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国际农业与生物系统工程学会会刊CIGR Journal简报
热度 1 wangyk 2011-1-12 21:40
王 应 宽 2011-01-11 UTC-6 CST UMN, St Paul MN, USA 国际农业与生物系统工程学会会刊 CIGR Journal 简报 2010 年 4 月 7 日,国际农业与生物工程学会( CIGR, http://www.cigr.org/ )会刊(下称 CIGR Journal, http://www.cigrjournal.org ) 落户中国的移交启动仪式在中国农业机械化研究院( CAAMS )隆重举行。这是落实 2009 年 10 月 16 日中国农业机械学会、中国农业工程学会和国际农业工程学会共同签署的 CIGR Journal 合作协议的重要步骤,是 CIGR Journal 历史上具有里程碑意义的大事。 CIGR Journal 编辑部新址办公室设在中国农机院的新办公楼内。移交启动仪式结束后, CIGR Journal 正式落户中国北京,由中国农业工程学会和中国农业机械学会共同承办,王应宽博士就任主编。 CIGR Journal 落户中国标志着中国农业工程界在国际农业工程学术界的地位得到显著提升。中国农业工程界将以承办 CIGR Journal 为平台和桥梁推动中国农业工程领域科学家参与国际学术交流与合作,更快走向世界。 CIGR Journal 为网络版电子期刊, Bill Stout 教授于 1999 年在美国创刊。在过去的 12 年中, CIGR Journal 连续出版了 12 卷,累计刊登经同行评审的研究性学术论文 612 篇,特邀综述文章 115 篇。目前系统中仍有 200 余篇稿件在评审中。所刊载的文章来自近 60 个国家,产生了广泛的国际影响,在同行中具有一定的声誉。 期刊共设 7 个专业技术栏目,包括水土工程,农业建筑与建造,植物生产装备工程,农业中的能源,管理、人机工程和系统工程,产后技术与加工工程,信息系统。期刊采用同行评议,实行栏目主编负责制,专家负责学术质量的把关。主要刊登农业与生物系统工程领域的研究论文和研究综述文章。 英文刊 CIGR Journal 实行完全免费的开放存取出版模式( Open Access ),即作者免费发表论文,读者可以免费的阅读和下载期刊所发表的全部论文。期刊网站自 2008 年采用远程稿件编辑处理软件系统开放期刊管理系统 OJS 以后,网站的浏览量日益增大,目前已有注册用户 4000 多个。 作者投稿均通过 CIGR Journal 的网站 http://www.cigrjournal.org 注册提交,稿件的同行评审、修改和发布都是通过在线完成的。 CIGR Journal 主编 王应宽 供稿 2011 年 1 月 11 日
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|8474 次阅读|2 个评论
CIGR Journal 期刊政策委员会第二次会议纪要
wangyk 2010-10-30 05:06
王应宽 2010-10-29 UTC-6 CST UMN, St Paul MN, USA CIGR Journal 期刊政策委员会第二次会议纪要 2010 年 10 月 28 日美国东部时间上午 9 : 00-10 : 00 , CIGR 期刊政策委员会主任 Fedro 教授主持召开了自该委员会成立以来的第二次网络会议。因为时差,我所在的明尼苏达大学圣保罗校区为中部时区,开始时间应为早上 8 : 00 ,前一晚干到凌晨 3 点,睡了 4 个小时,早上 7 点半起床跑步到办公室,接通网络刚好赶上。 Bill Stout 更惨,在 Idaho 的州府 Boise 属于美国山地夏令时,开会时间是早上 7 点,就得起来更早。全体委员出席,会议按照议程首先审议了 2010 年 6 月在加拿大魁北克召开的政策委员会第一次全体及扩大会议的纪要。然后由主编报告期刊编辑出版的进展,报告主要分两大部分:第一部分为前期所做的工作以及正在做和将要做的工作,包括编辑出版第 2 、 3 期稿件,在线监控跟踪全部稿件的评审,与作者、栏目主编和评审者联系沟通,编辑完善期刊网站提供完整的作者指南,稿件的初审和筛选,与检索系统沟通等方面。报告第 2 部分为主编考虑需要优先启动的行动计划建议,包括增加栏目主编人数以分担工作负荷,每个栏目推荐至少 10 位合格且高效的评阅人,各技术分会推荐专家担任编委,组约高质量的综述和研究论文,计划赴 Thomson Reuters 访问交流,指定助理编辑协助栏目主编和主编进行稿件评审联系沟通工作等。 然后是 Bill Stout 教授报告过去 2 个多月他在中国农机院担任访问学者协助主编工作的情况,主要包括 CIGR 期刊网站文件的编辑整理和网站信息的改进建议以及 CIGR 主网站的改进建议。委员们就会议提出的相关问题进行了讨论和决定,达成了共识。会议历时一个多小时。主编报告和详细纪要附后。 1 会议纪要 CIGR Journal Policy Board Meeting On Line, 9:00 -10:00 AM Eastern Thursday, October 28, 2010 AGENDA Call to order 9:12 AM Eastern Time. Attendees: Fedro Zazueta, Yingkuan Wang, Daniel Berckmans, Antonio Saraiva, Bill Stout Review of Agenda Minutes of Journal Board Meeting in Quebec were approved. Editors Report Report was sent by email. See attachment. Action Items 1) Increase the number of section editors as appropriate. Editor will work with Section Chairs to identify these individuals. 2) Identify at least 10 highly qualified individuals for each section that are willing to provide quick turnaround in review, and form the basis of the Editorial Board. A general criteria needs to be specified that defines a qualified reviewer (such as published authors in the field). Editor will recruit current section editors for this purpose. 3) Invite high quality papers. These should be submitted through the standard blind process review. 4) Yingkuan and Fedro will visit Thom p son, no objections. 5) Assign assistant editors Each assistant editor will help the Editor with logistics (only, not involved in technical decisions) Stout Report Past two months were spent in CAMMS. An abbreviated version of the report will be sent by email, including: 1. Priority action by the Editor-in-Chief a. Revision of the OJS website To many steps for authors to submit in strict compliance with the guidelines. Guidelines need to be moved to the OJS site. Likewise with the template. Add to toolbar an Author Guidelines get to all the information. b. Move vigorously to obtain indexing, EI, CAB, and eventually Thom p son ISI 2. Recommendations regarding the editorial process The Journal was run in the past placing a lot of responsibility on the authors. Starting with a list of items to comply with. Also, authors submit a final draft responding to reviewers comments, these are checked, if deficient send back to the authors. 3. Needed modifications to the CIGR main website Did and a had written edit was given to Lanfang, recommend that this should be is forwarded to the main website. Many errors related to the Journal that need s to be corrected. Responsiveness Issues raised by Banhazi and Aarnik. There is a need to review why a publication was lost in the process. For some reason it was archived. Yingkuan will review the process to obtain some insight. Creative Commons Link on Journal Web Page. Defer discussion to email. Next Meeting (early January, before January 15 th ) Adjourn 10:02 AM Eastern. 2 主编报告提纲 Editors Report and Priority Action Proposals Dr. Wang Yingkuan Editor-in-chief of CIGR Journal I. Things done, being done and to be done 1 Editing and formatting accepted paper for the second issue 2 Assigning accepted papers to edit and format for the third issue 3 Monitoring the review process of all the manuscripts 4 Communicating with authors, section editors and reviewers (delay in response) 5 Editing and improving the CIGR Journal website with help of Prof. Bill Stout 6 Preparing for setting up the Editorial Board of CIGR Journal 7 Pre-review, pre-screen the submissions 8 Communicate with indexing databases II. Editors Priority Action Plans First, Increase the number of section editors At present, there are over 20 in the section editor list (attached as follows), however, some of them retired, outdated or failed in ones duty. Too much workload has become one of the major reasons for the delay. Therefore, increasing the number of section editor to share workload will likely be an effective way to solve the delay problem. Specifically, the suggested numbers according the number of submissions are as follows: Land and water engineering, LWE-4 (35) (4-recommended number of SE, 35present number of submissions) Farm buildings and construction, FBC-3 (20) Equipment engineering for plant production, EEPP-4 (38) Energy in agriculture, EA-4 (35) Information system, IS-2 (11) , Management, ergonomics, system engineering, MESE-3 (24) Postharvest technologies and process engineering, PTPE-5 (52) Second, Recommend at least ten highly qualified and efficient reviewers for each section Many section editors complained that it is hard to find suitable reviewers. In some cases, one paper was sent to over ten reviewers, still no response for months. I wish each section can recommend some good reviewers, providing me their detailed information including name, educational level, technical title, major, research and review interest, affiliation, email address, etc. I will register them in the OJS reviewer databases. That must help. Third, Recommend experts to set up the International Editorial Board The editorial board will include over 100 members from over 50 countries Fourth, Invite high quality research papers and overview by each section Fifth, Visit and communicate with Thomson ISI for indexing and inclusion Sixth, Assign assistant editors to assist section editors in order to respond to inquiries timely Yao Haiyan, assigned to work and communicate with section LWE and FBC Dr. Wang Jin, assigned to work and communicate with section PTPE Zhang Pengzi, assigned to work and communicate with section MESE, EA Wang Yingkuan, myself, will take care of section EEPP and IS, invited overview Appendix: The present list of section editors Andre Aarnink , Netherlands Thomas M. Banhazi , SARDI, LSA, Australia Laszlo Baranyai , Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Daniel Berkmans , Belgium Remigio Berruto Antonio Brasa Ramos , University of Castilla-La Mancha William Joseph Chancellor , ASABE, United States Jozef Grochowicz , Poland Guanhua Huang , China Agricultural University, China Richard Love , Massey University Milan Martinov Neil McLaughlin Soren Pedersen , University of Aarhus, Denmark Pietro Piccarolo , Italy Antonio M Saraiva , Universidade de So Paulo, Brazil John K. Schueller , University of Florida, United States Bill A Stout , Texas A M University Jose Tarjuelo , Spain Mikio Umeda , Japan Yingkuan Wang , CSAE/CAAE--CSAM/CAAMS, China Fedro S. Zazueta Ranahan , University of Florida
