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Beet Leaf Miner 甜菜潜叶蝇 Pegomyia hyoscyami
entomology 2009-2-12 10:51
English names: Beet Fly, Beet Leaf Miner 中文名:甜菜潜叶蝇、甜叶潜蝇、藜泉蝇 Scientific names 学名: Pegomyia hyoscyami Panzer. Taxonomy 分类地位: Class Insecta, order Diptera, family Anthomyiidae, genus Pegomyia 昆虫纲双翅目花蝇科泉蝇属 Host plants 寄主植物: Chenopodiaceae (beet, spinach), Solanaceae (goose-foot, jimson weed, benbane, belladonna), Hippocastanaceae (chestnut), Amarantaceae, Portulacaceae, Aizoaceae, Caryophyllaceae. 藜科、茄科、七叶树科、苋科、马齿苋科、番杏科、石竹科植物,例如叶恭菜(莙荙菜)、甜菜、菠菜等 Distribuition: The species is known from Northern America and Europe.Beet producing area in China. 起源于北美和欧洲,国内主要分布在东北松辽平原、内蒙古河套及黄河中下游甜菜栽培区。 Figure links as below 图片链接见下面: Mine 潜道: Egg 卵: Larva 幼虫: Adult 成虫: references: http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Flies/ Pegomya_hyoscyami .html http://www.bladmineerders.nl/minersf/dipteramin/pegomya/hyoscyami/hyoscyami.htm http://www.ppq.gov.cn/nzwbch/11%EF%BC%8D%E7%B3%96%E7%83%9F/1195%E2%80%941196%20%E7%94%9C%E8%8F%9C%E6%BD%9C%E5%8F%B6%E8%9D%87.htm http://www.agroatlas.spb.ru/en/content/pests/Pegomyia_hyosciami/
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|6399 次阅读|0 个评论
[我的诗作 My Poem] 潜叶虫在歌唱 A Leafminer is Singing
entomology 2008-12-19 10:31
虽然空间狭小,我仍努力地伸展身躯; 外面的世界美好,我需要耐心等待。 羽化的瞬间,是我的心在放声歌唱! 听!是自由的翅膀飞翔的歌声。 Though in a small place, I still try to stretch my body; The world outside is wonderful, but I should wait with patience. Once emerging, it is myheart that sings aloud! Listen! The song of my wings flying at liberty.
个人分类: Exchange & Cooperation 交流与合作|3188 次阅读|0 个评论
Vegetable leafminer 美洲斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sativae (2): larva, pupa and adult 幼虫、蛹和成虫
entomology 2008-11-10 20:03
Vegetable leafminer 美洲斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sativae (1) @ http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=37361 戴小华2008年11月摄于赣南师范学院, IPM Scope数码显微摄像头 Photo by Xiaohua Dai with IPM Scope digital micorscope @ GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,November 2008.
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|4086 次阅读|0 个评论
Leafminers and red mites under the digital microscope 显微摄像头下的潜叶虫及螨类
entomology 2008-10-20 21:23
戴小华2008年10月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区, IPM Scope数码显微摄像头 Photo by Xiaohua Dai with IPM Scope digital micorscope @ Huangjing Campus, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,October 2008. The IPM Scope combines advanced digital optics and LED lighting in a IPM scouting microscope that fits in the palm of your hand. 40 - 140X (12-140 X for Mega Pixel ) magnification lets you zoom in on the fine details of insects and plant disease symptoms. Place the IPM Scope over the sample, and comfortably view the image right on your computer screen, instead of straining to look into a tiny eyepiece. Capture images, easily add labels, take measurements and even draw right on the live image. More details about IPM Scope @ http://www.specmeters.com/IPM_and_Plant_Health_Tools/IPM_Scope.html IPM Scope结合了电子照相机、精准的光学和LED光源成为一套强力显微镜和影像软体:可用活动的40-140X切换开关來放大植物疾病症兆,害虫或其他裸视无法看清的事物。可轻易地攫取影像、作标定、作测量或什至在影像上作图。只需将IPM Scope放在样品上并在电脑萤幕前舒适地观看影像 更多介绍请参见: http://www.kohsieh.com.tw/PDF_Files/Spectrum/IPM%20%20DM.pdf FIGURES: 1 Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 ( Phyllocnistis citrella ) @ Navel Orange 脐橙 --larva and mine 幼虫和潜道 2Citrus red mite 柑橘红蜘蛛 ( Panonychus citri )
个人分类: Research tools 研究工具|4127 次阅读|1 个评论
