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xiaguangqing 2014-6-6 21:59
http://www.chinanews.com/mil/2014/06-04/6243079.shtml 国产微小卫星 作为我国微小卫星的研制“重镇”, 中国航天科技集团公司五院深圳航天东方红海特卫星有限公司 密切跟踪国际微小卫星技术发展,按照“快、好、省”研制要求强化能力建设,经过几年努力,已建立完整配套的研制生产体系,具备了独立进行微小卫星设计研制生产能力。目前, 公司形成了成功研制发射两颗卫星、8星在研、多星预研的可喜局面 ,已成为我国微小卫星研制的重要基地。 2009年,为顺应国际微小卫星发展的趋势,使微小卫星更广泛地服务国防和国民经济建设,抢占微小卫星国际市场,深圳航天东方红海特卫星有限公司揭牌运行。作为国内唯一专业从事微小卫星研制的总体单位,该公司成立后,克服多年处于深圳、北京两地五处办公,没有固定研制场所等重重困难,边组建、边研制,先后成功研制发射试验卫星四号和新技术试验卫星。同时,该公司还实施能力建设战略,使微小卫星研制能力实现了全面突破。 与公司成立同时,用于微小卫星设计、研制、测试、试验的卫星大厦正式破土动工。经过四年多的基础设施建设和设备安装调试,2013年底,卫星大厦正式启用,这标志着集研发、总体设计、总装、测试和试验为一体的现代化微小卫星研制基地形成,为推动我国微小卫星技术的快速发展和应用产业化奠定了坚实的基础。 近年来,公司全力推进从事微小卫星研制所必备的基础资质认证工作。到2013年7月, 公司已完成了武器装备质量管理体系、武器装备承制单位资格、武器装备科研生产许可和国家二级保密单位资格等4个必备证件的认证工作 ,通过了上级单位GJB5000A正式评价,从而集齐微小卫星研制的“准入证”。目前,该公司已配备了齐套的 卫星研制所需的力学、热、磁、EMC、控制仿真等5大保障条件 。 为实现“快、好、省”的微小卫星研制要求,公司还大胆探索新的卫星总装测试手段与模式,制定了微小卫星AIT阶段总装流水线工作流程,实现了6星交叉并行总装能力,同时添置了相应的测试基础设备,提高了测试自动化程度,使公司具备了6星并行测试能力。 针对新组建、新队伍、缺经验、缺骨干等难题,公司在果断进行队伍调整的同时,专门聘请了多位兼职专家,招聘了数十名高层次人才,组织了专业培训,迅速形成了一支以现有骨干和外聘专家为核心,高学历青年人为主体,具备独立总体设计、总装、测试和试验能力的微小卫星研制队伍,为微小卫星事业的发展提供了保障。 当前,公司已组建了3个实验室和1个中心: 一是综合电子实验室——其使命是针对微小卫星星务、姿态控制、能源等电子设备更加高度集成的特点,进行设备的设计仿真、电磁兼容性等相关技术的试验验证;二是星座与编队仿真实验室——专门进行微小卫星在星座或组网情况下,如何最大限度地发挥作用,如何实施最优控制策略等课题研究与试验;三是软件测试实验室——用于对微小卫星上所使用的数十个软件以及测试软件的正确性、耦合度、可靠性等各种性能进行确认。 同时,公司成立了深圳市微小卫星短数据通信工程中心,争取了深圳市政府500万元的经费支持,组建了微小卫星系统设计仿真实验室。该实验室的建立,为解决微小卫星批量化研制模式中急需攻关的设计开发、仿真验证、测试试验等技术提供了可靠的保证。
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xiaguangqing 2010-3-16 10:56
( http://www.spacemart.com/reports/USAF_Eyes_Mini_Thrusters_For_Use_In_Satellite_Propulsion_999.html ) USAF Eyes Mini-Thrusters For Use In Satellite Propulsion A prototype of a miniature electrospray thruster with four rows of ion emitters is shown here. The thruster is contained within two black plates each measuring about one square inch. Credit: Credit: Dr. Paulo Lozano, MIT by Staff Writers Wright Patterson AFB OH (SPX) Mar 04, 2010 Mini- thrusters or miniature, electric propulsion systems are being developed, which could make it easier for the Air Force's small satellites, including the latest CubeSats, to perform space maneuvers and undertake formidable tasks like searching for planets beyond our solar system . With Air Force Office of Scientific Research funding, researchers led by Dr. Paulo Lozano at Massachusetts Institute of Technology are considering the advantages of electric propulsion over more traditional chemical rocketry. As a result, they have discovered ionic liquid ion sources which are the core elements of the mini-thruster. In addition to the benefits anticipated for small satellites, the technology may have applicability in completely different areas. Fast-moving ions coming out from the mini-thrusters can be used to etch semiconductors to create patterns in the nanometer scale, to fabricate computer chips or small mechanical devices, said Lozano. The team is interested in the properties that