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material for TOFEL and IELTS
htlbydgod 2016-9-30 14:42
IELTS: IELTS 4-7; some tecent class (like simon, du, zhuning); yiou; xiaozhan yasi; yasige; benniao yasi kouyu; yingyuliulishuo; TOFEL:TPO; OG; yiou
个人分类: English|9 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 12 JANEWANGJK55 2011-3-29 14:25
一直想把电脑里存在资料传上来,但也一直在犹豫。 其实,有些东西放在我电脑里不会再产生任何价值,但拿出来和大家分享,给需要的人参考一下,倒是一件令人很愉快的事情。 本次上传的资料多数是关于Speaking,part two里面的话题。大部分是我自己写的,然后找朋友修改过语法或用词错误的;有些是通过网络或参考书根据题目内容自己进行总结的。因为都是依据以前IELTS考过的题目写的,所以对于正在复习备考IELTS的同学可以提供一些ideas。如果里面存在语法或内容的不当,还请朋友们批评指正。 在此,感谢对我这些资料进行过修改的英国朋友和巴基斯坦的朋友们,生命中有了朋友的支持和鼓励,我才可以走的更加的自信和坚强! 下面是外教教我的关于回答Speaking,part two里话题的逻辑顺序,无意间从以前的笔记本上翻到的,希望对大家有用: Topic: Describe a friend you admire. Answer: 1.----Introduction Topic sentence: Well, generally speaking, I admire most of my friends but the one I would like to introduce to you now is ....... or Well, talking about a friend I admire, I guess I have bunch of friends I admire, but the one I would like to introduce to you now is ...... (主题句的套用,可以在考场上给你十几秒的时间去思考下面要说的内容。) 2.----Body Add some interesting details. You can imagine, but what you say should be logical. 3.----Example or short story 10-15 seconds. joke/funny/tragic/strange 4.----Conclusion So anyway, all in all and before I finish I would like to say that, this is my best friend I really appreciate most, thank you. Writing 1-violence in films .pdf Speaking -place篇 完整版 已修改 .pdf Speaking - Topic 6-11.pdf Speaking - Topic 1-6.pdf Speaking - Event篇 .pdf Speaking - an occasion when you were late .pdf Speaking - a quiz show.pdf Writing 1-International travel Advertising.pdf Speaking - A good law a family member et al.pdf
个人分类: English Study|4723 次阅读|15 个评论
Practice makes perfect
carldy 2010-12-14 23:57
Practice makes perfect Do you like to watch films? You bet. And I just watched a film last Saturday called A Beautiful Mind by Director Ron Howard. A Beautiful Mind http://plus.maths.org/content/beautiful-mind-film-review A Beautiful Mind is a touching, emotionally charged film detailing the life of a brilliant academic who suffers from schizophrenia. This affliction slowly takes over his mind and we watch as his life crumbles apart around him. He abandons his students, alienates his colleagues and replaces his research with a fruitless and all-consuming obsession. Eventually he is taken into hospital where he is forced, with the help of electric-shock therapy and regular medication, to accept his condition and attempt to repair the shattered fragments of his life. He succeeds. Of course he succeeds, this is Hollywood and Hollywood likes a happy ending. In this case the happy ending is that, as an old man and after years of struggle, the poor academic is awarded the Nobel Prize. One interesting point though; it's a true story and our hero is none other than John Forbes Nash Jr. As a young man, John Nash was a mathematical genius. In 1947 he went to Princeton on a Carnegie Scholarship, and after three years had produced a 27-page dissertation for his doctorate in which he greatly expanded the field of Game Theory, transporting it from a position of relative obscurity into one of almost universal relevance. In the 1920s the father of Game Theory, Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann, had shown that mathematical models could be used to explain the behaviour of players in simple games. His work was limited in scope however, and although interesting, it appeared to be of little practical use. Nash's dissertation expanded on von Neumann's work, showing how Game Theory could explain complex as well as simple competitive behaviour. It wasn't a comprehensive solution to all game situations, but it did lay the foundations for the huge body of work on Game Theory which has been produced since. Unfortunately, very little of this comes across in A Beautiful Mind because the director (Ron Howard) seems more interested in making a film about a schizophrenic than a mathematician suffering from schizophrenia. At the start of the film we are shown a Hollywood template of a typically obsessive young academic, introverted, socially inept, dismissive of his colleagues' work. If the notes we see Nash scribbling on his windows were chemical formulae or rhyming couplets rather than mathematical equations, the character would have seemed equally plausible. This is not to say that Russell Crowe, who plays Nash, does a bad job. Indeed, he succeeds in giving his character a convincing plausibility rarely seen in mainstream cinema these days, and he was certainly a deserving Oscar nominee. It's just that we never see him doing any maths apart from the occasional scribbling on windows. And when his great breakthrough finally comes, Nash is not poring over his books in the library or gazing fixedly at his glass equivalent of a blackboard, he's in a bar, eyeing up a group of attractive young women. How visually convenient. But to be fair, this is a dramatisation based on Sylvia Nasar's best-selling book, not a documentary. Its aim is to entertain, not to enlighten, and it does this perfectly well. Russell Crowe produces probably his best performance to date and is equally convincing as both the awkward young genius and the tortured convalescent, struggling to rebuild his marriage and career. Jennifer Connolly (who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress) is excellent as Alicia, Nash's long-suffering wife, and there are several strong