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xiegming 2010-1-10 13:29
以下是一个研究生听了黄琳院士讲座之后给我的汇报,与大家共同学习: 学好专业知识,达到创新 这次黄老师的讲座主要是针对控制类的研究生。 黄老师现在是我们工学院唯一的全职院士,黄老师一直在我们北大工作,包括上学工作已经很多年了,黄老师在力学和控制理论学科都有很深的造诣,且做出了许多写入教科书的奠基性的工作。分享院士科研经验,聆听黄老师教诲,用来指导科研实践是本次讲座的目的。 读书是为了什么?在封建社会,一个说法:书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉!说的好啊。文化大革命时期讲越有知识越反动,不乱不治。北大炊事员曾说,教授有什么用,我们还会做饭呢。知识被贬低道如此地步,这是十分荒谬的,当然也会产生各种各样的社会问题,社会经济停滞不前倒退,这对我们国家来说有深刻的历史教训,这更加彰显了知识的重要性。 我们国家经济的基础来源于农业经济,尽管建国以来到现在国家科技实力不断的在进步,但是毕竟我们国家直接从封建中走来,一下跳到了社会主义,没有经历资本主义大发展时代,所以直接导致了我们对一些问题的认识度不高,这在知识产权问题上表现的尤为明显。我们造一台MP3,利润的3/4都要交专利费,是交给人家了。有数据统计,在2006年,我国6家规模相当的软件公司总共才有几十项专利,而美国仅IBM公司就有3000多项专利,仅专利费一项就入170亿美元,在这点上可以看出,知识是无价的。 我们某些同志是意识不道知识的重要性的。知识是需要积累的,而这种积累又是需要时间的。在相当长一段时间内,领导们没把基础科学研究当成一回事,造成了在相当的时间内我们国家的科研水平发展缓慢。 曾经有过这么种不良想法:造飞机不如买飞机,买飞机不如租飞机,把我们辛辛苦苦研究建立起来的科研数据白白浪费了,因为造飞机这件事是需要长期坚持的,气动力的数据库也是需要长期积累的,长期的这样的思想的影响造成了我们科技创新能力很差,与发达资本主义国家的差距在几十年以上。 近段时间针对中国不断的反倾销调查,我们可以发现反倾销调查无一例外都是科技含量不高的产品,如果是高科技的产品,他们还求之不得呢,得想方设法的请咱卖给他。对于那些高科技产品,虽然我们不主张漫天要价,但是我们想要多少就要多少,哪里还来反倾销啊。 现在我们充分的认识到科技是第一生产力。在经济全球化发展的今天,我们必须要按照通用的规矩办事,不能我行我素的胡来。知识产权是要保护的。 要有知识,要有创新,这对一个国家的进步的作用巨大的。 对于我们研究生,一定要先学好专业知识,不能糊弄。糊弄也好糊弄,很多人是在读书,看懂的看不懂的稀里糊涂的都过去,读下来,连自己的脑子也乱成浆糊了,怎么还能谈创新? 我们要学好专业知识,打下坚实的基础,我们不主张做民间科学家。民间科学家因为没有经过严格的科学训练,虽然从某种意义上讲即使是造出了某些东西,但是在其他方面比如能耗、稳定性等非常重要方面,你跟他们讲,他们都不懂,也不懂怎么去做。 我们做科研,功底必须扎实,要有严格的训练,严格训练的严格跟刻苦不等价,一个人整天坐在那里刻苦,不见得有严格的训练,严格的训练必须有科学的训练。 要有扎实的基础,必须多看书,但书看的多,不一定扎实。还是一点要强调,深厚的功底必须经过严格的科学的训练。 科研还要有宽广的视野,钱老曾经说过,科研就像建金字塔,它需要科研人员有深厚和宽广的知识面,因为现在好多学科说白了都是交叉综合的,宽广的视野不但能为科研人员提供丰富的灵感,提高科研效率,更能达到意想不到的效果。 我们要做专业科学家,专业科学家是不说数学上无根据的话的,在专业科学家眼里,宇宙中的万事万物都是可理的,有解的,暂时的无解也是研究的深度还不够,我们是唯物的,强调宇宙是可知的。 做科研犹如谱音乐,科学家和音乐家都需要严格科学的训练。 看书的过程,是要把书先看厚后看薄,把书看厚是你认知的过程,把书看薄你是读懂读透的过程,黄老师建议我们看完书,或者看完一段书以后,要闭上眼睛想想,回忆思考一下,看了什么。通常我们看书都是读通了,所谓读通了,就是能读过去,没打嗝,但真正看透了吗,我想这是一个值得思考的问题。 黄老师强调创新的重要性。 黄老师讲:搞科研是一项工程,是一项艰苦的过程。我们进行科学研究首先要端正自己目的,即我们搞科研的激情从哪里来?首先我们进行科学研究不能为钱,钱是个坏东西,沾上了这个,什么都难搞。现在的某些制度,比如发表多少篇怎么怎么样的文章怎么进行奖励,直接或间接的影响了目前的学术氛围,导致了学术腐败频发,一稿多投,一个项目往往能搞出很多篇的文章,导致文章的质量不敢苟同,我们要静下来想想,这个领域值得发100来篇文章吗?我们搞科研,做学问,是要发文章,发文章是为了与国际上的同僚进行更好的学术交流,这才是文章的目的所在,故文章必须是反映了你的深层面的工作。当然了,目前国内的这些气氛也是制度所导致的,我们处在这个环境里,不谋求改变什么,但求洁身自好,保持科研的一份真纯。通过科研解决问题,追求不是复杂,有些同志做问题,把简单的问题搞复杂,以为这样是好的,其实不然,许多问题,其实你用简单的方法做出来,其实效果上并不差,也不一定是不可行的,工学讲求的是实用,你做理论可以做,但实际中有很多的限制因素导致了某些控制算法的不可行。 工学,尤其使我们的控制类专业,需要较强的数学功底,但数学这个东西你是学不完的,结合自己的专业方向,有目的的学习需要的数学知识,才是我们的第一选择。 创新,创的是新。其实好多情况下,有些同志的科研狭隘地仅局限在看别人的论文或者研究成果,发现一些小问题,补补漏洞,写篇文章,也能毕业,但这谈不上创新。这也是最初级的阶段。创新必须是建立在充分理解吸收前人的思想的基础上,也是站在巨人的肩膀上,看看这个问题别人研究到什么程度了,还有什么地方没有挖掘,我能不能研究。确定了自己能力范围内的课题,就该潜下心来进行科研创新。当然有更高的阶段是开创一个领域,开拓一个方向,这是最高阶段。 最后黄老师送给我们几句话, 学好专业,不要糊弄 耐心实践,心无杂念 反复训练,勤于钻研 认真负责,杜绝忽悠 我想,我们要谨记黄老师的警句,以行动来实践自己的科研承诺。
个人分类: 记忆·感触·工作|5192 次阅读|8 个评论
热度 1 xiaoxue6228 2009-12-19 14:34
PID控制是工程控制中最常用的控制算法,最简单的PID控制就是 其实质就是一个关于比例,积分,微分控制公式 注:上式中第一个Td应改为Ti,为笔误. 其传递函数为G(s)=U(s)/error(s)=Kp*[1+(1/Ti*s+Td*s)} 当反馈中有误差存在时, (1)比例坏节第一时间对误差进行放大送给控制器, (2)而积分环节扮演的角色就是当有误差时误差随着时间的增加就会越来越大, (3)而微分环节所扮演的角色就是当误差变化向减小方向时(即(e(t)-e(t-1)0)),微分的作用就是负方向的,而当误差变化向较大方向变化时(即e(t)-e(t-1)0),微分作用就是正方向的且误差变化(e(t)-e(t-1)的值)越快那么微分作用就越大。 从以上三条中我们可以得到一个很有效的信息那就是比例积分对误差的作用都是正作用的,但是微分却不同,微分与误差没有关系只与系统加速与减速有关,若系统在加速那么微分作用为正,若系统为减速那么微分作用为负向,它可以有效地对系统进行动态的调节,对系统的惯性进行有效的抑制。
个人分类: 生活点滴|5585 次阅读|1 个评论
IEEE决策与控制(CDC 2010)国际会议预报
wanyuehua 2009-12-6 07:58
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2010) 会议网址: http://www.ieeecss.org/CAB/conferences/cdc2010/index.php 论文摘要提交截止日期:2010年3月15日,论文录用通知:2010年7月15日 会议地点:美国乔治亚州亚特兰大,2010年12月5日2010年12月7日 该会议由IEEE Control Systems Society ( CSS )、Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ( SIAM )、Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences ( INFORMS )、Japanese Society for Instrument and Control Engineers ( SICE )和European Union Control Association ( EUCA ) 主办,基本是每年召开一次,2010年会议已是49届,会议论文集由IEEE出版,每届会议均选择优秀论文到SCI、EI收录期刊出版, 该 会议论文均被EI、ISTP收录。 2008 年的47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control会议被EI、ISTP收录936篇,其中美国197篇,意大利114篇,法国101篇,日本57篇,澳大利亚51篇,英国47篇,瑞典41篇,中国、加拿大、荷兰各40篇,墨西哥36篇,德国28篇等。 2007 年的46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control会议被EI、ISTP收录1047篇,其中美国240篇,意大利104篇,法国81篇,中国80篇,日本63篇,加拿大54篇,澳大利亚50篇,英国43篇,瑞典39篇,荷兰各28篇等。
个人分类: 国际会议预报|8917 次阅读|0 个评论
josh 2009-9-17 15:53
1.周克敏等的《robust and optimal control》中插画 什么需要控制? 2. 联合利华引进了一条香皂包装生产线,结果发现这条生产线有个缺陷:常常会有盒子里没装入香皂。总不能把空盒子卖给顾客啊,他们只得请了一个学 自动化的博士后 设计一个方案来分拣空的香皂盒。博士后拉起了一个十几人的科研攻关小组,综合采用了 机械、微电子、自动化、x射线探测 等技术,花了几十万,成功解决了问题。每当生产线上有空香皂盒通过,两旁的探测器会检测到,并且驱动一只机械手把空皂盒推走。 中国南方有个乡镇企业也买了同样的生产线,老板发现这个问题后大为发火,找了个小工来说:你他妈给老子把这个搞定,不然你给老子滚蛋~。小工很快想出了办法:他在生产线旁边放了台风扇猛吹,空皂盒自然会被吹走。 能不能不用反馈控制? 3.超级复杂多米诺装置 最简单的反馈控制是什么?
个人分类: Engineering Cybernetics|1403 次阅读|0 个评论
josh 2009-8-28 23:04
1. 某个控制理论能否直接应用在工程上设计被控制系统或被操纵系统? 或者可以应用在未来能够出现的工程上设计被控制系统或被操纵系统? 2. 是否把工程实际中所应用到的许多设计原则加以整理与总结,使之成为理论? 是否提炼出可作为工程控制论本身的基本概念? 3. 如果没有某个控制理论,对于什么工程中可以利用的方法的了解和利用会大大延迟? 如果没有某个控制理论,工程中什么问题的解决会受到阻滞? 或者说,工程界有没有受到某个控制理论的出现的潜在影响? 4. 有没有观察到不同工程领域的在“控制意义”上等价的问题,总结出系统的控制方法,同时在不同工程领域之间互通有无? 可以得到解决旧问题的更有效的新方法,同时揭示新的以前没有看到过的前景? 5. 某个控制理论有没有由于数学的困难逃避对于工程实践可能有用的某个方面,而只是追求原创性,简洁性和数学上的结构和“美”? 有没有逃避理论本身物理和工程上的意义? 有没有逃避涉及到的物理和工程上的待解决的问题? 6.某个理论是不是 只在理论上“严格”证明一个已经在工程中成功应用的控制方法的“合理性”? 甚至为了证明合理性改变了原方法?