Leaf mines @ Fuzhou 福州的潜叶虫道
entomology 2008-10-13 12:08
感谢郑云开(zhyk97@生态学学术QQ群)提供以下照片: Photo by Yunkai ZHENG with OLYMPUS E-410 @ Dongqiao, Minqing, Fuzhou, China, Oct 2008. 郑云开2008年10月摄于福建福州闽清东桥,奥林帕斯E-410。 如能帮忙鉴定寄主植物,感激不尽。 1 东桥寄主植物1 Dongqiao Host 01
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3029 次阅读|0 个评论
Enjoy the beauty of mines! 原来虫道也很美! -- High Diversity of Leaf-Mined Hosts @ Jiul
entomology 2008-10-6 20:26
High Diversity of Leaf Mined Hosts @ Jiulian Moutain 九连山潜叶虫寄主植物的高多样性 【【大量附图在文末,原来虫道也很美!】】 {{Many mine pictures at the end of the text. The mines areexcellently designed! Enjoy the beauty of mines! }} Jiulian Mountain National Nature Reserve is located at South Jiangxi. The original nature reserve was about 42 km2 in size, with two core areas, at Xiagongtang and Daqiutian, separated by buffer zone. In 2002 it was enlarged to 134 km2 including a core area of 43 km2 (32% of total reserve area, from Huangniushi in the south to Shanghualu in the north), a buffer zone of 14 km2 (11%, immediately fringing the core) and an experimental zone of 77 km2 (57%) (Liu X.Z. et al., 2002;Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, 2003). From Sep. 30 to Oct. 3, we investigated the leaf-mining hosts in Jiulianshan (i.e. Jiulian Mountain). It is regretful that we were not able to visit the above two core areas because that no accommodation is available for too many tourists during the national holidays. However, Mr. Tang, the deputy director of the Reserve suggested us to Duntou, which is near the peak--Huangniushi in the south. When we arrived Duntou, we were disappointed to see rice field and secondary pine forests. Better than do nothing, we began our investigation next day. To our suprise, there are many many plants with mines on leaves. Even we had not reached the peak since we did not have time, we did collect 100 plant samples and 500 mine photos. Jiulian Mountain indeed a great place with abundant plants and insects. More details on the Rserve please refer to: Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, 2003. Report of Rapid Biodiversity Assessments at Jiulianshan Nature Reserve, South Jiangxi, China, 2000, 2001 and 2003. South China Forest Biodiversity Survey Report Series (Online Simplified Version): No. 33. KFBG, Hong Kong SAR, ii + 21 pp. 国庆假期我们一行四人去九连山科考,重点是调查潜叶虫。遗憾的是由于游客太多,最核心区都找不到住处了。刘仁林博士几乎走遍了江西的保护区,自然很有人缘。多亏刘博士帮忙联系了九连山自然保护区的唐佩荣局长。唐局长建议我们直接坐车到保护区与广东交界的墩头。我们坐车由国道转入水泥路,然后转入山路,颠簸了许久方才到达目的地。虽然途经核心区时看到茂密的森林,但下车后却看到了水稻田和次生针叶林,还是有些失望。 既来之,则安之。第二天8点左右我们朝目标黄牛石--九连山主峰(1470m)前进。出乎我们意料的是,虽然前面一段路是稻田,但还是出现了一些我们没有在赣南其他地方见过的昆虫,开花植物也非常多。上了山之后,一路的潜道,我们拍照,定位,采集标本,记录,忙得不亦乐乎,半天只挪动了很短的距离。我们从海拔400多米爬到600米出头,结果GPS电池用完,采集用的塑料袋也没了,只好先回头。回到住宿的地方,才下午1点多。 第三天,把电池都充满,也买了备用的电池,带上所有的塑料袋,我们再次出发。一路急走,打算先爬到主峰再慢慢往回走。我们大概12点钟到了海拔950m的一个山峰,结果山路开始下坡,不知尽头。计算了一下时间,可能无法攀登主峰了。于是开始往回走,拍照、定位、采集、记录,收获非常丰富。虽然我带了相机的备份电池,还是未能坚持到底;塑料袋不够用了,只好把记录直接写在叶片上。回到宿处,下午5点了。 由于大家很累,而且要回家修整准备上课,所以第四天就回家了,未能顺利登上黄牛石,有些遗憾。所幸我们采集了约100份有潜道的植物标本,拍摄了几百张潜道的照片,还是完成了既定的任务。如果仅从潜叶虫寄主植物的角度而言,九连山不愧为国家级自然保护区。 Photo by Xiaohua Dai @ Jiulian Moutain with Cannon IXUS 75, October 2008. 戴小华2008年10月摄于九连山,相机为Cannon IXUS 75。 With thanks to Liming Cao, Jiasheng Xu and Jing Zeng, who were very helpful for the investigation, collection, identification and photography. 感谢曹利民、徐家生和曾竞协助调查、采集、鉴定和拍照。 Also with thanks to Peirong Tang, Renlin Liu. 也感谢九连山保护区的唐佩荣局长、我的同事刘仁林博士的协助。
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2933 次阅读|1 个评论
Garden Pea 豌豆 Pisum spp.