performances from the supporting cast, most notably Ed Harris as a mysterious character from the military and Paul Bettany as Nash's Princeton roommate. But Hollywood requires more from its films than a few good performances; it requires drama, action, romance, pathos, excitement. A Beautiful Mind makes a fair attempt to include all of these ingredients and the results obviously satisfied producers and film-goers alike - it won Oscars for Best Film and Best Director. But for those expecting to see a film about mathematics it is unlikely to satisfy. Early in the film, John Nash describes himself as having two helpings of brain and half a helping of heart. A Beautiful Mind seems the exact opposite. http://movies.about.com/library/weekly/aa010202a.htm Director Ron Howard has created a moving masterpiece, elegantly guiding the audience through John Forbes Nash Jr.'s life starting with Nash as an intense, introverted youth striving for that perfect original idea and ending with Nash as a passionate, patient elderly man battling against his inner demons. Through Howard's skilled hand and via Russell Crowe's amazingly understated yet incredibly touching performance, Nash's achievements and flaws are exposed without portraying mental illness in a clichd cinematic form. Crowe's Nash is an honest, disturbing look at the price paid by people who suffer from schizophrenia and the toll it takes on families and friends. A Beautiful Mind lays out the story of mathematical genius John Forbes Nash Jr. as he enters Princeton , a bright student with a limitless future ahead of him. Obsessed with finding a way to prove he truly matters, he competes with the other students in Princeton 's brutally competitive math department, all of whom are searching for one truly original idea. Inspiration strikes him while he's studying in a local bar surrounded by his rowdy classmates. As they vie for the attention of a stunning blonde, Nash observes their rivalry and, from that, develops his game theory. Nash's theory contradicts 150 years of accepted theory and earns him a coveted position at MIT where part of his duty is to teach a course to eager young minds. Jennifer Connelly enters the film as one of those eager young minds, Alicia Larde. Alicia falls for the nervous, socially inept Nash, inviting him to dinner and starting a romance that breathes life into Nash's carefully ordered world. As Nash's mental condition unveils itself, worsening with time, Alicia is the one true thing in his world that remains steadfast and dependable. Russell Crowe exquisitely captures Nash's passion for his wife, his work, and his unending hunger for excellence. Jennifer Connelly again proves she's a talented actress capable of conquering characters with depth and emotion. The brilliant supporting cast, including Ed Harris, Paul Bettany, and Adam Goldberg, perfectly create the fuzzy environment where Nash roams. Over the course of little more than two hours, director Ron Howard and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman succeed in unfolding a beautiful story of love, despair, perseverance, compassion and pride the likes of which hasn't been seen on screen in many years. A Beautiful Mind is easily one of the finest films of the year and deserves the Oscar buzz that surrounds it. The only real Oscar question is whether Crowe's winning last year will negate a nod this year or will the Academy reward what is clearly the best performance of the year with the golden statue it truly deserves. Overall Grade: A A Beautiful Mind is rated PG-13 for intense thematic material, sexual content, and a scene of violence. Director: Ron Howard Producers Ron Howard and Brian Grazer Written By: Akiva Goldsman Director of Photography: Roger Deakins Film Editors: Mike Hill and Dan Hanley Production Designer: Wynn Thomas Composer: James Horner Costume Designer: Rita Ryack Casting: Jane Jenkins and Janet Hirshenson Art Director: Robert Guerra Set Decorator: Leslie Rollins John Nash - Russell Crowe Alicia - Jennifer Connelly Parcher - Ed Harris Dr. Rosen - Christopher Plummer Charles - Paul Bettany Sol - Adam Goldberg Hansen - Josh Lucas Marcee - Vivien Cardone Bender - Anthony Rapp Ainsley - Jason Gray-Stanford Helinger - Judd Hirsch Thomas King - Austin Pendleton Professor Horner - Victor Steinbach
个人分类: 英语课堂素材 Materials from Classroom|5096 次阅读|0 个评论
English Writing: IELTS Practice
carldy 2010-11-24 22:13
Some examples for IELTS Writing Topics from Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, China. 1, 城市存在的问题 While people flood into big cities to seek jobs and happy life, there is a tendency for people to move out. What problems do big cities have? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. Every year men and women crowd into cities in search of employment, decent living conditions, and the excitement and stimulation of urban life. According to a research, the population in Shanghai alone has increased 26% in the last three years. With the rise in urban population, many big cities have met various problems. One big problem is the ever-increasing pressure caused by over-crowding. As more and more people flood into cities, city services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point. Cities have been exposed not only to the problem of traffic and housing, but to the problem of education, sanitation, employment and so on. A second problem is the living environment. The rising of too many compacted high buildings strips people of sunlight, trees and grasscondemning them to live among stone and concrete, neon lights and endless traffic flows. Additionally, the growing number of cars and buses sends huge quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, making the air of cities unbreathable. But of all the problems, the most serious and pressing one is the widespread crime, which is a threat to paralyse the city. Bank robberies which were unheard of in the past now occur more frequently. Not a single day passes without the reports of somebody being mugged, being kidnapped or being murdered, etc. All these problems make big cities no longer attractive to people as years before. The tendency to move to the edge of the city or the suburban areas reflects this mentality. Unless there is some improvement, more and more people will seek to live in the suburbs. 2, 21世纪会带来什么 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. Mankind has made great progress since scientific exploration began, and this progress seems to be accelerating. In the past hundred years we have seen inventions that have not only greatly improved our lives but changed the very way we live. There is no reason to believe that this rapid progress will not continue in the 21st century. Although there is no way to exactly predict what our scientists and entrepreneurs will come up with, there are indications that advances will be made in certain areas. The following are some examples. Firstly, advances will continue to be made in the field of medicine that will allow people to live longer and healthier lives. In developed countries today most people already have a lifespan that was unusually long a hundred years ago. Steady progress has been made in the eradication of diseases and this should continue in the next 100 years. In addition, biotechnology in the field of genetics may someday allow us to develop bodies that are stronger and free of inherited defects. Perhaps we will even be able to clone ourselves. No matter what form these advances take, it is highly likely that we will greatly extend our lifespan in the new century. Secondly, new technology has already brought people around the world closer. This trend will continue in the 21st century as communication becomes more efficient and affordable. Countries and their people have formed stronger bonds both economically and politically, such as the recent development of the European Union. Perhaps some day in the future national boundaries will disappear. However, one side effect of this globalisation is that many characteristics of individual cultures will be lost. Sadly, by the end of the century, some languages and art forms may only be found in museums. Thirdly, we can expect both a growing population and demands for a higher standard of living to put increasing pressure on Earths resources. We have already seen some of the effects of this pressure in the form of pollution and global warming. It is likely that these trends will also continue and that more damage to the environment will be done. On the other hand, perhaps we will find more efficient ways to make use of the available resources or develop alternative forms of energy. In that case, we may live with nature more harmoniously. The scenarios above are just three of the many possible changes that this new century will bring. We can expect to see great advances in many fields, including medicine, communications, trade, transportation and production. Although there may be problems in the future, our ingenuity and inventiveness will help us to deal with them. 3, 水资源短缺 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: What are the causes of water shortages? Please also offer some solutions to deal with this problem. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. Since the beginning of time, water has been shaping the face of Earth. Water sustains human life, our environment and our cultures. But the global demand for water is increasing and the destruction of water-dependent ecosystems has accelerated. From my point of view, the main reason of scarcity of water resource is the rapid population growth, especially in developing countries. In order to meet the great demand for water, people exploit water resource in various ways. Water supply sources are being stretched to their limits. And groundwater pollution is increasing rapidly. Research indicates that over 1 billion people still do not have access to safe water supplies and over 1.7 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation facilities. Another reason is the development of industry and agriculture. In some developing countries, some private factories make use of water resource inefficiently and make much pollution. Irrigated farming also contributes to water scarcity. Despite the high yield, irrigation is extremely water intensive. It takes about 1,000 tons of water to grow one ton of grain and 2,000 tons to grow one ton of rice. Finding solutions of the problem involves the increase of worldwide awareness and international cooperation. Every individual should realise water crisis and the necessity of water-saving. As to the government some effective measures should be taken, including erecting modern irrigation systems and increasing the number of sewage water recycling plants. Building more dams can also be an effective solution. Dams play an important role in detaining the surface rainwater flowing from mountains and would prevent the loss of rainwater straight into the sea.