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|5182 次阅读|1 个评论
CIGR Journal 期刊政策委员会会议第一次会议纪要
wangyk 2010-10-30 04:45
王应宽 2010-10-29 UTC-6 CST UMN, St Paul MN, USA CIGR Journal 期刊政策委员会会议第一次会议纪要 MINUTES CIGR Journal Policy Board Meeting CIGR International Conference Wednesday 16 th of June , 2010 Room 202 Conference Center Quebec City, Quebec In attendance: Fedro Zazueta, Bill Stout, Yingkuan Wang, Da-wen Sun, Daniel Berckmans, Thomas Banhasi, Neal McLaughlin, John Schueller, Remigio Berruto, Pietro Piccarolo, Shujun Li, Zhang Lanfang, Zhao Xiaopeng, Yukari Tanaka, Toshinori Kimura, Susana Sepulveda, Antonio Saraiva, Zhongli Pan Meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Chair Zazueta.. Transition of Editors Office to China: A report on the transition of the Editors Office to China was given by Zazueta. Since the 2008 CIGR Congress in Brazil an effort was made to move the CIGR Journal content from the Texas AM web site into an outsourced Open Journal Management System (OJS). All content was successfully converted and over the past two years OJS was used to manage the manuscript review process. Statistics on the journal were published in the CIGR Newsletter. The need for professional journal management became apparent to achieve the stated goal of making the CIGR Journal a flagship journal for the Agricultural and Biosystems profession. Along these lines the Chinese associations stepped forward and committed resources to establish an Editorial Office in China for a period of 4 years. Parallel to this, this Journal Governance Board was established. The purpose of the Journal Governance Board is to provide strategic direction, actionable item approval, remove barriers and eliminate threats to make the Editorial Office more efficient. The Editorial Office is charged as an executive to manage the CIGR Journal and implement CIGR Journal related strategies. Progress on Editorial Office in China A report was given by Yingkuan Wang on the progress made by the Editor in Chief move to China. And an OJS training session was presented by Dr. Yingkuan Wang. The attached powerpoint summarizes the report. Strategic Directions and Discussion Principles. The following principles for the Journal were discussed: The Journal is the CIGR Journal, all decisions related to the Journal, strategic and operational, ultimately lie within the responsibility of the CIGR Presidium. The journal is an online journal. All aspects of the journal are free to all users, including authors (.e.g, there are no page charges for publication) Goals The Journal Governance Committee and the Editor in Chiefs office should pursue improvements in the following: Quality improvement Appropriate number of Section Editors Ensure actions that lead to Journal listings (ISI and others) Create and Editorial Board that reflects the international diversity and composition of CIGR Clearly define the name of the Journal Discussion: The following specific suggestions for improvement were made: Formally recognize student paper and reviewers. Ask section chairs for 5 good reviewers. Clean up reviewer database. Ask individuals to include their expertise. Ensure that publications can interface with a reference manager. Ensure that the key point for ISI listing is quality and its rigorous control. Editor should prescreen and reject unsuitable papers to reduce workload on section editors and reviewers. To improve future sustainability of the journal use the CIGRProceedings.org to finance the journal. Harmonize procedures across sections. Target new authors, increase number of links and references to papers in the journal. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|4382 次阅读|0 个评论
国际农业与生物工程学会会刊(CIGR Journal)2010(1)出版
wangyk 2010-8-7 14:58
王应宽 Beijing 2010-08-07 国际农业与生物工程学会会刊( CIGR Journal ) 2010 ( 1 )出版 (补发) 自 2010 年 4 月 7 日通过国际网络视频会议举行国际农业与生物工程学会( International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering ,法语首字母缩写为 CIGR, 网址为 www.cigr.org )会刊 CIGR Journal 移交落户中国仪式之后,本人正式就任主编。为了赶在 6 月 13-17 日在加拿大魁北克召开的 CIGR 第 17 届世界大会之前出版期刊的纸质版,以便在会议期刊携带期刊前往宣传交流。掐指算来留给我的时间只有不到两个月了。由于我要组建中国农业工程代表团并先期于 6 月 11 日率团从北京出发赴加拿大参会,加之,手头还有另外 2 本期刊和单位的日常事务等工作,因而时间就更紧了。 幸好在前任主编 Fedro Zazuasta 教授和各位栏目主编的辛勤努力下, OJS 系统库里面已经有近 30 篇文章被录用了。该刊为纯网络电子期刊,过去的出版基本上就是在专家审阅、作者修改、主编决定录用后简单的标引作者和期刊引用信息转成 PDF 上传到网站就算发表了。发表的时间相对比较快,不分期次,一年一卷,全年发表近百篇文章。因为过去都是国际农业工程界的大牛型(多为 CIGR 主席)专家担任主编,兼职业余办刊,没有经费支持,没有专业的编辑队伍,也没有太多的时间做文章的编辑和期刊的宣传推广以及营销工作。因此,期刊也就依靠几位专家的无私奉献连续出版了十余年。在 CIGR 和国际同行的眼里,我是受过专业训练和富有经验的职业编辑( a well-trained and experienced professional editor )。聘任我接任主编也就是寄希望通过本人专业化的运作,尽快提升期刊的质量和影响,尽早进入包括 SCI 在内的国际权威检索系统。显然我不能按照原先的模式原地踏步。我在期刊移交就职仪式上的讲话阐明了我提升期刊质量的十大措施,已经得到大家的认可和好评。但是这些想法很难在不到两月就要出版的第一期刊物中体现,许多只能从长计议,逐步实施。 为了让国际社会在期刊移交后的两个月内看到明显成效,我与中国方面的两个学会领导李树君副理事长和朱明理事长商议,提出我的想法并得到认可和支持。我很快确定马上要做的工作包括出版一期纸质期刊、对文章内容认真编辑加工、采用双栏排版让格式美观统一、新设计期刊封面、并通过宣传两个学会和期刊本身做成期刊四封彩页,再通过精美的印刷和装帧设计,使期刊的外观和内容都美观大方。同时还起草介绍材料、搜集图片设计了期刊宣传单页材料( Flyer ),精美印刷,再拿到加拿大和美国的大型国际会议上去宣传。虽然看起来这些工作并不是很多,但因为手下团队的编辑都是新招聘来的,尚不熟悉编辑业务,我一方面要指导大家如何编辑稿件,同时要亲力亲为的把握每一个细节,干好每一件事情。经过一个多月的日夜加班,终于在我们开会出发前的 6 月 8 日拿到了印刷出来的期刊和宣传彩页。此次出版的 2010 年第一期印刷版纸质期刊共刊出论文 23 篇。此期也是该刊历史上第一册纸质期刊。如果以后也不再出版纸质印刷版,那么这期就是空前绝后的了! 几十个日日夜夜的艰苦劳作没有白费。 6 月 11 日,我率领 44 人的中国农业工程代表团浩浩荡荡开赴加拿大。我请随行的专家朋友们帮忙带去了一百多册新出版的期刊和一千多份宣传彩页。大会组委会也非常友好的免费在显著位置为我提供了展台,让我展出我们出版的期刊和宣传页。有 Poster 展览展示的会期从 14-16 日共三天,我也预计用三天来发放期刊和资料,还一直担心要是期刊没人要,那么沉又不便拿回来怎么办?出人预料的是,期刊很受欢迎,仅 6 月 14 日就被一抢而空。前期由李树君率领的中国农业机械学会代表团也带去期刊几十份,并在 6 月 13 日召开 CIGR 常务理事会上展示、宣传和赠送了期刊。包括 CIGR 几任主席、前任主编和各位执委、理事等都对新出版的期刊眼前一亮,大加赞赏 ( 用 Amazing, Terrific, Excellent, Wonderful, Super Job, Unbelievable Work 等夸赞 ) 。作为 CIGR 期刊移交中国的主要推动者和负责人以及 CIGR 执委的李树君也感觉很有面子,期刊大长中国人的士气,在国际同行前展示了中国效率,着实 High 了一把! 俗话说,外行看热闹,内行看门道。其实,从内行的眼光看来,第一期的工作效率是高的,特别是由能干的王博士一人全盘操持。但是从质量和内容方面,还有很大的提升空间。期刊编辑是一项有缺憾的工作。职业编辑一直再追求完美,但每出版一期都或多或少留下缺憾,永远达不到完美。 期刊论文全文上网,完全开放( Immediate Full-text Open Access ),请大家指正。友情提示,每篇文章后的 PDF 才是本主编的版本,标有 Provisional PDF 的是前任主编的版本。 Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal Open Access at http://www.cigrjournal.org Table of Contents Volume 12, Number 1, March, 2010 Section I: Land and Water Engineering (LWE) Soil nutrient levels and crop performance at various lateral positions following liquid manure injection Ying Chen, Bereket Assefa, Wole Arkinremi ( 1 ) Mechanical properties of some bioplastics under different soil types used as biodegradable drip tubes Mostafa H M, Sourell H , Bockisch F J ( 12 ) Rainfall intensity-duration-frequency analysis for Southeastern Nigeria G I Okonkwo, C C Mbajiorgu ( 22 ) Geological, geophysical and engineering geological investigation of a leaky micro-dam in the Northern Ethiopia Gebremedhin Berhane ( 31 ) Section II: Farm Buildings and Construction (FBC) Research model f or farm building design: General structure and physiognomic characterization phase P Tassinari, D Torreggiani, S Benni, E DallAra ( 47 ) Shrinkage of natural plaster materials for straw bale buildings affected by reinforcement fibers and drying Ashour T, Derbala A ( 55 ) Life cycle assessment of the overall energy consumption of a road construction project and its management in Cameroon Mamba Mpele, Elime Bouboama A, Ayina Ohandja L M, Madjadoumbaye J ( 63 ) Section III: Equipment Engineering for Plant Production (EEPP) Design and