个人分类: Engineering Cybernetics|913 次阅读|0 个评论
The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Measuring Technology & Mechatronics Au
xiangzr1969 2009-7-31 12:15
The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Measuring Technology Mechatronics Automation March 1314, 2010 Changsha, China www.icmtma-2010.org Call for Papers ICMTMA 2010 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists, engineers, and educators to present the state of the art ofmeasuring technologyand mechatronics automation research. The conference will feature plenary speeches given by renowned scholars and regular sessions with broad coverage. All accepted papers will appear in ICMTMA conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society and will beindexed byboth EI and ISTP . Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: Topic A Sensor Phenomena, Modeling And Evaluation Fundamental And Technology of Sensors And Converters Chemical Sensor 、 Gas Sensors 、 Biosensors 、 Optical Sensors 、 Mechanical Sensors 、 Physical Sensors Sensor/Actuator Systems Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks Intelligent Sensor and Soft Sensor Data Acquisition and Measurement Engineering Virtual Instruments Design on Measuring ElectricCircuit New Technology on Developing Sensor Applications Topic B Signal Processing Signal Processing Theory Methods Adaptive Signal Processing and Blind Signal Processing Independent Component Analysis Multimedia Signal Processing Image Video Signal Processing Speech Processing Array Multi-Channel Signal Processing Signal Processing for Communications Time Series Analysis Error Theory and Analysis Topic C Control Theory And Application AI, Intelligent Control, Neuro-Control,Fuzzy Control and Their Applications Control System Modeling and Simulation Techniques and Methodologies Intelligent Optimization Algorithm And Application Electric Automation Man-Machine Interactions And Instrumentation Systems Industrial Automation, Process Control, Manufacturing Process Network Control Automotive Control Systems and Autonomous Vehicles Transport Control Theory And Methodologies System Engineering Theory and Practice Topic D Mechanic ManufacturingSystem and Automation Manufacturing Process Simulation CIMS and Manufacturing System Mechanical and Liquid Flow Dynamic CAD/CAM/CIM Vibration Measuring and Reliability Analysis Finite Element Analysis and structure optimization Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance Theory Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics Elements, Structures, Mechanisms, and Applications of Micro and Nano Systems Complex mechanical- electro-liquid System PDM, ERP, logistics and Supply Chain Vehicle Engineering and Safe Others TopicE Material science and Technology in Manufacturing Atificial Material Forming and Joining Novel Material Fabrication Green Manufacturing Design and Manufacturing of Composite Components Surface Science and Engineering Quality Control of Manufacturing Systems Others Important Dates Deadline forManuscript Submissions: Notification of Acceptance: Submission of Final Papers: Conference: Oct 1, 2009 Nov 1, 2009 Nov 15, 2009 Mar 1314, 2010
个人分类: 学习论坛|7203 次阅读|1 个评论
The Eighth IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation
xiangzr1969 2009-7-28 19:55
The Eighth IEEE International Conference on Control Automation June 911, 2010 Xiamen, China Call for Papers The 8th IEEE International Conference on Control Automation (ICCA10) will be held from June 9 to 11, 2010, in Xiamen , China . The conference is jointly organized by IEEE Control Systems Chapter, Singapore , and IEEE Control Systems Chapter, Guangzhou , China , and is technically sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society, the Technical Committee of Control Theory, Chinese Association of Automation, and Xiamen University . It aims to create a forum for scientists and practicing engineers throughout the world to present the latest research findings and ideas in the areas of control and automation. Xiamen, also called Amoy, translated means Lower Gate to the Sea, is a beautiful garden city located on the scenic coastline of the Taiwan Strait in southeastern China . Nearby the City of Xiamen is the famous Wuyi Mountain , which was conferred as the UNESCO World Natural Heritage and the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in 1999. ICCA Proceedings are included in EI Compendex, IEEE Xplore and ISI Proceedings (ISTP). Topics of interest include but not limited to Modeling of Complex Systems Optimal Control Linear Systems Discrete Event Systems Robust and Control Adaptive Control Nonlinear Systems and Control Learning Systems Fuzzy and Neural Systems Intelligent and AI Based Control Estimation and Identification Real-time Systems Fault Detection Sensor/data fusion Process Control Instrumentation Robotics Motion Control Automated Guided Vehicles Flexible Manufacturing Systems Control Education Integrated Manufacturing Control Applications Factory Modeling and Automation Process Automation Petri-Nets and Applications Man-machine Interactions Micro and Nano Systems Smart Structures Three Keynote Speeches Three keynote speeches by well known experts in control and automation and a plenary panel discussion on emerging topics will be included in the conference program. Submission of Papers Authors should submit the full version of their manuscripts online through the conference web site at http://uav.ece.nus.edu.sg/~icca10/. General inquiries should be addressed directly to Program Chair, Professor Jianliang Wang, at Nanyang Technological University (e-mail: icca2010@ntu.edu.sg ). Proposals for invited sessions in the related areas are also solicited and should be submitted through email to Invited Session Chair, Professor Gary Feng at City University of Hong Kong (e-mail: megfeng@cityu.edu.hk ). All materials must be written in English, and a paper should be submitted only if you intend to present the paper at the conference. The manuscript to be submitted to the conference should contain sufficient details including key concepts and novel features of the work. It should include the title, authors, mailing addresses, affiliations, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses. Important Dates Deadline for Manuscript Submissions: October 1, 2009 Notification of Acceptance: January 1, 2010 ,Submission of Final Papers: March 1, 2010 , Conference: June 9 11, 2010
个人分类: 学习论坛|6256 次阅读|0 个评论
yahuang 2009-7-21 16:19
The Third International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control(ICDVC-2010) 12-14 May 2010, Hangzhou, China 会议主页: http://saa.zju.edu.cn/ICDVC2010/ Proceedings and Special Issues The extended abstracts (3-4 A4 pages) will be published in the Conference Proceedings with CD-ROM. A number of selected full papers will be recommended to publish in the following international journals after the conference: 1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos; 2 Journal of Sound and Vibration; 3 Science in China E, G; 4 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. Important Dates May 31, 2009: Mini-symposium proposal submission September 30, 2009: Pre-registration, Extended abstract submission December 31, 2009: Notification of acceptance February. 28, 2010: Revised extend abstract or full paper submission
3761 次阅读|0 个评论
sunapple 2009-6-24 08:17
悲乎屈原之痛中国产业不设防 悲乎屈原之痛 中国 产业不设防 前几天就看了中央二台关于金龙鱼上调油价的讨论。关于外资控股中国很多产业的说法早就知道,关于新加坡控股的金龙鱼系列食用油已经占中国食用油半壁江山,外资已经控股中国食用油加工 80% 的资料不仅贫道知道,国家相关部门肯定也很清楚。但是,无论中央还是地方,无论老百姓还是学者们都不太在乎,因为这都符合市场规则,也都是中国加入 WTO 允诺的。引进外资本来就是国策,引进外国先进管理也是国策。现在,连中央电视台这些迟钝的记者们也注意到了,这事情不那么简单。 报道中记者采访金龙鱼中国负责人,他讲金龙鱼系列提价 10% 的原因是国际大豆等价格有些上扬。记者接着采访其他相关人员,都指出期货与零售没什么关系,关键是大豆等油料的价格一直在下降,原料上升完全是借口。情况只与这些情况有关:到目前为止,中国食用油加工行业 80% 是外资控制;中国大豆进口 80% 渠道是外国公司控制;同时,中国油料产量从 2000 年达到近 5000 万吨, 2007 年的 4288 万吨, 2 年下降 14.2% 。而 2008 年我国大豆进口已经达到 3744 万吨,是 2007 年全国油料总产量的 87% 。 2009 年大豆进口又激增,一季度大豆进口就达到 1750 万吨,而且逐月增加,预计全年大豆进口不会低于 7000 万吨,是全国油料产量的两倍多,也就是中国油料 64% 将依赖进口。 这就是 2005 年 5 升装金龙鱼色拉油 35 元一桶, 2007 年 50 元一桶, 2009 年 3 月 60 元一桶,现在还要提价 10% 的原因。看到一则消息,专家评论说今后食用油价格主要看生产厂家的态度了。什么是态度,也就是脸色。也就是他们想涨想跌你是管不住的,中国人以后只有看外国人脸色来吃油了。哈哈,终于知道厉害了吧。只要你吃的油 80% 是外国控股企业生产的,他们用的原料 64% 是从外国进口的,而进口的 80% 是外资控制的,你能不看他们脸色吃油? 1992 到 2000 年,我国油料产量从 2800 万吨增长到近 5000 万吨,其中大豆从 1250 增长到 2010 万吨,年均增长 6.1% 。大豆是我国开放最早的农产品市场之一,根据 WTO 协议, 2001 年以后,我国大豆市场大门已经彻底打开。丰益国际(金龙鱼) 2008 年营业收入 291.45 亿美元,同比增加 77% ;净利润 15.31 亿美元,同比暴增 164% 。其他外资企业 ADM 、邦基、嘉吉利润分别为 18.02 亿美元、 10.64 亿美元、 39.51 亿美元。     怎么榨油企业在中国人手里就亏,到外国人手里就赚呢?是不是他们经营水平就是高呢?看完前面一段就知道,只要掌握了一个国家的油料和食用油的定价权,怎么能不盈利呢?     事情发生在 2003 年,当年 美国 大豆在芝加哥期货上市后,价格突然上升,中国加工企业大量高位吃进。此后又莫名其妙突然猛降,使中国加工企业每加工一吨油亏损 500 元,造成国内 70% 企业停产。 2003 年至 2005 年间,四大国际粮商( ADM 、邦吉、嘉吉和路易达孚)大举进入中国,通过低成本兼并重组,控制了中国 66 %的大型油脂企业,控制产能达 85 %。     外资控制中国榨油行业后,开始大量进口价格低出油率高的转基因大豆,使我国东北农民生产大豆没人收购,造成大豆产量自 2003 年后逐渐降低,到 2007 年年均下降 9% 。这就造成了当前中国食用油产业链的现状。     其实,早在 2004 年,有关大豆和食用油加工业的情况就有很多研究报告和警示,很多非主流研究人员在网上和内刊上发表过很多研究报告和建议,希望进行控制。     现在,很多非主流研究人员还在告诉有关单位:外资正用同样手法染指中国粮食加工业,肉类企业,而且已经大有斩获。     也许有一天,中国人的嘴,就会完全被外国人管着。到那一年的端午节,这些呕血的人大概也只有跳汨罗江的份了。     其实,中国被外国人完全控制的行业并不只食品业,利润最高的洗化行业早就被外资控制了。     l993 年,英国联合利华公司收购了中华牙膏。 l994 年,熊猫与美国宝洁组建合资公司北京熊猫宝洁洗涤用品有限公司,宝洁以65%的股份控股合资公司。2002年,北京日化二厂正式从宝洁手中收回了熊猫品牌。 l994 年,英国联合利华公司收购了著名品牌美加净, 该品牌原占有国内市场近20%。此前的1990年,上海家化与庄臣合资,美加净商标被搁置。跨国公司向上海家化投入巨资,实际上是将美加净逐出市场,为自己的品牌开路。上海家化的销售额从3亿元骤降至600万元。 2002 年,上海牙膏厂对外正式宣布将从联合利华手中收回美加净牙膏品牌, 但已失去了发展的宝贵时机。 l996 年,活力28集团公司与德国美洁时有限公司的合资公司湖北活力美洁时洗涤用品有限公司宣告成立,德方控股60%。7年后,中方收回品牌。 l996 年,德国汉高公司收购徐州海鸥集团有限公司。  2003年12月11日 下午,经历4 年的谈判,法国欧莱雅集团在北京宣布:欧莱雅集团正式签订了收购中国护肤品牌小护士的协议,完成其收购中国品牌的首个案例。此次对小护士品牌的收购,还包括其位于湖北宜昌市的一个生产基地以及小护士所有分销、管理系统,所有这些全部纳入欧莱雅旗下。相对收购之前小护士的知名度也渐渐在淡去。 2004 年 欧莱雅集团 又收购羽西。至此, 欧莱雅 在 彩妆 领域排名第一,在护肤领域完成两次并购后名列第二。中国化妆品市场的竞争已形成外资主导的局面。  2007年10月2日 ,德国拜尔斯道夫集团(Beiersdorf)( 旗下代表产品:妮维雅)以3.17亿欧元(约35亿人民币)的价格,收购了国内最大的日化企业丝宝集团85%的股份。   2008 年7月30日   ,几经博弈,力克宝洁、联合利华等众多对手,强生(中国)投资有限公司终于成功将北京大宝化妆品有限公司收归旗下。 大宝2005年销售额为7.8亿元(占全国市场1%),在国内护肤品企业中排名第一,这样,强生就拥有了大宝遍布全国的二、三线营销 网络 。 大宝是还会续写大宝,天天见的神话,还是从老百姓的视野中慢慢消失,这将不得而知。 美国 宝洁公司从1988年进人中国市场以来, 利用其品牌优势和税收优惠,基本上挤垮了国内洗涤品企业,国内 十大 民用洗涤剂品牌几乎全军覆没。 宝洁公司在华办了 10 家分公司,除上海沙宣是合资企业外其余 9 家是独资公司。 在成功推出飘柔、海飞丝、潘婷、舒肤佳、玉兰油、护舒宝、碧浪、汰渍等系列产品并主导了中国日化消费品潮流之后,终于在 2004年5月11日 ,与在华合作16年的老伙伴和黄分道扬镳,并宣告一个月内实现在华独资。宝洁公司仅 飘柔、海飞丝、潘婷、沙宣四个品牌,就占有60%以上的国内市场,超过了国际公认的垄断线。宝洁每招收一名员工,就意味着中国原洗涤剂企业有2~3名员工下岗。     其实哪里只有食品和洗化? 目前世界 500 家最大的跨国公司已有 480 多家在华投资办企业。据权威人士指出,早在 1995 年外商已对中国橡胶、轮胎、啤酒、造纸、洗涤用品、碳酸饮料、医药、电梯、机床、彩管、灯泡、集装箱、录像机、光纤光缆、移动电话、程控交换机、计算机、微电机、电子元件、轿车等 20 多个行业或产品形成了控制局面(《 经济 导报》 1998 年 5 月 20 日)。据中国企业管理协会 1995 年调查,进口品牌和合资品牌占中国销售市场在 60 %以上的产品有:轿车、洗发精(占 64 . 5 %)、香皂(占 87 . 1 %)、洗衣粉、美容化妆品、卫生巾、奶粉、可乐和汽水(占 70.4 %)、胶卷等几百种商品和上万种规格。据《经济参考报》 1996 年 8 月 12 日报道,洋货在中国市场占有率:摄录机占 99% 、传真机占 98% ,化妆品 75% ,洗发用品占 75 %。时间又过去了十多年,随着外商增资扩股,大肆收购兼并国有企业,大办独资和控股企业,外商特别是跨国公司进一步控制中国制造业,有全面收购中国机械装备工业的企图,并有全面主宰中国商品市场的危险。     从 90 年代中期到现在,是中国与西方矛盾最缓和的时期,中国是我家大门常打开,不仅不设防,而是千方百计吸引外资收购。尤其是地方 政府 积极性最高。出让国企吸引外资本来就是政绩,卖得越多越有本事。而且卖了地方国企,收入又是本地财政的。中央主管的商业部、外经贸部、银行等主要控制司局的负责人恰好是北大法律系的一个卖国团伙(最近都双规了),上下勾结,内外勾结,于是,中国在一个和平时期,高高兴兴地把国家最赚钱的行业都给了外国人。     国企由政府卖给外国人和私人企业,私人企业再卖给外国人。这个路子当然还在走。看到最近说要私企进入国企垄断行业,就知道新一轮又开始了。无非今后看不见政府卖国企给洋人,而是政府卖国企给私人,私人再卖给洋人。就这么一路卖下去,还能剩些什么呢?     贫道开过超市。小型超市销售最大的两个部类,一个是食品,一个是洗化,第三才是塑料制品等。以前我们都说外国超市里 80% 的产品是中国制造,其实中国超市里和外国超市里 80% 的产品都是洋人在中国制造。     看到这样一些介绍:屈原出身贵族,明于治乱,娴于辞令,早年深受楚怀王的宠信,位为左徒、三闾大夫。屈原为实现楚国的统一大业,对内积极辅佐怀王变法图强,对外坚决主张联齐抗秦,使楚国一度出现了一个国富兵强、威震诸侯的局面。但是由于在内政外交上屈原与楚国腐朽贵族集团发生了尖锐的矛盾,由于上官大夫等人的嫉妒,屈原后来遭到群小的诬陷和楚怀王的疏远。怀王十五年(前 304 年),张仪由秦至楚,以重金收买靳尚、子兰、郑袖等人充当内奸,同时以献商於之地六百里诱骗怀王,致使齐楚断交。怀王受骗后恼羞成怒,两度向秦出兵,均遭惨败。于是屈原奉命出使齐国重修齐楚旧好。此间张仪又一次由秦至楚,进行瓦解齐楚 联盟 的活动,使齐楚联盟未能成功。怀王二十四年,秦楚黄棘之盟,楚国彻底投入了秦的怀抱。屈原亦被逐出郢都,到了汉北。怀王三十年,屈原回到郢都。同年,秦约怀王武关相会,怀王遂被秦扣留,最终客死秦国,顷襄王即位后继续实施投降 政策 ,屈原再次被逐出郢都,流放江南,辗转流离于沅、湘二水之间。 2287 年前,屈原投汨罗江而死。 中国现在似乎没有当年楚国的危险,虎狼之师的秦军还没有兵临城下,似乎还没人能像屈原那样绝望。屈原跳汨罗江后 56 年,楚国亡。 中美共治的梦,不就是秦楚黄棘之盟吗!
