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yue 2010-8-29 22:24
真正的社会科学,比理工科的研究更费钱。 现在的社会科学纯粹是思想。即读书,思考。 用眼睛看人家的书,即人家的思想,然后在自己的脑子里面思想一番,并且写成书。这就是科研成果。 这样的研究缺乏实证研究,纯粹是思想过程的产物,因此可以叫做纯粹的思想。 是脱离现实的思想。 在中国为什么要进行这种研究呢?因为省钱。 现在人文方面的知识分子科研得到许多国家的资助,但是有多少呢?三五千,一两万。请问够干什么呢? 吃两顿饭而已。如果是三五千,只够买两三本书而已。 而资助也不过是变相的安抚而已。知识分子有多少人,拿上这些钱搞了科研?而不是自己通过财务报销的渠道据为己有呢? 呜呼! 归途列车,是一部纪录片电影的名字,记录了作为农民工的夫妻俩过年回家。最近在国外备受关注。 directorLixin Fan 其实这部电影也是进行社会研究,我的角度是,他这种研究的投资是多大呢?并且他的社会化价值是多大呢? 呜呼! 以下是一些从研究方法的角度,进行的摘录。 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/29/movies/29home.html?_r=1hpw 关于拍摄环境。 If you were on this train with hundreds of migrants around us it stinks臭, its dirty and everyones trying to survive, just to see their kids. 时间投入。In 2006 Mr. Fan and a skeleton crew of three began documenting the effects of industrial change on this family工业革命对这个家庭的后果, with whom he spent three years, on and off. 十年磨一剑,制片人差远了。 空间距离。Mr. Zhang and Ms. Cheng left their village in Sichuan Mr. Fans home province and the countrys largest exporter of labor to work in Guangzhou。 The film cuts拍摄 between the factory where they toil劳动 seven days a week, and the bucolic田园牧歌 but chronically慢性 poor countryside where they visit their little boy and teenage daughter, who are raised by a careworn劳累 yet uncomplaining任劳任怨 grandmother。 主旨。Mr. Fan, a slender 33-year-old who cheerfully attributes his fluent English to fighting with并肩战斗 my Chinese-American girlfriend, showed a sociologists grasp of the broad shifts that have afflicted workers。 台上五分钟,台下十年功。 To gain the familys trust Mr. Fan and his crew ate with them in their dormitory宿舍 in Guangzhou, taught them how to manage their own wireless mikes麦克风, which they wore constantly经常, and would sleep on the pile of warm jeans the couple made while the crew waited to tag along尾随 after they finished their shift at midnight. So 15 minutes into the film, after that first train ride, he said proudly, wed already known each other for a year. 感情折磨,生活融入。 At home Mr. Zhang and Ms. Cheng encountered面对 their deeply resentful逆反 daughter, Qin, 17, who rebels against her parents pressure to get the grades成绩、文凭 they see as her passport保证 to a better life. At one point the simmering tensions酝酿已久的分歧 come to a boil冲突, forcing Mr. Fan to decide on his feet whether to intervene. The kids want more attention照顾, and the parents are never around, he said. The parents know that education is the only way to, as we call it, jump out of the dragons door, out of poverty. But Qin, who is rebellious, independent and smart, did it her own way. 博士不博。中国的博士的最大问题是,博士不博。 If Mr. Fan belongs to a new generation of Internet-savvy悟性 filmmakers schooled in Western liberal ideas, his spiritual, intellectual and cinematic influences reflect both ancient tradition and modernity. His father was a college professor and projectionist放映员, and Mr. Fan grew up watching foreign films. Like many of his generation, he broke with tradition by leaving home for Beijing, then gave up a prestigious job with the CCTV network, briefly relocating to Canada before working as a sound man and associate producer on the well-received 2007 documentary Up the Yangtze, about the mass displacements移民 caused by the building of the Three Gorges Dam. Lixin is not from the foreign-influenced cultural centers, said Daniel Cross, president of EyesteelFilm company in Montreal, which produced Up the Yangtze and co-produced Last Train Home with the ITVS television and cable company, which holds the North American television rights. He comes from the sticks边远, and thats what makes him unique. Mr. Fan said he is a committed Taoist, and his eye for the interplay of beauty and ugliness is influenced by what he calls the epic poetry of the director Jia Zhangke , whose 2004 feature The World centered on the youthful staff of a giant theme park that replicates the worlds famous tourist spots. I see a lot of Chinese philosophy in Jias film, said Mr. Fan. On his next hopeddocumentary Ill shoot there and in a remote mountain school where Taoist philosophy originated, where they recruit peasant children to teach them Tai Chi with martial art, he said. Its yin and yang, keeping the balance between human desire and what nature can give you.
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[转载]春运纪录片:归途列车—Last Train Home
weisman 2010-2-28 09:32
《归途列车》 Last Train Home 以在中国广州打工的农民工家庭为主题,范立欣的长篇纪录片《归途列车》跟随张昌华一家三年来春节期间返家探亲的历程,呈现农民工的悲苦、亲情与生计间的矛盾。范立欣认为,当代中国的经济、都市的繁华,其实都是建立在农民工的牺牲之上。他说:“农民工是最底层的、最弱势的群体。他们为了照顾家庭远离家乡,到异地打工,将孩子留在老家给父母照顾。长年聚少离多,造成他们与孩子之间的情感隔阂。一年一度他们跋山涉水只求在春节时能与家人团聚,这返家的火车,就是千千万万农民工家庭甘苦的写照。” 曾经跟着张昌华一家三口受困在2008年雪灾的广州火车站,范立欣不仅与他们建立起家人般的感情,这部影片也带领他自己搭上了回车中国的“归途列车”。2006年移民加拿大的范立欣,三个月后即随着荣获多项国际大奖的纪录片《沿江而上》到中国进行拍摄。完成《沿》片后,他便开始了《归途列车》的拍摄,以城市青年的背景融入农民工的世界,最后甚至已成为家中的一份子。 范立欣的加拿大籍制片人曾对张家人接纳他的程度感到不可思议。范立欣表示:“他们不了解中国人一旦接受你,就真的把你当作自己人了!”中西方的文化差异,也显示在他身为纪录片导演的角色上,他说:“影片中有一幕张家父女大打出手,我当时迟疑了好几秒,到底我是该坚守纪录片导演身份不介入自然发生的事件,还是我应该去拉开他们呢?我想了一会儿,还是决定冲进去拉开他们。这是我做为中国人的道德感不能不做的一件事。” http://abc.crablab.org/0149.html
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