entomology 2008-9-22 11:03
Garden pea: Pisum Pisum contains one to five species, depending on taxonomic interpretation. Of which, Pisum sativum (the field or garden pea), is domesticated and is a major human food crop. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisum 豌豆属,豆科或者说蝶形花科。起源亚洲西部、地中海地区和埃寒俄比亚、小亚细亚西部,因其适应性很强,在全世界的地理分布很广。种子及嫩荚、嫩苗均可食用;种子含淀粉、油脂,药用有强壮、利尿、止泻的功效;茎叶能清凉解暑;并作绿肥和饲料。 豌豆依用途分为两大类: 1.粮用豌豆;2.菜用豌豆。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/44954.htm 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: 1 English names: vegetable leafminer Chinese names: 美洲斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza sativae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 2 English names: pea leafminer Chinese names: 南美斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza huidobrensis Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 3 English names: American serpentine leafminer Chinese names: 三叶草斑潜蝇,美国斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza trifolii = Oscinis trifolii = Liriomyza allivora = Liriomyza phascolunulata Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes but only in South China 国内仅华南有分布,检疫害虫 4 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: 线斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza strigata = Agromyza strigata = Agromyza violae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: No 国内无分布,属检疫害虫 5 English names: Tomato Leaf-miner Chinese names: 番茄斑潜蝇、瓜斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza bryoniae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 6English names: Bean Leaf-miner 10 English names: vegetable leafminer, garden pea leafminer Chinese names: 豌豆潜叶蝇、豌豆彩潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae, 彩潜蝇属 Chromatomyia Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 11 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: ? Scientific names 学名: Scaptomyza flava Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 果蝇科 Drosophilidae, 姬果蝇属 Scaptomyza Distribution in China:No. 国内无分布 Chinese names: 豌豆斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza congesta Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布 7 English names: Pea Leaf-miner Chinese names: ? Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza pisivora Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China:No. 国内无分布 8 English names: a leaf-mining fly Chinese names: ? Scientific names 学名: Agromyza lathyri Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China:No. 国内无分布 9 English names: a leaf-mining fly Chinese names: ? Scientific names 学名: Ophiomyia orbiculata Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae, 蛇潜蝇属 Ophiomyia Distribution in China:No. 国内无分布 Refernces: 1. http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/PISUM.html 2. http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pffabaceae/pisum.htm 3. http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/pisum.htm
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2749 次阅读|1 个评论
Cucurbita 南瓜属 Cucurbita spp
entomology 2008-9-17 09:46
Cucurbita spp Common species: (squashes, pumpkins and marrows, and chilacayote) Cucurbita is first cultivated in the Americas and now used in many parts of the world including china. It includes species grown for their fruit and edible seeds , as well as some species grown only as gourds. Specialist pollinator bees, especially the genera Peponapis and Xenoglossa , can be very important for fruit set for Cucurbita . Refs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucurbita Cucurbita L. 南瓜属,葫芦科,约25种,产美洲,中国引入栽培的有西葫芦 C. pepo L. ,笋瓜 C. maxima Duch. 和 南瓜 C. moschata (Duch. )Poir. 3种,供食用,但南部栽培的多为后一种。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/896225.html?wtp=tt Miner species 潜叶虫种类: http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/cucurbita.htm http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/CUCURBITA.html 1 English names: vegetable leafminer Chinese names: 美洲斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza sativae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 2 English names: pea leafminer Chinese names: 南美斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza huidobrensis Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 3 English names: American serpentine leafminer Chinese names: 三叶草斑潜蝇,美国斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza trifolii = Oscinis trifolii = Liriomyza allivora = Liriomyza phascolunulata Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes but only in South China 国内仅华南有分布,检疫害虫 4 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: 线斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza strigata = Agromyza strigata = Agromyza violae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: No 国内无分布,属检疫害虫 5 English names: Tomato Leaf-miner Chinese names: 番茄斑潜蝇、瓜斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza bryoniae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 6 English names: Pea leaf miner Chinese names: 豌豆彩潜蝇、豌豆植潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Chromatomyia horticola = Phytomyza atricornis = P. nigricornis horticola Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内分布 a b 图1a-b 斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sp. @ 南瓜 Pumpkin ( Cucurbita moschata ) 戴小华2008年9月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区, X-loupe显微相机 Photo by Xiaohua Dai with X-loupe microscope camera @ Huangjing Campus, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,September 2008.