个人分类: 技术力论坛|2564 次阅读|2 个评论
sunapple 2009-6-6 21:53
决不允许校内网在中国搞舆论新租界!  090606 决不允许校内网在 中国 搞舆论新租界!   (江西李建军090606原创,转载注明出处)   一、日本控股的校内网的可耻行径和反动本质       1 、日本鬼子花4亿美元投资校内网掌控2200万学生资料。 总部位于北京的千橡互动成立的学生社区网站,每月吸引200万新会员注册,最近统计该网站一共有2200万会员。据:中国B2B研究中心讯,《日经新闻》报导,日本软件银行(Softbank)公司已和千橡互动集团(校内网所属公司)达成协议,将以400亿日元买下该公司40%的股权。从此,日本公司软银集团正式成为千橡互动(校内网)第一大股东。校内网成为日本买办网站。日本 网络 投资公司此举将轻松掌握和获得中国2200万大学生的个人资料和隐私,已经受到部分中国大学生的质疑和抵制,相当部分大学生表示将删除校内网ID号和所有个人信息数据从此不再上校内网。   http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/university/1/112745.shtml   2 、大量的反动文章在校内网大行其道。   我是 2008 年4月上网开博,偶然机会知道校内网。一年多来在校内网浏览的经历,使我对该网站有比较深入的了解。日本买办校内网有如下特点:一是类似QQ群的模式,每个注册用户可以通过选择朋友、隐私设置的方式拥有一个相对封闭的朋友群。非朋友不能游览。二是可以通过朋友分享的办法,浏览和分享其朋友之朋友的资料。三是及时浏览朋友圈子内的各类半隐蔽的资料。四是可以不受限制及时回复和发表评论和文章照片等。   我上校内一年多来,发现该网站不时出现系列反华、反共、反马列毛、鼓吹分裂、台独等反动文章和照片。如某某某污蔑共产党、毛泽东、攻击 社会主义 的文章和照片;某某污蔑中国饿死了几千万人、污蔑毛泽东是封建皇帝、是某某狂;某某污蔑科学发展观、污蔑中国是某某国度、中国人是某某某人的反动照片;攻击某某公正评价毛泽东的文章;    某某骂爱中国者是爱国贼、鼓吹分裂中国;某某宣传反革命B乱的文章,鼓动学生走上街头、反 政府 的文章---从此文特点看,不是一个学生所写,甚至可能不是一个人所写,一个在台前吹,一群拖在回复中吹、成为热贴;某某假装成学生,以反思自己成长历程为名、宣扬资产阶级自由化、某某有关六四反革命B乱的文章和照片;   某某宣扬分裂、为分裂主义者壮胆打气、恶毒诅咒反分裂正义学生的文章;某某宣扬篡改 历史 、去中国化的文章,实质是宣扬戈培尔的谎言重复千篇就成真理、企图蛊惑人心,分裂中国。某某鼓吹台独、宣扬民进党的文章和照片;某某胡说伟大祖国抛弃了香港和台湾的反动文章;某某歌颂国民党反动派,污蔑当今中国比旧中国还穷的文章;   某某诅咒污蔑马克思和马克思列宁主义主义的文章;某某歌颂私有剥削、攻击公有制完全错误的文章;某某嘲笑社会主义怡笑大方的谬论;某某攻击央视正直主持人的文章;   某某污蔑抗美援朝、歌颂美帝国主义的文章;污蔑中华民族的每一个分子都应该感到羞耻的反动文章;歌颂日本帝国主义前盟友德国法西斯的文章和照片;   校内网以莫须有罪名污蔑正义学生行为不当、警告、封杀账号的污蔑性宣传广告;    我相信我发表此文章后,校内网会可能会采取一些技术手段对上述文章照片进行隐藏,但我复制和留存了大量的这样的反动文章和照片及原文发表起始时间,其罪证不容毁灭。   2 、正义之士屡遭日本买办校内网封杀。   许多朋友和同学因在校内网发表了反击帝国主义走狗、揭露日本军国主义、德国法西斯、分裂主义者、批判买办或私有剥削阶级的文章照片等,终将被校内网封杀账号。而账号上所有的资料和文件全部被日本买办汉奸和强盗窃取一空。   如我(江西李建军)去年发表了揭露日本军国主义滔天罪恶的照片后不久,就被校内网以莫须有的罪名封禁了第一个账号。     2009 年6月3日   我发表了揭露日美韩在东北亚搞军事霸权的文章后,不久就被校内网封杀。随后,我注册新账号,在校内管理员网页发表上述质问文章,立即被封杀了第三、四、五个账号。   我在校内账号中有几百篇文章和大量的与网讨论记录、70-80多个相册等都被校内的日本强盗封号的方式盗取走了!   可见被日本买办校内网是多么的霸道、无耻。       二、校内网的强盗行径与当年侵略者如出一辙       1 、校内网先采取先放水养鱼、放手养猪的手法育肥网友,然后有选择地宰杀左派,支持右派和反动派。   在注册时,校内网要求学生真实写明姓名、籍贯、学校、专业、班级、性别、年龄等资料、并定期要求更新资料和照片,要求购买其网站货币,否则强增强各类限制等。   然后,无审核地允许大学生在自己的校内账号上发表各类照片、文章、回复、状态、一句话日志等。以便逃避他们允许宣扬帝国主义、资本主义、分裂主义、反动思想的责任。   学生为了增加朋友、增加自由度,不停地购买校内货币,不断地发表文章、照片、音像资料等。   有的假冒学生的反动派因此在校内发表了大量的反动照片和文章,在有关文章后面留下了大量的反动留言和宣传链接,以此宣传反动思想,毒害青年学生。   但是,学生账号上留下什么,封杀什么,完全由日本买办说了算,大搞舆论霸权和剥削阶级舆论一律。等盗窃左派大学生的资料差不多了,或发现有正义左派的学生网友与帝国主义、买办剥削阶级唱反调了,事先毫无警告地、也不让学生收回属于自己的资料文章和照片,就凶恶灶封闭账号、没收无数学子的宝贵的资料。   许多学生,因为在校内网页上存有大量的资料,无辜被封杀后,只能再注册新账号,提供新的资料才能与校内的日本买办进行交涉,但左派正义之士很少能如愿收回属于自己的资料。不时看到有一些年青的女学生,给买办网站官员求爹爹、告奶奶似地,请求他们发善心,以期让它们解封送回原本属于自己的资料。   2 、校内网的强盗行径与帝国主义和剥削阶级如出一辙。   过去日本人用枪炮抢劫、强奸中国人民,对中国人民犯下了滔天罪恶。他们烧中国房屋、杀中国人民、强奸中国妇女、现在仍然还有不少日本强盗在参拜强盗的亡灵。中国人民原谅了侵略者,免除了它们对中国人民战争赔款等债务。   改革 开放以来,日本强盗通过资本侵略从中国人民身上又剥削了无数的血汗。   现在,日本人又通过资本收购控制拥有大量学生资料的校内网,大肆地盗取中国学生和中国网民的资料,为进一步侵略中国打基础。在日本买办控制校内网后,校内网立即成为国内外反华、反共、反社会主义右派和剥削分子、对中国大学生进行反动思想渗透、毒害中国青年学生思想和心灵的反动工具。这实质是国内外反动派对中华民族进行的第二次、第三次财富掠夺和精神侵略,它们既控制中国的互联网,掠夺中国的财富,又毒化青少年思想,为帝国主义和平演变中国做准备。       三、决不允许校内网在中国搞舆论新租界!       作为一名中共党员,我是2008年3-4月进入校内网后,看到校内网上反共与反华的言论大行其道,至今一些明显反共、反华、分裂、台独分子网主,还在利用校内网疯狂地反对G产党、反对社会主义制度、宣传分裂祖国的罪恶言论,我忍无可忍地、站在一个中国人一个中共党员的立场上,对一些假冒学生进行了据实反驳,发表了大量的维护无产阶级和社会主义利益的文章和照片。可是,2008年7月9日和2009年6月2号,校内网先后数次以你行为不当的莫须有的罪名,封了我原来的江西李建军的账号。至今已经封杀了我四个校内账号。   1 、是谁给了校内网非法侵占、人身攻击、强盗他人资料的权力?   我要公开质问校内网,为什么日本买办校内网仅以一句你的帐号因不当行为的莫须有罪名,就可以封杀无数中国左派学生和网民的账号?秦桧对 岳飞 的莫须有罪名,是宋朝皇帝给他的权。校内网的权力是谁给的?难道是日本帝国主义的皇帝给了校内这个莫须有的权力?   我要公开质问校内网,我李建军在国内报刊和网站上发表过数百篇文章和照片,虽然有人批判我有时偏激,但从没有人说过我写的东西反动。为什么日本买办校内网数次污蔑有人举报我反动?为什么日本买办校内网以一个行为不当的莫须有的罪名就可以封杀我的号、没收我数百篇文章、八十余个相册、无数资料?是谁给了日本买办校内网非法侵占、人身攻击、强盗中国网民资料的权力?   2 、决不允许校内网在中国办成无产阶级不得入内的现代租界!   我们说,中国在国际媒体界处于弱势,那是由于反华势力 经济 、军事和舆论的强大的原因。中国无产阶级在资产阶级控制的媒体上处于弱势,那是由于剥削阶级为了全面剥削垄断无产阶级的需要。国际反动媒体有帝国主义撑腰,国内反动媒体有反动派和剥削撑腰。   我要问:在中国,在共产党执政的天下,反共和反华的网主可以在日本买办校内网大行其道,而据实反对他们的一些网主竟屡遭受莫须有的污蔑,甚至被封号!校内网舆论霸权从何而来?校内网一些人反华、反共、反社会主义的底气是谁给的?人民有权要求这个日本买办校内网向中国人民作出一个交代?!   想当年,帝国主义在中国搞了许多租界,有的还在门中挂出华人与狗不得入内 的牌子污辱中国人民。这个所谓的校内网---反华言论可大行其道、卫华和卫党言论屡屡遭禁、莫须有污陷很是在行!是谁给了日本买办校内网胡作非为的权力?是不是因为有帝国主义的撑腰和国内反动派的撑腰,日本买办校网才敢于在中国胡作非为?让校内成为无产阶级不得入内的现代租界??   3 、共产党执政的中国决不容忍帝国主义买办们胡作非为   校内网的帝国主义买办强盗的行径决不是偶然,种种迹象表明,帝国主义买办和垄断剥削阶级已经对中国无产阶级下手了,中国无产阶级与帝国主义买办和国内垄断剥削阶级的斗争还刚刚开始。   在反华资本和反华强权的支持下,或者本来就是剥削阶级右派出资建立的网站,必然对它们认为的卫华、卫共、卫社的言论,无情封杀,圈占租界、搞新一轮华人与狗不得入内的罪恶勾当,搞剥削阶级右派的舆论一律,搞帝国主义的舆论霸权,搞资产阶级对无产阶级的思想专政! 