development of subsoiler-cum-differential rate fertilizer applicator Sandip Mandal, T C Thakur ( 74 ) Influence of coolant temperature on the performance of a four stroke spark ignition engine employing a dual circuit cooling system A Rehman, R M Sarviya, Savita Dixit, Rajesh Kumar Pandey ( 84 ) Section IV: Energy in Agriculture (EA) Simulation model for solar energy harnessing by the solar tunnel dryer G M Kituu, D Shitanda, C L Kanali, J T Mailutha, C K Njoroge, J K Wainaina, J S Bongyereire ( 91 ) Comparison o f static-mixer and blade agitator reactor i n biodiesel production Rizal Alamsyah, Armansyah H Tambunan, Y Aris Purwanto, Dadan Kusdiana ( 99 ) Investigation of optimal thermal parameters for essential oils extraction using laboratory and solar distillation systems A Munir, O Hensel ( 107 ) Section V: Management, Ergonomics and Systems Engineering (MESE) Isometric push/pull strength of agricultural workers of Central India K N Agrawal, P S Tiwari, L P Gite, V Bhushanababu ( 115 ) Measurement of agricultural mechanization index and analysis of agricultural productivity of farm settlements in Southwest Nigeria Olaoye J O, A O Rotimi ( 125 ) Economic potential of tractor hire business in Riau Province, Indonesia: A case study of small tractors for small rice farms Ujang Paman, S Uchida, S Inaba ( 135 ) Anthropometric considerations of farm tools/machinery design for tribal workers of northeastern India K N Agrawal, R K P Singh, K K Satapathy ( 143 ) Assessment of injuries in small scale sawmill industry of south western Nigeria Segun R Bello, Yahaya Mijinyawa ( 151 ) Section VI: Post-harvest Technology and Process Engineering (PTPE) Comparison between artificial neural networks and mathematical models for estimating equilibrium moisture content in raisin R Amiri Chayjan, M Esna-Ashari ( 158 ) Solar drying of roselle ( Hibiscus sabdariffa L.): Effects of drying conditions on the drying constant and coefficients, and validation of the logarithmic model Imad Eldin Saeed ( 167 ) Impact force of melon seeds during shelling F B Okokon, E Ekpenyong, C Nwaukwa, N Akpan, F I Abam ( 182 ) Development of large scale drying system for Chillies ( Capsicum annum ) CH V V Satyanarayana, P C Vengaiah ( 189 ) Moisture-dependent e ngineering p roperties of b lack c umin ( Nigella s ativa L .) s eed Seyed Mohammad Taghi Gharib-Zahedi, Seyed Mohammad Mousavi, Ali moayedi, Amin Taheri Garavand, Seyed Mahdi Alizadeh ( 194 ) Section VII: Information Systems (IS) Fruit detection system and an end effector for robotic harvesting of Fuji apples D M Bulanon, T Kataoka ( 203 ) 主编在加拿大魁北克2010 CIGR World Congress期间坐台展示期刊 Front Flyer for CIGR Journal Front Flyer for CIGR Journal 封二-宣传介绍中国农业机械学会CSAM 封三-宣传介绍中国农业工程学会CSAE 封底-宣传介绍期刊CIGR Journal
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|7652 次阅读|2 个评论
wangyk 2010-7-14 08:46
王应宽 2010-07-12 Beijing, China 中国农业工程代表团赴加拿大参加 CIGR 世界大会载誉凯旋 2010 年 6 月 11 日 19 日,由中国农业工程学会《国际农业与生物工程学报》 (IJABE) 组建的赴加拿大魁北克市参加国际农业工程学会( CIGR )第 17 次世界大会的 44 人中国农业工程代表团在我会 CIGR 会刊主编、 IJABE 执行主编、农业工程学报副主编王应宽博士的率领下圆满完成各项学术交流任务,载誉凯旋。此次组建的中国农业工程代表团的 44 名成员主要来自国内 27 个高等院校、科研院所和政府机构的专家教授和管理人员,为参加 CIGR 国际会议史上规模最大的代表团,也是规模最大的中国农业工程出访代表团之一。我院职工农业工程学报副主编王柳博士随团出访。 代表团参加了在加拿大魁北克市国际会展中心举办的第十七届国际农业工程学会( CIGR )世界大会,与来自世界六十多个国家的八百多名参会专家代表进行了广泛交流。代表们向国际同行介绍了中国农业工程取得的成就和目前面临的良好发展形势,同时也虚心向同行学习,了解了世界农业工程的最新发展趋势。中国专家代表们的专业素养、谦虚好学和良好的精神风貌,受到一致好评。大会期间,还召开了 CIGR 常务理事会会议和 CIGR 期刊编辑工作会议。代表团还访问了位于加拿大温哥华的英属哥伦比亚大学( University of British Columbia )和位于多伦多市的多伦多大学( University of Toronto ),圆满地完成了学术交流任务,凯旋回国。 担任此次代表团团长的王应宽博士因为带团尚在途中,未能参加 6 月 12 日召开的 CIGR 常务理事会议,按照会议议程原定由新任主编王应宽博士汇报 CIGR 期刊工作的任务提前准备了材料,由 CIGR 执委李树君博士代讲。中国农业机械化科学研究院常务副院长李树君博士准时出席了 CIGR 的常务理事会会议,代表中国向 CIGR 汇报了中国承办 2014 年第 18 届 CIGR 世界大会的筹备工作进展情况,播放了 2010 年 4 月 7 日 CIGR 期刊正式从美国佛罗里达大学移交到中国农业机械化科学研究院的国际视频会议和移交仪式的录像片,汇报了移交后近两个月内 CIGR 期刊的编辑工作,展示了在新任主编领导下编辑出版的 CIGR 期刊 2010 年第 1 期的纸质版本。这是 CIGR 期刊首次印制纸质版本,精美的封面设计、精心的排版和精良的印制使我们编辑出版的 CIGR 期刊得到 CIGR 常务理事的高度赞誉,带到魁北克 CIGR 大会的近二百册期刊在展台展示的第一天就被一抢而空,颇受欢迎,极大地提升 CIGR 学术期刊的国际显示度和影响力。 CIGR 对中国的 2014 年 CIGR 会议筹备工作和 CIGR 期刊编辑出版工作给予了极高的评价和肯定。主编虽未到,好评已如潮。 CIGR 常务理事会审议通过了新任理事会选举结果,各位提名或推荐代表正式当选,中国农业工程界在国际农业工程界展露风采,大获丰收。李树君和王应宽当选为 CIGR 执委,分别代表 CIGR 世界大会和 CIGR 期刊,学会理事长朱明院长当选为 CIGR 理事会第四分会委员。此外,黄冠华当选为 CIGR 第一分会主席,李保明教授当选为 CIGR 第二分会委员,方宪法研究员当选为 CIGR 第三分会委员,李树君研究员兼任 CIGR 第六分会副主席,应义斌教授当选为 CIGR 第七分会委员。 6 月 17 日下午,召开了 CIGR 期刊编辑工作会议。这也是 CIGR 政策委员会( Journal Policy Board )成立以来的第一次全体会议,是期刊移交中国后新任主编和栏目主编的首次会议。会议由 CIGR 新任主席 Fedro Zazuesta 教授主持, Fedro 教授首先向各位参会代表隆重介绍了新任主编王应宽博士,然后让各位参会的来宾作简要自我介绍。 Fedro 在致辞中简要回顾了 CIGR 期刊发展历程和几任主编的更替,指出期刊移交中国后获得了前所未有的良好发展机遇和今后的任务,号召各位栏目主编积极支持新任主编的工作,提升质量和影响,共同打造 CIGR 期刊品牌。随后,由新任主编王应宽博士作报告和进行期刊管理系统 OJS 培训。报告简要汇报了自 4 月 17 日期刊移交中国后的主要工作进展,包括多次网络视频会议取得的成果,以及今后的目标和工作计划。报告强调了成立国际化期刊编委会、加强栏目主编和编辑团队建设的重要意义。然后,王博士就栏目主编如何通过 OJS 系统处理稿件,实现网上在线同行评审进行了详细的讲解和培训。报告和培训结束后,主编邀请大家提问或提建议,代表们踊跃发言,提出了很多建设性的意见和建议。报告受到大家的好评,通过培训,大家熟悉了操作流程。大家对 CIGR 期刊移交中国后的前景看好,相信在新任主编的领导下能取得更大成绩。会议圆满完成各项议程,取得了良好成效。 USDA-ARS 研究员、 UC Davis 兼职教授潘忠礼博士、中国农业机械化科学研究院李树君院长、国际合作部部长赵小鹏、国际合作部副部长张兰芳作为特邀代表参加了 CIGR 期刊工作会议。 王应宽博士率领的中国农业工程代表团全体44名成员在加拿大温哥华五帆广场(冬奥运会新闻中心)合影 参加CIGR期刊编辑工作会议全体代表合影 主编在坐台参展 王应宽博士与CIGR主席Pedersen和即任主席Fedro教授合影 参会现场 与CIGR秘书长和秘书长的秘书合影 CIGR的二位中国执委李树君和王应宽 参会代表与加拿大曼尼托巴大学农业与生物工程系主任张强教授合影 与潘忠礼、李树君在游览圣劳伦斯河的游艇上留影 与印度同行留影 与伊朗同行交流 中国代表留影 代表团在多伦多市政府大楼合影
个人分类: 学术交流|5072 次阅读|0 个评论
shifengyu 2010-6-24 16:44
我校兼职博导孙大文院士当选为国际农业工程委员会主席 来源: http://today.hit.edu.cn/articles/2010/06-24/061451038.htm 孙大文主页: http://food.hit.edu.cn/news/szdw.asp?id=464. 2010年6月13至17日,素有农业工程界的奥林匹克之称的国际农业工程委员会(International Commission of Agricultural Engineering,简称CIGR,又译国际农业工程学会)在加拿大魁北克举行了第十七届世界大会。这是业界每四年举行一次的规模最大的国际学术盛会,来自全球40多个国家的近1000位专家学者代表参加了这次大会。会议期间,举行了第51届CIGR全体会员大会。我校兼职教授、国际著名食品工程专家、爱尔兰皇家科学院院士、都柏林大学(UCD)终身教授华人孙大文(Da-Wen Sun)光荣地当选为国际农业工程委员会候任主席,任期从2011年元月开始,并将于2013年起接任主席,为期两年。因而从2011年元月起进入了由4人组成的作为该国际机构最高决策层的主席团,并成为国际农业工程委员会自成立80年以来的首位华人主席。与其同时,在这次大会上,孙大文教授还被授予国际农业工程委员会会士荣誉称号(CIGR Fellow Award),这是CIGR所设立的最高奖项,是对国际农业与生物系统工程领域获得公认卓越地位和做出杰出科学贡献者的一项殊荣。 孙大文院士被授予国际农业工程委员会最高奖项CIGR会士荣誉称号
个人分类: 生活点滴|3139 次阅读|0 个评论
wangyk 2010-6-24 08:23
王应宽 2010-06-24 Beijing, China 带团赴加拿大魁北克参加国际农业工程学会世界大会归来 承前博文公告(率团赴加拿大魁北克参加第 17 届国际农业工程学会世界大会 - 暂时休博, http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=334720 ),因率团赴加拿大开会暂时休博。团组全体成员在参加完全部会议,完成各项预定的考察任务后于加拿大当地时间 6 月 18 日,乘坐加拿大航空公司的 AC031 航班,从多伦多出发直飞北京。经过 13 个小时的长途飞行,跨越太平洋,于北京时间 6 月 19 日下午 4 点(因为 12 小时时差)安全抵达北京首都国际机场。本该回来就更新博客的,但因为倒时差和忙于手头应急与积压的工作,快一周了才挤出时间来更新博客。若在不及时更新,担心博友们由怀疑我是否带着团组在加拿大滞留不归,抑或辗转他国了!因此去年底我在完成访学离开明尼苏达大学回国前发了一篇博文别了,明尼苏达,然后就乘飞机回国了,回来后却 2 周多没有顾及更新博客,以致让博友们担心和猜测是否被劫机?怎么飞了几周还没回北京?! 此次开会的团组全体在温哥华短暂停留,参观考察了温哥华冬奥会场馆、温哥华市区、首府维多利亚岛,到英属哥伦比亚大学( University of British Columbia )进行了参观交流。短暂交流后, 13 日全体,从温哥华转机到多伦多,然后在转乘小飞机分两批于当日晚抵达会议地点魁北克市。在魁北克住 4 宿开会 3 天,会议结束后,于 17 日上午从魁北克返回多伦多。在多伦多转机,短暂停留。利用停留的两个半天时间就近参观了你要嫁了( Niagara Waterfall )大瀑布,多伦多市区,并专程赴多伦多大学参观交流。余暇就是到超市或便利店扫货(不是被娱记们误传的骚货)。因为随着中国经济的增长,国人的腰包鼓了,购买欲和购买力着实强了,所到之处,所向披靡,令外国商家眉开眼笑偷着乐,待为上宾! 代表团全体 44 位专家返回首都机场后,无一脱团或失散。因为国外期间行程很紧,代表们的购物欲仍没有得到充分的满足,于是又去机场免税店继续扫货。由于人员分散,本团长就没有再集中,各自散去。 此为此次会议的大致行程。关于国际农业工程学会第 17 次世界大会的详情将另文报道。 魁北克开会地点-希尔顿饭店-会展中心 CIGR颁奖宴会现场 本人就任CIGR Journal主编后出版的第一期期刊和会场资料站台--坐台先生 在分会场参会 与CIGR秘书长Maekawa(日本北海道大学教授)及其秘书在他的海藻生物油研究成果Poster前留影 CIGR的两位中国执委-中国农机院院长、亚洲农业工程学会主席李树君博士和王应宽博士在CIGR宴会会场 看Poster时与加拿大曼尼托巴大学教授,农业与生物工程系主任,AOCABFE前任主席张强教授(右2)合影 本人就任主编后,召开的CIGR会刊栏目主编第一次会议 美丽的多伦多
个人分类: 学术交流|5187 次阅读|1 个评论
wangyk 2010-6-12 14:16
王应宽 2010-06-11,23:00 Vancouver,Canada 率团赴加拿大魁北克参加第17届国际农业工程 学会世界大会-暂时休博 本人于北京时间6月11日下午1点,到北京首都机场3号航站楼集合队伍。率领所组建的中国农业工程代表团全部44名专家于下午4点乘坐加拿大航空公司AC030班机出发,赴加拿大魁北克参加国际农业工程学会第17次世界大会。 全体成员已经于当地时间6月11日中午12点顺利抵达温哥华。今天在这里进行了半天的市内考察参观,晚上9点刚入住HolidayInn酒店。明天将前往本地英属哥伦比亚省的首府维多利亚和其他地方考察参观交流。全部团组将于6月13日从温哥华出发,经多伦多转机赶到魁北克参会。 因为我的博客的编辑器模式出现故障,无法进行文字编辑,今天拍到的好照片也无法上传分享。 可能后面几天不便上网,暂时休博。等会议结束后再与大家分享。 预祝科学网第2届博客大赛圆满成功!
