls into place A New Drug to Manage Resistant Chronic Pain Researchers develop rapid test strips for bacterial contamination in swimming water Graduation Year Drives Facebook Connections for College Grads Enzyme could slow aging process in astronauts — and the elderly Wind Farms May Cause Local Climate Change Global Warming Refuge Discovered Near At-Risk Pacific Island Nation of Kiribati Record-breaking radio waves from ultra-cool star
个人分类: 科学博客|1942 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]how people in science see each other
热度 1 王晨 2012-4-12 23:29
[转载]how people in science see each other
3201 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Some people in Numerical Linear Algebra
FLoveMath 2012-4-10 14:15
Some people in Numerical Linear Algebra A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Peter Arbenz (Zurich) Owe Axelsson (Nijmegen) B Zhaojun Bai (UC Davis) Marc van Barel (Leuven) Jesse Barlow (Penn State) Contantine Bekas (Minnesota) Peter Benner (Berlin) Michele Benzi (Atlanta) Michael Berry (Tennessee) Timo Betcke (Oxford) Ake Bjork (Linkoping) Jan Brandts (Amsterdam) Martin Bruhl (Karlsruhe) Angelika Bunse-Gerstner (Bremen) C Daniela Calvetti (Case) Francoise Chaitin-Chatelin (Cerfacs) Tony Chan (UCLA) Xiao-Wen Chang (Montreal) Moody Chu (NCSU) D James Demmel (Berkely) Jack Dongarra (Tennessee) Paul van Dooren (Leuven) Zlatko Drmac (Zagreb) Ian Duff (Rutherford Appleton Lab) E Alan Edelman (MIT) Michael Eiermann (Freiberg) Victor Eijkhout (Knoxville) Lars Elden (Linkoping) Howard Elman (Maryland) Ludwig Elsner (Bielefeld) Mark Embree (Rice) Thomas Ericsson (Goteborg) Oliver Ernst (Freiberg) Jasper van den Eshof (Duesseldorf) F Heike Fassbender (Braunschweig) William Ferng (Taiwan) Bernd Fischer (Lubeck) Valerie Fraysse (Cerfacs) Roland Freund (UC Davis) Andreas Frommer (Wuppertal) Robert Funderlic (NCSU) G Efstratios Gallopoulos (Patras) Luc Giraud (Cerfacs) Sergei Godunov (Novosibirsk) Gene Golub (Stanford) Anne Greenbaum (Washington) Marcus Grote (Basel) Ming Gu (UCLA) Hongbin Guo (Arizona State) Martin Gutknecht (Zurich) H Per Christian Hansen (Lyngby) Tanja Van Hecke (Gent) Mike Heroux (Sandia National Labs) Des Higham (Glasgow) Nick Higham (Manchester) Marlis Hochbruck (Duesseldorf) Michiel Hochstenbach (Case) Thomas Huckle (Muenchen) Sabine Van Huffel (Leuven) Marko Huhtanen (Helsinki) Tsung-Min Hwang (Taiwan) I Ilse Ipsen (NCSU) K William Kahan (Berkely) Tim Kelley (NCSU) Leonid Knizhnerman (Moscow) Andrew Knyazev (Denver) Efi Kokiopoulou (Minnesota) Daniel Kressner (Zagreb) Victor Kostin (Novosibirsk) L Julien Langou (Tennessee) Rasmus Munk Larsen (Stanford) Rich Lehoucq (Sandia National Labs) Ren-Cang Li (Kentucky) Tien-Yien Li (Michigan) Wen-Wei Lin (Taiwan) Joerg Liesen (Berlin) Christian Lubich (Tuebingen) Shiu-Hong Lui (Hongkong) M Tom Manteuffel (Colorado) Nicola Mastronardi (Bari) Roy Mathias (William Mary) Steve McCormick (Colorado) Karl Meerbergen (Brussels) karl.meerbergen@fft.be Christian Mehl (Berlin) Volker Mehrmann (Berlin) Carl Meyer (NCSU) Bart De Moor (Leuven) Ron Morgan (Texas) N Reinhard Nabben (Berlin) Noel Nachtigal (Sandia) James Nagy (Emory) Klaus Neymeyr (Rostock) Esmond Ng (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab) Yvan Notay (Brussels) O Diane O'Leary (Maryland) Suely Oliveira (Iowa) Michael Overton (New York) P Chris Paige (Montreal) Haesun Park (Minnesota) Beresford Parlett (Berkeley) Bernard Philippe (Rennes) Bor Plestenjak (Ljubljana) R Lothar Reichel (Kent) Rosemary Renaut (Arizona) Joost Rommes (Utrecht) Axel Ruhe (Stockholm) S Yousef Saad (Minnesota) Michael Saunders (Stanford) Paul Saylor (Urbana) Hubert Schwetlick (Dresden) Jennifer Scott (RAL) David Silvester (Manchester) Valeria Simoncini (Bologna) Ivan Slapnicar (Split) Gerard Sleijpen (Utrecht) Dan Sorensen (Rice) Alastair Spence (Bath) Andreas Stathopoulos (Williamsburg) Pete Stewart (Maryland) Zdenek Strakos (Prague) Gilbert Strang (MIT) Andrew Stuart (Stanford) Eric de Sturler (Illinois) Tatjana Stykel (Berlin) Ji-guang Sun (Umea) Daniel Szyld (Philadelphia) T Francoise Tisseur (Manchester) Vincent Toumazou (Cerfacs) Lloyd Trefethen (Oxford) V Charles Van Loan (Cornell) Stefan Vandewalle (Leuven) Panayot Vassilevski (LLNL) Kresimir Veselic (Hagen) Henk van der Vorst (Utrecht) Heinrich Voss (Hamburg) Kees Vuik (Delft) W Homer Walker (Utah) Andy Wathen (Oxford) David Watkins (Washington) Olof Widlund (Courant) Henryk Wozniakowski (Columbia) John Wu (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab) Fred Wubs (Groningen) X Hongguo Xu (Kansas) Y Qiang Ye (Kentucky) Harry Yserentant (Tuebingen) Z Jens Zemke (Hamburg) Hongyuan Zha (Penn State) Krystyna Zietak (Wroclaw) Other Lists Preconditioned Eigensolvers People by Andrew Knyazev Pseudospectra People by Mark Embree and Nick Trefethen List of Des Higham
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dongzg101 2012-3-26 15:58
