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carldy 2010-3-9 21:57
下面这篇文章录自于居祖纯 《新编汉英语篇翻译强化训练》清华大学出版社 2002. p49-50) ,作为课余训练的材料,自己也动手翻译了一次。 每次讲评翻译,如果自己不亲自动手,是没有发言权的。 这里,新年刚过,翻译就开始了,权当练笔吧。 要做一名合格的翻译,做一名称职的语言与翻译教师,需要大量的训练,从而积累语感。 闲话止住,请看正文: 现在过年的心情是越来越淡了。过年有什么好呢,空长了一岁而已。春去秋来,平淡无奇地过日子,新的日子还不是和旧的一样过。除了自己越来越老愿望越来越实在之外。 想想我现在这种因为对平淡的日子的失望,进而对过年意兴阑珊的心情,我不禁钦佩起自己的父母了。他们可算是最坎坷的一代了:经历过三年自然灾害,下乡插队,艰难地回城找工作,上有老下有小,经济拮据,好容易子女长大了,工厂又在飘摇中。生活虽苦,却很少听他们抱怨,总是尽量给我们一个温暖的家,尽力地鼓励我们上进,做个有用的人。过年对他们来说,比平日更辛苦更操劳,但他们总是想方设法把年过得富足快乐。他们不是没有生存不易的感慨,岁月如刀,他们脸上满是沧桑的印记。他们是普通到不能再普通的人,日子也平淡到不能再平淡。有人说,做人难,做名人更难,其实真正难的是心平气和地做个普通人,不退缩,不泄气,尽自己的力量,肩负起应负的责任。 选自《扬子晚报》 1997 年 3 月 1 3 日副刊。作者朱薇薇。 ( 录自于居祖纯 《新编汉英语篇翻译强化训练》清华大学出版社 2002. p49-50) Spring Festival for the Ordinary People Im not enthusiastic about the celebration for Spring Festival any more now. What does the lunar New Year mean to me? Nothing but tells me that I am one year older than last year. Seasons turn round quietly and the days fly away without any trace and difference. The only difference to me is that Im older and more and more practical. I cannot help admiring my parents when I felt disappointed at the daily life and lost the interest for the spring festival celebration. They can be called a generation experienced the roughest and toughest times. They survived the three years (1959-1961) which is hard for the natural disaster, then they were sent out to the countryside, working among the peasants. Later, they returned to town and managed to find a job to support a whole family consisted of their old parents and young children. They were always in a tough financial situation and after their children grew up, they had to face the collapsing factories. Their life has been very hard, but we have never heard their complaint. They always tried to provide us a comfortable home, encouraged us to become a useful person with ambitions. The celebration for spring festival means that they have more things to deal with than before, but they always make us a rich spring festival. There exists sighs for the hard life and the traces crossing over their faces with time. They are ordinary people in the world, and they had their ordinary daily life in the most ordinary way. Someone said, it is hard for an ordinary man to live in the world, and even harder to live as a celebrity. In the fact, it's really hard to be a ordinary person who will never cower away from his will, never give up and turn his hand on his duties bravely.(translated by Carl 2010-3-9 ) Spring festival for ordinary people Now Im less and less enthusiastic about celebrating the spring festival. What does the new year signify? Nothing but one year older. One season succeeds another, bring along new days which will be spent in the same old monotonous way. The only difference is that Im older and less utopian. Whenever I think of my disappointment with the repetitious sameness of the days, and the consequent total loss of interest in spring festival celebrations, I cant help admiring my parents. They belong to the generation who might be said to have experienced the roughest and toughest times. They survived the three years (1959-1961) of natural disaster, then were sent to the countryside to work among the peasants. Later, afer overcoming no small difficulties, they succeeded in coming back to the city and found some work. Having old people to support and young children to rear, they were often financially embarrassed. It was no easy job for them to have brought us up, and now they find the factory they work for is collapsing For them, life has been very hard. And yet, they have never been heard to complain. On the contrary, they have always tried their best to wrap us up with familial warmth and encourage us to improve ourselves and be useful citizens. Celebrating the lunar New Year means for them more toil and moil. However, they will and can find the ways and means to make us feel happy and prosperous. Not that they do not feel the difficulty of survival; their faces do bear the evidence of the vicissitudes of the past years. They are the most ordinary of the ordinary run of the people, who live their lives in the most ordinary way. It is said that to live the life of an ordinary person is difficult and that it is even more difficult to live as a celebrity. But in actual fact, to be an ordinary person enjoying peace of mind, and trying ones best and doing ones bit, never shrinking from difficulties or losing heart, is the most difficult of all.(translated by Pro. Ju ) 通过比较,才发现,有些句子的处理,是需要灵感与技巧的。 努力吧。
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