个人分类: 学术交流|4249 次阅读|1 个评论
wangyk 2010-5-29 02:15
王 应 宽 2010-05-28 Beijing, China 祝贺七位中国学者被推为国际农业与生物工程学会理事会委员 今天收到国际农业与生物工程学会 (CIGR) 主席 Soren Pedersen 教授就中国推荐的 CIGR 常务理事成员和 CIGR 分会理事成员发来了一封正式信函,正式宣布 CIGR 主席团会议结果: ( 1 )推荐中国农业工程学会理事长、农业部规划设计研究院院长朱明研究员担任 CIGR 第四分会的理事会委员,任期 2010-2013 年(第四分会主席即任主席 Dr Dr. Janusz Piechocki 支持此提议)。 ( 2 )推荐来自中国的李树君教授出任 2009-2013 年 CIGR 执委会,代表 2014 年北京 CIGR 世界大会; 推荐王应宽教授担任 2010-2013 年 CIGR 执委会委员,代表 CIGR Ejournal 。 至此,共有 7 位中国专家被推选担任新一届 CIGR 执行委员会委员和专业技术委员会委员。 CIGR 执行委员会委员 李树君,代表中国主办 2014 CIGR World Congress ,中国农业机械化科学研究院常务副院长,中国农业机械学会副理事长兼秘书长,亚洲农业工程学会主席 王应宽,代表 CIGR Journal ,中国农业工程学会 / 农业部规划设计研究院, CIGR Journal 主编, IJABE 执行主编,《农业工程学报》副主编 CIGR 第一分会(水土工程) 主席:黄冠华,中国农业大学 CIGR 第二分会(农业建筑与环境工程) 委员: 李保明,中国农业大学 CIGR 第三分会(机械装备工程) 委员:方宪法, 中国农业机械化科学研究院 CIGR 第四分会(农业能源工程) 委员:朱 明,中国农业工程学会 / 农业部规划设计研究院院长,中国农村能源行业协会会长,《农业工程学报》副主编 CIGR 第六分会(农产品与食品加工工程) 副主席:李树君,中国农业机械化科学研究院常务副院长,中国农业机械学会副理事长兼秘书长,亚洲农业工程学会主席 CIGR 第七分会(信息系统) 委员:应义斌,浙江大学 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING (CIGR) President 2009-2010 Sren Pedersen 27 May 2010 Dear Prof Lanfang, In recent weeks communications took place between China and CIGR Secretary General in regards to the tardy inclusion of new members in the CIGR Executive Board of 2010-2013. This issue was discussed during the CIGR Presidium Skype Meeting held on May 20 th 2010. This was placed in the meetings agenda because we received a number of late proposals to modify the proposed boards for 2010-2013 after the official deadline as defined in the CIGR Statutes. In addition, two members in the board from the same country was considered to be an extraordinary situation resulting from the CIGR Journal and the CIGR Congress being hosted by China . The CIGR presidium evaluated member representation in the board and found it logical to include representatives for the CIGR Ejournal and the CIGR Congress 2014 in the Executive board 2010-2013. As a result, I am glad to inform you that the presidium is making the following proposals that affect Chinese members. Section IV We recommend that Prof. Ming Zhu, China , president of CAAE and CSAE be included as board member in Section IV 2010-2013. (The proposal is supported by the incoming chair of Section IV, Dr. Janusz Piechocki). Executive Board We recommend the following inclusion of the two members below in the Executive Board of 2010-2013: 1) Prof. Sjujun Li , China , as representative for the CIGR Congress in Beijing 2014 2) Prof. Wang Yingkuan, as representative for CIGR Ejournal. Thank you, Soeren Pedersen President of CIGR 2009-2010 __________________________________________________________ Aarhus University , Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Biosystems Engineering. Mail address: Soeren Pedersen, Birketoften 1, DK- 8700 Horsens, Denmark Mobil: 45 2548 7761, Private: 45 7561 3047, Email: soeren.pedersen@agrsci.dk
个人分类: 学术交流|4298 次阅读|1 个评论
wangyk 2010-4-18 01:37
王 应 宽 2010-04-18 Beijing, China Minutes of the Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Journal Handover to China By Dr. Wang Yingkuan Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Managing Editor of IJABE, Associate Editor-in-chief of Transactions of the CSAE, CSAE and CAAE Time: 9:00-11: 00 A .M, April 7, 2010, Wednesday Venue: Meeting Room A606, Office Building, CAAMS Organizer: Prof. Li Shujun, Executive President of CAAMS, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Member of Executive Board of CIGR Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CAAE CSAE, Editor-in-Chief, Transactions of the CSAE, Vice Standing Chairman of IJABE International Editorial Board Master of Ceremony (Emcee): Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department, CAAMS Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, CAAE Attendees: Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Prof. Fedro Zazueta, on behalf of the CIGR Presidium and CIGR President Prof. Sren Pedersen. Invited guests: Prof. Bill Stout, Honorary President of CIGR, Former Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Founder of CIGR Ejournal, USA; Prof Jiannong Xin, Member of Executive Board of CIGR, University of Florida, USA; Prof Yubin Lan, Agricultural Engineer and Professor, USDA-ARS at Texas AM University, College Station, USA. Three Chinese Representatives of CIGR Technical Sections: Prof. Wang Maohua, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Member of CIGR Technical Section VII, Honorary President of the CSAE CSAM, Editor-in-Chief of IJABE, China Agricultural University(CAU), China; Prof. Li Baoming, Member of CIGR Technical Section II, Vice Dean of College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, China; Prof. Huang Guanhua, Secretary of CIGR Technical Section I, Section Editor of CIGR Ejournal, Director of Chinese-Israeli International Center for Training in Agriculture, CAU, China. Leaders and Representatives from CAAMS, CSAM: Li Shujun, Zhao Xiaopeng, Liu Ruiwen, Zhang Zhenxin, Lanfang Zhang, Li Qing, Wang Jin, Zhang Pengzi Leaders and Representatives from CAAE and CSAE: Zhu Ming, Qin Jingguang, Guan Xiaodong, Wei Xiuju, Wang Yingkuan and two part-time editors Rabi Rasaily and Lingyan Zhang presented. Over twenty participants attended the ceremony. The inauguration ceremony of CIGR E-Journal handover to China was held on April 7, 2010, Wednesday in the meeting room A606 of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS) office building. The organizers of the ceremony were Prof Li Shujun, Executive President of CAAMS and CSAM, and Prof Zhu Ming, President of the CAAE and CSAE. On behalf of Prof Li Shujun and Prof Zhu Ming, Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, called together the ceremony, who was also the Master of Ceremony (Emcee) along with Prof. Lanfang Zhang from International Cooperation Department, CAAMS. The program kicked off at 9:00 am with the introduction to all the participants. The participants from USA were also present via video conference. Because of the time difference, many expected participants failed to present the ceremony. The followings are the key speakers with their brief views and remarks on the handover ceremony: 1. Prof. Fedro Zazueta, Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR E-Journal, gave a wonderful speech with the title of Today is truly a memorable day Via Video Conference. He briefly recalled the history of CIGR Journal with three milestones: Prof Bill Stout launched the journal; Modernize communication resources of CIGR using modern IT technology and redesign the CIGR website, implementing an management system for the CIGR Journal; Move the journal to the Open Journal System with the help of Dr. Jiannong Xin, Dr. Bill Stout, staff at the University of Florida and Staff at Texas AM University. This established a modern online review system and open access repository for publications in our profession at no cost to the authors. Today, we are looking at a new horizon. With the support from CSAM and CSAE, and with a dedicated professional editor, Dr. Yingkuan Wang, the level of the Journal is being raised to a higher standard, and a new stage in the development of the Journal and its positive influence on our profession worldwide will come. He is looking forward to this close collaboration between CSAM, CSAE and CIGR. 2. Prof. Wang Maohua, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, pointed out in his speech that this ceremony is a landmark with great significance in the cooperation between CIGR and China. The CSAM and CSAE joining as a Chinese Federation became a national member of CIGR in 1989. Since then, the academic exchange and friendship between Chinese agricultural engineers and worldwide colleagues of agricultural and biological societies have become more and more close link with good cooperation development. In 2004, the CIGR International Conference with the theme of The Olympics of Agricultural Engineering was successfully held in Beijing. Prof Wang expressed his sincere thanks to all former and active CIGR leadership, all our friends for their great trust, friendship and cooperation. The CIGR E-Journal Handover to China from today will be much helpful for Chinese federation of CSAM and CSAE to learn more experience for CIGR activities. I believe that the editorial board and both the CSAM and CSAE will do best efforts to make the EJournal even greater success. In the past, we all benefited a lot from our successful cooperation. In the future, we will write a new chapter in cooperation. Great thanks to CIGR Leaders who have made the decision that the 18th CIGR World Congress in 2014 will be held in Beijing, China. We will do our best to co-sponsor this important event. Prof Wang stressed that the cooperation to establish a strategic cooperative partnership among CIGR, CSAM and CSAE is a multi-win-win strategy. 3. Prof. Bill Stout, Honorary President of CIGR, Founder and Former Editor-in-Chief of CIGR E-Journal, addressed at the inauguration ceremony at his home in Meridian, Idaho, USA Via Video Conference. He mentioned that the concept of CIGR Ejournal was born in Oslo of Norway in August 1998, and took shape at Texas AM University, USA with the publication of seven technical articles and two overview papers in 1999. By the end of 2009, the journal has grown with the publication of 484 original papers and 115 invited overviews with authors from 57 countries. Dr. Fedro Zazuetta proposed the Ejournal adopt the Open Journal System which was approved by the CIGR Presidium and he was appointed as Editor-in-chief in 2009. China proposed to host the Ejounal some time ago. That leads us to today---the inauguration of Dr Yingkuan Wang as the Editor-in-Chief under the sponsorship of CSAE and CSAM. He thanked the CAAMS and its President, Dr Li Shujun for the moral and financial support for the Ejournal. Prof Bill Stout believes that the future of the CIGR Ejournal is bright. It continues to strive for higher quality and is well on its way to becoming as good as any of the best journals in the field of agricultural and biological engineering. He wishes the new Editor-in-Chief, Dr Yingkuan Wang and all his colleagues well as they undertake this important assignment. And he is looking forward to continuing to work as their advisor and supporter. 