个人分类: 技术力论坛|2537 次阅读|4 个评论
sunapple 2009-6-6 21:48
报告称外资全盘控制中国互联网 呼吁政府重视 2009-06-05 来源:腾讯网 作者:乐山 6月5日消息, 中国 B2B研究中心今日对外发布的《中国互联网外资控制调查报告》(以下简称报告)指出,外资过去十年在促进中国互联网普及的同时,也逐步从资本层面控制了中国互联网产业各个领域。该报告提醒说,如果互联网产业的主流由外资控制,其影响力不亚于一个国家的军队由外国势力操纵,引发的种种潜在后果将十分严重。 该报告称,目前外资控制的范围已经不再局限在国内大型互联网企业,而是全面投向有一定市场地位和影响力的成长性网站,门户网站、搜索引擎、电子商务到WEB2.0的博客、论坛等所有 网络 模式几无幸免。报告还罗列了多家由国外产业资本、风险投资等势力控制的互联网公司(见下列表格)。 此前,国务院研究发展中心发表的一份研究报告也指出,在中国已开放的产业中,每个产业排名前5位的企业几乎都由外资控制;在中国28个主要产业中,外资在21个产业中拥有多数资产控制权。这其中也包括新兴的互联网产业。 据报告显示,目前中国互联网被外资控制大致分为三种形式:第一,互联网企业本身就是外资直接投资控制的,如境外网站以中文版形式在中国落地或在中国寻找代理人;第二,通过各种途径运作国内互联网企业在国外上市。目报告称外资全盘控制中国互联网 呼吁 政府 重视 2009-06-05来源:腾讯网 作者:乐山 6月5日消息,中国B2B研究中心今日对外发布的《中国互联网外资控制调查报告》(以下简称报告)指出,外资过去十年在促进中国互联网普及的同时,也逐步从资本层面控制了中国互联网产业各个领域。该报告提醒说,如果互联网产业的主流由外资控制,其影响力不亚于一个国家的军队由外国势力操纵,引发的种种潜在后果将十分严重。 该报告称,目前外资控制的范围已经不再局限在国内大型互联网企业,而是全面投向有一定市场地位和影响力的成长性网站,门户网站、搜索引擎、电子商务到WEB2.0的博客、论坛等所有 网络 模式几无幸免。报告还罗列了多家由国外产业资本、风险投资等势力控制的互联网公司(见下列表格)。 此前,国务院研究发展中心发表的一份研究报告也指出,在中国已开放的产业中,每个产业排名前5位的企业几乎都由外资控制;在中国28个主要产业中,外资在21个产业中拥有多数资产控制权。这其中也包括新兴的互联网产业。 据报告显示,目前中国互联网被外资控制大致分为三种形式:第一,互联网企业本身就是外资直接投资控制的,如境外网站以中文版形式在中国落地或在中国寻找代理人;第二,通过各种途径运作国内互联网企业在国外上市。目前中国具代表性的16家上市互联网企业有14家在 美国 上市,仅有2家在香港上市;第三,中国互联网企业的风险投资来自境外,这在未上市企业中都极为普遍,且有加速增长的 趋势 。 报告还显示,外资在国内互联网上下通吃,以试图控制整个产业链。以电子商务来讲,无论是B2B、B2C、C2C等领域,还是各个分支应用领域,均有外资高强度参与,也形成了实际的全程控制。 该报告最后还援引 微软 关闭5国MSN事件指出了外资控制中国互联网的潜在危害,并批判了此前互联网是没有国界 的认识误区。报告强调说,互联网俨然已成 经济 社会发展的制高点,是社会变革的工具,是国家竞争的 战略 高地,也是改变世界的战略高地,主宰着未来世界的变迁。未来国家竞争将围绕互联网展开竞争。 该报告最后还呼吁我国政府在外资控制互联网问题上采取以下对策:一是加强宏观监管,加大对外资投资我国互联网重要领域监控;二是完善融资体系,鼓励各项境内资本参与投资互联网产业;三是鼓励自主创新,走有中国特色的民族互联网产业发展 道路 。 附录1:目前有外资背景的互联网企业名单(摘自《中国互联网外资控制调查报告》) 被投资公司 外资风投 被投资公司 外资风投 汽车服务领域(10家) 中国汽车网 高盛、GGV 易车网 NVCC、DCM 爱卡 CNET 汽车之家、che168 澳洲 电信 51汽车 德同 二度车 启明创投 安美途 IDG、海纳亚洲 车盟网 华登国际、德同资本 UAA 凯鹏华盈、CCAS CHE168、AUTOHOME 澳洲电信 医疗健康服务领域(4家) 39健康网 IDG 爱康网 华登国际、ePlanet、中经合 健康中国 IDG 金思特科技 凯鹏华盈 房地产服务领域(1家) 搜房网 澳洲电信 IT传媒服务领域(5家) ZOL CNET PCHOME CNET PCPOP 澳州电讯 IT168 澳州电讯 天极 日本impress 人才招聘服务领域(3家) 智联招聘 SEEK、麦格理 中华英才网 美国Monster 前程无忧 美国DCM 旅游机票酒店服务领域(3家) 携程 日本乐天Rakuten 去哪儿 美国Priceline E龙 Expedia 电子商务服务领域(20家) 阿里巴巴 日本软银、美国雅虎 慧聪 网 IDG 万网 SYNNEX 中国网库 富基旋风 淘宝 网 日本软银、美国雅虎 TOM 易趣 美国EBAY 卓越 亚马逊 当当 网 华登国际、DCM 红孩子 北极光、NEA、凯鹏华盈 乐友 永威 宝宝树 经纬创投 九钻网 美国KPCB、启明创投、RAPAPORT 珂兰钻石网 美国某上市公司 PPG TDF、JAFCOAsia、KPCB VANCL 启明创投、IDG、软银赛富等 手机 之家 PacificNet 北斗手机网 IDG、高原资本等 京东商城 今日资本、雄牛资本、亚洲著名投资银行家梁伯韬私人公司 莎啦啦 IDT 饭统网 日本亚洲投资、伊藤忠商事株式会社、CA-JAIC基金 时尚资讯服务领域(3家) 55bbs CNET Onlady CNET YOKA时尚网 IDG 博客服务领域(2家) 博客网 软银赛富、GGV 女性博客社区 通用电气旗下投资机构Venrock and Peacock Equity、Azure Capital 在线视频服务领域(5家) 土豆网 IDG、General Catalyst、GGV、美国洛克菲勒家族 酷讯网 联创策源、SIG 影风影音 经纬创投、IDG 我乐网 HPE、SIG、ASI、CID集团、红杉资本、Steamboat Venture 酷6网 德丰杰、德同、 百度 、软银投资、UMC Capital、和通投资、伊藤忠商社等 STRONGSNS社交服务领域(4家) 校内网 日本软银 51.com 巨人(美国上市公司) 开心网 北极光 占座网 红杉中国 IT传媒服务领域(4家) 分众传媒 软银、鼎辉投资基金、美国高盛和欧洲3i等 计算机世界 IDG投资 世通华纳 国泰财富基金、鼎晖创投、华登国际、成为基金、霸菱投资 触动传媒 CDIB、TLC、Mustang 金融 证券服务领域(2家) 金融界 IDG 中国投资网 美国律商联讯集团全资收购? 无线互联网与增值服务领域(2家)? 至德讯通 戈壁创投 58同城网 软银赛富 网络安全服务领域(2家) 金山 英特尔 、新加坡国有投资公司淡马锡、英特尔投资基金等 安全卫士360 红杉资本、高原资本、红点投 资、Matrix Partners、IDG 网络游戏服务领域(4家) 完美时空 软银赛福 汉森信息 松禾资本 盛大 软银亚洲SAIF 久游网 Dragon Groove Inc、美国凯雷集团亚洲风险投资基金、中韩 移动 投资基金等 婚恋交友服务领域(2家) 世纪佳缘 启明创投 珍爱网 美国对冲基金BridgerCapital 在线教育服务领域(2家) 东方剑桥 启明创投、美国Ignition Parters 天才宝贝 智基创投、德同资本、CID 附录2:西方国家纷纷加强控制外资涉足互联网 法国:以政府名义向互联网入侵者宣战 2005年8月底,法国总统希拉克高调宣布,为了应对全球网络巨擘google和雅虎等美国网络新势力的垄断,法国政府将加快步伐资助包括本国公司在内的欧洲高科技公司,创建属于法国自己的互联网搜索引擎。法国当局为了支持这项产业革新,不惜投入20亿欧元(约合24亿美元)的巨额资金,参与者包括法国本土 家电 巨头汤姆逊和德国电信在内的多家欧洲知名企业。 俄国:法律限制外资进入互联网产业 俄罗斯政府已经起草了新的限制外国人投资法律草案。该草案已从限制外国人投资战略性产业,扩展到了渔业、电台、电视台和互联网运营商等领域。 应该说,俄罗斯政府的这项决定也是来自于近20年发展的经验和教训。普京总统上台后,便收紧了对外开放的口子,加强了与国计民生相关产业的控制,将国家认定的战略性产业和新兴重要产业牢牢地控制在了政府的手中。 美国:将高科技提升至国家安全高度 2007年3月,美国众议院一致通过了加强国家对外国投资监督的法案,严格对外国投资商的立法限制。美国政府下属的外资并购审查机构美国外国投资委员会出台的一项新举措规定:一旦外资收购交易被裁定危及美国国家安全,就将对相关外国企业处以高达数千万美元的罚款。当中国的IT设备厂商 华为 公司与美国投资公司贝恩资本共同斥资22亿美元收购美国3Com公司时,就遭到美国海外投资委员会的反对,而其理由竟是出于国家安全方面的顾虑。
个人分类: 技术力论坛|3186 次阅读|0 个评论
daizi1456 2009-5-7 11:59
说明: 向老师建议我将被 SCI 收录但不收版面费的关于控制的国际期刊列一个表,以供大家分享。据我所知,绝大多数 SCI 期刊都不收版面费,但有些期刊有页码限制,超过规定页码要收费。这种收费方式又有两种,强制收费和非强制收费,具体说起来比较麻烦,大家可以查看期刊主页上的 Information for Authors 。下面是我知道的与控制(包括滤波)有关的 SCI 国际期刊,其中 ASJC 有页码限制, IJICIC 收版面费,印象中 IJCAS 也收版面费,现在在它的主页上找不到相关信息了,不知道现在是否收费。大家点击期刊名称就可以链接到期刊主页。 Applied Mathematics and Computation Asian Journal of Control ( ASJC ) Automatica Circuits Systems and Signal Processing European Journal of Control Fuzzy Sets and Systems IEEE Proceedings IEEE Signal Processing Letters IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks IET Proc. Control Theory and Applications IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information Information Sciences International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing International Journal of Control International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems ( IJCAS ) International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC) International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control International Journal of Systems Science Journal of the Franklin Institute Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing Optimal Control Applications and Methods SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Signal Processing Systems and Control Letters
个人分类: 赛伯拾趣|11336 次阅读|0 个评论
daizi1456 2009-4-30 17:39
曾经在一个QQ群里看到一名网友的留言:哪位能介绍一个 不被SCI收录 也 不被EI收录 、 有正式刊号 但 不收版面费 的 国际期刊 ?当时未见有人回复他,不知道他是否找到了这样的期刊。这样的期刊还是有一些的。我要介绍的这个就正合他的胃口。 信息与系统科学国际杂志 (International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences,ISNN 1708-296X)创刊于2005年,主要刊登信息、系统和控制领域的原创研究论文,也刊登综述文章;每年出一卷、四期,现在已出至第五卷第二期。论文作者可以将稿件直接email给期刊主编或者任何一位副编辑(Associate Editor)。更多信息见期刊主页: http://www.math.ualberta.ca/ijiss/ 另外,该期刊在2009年第2期组织了一个题为Multi-agent systems: modelling, control and applications的Special issue,共刊出9篇文章,详见: http://www.math.ualberta.ca/ijiss/SS-volume-5-09.htm 特别提醒,该期刊刊出的所有文章都可以在其网页上免费下载,链接页面为: http://www.math.ualberta.ca/ijiss/SS-contents.htm
个人分类: 芝麻绿豆|5632 次阅读|0 个评论
生命聚合体 第二章附录3 智能控制系统
lefeng 2009-2-10 15:56
附录3 智能控制系统 智能控制系统的定义似乎还存在着问题和分歧。什么是智能控制系统还存在着多种看法。 在工程学里,智能控制的定义如下: 一种典型的观点是: 智能控制( intelligent controls ) 是指 在无人干预的情况下能自主地驱动智能机器实现控制目标的自动控制技术。 对许多复杂的系统,难以建立有效的数学模型和用常规的控制理论去进行定量计算和分析,而必须采用定量方法与定性方法相结合的控制方式。定量方法与定性方法相结合的目的是,要由机器用类似于人的智慧和经验来引导求解过程。因此,在研究和设计智能系统时,主要注意力不放在数学公式的表达、计算和处理方面,而是放在对任务和现实模型的描述、符号和环境的识别以及知识库和推理机的开发上,即智能控制的关键问题不是设计常规控制器,而是研制智能机器的模型。 此外,智能控制的核心在高层控制,即组织控制。高层控制是对实际环境或过程进行组织、决策和规划,以实现问题求解。为了完成这些任务,需要采用符号信息处理、启发式程序设计、知识表示、自动推理和决策等有关技术。这些问题求解过程与人脑的思维过程有一定的相似性,即具有一定程度的 智能 。 因此,这里又定义 智能控制系统 (lntelligent Control Systems) 为: 一个系统如果具有感知环境、不断获得信息以减小不确定性和计划、产生以及执行控制行为的能力,即称为智能控制系统 . 。 另有一种定义是:用于驱动自主智能机器以实现其目标而无需操作人员干预的系统叫智能控制系统。 关于智能控制在各种文献中的定义大致归纳如下: 所谓智能控制是指那种无需或尽可能少的人的干预就能独立地由 智能机器 实现其目标的 自动控制 ,是一种将 人工智能技术 与经典、 现代控制理论 相 结合的 控制, 智能控制系统 是由智能机器对 生产过程 自动控制的系统。 智能是指人类所特有的智慧和才能的综合而仿效人类智慧的控制则称为智能控制 . 模糊控制 、 神经网络 控制是智能控制中重要的组成部分前者是从行为上模拟人或生物的逻辑思维、推理和决策过程。 所谓智能控制,是指超脱文件原始载体的限制的控制 档案信息 的过程和行为。实体控制是智能控制和整个 档案管理 系统的基础。智能控制则是实体控制的升华,两者作用具有 互补性 和一定程度的替代性。 神经元控制、 模糊控制 等等,它们统称为智能控制,与传统的经典、现代控制方法相比,智能控制具有一系列的特点;首先智能控制突破了 传统控制理论 中必须基于 数学模型 的框架,它按实际效果进行控制,不依赖于或不完全依赖于控制对象的数学模型,这就与生物和电脑控制系统的运作方式一致。 基于 人工智能技术 的高级控制称为智能控制。智能控制不需要精确的 数学模型 ,而只是依靠策略,它可以形象化的被看成 自适应控制 的一种。 还有观点认为;智能控制的概念主要是针对被控系统的高度复杂性、高度不确定性及人们要求越来越高的控制性能提出来的。正如其它前沿学科一样,智能控制至今尚无一个公认的统一定义。 而 自动控制 是能按规定程序对机器或装置进行自动操作或控制的过程。简单地说,不需要人工干预的控制就是自动控制。自动控制与智能控制是有一些相似之处的,例如在感知环境、自动调整行为,不需人工干预方面是相同的;所不同的是智能控制具有 不断获得信息以减小不确定性和计划、产生以及执行控制行为的能力。 智能控制技术是在向人脑学习的过程中不断发展起来的,人脑是一个超级智能控制系统,具有实时推理、决策、学习和记忆等功能,能适应各种复杂的控制环境。随着人工智能和计算机技术的发展,已经有可能把自动控制和人工智能以及系统科学中一些有关学科分支(如 系统工程 、 系统学 、 运筹学 、 信息论 )结合起来,建立一种适用于复杂系统的控制理论和技术。智能控制正是在这种条件下产生的。它是自动控制技术的最新发展阶段,也是用计算机模拟人类智能进行控制的研究领域。 1965 年,傅京孙首先提出把人工智能的启发式推理规则用于学习控制系统。 1985 年,在美国首次召开了智能控制学术讨论会。 1987 年又在美国召开了智能控制的首届国际学术会议,标志着智能控制作为一个新的学科分支得到承认。智能控制具有交叉学科和定量与定性相结合的分析方法和特点。 智能控制与传统的或常规的控制有密切的关系,不是相互排斥的。常规控制往往包含在智能控制之中,智能控制也利用常规控制的方法来解决低级的控制问题,力图扩充常规控制方法并建立一系列新的理论与方法来解决更具有挑战性的复杂控制问题。 智能控制的特点 (1) 同时具有以知识表示的非数学广义模型和以数学模型表示的混合控制过程。智能控制系统的设计重点不在常规控制器上,而在智能机模型上,即在策略上。 (2) 智能控制的核心在高层控制,即组织级,具有一定的智能。    (3) 智能控制是一门边缘交叉学科。 (4) 智能控制是一个新兴的研究领域。无论在理论上或实践都需要进一步探索与开发。 在这里,我们看到在工程学里智能控制系统的定义: 1. 只规定了它的行为特征,它的控制方式以策略为主。 2. 智能控制技术是在向人或生物学习的过程中不断发展起来的。 这十分有意思,意味着人们已经把人或生物看成了一种存在智能的东西。从工程学来研究生物与从生物学来研究生物的看法可能会有些不同,有句古诗:不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。 工程学里肯定了人和生物存在智能,但我们又不能犯循环定义的错误,所以我们需要更广泛的定义来定义什么是智能控制系统。我们还有必要确定智能控制系统的典型结构。 根据以上对智能控制系统的讨论,一般来说, 智能控制系统的典型结构应具有: 输入系统,输出系统,分析单元,存贮单元。 可以用图表示: 图:智能控制器结构 而自动控制系统可以没有存贮单元。高级的自动控制系统通常具有存储器,电脑也可以构成自动控制系统,这种自动控制器常称为智能控制器。 图:自动控制系统结构示意图 一般认为电脑的结构原理图如下: 图:电脑(计算机)结构示意图 从这个结构模型,我们可以看到,电脑是一种智能控制系统。 人,鸡,猫,狗,鱼等生物控制系统也都具有输入、输出、分析、存储等功能,它们的工作方式以策略为主,所以生物控制系统都是智能控制系统。 人们还应该注意到智能控制系统的一个特性,就是智能控制系统也可能犯错误,有的时候智能控制系统会表现出傻乎乎的现象,而且智能控制系统也可能出故障。就象人一样,再聪明的人也会有犯错误的时候,智能控制系统不论是机电的还是生物的,都可能有出错的时候。
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xiangzr1969 2008-12-3 08:58
1. The Seventh IEEE International Conference on Control Automation December 911, 2009 Call for Papers The 7th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA09) will be held on December 9 - 11, 2009, in Christchurch, New Zealand. The conference is jointly organized by the IEEE Control Systems Chapter, Singapore and IEEE South New Zealand Section, and technically sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society and University of Canterbury, New Zealand. It is to create a forum for scientists and practicing engineers throughout the world to present the latest research findings and ideas in the areas of control and automation. ICCA Proceedings are included in EI Compendex, IEEE Xplore and ISI Proceedings (ISTP). Topics of interest include but not limited to Modeling of Complex Systems Optimal Control Linear Systems Discrete Event Systems Robust and Control Adaptive Control Nonlinear Systems and Control Learning Systems Fuzzy and Neural Systems Intelligent and AI Based Control Estimation and Identification Real-time Systems Fault Detection Sensor/data fusion Process Control Instrumentation Robotics Motion Control Automated Guided Vehicles Flexible Manufacturing Systems Control Education Integrated Manufacturing Control Applications Factory Modeling and Automation Process Automation Petri-Nets and Applications Man-machine Interactions Micro and Nano Systems Smart Structures Sensor networks and networked control Multi-agent systems Submission of Papers Authors should submit the full version of their manuscripts online through the conference web site at http://www.ieee-icca.org (or http://hdd.ece.nus.edu.sg/~icca09/ ). General inquiries should be addressed directly to Program Chair, Professor Cishen Zhang, at Nanyang Technological Uni-versity (e-mail: icca2009@ntu.edu.sg ). Proposals for invited sessions in the related areas are also solicited and should be submitted through email to Invited Session Chair, Professor Gary Feng at City University of Hong Kong (e-mail: megfeng@cityu.edu.hk ). All materials must be written in English, and a paper should be submitted only if you intend to present the paper at the conference. The manuscript to be submitted to the conference should contain sufficient details including key concepts and novel features of the work. It should include the title, authors, mailing addresses, affiliations, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses. Important Dates Deadline for Manuscript Submissions: April 1, 2009 Notification of Acceptance: July 1, 2009 Submission of Final Papers: September 1, 2009 Conference: December 911, 2009 2. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation June 22-25, 2009 Zhuhai/Macau, China http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~icia09 CALL FOR PAPERS ICIA 2009 (2009 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation) will be held in the beautiful coastal Chinese city of Zhuhai, June 22-24, 2009 with post-conference workshops and activities to take place in Macau, June 25. Sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, ICIA has become a reputable annual academic event in the fields of information science and automation engineering, for researchers in China, Asia, as well as around the world. We seek quality papers in all key areas of information science and automation engineering. Details of the scope of the conference and the submission requirements can be found at the conference website at http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~icia09 The important dates of ICIA 2009 are as follows. * Submission deadline: January 15, 2009 * Acceptance decision: April 1, 2009 * Final submission: April 15, 2009 * Conference (Zhuhai): June 22-24, 2009 * Workshops (Macau): June 25, 2009 Proceedings of previous IEEE ICIA conferences have always been indexed by EI and appeared in IEEE Xplore. We fully expect the same for ICIA 2009. We look forward to your submissions and contributions to ICIA 2009. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at icia09@cs.ualberta.ca . Hong Zhang James Mills General Chairs ICIA 2009 3 The 2009 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC) Posted by: Elena Panteley ( panteley@lss.supelec.fr ) Date submitted: Dec. 2nd, 2008 Content: The 2009 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC) DEADLINE EXTENDED TILL JAN 15, 2009. July 8-10, 2009 Saint Petersburg, Russia http://conf.physcon.ru/msc09/ CALL FOR PAPERS The 2009 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC), to be held at the Park Inn hotel in Saint Petersburg, Russia on July 8-10, 2009. MSC2009 will consist of two of the major international conferences promoted by the IEEE Control Systems Society: -the 18th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA) - initiated in 1992 - with the goal of bringing together experts from academy and industry from different countries to present new research results in control applications, promoting and encouraging industrial participation in the activities of the IEEE Control Systems Society; -the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC) - initiated in 1985. It provides a unique opportunity for researchers and practitioners from different areas to discuss innovative control algorithms, also developed by emulating certain characteristics of intelligent biological systems, and recent advancements in computing technology, that may open avenues for significant technological advances. The conference proceedings will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by INSPEC. Some limited funds for participants from developing countries will be available. Topics of interest include but not limited to: Agricultural systems Aerospace systems Automotive systems Biological and pharmaceutical processes Biomedical systems Chemical processes Cyberphysical systems Discrete event systems Distributed intelligent networked systems Embedded controlled systems Electronic systems Fault diagnosis Fault tolerant control Fuzzy and neural control Hybrid systems Mathematical modeling Marine and vehicular systems Mechanical systems and robotics Mechatronic systems Metal processing Mining systems Multi-agent control Nanotechnologies Networked controlled systems Oil drilling systems Power systems Predictive and adaptive control Robotics Robust control Structural control System identification Sensor networks Transportation systems Telecommunications and networks Vehicular and traffic control Important Dates: Submission of Manuscripts- extended deadline: January 15, 2009 Notification of Acceptance: March 1, 2009 Submission of Final Papers: May 1, 2009 Conference: July 8-10, 2009 More information for authors is available on the web at http://conf.physcon.ru/msc09/ 4 2009 International Conference on Adaptive Intelligent Systems (ICAIS09) Posted by: Nadia Nedjah ( nadia@eng.uerj.br ) Date submitted: Dec. 7th, 2008 Content: The 2009 International Conference on Adaptive Intelligent Systems - ICAIS'09 September 24th - 26st 2009 Klagenfurt, Austria http://www.isys.uni-klu.ac.at/icais09/ Sponsored by The Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) The International Fuzzy Systems Associtaion (IFSA) * * * AIMS OF THE CONFERENCE * * * The ICAIS'09 conference aims at bringing together international researchers, developers and practitioners from different horizons to discuss the latest advances in system learning and adaptation. ICAIS'09 will serve as a space to present the current state of the art but also future research avenues of this thematic. Topics of the conference cover three aspects: Algorithms theories of adaptation and learning, Adaptation issues in Hardware, Applications. ICAIS will feature contributed papers as well as world- renowned guest speakers (see webpage), interactive breakout sessions, and instructional workshops. Conference Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society. * * * IMPORTANT DATES * * * Workshop/Special Session proposal: February 28, 2009 Full paper submission: April 30, 2009 Acceptance notification: June 20, 2009 Final camera ready: July 10, 2009 * * * SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE * * * Adaptation plays a central role in dynamically changing systems. It is about the ability of the system to responsively self-adjust upon change in the surrounding environment. Like in living creatures that have evolved over millions of years developing ecological systems due to their self-adaptation and fitness capacity to the dynamic environment, systems undergo similar cycle to improve or at least do not weaken their performance when internal or external changes take place. Internal or endogenous change bears on the physical structure of the system (the building blocks: hardware and/or software components) due mainly to faults and knowledge inconsistency. It requires a certain number of adaptivity features such as flexible deployment, self-testing, self-healing and self-correction. Extraneous change touches on the environment implication such operational mode or regime, non-stationarity of input, new knowledge facts, interference, etc. The two classes of change also shed light on the research avenues towards smart systems. To meet the challenges of these systems, a sustainable effort is necessary to develop intelligent hardware on one level and concepts and algorithms on the other level. The former level may concern various analog and digital adjustments but also self-healing, self-testing, reconfiguration and many other aspects of system development and maintenance. The latter level is concerned with developing algorithms, concepts and techniques which can rely on metaphors of nature and which are inspired from biological and cognitive plausibility. This two-fold plausibility is the basis for many computational models such as neural networks, evolutionary computation, probabilistic reasoning and many other soft computing and machine learning models. Taking stock of both classes of changes, a system must self-adapt its structure and self-adjust its parameters over time as changes occur. A fundamental issue is the notion of self which refers to the capability of the system to act and react on its own and which covers all stages of the system's working and maintenance cycle starting from online self-monitoring to self-growing and self-organizing. * * * TARGET TOPICS (but not limited to) * * * - Theories and Algorithms o Self growing neural networks o Online adaptive and life-long learning o Plasticity and stability o Forgetting o Unlearning o Online adaptive neuro-fuzzy rule-based systems o Online adaptive fuzzy identification systems o Adaptation in changing environments o Concept drift o Self-monitoring o Online diagnostics o Novelty detection o Time series prediction o Online and single-pass data mining o Online information routing o Online classification systems o Online clustering o Online regression o Online feature selection and reduction o Adaptive decision systems o Adaptive preference learning o Principles of self-organization o Methodologies of self-organization o Perception and evolution o Adaptivity and online learning models in computational intelligence - Applications : Adaptivity and learning in o Smart systems o Ambient / ubiquitous environments o Distributed intelligence o Intelligent agent technology o Robotics o Industrial applications o Internet o E-commerce, etc - Hardware: o Evolvable hardware o Bio-inspired architecture o Self-healing systems o Self-reconfigurable systems o Evolutionary hardware design o Evolutionary circuit sythesis o Evolutionary Robotics o Hardware/Software co-evolution o Adaptive Hardware o Embryonic hardware o Evolutionary circuit diagnostics and testing o MEMS and nanotechnology in evolvable hardware * * * SUBMISSION * * * Papers must be in PDF, not exceeding 6 pages and conforming to IEEE Specifications and submitted through the submission system ( http://www.isys.uni-klu.ac.at/icais09/openconf/openconf.php ). Short papers describing novel research visions, work-in-progress or less mature results are also welcome. All submission will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 qualified reviewers. Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics. At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper. The conference proceedings which will be published as a hardcopy by the IEEE Computer Society, will be available at the conference. * * * POST-CONFERENCE PUBLICATION * * * A selected number of accepted and personally presented papers will be expanded and revised for possible inclusion in special issues of international journals (the list of journals will be announced soon). * * * ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE * * * Honorary Chair: Janus Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland General Chairs: Abdelhamid Bouchachia, University of Klagenfurt, Austria Nadia Nedjah, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Program Chairs: Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada Luiza de Macedo Mourelle, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Local Organization Chairs: Abdelhamid Bouchachia, University of Klagenfurt, Austria Roland Mittermeir, University of Klagenfurt, Austria Kyandoghere Kyamakya, University of Klagenfurt, Austria Publicity Chairs: Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Cairo University, Egypt Chang-wook Han, Dong-Eui University, Korea 5 Call for Papers - IEEE CISDA 2009 Posted by: Moufid Harb ( mharb@ieee.org ) Date submitted: Dec. 18th, 2008 Content: The Second IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications (IEEE CISDA 2009) http://ieee-cisda.org/ Ottawa, Canada 8-10 July 2009 Sponsored by The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Important Dates: - Tutorial/Special Session Proposals submission: February 15, 2009 - Full Paper Submission: March 15, 2009 - Notification of Acceptance/rejection: April 15, 2009 - Submission of Camera-Ready Submission: May 15, 2009 6 2009 IEEE SSCI - Call for Participation Posted by: Vincenzo Piuri ( vincenzo.piuri@unimi.it ) Date submitted: Dec. 29th, 2008 Content: SSCI 2009, March 30-April 2, 2009, Nashville, TN, USA IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence Sheraton Music City Hotel, Nashville, TN, USA March 30-April 2, 2009 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION This international event promotes all aspects of the theory and applications of computational intelligence, by hosting more than 20 technical meetings in one location. Sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, this event will attract top researchers, professionals, and students from around the world. The registration, which will allow participants to attend any session in any technical meeting, will also include the complete set of the proceedings of all the meetings, coffee breaks, lunches, and the banquet. The event will be held in the magical town of Nashville, city of the country music. The program will include over 450 technical papers, Various keynote speakers, many special sessions, several tutorials and panels. Pleae visit the SSCI website at www.ieee-ssci.org for details, registration information and venue. 7 CFP: IEEE Trans. Autonomous Mental Development Posted by: Zhengyou Zhang ( zhang@microsoft.com ) Date submitted: Dec. 30th, 2008 Content: Call for Papers: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS MENTAL DEVELOPMENT More details are available at http://ieee-cis.org/pubs/tamd/ The IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS MENTAL DEVELOPMENT (TAMD), published four times a year, publishes original papers of archival journal quality in Autonomous Mental Development (AMD). Recent advances in computational intelligence, cognitive science, neuroscience, and robotics have stimulated the birth and rapid growth of this new research field. Mental development is a process during which a brain-like natural or artificial embodied system, under the control of its intrinsic species-specific developmental program, develops mental capabilities through its real-time interactions with its environments (including the brain's own internal environment) using its own sensors and effectors. The mental capabilities include perceptual, cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and all other mental capabilities that are exhibited by humans, higher animals, and artificial systems. The scope of TAMD includes: - Computational modeling of mental development, including mental architecture, theories, algorithms, properties and experiments; - Experimental investigations relevant to the goal of achieving a computational understanding of developmental processes in humans and animals, especially those focusing on the role of experience and on the active exploration of the environment; - Engineering applications of autonomous mental development such as mechanisms enabling highly complex capabilities by robots and other artificial systems. Investigations in AMD are expected to improve our systematic understanding of the working of the wide variety of mental capabilities in humans. Authors are encouraged to submit papers that disclose significant conceptual, computational, or empirical discovery, technical