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热度 2 smilingmoon 2013-2-16 16:08
2012暑期“在英国做回老外” 其中部分图片不敢独享,希望您也喜欢。
个人分类: 美图共享|2643 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 yangyongtian 2013-2-4 20:35
生命之色靓琼岛, 葱绿鹅黄比肩娇。 恰值立春首节气。 留取美图沁欢笑。 摄影 张玉秀
个人分类: 风光有感|3879 次阅读|2 个评论
sincos 2012-10-31 18:33
美食+美图,真的很不错,做得好,拍得更好撒! 注——以上图片来自网络。
6366 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 6 JRoy 2012-10-15 04:18
昨个,科网最著名的拍客:孟津老师和李学宽老师两篇博客,不约而同(?)拍摄了一组浓浓的秋意黄叶,一叶知秋不说,实在养眼。咱这里做个和,拍不出来秋,看别人拍地球。 孟津 知秋一叶 李学宽 终于找到你啦:秋 美图再补: 嵇少丞 秋的本色 陈安 羞愧,俺不上原创了,翻拍几张照片给大家看【主题:大与小】 今晚上看了一个西班牙人Enrique Pacheco制作的"Made on Earth"短片。短片采用时间间隔( time lapse)拍摄的一些地球奇观照片拼接成视频,非常漂亮。印象中,这种手法近几年变得很火(不少的探险队和探险家都在做),先前看过一个太空拍摄的地球(The Earth)也很漂亮。这次,Enrique Pacheco制作的素材主要来自西班牙,冰岛,爱沙尼亚和美国。我采用截图的方法生成图片供君欣赏,希望博文标记为原创没有侵权(也是费老劲了)....哈哈..... 视频中的这些场景我都没有去过,甚至也说不上名字,您呐? 规矩还是要有的, 感谢短片的制作人和特别鸣谢。。。 哪能看帖不顶帖呐?哈哈哈
个人分类: 文艺欣赏|3087 次阅读|11 个评论
sincos 2012-7-21 17:52
2103 次阅读|0 个评论
lcj2212916 2012-3-7 06:43
◎译  名 八美图/八个女人/8美图/8美千娇/八美千娇 ◎片  名 8 Women ◎导  演 埃里克·瓦利特 Eric Valette ◎主  演 凯瑟琳-德纳芙(Catherine Deneuve)       伊莎贝尔-赫珀特(Isabelle Huppert)       伊曼纽尔-贝阿(Emmanuelle Béart)       范妮-阿丹(Fanny Ardant)       弗吉尼-莱多嫣(Virginie Ledoyen)  ◎年  代 2002 ◎国  家 法国 ◎类  别 喜剧 皑皑白雪笼罩的小镇里,一户富裕人家忙著庆贺圣诞节,在欢乐的气氛下,一家之主竟然意外被谋杀了!他身边围绕的八个女人全都是嫌疑犯,她们当中,至少有一名是罪魁祸首 ...... 网盘直接下载地址: http://www.ctdisk.com/file/5165672
3156 次阅读|0 个评论
沁园春 为曹大虾美图配词
热度 1 phd9992000 2012-2-7 08:39
南国风光,梅花早开,梨花尚白。 望溪头内外,沟壑纵横。 满目绿色,郁郁葱葱。 寻常石巷,青衣食栈,借问什么味道鲜? 走山鸡,加青岛啤酒,客人流连。 大侠诸多美图,令老少拍客暗叫苦。 主业玩算计,颇有心机; 副业歌唱,比知了响。 一代大侠,广州曹兄,赛过海龟洋“千人”。 人皆曰:论风牛人物,还在羊城。
2265 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 4 xusuowen 2012-2-1 09:32
1233 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 2 halcon 2012-1-14 20:26
3156 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 沈海军 2011-11-15 13:39
A photomicrograph (or micrograph) is an image that is taken through a microscope, and we’ve covered a few of those on the blog including Nikon’s “Small World” competition, a traveller’s tale in a strange microscopic world, and an incredibly close-up look at insects. If you missed any of those, click here to see them. North American scientific instruments company, FEI, is in the business of supplying electron microscopes to a various industries and it is the fantastic images taken by their line of scanning electron microscope (or SEM), that we’ll show you today. According FEI, their SEMs can magnify 20 to 1,000,000 times better a light microscope and can be used in tasks that contain long scientific words such as 3D cellular ultrastructure, macromolecular localization, and 3D tissue imaging. The proof is really in the details. Hit the jump to see some of the FEI’s microscopic images. Hydrothermal Worm This cute critter is a marine organism found near hydrothermal vents in the ocean. It has been magnified 525 times. Platinum Nano-Wire This is a platinum wire that has been milled to 50 nanometres in diameter. It is to be used a gas sensor. Human Tooth Dentin is found in teeth and comprises tiny channels called dentinal tubules. This images shows those tubules. Biofilm This images shows a biofilm that has developed on carbon steel after 14 days of immersion in seawater. Canyon This is what happens when you cut a semiconductor at a sloping angle. Silver and Copper These colourfully geometric objects are silver particles and copper crystals. Catepillar Mouth A catepillar’s mouth and sensory organs are shown here. Sponge Spicule This is an image of a spicule as found in a South African sponge (the animal, and not the dish-washing implement). Crystal Ocean These are copper crystals on a copper surface. Nanoflowers These flowers have been obtained through hydrothermal synthesis, a process of growing crystals from aqueous solutions. See more wonderful images taken by electron microscopes on the FEI website or on Flickr .