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|3562 次阅读|0 个评论
Leafminers and red mites under the portable microscope camera 显微相机下的潜叶虫及螨类
entomology 2008-9-15 13:07
戴小华2008年9月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区, X-loupe显微相机 Photo by Xiaohua Dai with X-loupe microscope camera @ Huangjing Campus, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,September 2008. 数微相机X-LOUPEi6/7系列是结合数码相机和显微镜头的新工具,能够清楚拍摄6mm到10m的大小(6mm~10m),帮助人们大幅度提升眼力。X-LOUPEi6/7系列镜头让显微镜观察(Micro preview)和显微摄影(Micro photography)合而为一。( http://www.strider-tech.com/sh/X-LOUPE/x_loupe_intro.htm ) The X-Loupe Digital Field Microscope allows you to capture microscopic photos at a resolution up to 6 Megapixels. It is ideal for documentation and display work when you need to clearly capture objects from 6mm to 10 microns. ( www. x-loupe .com ) 数码显微相机的一个好处就是便于携带到野外拍摄微小的昆虫和植物结构,但使用时很难对焦,因为昆虫是运动而且风会摇动树枝,要拍更清楚倍数更大的照片应选择数码显微镜。不管怎样,数码显微相机的确为生态学研究带来了更大的方便。 Oneadvantage of digital microscopic camera is that we can easily take photos forsmall insects and plant structure in the wild. But, it is difficult to focus because of the movement of insects and the shaky branchesin thewind. One should choose digital microscope if she/he wants clearer and larger photos. However, digital microscopic camera can indeed provide more conveniences for ecological research. 1 Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 ( Phyllocnistis citrella ) @ Navel Orange 脐橙 a-b c-e h-j a b c d e f g h i j 2 斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sp. @ 南瓜 Pumpkin ( Cucurbita moschata ) a-b a b 3 Citrus red mite 柑橘红蜘蛛 ( Panonychus citri ) a b-d b one mite and two eggs. 一只螨和两粒卵 a b c d
个人分类: Research tools 研究工具|4214 次阅读|5 个评论
Leaf mines @ Guangxi 广西的潜叶虫道
entomology 2008-9-15 12:17
感谢邓艳(艾草@生态学学术QQ群)提供一下照片: Photo by Yan DENG with canon A95 @ Nonglatun, Mashang County, Guangxi, China,August 2008. 邓艳2008年8月摄于广西马山县弄拉屯,佳能A95。 如能帮忙鉴定寄主植物,感激不尽。 1 马山县寄主01 Host 01
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2635 次阅读|0 个评论
Rhododendron 杜鹃花属 Rhododendron spp
entomology 2008-9-9 09:44
Rhododendron spp It is a large genus with over 1000 species and most have showy flower displays. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhododendron 杜鹃花属,杜鹃花科 是一北温带分布的大属,主产东亚和东南亚。我国是杜鹃花属最集中的产地,集中分布于西南山区。它们的花色艳丽多姿,是著名的观赏植物。包括体形大的西洋杜鹃和体形小的映山红类杜鹃。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/1284967.htm Miner species 潜叶虫种类: http://www.bladmineerders.nl/plantenf/pfericaceae/rhododendron.htm http://www.leafmines.co.uk/html/Plants/rhododendron.htm http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/RHODODENDRON.html 1 鳞翅目 Lepidoptera:丽细蛾属 Caloptilia Only one species is reported in the above three sites: Azalea Leaf Miner ( Caloptilia azaleella ) 上述三个网站仅报道一种 Caloptilia azaleella 。 No Rhododendron miner species reported in China presently. 目前未见杜鹃花属潜叶虫种类的报道。 Fig.1 Leaf mines @ Rhododendron simiarum . 图1a-c. 猴头杜鹃 Rhododendron simiarum 上的潜道. 【戴小华2008年8月2日摄于三清山,相机为Olympus X-775. 感谢以下同仁帮助植物鉴定:中山大学的廖文波教授和凡强博士等。】 According to the description, the miner in Fig.1 should not be Caloptilia azaleella .根据潜道特征,图1的潜叶虫并非 Caloptilia azaleella 。
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2891 次阅读|0 个评论
Cow pea 豇豆属 Vigna spp
entomology 2008-9-3 13:14