and practical knowledge, exploratory developments, and applications to both artificial and biological mentally developing systems. The Transactions encourage papers submitted from all areas related to mental development, including, but not limited to, computer science, engineering, neuroscience, psychology, biology, medicine, and philosophy. Due to the existence of many empirically oriented journals in the field of human developmental psychology, the Transactions will emphasize computational approaches to mental development and experimental studies that make contact with computational approaches. Timely Publications Every effort is made to ensure minimum delay from submission to publication. Authors have a key role to play in minimizing the delay between initial submission and publication, largely by ensuring that manuscripts are of high quality both in terms of content and presentation. When the final version of a manuscript is accepted, it is immediately published electronically on IEEE Xplore and given a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), at which time it enters the queue for publication in the paper version. In line with the IEEE's policy on scholarly publishing, authors are also free to archive the PDF of the published paper on their own web-site or institutional repository. TAMD aims to publish a paper in less than 12 months from the date of its original submission, and to post it online in IEEE Xplore in less than 6 months from the date of its original submission. For manuscripts that are accepted without revision it is entirely feasible that they could be posted online within 3 months of its original submission. Manuscript Types TAMD manuscript types and submission length guidelines are as follows: * Regular paper - up to 15 double column pages / 38 single column pages * Correspondence paper - up to 8 double column pages / 20 single column pages * Survey paper - up to 25 double column pages / 55 single column pages A correspondence paper is manuscript that publishes an original research contribution in a shorter form, as well as a perspective that includes insights into issues of wider scope than a regular paper related to computational mental development but without being highly computational in style. A survey paper is well-focused manuscript that puts recent progress into a broader perspective and accurately assesses the limits of existing theories. Submissions The Journal is now accepting submissions, with the first issue to be published in spring 2009. Submission instructions are available at http://ieee-cis.org/pubs/tamd/ . TAMD follows the format standards of the IEEE. The IEEE Transactions, Journals, and Letters Information for Authors, including LaTeX and Word templates, is available at http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/authors/transjnl/index.html Sponsors The journal is co-sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, and the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society. It is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, and the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Editor-in-Chief: Zhengyou Zhang, Microsoft Research zhang@microsoft.com 8 8th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL2009) Posted by: Zhengyou Zhang ( zhang@microsoft.com ) Date submitted: Dec. 30th, 2008 Content: Call For Papers 8th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL2009) Shanghai, June 5-7, 2009 http://www.icdl09.org/ ICDL is a multidisciplinary conference pertaining to all subjects related to the development and learning processes of natural and artificial systems, including perceptual, cognitive, behavioral, emotional and all other mental capabilities that are exhibited by humans, higher animals, and robots. Its visionary goal is to understand autonomous development in humans and higher animals in biological, functional, and computational terms, and to enable such development in artificial systems. ICDL strives to bring together researchers in neuroscience, psychology, artificial intelligence, robotics and other related areas to encourage understanding and cross-fertilization of latest ideas. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to: (1) Biological and biologically inspired architectures and general principles of development (2) Neuronal, cortical and pathway plasticity (3) Autonomous generation of internal representation, including feature identification (4) Neural networks for development and learning (5) Dynamics in neural systems and neurodynamical modeling (6) Attention mechanisms and the development of attention skills (7) Visual, auditory, touch systems and their development (8) Motor systems and their development (9) Language acquisition understanding through development (10) Multimodal integration through development (11) Conceptual learning through development (12) Motivation, value, reinforcement, and novelty (13) Emotions and their development (14) Learning and training techniques for assisting development (15) Biological and biologically inspired thinking models and development of reasoning skills (16) Models of developmental disorders (17) Development of social skills (18) Philosophical and social issues of development (19) Robots with development and learning skills (20) Using robots to study development and learning ICDL2009 will feature invited plenary talks by world-renowned speakers, a variety of special sessions aligned with the conference theme, pre-conference tutorials, as well as regular technical sessions, and poster sessions. In addition to full-paper submissions, ICDL 2009 accepts one-page abstract submissions to encourage late-breaking results or for work that is not sufficiently mature for a full paper. Best Paper Awards will be offered. In addition, 4 students will receive $250 Travel Awards to support their travel to the conference. Important Dates January 25, 2009: Special session and tutorial proposals February 8, 2009: Full papers April 19, 2009: Accept/Reject notification for full papers April 26, 2009: One-page poster abstracts May 3, 2009: Accept/Reject notification for poster abstracts May 10, 2009: Final camera-ready papers Sponsors IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Microsoft Research Organizing Committee General Chair: Juyang Weng, Michigan State University, USA General Co-Chairs: Tiande Shou, Fudan University, China Xiangyang Xue, Fudan University, China Program Chairs: Jochen Triesch, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany Zhengyou Zhang, Microsoft Research, USA Publication Chair: Yilu Zhang, GM Research, USA Publicity Chair: Alexander Stoytchev, Iowa State University, USA Publicity Co-Chairs: Hiroaki Wagatsuma, RIKEN, Japan (Asia) Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest, France (Europe) Gedeon De, University of California at San Diego, USA (North America) Local Organization Sub-Committee: Hong Lu (Chair), Rui Feng (Hotel), Cheng Jin (Web), Yuefei Guo (Finance), Wenqiang Zhang (Publication) 9 Call for Papers: IEEE Trans Computational Intelligence and AI in Games Posted by: Simon M. Lucas ( sml@essex.ac.uk ) Date submitted: Dec. 30th, 2008 Content: Call for Papers: IEEE Trans Computational Intelligence and AI in Games http://ieee-cis.org/pubs/tciaig/ Papers are invited for consideration for the second issue due to be published in June 2009. This is an excellent opportunity to submit your work to a high-quality journal with a thorough yet rapid review process. Currently the average time between submission and first decision is under six weeks. Timeline for second issue: * Submission: Jan 15 2009 * Decision: Mar 15 2009 * Final copy: April 15 2009 Scope The IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND AI in GAMES (TCIAIG), published four times a year, publishes archival journal quality original papers in computational intelligence and related areas in artificial intelligence applied to games, including but not limited to video games, mathematical games, human-computer interactions in games, and games involving physical objects. Emphasis will also be placed on the use of these methods to improve performance in and understanding of the dynamics of games, as well as gaining insight into the properties of the methods as applied to games. It will also include using games as a platform for building intelligent embedded agents for the real world. Papers connecting games to all areas of computational intelligence and traditional AI will be considered. Every effort is made to ensure minimum delay from submission to publication. Authors have a key role to play in minimising the delay between initial submission and publication, largely by ensuring that manuscripts are of high quality both in terms of content and presentation. Use of a proof-reading service is highly recommended for any authors who are not native English speakers. Publication Timeline When the final version of a manuscript is accepted, it is immediately published electronically on IEEE Xplore and given a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), at which time it enters the queue for publication in the paper version. In line with the IEEE's policy on scholarly publishing, authors are also free to archive the PDF of the published paper on their own web-site or institutional repository. For manuscripts that are accepted without revision it isentirely feasible that they could be published within twelve weeks of the initial submission. Simon M. Lucas Editor-in-Chief IEEE T-CIAIG email: sml@essex.ac.uk 10 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG-2009) Posted by: Simon M. Lucas ( sml@essex.ac.uk ) Date submitted: Jan. 1st, 2009 Content: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG-2009) Milano, Italy - September 7-10, 2008 http://www.ieee-cig.org Games are an ideal domain to study computational intelligence methods. They provide cheap, competitive, dynamic, reproducible environments suitable for testing new search algorithms, pattern based evaluation methods or learning concepts. At the same time they are interesting to observe, fun to play, and very attractive to students. This symposium, sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society aims to bring together leading researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to discuss recent advances and explore future directions in this field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Learning in games * Coevolution in games * Neural-based approaches for games * Fuzzy-based approaches for games * Console and video games * Character Development and Narrative * Opponent modeling in games * CI/AI-based game design * Multi-agent and multi-strategy learning * Comparative studies * Applications of game theory * Board and card games * Economic or mathematical games * Imperfect information and non-deterministic games * Evasion (predator/prey) games * Realistic games for simulation or training purposes * Player satisfaction in games * Games for mobile or digital platforms * Games involving control of physical objects * Games involving physical simulation CONFERENCE COMMITTEE General Chair: Pier Luca Lanzi Program Chair: Sung-Bae Cho Proceedings Chair: Luigi Barone Publicity Chair: Julian Togelius Competition Chair: Simon Lucas Sponsorship Chair: Georgios N. Yannakakis Local Chairs: Nicola Gatti and Daniele Loiacono IMPORTANT DATES (tentative schedule) Tutorial proposals: 15 April 2009 Paper submission: 15 May 2009 Decision Notification: 15 June 2009 Camera-ready: 15/30 July 2009 Symposium: 7-11 September 2009 CONFERENCE VENUE The symposium will be held at the Politecnico di Milano, the largest technical university in Italy, ten minutes from downtown Milan, the shopping area, and its famous galleries and museums. For more information please visit: http://www.ieee-cig.org 11 The 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009) will be held at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis Riverfront at St. Louis, Missouri, USA, from October 11 to 15, 2009. St. Louis is known as the Gateway City, as it is seen as the Eastern/Western US dividing mark. Its also called Gateway to the West on behalf of the many people who migrated west through St. Louis via the Missouri River. Following the exploration spirit of St. Louis, the conference theme is Exploring New Horizons in Intelligent Robots and Systems, reflecting the growing spectrum and recent developments in intelligent robots and systems. Papers are solicited in all related areas in robotics and intelligent systems. All papers must be in PDF format prepared strictly following the IEEE PDF Requirements for Creating PDF Documents for Xplore. The standard number of pages is 6 and the page limit is 8 with extra payment for pages beyond 6. Detailed instructions are available on the conference website. We also solicit organized/special sessions on emerging areas and innovative applications of new technologies. Papers in organized/special