爱丁堡大学校长:大学招收本地学生不应降低门槛 大学招生中的地域差异近来在英国成为热门话题,因为苏格兰的大学即将开始有区别地对待英国其他地方学生。爱丁堡大学校长奥谢( Timothy O'Shea )在接受新华社记者专访时就此表示:大学“对各地学生在缴纳学费方面可能会有不同安排,但在质量要求上不应该对本地学生降低门槛。” 对于苏格兰的大学将开始有区别地对待英国其他地方学生的原因,奥谢解释说,苏格兰实行免费大学教育制度,以爱丁堡大学这所著名学府为例,学校并不向本地学生收取学费,学校一部分收入来源于苏格兰政府根据本地学生人数向学校提供的财政支持。对于英格兰等英国其他地方的学生,过去也是可以到苏格兰享受低学费优惠的,同时苏格兰的学生到英国其他地方也可以享受当地的教育优惠政策。 但是自去年英国大选后,新政府改变了英格兰大学的学费政策,学生需要自己负担每年高达9000英镑(约合8.8万元人民币)的学费。苏格兰政府担心这样会导致大量外地学生涌入低学费的苏格兰大学,带来财政压力,因此出台了被有些人指责为“地域歧视”的规定,即从明年开始要求来自英格兰等地的学生交纳与在英格兰大学同等的高额学费,而本地学生仍然享受免费教育。 “在这件事情上需要公众理解的是,苏格兰政府为学生提供经济支持,因为苏格兰地方政府的财政来源于苏格兰人民,”奥谢说,“如果你是苏格兰本地学生,就读本科的话,苏格兰政府会为你支付学费。” 但他同时强调,学校对本地学生的照顾也仅是根据政府政策免收学费,并没有在质量上降低对本地学生的招生门槛,“不管学生是来自苏格兰,还是美国或中国,都需要达到相应的质量要求才能入学。” 在被问及对本地学生有没有降分录取等情况时,奥谢回答说,大学招收学生是本着公平的原则,爱丁堡大学作为著名学府,入学竞争激烈,通常一个名额有十多个人申请,如果偏向本地学生,不能公平地把好招生关,“会对学校的声誉产生负面影响”。 对于苏格兰政府是否对学校分配给当地的招生名额有要求,奥谢说,苏格兰政府会告知学校能够为多少数量的学生提供财政支持,如果有相应数量的苏格兰学生达到质量要求,我们就会把他们都招收进来。如果符合要求的学生实在太多,爱丁堡大学无法容纳,也会建议政府联系苏格兰别的大学。 奥谢说,对于大学在学费方面照顾本地学生的做法,许多国家都有类似情况,比如美国一些州的大学也是对本州学生收取较低学费,而对外来学生收取较高学费,这是因为大学是由这个州的财政支持的。 奥谢认为,大学可以根据自身的收入来源,合理安排招生,“但是无论如何保证公平都是非常重要的。” 更多阅读 爱丁堡大学校长:一流大学应体现在对人类的贡献 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用,须保留本网站注明的“来源”,并自负版权等法律责任;作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载稿费等事宜,请与我们接洽。
个人分类: 海外观察|1377 次阅读|1 个评论
peluo 2012-2-7 12:12
近日欧亚出现寒流,给部分地区造成了较为严重的people and financial toll,部分地区甚至已经宣布进入紧急状态。英国的Dailymail“始作俑者”,开始以“warming pause”,“mini ice age”和“forget global warming”等字眼报道关于英国气象局和东英吉利大学气候研究小组近日公布的一套数据集而引发的争论(详见 报道英文原文 )。但是注意,这里报道的是科学争论,这篇报道的作者David Rose虽有赞成气候变暖逆转的倾向,以“forget global warming”作为题目也有哗众取宠的嫌疑,但此文的大部分内容在陈述相关争论,争论的焦点简而言之在于全球气候变化的驱动力上,这在气候变化领域也是一个相对“古老”但一直没有解决的话题。到底是太阳的周期性活动还是人为的CO2排放主导了气候的冷暖变化,它们各自的贡献是多少,这是有关气候自然变率和气候变化的最新研究问题。目前的气候预测模式中有关太阳活动等还尚显不足,因而使得部分气候预测结果难以服众,这也是造成争论的原因之一,但未来的气候预测模式发展应该会很快弥补这样的不足。 令人遗憾的是,国内的部分媒体估计连全文都没有翻译来看看,就开始以讹传讹,开始大量以“小冰期”和“全球变暖停止”或“全球变暖逆转”等字眼报道近日的欧亚寒流和相关科学争论,稍有气候变化方面的知识的人读来就觉得可笑。可怕的是,这些媒体中不乏主流媒体,例如光明网的“ 小冰河期真的来了?多地现百年来低温极值 ”,新浪网的“ 北半球遭遇寒潮袭击 全球可能遇20年小冰河期 ”,搜狐网的“ 全球变暖趋势1997年就已结束 ”等。 普通民众本来对气候变化和全球变暖等了解有限,已经被气候变化搞的晕头转向,如果再看到这样的报道,不免会多添几分恐惧和不安。新闻不是为了赚得点击率而哗众取宠,媒体应当担负起应有的社会责任,避免以讹传讹,最好的方式就是做好自己的报道,在源头上阻止虚假新闻的传播,也算是为了全民的科普贡献了一份力量,而不是为本就积贫积弱的科普事业带来一阵人为的“寒流”。 最后说明一下,最近的欧亚寒流应属于全球变暖背景下的极端天气事件(Extreme weather event),是全球变暖影响的一部分,关于极端天气事件的研究目前国际上才刚刚开始。天气(weather)事件和气候变化的内涵在时间和空间尺度上均有较大的差异,短时间和局部的天气事件不能单纯的等同于气候变化。近几年来,洪涝、暴雨、热浪、寒流等极端天气事件越发频繁,这也是全球气候变暖的部分影响,今年的欧亚寒流应与北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation)有关。 ———————————————————————————————————————————— 推荐参考: 关于极端天气事件 N ature- Climate and weather: Extreme measures Nature: Extreme Weather Linked to Greenhouse Gas Levels 关于 欧亚 寒流 CCTV 《 新闻1+1》 栏目- “极寒天气”来袭 S ciencenet - 世界气象组织:新冰河期要来临纯属以讹传讹
个人分类: 杂谈|3256 次阅读|0 个评论
[图志]前任教皇与some special people in the world
热度 1 StephenCatholic 2012-2-5 23:47
[图志]前任教皇与some special people in the world
获过NB和平奖的特蕾莎修女永远是天主教的骄傲。效法耶稣,爱满人间~~ 个人对精神领袖充满深深的敬意 他在干嘛呢??? 普总统当年好年轻,从那时的眼神中能看出独裁的欲望吗? 把“权力关进笼子”是听过小布什讲的最好的一句话。 若望教宗于2005年安息主怀 —————————— 基督徒是 禁止 偶像崇拜的,应把一切敬拜都献给神,天主教徒对 圣母 的敬礼与对教宗的热爱使终经受着些许基督 新 教朋友的批评与质问。 图片及英文介绍均来源于网络,向作者致谢!
个人分类: Catholic|1895 次阅读|4 个评论
GavinGuo 2012-1-10 18:50
美国著名出版家Tim O'Reilly最近写了一篇好文章,谈到了如何选择人生道路。 他说: I spent a lot of last year urging people to work on stuff that matters. This led to many questions about what that “stuff” might be. 去年,我花了很多时间,鼓动大家去做重要的事情。很多人问我:“什么是重要的事情?” I’ve been a bit reluctant to answer those questions, because the list is different for everyone. 我不太愿意回答这个问题,因为每个人的判断标准不同。 I thought I’d do better to start the new year with some ideas about how to think about this for yourself. 不过,新的一年来到了,我想最好还是说一下我的看法,供你们参考。 接下来,他举出了三大标准。如果你做的事情,符合这三条,那就属于重要的事情,值得做下去。否则,你最好思考一下,是否应该就此罢手。 下面就是他的三大标准,以及我的理解。 1. 不仅仅为了赚钱 青年人容易犯的一个大错误,就是太关注钱,将金钱作为衡量成功的唯一标准。实际上,钱的作用在于,你能用它来干自己想干的事。 钱本身并不是生活的目的,你自己想干的事才是 。钱就好比汽油,生活的目的不是为了获得汽油,而是为了让汽车加满油之后,去那些你想去的地方。 不要去想你怎样才能赚到钱,而要去想你对他人、对社会的价值在哪里。你要相信,如果你对社会是有价值的,你就一定能够赚到钱,虽然未必很多。 不要让自己变得太现实。很多中国年轻人工作的目的,就是为了早日买到一套自己的房子。你应该有一些更远大的追求,天下的房子有无数套,但是你的人生只有一次。就像网上流传的一句话所说的,“Make big dreams, because if you don’t, you will end up in small places; Take small steps, otherwise you will end up with big troubles。” 不要害怕失败。有一句西方谚语说得好,“杀不死你的东西,让你变得更强大。”(What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger.)德国诗人里尔克说过:“同渺小的对手战斗,胜利只能使我们变得同样渺小。我们真正需要的,是英勇地被更强大的对手击败。”(What we fight with is so small, and when we win, it makes us small. What we want is to be defeated, decisively, by successively greater things.) 当你干一件事的时候,如果你更关心什么时候你才能获得回报,而不是什么时候你能做出更大的成果,这通常是一个危险的信号,表明你的人生可能走错了路,你正在浪费自己的生命。 2. 创造了更多的价值 如果你干的事情,不能为世界创造更多的价值,不能抵消成本,那就别去干它。典型的例子就是彩票和博弈。如果你把博彩当作自己的事业,那就太危险了。因为彩票业作为一个整体,不创造任何社会财富,反而要消耗大量的社会财富。只有行将崩溃的乱世,彩票业才会有大发展;任何欣欣向荣的社会,都不会鼓励发展这种浪费社会资源的事情。此外,很大程度上,证券业同博彩业是类似的。许多青年人迷恋炒股,无异于将人生投入赌场,最终只能是浪费了自己宝贵的青春,而一无所获。用经济学的语言说,就是你要回避“零和游戏”,绝不参加像彩票那样的“负和游戏”,而要去做那些为双方带来共赢的事情。 任何真正成功的人生,都是为他人创造价值的人生;任何真正成功的企业,都是为客户创造价值的企业。如果一个朋友不能为我们带来任何正面的反馈,交往就无法维持;如果一个企业的产品,不值客户支付的价钱,客户就会流失,企业就会关门。我们的人生通过不断与他人进行双赢的价值交换,达到壮大自己和发展自己的目的;整个社会通过这样的交换,实现了繁荣和进步。 第一条原则同这一条,是紧密联系在一起的。前者用来判断你选择怎样的事业;后者用来判断你的事业能否成功。以微软公司为例,它的目标从一开始就是 “让每个家庭的每一张桌子上,都有一台电脑。”(a computer on every desk and in every home.)这符合原则一。然后,微软公司制造了Windows操作系统,大大增加了电脑的易用性,改变了人类的生活方式。这符合原则二。就是因为微软做到了这二点,所以它成了世界上最赚钱的公司,这并非偶然。 当然,这并不意味盈利是不重要的。相反,它是非常重要的。如果赚不到钱,我们就无法满足生存的基本需要。这里面存在一个平衡问题。我们必须经常自省:我们得到了什么?我们又创造了什么? 3. 符合长期利益和整体利益 人类的生命只有几十年,这注定了人类是一种短视的动物。我们无法跳脱局部的和短期的视角,来判断自己的利益,尤其不愿意用短期的牺牲,来换取长期的利益。这就是为什么一些对社会发展最重要的事,都是由非营利性组织来推动的原因。 但是,这样做是不对的,是用现在换取将来。规划人生的时候,必须有长期观点,考虑5年后、10年后、甚至20年后的发展。现在有一种论调,提倡大学生“先就业再择业”,这本来只是无路可走时的应急方法,倘若作为找工作的指导思想,就大错特错了。正是因为人生太短暂,一旦走错路,将来再想回头,几乎是不可能的。所以,当短期利益与长期利益发生冲突时,你必须非常小心,必须多考虑将来的需要。 另一方面,当局部利益与整体利益发生冲突时,你还必须考虑到其他人的利益,甚至是子孙的利益。(政府庞大的财政赤字就是在花子孙的钱。)所有人的命运是休戚相关的,你个人的成功是建立在你对集体的价值之上的,所以对你来说重要的事,往往对其他人也是重要的。除了你自己的立场,你还必须站在其他人的立场,判断某件事是否重要。
1603 次阅读|0 个评论
Going home, finally...
热度 1 zuojun 2011-12-10 08:55
It's time to pack again. I will take a fast train from Nanjing to Hangzhou at noon, though I dread the "people mountain people sea" at train stations. Nanjing was sunny yesterday, and is today. I can see the blue sky, but I wonder what the PM2.5 value is...