Mung-bean, Cow pea, etc.: Vigna Many Vigna species are cultivated for vegetable. 豇豆属,豆科或者说蝶形花科,很多种类都栽培做蔬菜。 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: Refernces: 1. http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Keys/VIGNA.html 1 English names: vegetable leafminer Chinese names: 美洲斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza sativae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 2 English names: pea leafminer Chinese names: 南美斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza huidobrensis Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 3 English names: American serpentine leafminer Chinese names: 三叶草斑潜蝇,美国斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza trifolii = Oscinis trifolii = Liriomyza allivora = Liriomyza phascolunulata Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes but only in South China 国内仅华南有分布,检疫害虫 4 English names: leafminer fly Chinese names: 线斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza strigata = Agromyza strigata = Agromyza violae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: No 国内无分布,属检疫害虫 5 English names: vegetable leafminer, garden pea leafminer Chinese names: 豌豆潜叶蝇、豌豆彩潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 a b c d e f g Fig.1 Leaf mines and miner larva (the little yellow one in Fig. 1e-g)@ cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ). Since the mine is serpentine with frass alternatively at each side, the mines only occur on the surface of the leaves, and the larva is golden-yellow maggot, the miner is Lriomyza sativae . 图1. 豇豆上的潜道和潜叶虫(图1e-g中的黄色小虫),根据蛇形潜道,粪便在两侧交替排列,潜道仅出现在叶正面,和幼虫特征,潜叶虫种类是美洲斑潜蝇。【戴小华2008年8月17日摄于福建连城父母的菜园中,相机为Olympus X-775. 】
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Vegetable leafminer 美洲斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sativae (1)
entomology 2008-9-3 12:17
English names: vegetable leafminer Chinese names: 美洲斑潜蝇 Scientific names 学名: Liriomyza sativae Taxonomy: 双翅目 Diptera, 潜蝇科 Agromyzidae Distribution in China: Yes 国内广泛分布 To be continued 请看续文 Vegetable leafminer 美洲斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sativae (2): larva, pupa and adult 幼虫、蛹和成虫 @ http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=46182 The vegetable leafminer is a highly polyphagous pest of ornamental and vegetable crops. . It attacks a large number of plants (more than 110 families), but seems to favor those in the plant families Cucurbitaceae, Leguminosae, and Solanaceae. The larvae mine into leaves and petioles and destroy the chlorophyll-containing cells, therefore the photosynthetic ability of the plants and the aesthetic value ofrnamental plants is oftenly reduced. If severely infested, the leaves may fall and the plant may die. Therefore, the miner has caused severe damage to the agriculture industry of many countries. It is also a notorious invasive species. Since 1994, it has spreaded into nearly all provinces of China. More pictures and descriptions see 更多精美图片和介绍请参见1. http://www.defra.gov.uk/planth/pestnote/2007/liriomyza.pdf , 2. http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Flies/Liriomyza_sativae.html 3. http://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/veg/leaf/vegetable_leafminer.htm 4 . http://www.eppo.org/QUARANTINE/insects/Liriomyza_sativae/LIRISA_ds.pdf 美洲斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sativae Blanchard属双翅目Diptera,潜蝇科Agromyzidae,斑潜蝇属 Liriomyza ,寄主和分布广泛。