个人分类: 英语课堂素材 Materials from Classroom|5864 次阅读|0 个评论
chenxna 2010-8-30 17:01
方式比较   新托福通过互联网与ETS总部组成局域网,为每个人发出不同的考题。考题一次有效,不再会有题库。此外,网考通过电子方式记录答案后,将答案传输到人工评分网络,并予以客观、可靠的评分,确保考试的公平合理性。   雅思目前官方并未公布采用机考的消息,中国考生所参加的雅思考试仍然是以笔试的方式进行,考试会有一定的题库,部分题目会在考试中重复出现,2006年雅思作文的评分标准将会更加细化。   专家提示:新托福考试原则上考题不会重复;而雅思考试中仍然会有题库,考生可以通过一些过来人的考试经验,对考试背景作大致了解,但对于在网络上公布的考试答案,考生不能完全依赖。因为考试中的题目有可能极其相似,但答案却完全不同。    听力比较   新托福原来的短对话被取消,听力内容更加学术化,演讲篇幅大大加长。此外,听力部分出现了5种新题型:选择两个正确答案的题目、听部分文章摘要后完成的细节题、根据文章内容点击图片相应位置的题目、通过拖动来选择答案的多选题、点击表格的题目。   雅思听力部分会出现多个经典场景,对细节考核将更贴近国外生活要求。此外,听力部分将出现一些新场景,比如商业场景、超市、纪念品点等信息。考核题型也趋向多样化,不再是单纯考查填空或选择题。   专家提示:新托福听力部分的考查给予考生答题思考的时间要多于雅思,当中有个别题目可以重复,而且题型还是以选择题为主,与雅思的填空式作答相比,更符合中国学生的考试模式。    口语比较   新托福口语部分采用人机对话,模拟正式的上课讲演来考查学生。考试共有6道题目,一三五针对的是校园生活,二四六是相对学术性的题材。   雅思口语采用人人对话形式,考生可以对没有听清楚的问题要求考官重复并且可以要求考官解释卡片提上的单词与句子,更加人性化,但客观性相对减弱。在2006年的考试中不仅会在原有话题的基础上增加部分新问题,而且会对于第二部分的topic(话题)进行具体化,例如原来只问holiday(假期)的话题,以后将会具体为highschool(高中)的毕业旅行。   专家提示:雅思口语在网络上有较全面的机经(考生对考试题目和答案的回忆),考生可以把这些内容作为参考。而新托福口语考试,由于考生开始时间有差异,在同一个考场中可能会出现说话声音此起彼伏的情况。    阅读比较   新托福阅读部分内容变得更加学术化,其涵盖的题材也更加广泛,包括了历史、科学、教育、商业、社科、艺术文学、工程技术、体育文娱8个方面。此外,阅读部分还出现两种新题型:插入句子题和拖动选择的多选题。   雅思文章内容基本来自传统的题库,比如有关古代文明、移民史的社会科学话题,英国农业和动物特征介绍的自然科学话题等。新题的出现都比较有规律,如教育方面的科技英语(Scientific English)话题。阅读部分新题约占20%~30%。   专家提示:雅思阅读的机经只可以提供文章的背景信息,建议考生最好多花时间来熟悉真题和题型。    作文比较   新托福作文部分新增一篇考查综合能力的文章。要求考生用3分钟时间读一篇学术性文章,然后听23分钟的相关讲座的录音,最后要求考生在20分钟内写下一篇字数在150225的短文章。大作文部分基本不变,字数比旧托福要求稍长。   雅思一大一小两篇作文,小作文话题中的各种常规图表、柱状图、线图、饼图等交替出现。大作文的话题出现比较全面,包括了政府、环境、科技、媒体、犯罪、文化、动物等各种争议性话题。   专家提示:不管是雅思还是新托福,考试中的大作文题都有全球范围内进行考题轮换的趋势,考生可以通过网上的题库,作为参考练习。    认可度比较   加拿大所有大学认可IELTS成绩,英国、爱尔兰、新西兰、荷兰等英联邦国家的院校优先认可IELTS 成绩;澳大利亚只接受IELTS成绩;法国、丹麦、芬兰等欧洲国家的英语授课项目也要求IELTS成绩。目前在美国有超过2000所院校接受IELTS成绩(此数字正不断增长),如顶级的8所常春藤联盟院校全部接受IELTS成绩。US News World Report公布的美国排名前一百三十位院校,有115所院校接受IELTS成绩,占总数的88.5%,在前五十位院校中有47所接受IELTS成绩,占94%。