4. Main points of the speech given by Prof. Li Shujun, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Executive President of CAAMS Prof Li first thanked the CIGR Presidium for giving China the opportunity to operate the CIGR Ejournal. Since the 2004 CIGR International Conference held in Beijing, more and more Chinese agricultural engineering scientists have been actively involved in the CIGR academic activities and have been playing positive roles in promoting CIGR worldwide. From 2007, China has been seeking the opportunity to host the CIGR Ejournal. The three-party agreement was signed on October 16, 2009 among CIGR, CSAM and CSAE in the CAAMS in Beijing, which was a big step forward for the CIGR Ejournal to come to China. CAAMS provided 1 million RMB Yuan for journal as the launching fund. Two rooms for the Editorial Office of the CIGR Ejournal are ready now, equipped with internet connection facilities, computers, printers, fax machines, four lines of telephones as well as the furniture. Apart from the facilities, five staff members of the CIGR Ejournal Editorial Office have been selected and employed. The incoming Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Wang Yingkuan from CSAE has been recommended and selected by both China and CIGR due to his outstanding professional qualifications. He appreciated that Prof. Bill Stout accepted the invitation to serve as the advisor to the CIGR Ejournal. Prof Li also promised, as the host of the CIGR Ejournal, CAAMS will be glad to provide whatever is needed by the CIGR Editorial Office and will be happy to offer the best support service. CAAMS will also invite the universities and research institutes in China to make contributions to the CIGR Ejournal. Prof Li stressed that the operation of the CIGR Ejournal should follow the CIGR-CSAM-CSAE Three-party Agreement and the Bylaws drafted by the CIGR Presidium. We will also rely on the CIGR section chairs and editors to ensure high quality, make the best use of the talented people both in China and abroad, and upgrade the professional level of the Editorial Office staff by continued technical training. He disclosed the Dr, Wang Yingkuan, the incoming Editor-in-Chief, has a detailed business plan to improve the journal. He believe with joint efforts of all the related parties under the guidance of the CIGR Presidium and the leadership of the Editor-in-Chief, the CIGR Ejournal can be made into a first-class international journal equal to the best journals in the agricultural/biological engineering area. 5. Main points of the address given by Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CSAE and CAAE Prof Zhu Ming first greeted all the friends and guests there. He expressed his great honor and excitement to witness the inaugural ceremony of CIGR Ejournal handover to China. Prof Zhu gave his heartfelt thanks to CIGR Presidium and foreign friends for their friendship, trust and support, so that China can operate the CIGR Ejournal. He warmly welcomed CIGR Ejournal to China, on behalf of Chinese agricultural engineers and scientists! He is quite convinced that Chinas agricultural engineering will be booming together with the prosperity of CIGR Ejournal. Therefore, maintaining a strategic cooperative partnership between CIGR and CSAE/CSAM is a win-win policy, which is good for all. Prof Zhu believes that the joint efforts of two strongest societies, CSAM and CSAE and academies, CAAMS and CAAE in China as cosponsor to operate the journal, will surely accelerate the development of CIGR Ejournal. Dr. Wang Yingkuan from CSAE is well qualified and completely competent for the new editor-in-chief. Prof Zhu promised, as the President of CAAE and CSAE, he ensure that CAAE and CSAE will give full support to run this journal. CSAE will conduct close cooperation with CSAM and CIGR to promote the journal. Last, he wish CIGR Ejournal a great success in China and worldwide! 6. Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief, s hared his ten new ideas on further improvement and promotion of the CIGR Ejournal. Starting with using a definite title of the Ejournal, transforming into a quarterly periodical publication as a professional and scientific journal, active communication with all indexing databases, improving and customizing the journal websites, increasing the visibility and accessibility of journal website, organize OJS training for section editors and editorial staff, strengthening the editorial team by training, improving journal manuscript process, inviting good papers and organizing an international editorial board with over 100 members from about 50 countries. Dr. Wang stressed that he would really appreciate more liberty and decision-making power to handle the journal affairs independently, and should have a major voice in editing and publishing this journal, since CIGR, CSAM and CSAE trusted and selected him as the editor-in-chief. Dr. Wang gave his special thanks to Prof Bill Stout, Zhu Ming and Li Shujun for trusting and recommending him as the new editor-in-chief, and great assistance, guidance, effort and support to host the CIGR Journal in China. Dr Wang believes and wishes this journal a great success in China and around the world! 7. Brief report on the preparation work for the CIGR E-Journal Editorial Office was given by Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department of CAAMS. The preparation work includes six aspects: 1) Leaders of CSAM and CSAE discussed the operation of the CIGR Ejournal with the CIGR Presidium. Dr. Shujun Li visited the University of Florida and talked with Prof. Fedro and Prof. Jiannong Xin on the CIGR Ejournal matters. 2) A team was set up with Dr. Li Shujun as the leader, and three working meetings were held to make the business plan, formulate the working timetable and the detailed steps to implement the plan. 3) Five staff members for the CIGR Editorial Office were selected and employed, and the first short training on OJS was conducted and the professional training on OJS and the editing expertise training are also planned by new Editor-in-chief Dr. Wang Yingkuan. 4) The present editor-in-chief Prof. Fedro made frequent communications with the incoming Editor-in Chief Dr. Wang Yingkuan, and four online meetings were held between the two editors and the meeting minutes were made, which very much ensured the smooth handover of the CIGR Ejournal from US to China. 5) CAAMS allocated two office rooms equipped with all the necessary facilities and furniture. CAAMS also provided one million RMB Yuan as the fund for staring the operation of the CIGR Ejournal. 6) The Editor-in-Chief Dr. Wang Yinkuan spent a lot of time on visiting the CIGR website and the CIGR Ejournal website to learn more information and try to find out what should be improved. He drafted a detailed plan to improve the quality and promote the journal. 8. After the formal announcement by Prof. Fedro Zazueta, on behalf of Prof. Sren Pedersen, President of the CIGR, the CIGR E-Journal has officially moved to China, and Dr. Wang Yingkuan has been appointed as the new editor-in-chief of the CIGR E-Journal. After the formal announcement of the handover of CIGR Ejournal, farewell was given to foreign guests and video conference was ended. The rest of the participants presented in a meeting room proceeded to the 2 nd floor of the same building for the unveiling ceremony of CIGR Editorial office and Editor-in-Chief office. Prof. Li Shujun and Prof. Zhu Ming jointly unveiled the nameplate of the Editorial Office. Prof. Wang Maohua and Dr Wang Yingkuan jointly unveiled the nameplate of the Editor-in-Chief office of the CIGR E-Journal. The ceremony was officially closed after taking some group photo s. The whole process of the Inauguration Ceremony of the CIGR Journal Handover to China has been recorded, and the video clips will be played during the 2010 CIGR World Congress at Quebec, Canada, on Ju ne 13-17, 2010. After the ceremony, a luncheon party was held to celebrate the successful ceremony and smooth handover.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|4029 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Brief report on the preparation work done for CIGR Ejournal
wangyk 2010-4-18 01:30
Brief report on the preparation work done in the recent months for CIGR Ejournal By Prof Zhang Lanfang International Cooperation Department of CSAM Secretary-General, Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering (AAAE) Secretary General, Packing and Food Engineering Institution of CMES Dear Prof. Fedro, Incoming President of the CIGR, Prof. Bill Stout, Prof. Wang Maohua, Prof. Li Shujun, Prof. Zhu Ming and the CIGR Leaders, ladies and gentlemen, Good Morning! I would like to share some information with you on the preparation work we have done in recent months for the CIGR Ejournal. Since singing the cooperation agreement on the CIGR Ejournal on October 16, 2009 in CAAMS in Beijing by the three parties of CSAM, CSAE and CIGR, China started the preparation to implement the agreement. The preparation work was summarized as the following six points: First Leaders of CSAM and CSAE discussed the operation of the CIGR Ejournal with the CIGR Presidium. In this Jan., Dr. Shujun Li visited the University of Florida and talked with Prof. Fedro and Prof. Jiannong Xin on the CIGR Ejournal matters. They also communicated and exchanged ideas by emails. Second A team was set up with Dr. Li Shujun as the leader and it includes the people from CSAM and CSAE who are closely related to the CIGR Ejournal work here in China . Three working meetings were held to make the business plan, formulate the working timetable and the detailed steps to implement the plan. Third Five staff for the CIGR Editorial Office were selected and employed and the first short training on OJS was conducted on March 26. New Editor-in-chief Dr. Wang Yingkuan sent the OJS materials to all the editorial staff, asked them to read and get familiar with the OJS practice. The professional training on OJS and the editing expertise training are also planned. Fourth The Editor of the CIGR Ejournal Prof. Fedro made frequent communications with the incoming Editor-in Chief Dr. Wang Yingkuan for the detailed matters of handover the CIGR Ejournal. Four or five online meetings were held between the two editors and the meeting minutes were drafted. That very much ensured the smooth handover of the CIGR Ejournal from US to China . Fifth CAAMS allocated two office rooms, one is for the Editor-in-Chief and the other is for the Editorial Office of the CIGR Ejournal. All the furniture for the two offices including tables, chairs and cabinets was purchased, the office machines of three laptop computers, four desk-top computers, two laser printers, two multi-function machines with scanning, copy duplicating and color printing, two fax machines, necessary software and hardware were bought, Four telephone lines were installed, two for each office, one is for telephone and one is for fax. CAAMS also provided one million RMB as the fund for staring the operation of the CIGR Ejournal. Sixth The Editor-in-Chief Dr. Wang Yinkuan spent a lot of time on visiting the CIGR website and the CIGR Ejournal website to learn more information and try to find out what should be improved. He read and studied the criteria of SCI and EI and thought about the steps to take in order to make the CIGR Ejournal meet the criteria of the indexing databases and reach the goal of successfully entering the international indexing databases. Prof. Fedro and Prof. Stout closely worked with Dr. Wang Yinkuan in the past few months. Prof. Stout airmailed a bag to Dr. Wang with all the materials that he communicated with Tomson ISI in the past years. Prof. Fedro provided all the reference files that CIGR communicated with the world famous indexing databases. That greatly helped us in following up what have been done by the CIGR Ejournal. Generally speaking, in order to welcome the CIGR Ejournal come to China, we prepared both the software and hardware. We do hope that under the guidance of the CIGR Presidium, CIGR Ejournal Policy Board, with the intelligence and knowledge as well as the hard work of the new Editor-in-Chief, section editors of CIGR and the editorial staff, the CIGR Ejournal will become one of the most influential journals in agricultural and biosystems engineering area in the near future. Lets strive for that! Thank you!