该虫虫体小、为害隐蔽、世代重叠严重、繁殖力高、抗药性强,随被害植株和产品传播途径多。幼虫潜入叶片表皮下取食叶肉组织,形成许多不规则的蛇形隧道,并可诱发自粉病等病害,严重影响叶片的光合作用和花卉的观赏价值,给蔬菜业和花卉业造成巨大的经济损失。该虫自1994年传人我国以来,目前已在除东北个别省和西藏以外的全国大部分地区发现,并有蔓延的趋势。美洲斑潜蝇对寄主作物的取食和产卵具有一定的选择性,如偏嗜利马豆、豇豆、黄瓜、丝瓜、番茄、蓖麻等,而对苦瓜、叶菜类的为害较轻。 参考文献: 1. 雷仲仁,王音。刘月英等.南美斑潜蝇与美洲斑潜蝇的生物学比较研究 见:中国农学会编.作物保护与作物营养研究进展 .北京:中国农业出版社,1999。280284. 2. 戴小华, 尤民生. 傅丽君. (2003). 美洲斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究. 山东农业大学学报( 自然科学版), 34(2), 202 - 205. 3. 戴小华. 2002. 两种斑潜蝇寄主选择性的初步研究. 福建农业大学硕士论文. 有关形态描述和生物学特征等可参见: http://baike.baidu.com/view/148746.htm a b c d e f g Fig.1 Leaf mines and miner larva (the little yellow one in Fig. 1e-g)@ cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ). Since the mine is serpentine with frass alternatively at each side, the mines only occur on the surface of the leaves, and the larva is golden-yellow maggot, the miner is Lriomyza sativae . 图1. 豇豆上的潜道和潜叶虫(图1e中的黄色小虫),根据蛇形潜道,粪便在两侧交替排列,潜道仅出现在叶正面,和幼虫特征,潜叶虫种类是美洲斑潜蝇。【戴小华2008年8月17日摄于福建连城父母的菜园中,相机为Olympus X-775. 】 There are two common Liriomyza species in South China, one is L. sativae , the other is L. huidobrensis . Both are exotic species. The larva of L. huidobrensis is white and it can mine on the back of the leaves, which are distinctly differently from L. sativae . 华南常见的斑潜蝇有两种:一种是美洲斑潜蝇,另外一种是南美斑潜蝇, 两者均为外来物种。南美斑潜蝇的幼虫为白色,并且可以潜食叶背面,明显区别于美洲斑潜蝇。
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|5886 次阅读|3 个评论
Leaf Mines @ Lushan Mountain 庐山的潜叶虫道
entomology 2008-9-3 10:46
感谢武汉植物园的任明迅博士(竹下客@生态学学术QQ群)以下照片: Photo by Dr. Mingxun Ren with sony HDR-SR7 @ Lushan Mountain, Jiangxi, China,August 2008. 任明迅博士2008年8月摄于庐山,sony HDR-SR7。 庐山寄主01 Host 01 庐山寄主02 Host 02
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2555 次阅读|1 个评论
Leaf Mines and Leaf Miners 叶潜道和潜叶虫
entomology 2008-9-3 10:02
经历了1个半的等待,终于收到了英国书店寄来的这本书。不到200页,却耗费了我31英镑,折合人民币400多元。不过,图书精美,参考价值高,且难得(Amazon上都没货),也算值得。 Cska, Gyrgy (2003): Levlaknk s levlaknzk - Leaf mines and leaf miners. Hungarian Forest Research Institute. 1-192. Text English/Hungarian. 180 colour photos, 10 line drawings. 英文、匈牙利文双语对照。180幅彩色照片,10幅素描。 Contents 目录 Acknowledgment 致谢 Introduction 前言 Main types of leaf mines and their characteristics 叶潜道的主要类型和特征 Main groups of leaf mining insects 潜叶虫的主要类群 Coleoptera 鞘翅目 Hymenoptera 膜翅目 Diptera 双翅目 Lepidoptera 鳞翅目 Advantages and disadvantages of being a leaf miner 身为潜叶虫的优势和劣势 Leaf miners and their host plants 潜叶虫和它们的寄主植物 Leaf miners as pests 潜叶虫中的害虫 Natural enemies of leaf miners 潜叶虫的天敌 Species accounts by host plants 寄主植物相应的潜叶虫种类 Acer Aesculus Agrimonia Alnus Arctium Aristolochiav Asperula Astragalus Betula Campanula Carpinus Castanea Celtis Cerasus Chaerophyllum Chenopodium Cirsium Clematis Cornus Corylus Cotinus Crataegus Cytisus Echium Euphorbia Fagus Fragaria Gentiana Geum Helleborus Heracleum Ilex Impatiens Larix Lathyrus Ligustrum Lonicera Malus Melandrium Mellitis Phragmites Picea Pimpinella Platanus Polygonatum Populus Prunus Pulmonaria Pyrracantha Quercus Ranunculus Robinia Rosa Rubus Salix Sedum Senecio Solidago Sonchus Sorbus Spiraea Taraxacum Thuja Tilia Trifolium Tussilago Ulmus Viola Literature文献 Index 索引
个人分类: References 参考文献|2618 次阅读|2 个评论
Diversity of leaf mines @ Guifeng 龟峰的潜叶虫道多样性
entomology 2008-8-14 09:06
