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wangyk 2010-4-18 01:27
TenProposals for improving the journal: Address at CIGR Ejournal Handover Ceremony By Dr. Wang Yingkuan Incoming Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Managing Editor of IJABE, Associate Editor-in-chief of Transactions of the CSAE, CSAE and CAAE Dear Mr. Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief Prof Fedro Zazueta, Prof Wang Maohua, Prof Bill Stout, Prof Zhu Ming, Prof Li Shujun and other CIGR Officials and Members, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: Good morning and good evening ! Thank you all. I am excited and happy to be selected as the new editor-in-chief. I will try my best to improve, publicize and promote the CIGR J ournal. Since all the leaders and distinguished guests have delivered excellent speeches , I will not repeat their kind words of praise and thanks. Today, I am going to share ten of my new suggestions on how to improve and promote the CIGR Journal. First, Unify one definite title of CIGR Journal I know from the emails that CIGR was criticized by Thomson ISI for the confusing journal titles. According to my rough statistics, we have used ten journal titles. They are as follows: E-Journals CIGR Journal CIGR Ejournal CIGR ejournal CIGR E-Journal (hyphen) The CIGR Electronic Journal Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR EJournal ( the Presidium approved this one as the official name, but it can be changed by approval of the appropriate body) Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development The CIGR Journal of Agricultural Engineering Scientific Research and Development The CIGR Journal of AE Scientific Research and Development I will not make a decision on this, but I welcome suggestions on a good title after in-depth investigation. Frankly, I prefer CIGR Journal. Second, Behave like a journal The present practice of publishing one volume each year is not desirable and scientific. It is more like an online archive depositing some peer reviewed papers, rather than a journal. A journal is a serial publication, thus it should be published periodically. Therefore, some changes are needed. I plan to make the CIGR Journal a Quarterly publication with four issues a year, with volume and number of issues. I also wish to change the appearance, say, design a journal cover, adopt two-column format, add a page header with running title, journal title, volume and number of issue , making it more like a professional and scholarly journal. Third, Keep aggressive contact with indexing system I will conduct active communication with all indexing databases with the focus on Thomson ISI and EI. Certainly, we must continuously improve the quality of our journal. We also need to make some changes to meet the criteria of the indexing databases such as SCI and EI. Fourth, Improve and customize the journal website I will improve and customize the journal website. There are great opportunities for improving the journal website. I will provide detailed journal introduction, guide manuals for authors, reviewers and editors. To enlarge the expert databases of our journal to provide strong support to peer review is also an important task. Fifth, Increase the accessibility and visibility of journal website I will add a direct hyperlink to CIGR Journal in CIGR website. There is a link that leads to a brief introduction to the journal, but it cannot navigate to the journal website. What I need is to navigate directly to the journal homepage after clicking the journal link. I will also try to exchange interlinks with other related journals. After publishing each issue, I will use OJS to send an Article Alert to all the registered users of our journal. All those measures will greatly increase the accessibility and visibility of our journal and published papers. Sixth, Organize OJS training CIGR Journal uses Open Journal System (OJS) to receive submissions, conduct peer review, communicate with all users and publish papers online. Skillful use of OJS will improve the efficiency of handling manuscripts. The best solution to break the bottleneck is to provide OJS