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3028 次阅读|0 个评论
wangyk 2010-4-18 01:27
TenProposals for improving the journal: Address at CIGR Ejournal Handover Ceremony By Dr. Wang Yingkuan Incoming Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Managing Editor of IJABE, Associate Editor-in-chief of Transactions of the CSAE, CSAE and CAAE Dear Mr. Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief Prof Fedro Zazueta, Prof Wang Maohua, Prof Bill Stout, Prof Zhu Ming, Prof Li Shujun and other CIGR Officials and Members, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: Good morning and good evening ! Thank you all. I am excited and happy to be selected as the new editor-in-chief. I will try my best to improve, publicize and promote the CIGR J ournal. Since all the leaders and distinguished guests have delivered excellent speeches , I will not repeat their kind words of praise and thanks. Today, I am going to share ten of my new suggestions on how to improve and promote the CIGR Journal. First, Unify one definite title of CIGR Journal I know from the emails that CIGR was criticized by Thomson ISI for the confusing journal titles. According to my rough statistics, we have used ten journal titles. They are as follows: E-Journals CIGR Journal CIGR Ejournal CIGR ejournal CIGR E-Journal (hyphen) The CIGR Electronic Journal Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR EJournal ( the Presidium approved this one as the official name, but it can be changed by approval of the appropriate body) Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development The CIGR Journal of Agricultural Engineering Scientific Research and Development The CIGR Journal of AE Scientific Research and Development I will not make a decision on this, but I welcome suggestions on a good title after in-depth investigation. Frankly, I prefer CIGR Journal. Second, Behave like a journal The present practice of publishing one volume each year is not desirable and scientific. It is more like an online archive depositing some peer reviewed papers, rather than a journal. A journal is a serial publication, thus it should be published periodically. Therefore, some changes are needed. I plan to make the CIGR Journal a Quarterly publication with four issues a year, with volume and number of issues. I also wish to change the appearance, say, design a journal cover, adopt two-column format, add a page header with running title, journal title, volume and number of issue , making it more like a professional and scholarly journal. Third, Keep aggressive contact with indexing system I will conduct active communication with all indexing databases with the focus on Thomson ISI and EI. Certainly, we must continuously improve the quality of our journal. We also need to make some changes to meet the criteria of the indexing databases such as SCI and EI. Fourth, Improve and customize the journal website I will improve and customize the journal website. There are great opportunities for improving the journal website. I will provide detailed journal introduction, guide manuals for authors, reviewers and editors. To enlarge the expert databases of our journal to provide strong support to peer review is also an important task. Fifth, Increase the accessibility and visibility of journal website I will add a direct hyperlink to CIGR Journal in CIGR website. There is a link that leads to a brief introduction to the journal, but it cannot navigate to the journal website. What I need is to navigate directly to the journal homepage after clicking the journal link. I will also try to exchange interlinks with other related journals. After publishing each issue, I will use OJS to send an Article Alert to all the registered users of our journal. All those measures will greatly increase the accessibility and visibility of our journal and published papers. Sixth, Organize OJS training CIGR Journal uses Open Journal System (OJS) to receive submissions, conduct peer review, communicate with all users and publish papers online. Skillful use of OJS will improve the efficiency of handling manuscripts. The best solution to break the bottleneck is to provide OJS training. I plan to organize OJS training for our section editors and editorial staff. I may provide some online video guides for reviewers, authors and readers. Seventh, Strengthen the team of Section editors and editorial staff In order to strengthen our editorial team and also share the workload, I will invite more experts to serve as the section editors. I also plan to appoint more professional editorial staff, including science editors, English editors, copy editors, full time or part-time. Moreover, all kinds of training such as technical writing, editing, reviewing, proofreading for authors, reviewers and in-house editors will be provided. Eighth, Improve journal manuscript process Reasonable journal manuscript process will be made with a timetable for each procedure. We will monitor the review process, to ensure a timely, serious and high quality peer review with good review comments and constructive suggestions. We will ask the authors to make timely and effective revisions with a response letter addressing to the review comments. I plan to strengthen the post-review process, with more emphasis on editing, English polishing, formatting, proofreading, online publishing, to improve the writing and presentation of accepted papers. Ninth, Invite and solicit good papers Free submissions are not enough for a good journal. We cannot sit and wait for free submissions from authors. I will do my possible to invite good-quality papers. I will encourage our staff editors to attend symposia and meetings, contacting scientists face to face and inviting papers. Tenth, Organize an International Editorial Board I will organize an international editorial board of CIGR Journal. The board will consist of over 100 members from over 50 countries. An international editorial board will attract worldwide participation and support. These are just some of my plans. I have a lot of new ideas to improve and promote the journal, and there are many, many things to do. Since CIGR, CSAM and CSAE trust me as the editor-in-chief, I really appreciate more liberty and decision-making power to handle the journal affairs independently. I should have a major voice in editing and publishing this journal. Finally, I have to thank one of my best friends, Prof Bill Stout, for his selfless service and great contribution to the journal in the past ten years. He has launched this journal and has been working hard for it persistently for ten years. Thank him for trusting and recommending me as the new editor-in-chief of the CIGR Journal. I really appreciate his great assistance and guidance serving as an adviser after his resignation. Special thanks also go to Prof Zhu Ming and Prof Li Shujun for their great effort and support to host the CIGR Journal in China. I ask all of you to support the CIGR Journal and me as ever in the future. I wish this journal a great success in China and around the world! Thank you,
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|5046 次阅读|2 个评论
Prof. Zhu Ming's Address at Inaugural Ceremony of CIGR Ejoiurnal Handover to Chi
wangyk 2010-4-18 01:19
Address at Inaugural Ceremony of CIGR Ejoiurnal Handover to China By Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CSAE, President of CAAE Dear Mr. Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR E-Journal Prof. Fedro Zazueta, Prof Wang Maohua, Prof Li Shujun, other CIGR Officials and Members, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: Good Morning and good evening! Its great pleasure to meet so many friends and guests here. Its a great honor to be standing here today to witness the inaugural ceremony of CIGR Ejournal handover to China . I am excited and feel privileged to address this ceremony meeting. First, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to CIGR Presidium and our foreign friends. Thank you for your trust and support, so we can operate the CIGR Ejournal in China . Second, I would like to congratulate the CIGR Ejournal and its editorial team for this smooth handover. We warmly welcome CIGR Ejournal to China ! CIGR Ejournal finds a good home to live. China will soon reach the intellectual world through CIGR platform by connecting international experts. China s agricultural engineering will be booming together with the prosperity of CIGR Ejournal. Therefore, maintaining a strategic cooperative partnership between CIGR and CSAE/CSAM is a win-win policy. Its good for all. Third, I am sure we can make CIGR Ejournal successful. CSAE and CSAM are both leading scholarly societies in China , even in Asia and in the world. CAAMS and CAAE are also the leading research academies in China . These two strongest societies and academies in China join hands as cosponsor to operate the journal. Our joint efforts will surely accelerate the development of CIGR Ejournal. Dr. Wang Yingkuan from CSAE is well qualified and completely competent for the new editor-in-chief. As the President of CAAE and CSAE, I assure you that our academy will give full support to run this journal. We will conduct close cooperation with CSAM and CIGR to promote the journal. I wish CIGR Ejournal a great success in China and worldwide ! Thank you.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3598 次阅读|0 个评论
Prof Li Shujun's Address at CIGR Journal Handover Ceremony
wangyk 2010-4-18 01:16
Address at CIGR Journal Handover Ceremony By Prof. Li Shujun Executive President of CAAMS, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Member of Executive Board of CIGR Dear Prof. Fedro Zazueta, Prof. Bill Stout, Prof. Wang Maohua, Prof. Zhu Ming, Dear CIGR colleagues on line and those present, Good morning and good evening! I feel very excited to attend the Handover Ceremony of the CIGR Ejournal to China today and also pleased to meet all of you at the Video Conference. Thanks to Prof. Pedersen, Prof. Fedro and the other members of the CIGR Presidium for giving China the opportunity to operate the CIGR Ejournal. Since the CIGR 2004 International Conference was held in Beijing , more and more Chinese agricultural engineering scientists have been actively involved in the CIGR academic activities and have been playing positive roles in promoting CIGR worldwide. From 2007, we have been seeking the opportunity and studying the possibilities for China to host the CIGR Ejournal. After consultation and discussion between the CIGR Presidium and China many times in the past few years, the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering and CIGR reached an agreement on the sponsorship of the CIGR Ejournal and the three parties signed the agreement on October 16, 2009 in the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS) in Beijing. That was a big step forward for the CIGR Ejournal to come to China . After the agreement was signed, Chinese representatives of CSAM and CSAE actively worked on the preparations. CSAM and CAAMS established a team to be responsible for the implementation of the agreement on the CIGR Ejournal. In order to guarantee the smooth operation of the Editorial Office, CAAMS provided 1 million RMB Yuan as the launching fund. Now two rooms for the Editorial Office of the CIGR Ejournal are ready, they are right here in this building on the second floor, equipped with internet connection facilities, computers, printers, fax machines, 4 lines of telephones as well as the furniture. Later after this video conference, we will have another ceremony, to unveil the nameplates of the Editorial Office and the Editor-in-Chief Office. We plan to record that ceremony and show it to CIGR leaders and colleagues during the 17 th World Congress of CIGR in Quebec . Apart from the facilities, five staff of the CIGR Ejournal Editorial Office have been selected and employed. The incoming Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Wang Yingkuan from CSAE has been recommended and selected by both China and CIGR due to his outstanding professional qualifications. I also want to express appreciation to Prof. Bill Stout for his accepting our invitation to serve as the advisor to the CIGR Ejournal. His rich experiences and professional guidance will help ensure the quality and the international practice of the CIGR Ejournal. For the purpose of making the CIGR Ejournal into a world influential journal and entering the world famous indexing databases of EI and SCI, we will work hard to do a better job in many respects. First of all, operation of the CIGR Ejournal should follow the agreement signed by the three parties on October 16, 2009 in Beijing and the Bylaws document drafted by the CIGR Presidium. The following steps will be taken to ensure publication of high quality papers: Rely on the CIGR section chairs and editors to ensure high quality. Make the best use of the talented people both in China and abroad and utilize all of their knowledge and intelligence. Upgrade the professional level of the Editorial Office staff by continued technical training. I know Dr, Wang Yingkuan, the incoming Editor-in-Chief of the CIGR Ejournal has a detailed business plan to implement these steps. As the host of the CIGR Ejournal, CAAMS will be glad to provide whatever is needed by the CIGR Editorial Office and will be happy to offer the best support service. CAAMS will also invite the universities and research institutes in China to make contributions to the CIGR Ejournal. I have no doubt that with the common efforts of all the related parties under the guidance of the CIGR Presidium and the leadership of the Editor-in-Chief, the CIGR Ejournal can be made into a first-class international journal equal to the best journals in the agricultural/biological engineering area. Thank you!
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3740 次阅读|0 个评论
wangyk 2010-4-15 02:28
Address at Inaugural Ceremony of CIGR E-Journal Handover to China By Prof. Wang Maohua, Honorary President of CSAE and CSAM, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) April 7, 2010 Beijing Dear Distinguished Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR E-Journal, Prof.Fedro Zazueta, Dear Honorary president of CIGR, Prof. Bill Stout, Dear colleagues of CIGR, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very happy to meet so many friends of our CIGR community here for the inaugural ceremony of CIGR E-Journal handover to China . This is a significant landmark in further promotion of the cooperation between CIGR and Chinese agricultural engineering federation. 21 years before in 1989, the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (CSAM) and the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE) were joined as a Chinese Federation of CSAM and CSAE to represent agricultural engineering professional community in China to become a national member of CIGR. Since then, the academic exchange and friendship between Chinese agricultural engineers and colleagues of worldwide agricultural and biological societies have become more and more close link with good cooperation development. In the past 80 years, the CIGR have played a great role in consolidation of worldwide agricultural engineering communities to promote knowledge and experience transfer and contribute to change the conventional agriculture into modern food production system with advanced engineering and management technologies in the world. Some Chinese Scholars have actively involved in CIGR leadership and sessions in promotion of academic activities. In 2004, the CIGR International Conference with the theme of The Olympics of Agricultural Engineering was successfully held in Beijing . I would like to express my sincere thanks to all former and active CIGR leadership, all our friends for their great trust, friendship and cooperation. The CIGR E-Journal Handover to China from today will be much helpful for Chinese federation of CSAM and CSAE to learn more experience for CIGR activities. Here I would like to thank the former president of CIGR, Prof. Bill Stout, for his initiation to propose the CIGR E-Journal Handover to China and to extend CIGR E-Journal editorial experience to Chinese Editorial group in many years. I believe that the editorial board and both the CSAM and CSAE will do best efforts to make the EJournal even great success and continuous getting support and guidance from all of you! I believe the CIGR E-Journal will provide good services to CIGR community in the future! The cooperation of Chinese Federation of CSAM CSAE with CIGR is a multi-win-win strategy. In the past, we all benefited a lot from our successful cooperation. In the future, we will write a new chapter in the further even successful cooperation. Great thanks to CIGR Leaders have made the decision that the 18th CIGR World Congress in 2014 will be held in Beijing , China . We will do our best to co-sponsor this important event. Chinese Agricultural and biological engineering community will maintain a close relationship and cooperation with CIGR and establish a strategic cooperative partnership among CIGR, CSAM and CSAE. The world become flat, the fast advances of information and communication technology will change our working and life pattern and will have chance to use the new technologies to create a harmonious world. Thank you.