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2194 次阅读|2 个评论
xupeiyang 2011-12-3 20:13
请进 http://scienceblog.com/ Why do some people never forget a face? Asthma rates double for WTC first responders Thinner thermal insulation Chimps exhibit sharing behavior like humans Earth’s past gives clues to future changes Caltech-led team of astronomers finds 18 new planets Even unconsciously, sound helps us see Cheap beads offer alternative solar-heating storage Are doing harm and allowing harm equivalent? Ask fMRI Climate-smart agriculture should be livelihood-smart too Impatient people have lower credit scores Costly intervention program has no measurable effect on early retirement Powerful mathematical model greatly improves predictions for species facing climate change Inflammatory cues modulate goblet cell products important for intestinal barrier function Moffitt Cancer Center researchers find MK1775 active against sarcomas New stem cell method makes lots of liver, pancreas precursors Engineering cartilage replacements Instant nanodots grow on silicon to form sensing array A natural dye obtained from lichens may combat Alzheimer’s disease Where Antarctic predatory seabirds overwinter Disabled children do matter Simultaneous ice melt in Antarctic and Arctic Study shows many older Floridians have no backup plan after hanging up their keys Some atheist scientists with children embrace religious traditions, according to new Rice research Diametric shift in 2 protein levels spurs Alzheimer’s plaque accumulation Aggression prevents the better part of valor … in fig wasps
个人分类: 科学博客|2088 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]转载:How people in science see each other
张林 2011-11-25 15:11
[转载]转载:How people in science see each other
http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=70036do=blogid=502672 有点意思,转贴!
2129 次阅读|0 个评论
jingpeng 2011-11-6 21:12
我一个名不见经传的小人物,也斗胆谈谈这个大话题,姑妄言之。 众所周知,MRC LMB和贝尔实验室产出了很多划时代的成果,他们是怎么做到的呢?他们的模式都有一些共同的特点: 1. 内部的稳定经费支持。研究人员不需要年年申请经费,由研究所内部提供经费支持,5-6年再做一次总的peer review,决定你是不是能继续呆下去,在稳定中保持一定的流动性. support people, not project. 2. 小团队。限制每个leader带的人数,保证密切交流,而且leader也要保持在一线工作。 3. 尽可能少的行政负担,保证研究人员的时间投入。 4. 每个PI有足够的自主权,能决定自己做什么,怎么做,甚至转换研究领域。 5. 招募展露头角的年轻人做group leader。有冲劲,处于事业上升期,更可能做出重大突破。 现在的HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus就是这样组建的: http://janelia.org/research-labs/overview-philosophy
个人分类: 技术-方法|2624 次阅读|0 个评论
Good People
seawan 2011-11-3 08:22
There are people around you that you may not like. They are also the people that are part of the real life, the people that are honest, diligent, hard working, or trying to be diligentand working hard, and friendly. But you don't like them. Because they don't have the vision, and they persist their old "good" ideas. Yet, they are not the bad guy; they are good people, they just don't have the vision. And this is not completely their fault. their mind are limited behind a solid boundary, a boundary that has been constructed ever since they are born. This boundary is not a something one can choose to ignore: it's just there, no matter whether u like it or how u perceive it. These limited-vision people are not our enemy; on thecontrary,they are ur allies. as all allies are, they can be helpful, but they can also be a pain in the ass very often. And never forget this: they are the majority, and they form the main part of this society. You have to cope with them, deal with them, cooperate with them, as well as learn from them.
个人分类: 周围|2499 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]《祖国啊你慢些走》 (改编)
zuojun 2011-10-28 14:12
I wish these were NOT true... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EEM1_L2bBQ
个人分类: News|1756 次阅读|0 个评论
pingcn 2011-10-16 22:45
arise! people who don't want to be slave. Use the body to build a new great wall! When chinese come to the dangeous situation, everyone shout in anger! Arise! Arise! Arise! Step forward under enemy's gun! GO! GO! GO! SO funny。。。
4 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Measuring Global Educational Progress
whyhoo 2011-10-1 16:41
Preface Education is one of the largest and most important investments made by governments and people. Understanding whether this investment leads to the desired ends is crucial to effective government policy and private decision- making. What is known, statistically, about the current state of education across the world? What are the sources and quality of basic statistical data? Most efforts to collect data focus on the inputs into education, the investments of money and time in the education system. These data shed light on differences between countries and regions, but are incomplete. Information on other aspects of education—e.g., on what is taught and how, on what is learned, and on the long-term consequences of investments in education—are even scarcer. Governments need more, and more reliable, information upon which to base their decisions about education. Some overarching facts and trends are clear. Worldwide, approximately 97 million children of primary school age and 226 million of secondary school age are not enrolled in school. At current rates of education al progress and demographic change, the corresponding figures in 2015 are projected to be similar (with an increase in the number of primary-aged children not enrolled and a decrease for secondary-aged children). Developed countries have now achieved very high levels of access to primary and secondary education. Educational attainment and completion rates in these countries are also high. Some developing regions, in particular East Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean, likewise have very high enrollment ratios, but only in primary education. Attainment and completion rates still demand improvement. On nearly all measures, South Asia and Sub- Saharan Africa lag far behind. Gender differences in favor of boys are common in most developing regions, though not in Latin America and the Caribbean or in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Gender differences are particularly pronounced in some Sub-Saharan African countries. Although measures of the quality of education are inadequate, the data we have indicate that the gap in education quality between rich and poor countries is large and shows no signs of narrowing. Based on extrapolations from the small body of country test-score data, an estimated 75–95 percent of the world’s children live in countries where education quality falls short of the average among OECD countries. The dearth of data on education quality, in conjunction with limited data on education outputs, makes it difficult to reach definitive conclusions about the effectiveness of educational practices. Worse still, the validity of some of the most prominent schooling attainment data must be questioned, in light of serious internal inconsistencies revealed in the analyses below. Available cross-country data do not always appear to be consistent across the leading country-level data sets or with country-specific population data. Evidence-based policymaking holds great promise, but that promise can only be realized when relevant and accurate data are available. Greater and better-coordinated efforts by international organizations could overcome years of insufficient funding and conflicting priorities for data collection, thus improving the quantity and quality of education data. This improvement has begun (particularly through the efforts of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics). Because such efforts may be politically delicate for some governments, close coordination and tactful diplomacy with countries that supply data, as well as with end users, will be important. An earlier version of this paper was reviewed and discussed by experts at a daylong workshop held at the American Academy in Cambridge, Massachusetts on March 10, 2004. We thank the following participants for their comments: Leslie Berlowitz (American Academy), Henry Braun (Educational Testing Service), Barbara Bruns (World Bank), Michael Clemens (Center for Global Development), Tamara C. Fox (William and Flora Hewlett Foundation), Emily Hannum (University of Pennsylvania), Edilberto Loaiza (UNICEF), Albert Motivans (UNESCO), Jeffrey Puryear (Inter-American Dialogue), Laura Salganik (American Institutes for Research), Joel Sherman (American Institutes for Research), and Annababette Wils (Academy for Educational Development). Denise Lievesley was an important advisor on the paper from its inception. Joel E. Cohen, Tamara Fox, Martin Malin and six anonymous reviewers provided written comments. Kate Bendall, Diana Bowser, Anna Cederberg, Victoria Collis, Jane Frewer, Darren Morris, Nina Ni, Edward Reed, Larry Rosenberg, David Steven, and MeghanTieu provided considerable assistance in the preparation of this paper. A special thanks is due to Helen Curry at the American Academy, whose intellectual contributions, project coordination, and copy-editing have been indispensable. Leslie Berlowitz’s vision and leadership as chief executive officer of the American Academy made this project possible. The UBASE project focuses on the rationale, the means, and the consequences of providing the equivalent of a primary and secondary education of quality to all the world’s children. This monograph is one in a series of the UBASE project published by the American Academy. Other papers examine related topics, including: • the history of efforts to achieve universal education, and political obstacles that these efforts have encountered; • the goals of primary and secondary education in different settings, and how progress toward those goals is assessed; means of implementing universal education, and the evaluation of these means; • the costs of achieving universal education at the primary and secondary levels; • health and education; and • the economic and social consequences of global educational expansion. The complexity of achieving universal basic and secondary education extends beyond the bounds of any single discipline and necessitates disciplinary rigor as well as interdisciplinary, international, and cross-professional collaboration. By focusing on both primary and secondary education, paying attention to access, quality, and cultural diversity, and encouraging fresh perspectives, we hope that the UBASE project will accelerate and enrich educational development. This project is supported by major funding from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and by generous grants from John Reed, the Golden Family Foundation, Paul Zuckerman, an anonymous donor, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The project also benefits from the advice of a distinguished advisory committee, whose names are listed at the back of this volume. As with all Occasional Papers of the American Academy, responsibility for the views presented here rests with the authors. Joel E. Cohen David E. Bloom Martin Malin Rockefeller and Harvard University American Academy of Columbia Universities Arts and Sciences 原文见 http://www.amacad.org/publications/bloom.pdf