training. I plan to organize OJS training for our section editors and editorial staff. I may provide some online video guides for reviewers, authors and readers. Seventh, Strengthen the team of Section editors and editorial staff In order to strengthen our editorial team and also share the workload, I will invite more experts to serve as the section editors. I also plan to appoint more professional editorial staff, including science editors, English editors, copy editors, full time or part-time. Moreover, all kinds of training such as technical writing, editing, reviewing, proofreading for authors, reviewers and in-house editors will be provided. Eighth, Improve journal manuscript process Reasonable journal manuscript process will be made with a timetable for each procedure. We will monitor the review process, to ensure a timely, serious and high quality peer review with good review comments and constructive suggestions. We will ask the authors to make timely and effective revisions with a response letter addressing to the review comments. I plan to strengthen the post-review process, with more emphasis on editing, English polishing, formatting, proofreading, online publishing, to improve the writing and presentation of accepted papers. Ninth, Invite and solicit good papers Free submissions are not enough for a good journal. We cannot sit and wait for free submissions from authors. I will do my possible to invite good-quality papers. I will encourage our staff editors to attend symposia and meetings, contacting scientists face to face and inviting papers. Tenth, Organize an International Editorial Board I will organize an international editorial board of CIGR Journal. The board will consist of over 100 members from over 50 countries. An international editorial board will attract worldwide participation and support. These are just some of my plans. I have a lot of new ideas to improve and promote the journal, and there are many, many things to do. Since CIGR, CSAM and CSAE trust me as the editor-in-chief, I really appreciate more liberty and decision-making power to handle the journal affairs independently. I should have a major voice in editing and publishing this journal. Finally, I have to thank one of my best friends, Prof Bill Stout, for his selfless service and great contribution to the journal in the past ten years. He has launched this journal and has been working hard for it persistently for ten years. Thank him for trusting and recommending me as the new editor-in-chief of the CIGR Journal. I really appreciate his great assistance and guidance serving as an adviser after his resignation. Special thanks also go to Prof Zhu Ming and Prof Li Shujun for their great effort and support to host the CIGR Journal in China. I ask all of you to support the CIGR Journal and me as ever in the future. I wish this journal a great success in China and around the world! Thank you,
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|5044 次阅读|2 个评论
wangyk 2010-3-1 18:28
王 应 宽 2010-03-01 Beijing , China IJABE 英语编辑招聘启事 IJABE (《国际农业与生物工程学报》)由海外华人农业、生物与食品工程师协会( AOCABFE )和中国农业工程学会 (CSAE) 联合主办的国际英文学术期刊( http://www.ijabe.org )。因为业务发展需要,拟招聘英文编辑 1 名。采用合同聘任制方式,聘期为一年,期满后经双方协商可以续聘。拟聘人员户籍不限,但不解决进京户口和人事档案关系。性别不限,同等条件下女士优先。 职位职责 1. 负责稿件的编辑加工整理,认真处理、解决复审和终审提出的问题; 2. 确保稿件内容完善、体例严谨、材料准确、语言文字通达、逻辑严密; 3. 消除一般技术性差错,防止出现原则性错误; 4. 监督编辑、设计、排版、校对、印刷等出版环节的质量,就论文在加工出版过程中发现的问题及时与作者、出片印刷厂及相关部门联系解决。 5. 负责每期文章和网站信息内容的规范、整合和编辑,并更新上线; 6. 管理和维护期刊网站,收集、研究和处理用户的意见和反馈信息;完善网站功能,提升用户体验; 7. 组织策划网站的宣传推广活动,协助完成网站管理与栏目的发展规划,促进网站知名度的提高; 8. 工作日内要求坐班,负责办公室日常事务及编务工作,包括接听电话,处理电子邮件,收发信函,邮寄期刊等以及领导安排的其他工作。 任职条件 1. 教育背景:原则上要求硕士研究生学历(计算机网络和英语特别优秀的本科学历也可考虑);工程技术、机械及自动化、信息技术、能源动力专业优先。 2. 工作经验:应届毕业生或一年以上出版行业相关经验均可。熟悉网络期刊者优先。 3. 知识与技能: ( 1 )扎实的专业知识,了解编辑出版的业务流程; ( 2 )良好的团队合作精神,责任心强,工作细致、耐心; ( 3 )良好的沟通能力,能够用中英文与作者、评审专家进行专业层面的沟通; ( 4 )良好的配合能力,能够及时完成临时性或突发性工作; ( 5 )通过大学英语六级考试;具有优秀的文字审核能力,文笔功底扎实,有较强的文字组织能力和社交沟通能力; ( 6 )熟练掌握 Office 等办公软件,熟悉 HTML 、 JavaScript , PHP 语言源码。 工资待遇面议。有意者请将个人简历发来,初步选定后再联系面谈。 工作地点:北京市朝阳区(东三环燕莎商圈内) 联系方式: email: ijabe@sina.com
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|5754 次阅读|0 个评论

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