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shangsh 2016-3-20 11:43
期刊链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168169916300771 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Volume 123 , April 2016, Pages 351–361 amp;lt;imgnbsp;alt=quot;Covernbsp;imagequot;nbsp;src=quot;http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/S01681699.gifquot;nbsp;class=quot;toprightlogoquot;nbsp;/amp;gt; Original papers Mapping interannual variability of maize cover in a large irrigation district using a vegetation index – phenological index classifier Lei Jiang a , Songhao Shang a , * , , Yuting Yang b , Huade Guan c a State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China b CSIRO Land and Water, Black Mountain, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia c School of the Environment, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA 5042, Australia Received 4 November 2015, Revised 19 January 2016, Accepted 12 March 2016, Available online 19 March 2016 Show more Show less doi:10.1016/j.compag.2016.03.008 Get rights and content Highlights • A vegetation index – phenological index classifier is developed for maize based on MODIS data. • Maize cover is mapped for a large irrigation district from 2003 to 2012. • The classifier accuracy is acceptable in an area with complex planting structure. • The classifier can be applied in multiple years without further field investigation. Abstract Accurate mapping interannual variability of crop cover is a pre-request for modern agricultural management, while most published algorithms require re-calibration when crop cover is mapped over multiple years, and hence greatly hinder their applicability. In addition, these algorithms are often not applicable for areas with complex planting patterns. Here we propose a vegetation index – phenological index (VI-PI) classifier to map interannual variability of crop cover (using maize, which is one of the major crops in the study area as a demonstration case) in the Hetao Irrigation District of North China from 2003 to 2012 using the MODIS data at 250 m spatial resolution. Representative MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series of maize is obtained during a field survey in late August, 2012, which is fitted with an asymmetric logistic curve to obtain the phenological indices. The maize classifier (an ellipse on the VI-PI space) is shaped based on the in situ data and adjusted by the official statistics in 2010–2012. The performance of the developed classifier is then tested with the official data from 2003 to 2009. Results show that the asymmetric logistic curve performs excellent in describing the NDVI time series of maize, and the estimated distribution of maize agrees reasonably well with the independent official data. The relative errors are lower than 7% in the training years, and lower than 30% during the testing years which is considered acceptable for crop mapping in an area with complex planting patterns. And the kappa coefficient was as high as 0.86. These results indicate that the proposed VI-PI classifier can be used effectively for crop mapping over multiple planting years and in areas with a complex planting structure. Graphical abstract Vegetation index and phenological index derived from MODIS NDVI series are used to establish the maize classifier. This classifier performs reasonably well in mapping interannual variability of maize cover in a large irrigation district with heterogeneous crop cover. Download full-size image Download as PowerPoint slide Keywords Normalized difference vegetation index; Phenological index; Logistic curve; Maize classification; Hetao Irrigation District
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热度 1 hefery 2010-3-13 22:38
读了自己的博士论文,自己做得几乎全是植被指数。不知道为什么,似乎没有学到什么东西,总算把博士论文弄完了。这个博士也不知道怎么读的,去年没能提前毕业,今年总该给我学位了吧,有时候可能就是命运,强求不得! 植被指数(Vegetationindex)是遥感里面很常用的一种方法,从生化组分反演如叶绿素、水分含量,到LAI,再到光能利用率,再到生产力,几乎是一条完整的线路。科研很多时候就是运气,遇上一个合适的课题,合适的研究方向,遇上一两个热心帮助的人,也许你就能走得很顺利。记得我04年考研的时候,总是以有问题就想去问问师兄,明明已经拿定了主意,还要去看看别人的想法,可能是不自信,也可能为了更稳妥。那时候特别懂得求助的感觉,后来一有别人来问我,我都会耐心的帮助,期间有两个外地的学生也考研,热心的帮助了一把,后来都成了师弟师妹的,比较有成就感。 后来得到了很多老外的帮助,最重要的一个是RSE的编辑,Gitelson,一个非常热心的人。我的文章送到他那,提了很多意见和建议。之前我并不知道他是审稿人,只是由他的意见查找文献,最后给他发邮件,知道了他就是审稿人。当时非常有感触,老外和中国人不同,我想很少有中国的院士给评审文章的作者写信吧。当时两个审稿人,一个同意(Gitelson),评价很高,一个不同意,拒的很坚决(我估计是Inoue,猜的)。后来主编还是让修改了,最终还是没能通过,与RSE无缘。在Gitelson的帮助下,这篇文章最终发表在AFM,也是一个不错的杂志,总觉得自己很幸运。 博士论文也是一样,最开始是导师给的一篇文章,让自己看看,提提想法。一开始被批了,后来慢慢的看了文献,大概20篇,总算知道一些了。07年和博士后师兄参加了实验,拿着仪器,做了一次小麦的实验,收获很大,博士论文的主要数据都是这个数据集,包括发表的5篇SCI,很感激H博士,带着我做了很多。 快工作了,没能能找到国外的博士后,也只能随遇而安,好好干吧,房子很贵,得赶紧挣钱。
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