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热度 5 zhanghouxing 2014-4-28 17:40
最近在学习英文科技论文写作,从网上零零散散找了一些资料,现在将其进行总结,希望对需要的人有所帮助。其实科学网的博客上有许多关于英文写作的文章,看了以后获益匪浅,这里我就不一一列举了,一搜便知。 1. 关于写作注意事项问题,《美国教授对中国学生撰写英文论文的建议》这篇文章很详细,由 Felicia Brittman 撰写,由 leechao 提供,由 董仕勇 翻译。感谢三位无私奉献。由于翻译的已经很详细了,这里我就不再赘述,但我在这里再强调和补充几点,这几点是我在写作中经常出现的错误。 (1)长句子。写作的时候发现没有自己写了多少长句子,后面润色的时候发现真的很多,长句子对于文章的可读性影响很大,一个很好的检查方法使用style writer(能下载破解版并嵌入word)。文章中的长句子能够被标注,并检验修改后的结果。 (2)主题句后置问题。这个问题在我的写作中暴露无遗,文章中经常出现这样的句式,“by...,主题句”;“based on..,主题句”;“To...,主题句”;“For...,主题句”,这些写作方式都是与英文科技论文写作的习惯相悖的。 (3) “ in this paper ”, ”in this study” , “ that is to say ”和“ namely ” 这四个短语的重复运用率,高得惊人,前前后后很多处。 (4) 补充1: 不要使用名称做形容词,如 reaction product,而是 product of reaction (5) 补充2:This 往往跟随一个名词,这样指代更清楚。如“This is a fast reaction”,“This leads to conclued. ”修改为“This reaction is fast”,“This observation leads use to conclude” (6)补充3:尽量使用主动句。“It is observed that the solution turned red”改为“The solution turned red”或者“We observed tha the solution turned red” (7)补充4:比较要完整。比如“The one is bigger”改为“This one is bigger than the blue one” 2. 关于引言的问题。这个问题, 孙学军 给我们提供了详细的介绍。他有个比喻很好 ,“ 好的引言就像一个CV一样,别人花1,2分钟就弄清楚了你做的是什么,为什么要这么做,得到了什么样的结果。如果引言写的干巴巴的,又怎么能指望别人有兴趣接着往下看,一直耐心看到你怎么解决问题,得到的结果多好呢 ” 具体参考: http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/thread-577860-1-1.html 3. 关于结果和结论的问题。之前我是没有弄清楚的,结果是实事求是的研究结果,而结论是是在结果与讨论基础上的较高层次的分析,指明研究的意义。结论往往用一些简短句子概况。结论中不要重复结果出现的东西。 4.关于写作提高的建议。一方面要多看文献,并在看的过程中,除了去掌握文章的思路外,还有掌握学习别人的语言,看看别人的论文结构,并一定要做笔记。这一点导师之前跟我讲过,但是自己没有很好的实施。另一方面,我一直坚信,就是英语是与其文化背景有深刻联系的。要真正懂懂英语,就要长期的去关注与学习英语的历史文化背景。 Non-native English speaker write paper .pdf 美国教授对中国学生撰写英文论文的建议.pdf 美国科学院院士教你写论文.pdf 英文润色软件Stylewriter 4.01.05完美破解版.rar
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[转载] I will miss you, Nora (Ephron)!
zuojun 2012-6-29 01:46
http://news.yahoo.com/why-nora-ephron-gave-us-heartburn.html Excerpt: 'I Remember Nothing: And Other Reflections' by Nora Ephron The Six Stages of E-Mail at http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-382213.html
个人分类: iBook|2229 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]An essay by a young writer at Punahou
zuojun 2012-6-8 15:23
The Artistic Ideal By Kamden ’12 http://www.punahou.edu/page.cfm?p=3663
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|1759 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]The Six Stages of E-Mail
zuojun 2010-11-10 06:06
Excerpt: 'I Remember Nothing: And Other Reflections' by Nora Ephron The Six Stages of E-Mail Stage One: Infatuation I just got e-mail! I can't believe it! It's so great! Here's my handle. Write me. Who said letter-writing was dead? Were they ever wrong. I'm writing letters like crazy for the first time in years. I come home and ignore all my loved ones and go straight to the computer to make contact with total strangers. And how great is AOL? It's so easy. It's so friendly. It's a community. Wheeeee! I've got mail! Stage Two: Clarification Okay, I'm starting to understand e-mail isn't letter-writing at all, it's something else entirely. It was just invented, it was just born, and overnight it turns out to have a form and a set of rules and a language all its own. Not since the printing press. Not since television. It's revolutionary. It's life-altering. It's shorthand. Cut to the chase. Get to the point. It saves so much time. It takes five seconds to accomplish in an e-mail something that takes five minutes on the telephone. The phone requires you to converse, to say things like hello and good-bye, to pretend to some semblance of interest in the person on the other end of the line. Worst of all, the phone occasionally forces you to make actual plans with the people you talk to to suggest lunch or dinner even if you have no desire whatsoever to see them. No danger of that with e-mail. E-mail is a whole new way of being friends with people: intimate but not, chatty but not, communicative but not; in short, friends but not. What a breakthrough. How did we ever live without it? I have more to say on this subject, but I have to answer an instant message from someone I almost know. Stage Three: Confusion I have done nothing to deserve any of this: Viagra!!!!! Best Web source for Vioxx. Spend a week in Cancn. Have