帮忙鉴定下面的潜叶虫寄主植物。 Please help to identify the host plants of the leafminers. Photo by Xiaohua Dai @Guifeng Moutainwith Olympus X-775, August32008. 戴小华2008年8月3日摄于龟峰,相机为Olympus X-775。 龟峰属于丹霞地貌,丹霞地貌好像无法形成像花岗岩那样的大山(如三清山)。龟峰、冠豸山、老虎山和丹霞山等8个国内有名的丹霞地貌也正在联合申遗。冠豸山只要我回父母家,远远地就可以看到。龟峰原来不对公众开放,所以相对封闭,因此植被和生物多样性尚佳。最深刻的一个景点就是电视剧《西游记》片头的取景地吧,那个地方没有人能上去,唐僧师徒是用电脑合成上去的。顺便提一下龙虎山,特色是水和悬棺,我们主要也是在水中赏景,也看了颇具特色的悬棺和表演。在岸上走了一下,发现人类活动的痕迹非常明显,没有拍到潜叶虫的照片。由于人多村多,所以老虎山的旅游是由各村分段承包的(?),管委会的权力可能太小,因此无法有效地管控,所以我们在坐竹筏的时候遇到了不愉快,对老虎山的印象分更下降了。8个丹霞景区应该在管理上多下功夫了,只要有1个景区拖后腿,申遗的成功性就更下降了。 Guifeng mountain and Long Hu mountain are both red bed landforms (Danxia Landform). They are applying for Heritage together with 6 other DAnxia mountains. However, there are more human activities in Long Hu moutain. I only found leaf mines at Guifeng. (The other reason might be that we were mostly boating at Long Hu). However, the anthropic impact on biodiversity is distinct. 龟峰寄主01 Host 01 龟峰寄主02 Host 02 龟峰寄主03 Host 03 龟峰寄主04 Host 04 龟峰寄主05 Host 05 龟峰寄主06 Host 06 龟峰寄主07 Host 07
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|2864 次阅读|1 个评论
Diversity of leaf mines @ Sanqing Mountain 三清山的潜叶虫道多样性
entomology 2008-8-6 11:21
帮忙鉴定下面的潜叶虫寄主植物。 Please help to identify the host plants of the leafminers. Not only a pleasant hiking site with nice views, Sanqing Moutain present us diverse wildlife. Take leaf miners as an example, I found about 10 plant species with leaf mines even through cursory observation. The mines vary in color,shapeand size, indicating that the vegetation here is preserved very well. 三清山不仅景色宜人适合徒步旅行,也展现了丰富多样的野生动植物。以潜叶虫为例,走马观花的情况下仍然发现了10种左右的潜叶虫寄主植物。潜道呈现出不同的颜色,性状和大小,说明当地的植被保护得较好。 Since it is a tour trip rather than an investigation one, I did not collect plants and insects. What a pity! 由于是旅游而不是考察,因此未采集植物和昆虫标本,甚憾! Photo by Xiaohua Dai @ Sanqing Moutainwith Olympus X-775, August 22008. 戴小华2008年8月2日摄于三清山,相机为Olympus X-775。 Plant identification by Prof. Wenbo Liao and Dr. Qiang Fan of Sun Yat-Sen University, mrstarlitsky of emay.com.cn, Chen Chen of Planta.cn,etc. 感谢以下同仁帮助植物鉴定:中山大学的廖文波教授和凡强博士,emay的mrstarlitsky,Planta的陈沉等。 1 寄主植物01 Host plant 01 2 寄主植物02 Host plant 02 3 寄主植物03 Host plant 03 4 寄主植物04 Host plant 04 5 寄主植物05 Host plant 05 6 寄主植物06 Host plant 06 7 寄主植物07 Host plant 07 (?same as 02 同02?) 8 寄主植物08 Host plant 08 9 寄主植物09 Host plant 09 (?same as 02, 07, 同02、07?) 10 寄主植物10, Host plant 10 11 寄主植物11 Host plant 11 12 寄主植物12 Host plant 12 (?是潜叶虫道吗 leaf mines or not?) 13 寄主植物13 Host plant 13 14 寄主植物14 Host plant 14
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|4819 次阅读|8 个评论
With special credits to the following sites 特别致谢以下网站
entomology 2008-8-5 00:48
I got a lot of useful information from the following websites and want to thank the webmasters and related contributors: 1 British leafminers: http://www.leafmines.co.uk/ Webmaster and contributors: Rob Edmunds and many other contributors including Ian Kimber, Paul Talbot, David Manning, Barry Dickerson, Colin Plant, Martin Ellis. Plants and their leafminer species: Brian Pitkin and Colin Plant 2 Mines of British flies and other insects: http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/index.html Authors: Brian Pitkin, Willem Ellis, Colin Plant and Rob Edmunds and many other contributors. 3 Nederlandse bladmineerders / Dutch leafminers: http://www.bladmineerders.nl/ Author: Willem N. Ellis and many other contributors.