1296 次阅读|0 个评论
Wait... 诗一首[转载]
热度 1 montec007 2011-7-26 20:49
中国, 请停下你飞奔的脚步,等 一等你的人民,等 一等你的灵魂,等 一等你的道德,等 一等你的良知! 不要让列车脱轨,不 要让桥梁坍塌,不 要让道路成陷阱,不 要让房屋成危楼。 慢点走,让 每一个生命都有自由和尊严, 每一个人都不被‘时代'抛下, 每一个人都顺利平安地抵达终点 。 China, please stop your flying pace, w ait for your people, w ait for your soul, w ait for your morality, w ait for your conscience! Don’t let the train run out off track, do n’t let the bridges collapse, do n’t let the roads become traps, do n’t let houses become ruins. W alk slowly, allowing every life to have freedom and dignity. No one should be left behind by our era. 注:中文转自英国金融时报,英文转自纽约时报,中文初始来源不详。 又注: 专栏作家媒体人童大焕在其文章 中 哀悼温州高铁事故:“中国,请停下你飞奔的脚步,等一等你的人民,等一等你的灵魂,等一等你的道德,等一等你的良知!不要让列车脱轨,不要让桥梁坍塌,不 要让道路成陷阱,不要让房屋成危楼。慢点走,让每一个生命都有自由和尊严,每一个人都不被‘时代’抛下,每一个人都顺利平安地抵达终点。——为高铁温州坠 落事故哀。”引发民众共鸣大量转发转载,并被媒体关注和引用 ,《 纽约时报 》在报道温州铁路事故中也引用了这段话 。
4187 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Welcome to the Probability Web
zhao1198 2011-6-15 18:23
http://probweb.berkeley.edu/probweb.html Welcome to the Probability Web The Probability Web is a collection of probability resources on the World Wide Web (WWW). The pages are designed to be especially helpful to researchers, teachers, and people in the probability community. The Probability Web was conceived and first developed by Phil Pollett at the University of Queensland. Past maintainers are: Phil Pollett from October 1995 to February 2001; Bob Dobrow from March 2001 to December 2010. In January 2011 technical responsibility for the site was taken over by Jim Pitman with organizational and editorial support of David Aldous and Raya Feldman . We are looking for further volunteers to help distribute the editorial load and to improve the quality and scope of the site. If you are interested in assisting, if you have information, comments, or suggestions for improvement, or if you know of a probability resource on the Web that you don't see here, please contact one of the above people by email (addresses on their webpages). Page last modified: Jan 17, 2011 Last comprehensive link check: March 16, 2001 Mirrors: Brisbane | Cambridge | Minnesota
个人分类: STAT|1416 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 shikuidong 2011-6-12 07:11
前段时间收到美国朋友的来信,问我怎么看待内蒙古草原开矿及生态保护问题,并给我附了一份境外媒体对内蒙古5.11事件的报道,我看后给他回了如下这封信:As an environmentalist, environmental protection is not only local people's concern, but also ourresponsibility. We should condemn the coal company who damaged the grassland and thetruck driver who killed the herder. However, we should also blame those who want to raise the conflicts between Han Chinese and Mongolian Chinese through media. As you may know, Mogolian grassland has been reagrded as the ecological belts for central China.BothHanChinese and Mongolian Chinesewant to live in a clean and safeenvironments.In recent years,coal miningis increasing in northern China due to economic boom, the grassland envrionments in some areas have been damaged. Both Han (like me) and Mongolian (like many of my colleagues) are cooperatively making effortto mitigate the negative effects of coal mining on grassland Environment (such as Environmental Impact Assessment, Ecological Restoration). Some media says that local Mongloa people is buring Chinese textbook etc, I am afraid that theymay rasie theconflicts among these two ethnics.We need to calm down and have a clear watchon it. I am pretty sure the killer will be publised and the loser will be relieved by Law.
个人分类: 观点评述|3118 次阅读|3 个评论
Tortoise and hare are me
热度 2 zuojun 2011-6-10 09:11
Sometimes, I am a hare. Sometimes, I am a tortoise. When I edit other people's writing, I am as fast as a hare. (Yes, I may take a nape before I get to the finishing line.) When I write my own research paper; gosh, I am as slow as a tortoise... (Don't worry, I will get to the finishing line, though it will take many days and weeks.) Right now, I am definitely a tortoise!
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2282 次阅读|4 个评论
Speaking about labeling people…
热度 3 zuojun 2011-6-7 08:41
I was told that I was “Middle Aged” many years ago, by my own parents, when I was barely 40. I know very well that I am getting older every year; but who isn’t? No one gets younger in reality, unless you are Benjamin Button. Still, it shocked me that I am now “officially” a senior (but not senior enough to get discounted movie passes in Hawaii, when one has to be 62), and I can be referred to as “a grandma,” according to this article below. Need to 'Rent-a-Grandma'? Try This New Franchise A Los Angeles-based employment service that specializes in providing senior women for domestic staffing needs has just launched a national franchise program. Even though the ink on the disclosure documents is barely dry, Rent-A-Grandma has already reached tentative agreement with a Texas entrepreneur to roll out five franchises in the Lone Star State. The service provides carefully screened women age 50 and over for roles including child care, elder care, housekeeping, cooking, estate management, pet sitting and other domestic staffing jobs. The advantage that older women bring is their extensive age/life experience, Todd Bliss, the company's founder and CEO, told BusinessNewsdaily. To read more, go to http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20110606/sc_livescience/needtorentagrandmatrythisnewfranchise
个人分类: From the U.S.|2564 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载]The differnce between management and leadership in ACCA
shawfee 2011-5-31 23:11
Management and Leadership,What's the difference? From: http://blog.tianya.cn/blogger/post_show.asp?BlogID=1535195PostID=14619059   Having frequently been asked what the difference is between management and Leadership, Gill McKay decided to put pen to paper.      When considering the difference between leadership and management, there are few better starting points than the excellent book "What Leaders Really Do" by John Kotter, who was Professor of Leadership at the Harvard Business School at the time he wrote it.      While many people believe that leaders are born rather than made, Kotter points out that leadership is a learnable skill that is complementary to management. He writes:      "Leadership is different from management, but not for the reasons most people think. It has nothing to do with having charisma or other exotic personality traits. It is not the province of the chosen few. Nor is leadership necessarily better than management or a replacement for it. Both are necessary for success in a complex and volatile business environment."      But before considering what the differences are between management and leadership, let’s first consider what the terms mean.      One simple definition of management is "coping with complexity". The growth of large organisations led to the creation of management hierarchies as a method of maintaining control over things such as planning, budgeting, reporting, supervising and so on. Good management means that, even in the most complex of organisations, things happen in an orderly and controlled fashion.         Leadership however, is about the process of initiating and coping with change, now a vital factor with significant changes in technology, competition, regulation, economic and demographic changes occurring more and more frequently. While most management processes have in the past been geared towards gradual evolutionary change, organisations are increasingly finding themselves in situations that require constant change. More importantly, this constant need for change is not simply occurring at the top of the organisation, it is a pressure being experienced at all levels in the organisation.      It is for this reason that Stephen Drotter, co-author of “The Leadership Pipeline” points out that “Today’s organisations need effective leaders at every level and in every location”.      Whilst management focuses on controlling complex processes, leadership is about challenging the existing ways of doing things and setting new directions for the organisation. In other words, management is about doing things right; leadership is about doing the right things.      As Stephen Covey puts it in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.”      Management focuses on creating and managing structures whereas leadership focuses on inspiring people to work towards the achievement of the new direction, often through the personal example set by the leader.      Controlling and problem solving is the job of management whilst leadership focuses on motivating and enabling others to work towards new goals. The differences between these activities can be summarised as follows.         Planning and budgeting vs. setting direction.      Planning and budgeting (whether short or long-term) are by definition intended to produce orderly, expected results. Direction-setting is about defining where we need to change and laying out the new direction. It need not be a mystical process but can relate to a hardheaded analysis of what is necessary in a critical situation. The output of direction setting is a vision or a strategy rather than a plan, but this does not imply that the vision is an ethereal concept that only the creative, psychic, or users of hallucinogenic drugs can produce.      For example, the stated vision of Scandinavian Airlines was at one time to be "the best airline in the world for the frequent business traveler". Far from being an altruistic aim, any observer of the airline business would know that this could be translated as "To corner the most lucrative segment of the market airlines market". The success of a vision is not its originality, but the ability to translate it into meaningful action through energizing others.      Having this sense of direction is a leadership function, which long term planning (the management analogue) is not a substitute for.      Organising versus inspiring and aligning.      Modern organisations are complex, interconnected, and contain many dependencies. To create significant change therefore requires the persuasion of a significant group of people to align themselves to the leader's vision and to move together. Many companies assume that change has been achieved when the old organisation chart has had the old reporting lines erased and new lines drawn in. However, this is analogous to changing the labels on the buttons on a control panel, without changing the connections to the things they operate.      