a rich beautiful lawn. Astrid would like to be added as one of your friends. XXXXXXXVideos. Add three inches to the length of your penis. The Democratic National Committee needs you. Virus Alert. FW: This will make you laugh. FW: This is funny. FW: This is hilarious. FW: Grapes and raisins toxic for dogs. FW: Gabriel Garca Mrquez's Final Farewell. FW: Kurt Vonnegut's Commencement Address. FW: The Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. AOL Member: We value your opinion. A message from Barack Obama. Find low mortgage payments, Nora. Nora, it's your time to shine. Need to fight off bills, Nora? Yvette would like to be added as one of your friends. You have failed to establish a full connection to AOL. Stage Four: Disenchantment Help! I'm drowning. I have 112 unanswered e-mails. I'm a writer imagine how many unanswered e-mails I would have if I had a real job. Imagine how much writing I could do if I didn't have to answer all this e-mail. My eyes are dim. My wrist hurts. I can't focus. Every time I start to write something, the e-mail icon starts bobbing up and down and I'm compelled to check whether anything good or interesting has arrived. It hasn't. Still, it might, any second now. And yes, it's true I can do in a few seconds with e-mail what would take much longer on the phone, but most of my e-mails are from people who don't have my phone number and would never call me in the first place. In the brief time it took me to write this paragraph, three more e-mails arrived. Now I have 115 unanswered e-mails. Strike that: 116. Glub glub glub glub glub. Stage Five: Accommodation Yes. No. Can't. No way. Maybe. Doubtful. Sorry. So sorry. Thanks. No thanks. Out of town. OOT. Try me in a month. Try me in the fall. Try me in a year. NoraE@aol.com can now be reached at NoraE81082@gmail.com. Stage Six: Death Call me. Excerpted from I Remember Nothing: And Other Reflections by Nora Ephron. Copyright 2010 by Nora Ephron. Excerpted by permission of Knopf Publishers. From the NPR: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=131161208 As an adult, Ephron worked as a journalist. Later she made her own name in the movies, writing When Harry Met Sally and directing scripts of her own including Sleepless in Seattle and Julie Julia . More recently, the 69-year-old Ephron has been sharing reflections on aging, first in her book I Feel Bad About My Neck and now in a new collection called I Remember Nothing . In the latter, she spins stories on a potpourri of subjects: divorce, disdain for egg-white omelets, and most especially memory loss. Zuojun: Ephron is a very talented writer!
个人分类: iBook|3488 次阅读|0 个评论
xiangzr1969 2010-10-7 00:48
http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=370422 WhiteSmoke Writer 2010+ 是一项用于校对和编辑文章的多合一工具 * 已更新!语法检查功能 发现和修改复杂的语法错误。 * 新增!作文评价 即时对您的作文质量做出评价 * 已更新!文体检查功能 改进你的语句、词汇和写作风格 * 已更新!拼写检查功能 修正打字错误及难拼写单词 * 已更新!标点检查功能 确保标点的准确使用以提高易读性 * 已更新!错误解释功能 通过错误解释和英语课程功能帮助您从自己所犯的错误中学习提高 * 适用于任何地点 可与MS Word、Outlook及所有其它基于文字的应用程序配合使用。 * 已更新!文体检查功能 取得单词的精确释义,同义词及常用短语 * 信函模板 600多种信函模板供您开始动手写作 文件资源下载 http://d.namipan.com/d/f8a9c8b1b8cd34677b067c37f558b7d44f62eba037ba8400 本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2290563
个人分类: 学习论坛|218 次阅读|0 个评论
A friend
jlpemail 2010-3-11 06:46
Once, a friend gave me an idea. Its so interesting that I could not wait for any minute. I went to office by bike, though had written nothing. I enjoyed the night. There are no references for this new program. AFTER VISITING BEIJING LIBERARY, THREE TIMES,I HOLD IT. Two months later, an article (on compass satellite) were sent to a Chinese magazine. The editor said, in phone, it maybe an excellent one if Eight years ago, when I invited him to be a co-author, my friend said: its a item, I know , which belongs you, not for me. Just a little pity!Only can I give you the idea! Thats enough. You are a good writer, am I right? So, you must not feel any sorry about that little case. Who are this (captain) friend of mine? He is a post-70s, from middle China s Henan province. Perhaps, you, my dear reader, had seen his photo in my New year Days blog (100 some days ago). March 10, 2010
个人分类: 学术现场|2806 次阅读|0 个评论

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