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Bill Stout教授致辞-Address at Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Ejournal Handover to Chi
wangyk 2010-4-15 02:22
王 应 宽 2010-04-14 Beijing, China Address at Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Ejournal Handover to China Address by Dr Bill Stout CIGR Honorary President Former CIGR Ejournal Editor-in-Chief Good morning to my dear friends and colleagues in China! Good evening to others! I am honored to be invited to participate in this video conference to inaugurate the CIGR Ejournal operations in China. As many of you know, I have been associated with the Ejournal since the original concept was born. It was in August, 1998. I was in Oslo, Norway visiting with CIGR Honorary President, Prof. Egil Berge. We were discussing the need for CIGR to host a means for dispersing technical information to its members in some 95 countries and others interested in agricultural engineering technology around the world. The idea of some kind of international journal emerged. But how? Paper journals are expensive, far beyond the financial resources of CIGR. We talked about the possibility of an electronic journal which has many advantages over paper journals and is much less expensive. I went home and talked with my Texas AM colleagues. They were enthusiastic about the idea and Dr George Sabbagh stepped forward and volunteered to serve as the first Editor-in-Chief. I should also acknowledge the dedicated service of two other Editors-in-Chief---Dr Rosana Moreira and Dr Lingjuan Wang. All these Editors served admirably for several years. The first year, 1999, we published only 7 technical articles and 2 invited overviews. The number of submissions and published articles grew every single year during the first 10 years that I was involved. By the end of 2009 we had published 484 peer reviewed original research papers and 115 invited overviews with authors from 57 countries. All this was done with no cost to authors or readers. But as the Ejournal continued to grow in numbers and quality it became apparent that the workload of processing the submissions was outgrowing the capability of a volunteer Editor-in-Chief to handle. Dr Fedro Zazueta, IT Specialist at the University of Florida (and Incoming President of CIGR) stepped forward and proposed that the Ejournal adopt the Open Journal System, an automated technical journal management system. Everyone agreed so Dr Zazueta was appointed as Editor-in-Chief last year and starting with Volume XI, 2010, the OJS was used. And submissions continued to increase substantially---196 last year. China proposed to host the Ejounal some time ago. Prof. Li Shujun will give details in his address later in this program. That leads us to today---the inauguration of Dr Yingkuan Wang as the Editor-in-Chief under the sponsorship of CSAE and CSAM. Finally, I want to recognize CAAMS and its President, Dr Li Shujun for the moral and financial support for the Ejournal. Details will be given in other presentations. The future of the CIGR Ejournal is bright. It is serving a critical need by providing technical information for both developing countries and industrial countries around the world. It continues to strive for higher quality and is well on its way to becoming as good as any of the best journals in the field of agricultural and biological engineering. I wish the new Editor-in-Chief, Dr Yingkuan Wang and all his colleagues well as they undertake this important assignment. And I look forward to continuing to work as their advisor and supporter. Thank you.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3767 次阅读|0 个评论
CIGR即任主席Fedro教授致辞-Today is truly a memorable day
wangyk 2010-4-15 02:12
王 应 宽 2010-04- 14 Beijing, China Today is truly a memorable day by Prof. Fedro Zazueta Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal University of Florida We are now reaping the rewards of the vision of one man, Dr. Bill Stout, to create a knowledge repository in agriculture and biosystems to serve our peers and clients worldwide. We are now in the process of making another major leap towards improving the effectiveness of this resource and improving its quality. During the meeting in Bonn in 2006 a proposal was presented to the Presidium modernize communication resources of CIGR to improve its capacity for outreach to all its stakeholders. The strategy focused on the use of modern IT and included a redesign of the CIGR web site, implementing an management system for the CIGR Journal, developing an online location for proceedings of conference, meetings, symposia and other CIGR events, and improving communications using teleconferencing technologies. During the CIGR International Conference in Brazil in 2008, a major focus was placed in moving the journal to the Open Journal System. With the Help of Dr. Jiannong Xin, Dr. Bill Stout, staff at the University of Florida and Staff at Texas AM University this was achieved in the following year. This established a modern online review system and repository for publications in our profession at no cost to the authors. Today, we are looking at a new horizon. With the support from CSAM and CSAE the level of the Journal is being raised to a higher standard with a dedicated professional editor, Dr. Yingkuan Wang. Im personally pleased and awaiting a new stage in the development of the Journal and its positive influence on our profession worldwide. Thank you and Im looking forward to this close collaboration between CSAM, CSAE and CIGR.
个人分类: 论文撰写与发表|4101 次阅读|0 个评论
CIGR主席Soren Pedersen宣布CIGR会刊落户中国-Formal Announceme
wangyk 2010-4-15 01:59
CIGR主席Soren Pedersen宣布CIGR会刊落户中国-Formal Announcement INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING (CIGR) President 2009-2010 Sren Pedersen Aarhus University 6 April 2010 Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Ejournal Handover to China Formal Announcement CIGR have over the past two years invested large efforts in moving the CIGR Ejournal into a higher and more automated level of operation. The Journal is in an online management system with a well established review and documentation process by Professor Fedro Zazueta, who has been acting as Editor-in-Chief since Professor Bill Stout retired as Editor-in-Chief of the Ejournal. In the meantime comprehensive negotiations were carried out between the Chinese Ag. Eng. Societies, CSAM and CSAE and CIGR on the appointment of a Chinese Editor-in-Chief for the next years. On October 16 2009 a Co-operation Agreement between The Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (CSAM) and The Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE) and The International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering was signed at CSAM. This Co-operation Agreement is subject to the bylaws of the journal Agricultural Engineering International. By this formal announcement CIGR would like to welcome this co-operation with CSAM, CSAE and the new Editor-in-Chief Wang Yingkuan, who is an experienced and formally trained editor. I wish you a pleasant video conference on the Inauguration Ceremony on April 7 2010 and looks forward to a fruitful co-operation for the years to come. Best regards ________________________________________________________ Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Biosystems Engineering. Mail address: Soeren Pedersen, Birketoften 1, DK- 8700 Horsens, Denmark Mobil: 45 2548 7761, Private: 45 7561 3047, Email: soeren.pedersen@agrsci.dk CIGR Formal Announcement
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3818 次阅读|0 个评论
国际农业与生物工程学会会刊CIGR Journal即将落户中国
wangyk 2010-4-5 01:13
王 应 宽 2010-004-04 Beijing, China 国际农业与生物工程学会会刊 CIGR Journal 即将落户中国 经过前一段时间的联系和我与 CIGR 即任主席 Fedro 教授之间多次视频会议,终于确定了 CIGR 期刊移交中国承办的具体事项。经过商议,拟准备于 2010 年 4 月 7 日上午 9-11 点在中国农业机械化科学研究院( CAAMS ) A606 会议室举行 CIGR 期刊落户中国移交启动仪式。会议将邀请的外宾包括国际农业与生物工程学会( CIGR )主席团(主席、当选主席、上任主席和秘书长)、 7 个专业技术分会主席、 CIGR 会刊栏目主编和特邀嘉宾等 20 余人。国内参会代表包括中国农业工程学会和农机学会的名誉理事长汪懋华院士、 CIGR 专业技术分会的委员中国代表,中国农业工程学会领导及代表、中国农业机械学会领导及代表和 CAAMS 国际合作部成员、 CIGR 会刊编辑部全体工作人员等 20 余人。会议的语言为英语。所邀请的 CIGR 主席团成员、各分会主席、栏目主编等外宾将通过网络视频 (Video Conference) 形式参加会议。国内参会代表全部到现场开会。启动仪式之后,王应宽博士将接任 CIGR 会刊主编, CIGR 期刊正式移交落户中国。会议中英文议程附后。欢迎关注,期待支持。 中文议程 国际农业与生物系统工程学会会刊 CIGR Journal 落户 中国移交启动仪式议程 时间: 2010 年 4 月 7 日 ,星期三,上午 9:00-11: 00 A .M. 地点: 中国农业机械化科学研究院( CAAMS )六层会议室 A606 召集人 : CAAMS 院长、 CSAM 副理事长李树君研究员 CAAE 院长、 CSAE 理事长朱明研究员 主持人: CAAMS 国际合作部张兰芳研究员 CAAE, CIGR Ejournal 新任主编王应宽博士 出席人员: CIGR 主席团成员(现任主席 Pedersen 、当选主席、上任主席、秘书长等) CIGR 当选主席、 CIGR 期刊现任主编 Fedro Zazueta 教授 CIGR 前任主席、 CIGR 期刊创始人及前任主编 Bill Stout 教授 CIGR 执委, UFL 教授辛建农博士; USDA-ARS, TAMU 教授兰玉彬博士 CIGR 各专业技术分会主席和期刊栏目主编 ( 但因时差未必都参加 ) CIGR 各专业技术分会执委中国代表汪懋华院士、李保明教授、黄冠华教授 中国农业机械学会领导及代表(李树君、赵小鹏、张兰芳、刘瑞文、张振新、国际部和编辑部工作人员等) 中国农业工程学会领导及代表(朱明、秦京光、管小冬、靳佩贞、魏秀菊、王应宽) CIGR EJournal 期刊编辑部兼职编辑 Rabi Rasaily, Lingyan Iris Zhang 议程: 主持人介绍参会来宾 1 CIGR 当选主席、 CIGR 期刊现任主编 Fedro Zazueta 教授致辞(网络视频) 2 汪懋华院士致辞 3 CIGR 前任主席、 CIGR 期刊创始人及前任主编 Bill Stout 教授致辞(网络视频) 4 中国农业机械学会副理事长、中国农业机械化科学院院长李树君研究员致辞 5 中国农业工程学会理事长、中国农业工程研究设计院院长朱明研究员致辞 6 新任主编王应宽博士致辞 7 CAAMS 国际合作部张兰芳研究员介绍 CIGR 会刊编辑部前期筹备情况 8 CIGR 主席 Soren Pedersen 教授宣布 CIGR 会刊正式落户中国(网络视频) 会议室的视频会议结束,与外方视频人员告别,转到二楼办公室举行揭牌仪式。 