Even ignoring the need to change processes to reflect organisational changes (itself a management activity), the vital communications task of aligning people (to use Kotter's word) is a key leadership activity in getting commitment to work for rather than against the change. As well as getting the message across it means enabling people to take the necessary actions to "make it happen", particularly if taking initiative has historically been a risky activity in the company culture. This sort of culture change is not something that one can make rules for.      Motivating versus controlling and problem solving.      If direction setting is about setting the direction, and aligning is about persuading people to start moving along the new path, motivating people is the factor that keeps them moving and helps them to overcome obstacles. This process begins at the vision stage by expressing the vision in a way that appeals to common values and makes achievement of the new direction important to those being led. It involves supporting efforts by coaching, feedback and role modeling (the word "leading" in English has a connotation of being out in front). It involves providing encouragement and help when progress is tough, and recognition of success when it is achieved. This latter behaviour both rewards success and reinforces the belief that the organisation cares about its people.      Creating a Leadership Culture      Increasing change in the organisation's environment implies a need for creating a leadership culture. One key element of success in this is the need for informal networks of likeminded individuals that can facilitate change in the same way that formal management structures ensure control and order.         Most organisations have fragmented networks with a few well connected people and a majority of poorly connected ones. The creation of strong informal networks can help ensure that individual or departmental visions can be complementary rather than fragmented.      Individuals who wish to be successful in creating change need to be aware of how the complementary skills of management and leadership interrelate. Both are necessary but whereas management is about coping with complexity, leadership is about coping with change. While one considers what is probable, the other considers what is possible.      An organisation needs both management and leadership to be successful. Whereas the disciplines of the former have perhaps been better recognised and applied in the past, the successful organisations of the future will be those that recognise, develop and apply both in equal measure.      About the author   Gill McKay is an Associate Director of Extensor and can be contacted by e-mail at gill@extensor.co.uk Leadership and management must go hand in hand. They are not the same thing. But they are necessarily linked, and complementary. Any effort to separate the two is likely to cause more problems than it solves. 领导和管理缺一不可。二者并不是一回事,却无疑是相互联系、互为补充的。任何将二者分开的做法都可能会造成事倍功半的结果。 Still, much ink has been spent delineating the differences. The manager's job is to plan, organize and coordinate. The leader's job is to inspire and motivate. In his 1989 book 'On Becoming a Leader,' Warren Bennis composed a list of the differences 。 不过,关于领导和管理之间区别的描述已有很多。管理者的工作是计划、组织和协调。领导者的工作则是激励人心、鼓舞干劲。华伦 • 班尼斯 (Warren Bennis) 在 1989 年出版的《领导者该做什么》 (On Becoming a Leader) 一书中列出了领导者和管理者之间的不同。 The manager administers; the leader innovates. The manager is a copy; the leader is an original. The manager maintains; the leader develops. The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people. The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust. The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective. The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why. The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line; the leader's eye is on the horizon. The manager imitates; the leader originates. The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it. The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his or her own person. The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing. 管理者从事管理,领导者进行创新。管理者是 “ 拷贝 ” ,领导者是 “ 原版 ” 。管理者着重维护,领导者着重发展。管理者关注系统和结构,领导者关注人。管理者依靠控制,领导者激发信任。管理者看眼前,领导者看长远。管理者问的是 “ 怎样 ” 、 “ 何时 ” ,领导者问的是 “ 什么 ” 、 “ 为何 ” 。管理者关注利润,领导者纵观全局。管理者模仿,领导者创造。管理者接受现状,领导者挑战现状。管理者是标准的好兵,领导者自有主见。管理者把事情做好,领导者则做正确的事。 Perhaps there was a time when the calling of the manager and that of the leader could be separated. A foreman in an industrial-era factory probably didn't have to give much thought to what he was producing or to the people who were producing it. His or her job was to follow orders, organize the work, assign the right people to the necessary tasks, coordinate the results, and ensure the job got done as ordered. The focus was on efficiency. 或许曾有一度管理者和领导者的工作可以被分开。工业时代,工厂中的工长或许不需要太多地考虑自己在生产什么或是考虑工人的情况。工长的工作就是听从命令、组织生产、让合适的人去完成必要的工作、协调结果、确保工作如指令的一样完成。他关注的是效率。 But in the new economy, where value comes increasingly from the knowledge of people, and where workers are no longer undifferentiated cogs in an industrial machine, management and leadership are not easily separated. People look to their managers, not just to assign them a task, but to define for them a purpose. And managers must organize workers, not just to maximize efficiency, but to nurture skills, develop talent and inspire results. 但是在新经济时代,价值越来越多地来自人们的知识,工人们不再是机器上一模一样的齿轮,在这种情况下,管理和领导不能简单地分开。人们看着他们的管理者,不仅是等他交待工作,还等他给他们定一个目标。管理者们必须组织工人,不仅是将效率最大化,还要培养技能、发展人才、产生结果。 from: http://blog.hjenglish.com/zhuling/archive/2011/03/07/1672904.html
个人分类: Teaching|3950 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]根本不存在天堂,那只是个神话(霍金Stephen Hawking: 'There is
AIPBeijing2010 2011-5-31 13:54
Stephen Hawking: 'There is no heaven; it's a fairy story' Stephen Hawking dismisses belief in God in an exclusive interview with the Guardian. Photograph: Solar Heliospheric Observatory/Discovery Channel A belief that heaven or an afterlife awaits us is a "fairy story" for people afraid of death, Stephen Hawking has said. In a dismissal that underlines his firm rejection of religious comforts, Britain's most eminent scientist said there was nothing beyond the moment when the brain flickers for the final time. Hawking, who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease at the age of 21, shares his thoughts on death, human purpose and our chance existence in an exclusive interview with the Guardian today. The incurable illness was expected to kill Hawking within a few years of its symptoms arising, an outlook that turned the young scientist to Wagner, but ultimately led him to enjoy life more, he has said, despite the cloud hanging over his future. "I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first," he said. "I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark," he added. Hawking's latest comments go beyond those laid out in his 2010 book, The Grand Design , in which he asserted that there is no need for a creator to explain the existence of the universe. The book provoked a backlash from some religious leaders, including the chief rabbi, Lord Sacks, who accused Hawking of committing an "elementary fallacy" of logic. The 69-year-old physicist fell seriously ill after a lecture tour in the US in 2009 and was taken to Addenbrookes hospital in an episode that sparked grave concerns for his health. He has since returned to his Cambridge department as director of research. The physicist's remarks draw a stark line between the use of God as a metaphor and the belief in an omniscient creator whose hands guide the workings of the cosmos. In his bestselling 1988 book, A Brief History of Time, Hawking drew on the device so beloved of Einstein, when he described what it would mean for scientists to develop a "theory of everything" – a set of equations that described every particle and force in the entire universe. "It would be the ultimate triumph of human reason – for then we should know the mind of God," he wrote. The book sold a reported 9 million copies and propelled the physicist to instant stardom. His fame has led to guest roles in The Simpsons, Star Trek: The Next Generation and Red Dwarf. One of his greatest achievements in physics is a theory that describes how black holes emit radiation. In the interview, Hawking rejected the notion of life beyond death and emphasised the need to fulfil our potential on Earth by making good use of our lives. In answer to a question on how we should live, he said, simply: "We should seek the greatest value of our action." In answering another, he wrote of the beauty of science, such as the exquisite double helix of DNA in biology, or the fundamental equations of physics. Hawking responded to questions posed by the Guardian and a reader in advance of a lecture tomorrow at the Google Zeitgeist meeting in London, in which he will address the question: "Why are we here?" In the talk, he will argue that tiny quantum fluctuations in the very early universe became the seeds from which galaxies, stars, and ultimately human life emerged. "Science predicts that many different kinds of universe will be spontaneously created out of nothing. It is a matter of chance which we are in," he said. Hawking suggests that with modern space -based instruments, such as the European Space Agency's Planck mission, it may be possible to spot ancient fingerprints in the light left over from the earliest moments of the universe and work out how our own place in space came to be. His talk will focus on M-theory, a broad mathematical framework that encompasses string theory, which is regarded by many physicists as the best hope yet of developing a theory of everything. M-theory demands a universe with 11 dimensions, including a dimension of time and the three familiar spatial dimensions. The rest are curled up too small for us to see. Evidence in support of M-theory might also come from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern , the European particle physics laboratory near Geneva. One possibility predicted by M-theory is supersymmetry, an idea that says fundamental particles have heavy – and as yet undiscovered – twins, with curious names such as selectrons and squarks. Confirmation of supersymmetry would be a shot in the arm for M-theory and help physicists explain how each force at work in the universe arose from one super-force at the dawn of time. Another potential discovery at the LHC, that of the elusive Higgs boson, which is thought to give mass to elementary particles, might be less welcome to Hawking, who has a long-standing bet that the long-sought entity will never be found at the laboratory. Hawking will join other speakers at the London event, including the chancellor, George Osborne, and the Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz.