allow advances in travel between different orbits in space and the ability for spacecraft to self-destruct upon controlled re-entry, therefore preventing the creation of additional space debris. Lozano predicts that he will have a mini-thruster prototype developed in about four or five months and he expects the technology to become a reality in the next two years. He plans to begin measuring the velocity of the ions and their energy as soon as the prototype is ready to determine the thrust and efficiency of the engine. Later this year, the team will begin looking at how to integrate mini-thrusters to flight hardware. ( http://www.space.cetin.net.cn/index.asp?modelname=new_space%2Fnews_nrFractionNo=titleno=XWEN0000recno=65734 ) 美国空军着眼于将迷你推力器用于卫星推进 新闻发布时间:2010-03-04    迷你推力器或小型电推进系统正在开发中,它们将使得空军的小卫星(如最新的立方体卫星)更易执行太空机动,并完成像寻找太阳系外行星这样艰巨的任务。      利用美国空军科学研究办公室的资金,由美国麻省理工学院罗扎诺博士领导的研究人员,正在考虑电推进与传统化学火箭相比具有的优势。结果,他们发现“离子性液体离子源”是迷你推力器的核心元素。      迷你推力器可使太空中的航天器在不同轨道间移动,也能够让航天器在受控再入时自毁,由此防止产生额外的太空垃圾。除了应用于小卫星,此项技术还可能应用于完全不同的领域。产生于迷你推力器的快速移动离子能被用于蚀刻半导体,由此创造出纳米级模式,制造计算机芯片或小型化学装置。    罗扎诺博士预测,在未来4或5个月内将开发出迷你推力器的样机,他希望此项技术在未来2年将变为现实。他计划一旦确定了样机发动机的推力和效率,就开始测量离子的速度和它们的能量。今年晚些时候,该团队将开始考虑如何将迷你推力器集成到飞行硬件上。(中国航天工程咨询中心 谢慧敏 郭多娴)
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xiaguangqing 2010-2-21 11:31
( http://fastrac.ae.utexas.edu/our_project/overview.php ) FASTRAC Project: Overview FASTRAC, the Formation Autonomy Spacecraft with Thrust, Relnav, Attitude and Crosslink , is a pair of nanosatellites developed and built by students at The University of Texas at Austin. The project is part of a program sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), whose goal is to lead the development of affordable space technology. The FASTRAC mission will investigate technologies enabling space research using satellite formations. The utilization of satellite formations in space is a pivotal advancement for the future of space exploration and research. In January 2005, the University of Texas won a grant-based competition with 12 other universities for the opportunity to launch the FASTRAC satellites into space. FASTRAC is the first student-developed satellite mission incorporating on-orbit real-time relative navigation, on-orbit real-time attitude determination using a single GPS antenna, and a micro-discharge plasma thruster . The FASTRAC nanosatellite mission will demonstrate that reduced launch, hardware and integration costs are a present-day reality. The student-led team received $100,000 from AFRL for the competition portion of the project, and another $100,000 for the implementation phase. FASTRAC is scheduled to launch in May 2010 aboard a Minotaur IV rocket launched from Kodiak Island, Alaska. (FASTRAC is scheduled to launch in Summer 2010 aboard a Minotaur IV rocket launched from Kodiak Island, Alaska. ——2010年4月19日更新) 注: 微腔放电 推进器是一种新型的微电热式等离子体推进装置,可用于微纳卫星的姿态控制和位置保持。
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