个人分类: Acknowledgements 致谢|2569 次阅读|0 个评论
Leaf-mining insects 潜叶昆虫
entomology 2008-8-1 00:48
Needham JG, Frost SW, Tothill D, 1928, Leaf-mining insects. The Williams Wilkens, Co., Baltimore, 351p Contents 1 A general acquaintance with leaf-mining insects 潜叶昆虫的一般性认知 1.1 The leaf as a dwelling place 叶子作为居住场所 1.2 The insects 昆虫种类 1.3 Life histories 生活史 1.4 The mines 潜道 1.5 Mining operations 潜食活动 1.6 Frass 虫粪 1.7 Tenancy 潜食期 1.8 Origin of the leaf-mining habit 潜叶食性的起源 1.9 Intergradation with other habits 与其它食性的间渡 1.10 Enemies 天敌 1.11 Collecting and rearing leaf-miners 潜叶虫的采集和饲养 2 Extent of the leaf-mining habit 潜叶食性的广度? 2.1 Economic species 经济种类 2.2 Host plants 寄主植物 2.3 Table of orders of leaf mining larvae 潜叶幼虫分目表 3 Order Lepidoptera 鳞翅目 4 Suborder Jugatae 轭翅亚目 4.1 Family Eriocraniidae 毛顶蛾科 5 Suborder Frenatae 缰翅亚目, Superfamily Incurvarioidea 穿孔蛾总科 5.1 Incurvariidae 穿孔蛾科 6 Superfamily Nepticuloidea 微蛾总科 6.1 Nepticulidae 微蛾科 7 Superfamily Tineoidea 谷蛾总科 7.1 Tischeriidae 冠潜蛾科 7.2 Lyonetidae 潜蛾科 7.3 Gracilariidae 细蛾科 7.4 Coleophoridae 鞘蛾科 8 Superfamily Cynodioidea 草潜蛾总科 8.1 Cycnodiidae 草潜蛾科(Elachistidae)? 8.2 Douglasiidae 道格拉斯蛾科 8.3 Heliozelidae 日蛾科 9 Superfamily Gelechoidea 麦蛾总科 9.1 Gelechiidae 麦蛾科 9.2 Lavernidae 柳叶菜蛾科(Momphidae)? 10 Superfamily Yponomeutoidea 巢蛾总科 10.1 Yponomeutidae 巢蛾科 10.2 Glyphipterygidae 雕蛾科 10.3 Heliodinidae 日逐蛾科 11 Superfamilies Tortricoidea, Pyralidoidea, and Noctuoidea 卷叶蛾总科、螟蛾总科、夜蛾总科 11.1 Tortricidae 卷叶蛾科 11.2 Pyralidae 螟蛾科 11.3 Noctuidae 夜蛾科 12 Order Coleoptera 鞘翅目 12.1 Family Buprestidae 吉丁虫科 12.2 Family Chrysomelidae 叶甲科 12.3 Family Curculionidae 象鼻虫科 13 Order Hymenoptera 膜翅目 14 Order Diptera 双翅目 15 List of leaf-mining insects 潜叶昆虫名录 16 Host plants of leaf-mining insects 潜叶虫寄主植物名录
个人分类: References 参考文献|2946 次阅读|4 个评论
Bionomics of Leaf-Mining Insects 潜叶昆虫的生态学
entomology 2008-7-31 23:18
Hespenheide H A. 1991. Bionomics of leaf-mining insects. Annual Review of Entomology, 36: 535-560. 目录: 1 Introduction 介绍 2 Taxa of leaf-mining 潜叶类群 3 Host plant interactions 寄主植物关系 3.1 Host specificity and species diversity 寄主专一性与物种多样性 3.2 Biogeographic pattern of diversity 多样性的生物地理格局 3.3 Host plant defenses 寄主植物防御 4 Life history and ecology 生活史和生态学 4.1 Adult reproductive behavior 成虫繁殖行为 4.2 Larval ecology 幼虫生态学 4.2.1 Distribution of mines and miners 潜道和潜叶虫的分布 4.2.2 Patterns of survivorship and mortality 生存和死亡的模式 4.2.3 Parasitism 寄生 4.2.4 Intraspecific competition 种内竞争 4.2.5 Leaf abscission 叶离现象 4.2.6 Predators and abiotic factors 捕食和非生物因素 4.3 Population behavior 种群行为 5 Parasitoids of leaf-miners 潜叶虫的拟寄生物 5.1 Faunal size 动物区系数量? 5.2 Ecological specialization 生态专化 6 Effect of leaf-miners on plants 潜叶虫对植物的影响 7 Economic importance 经济重要性 8 Conclusions 结论
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