个人分类: 杂谈|1860 次阅读|0 个评论
Internet of things----one of the top 10 predicted technology
lhj701 2011-5-30 23:44
Internet of things----one of the top 10 predicted technology (罗汉江) Cisco chief futurist Dave Evans said that the Internet of Things is one of the fundamental technologies will really change and influence how people work, play and learn in the next decade. According to Evans, " The World Wide Web has arguably gone through four distinct changes in its nearly 20-year history, but the Internet has remained fundamentally the same since the early days. Technologies have changed, standards have come and gone, but the Internet really hasn’t evolved at its base level since the days when it was usedin the academiaand government ". The Internet of things alsocalled WuLianWang (物联网) in Chinesewhich means a new internet structurewith more sensors that willhelp us creating a more smarter world around us. It is also featured with more smart sensors which make the internet more proactive and less reactive. " The world has hit a point where there are more devices connecting to the Internet than people doing so ". Andthose sensors generate data automatically without our interference which make the real-time monitoring of things a reality in our life. Dave Evans also said that our internet is becoming more mobile than before because we use more mobile sets now with internet connection ability such as wifior 3G. Reference: 《 Cisco chief futurist: The Internet of Things is here 》 http://www.channelbuzz.ca/2011/05/cisco-chief-futurist-the-internet-of-things-is-here-1887/
个人分类: 物联网|3075 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)
shawfee 2011-5-17 22:02
Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) The BCCI case was a major banking fraud of some 800 million. The bank collapsed in 1991. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world lost their savings amidst accusations that the bank's senior executives had fraudulently siphoned off funds BCCI was a bank trusted particularly by the UK's Asian community though victims also included local councils such as Western Isles, Westminster City and Harlow. The case attracted the media spotlight and caused great concern in political circles and in the banking sector. It was one of the SFO's biggest investigations, requiring spill-over premises to house more investigators. Working with the City of London Police, the SFO by 1997 had secured convictions against four BCCI executives and the mastermind of the fraud, shipping magnate Abbas Gokal. His Geneva-headquartered Gulf Group was used to launder funds stolen from BCCI. He was arrested in transit at Frankfurt airport on a flight between Pakistan and the USA and was returned to the UK for trial.. He was jailed for a total of14 years and a further three when he later failed to pay against a confiscation order. http://www.sfo.gov.uk/our-work/our-cases/historic-cases/bank-of-credit-and-commerce-international-(bcci).aspx
个人分类: Teaching|1697 次阅读|0 个评论
free writing practice----revised
热度 1 xiaofeicas 2011-5-4 12:37
Original version: I am just sitting here, looking at the computer screen and putting my fingers on the keyboard. I am ready to write something, but I don’t know what I should write about. The office is so quiet that as if only I myself be here. In fact, there are not so many people in this ample room, and most of them are off duty for errands or private affairs. Those left, including me, are occupied with other things. Take myself for instance, I am busy and concentrated on my job, but what I am doing has no business with my job. For some inexplicit reasons, our department is much less busy than last year. It is good for me, because I can spare a lot of my time on my English learning. Although I want to make my learning travel as enjoyable as possible, but I keep it clearly in my mind that the only way to get great improvement is to practice all the time. Albeit It is said that I have got much progress, there is a long way for me to go to get my aim. Some bad smell breaks my thought. It comes from a kind of food, which looks like a hotdog, on my desk. A colleague went to Thailand to attend a conference and bought us this food called durian cake. You know, I don’t like the smelly durian, not to mention this cake. It’s a problem for me to deal with it. Neither abandoning nor eating unwillingly is my choice. You want it? I can give to you. It’s ten to five now, I have to get ready for my yoga class. See you! Revised version: I am just sitting here, looking at the computer screen and putting my fingers on the keyboard. I (am ready to)want to write something, but (I) don’t know what to (I should) write (about) . The office is so quiet that it seems as if only I myself is (be) here. In fact, there are not so many people in this ample room, and most of them are off duty for errands or private affairs. Those left, including me, are occupied with other things. Taking myself for instance, I am usually busy and concentrated on my job, but what I am doing now has no business with my job. For some inexplicit reasons, we are much less busy this year than the last one . It is good for me, because I can spare a lot of my time on my English learning. Although I want to make my learning travel as enjoyable as possible, (but) I keep it clearly in my mind that the only way to get great improvement is to practice all the time. Albeit It is said that I have got much progress, there is still a long way for me to go to get my aim. Some bad smell breaks my thought. It comes from a kind of food, which looks like a hotdog, on my desk. This food are called durian cake from Thailand,wherea colleague went to attend a conference and bought it to me. You know, I don’t like the smelly durian, not to mention eating this durian cake . It’s difficult for me to deal with it. Neither abandoning nor eating it unwillingly is my choice. You want it? I can give to you. It’s ten to five now, and I have to get ready for my yoga class. See you! 备注: 红色和括号 是删掉的部分;蓝色是修改的部分。
2531 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]NASA's Earth Observation System Data Information System
pengxiaoqing 2011-5-1 23:58
NASA's Earth Observation System Data Information System by Kevin Schaefer Over the years, NASA has collected a great deal of Earth science data from dozens of orbiting satellites. With time, these data collections have scattered among many archives that vary significantly in sophistication and access. NASA risked losing valuable, irreplaceable data as people retired, storage media decayed, formats changed and collections dispersed. Scientists began to spend more time searching for data than performing research. Today, NASA's Office of Mission to Planet Earth, which leads the agency's Earth science research, continues to collect data. This office operates 11 active satellites and instruments, which together produce 450 gigabytes (Gb) of data each day. Landsat alone, one of NASA's most popular sources of remote sensing data, produces 200 Gb of raw data per day. In 1997, NASA will launch the first of many Earth Observation Systems (EOS) satellites and instruments that will double the daily production of raw data. EOS will produce 15 years of global, comprehensive environmental remote sensing data. To handle the size and variety of data now available and to promote cross-discipline research, NASA created EOSDIS, which drastically reduces the time spent searching for relevant data, allowing scientists to focus their research efforts on changes in the Earth's environment. EOSDIS allows scientists to search many data centers and disciplines quickly and easily, quickening the pace of research. The faster the research, the more quickly scientists can identify causes of detrimental environmental effects, opening the way for policy- and lawmakers to act at international, national and local levels. The well-known hole in the ozone layer above the Antarctic illustrates the process from research to policy to law. Researchers first discovered the ozone hole when lofting a weather balloon from an Antarctic research station. But NASA's NIMBUS 7 satellite had the necessary instruments, so why hadn't it detected the hole? Scientists quickly discovered that the calibration algorithm routinely dropped low ozone values as "noise." When they retrieved 12 years of original NIMBUS 7 data, scientists verified the existence of the hole and indicated that it had grown over the last decade. Data from additional instruments revealed that CloroFloroCarbons (CFCs), such as Freon, destroyed the ozone layer and created the hole. Armed with this knowledge, the United States signed several international treaties restricting the production of CFCs. Congress passed regulations on the production, distribution and recovery of CFCs in the United States. As a direct result, worldwide production of CFCs has plummeted. Today, consumers cannot openly buy Freon. Given time, the CFCs already in the atmosphere will disperse and the ozone layer will heal itself. Another example of the benefits of multiple-discipline Earth science research lies in the work of the EOSDIS Pathfinder projects, which recycle old data from past and current satellites into new products for scientific research. One project used old Landsat data to assess deforestation in the Amazon basin, indicating that the true rate of deforestation closely matches that cited by the Brazilian government, thus ending a long standing, international debate. Now that scientists have settled the extent of deforestation, policy- and lawmakers can act to fix it. In yet another result of the EOSDIS philosophy, ocean dynamists recently discovered a huge, low-amplitude wave that propagates back and forth across the Pacific Ocean. Only a few inches high, but a thousand miles long, the wave bounces back and forth between South America and Asia. The same scientists also found that sea level has risen slightly over the last few years, while other researchers detected a slight decline in total ice coverage. Are these three phenomena related? If so, why? Only collaborative research between atmospheric physics, ocean dynamics, meteorology and climatology can answer these questions. The same principles apply to regional and local, as well as national and international, policy and law. Through EOSDIS, state and local governments can obtain accurate data and information about water tables, flood plains, ground cover and air quality. For example, the state of Ohio has begun using NASA remote sensing data to monitor reclamation of strip mining sites, a task for which the state does not have enough personnel to perform on-site inspections. EOSDIS does a lot more than just store and distribute Earth science data. It also provides the operational ground infrastructure for all satellites and instruments within the Mission to Planet Earth office at NASA. It contains Earth science data from EOS satellites, other MTPE satellites, joint programs with international partners and other agencies, field studies and past satellites. It receives and processes the raw data from the satellites. After initial processing, EOSDIS delivers the data to the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) for further processing, storage and distribution. EOSDIS also includes mission operations and satellite control. Distributed Active Archive CentersThe DAACs serve as the interface between EOSDIS and the user community. Each DAAC concentrates on a specific discipline of global change and Earth science, storing all raw satellite data received from the Data Production Facility and processing the raw data into usable products. The products are then distributed on a variety of media, such as magnetic tape or CD-ROM. Users query DAAC content through the Internet, viewing low resolution, browse images of the desired data. EOSDIS has nine DAACs: Alaska Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Facility (ASF), located outside Fairbanks, Alaska, specializes in sea ice and polar processes. EROS Data Center (EDC), jointly funded with the U.S. Geological Survey, specializes in land processes; it is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt, Maryland, specializes in the upper atmosphere, atmospheric dynamics - the global biosphere. Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), in Los Angeles, California, specializes in ocean circulation and air-sea interactions. Langley Research Center (LaRC), located near Norfolk, Virginia, specializes in radiation budget, aerosols and tropospheric chemistry. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Huntsville, Alabama, specializes in the Earth's hydrologic cycle. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), at the University of Colorado in Boulder, specializes in the Earth's cryosphere. Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL), jointly funded with the Department of Energy in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, specializes in biogeochemical dynamics. Socioeconomic Data Archive Center (SEDAC) at the University of Michigan in Saginaw, specializes in integrating socioeconomic and environmental data. The Science Computing Facilities generate the software algorithms that DAACs use to transform raw satellite data into useful products and perform quality control on DAAC products. One or more Science Computing Facilities support each instrument on each satellite. EOSDIS Core SystemThe EOSDIS core system consists of the Science Data Processing Segment, the Flight Operations Segment and the Communications and Systems Management Segment. The Science Data Processing Segment handles all data production, archive and distribution through the Information Management Service, the Planning and Data Processing System, and the Data Archival and Distribution Services. The Information Management Service performs data search, access and retrieval for the EOSDIS. The Planning and Data Processing System processes the raw data into the standard products offered by the EOSDIS. The Data Archival and Distribution Service permanently stores all data received or produced by EOSDIS. The Flight Operations Segment, consisting of the EOS Operations Center, the Instrument Support Terminals and the Spacecraft Simulator, supports the EOS satellites and instruments. The Operations Center commands and controls the operation of EOS satellites. The Instrument Support Terminals consist of a few generic workstations dedicated to the command and control of specific instruments. Generally, each instrument will have its own Instrument Support Terminal. The Spacecraft Simulator analyzes general satellite information stripped off the main data stream, searching for trends and problems. The Communications and Systems Management Segment, consisting of the Systems Management Center and the NASA Internal Network, manages schedules and operations among the DAACs and other elements of the EOSDIS. The Systems Management Center manages network loading, data transfer and overall processing to optimize EOSDIS performance. The Internal Network connects all of the permanent archives, transferring data among all of the DAACs and Science Computing Facilities via a dedicated fiber network utilizing the asynchronous transfer mode. The NASA Science Internet (or Internet for short) links the general user to the EOSDIS. The Internet also links EOSDIS to data centers outside NASA. The EOSDIS Data and Operations System (EDOS), consisting of the Data Interface Facility, the Data Production Facility and the Sustaining Engineering Facility, handles all telemetry to and from the satellite and performs the initial data processing. The Data Interface Facility is the primary communication and data link between the ground and the satellites. The Data Interface Facility separates the main data stream into the scientific and system information. The scientific information goes to the Data Production Facility, while the system information goes to the EOS Operations Control Center and the Spacecraft Simulator. The Data Production Facility separates the scientific data by instruments, calibrates it and attaches any ancillary data (orbit information, for example). All data then gets transferred to the DAACs for permanent storage. The Sustaining Engineering Facility maintains equipment, identifies hardware trends and plans for future upgrades. The DAACs process the data from each instrument on each satellite into approximately 250 products. Among the many satellite projects from which products are developed are the Tropical Rain Measurement Mission, the Ocean Topography Experiment and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. Through EOSDIS, data products can come from field campaigns, such as the Boreal Ecosystem Atmosphere Study; from satellites operated by other agencies, such as NOAA's Geostationary Orbit Environmental Satellite; and from past NASA missions and programs. Users can locate data products by discipline, DAAC, Earth location, instrument, satellite or time. EOSDIS allows any data format, but uses the Hierarchical Data Format, developed by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, as the standard. NASA released Version 0 of the EOSDIS to the general public in 1994. Version 0 connects all the DAACs with some elements of the Science Data Processing Segments, primarily the Information Management Service. Version 0 consolidates 12 distinct data systems and allows users to locate and order data products at eight DAACs (SEDAC will come on line later this year). Through Version 0, users can also link to NOAA's Satellite Active Archive. Version 1, due for release in February 1996, will include all functional elements of the EOSDIS, but not at full capacity. Version 2, due for release in November 1997, will bring the EOSDIS up to full capacity. Minor upgrades between versions will fix small problems, improve specific services and add new products. Anyone can access the EOSDIS via the Internet with telenet or via modem. One can access Version 0 from a computer that runs UNIX, X-Windows or VT100. Users can search through the EOSDIS archives in a variety of ways: by scientific discipline, satellite or product name. One can limit the search to specific regions on the Earth or specific dates. To help in selection, EOSDIS allows users to preview low-resolution browse images before ordering the data product. Data set descriptions also help users choose applicable products. A help desk at each DAAC takes data orders and troubleshoots problems. Kevin Schaefer is with NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC. http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-95/schaefer.html
2220 次阅读|0 个评论
首博:Happier people are more successful.