sessions must be submitted through the regular submission process, while the proposals must be submitted to the co-chairs. Proposals for tutorials and workshops are welcome, and are encouraged to address the conference theme, to discuss new technologies in robots and intelligent systems, and to attract industrial participations. Proposals must be submitted directly to one of the co-chairs of workshop/tutorials. Important Dates February 15, 2009: Proposals for organized/special sessions March 1, 2009: Submission of full-length papers and videos March 1, 2009: Proposals for tutorials/workshops May 31, 2009: Notification of paper and video acceptance Website: http://www.iros09.mtu.edu Contact: iros09@mtu.edu 12 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference The combined 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference will be held during the third week of December, 2009 at a location in China. This will be the third time that CDC has been held outside the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, and it is very fitting that it is being held in China, where numbers of new IEEE members are increasing so rapidly. China today is one of the most dynamic and exciting countries in the world. With a thriving economy, huge recent investment in education and research, together with an extraordinarily rich history of culture, it is the ideal location for CDC. The annual IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) is internationally recognized as the premier scientific and engineering conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of systems and control. The CDC brings together an international community of researchers and practitioners to discuss new research results, perspectives on future developments, and innovative applications relevant to decision making, automatic control, and related areas. The combined CDC and CCC is hosted by the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) in collaboration with the Technical Committee on Control Theory(TCCT) of the Chinese Automation Association. It is organized in cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), the Japanese Society for Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), and the European Union Control Association (EUCA). On behalf of our conference sponsors and the rest of the conference organizing committee, the general chairs Lei Guo and John Baillieul hope that you will plan to join us in China. http://www.ieeecss.org/CAB/conferences/cdc2009/index.php?page=timetable 13.19th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2009) 14-17 September 2009, Limassol, Cyprus http://www.kios.org.cy/ICANN09 The 19th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2009) will be held in Cyprus, at the seaside city of Limassol. Located in the easternmost corner of the Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus is an island of spectacular beauty with alluring beaches and fragrant mountain peaks, vineyards studded with olive trees and ancient ruins that stir the imagination. A sophisticated country, whose nine-thousand-year cultural legacy infuses East and West. Cyprus is an historic island, the third largest in the Mediterranean, where modern travelers retrace the footsteps of figures as diverse as St. Paul, Alexander the Great and Leonardo da Vinci. And a romantic island, once Anthony's gift to Cleopatra and where, according to mythology, the goddess Aphrodite first emerged from the sea. Today, Cyprus is a modern country that joins European culture with ancient enchantment. Currently, Cyprus is a full member of the European Union, with Euro as its monetary currency. Cyprus can be reached by direct flights from several cities including London, Amsterdam, Athens, Paris, Frankfurt, Zurich, Vienna, Rome, Dubai, Moscow,! Budapest, Prague, etc. The conference venue is the GrandResort, a luxurious five star hotel located at a superb beach side location in the Amathus area of Limassol, which is the second largest city of Cyprus. ICANN 2009 will provide a high-level international forum for the academic and industrial community to address new challenges, share solutions and discuss future research directions in neural networks, learning systems, computational intelligence, and real-world applications. CALL FOR PAPERS, SPECIAL SESSIONS AND WORKSHOP PROPOSALS Prospective authors are invited to contribute high quality papers in the topic areas listed below and proposals for special sessions and workshops. Special sessions aim to bring together researchers in special focused topics. Each special session should include 6 contributing papers. A proposal for a special session should include a summary statement (1-2 pages long) describing the motivation and relevance of the proposed special session, together with the article titles and author names of the papers that will be included in the special session. Workshops will consist of a panel of invited experts, which after presenting the subject will moderate an open debate. No individual papers will be submitted and no papers will appear in the proceedings. A proposal for a Workshop should include a summary statement (2-3 pages) describing the topic and motivation of the workshop and a list of the workshop panelists. TOPIC AREAS The scope of the conference will cover, but is not limited to, the following areas: Computational neuroscience; Connectionist cognitive science; Data analysis and pattern recognition; Graphical networks models, Bayesian networks; Hardware implementations and embedded systems; Intelligent Multimedia and the Semantic Web; Neural and hybrid architectures and learning algorithms; Neural control, planning and robotics applications; Intelligent control and adaptive systems; Neural dynamics and complex systems; Neuroinformatics and bioinformatics; Self-organization; Sequential and structured information processing; Signal and time series processing, blind source separation; Vision and image processing; Brain-computer interface and cognitive architectures; Computational intelligence applications to biomedical systems, critical infrastructure systems, manufacturing, intelligent environmental systems. PAPER SUBMISSION Authors are invited to submit full-length papers (maximum 10 pages, single-spaced, single-column) by the submission deadline through the online submission system. Potential organizers are also invited to enlist 6 papers with cohesive topics to form special sessions. All submitted papers (regular and special session papers) will be reviewed by experts in the field. The authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to revise their paper, taking into consideration the referees' comments and suggestions, before submitting the final draft for inclusion in the conference proceedings, which will be published by Springer (LNCS series). The submission of a paper implies that the paper is original and has not been submitted elsewhere, that at least one author will register and pay the registration fee, and that it will be presented by an author if accepted. Details for the submission and all information concerning the Conference can be found at the conference web site: http://www.kios.org.cy/ICANN09 . IMPORTANT DATES Proposals for Special Sessions and Workshops: February 1, 2009 Submission deadline for Regular and Special Session Papers: February 15, 2009 Notification of Acceptance: May 11, 2009 Camera-ready final paper submission: June 1, 2009 Conference dates: September 14-17, 2009 GENERAL CO-CHAIRS: Marios Polycarpou, University of Cyprus Christos Panayiotou, University of Cyprus TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHAIR: Cesare Alippi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy 14.第五届自然计算和第六届模糊系统知识发现国际学术会议 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'09) The 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'09) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14-16 August 2009, Tianjin, China *** Submission Deadline: 24 January 2009 *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.icnc09-fskd09.tjut.edu.cn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Call for Papers Sponsorship The joint ICNC'09-FSKD'09 will be held in Tianjin, China. Tianjin is one of the four municipalities in China. It is a financial and commercial center in North China and is known for its numerous travel resources and rich history, such as Huangyaguan Great Wall, Dule Temple, Panshan Mountain and Food Street. Selected best papers will appear in SCI-indexed journal(s), such as the Soft Computing journal. The rest of the accepted papers will appear in conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society and will be indexed by both EI and ISTP, as well as the IEEE Xplore. ICNC'09-FSKD'09 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists and researchers to present the state of the art of intelligent methods inspired from nature, particularly biological and physical systems, with applications to data mining, manufacturing, design, and more. This is an exciting and emerging interdisciplinary area in which a wide range of theory and methodologies are being investigated and developed to tackle complex and challenging problems. Previously, the joint conferences in 2005 through 2008 each attracted over 3000 submissions from more than 30 countries. For more information, visit the conference web page. If you have any questions after visiting the conference web page, please email the secretariat at icnc2009@tjut.edu.cn Join us at this major event in historic Tianjin !!! 15. CLAWAR'2009 12th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines 09 - 11 September, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey http://www.clawar2009.org/ Announcement and Call for Papers -------------------------------- Robotics is an exciting field in engineering and natural sciences. Robotics has already made important widespread contributions and impact in industrial robots for tasks such as assembly, welding, painting, and material handling. In parallel, we have also witnessed the emergence of special service robots which perform valuable jobs, in new environments such as search and rescue, surveillance, exploration and security missions as well as provide assistance to a variety of users. The emergence of mobile machines, such as the climbing and walking robots, for these missions in un-structured environments, has significantly broadened challenges that must be considered by robotics research. The purpose of the 12th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR'2009) is to provide a venue where researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world can come together to present and discuss the latest achievements, future challenges and exciting applications for mobile service machines in general, and climbing and walking robots in particular. In order to benefit all participants, and also to maximize the interaction, the technical program of this conference is intentionally tailored to having relatively few parallel tracks. Each track will accommodate peer-reviewed articles, comprising regular and special sessions, dealing with theoretical, experimental and application works. Moreover, the conference will include several keynote lectures and poster sessions. Topics of Interest (non-exhaustive list): ---------------------------------------- RESEARCH - Autonomous robots - Tele-operated robots - Biologically-inspired systems and solutions - Innovative design of CLAWAR - Modelling and simulation of CLAWAR - Planning and control - Co-operative robot systems - Intelligence and learning for CLAWAR - HMI - Innovative actuators and power supplies - Innovative sensors and sensor networks - Positioning localization - Perception and sensor fusion - Guidance and navigation - Manipulation and gripping - Legged locomotion - Wheeled locomotion - Hybrid locomotion - Micro and nano robots - Tele-presence and virtual reality - Service robot standards and standardization - SME robotics APPLICATION - Planetary exploration - Security - Emergence rescue operations - Surveillance - Reconnaissance - Education - Biomedical robots - Rehabilitation and function restoration - Petrochemical applications - Inspection - Construction - Entertainment - Helping the elderly and the disabled - Manufacturing - Performing and creative arts robots - Personal robots - Robots for domestic environments - Service robots - Space robots - Assistive robots - Sport and exercise robots Important Dates: ---------------- February 1, 2009 Proposals for Special Sessions March 1, 2009 Submission of Extended Abstracts April 15, 2009 Notification of Acceptance May 15, 2009 Submission of Final (accepted) Papers June 1, 2009 Early Bird Registration June 1, 2009 Author Registration July 1, 2009 Preliminary Program September 9-11, 2009 Conference General Co-Chairs: Oguz Tosun, Turkey H. Levent Akin, Turkey Program Chair: M. Osman Tokhi, UK International Advisory Committee: Gurvinder S. Virk, New Zealand (Chair) M Armada, Spain Y Baudoin, Belgium K Berns, Germany P Bidaud, France B Bridge, UK A T de Almeida, Portugal K Kozlowski, Poland G Muscato, Italy L Seneviratne, UK M Xie, Singapore International Program Committee: M N Ahmadabadi, Iran F M Aldbrez, UK K Althoefer, UK A K M Azad, USA R Arkin, USA C Balaguer, Spain D Barnes, UK J Billingsley, Australia F Bonsignorio, Italy C Bostater, USA K Bouazza-Marouf, UK M Buehler, Canada G Bugmann, UK S Cameron, UK C Cardeira, Portugal C Chevallerau, France C-M Chew, Singapore P Corke, Australia H Cruse, Germany S Cubero, Australia J Dai, UK B Davies, UK P G de Santos, Spain R Dillmann, Germany T J Dodd, UK S Dubowsky, USA M Dunbabin, Australia E Dupuis, Canada M S Dutra, Brazil A Dutta, India J-G Fontaine, Italy L Fortuna, Italy Y Fu, China H Fujimoto, Japan T Fukuda, Japan E Garcia, Spain S S Ge, Singapore Z Gong, China V Gradetsky, Russia A Halme, Finland E Herrera, Colombia N Heyes, UK S Hirose, Japan M. A. Hossain, UK D Howard, UK L Huang, NZ R Jarvis, Australia S F Jatsun, Russia E E Kadar, UK O Kaynak, Turkey P Kiriazov, Bulgaria P Kopacek, Austria K Kosuge, Japan V Larin, Ukrain S Lee, Korea D Lefeber, Belgium M A Lewis, USA J Lopez-Coronado, Spain H Ma, China J T Machado, Portugal L Marques, Portugal R Molfino, Italy S Moon, Korea T Pipe, UK H R Pota, Australia D K Pratihar, India L Preucil, Czech Republic J Qian, China W-Y Qiang, China R Quinn, USA M Rachkov, Russia M Ribeiro, Portugal J Sa da Costa, Portugal J M A Salichs, Spain V Santos, Portugal T P Sattar, UK K Schilling, Germany M H Shaheed, UK M A Shamsuddin, Malaysia M N H Siddique, UK F Silva, Portugal L Steinicke, Belgium L Vajta, Hungary A Vitko, Slovakia K J Waldron, USA R Walker, UK T White, UK H Wern, Germany Y Yamada, Japan A Yigit, Kuwait S Ylonen, Finland S Zahedi, UK M Zecca, Japan H Zheng, China Z W Zhong, Singapore C J Zhou, Singapore T Zielinska, Poland A Zomaya, Australia Local Organizing Committee: Bar?? Gke Can Kavakl?o?lu etin Merili Tekin Merili Workshop on Humanoid Robotics: Changjiu J Zhou, Singapore Special Sessions: Gurvinder S Virk, New Zealand Exhibition/Competition: Tekin Merili, Turkey 16.ICICIC 2009 Fourth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control December 7 - 9, 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan News of ICICIC-2009 2008-12-28 Suspension of Submission System For reason of maintenance of regional power system, the online submission system will suspend its service from 8:00 on January 1st to 19:30 on January 2nd (GMT+08:00). We ask for your pardon for the inconveniency and look forward to your revisiting. 2008-06-15 Paper Submission Papers are invited from prospective authors with interest on the related areas. Each paper should follow the IEEE paper format (DOC, LaTex Formatting Macros) with title, authors' names, affiliations and email addresses, an up to 150-words abstract, and a two-column body with 4 single-spaced pages and with font size at 10 pts. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format only. Before submitting your papers, please register to get the user ID and password for the paper submission. Important Dates Deadline for paper submission May 1, 2009 Notification of reviewing results June 15, 2009 Deadline for camera-ready manuscript submission July 15, 2009 16. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The2009InternationalConferenceonWebInformationSystemsandMining(WISM'09) The2009InternationalConferenceonArtificialIntelligenceandComputationalIntelligence(AICI'09) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-8November2009,Shanghai,China *** SubmissionDeadline: 10May2009 *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://wism-aici2009.shiep.edu.cn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CallforPapers The2009InternationalConferenceonWebInformationSystemsandMining(WISM'09)and the2009InternationalConferenceonArtificialIntelligenceandComputational Intelligence(AICI'09)willbejointlyheldatShanghai,ChinainNovember7-8,2009. WISM'09-AICI'09aimstoprovideahigh-levelinternationalforumforscientistsand researcherstopresentthestateoftheartofwebinformationsystems,webmining, artificialintelligence,computationalintelligence,withtheirapplicationsfor addressingworldproblemsofvariouskinds.WISM'09-AICI'09ismulti-disciplinary inwhichawiderangeoftheoryandmethodologiesarebeinginvestigatedanddeveloped totacklecomplexandchallengingproblems. AllacceptedpaperswillappearinconferenceproceedingspublishedbytheSpringer's LectureNotesinComputerScience(LNCS)andtheIEEE,respectively.(Allacceptedpapers atWISM09-AICI'09areindexedbyEIandISTP).Selectedgoodpaperswillberecommended forpublicationinEI/SCIindexedinternationaljournals. Formoreinformation,visittheconferencewebpageoremailthe secretariatat wism-aici2009@shiep.edu.cn JoinusatthismajoreventinscenicShanghai!!! ***Topicsofinterestincludebutarenotlimitedto: WISM'09 A.Webinformationsystems Webservices Web-basedlearning Digitallibraries Distributedsystems E-government E-commerce E-learning Intelligentnetworkedsystems Multi-agentsystems Multimediadatabases Mobilecomputing XMLandsemi-structureddata WebInterfacesandApplications InformationSecurity Applications Othertopics B.Webmining Webcontentmining WebStructuremining Webusagemining Webinformationclassification Webinformationretrieval LinkAnalysis WebCrawling WebinformationExtraction WebInformationIntegration DeepWeb SemanticWebandontologies WebIntelligence Applications Othertopics AICI'09 A.ArtificialIntelligence ProblemSolving LogicReasoningandTheorem-Proving ExpertSystems Decisionsupportsystems Fuzzylogicandsoftcomputing Brainmodels/Cognitivescience Automatedproblemsolving Heuristicsearchingmethods Knowledgerepresentation Knowledgeacquisition NaturalLanguageProcessing AutomaticProgramming MachineLearning NeuralNetworks Robotics PatternRecognition MachineVision IntelligentControl IntelligentInformationRetrieval IntelligentScheduling DistributedAIandAgents DataMiningandKnowledgeDiscovering IntelligentSystemsandLanguage Intelligentinformationfusion IntelligentImageprocessing Intelligentsignalprocessing Applications Othertopics B.ComputationalIntelligence NeuralComputation FuzzyComputation RoughSetTheory GeneticAlgorithms EvolutionStrategy EvolutionaryProgramming ArtificialLife ParticleSwarmOptimization AntColonyAlgorithm NatureComputation ImmuneComputation BiologicalComputing SupportVectorMachine IntelligentAgentsandSystems MolecularComputing ProbabilisticReasoning InformationSecurity Applications Othertopics ***ProspectiveauthorsareinvitedtosubmitmanuscriptswritteninEnglish.Allsubmissionswillbepeer-reviewedbyexpertsinthefieldbasedonoriginality,significance,qualityandclarity.AuthorsshouldusetheLatexstylefilesorMS-Wordtemplatesobtainedfromtheconferencesitetoformattheirpapers.Authorsshouldsubmitpdffilesoftheirmanuscriptsviatheonlinesubmissionsystem. ***OrganizingCommittee GeneralCo-Chairs ZhongTang,ShanghaiUniversityofElectricPower,China JingshengLei,HainanUniversity,China ProgramCommitteeCo-Chairs LiuWenyin,CityUniversityofHongKong,HongKong LUO Xiangfeng, Shanghai University, China HepuDeng,RMITUniversity,Australia LanzhouWang,ChinaJILIANGUniversity,China LocalArrangementChair HaizhouDu,ShanghaiUniversityofElectricPower,China ProceedingsCo-Chair WANG,PhilipsF.L,CityUniversityofHongKong,HongKong JunYang,ShanghaiUniversityofElectricPower,China PublicityChair TimKovacs,UniversityofBristol,UK SponsorshipChair ZhiyuZhou,ZhejiangSci-TechUniversity 2009-02-08
个人分类: 学习论坛|9365 次阅读|5 个评论
Medicine 2008-11-21 10:17
生物燃料是通过生物资源生产的燃料乙醇和生物柴油,可以替代由石油制取的汽油和柴油,很多国家早就已经利用生物燃料来缓解石油的供应,但种植生物燃料要占用的土地无疑很大,很多科学家已经提出要控制生物燃料的开发。科学家指出,虽然生物燃料具有减少温室气体排放的潜力,但是如果不加以控制,那么生物燃料将会毁坏森林及其他栖息地。  为种植生物燃料作物,森林被砍伐,大草原以及其他生物栖息地遭到破坏,这种种现象日益引起人们的担忧和疑虑。而这些地区的居民往往对最终的决定没有话语权。全球人口不断增长,种植生物燃料作物的用地与粮食耕地之间的矛盾也日益引起人们的注意。 英国皇家学会匹克特教授指出,对每种生物燃料作类似评估时必须要涵盖整个供应链。从种植所用的肥料,到汽车里代替的化石燃料,都应考虑在内。他说:除非所有生物燃料的生产都有适用标准,且所有的国家都用同一种评估系统,不然我们仅仅是代替,而没有真正解决化石燃料带来的负面影响。 科学家们对欧盟提出的2020年10%的汽油、柴油来源于可再生资源的目标持很大疑问,并指出退耕还林、保护森林更易减少二氧化碳排放。去年《科学》杂志发表一份的研究表示,30年内,森林吸收的二氧化碳总量要比通过使用生物燃料减排量大得多。 这份题为《可持续生物燃料:前景和挑战》的报告呼吁,政府要将重点从生物燃料生产数量转向减少温室气体排放后的效果。该调查的主要作者瑞士洛桑研究所的约翰匹克特(John Pickett)说,人们对每种生物燃料作物的好处及成本知之甚少。   他引用美国种植玉米来生产乙醇为例,质疑其价值合理程度,因为这种方法最高只能减少10%的温室气体排放量,而巴西有些乙醇作物可减少80%的排放。   皮克特教授说:在制定鼓励投资、使用生物燃料的政策及鼓励机制的同时,很重要的一点是要意识到一种生物燃料和另一种是不同的。具体每一种能够减少多少温室气体,取决于这种燃料作物是如何培植、转化、使用的。如果不加区分,一味增加使用生物燃料的总量,就不会自动产生最佳的减排效果。   报告认同生物燃料在解决气候变化上的潜在重要作用,因为20%的人为二氧化碳排放是由于交通运输产生的,而在英国则高达25%。报告指出,如果不减少交通排放量,英国将难以达到2050年减排60%的目标。 有联合国官员认为,使用粮食生产燃料是一项反人类的罪行。美联社23日文章指出:生物燃料是昂贵的,代价来自你的钱包,也来自环境,尽管它可能在汽车发动机中燃烧时排放的二氧化碳比汽油少,但生产它,例如乙醇燃料,会耗费比它节省的能源更多的能源。
个人分类: 生活点滴|382 次阅读|1 个评论
lixie6110532 2008-10-31 13:59
我时常跟家人闹矛盾,事后又十分后悔。朋友批评我说:你智商很高,但情商很低。最近专心学习了一些关于情商的知识,体会颇深,感慨良多。 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 人有七种感情,即喜、怒、忧、思、惊、恐、悲,七种感情的状态就是情绪。情商则是一个人管理自己情绪的能力。 家庭和睦离不开情绪管理和控制。要管理好自己的情绪,首先要有稳定的情绪状态。精神紧张、压抑、暴躁、焦虑、偏执、疲惫、孤独、恐惧等情绪表现会对家人的情绪产生扩散和压迫,从而影响家庭和睦。稳定的情绪表达能力,包括用面部表情、手势和音调来传递非言语情感的情绪影响力,特别是在困难和和纠纷的关键时刻,表现出的泰山崩于前而不变色的胆识与和蔼宽容的气度,会让家人体会和领略到你健康良好的人格修养,感受到你强烈的人格魅力,在他们中建立信任,相互理解,从而吸引家人真诚地投入,共同营造和睦的家庭气氛,共同实现幸福的家庭目标。 管理好自身的情绪,还要注意保持积极的正向的情绪状态。对家人来说,一个家长的影响力主要是通过情绪交流来唤起或激励家人的兴致的能力和洞悉家人情绪需求的能力,包括情绪表现力、情绪敏感性、情绪控制技能等。一个成功的家长不仅是伦理意义上的领导者,而且是家人的精神领袖,是家庭文化的建立者和引导者,这种精神符号的影响力是无形的,但也是巨大的。一个始终充满热情、自信乐观的家长,其言行或情绪状态对家人来说是一种无声的示范。家长具有的高昂情绪、坚韧意志将对家人的积极性和处事态度起着不可估量的提升作用。   最重要的是家长要有 情绪管理与控制意识。所谓态度决定一切。充分认识到情绪管理与控制对自身、对家人、对家庭和睦的价值和影响,经常保持良好的心理状态,适时适度地调节自己的心态与情绪,以宽容、冷静、感恩的心态对待义务、责任和亲情,不断修养身心,提升自身的精神境界。同时,通过寻找和掌握一些心理调试方法:音乐、运动、聊天、旅行、心理保健、心理咨询等,丰富自己的业余爱好,有意识地陶冶情绪,以生活兴趣摆脱困难和纠纷带来的心理压力和困扰。这样,不仅自身能够体会人生的快乐,同时也是家庭健康和睦的福音。 情绪有两种:消极情绪和积极情绪。人的一生中平均有十分之三的时间处于情绪不佳的消极状态,因此,人们常常需要与那些消极的情绪作斗争。我们的生活离不开情绪,它是我们对外面世界正常的心理反应,我们所要做的只是不能让自己成为情绪的奴隶,不能让那些消极的心境左右我们的生活。 当你闷闷不乐或者忧心忡忡时,首先自己要加强情绪管理意识,了解自己的情绪是否平稳,如果一旦失控的话需要了解失控的原因,从潜意识中挖掘根源。最有效果办法的是静坐反省,在静坐反省过程中,可以倾听自己内心的声音,了解自己潜意识的活动,以及影响自己情绪的诸多因素。调整情绪的方法有很多:保证睡眠、亲近自然、运动健身、合理饮食、积极乐观等。 保证睡眠。那些睡得很晚的人更可能情绪不佳,我们的精力往往在一天之始处于高峰,而在午后则有所下降。一件坏事并不一定在任何时间都能使你烦心,它往往是在你精力最差时影响你。睡眠不足对我们的情绪影响极大,对睡眠不足者而言,那些令人烦心的事更能左右他们的情绪。一个成年人每晚睡觉时间应保证 8 小时左右,睡眠充足则心情舒畅,看待事物的方式也就乐观。 亲近自然。许多专家认为与自然亲近有助于心情愉快开朗。每当心情沮丧、抑郁时,去公园散心,在与花草林木的接触中,不快之感也就烟消云散了。假如你不可能总到户外去活动,那么,即使走到窗前眺望一下青草绿树,也对你的心情有所裨益。 运动健身。驱除不良心境极其有效的自助手段是运动健身。哪伯只是散步十分钟,对于克服坏心境都能收到立竿见影的效果。健身运动能使身体产生一系列的生理变化,其功效与提神醒脑的药物类似,但比药物更胜一筹的是,健身运动是百利而无一害。不过,要做到效果明显,最好是从事有氧运动 跑步、体操、骑车、游泳和其它有一定强度的运动,运动之后再洗个热水澡则效果更佳。 合理饮食。大脑活动的所有能量都来自我们所吃的食物,因此情绪波动也常常与我们吃的东西有关。对于每天早晨只喝一杯咖啡的人来说,心绪不佳是一点也不奇怪的。要确保心情愉快,应养成一些好的饮食习惯:定时就餐 ( 早餐尤其不能省 ) ,限制咖啡因和糖的摄入 ( 它们都可能使你过于激动 ) ,每天至少喝六至八杯水 ( 脱水易使人疲劳 ) 。据最新研究表明,各种水果、稻米、杂粮都是富含碳水化合物的食物。碳水化合物能增加大脑血液中复合胺的含量,而该物质被认为是一种人体自然产生的镇静剂。碳水化合物更能使人心境平和、感觉舒畅。 积极乐观。一些人往往将自己的消极情绪等同于现实本身,其实,我们周边的环境从本质上说是中性的,是我们给他们加上了或积极或消极的价值,问题的关键是你倾向选择哪一种。生命短暂,我们何苦要自寻烦恼呢 !
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热度 1 jacky2008 2008-9-17 17:32
研究发现,不带 p53 基因的实验鼠很容易得癌症;在幼年时就形成肿瘤,而带 p53 基因的实验鼠都不容易得癌症,但它们的寿命无一例外地会缩短。这一意外发现开创了有关肿瘤抑制基因研究的新时代,因为这种基因也能修改衰老过程。 衰老和癌症是有关系的,随着年龄的增长,患癌症的几率会提高。这可能是一个硬币的两面。换句话说,皮肤起皱、骨质疏松和器官衰老,可能是我们长期抑制肿瘤必须付出的代价 。 现在对癌症的治疗方法通常都是提高肿瘤抑制基因的活性,这种治疗方法会不会加速患者的衰老、导致痴呆等老年疾病?另外,抗衰老药物会不会增加患癌症的风险 ? 这种肿瘤抑制基因被称作 p53 基因,因为这种基因激活时产生的蛋白质的分子量为 53000 。 作为 肿瘤的克星,当细胞核中的 DNA 受损时, p53 或者阻止非正常细胞复制,直到 DNA 被修复,或者引导 细胞自杀 。大部分癌症都是缺陷基因引起的, p53 变异是常见的基因缺陷。 认识到 p53 基因的重要作用,全世界数以百计的分子生物学家抛开原来的项目转而研究 p53 基因,希望以此作为攻克癌症的突破口 。 研究发现,缺氧、营养不良、阳光和放射线过量以及 DNA 受损等条件都会发出激活 p53 的报警信号。激活的 p53将 进一步激活一系列 下游 基因,阻止细胞分裂或引发细胞自杀 。 然而,变异以外的其他途径也能使 p53 基因失去作用,这就有助于解释为什么这种重要的肿瘤抑制基因在大约一半癌症中似乎不起作用。例如,在上世纪 70 年代用猴子病毒进行的试验中首次发现 p53 时,蛋白质被病毒所包围和破坏。研究人员还发现,在人类乳头瘤病毒引起的宫颈癌病例中, p53 被病毒所吞食,根本就没有抑制基因来抑制癌细胞 。 后来的研究发现, p53 基因实际上受另一种基因 mdm2 的严格控制。 它们之间就好像是警察和他的警犬,警察(mdm2基因)决定什么时候把警犬(p53 基因)放出去对付威胁、什么时候把它拉回来。如果警察放松管理,警犬就会制造混乱。 mdm2 就是警察,它不会让 p53 杀死所有细胞。 同时,有些人的 mdm2 基因比较活跃,对 p53 看得比较紧,因此癌症的发病率比较高。从事乳腺癌研究的莱文说: 绝经前妇女 ( 她们的雌激素水平比较高 ) 身上的 mdm2 最活跃。 实际上, mdm2 过分活跃对吸烟者也是坏消息。吸烟会使患肺癌的几率增加 1-2 倍,如果再遇到 mdm2 过分活跃,患肺癌的危险性就增加 10 倍 。 研究发现,阳光中紫外线照射过多会引起 p53 基因变异,从而引起皮肤癌。科学家们相信,利用 p53 基因发现和治疗癌症的前景非常广阔。目前正在研制的几种药物模仿病毒入侵细胞的途径,采用同样的机制达到治疗的目的。有一种方法就是让正常的 p53 基因进入癌细胞,重新激活癌细胞里 p53 基因的功能。另一种方法是改变病毒的基因,使它只能感染带变异 p53 基因的细胞,病毒在这些细胞中生长和复制,直到细胞破 裂。 此外 ,研究人员正在寻找可以用来影响 p53 基因上游或下游各基因的小分子。例如,罗氏制药公司开发的一种叫 nutlins 的小分子化合物,能够干预 p53 基因和 mdm2 基因之间的互动关系,成为一种很有效的抗癌药物。能任意激活和休眠 p53 基因,是研究人员长期追求的目标。 虽然,生产利用 p53 基因来抵抗癌症和延缓衰老的药物仍然是很遥远的事情,已经有了一些重要的发现。 抑制肿瘤可能会加速衰老的理论认为,由于基因相互影响,在抑制肿瘤时,补偿组织和器官的干细胞会被杀死或停止分裂。有了 nutlins 等小分子化合物,科学家们就能用以前不可能的方式控制 p53 基因,从而取得所需要的治疗效果。 研究认为,重新确定我们身体抑制癌症和衰老的相互关系是完全可能的,但风险很大,如果搞得合适,我们就能长寿和健康,如果搞不好,我们就会陷入细胞快速凋亡的过程,因为 p53 基因会像失去控制的警犬,对我们全身的细胞胡 作 非为 。
个人分类: 它山之石|9375 次阅读|5 个评论
斑潜蝇的生态学与持续控制 Ecology and Sustainable Control of Serpentine Leafminers
entomology 2008-7-29 19:49
Kang, L. Ecology and Sustainable Control of Serpentine Leafminers. Beijing: Science Press, 1996. 目录 Contents 0 前言 Preface 1 绪论 Introduction 2 寄主与食性 Host plants and feeding habits 3 生活史与习性 Life histories and behaviors 4 生态学 Ecology 5 检疫与法规防治 Quarantine and legal control 6 综合管理 Integrated management 7 取样与监测技术 Sampling and monitoring technology 8 研究方法 Research methods
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