个人分类: 英语学习|1467 次阅读|1 个评论
qqsvery 2010-3-10 20:34
雅思 认可度全扫描 在申请 留学 的过程中,许多人都有出国到底要考什么?的疑问。这个问题要是出现在几年前,恐怕答案还要分情况讨论。现在,随着雅思考试认可度越来越广泛、认可雅思的机构名单越来越长,要回答这个问题只需要参考一个答案,那就是考雅思,出国可以灵活选择!。 根据最新的统计数据,目前雅思的足迹已经遍及120个国家和地区,这其中不仅包括了 英语 ( 论坛 ) 国家,而且也不乏非英语国家。截至2009年11月,全世界范围内官方注册了认可雅思成绩的机构已经超过6000家,这其中包括了各类教育机构(如高中、大学等)、职业机构、政府部门和机构、以及跨国公司和企业。 在中国来说,使用雅思出国的人群中,大多数都是抱有继续深造目的的莘莘学子,以及打算在异国他乡开始新的生活旅程的移民一族。那么,一纸雅思成绩到底可以把你送到哪些目的地呢? 英国和爱尔兰 作为雅思考试最早发家之地之一,一直以来英国对雅思考试的接受度都很高。在英国,无论是申请本科还是 研究生 ( 论坛 ) 阶段的课程,雅思成绩都是畅通无阻的通行证。 在近一两年出台的一系列移民政策中,雅思是英国当局用以考核申请人英语水平的考试之一。有了相应的雅思成绩,申请人便可获得加分以达到申请条件,以便更快捷地成就英国梦。 澳洲和新西兰 对于澳洲来说,基本上所有前往澳洲学习的学生都需必须经过雅思考试的考核。鉴于澳洲学生签证中只认可雅思,所以各位留学生只用考一个雅思就可以通过学校和签证申请的双重认证。正如澳大利亚使馆教育处高级信息官员王薇所说:澳大利亚对于雅思考试的认可度非常高,所有的院校都认可雅思成绩,其中也有为数很多的院校将雅思考试作为唯一的学生入学英语能力的证明。因为雅思考试涵盖了听、说、读、写四个方面技能,对于学生整体的英文能力是非常好的一个衡量标准。 此外,对于申请技术移民前往澳洲的申请人来说,雅思也是唯一的选择。 新西兰的所有学校都是认可雅思的。虽然签证没有硬性规定要求提供雅思成绩,但是如果有雅思成绩的申请人一般不用再花时间学习语言,可以直接进入正规课程的学习。与澳洲类似,申请技术移民的申请人必须达到雅思考试一定的要求(复合免除条件的申请人除外)。 美国和加拿大 近来关于雅思考试最火的话题就是它在美国节节攀升的认可度。据雅思考试主办方的统计,目前向雅思考试敞开大门的美国院校已经超过2500多家。美国大学排行榜前130名的大学里面95%以上都认可雅思,而前50强中有49所认可雅思,因此各位烤鸭的选择面相当广泛。随着对雅思考试的不断深入了解,越来越多的美国院校明确表明青睐雅思成绩。杜克大学更是表示,雅思考试是测试母语为非英语人士的英语水平的更为可取的方法,杜克大学更希望看到手拿雅思成绩的海外申请人。可以说,无论从认可院校的数目还是质量来说,雅思考试在美国都已经获得了让人侧目的成绩。 就北美另外一个热门留学目的地加拿大来说,雅思考试是被完全认可的。在移民类别来方面,雅思也是加拿大当局认可的英语语言测试。考取雅思培训类并达到相应分数的申请人可以获得加分,从而满足基本的申请条件。 欧洲以及世界其他国家 除了英语语系的国家以外,雅思考试的影响力还渗透到了非英语系的国家。 在欧洲,前往诸如德国、瑞士、芬兰、挪威、丹麦等国家学习用英语授课的课程的申请人会发现在入学要求的表格里常常出现雅思考试的名字。荷兰高等教育国际交流协会中国办公室首席代表Jacques D. van Vliet先生表示:荷兰的高校对于雅思考试体系非常的满意。荷兰高校的学生淘汰率之所以能低至3%到4%,原因之一就是雅思考试对留学生提供了很大的帮助,保证他们能够顺利完成自己的课程,取得他们想要的学位。 亚洲也不乏认可雅思考试的国际名校,其中包括新加坡国立大学、新加坡南洋理工大学等,香港浸会大学、香港理工、香港大学、香港中文大学也都在雅思考试的认可名录上,使用雅思作为前往香港学习的成功案例不计其数。 由此可见,在出国目的地尚未明确的情况下,选择了雅思,就意味着大大增加了选择面。不管你打算去哪个国家,雅思都能助你一臂之力,为你推开实现梦想的大门。
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