jater 2011-4-26 15:30
Happier people are more successful, because they have more energy and work harder. 这是今天在网上看到的一句话,也是我自己历来推崇的一种研究和工作态度,就把它作为我科学网博客的开篇语。
个人分类: 心情驿站|2323 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 flyingghost 2011-3-21 13:07
一早要赶到木樨地去参加一个研讨会,晚上就一直在打车还是坐地铁之间纠结,打车太堵,地铁太挤,横下一条心,绿色出行,坐地铁吧。 七点刚过就赶到了惠新西街北口站,然后就很悲剧地发现,排队的人真的是people mountain people sea啊,每个人都急匆匆的样子,焦虑就写在脸上,心里还在想,急什么啊,车来了大家都能上... 然而事实证明了我的结论是杯具地,而且杯具得很华丽,进城的地铁一趟趟开进来,每一趟里面最多都只能再塞进去2个人,这还要算上下车的空出来的空间,然后,我就很华丽地在队尾看着一辆辆车绝尘而去,里面塞满了沙丁鱼... 等我也成为沙丁鱼中的一条的时候,发现原来惯性在地铁里是不起作用的,车启动的时候根本不用扶,因为你身边都挤满了人,此时我对那些每天坐地铁上班的mm们心里真是佩服得五体投地啊,难怪身材都那么好,都是挤出来的。 好消息是,到了南口,换10号线以后,貌似人就木有那么多了... 结论是什么呢?向每天挤地铁的同志们致敬,向规划地铁的同志们说声“呸”~~
2797 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]Learn how to collect happiness
laojing 2011-3-19 12:33
Learn how to collect happiness When people speak of happiness , the idea of much money always crowds in . In most people’s eyes , it seems that owing it means owing everything and happiness is just a notion like a big sum of money . Actually taking possession of plenty of money can surely help you buy what you want while people’s basic necessities of life can’t do without it , from the viewpoint of which happiness means money . However , different people have different views on what happiness is about and their types of happiness they are seeking varies . It is absolutely wrong of people to think that you must feel happy because you have a large amount of money and that on the contrast ,you are not because of no quantity . As is known to all , there are many other things more important than money in the world . They can also bring people happiness , even much more than money . In my opinion , real happiness is something you feel in your innermost heart , that is , when you feel happy , you are happy . In modern society full of intense competition , only a few people are capable of making big money . Do you think they are happy ? Only they themselves can answer it . The idea that happiness is only based on money or wealth is obviously inacceptable . Thus , people have to transfer their attention to money to something else so as to seek their own real happiness . It turns out that they can manage to gain their happiness they think of from what they do . Happiness doesn’t mean you need to make great achievement . Small things you succeed in doing can also result in instructive and significant effect on others . Then you are a happy person. Hong Kong’s average citizen , Huan Furong( 黄福荣 ) feels enjoyed as a volunteer worker . He is just a common truck driver , not rich , but he constantly went to and fro between mainland China and Hong Kong in order to offer as much help as possible to others in need. During his ten years of volunteer service his deeds include donation of all his savings , a seven- month walk from Hong Kong to Beijing for helping raising money for China’s Marrow Donors Program and providing two-month volunteer service for Wenchuan quake zone. All that he did is not something great . However, he set a good example for everyone with his loving heart . Whenever and wherever he turned up , people would see his love and help. Not until he lost his life in Yushu quake zone where he joined in earthquake relief work did people get to know him .One word he ever said is “ If I lose my life in the course of my volunteer service , that is a favor God does me .” In his eye , this is happiness . Now he has gone to heaven where we hope he is a happy person forever and ever . Happiness is something really quite simple . Itcan be a cup of tea you drink after you are thirsty . Itcan be a piece of bread you eat after you are hungry . Itcan be a sweet smile and warm welcome from your beloved ones after you return after a long journey . Itcan be a hand you give somebody in trouble . It can be an article of well-content dress you wear after you have just bought . It can be …. There are so many types of happiness around you . To be a careful and minded person , you won’t be able to miss happiness present everywhere . Happiness can be enlarged. When you pass your happiness to others , they share it with you , then the happiness will be doubled . As the saying goes , joys shared with others are more enjoyed . Huan Furong is such a person who spread his love among others . Nowadays the loving baton are going from one to another , becoming the bond of happiness . As a result , wherever there is more love there is more happiness . Happiness is present everywhere . Only to be a person with loving heart , he or she can gain real happiness . Only to be a person who knows enough is as good as a feast, he or she can enjoy real happiness . Only to be a careful and minded person , he or she can discover real happiness . Let’s all become experts who know how to collect real happiness. Remember the saying – Joys shared with others are more enjoyed .
个人分类: 网有网事|1569 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]why does people want to live?
