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走向第三维 —— 从无人机到微纳星(3)
等离子体科学 2019-7-20 07:10
走向第三维 —— 从无人机到微纳星(3) 2017 7月20日 北京 阴霾 目前的立方星及其组装的微纳星基本上都没有在轨推进(包括位保)动力。随着执行的任务越来越多样,微纳星的“微推进”问题正在成为航天动力研究领域的新热点。 下面是笔者在三极天基探测香山会议上发言后半部分的要点: 天基探测平台的发展方向:微纳化与标准化 (1)天基观测平台低轨道任务正在呈现多样化的趋势 微纳卫星平台在地球物理探测,气象、气候观测预报,预警、定位、导航,等等低轨道(百公里级)多样化任务方面,都有非常广泛的应用。而且微纳卫星平台具有机动灵活、经济实用的特点,非常适合应对重大灾害等紧急任务进行多卫星快速部署。 (2)CubeSat 开辟了天基探测平台微纳化的新路 CubeSat (1U): 10×10×11.35 cm3, 1.33 kg —— 基本在纳星范围,表面太阳能电池版覆盖,面积 400 cm^2; 可以直接投放,也可以一箭多星(几十上百颗)发射。 (3)微纳卫星急需中国标准 我们已经深切感受到:标准关系到发展的根本。标准平台是微纳星发展的基础。我国国民经济发展和科学研究深入提出了越来越多的、适于采用微纳卫星平台的空间任务。这将成为一个巨大的市场,急须顺应市场和国家战略需求,制定卫星平台的中国标准,为国家需求服务、为发展市场服务。考虑将来的发展,这一标准应有载荷、能源、动力考量。 目前的立方星及其组合大多没有在轨推进动力。但是笔者在5年前就指出:随着空间任务多样化,微纳星的在轨推进正成为平台必备的选择。这一点也越来越成为国际航天界的共识。 最近发射的Starlink星簇也再次证实了这一点。 (4)极轨天基探测载荷与在轨动力 天基平台的载荷研发 —— 一直是严峻的挑战。微纳卫星平台结合芯片技术发展基于最新IT技术的载荷,在轨测试灵活、方便、快捷,可大大缩短研发周期,快速提高技术水平。 而微推进的发展,主要应是:成熟技术及装备的小型化和颠覆性新技术(如液态金属或“尘埃”颗粒的电推进技术等)的研发;特别要考虑有效载荷所占空间、电磁兼容性,等等。 (5)优势 我国目前发射的卫星以行业卫星为主,标准化有利于市场化。微纳化、标准化平台更有利于科学家直接参与卫星设计。 微纳卫星的灵活性使得提出项目建议到发射的周期大大缩短;类似无人机,可以大量、“随时”发射。可以大大提高“轨道”(不是仪器)分辨率: 提高空间分辨:结合任务的编队飞行,实现多尺度观测(小尺度靠仪器,大尺度靠编队); 提高时间分辨:同样是小尺度靠仪器,大尺度靠轨道安排来提供,可轻易实现24小时连续覆盖。 结合国内载荷、动力发展,建设微纳卫星标准平台;并结合平台标准尽快部署微推进研究——是当务之急。
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xiaguangqing 2014-4-23 22:15
http://www.chinanews.com/mil/2014/04-03/6027005.shtml 近日, 中国航天科技集团公司五院502所推进产品中心 成立了 微推进技术研发小组 ,旨在解决微卫星、纳卫星、皮卫星的推进系统应用问题,开展微推进系统相关基础技术研究,发展微推进相关基础学科,建立基础研究的手段及方法。   微纳卫星具有一系列优点,体积小、功耗低、开发周期短、可编队组网,能够以更低的成本完成很多复杂的空间任务,并且具备快速响应能力。但由于受整星功耗、重量、体积等约束,现有的推进技术不能满足微纳卫星推进系统需求,国内已发射的微纳卫星均不具备推进系统。   当前,该所在微推进系统和微推力器方面已经取得了系列成果,如微推力器阵列、微小超高压冷气推进系统、轻质低功耗推力器等。微推进技术研发小组成立后,将积极推动在微推进系统和微推进器等多方面的研究,制定技术应用发展方案,推进技术攻关,为不同任务需求的微纳卫星提供推进方案及产品。   为加强基础理论研究,该所 以五院先进空间推进技术核心实验室为依托,联合国内优势高校,建立先进空间微推进技术联合实验室 ,实现优势互补,共同开展关键技术攻关及突破。
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xiaguangqing 2011-1-3 20:07
http://fastrac.ae.utexas.edu/news/recent.php http://fastrac.ae.utexas.edu/for_radio_operators/overview.php http://www.spaceflightnow.com/minotaur/stps26/status.html FASTRAC (带有推力、相对导航和姿态控制的编队自主飞行)任务 Is In Orbit! November 20, 2010 FASTRAC was launched into orbit on Friday November 19 at 7:21 pm Central Standard Time! It was successfully inserted by a Minotaur IV rocket into a 650 km altitude, 72 degree inclination orbit. FASTRAC has been transmitting beacon and crosslink data which have been received by amateur radio operators around the world. Control of the satellite was transferred to The University of Texas at Austin shortly after launch vehicle separation at 7:56 pm. The first known FASTRAC beacon received from space was reported by DK3WN in Germany at 12:01 am (CST) November 20. The two FASTRAC satellites, Emma and Sara Lily, were both heard transmitting to ground and crosslinking with each other. Since then, radio contacts have been reported by amateur radio operators around the world. The University of Texas at Austin Ground Station heard the FASTRAC beacon in its first pass over Austin at 6:22 am. The station plans to verify the command link at the earliest opportunity. Once this occurs, the mission will enter its initial subsystem checkout phase. All satellite systems appear to be functioning as planned based on first look data. The FASTRAC mission is divided into two basic phases. The first phase is the science portion of the mission. During this phase the two satellites will be sharing GPS data as long as they are within range of each other. The GPS data will be processed on board each satellite and