9 中国农业机械学会领导李树君和中国农业工程学会理事长朱明联合为 CIGR 期刊编辑部新址揭牌 10 仪式结束,合影留念。共进午餐。启动仪式将全程录像,影像资料将在 6 月份魁北克举行的 2010 CIGR World Congress 期间播放。 2 英文议程 Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Journal Handover to China Time: 9:00-11: 00 A .M, April 7, 2010, Wednesday Venue: Meeting Room A606, Office Building, CAAMS Organizer: Prof. Li Shujun, Executive President of CAAMS, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Member of Executive Board of CIGR Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CAAE CSAE, Editor-in-Chief, Transactions of the CSAE, Vice Standing Chairman of IJABE International Editorial Board Master of Ceremony (Emcee): Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department, CAAMS Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, CAAE Attendees: CIGR Presidium: President: Prof. Sren Pedersen Past President: Prof. Irenilza de Alencar Ns Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal: Prof. Fedro Zazueta Secretary-General: Prof. Toshinori Kimura Invited Guests: Prof. Bill Stout, Honorary President of CIGR, Former Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Founder of CIGR Ejournal, USA Prof Jiannong Xin, Member of Executive Board of CIGR, University of Forida, USA Prof Yubin Lan, Agricultural Engineer and Professor, USDA-ARS at Texas AM University, College Station, USA. Section Chairs and Section Editors of CIGR Ejournal: Jose Tarjuelo-Section I Chair Daniel Berkmans-Section II Chair John K. Schueller-Section III Chair Mikio Umeda-Section IV Chair Pietro Piccarolo-Section V Chair Jozef Grochowicz-Section VI Chair Antonio M Saraiva-Section VII Chair Andre Aarnink Thomas M. Banhazi Laszlo Baranyai Remigio Berruto William Joseph Chancellor (resigned) Antonio Brasa Ramos Richard Love (resigned) Milan Martinov Neil McLaughlin Soren Pedersen (included) Fedro S. Zazueta Ranahan (included) Bill A Stout (included) Guanhua Huang (included) Chinese Representatives of CIGR Technical Sections: Prof. Wang Maohua, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Member of CIGR Technical Section VII, Honorary President of the CSAE CSAM, Editor-in-Chief of IJABE, China Agricultural University(CAU), China Prof. Li Baoming, Member of CIGR Technical Section II, Vice Dean of College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, China Prof. Huang Guanhua, Secretary of CIGR Technical Section I, Section Editor of CIGR Ejournal, Director of Chinese-Israeli International Center for Training in Agriculture (CIICTA), CAU, China Leaders and Representatives from Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (CSAM) Prof. Li Shujun, Executive President of CAAMS, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Member of Executive Board of CIGR Dr. Zhao Xiaopeng, Director, International Cooperation Department of CSAM Prof. Liu Ruiwen, Deputy Secretary-General of CASM Prof. Zhang Zhenxin, Deputy Secretary-General of CASM Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department of CSAM Mrs. Li Qing, International Cooperation Department of CSAM Mrs. Wang Jin, International Cooperation Department of CSAM Ms. Zhang Pengzi, International Cooperation Department of CSAM Leaders and Representatives from Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE) Prof Zhu Ming, President of CAAE CSAE, Editor-in-Chief, Transactions of the CSAE, Vice Standing Chairman of IJABE International Editorial Board Prof Qin Jingguang, Secretary General, CSAE Jin Peizhen, Director of Information Center, CAAE Prof Guan Xiaodong, Vice Standing Secretary General, Vice Director, CSAE Prof. Wei Xiuju, Executive Editor-in-Chief, Transactions of the CSAE, CAAE Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Managing Editor of IJABE, Incoming Editor of CIGR Ejournal All staff from the CIGR Editorial Office including part-time editors Rabi Rasaily, Lingyan Zhang AGENDA Master of Ceremony (Emcee) introduces all the attendees 1 Address by Prof. Fedro Zazueta (Via Video Conference) 2 Address by Prof. Wang Maohua, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering 3 Address by Prof. Bill Stout (Via Video Conference) 4 Address by Prof. Li Shujun, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Executive President of CAAMS. 5 Address by Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CSAE and CAAE 6 Address by Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief 7 Report on the preparation work for the CIGR Ejournal Editorial Office by Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department of CAAMS. 8 Formal announcement by Prof. Sren Pedersen, President of the CIGR Ejournal Handover to China Farewell to the foreign guests and End of Video conference Proceed to the second floor of the Office Building of CAAMS, where the CIGR Editorial office and Editor-in-Chief Office locate, to hold the Opening Ceremony. 9 Prof. Li Shujun, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, and Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CAAE CSAE, jointly unveil the nameplates of the Editorial Office and the Editor-in-Chief office of the CIGR Ejournal. 10 Closing the ceremony. Taking group photos. The Inaugural Ceremony of the CIGR Journal Handover will be recorded and the video clip will be played during the 2010 CIGR World Congress at Quebec, Canada, in June 2010.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|5738 次阅读|3 个评论
wangyk 2010-3-7 04:04
王 应 宽 2010-03-6 Beijing , China 除夕前夜召开网络视频会议,研究 CIGR 期刊移交事宜 2010 年 2 月 12 日,农历除夕的前一天, 在经过 25 小时的漫长颠簸,我乘火车从北京到四川万源,再转道回老家陕西镇巴。由于小儿天见寄养在娃儿他大姨(妻姐夫)家,我也就在此停留。在亲朋好友安排的一顿精美火锅接风宴后,风尘仆仆还没顾上休息,就要准备在晚上 8 点钟与美国的专家和北京的同事们一起召开一个网络视频会议。会议主要研究解决国际农业工程学会的会刊 CIGR Journal ( http://www.cigrjournal.org/ ) 的主编人选和期刊交接事宜。由于本人被推荐作为期刊的新任主编,是会议的主角儿,被要求必须参会。因为此前一直参与联系促成此事,对会议的内容已经成竹在胸,无需过多准备。会议如期召开,由 CIGR 即任主席、期刊现任临时主编、佛罗里达大学教授 Fedro 主持,在欢乐祥和、亲切友好的气氛中进行,按照既定议程,顺利完成各项会议内容。尽管家乡缓慢的网络传输速度和房屋里昏暗的灯光影响了我的光辉形象(据说脸上老有马赛克)和交流的效果(声音延迟且有颤音),但最后的结果也如国内许多媒体报道的那样,是一次团结的、胜利的和继往开来的会议。后来得知,会议成功召开令人鼓舞,在北京参会的领导和同事会后举行了庆功宴,开怀畅饮至夜深。具体的会议内容参见会议纪要(附后)。 CIGR 期刊创办十余年了,但因为缺乏专门的编辑队伍和必要的资金支持,期刊在学科领域内虽有较大影响,但仍然没有被主流的国际检索系统收录。 CIGR 前任主席、前任主编 Bill Stout 教授退休,暂由 CIGR 当选主席 Fedro 教授临时代管,同时全球招聘主编。好友 Bill Stout 教授因为对我的了解,认为我拥有专业背景强、办刊经验多、英语好等诸多优势:如具有农业工程专业背景(硕士学位)、北大编辑出版学博士学位、十余年办刊经验、新创办了国际英文刊 IJABE ,是 Open access 和 OJS 方面的专家,良好的英语等,于是多次给 CIGR 现任主席和主席团写信,力荐我接任该刊主编。我原本打算以个人名义参与做些工作,拓宽一下自身的学术视野和交际圈得了。但认真考虑之后,担任如此大一个国际组织的期刊主编,不是仅靠一时热情和个人力量可以做好的。于是,开始倡导把这个期刊拿到中国来办,也就是由中国来承办这本国际期刊,这才逐步促成了 CIGR , CASE , CSAM 三方协议的签署,由 CSAM 出钱、 CSAE 出人、大家共同出力来办好这本期刊。 CIGR( http://www.cigr.org/ , 国际农业工程学会)是法语名称单词的首字母缩写的简称( Congrs International du Gnie Rural ),后改用英文名 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 。如今随着学科和科学的发展,为顺应农业工程的发展趋势, 2008 年 9 月在巴西召开的会员大会通过,在原来英文名称里有增加了生物内容的单词( International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering ) , 但是缩写还是沿用最初的 CIGR )。 CIGR 是农业工程界最大的国际组织, 1930 年在比利时的列日市成立,至今拥有 100 多个国家会员。中国农业机械学会( CSAM )和中国农业工程学会 (CSAE) 联合起来以国家会员方式加入 CIGR 的。 CIGR 期刊过去十年多已经发表各类文章近千篇,作者来自 60 个国家和地区。随着中国经济、科技、文化的发展,中国农业工程事业也将蒸蒸日上,举世瞩目,因此希望借此期刊,把世界的目光吸引到中国,把世界农业工程的中心逐步转移到中国。 此次会议后,我已经被确认的期刊的新任主编,待最近一次 CIGR 主席团会议后,将宣布我担任主编,正式接管工作。最近频繁的视频会议,主要围绕工作移交。 国际农业工程学会期刊视频会议纪要 中方参会人员: 李树 君 中国农机学会副理事长、中国农机院常务副院长 赵小鹏 中国农机学会国际合作部部长 秦京光 中国农业工程学会秘书长 管小冬 中国农业工程学会副秘书长 靳佩贞 农业部规划设计研究院农业工程科技信息中心主任 刘瑞雯 中国农机学会副秘书长 张振新 中国农机学会副秘书长 王应宽 推选出的 CIGR 期刊主编,IJABE执行主编,中国农业工程学会 张兰芳 中国农机学会国际合作部 李清 中国农机学会国际合作部 美方参会人员: Fedro Zazueta CIGR 即任主席、 CIGR 期刊现任主编 Bill Stout CIGR 前任主席、 CIGR 期刊前任主编 辛建农 CIGR 期刊编辑、佛罗里达大学教授 2010 年 2 月 12 日北京时间晚 8 时,就 CIGR 期刊一事召开了国际视频会议。此次会议同时有五方视频终端参与,包括中国农业机械化科学研究院 A 座 606 视频会议室、美国佛罗里达大学、美国爱得荷州博伊西 Bill Stout 教授家中和中国陕西王应宽博士的家中等。 中方主要参会人员在中国农机院的 A606 视频会议通过网络平台参与了会议。中国农机院常务副院长、中国农业机械学会副理事长 李树 君博士主持了中国方面的会议。他代表中国农机学会和中国农工学会首先致辞,感谢 CIGR 领导层对中国的支持,感谢 CIGR 将其学术期刊交由中国两个学会承办。他表示中国农机学会、中国农工学会完全同意 CIGR 主席 Pedersen 教授代表 CIGR 发给中国农机学会和中国农工学会亲笔签名的有关 CIGR 期刊主编及相关事宜的正式信函,两学会将在 CIGR 期刊工作中通力合作。李院长还表示两个学会将按照 2009 年 10 月 16 日 中国农机学会 李树 君副理事长、中国农工学会朱明理事长在中国农机院与 CIGR 主席 Pedersen 教授共同签署的合作协议以及 CIGR 期刊章程等文件承办运作 CIGR 学术期刊、努力做好具体的文章编辑及网上发行工作,力争将这一期刊办成国际农业工程界的一流期刊。 农机学会国际合作部 张兰芳 教授就 CIGR 期刊的具体问题,如期刊的核心机 构组成、期刊政策委员会成员组成、成员任期、期刊管理委员会和期刊政策委员会的关系等与 CIGR 即任主席、 CIGR 期刊现任主编、美国佛罗里达大学 Fedro Zazueta 教授进行了交流与沟通,明确了一些如 CIGR 期刊政策委员会成员选择的条件与资质等需要在 2010 年 6 月加拿大魁北克召开的 CIGR 常务理事会讨论解决等问题。 CIGR 期刊即任主编,中国农业工程学会王应宽博士就 中方编辑部人员 OJS 技术培训的计划向 Fedro Zazueta 教授做了通报,就 CIGR 期刊的交接时间及具体手续等相关事宜与 Fedro Zazueta 教授进行了沟通与商讨,由于王博士家乡网络的技术问题,语音图像传输的效果不是太好,后在王博士的委托下,中国农机学会张兰芳教授代其与 CIGR 方面进行了补充交流。经过友好交谈和 充分沟通 ,各方取得一致,会议 确定了期刊承办权移交将于中国春节长假结束后( 2010 年 2 月 23 日 )通过网络操作实施,尽快实现和完成 CIGR 期刊编辑工作的交接。 视频会议上 Fedro Zazueta 教授提出就 CIGR 期刊编辑工作的 具体 交接再次召开视频会议(主要是期刊主编之间),就一些工作上的具体步骤进行沟通,具体时间通过电子邮件确定。 视频会议历时 45 分钟成功结束,达到了我们预先召开会议的目的。本次会议是我们首次参加的完全通过网络视频手段召开的国际视频会议。中国农机院网络中心在时间短、任务重的情况下,与院国际合作部人员合作,不断与外方进行技术沟通交流,努力工作,在现有的条件下保证了会议如期高质量地举行,出色圆满地完成了任务。 此次会议是我们走向国际化的重要一步,实现了我们可远程洲际办公、体现了我们融入国际高效快捷的办公方式。 CIGR 期刊正式入驻中国,标志着中国农机学会、中国农工学会在国际农业工程界的地位及影响力的显著提升。随着我国国力日渐强盛,我国农业工程界人士将在国际舞台上扮演更加重要的角色。 2010年2月12日晚上8点在北京参加CIGR期刊网络视频会议的同志们
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|5347 次阅读|2 个评论

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