twhlw 2011-3-3 10:49
1821 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Norman G. Lederman
geneculture 2011-2-21 09:02
People / Faculty Norman G. Lederman, Ph.D. Chairman Professor Office: IGT Building (South), Suite 4008 3424 S. State St. Chicago, IL 60616 Office Hours: Phone: 312.567.3658 Fax: 312.567.3659 Email: ledermann@iit.edu Web: Expertise Education B.S. Biology, Bradley University M.S. Biology, New York University M.S. Secondary Education, Bradley University Ph.D. Science Education, Syracuse University Curriculum Vitae Research Major Accomplishments Dr. Norman G. Lederman is currently Chair and Professor of Mathematics and Science Education at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He has taught a full range ofgraduate (Masters and Doctoral) courses in secondary science education and supervised teaching interns. Dr. Lederman received his Ph.D. in Science Education from Syracuse University (1983); M.S. in Secondary Education from Bradley University (1977); M.S. in Biology from New York University (1973); B.S. in Biology from Bradley University (1971). Before arriving at his present position, he was Professor of Science and Mathematics Education at Oregon State University since1985, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, SUNY/Albany (1984-85) and Assistant Professor of Science Teaching, Syracuse University (1983-84). Dr. Lederman taught high school Biology at Eureka (IL) High School (1974-79) as well as college level biology at Onondaga Community College (1979-82) and Illinois Central College (1976-79). He has received the Illinois Outstanding Biology Teacher Award (1979), a Presidential Citation for DistinguishedService from the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science (AETS, 1986), the Burlington Resources Foundation Faculty Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching and Research (1992), the AETS Outstanding Mentor Award (2000), and the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Award for Outstanding JRST Paper (2001). Dr. Lederman is internationally known for his research and scholarship on the development of students' and teachers' conceptions of nature of science and scientific inquiry. He has also studied preservice and inservice teachers' knowledge structures of subject matter and pedagogy, pedagogical content knowledge, and teachers' concerns and beliefs. Dr. Lederman has been author or editor of 10 books, including an elementary science teaching methods textbook. He is editor of the recently published Handbook for Research on Science Education. He has written 15 book chapters and published over 200 articles in professional refereed journals. In addition, Dr. Lederman has made over 500 presentations at professional conferences and meetings around the world. Dr. Lederman has served as President of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science (AETS), and the Oregon Educational Research Association. He has also served as Director of Teacher Education for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Director of the Northwest Region of AETS, North American Director of the International Council of Associations for Science Education and served on the Board of Directors of NSTA, AETS, NARST, and the School Science and Mathematics Association. Dr. Lederman served as the Editor of the journal School Science and Mathematics for 10 years and serves, or has served, on the Editorial Boards of the American Educational Research Journal, Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, International Journal of Science Education, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Journal of Elementary Science Education, Journal of Science Teacher Education, Science and Education, and Science Education. Current Projects Project Way2Go - Illinois Institute of Technology - Western Michigan University Collaboration "A current, 5 year NSF joint project with Western Michigan Univeristy. The project goals are to investigate the relative value of inquiry-oriented and "direct" instruction." International Investigation of Inquiry and Direct Instruction "A collaborative research project between MSED and the University of Stockholm. This is a systematic investigation of the relative effectiveness of direct and indirect instruction in Stockholm, Sweden and Chicago." NOS/Inquiry Instrument Development "This collaborative project with University of Duisberg-Essen, in Germany is developing a competency based assessment instrucment for nature of science and scientific inquiry." Perceptions of Inquiry "An international collaboration with University of Hong, Beijing Normal University, and IIT. This is a cross-cultural investigation of physics’ teachers’ perceptions of inquiry-oriented instruction." Development of Instructional Skills for Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry "Investigation of the parallel development of knowledge of nature of science and knowledge about inquiry and instructional practice." Development of Assessment Protocol for Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry "This project, in collaboration with Ancona School, is attempting to develop an assessment protocol for nature of science and scientific inquiry for use with students who are too young to write or read." Development of Public Understanding of Science "This international project, in collaboration with the University of Wittswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, investigates the use of museum exhibit design to develop knowledge of scientific inquiry and nature of science." Perspectives- IIT Mathematics and Science Academy "MSED will serve as the Math and Science partner for Perspectives Charter Schools’ newly approved Mathematics and Science Academy (grades 6-12). The school is scheduled to open Fall, 2008." High School Transformation Project "A three-year (with opportunity to renew for two additional two-year periods) curriculum and professional development project funded by the Gates Foundation and Chicago Public Schools. MSED provides new science curricula (biology, chemistry and physics) and professional development for all science faculty in 11 Chicago high schools. Additional high schools are added each year." CUES (Conceptual Understandings of Earth Systems) – IIT/American Geological Institute "A three year Instructional Materials Development grant funded by NSF. A collaboration between the American geological Institute and IIT to create a middle school earth sciences curriculum that stresses nature of science and scientific inquiry." Operation Biotechnology "A three-year FIPSE grant in collaboration with the Biotechnology Institute. This project develops and implements biotechnology instructional modules, as well as prepares lead teachers for subsequent professional development dissemination." Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Grant "Department of Mathematics and Science Education, in collaboration with Dean Ali Cinar and Alex Flueck, was awarded a National Science Foundation grant that provides extensive summer university research experiences for more than100 teachers in IIT laboratories." Math/Science Leadership Cohort "A professional development leadership program for inservice teachers that leads to a Masters degree in science or mathematics education. Those who complete the program serve as mentor teachers for their districts as well as supervisors in model sites for future teachers. We are currently in our fourth year and recruitment for cohort #5 will begin in the spring." Chicago Public Schools – Science Cohort "A project designed to assist science teachers from representative Chicago high schools implement newly adopted science curriculum. Twenty-five teachers typically participate in year-long professional development in Glencoe-based earth science, chemistry and biology." Young People’s Project "Curriculum implementation project targeting grades 3-6 students, high school tutors, and college tutors. IIT serves as external evaluator for this project." Project RECRUIT "An alternative certification program funded by the National Science Foundation and administered by the University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign. IIT is the external evaluator." Taiwan Academic Cultural Exchange "For the fifth consecutive year, MSED will host a group of 30 middle school students from Taiwan. Students experience advanced science instruction and stay in IIT dorms for 10 days each June or July." Awards/Honors http://www.iit.edu/csl/msed/faculty/lederman_norman.shtml
1687 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]phosphorus peak
热度 1 seaohy 2011-2-18 23:49
Some people think we are running out of phosphorus, a key ingredient in the plant nutrient mix. That was one of the more disturbing bits of information I ran across in my research for a story on global fertilizer last year. After a little more research, it turns out phosphorus reserves may be just fine. It's where they are located that has everyone worried. The fertilizer industry – particularly potash and phosphate – is a classic oligopoly, with very few established players that exist in a business that is extremely capital intensive. You can count on two hands the number of companies that produce those nutrients. It costs a couple billion dollars to open a new mine, says Joe Dillier, fertilizer analyst with GrowMark, a large farm er cooperative here in the U.S. 'Peak phosphorus' Some scientists, notably Dana Cordell and Stuart White of the University of Technology in Sydney , Australia , believe phosphorus supplies could begin running out in 30 to 40 years, threatening long-term, worldwide famine. See their research here . The idea was fleshed out by White and another researcher, James Elser of the University of California , in an article in Foreign Policy . "Our dwindling supply of phosphorus, a primary component underlying the growth of global agricultural production, threatens to disrupt food security across the planet during the coming century," claim the authors. "This is the gravest natural resource shortage you've never heard of." Click here for the full story . Then the New York Times picked up on this and ran a bit in their "Idea of the Day" blog back in April last year. But "Peak phosphate" is baloney, say others. “World Phosphate Rock Reserves and Resources,” a study released in September by the IFDC , a public organization focused on international food security, estimates that global resources of phosphate rock suitable to produce phosphate rock concentrate, phosphoric acid, phosphate fertilizers and other phosphate-based products will be available for several hundred years. "There is no evidence of a peak phosphorus event," says Steven J. Van Kauwenbergh, principal scientist and leader of IFDC’s Phosphate Research and Resources Initiative. Steve Jasinski agrees. "I don't think there is a peak phosphorus situation to be concerned with at this time," says Jasinski, mineral commodity specialist at the U.S. Geological Survey . "Phosphate resources are large. The (peak phosphorus) assumptions were based on older reserve estimates and didn't take into account improvements in processing, higher prices, and other factors." "The running out of phosphate in 30 years is a complete lie, pushed by a bunch of academics with an environmental axe to grind," adds Barrie Bain, an analyst with Fertecon , an industry tracking organization. Who controls what "Rather than peak phosphorus, there should be more emphasis on future supply patterns, with Morocco controlling most of the world's reserves," Jasinski told me. Most phosphate mines, including those in the U.S. which own 17% of global resources, have been in decline for the past decade, hindered in part by environmental regulation. So companies must look farther afield to find supplies. According to the IFDC report, Morocco is sitting on about 50 billion tons of phosphate rock – a 300 to 400 year supply and possibly 80% of world reserves. Many of the country's mines are in Western Sahara , a disputed territory and site of human rights concerns. China has 7% of world reserves, but when food prices ran up in 2008 it slapped a 135% export tariff on phosphate exports. Phosphorus, says Auburn economist Bob Taylor, is "a geo-strategic ticking time bomb." With so few players in the industry, Taylor worries that one key ingredient in food production may eventually fall under the control of two or three nations. “Who will control the key inputs to food production?” he asks. "The political dimension is as large as the corporate dimension in fertilizer markets. We are setting ourselves up to rely more and more on agriculture inputs from politically unstable countries."
2036 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]Brain in love
okxy 2011-2-12 21:34
Men and women can now thank a dozen brain regions for their romantic fervor. Researchers have revealed the fonts of desire by comparing functional MRI studies of people who indicated they were experiencing passionate love, maternal love or unconditional love. Together, the regions release neurotransmitters and other chemicals in the brain and blood that prompt greater euphoric sensations such as attraction and pleasure. Conversely, psychiatrists might someday help individuals who become dangerously depressed after a heartbreak by adjusting those chemicals. Passion also heightens several cognitive functions, as the brain regions and chemicals surge. “It’s all about how that network interacts,” says Stephanie Ortigue, an assistant professor of psychology at Syracuse University, who led the study. The cognitive functions, in turn, “are triggers that fully activate the love network.” Tell that to your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day. Graphics by James W. Lewis, West Virginia University (brain) , and Jen Christiansen. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=your-brain-in-love-graphsciWT.mc_id=SA_CAT_MB_20110209
1240 次阅读|0 个评论
Benefits to blog
waterlilyqd 2011-1-17 18:40
On the researchers' evaluation meeting, one researcher said, "I'll spend time enjoying life! I'll start blogging!" The attendees are in applause! Ya, blogging is a very good way ofsharing our thoughts with others and recording our life. Your blog is a live advertisement on yourself. Through the blog, you can know many people who are related to your research fields or who have common interests or hobbies with you. Bloggingcan also greatly improve our writing proficiency, I think. You have to think out an interesting or meaningful topic.You have to consider how to express your ideas in a logical and clear way, you have to consider how to impress others with beautiful language and pictures or other auxilliary measures. Blogging is also a very effectiveway to relax one's nerve! When you don't wantto work, when you feel bad to do anything, you can come here to blog. Quickly, you'll recover from your fatigue and then be back to your work!
个人分类: 社会杂谈|2553 次阅读|0 个评论
Two good movies based on Oscar Wilde's plays
zuojun 2010-3-21 08:29
A Good Woman Director Mike Barker's adaptation of an Oscar Wilde play is set in 1930 on Italy's sparkling Amalfi Coast. What does a good woman have if not a good reputation? Well, you will be surprised An Ideal Husband I watched the 1999 film version last night. For the story itself, go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Ideal_Husband
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|3441 次阅读|0 个评论
"The Week," a media for busy people
zuojun 2010-2-21 08:17
You may read Times, Newsweek, or other magazines, if you can afford the time. If not, The Week is not a bad choice. What I like about it, say an article under Talking points, it always provides the readers at least two opposing views. Confusing? Maybe. Still, I prefer different views than one-sided opinion. I enjoy many articles under The last word. Here are some links to free articles you may read online: The_last_word:_He_said_he_was_leaving._She_ignored_him. The_last word: The little_dog_lost_at_sea. The_last_word:_Inside_a_dog's_world
个人分类: From the U.S.|3333 次阅读|0 个评论

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