4056 次阅读|1 个评论
yangyongtian 2011-8-15 12:10
美 文美图感动咱, 分行文字写七言。 吾本俗人无点墨, 岂能赋诗胸臆传? 承蒙夸奖心忐忑, 还须努力再加鞭。 何时踏访葫芦岛, 定会拜访雅婵娟。
个人分类: 友谊|2187 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 沈海军 2011-4-3 07:47
近年来,笔者开办了纳米艺术网,收集了大量的纳米美图,出版了《纳米艺术概论》,撰写了一批纳米艺术的科普文章,参与组织了第一届国际纳米艺术展... 此间,深深地感受到了微观世界的美,被纳观世界的艺术所震撼。 值得一提的是,在各种所谓的纳米艺术品中,花状的纳米结构占有很大的比例。它们争相斗艳,婀娜多姿,或娇艳,或典雅,丝毫不逊色于宏观世界的花卉。 现在,根据各种渠道,笔者收集了各种纳米花照片(多为电镜照)近百张,并开始着手构思《100朵纳米花》一书的撰写。 最近,家里有些烦心事让老婆操尽了心,脾气也变得有些急躁。书呆子看在眼里,疼在心上。希望《100朵纳米花》能够顺利完成,早日献给她老人家。
2719 次阅读|6 个评论
热度 4 smilingmoon 2011-3-25 23:11
请欣赏来自国家地理杂志的美图! 如诗如画 美艳绝伦 Arizona national parks George Lake NY middleton garden shangxi terrace Utah national parks
个人分类: 美图共享|5029 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 3 gaojianguo 2011-3-18 18:58
近日,中国科学院和中国农业大学等单位联合在PLoS上发表了“Transcriptome Phase Distribution Analysis Reveals Diurnal Regulated Biological Processes and Key Pathways in Rice Flag Leaves and Seedling Leaves”的论文,文中有一个图表特别像中国古代的阴阳八卦图,虽然研究的是昼夜节律基因表达的,应该做成“钟表”形式,但作者能把实验结果做成这样的“八卦美图”还是值得称赞的,需要有一定的想象力。本文已经入选本人本周的最佳论文,O(∩_∩)O~ 链接: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0017613
个人分类: 生活点滴4|5708 次阅读|7 个评论
热度 2 沈海军 2011-3-3 19:43
在google中输入“纳米艺术网”,进行“图片”搜寻(并非“网页”搜寻)即可。 “纳米艺术网”上收集的近千张纳米美图将会尽收您眼底。 注:笔者创办的“纳米艺术网”已经三年了,现已收集了纳米美图近千张,但遗憾的是该网站使用的是“领地”的免费服务器,网速速度不尽人意。
2753 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 2 沈海军 2011-2-5 00:11
The Silk Collective, moon rises, and other winning nanotechnology images ( Nanowerk News ) Here is another installment of our collection of amazing images from nanotechnology labs from all over the world. You can find other nanotechnology images here . During the 2010 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston, MA in December, the MRS conducted the tenth installment of the popular "Science as Art" competition ( View winners from past competitions ). Here are the six first-place and second-place winners: The silk collective. Silk, produced by the silkworm Bombyx mori, has been viewed for millennia as a prestigious and valuable material. This protein has recently found application as a high technology material in biomedical micro- and nanotechnology. This scanning electron microscopy image depicts a detail of a micro patterned silk surface, fabricated with an all-aqueous micro molding technique. The silk structures, measuring approximately one micrometer in diameter, were fabricated at room temperature and under ambient pressure. The research is performed in Prof. Fiorenzo Omenetto's group (Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics and Biophotonics Laboratory) and is part of "the silk collective" at Tufts University. (Image: Konstantinos Tsioris, Tufts University) Stem of nanoflowers. SThis picture is created from a high resolution SEM image of zinc oxide "nanoflowers" synthesized by a physical vapor deposition technique. (Image: Abhishek Prasad, Michigan Technological University) Surfacing Turtle. Calcium carbonate crystals mineralized on a chitosan thin film. Image taken in a scanning electron microscope with the secondary electron detector at 6 kV. The sample was coated with Pt/Pd for 30 seconds. (Image: Philipp Hunger, Drexel University) Rising Moon. Tin Ball on KOH-etched Si surface appears like the moon rising above Si pyramids. This image was obtained using a scanning electron microscope at 16,100x magnification and was colorized using Adobe Photoshop. (Image: Sedat Canli, Middle East Technical University) Aurora Zinc Oxide. This picture was created from the convergence of a high-resolution cross-sectional and a plan view SEM image of a zinc oxide "nanowall structure" synthesized by a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition technique. Color was added to the original image. (Image: Dong Chan Kim, Sungkyunkwan University) Grassland Sunrise. High-resolution SEM image of germanium/silicon core/shell heterostructure nanowires (diameter ∼10 nm) synthesized by a two-step chemical vapor deposition method on a layered Si/SiO2 substrate. (Image: Yongjie Hu, Harvard University) 来源:纳米艺术网
个人分类: 纳米科技|4707 次阅读|3 个评论
smilingmoon 2010-11-6 22:24
个人分类: 美图共享|3520 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]珍惜世界,感谢生命 (美图精选五十幅)
nevergu 2010-5-2 09:10
原登载于文学城,作者: 路边野花不採白不採 大家一定要看到最后,不然会错过最美的(本人认为)。
个人分类: 图片记录|3239 次阅读|0 个评论
animalethic 2010-3-15 16:27
近日,2009年Birdguide鸟类摄影比赛获奖照片揭晓。这些照片捕捉到鸟儿的美丽,展现了它们高超的飞行技巧,同时也显示出摄影师卓越的摄影技术。以下是获奖照片。    1. 海鹦空中悬停 海鹦空中悬停   这张神奇的照片是摄影师凯文杜罗斯在英国 诺森伯兰郡 法恩群岛拍摄的。如图所示,照片显示的是一只嘴中塞满了小鱼的海鹦在空中悬停。评委称赞这张照片有很好的对称性。    2. 短耳猫头鹰 短耳猫头鹰   这张由詹姆斯伍兹拍摄的照片之所以入选获奖照片,是因为评委认为该照片非常和谐,令人不忍移走目光。评委们还认为这张照片的质量高得令人震惊。照片显示的是,一只短耳鸮静静站立在篱笆墙的木桩上。短耳鸮俗称短耳猫头鹰。    3. 俯冲的塘鹅 俯冲的塘鹅   一日,摄影师保罗西里昂在 海峡群岛 奥尔德尼岛 的海岸上,看到一大群塘鹅在空中盘旋、朝海面垂直俯冲。他按下照相机快门,拍下了这张照片。蔚蓝色的海水和天空融为一体,海天一色,评委对此大加赞誉。    4. 树云雀 树云雀   尽管这张照片中的树云雀并不如其他获奖照片中的鸟类富有魅力,但是它却完美地捕捉到树云雀的空中姿态,反映出这只小鸟要不顾一切护卫自己的领土。照片是由摄影师格雷汉姆凯特利在兰开夏郡拍摄的。 5. 斗鸡 斗鸡   这张照片赢得了本次摄影比赛的第一名,显示了在春天两只公野鸡激烈地打斗。摄影师理查德贝徳福德某日独自一人外出,在诺福克郡幸运地观看到两只公野鸡打斗,并拍下了这张获奖照片,最终在众多参赛作品中脱颖而出。    6. 红隼追逐仓鸮 红隼追逐仓鸮   如图,这张由摄影师马克汉考克斯拍摄的照片显示了一只红隼在追逐一只仓鸮。仓鸮口中叼着一只 老鼠 。    7. 相映成趣 相映成趣   在一个静谧的早晨,一只罕见的乌雕(greater spotted eagle)安静地站立在卡塔尔一个湖泊中,其身影倒映在水中。    8. 准备着陆的野鸡 准备着陆的野鸡   在英国 北安普敦郡 12月金色阳光中,一只野鸡展翅飞在半空。这只鸟儿直视着照相机镜头,似乎正准备着陆。照片是由摄影师约翰贝茨拍摄的。(新浪科技 唐宁) 以上图片来源于中国国家地理网。
个人分类: 生活点滴|4850 次阅读|0 个评论

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