then stored in flash memory to calculate an on-orbit relative navigation solution. Also, the satellites will be performing attitude determination with the GPS receiver. FASTRAC 1 will be firing the micro-discharge plasma thruster whenever the thrust vector is within 15 degrees of the anti-velocity vector. The data will be relayed to the ground when the satellite is in communication with a ground station. A coordination plan is being developed so that participating amateur radio ground stations can play a major role in collecting this data and relaying it back to this Web site. The second phase of the mission begins by reconfiguring the satellites for use by the amateur radio community. The satellites will be reconfigured so that they can be used as digipeaters and form part of the Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS) network. The capabilities of these satellites are governed largely by the functionality of the Kantronics KPC9612-Plus TNC. The satellites will be reconfigured after the primary mission to serve on the APRS network.
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xiaguangqing 2010-12-17 15:31
The Microcavity Discharge Thruster (MCD) is a novel electrothermal thruster concept. It relies on flat panel microplasma heritage, realizing discharges in cavities as small as 10 m in diameter at pressures up to well above 1 atm. Gas temperatures may reach 1500 K or higher at up to 2 W of power deposited per cavity, and if expanded through a nozzle, an electrothermal microthruster array concept can be realized. The thruster concept consists of two perforated aluminum foil electrodes onto which an aluminum oxide layer is grown. The two electrode sheaths are then bonded, and the perforations form the discharge cavities. A chemical etch forms a nozzle for each cavity at one side of the electrode sheath. Applying a 50-150 kHz, 400-1200 VAC to the electrodes creates alternating electric fields inside the gas filled cavity, leading to low (1%) degrees of ionization and subsequent heating of the partially ionized gas in the alternating electric field.
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xiaguangqing 2010-6-13 09:50
太阳帆推进是一种新型的无工质推进技术(即不需要携带任何推进剂),依靠反射太阳光光子而产生推力。人类利用这项技术,最终将能实现不用燃料,而只依靠太阳能在太空航行的梦想。 日本宇宙航空研究开发机构的一份声明上说:我们经证实,升至距离地面大约770万公里的伊卡洛斯已经完全展开,它上面的薄膜太阳能电池也已经产生电流。 ( http://www.jaxa.jp/press/2010/06/20100611_ikaros_e.html ) Small Solar Power Sail Demonstrator 'IKAROS' Successful Solar Sail Deployment June 11, 2010 (JST) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) began to deploy the solar sail of the Small Solar Power Sail Demonstrator IKAROS on June 3 (Japan Standard Time). On June 10 (JST,) we have confirmed that it was successfully expanded and was generating power through its thin film solar cells at about 770 km from the Earth. The IKAROS was launched on May 21, 2010 (JST), from the Tanegashima Space Center. We will measure and observe the power generation status of the thin film solar cells, accelerate the satellite by photon pressure, and verify the orbit control through that acceleration. Through these activities, we will ultimately aim at acquiring navigation technology through the solar sail. Sail Deployment First stage deployment taken by a monitor camera Image of the view at the time of first stage deployment * In the above computer graphic, the sails in the process of deployment look like they are slightly swelling, but they are actually not as expanded as shown in the CG. Second stage deployment completion taken by a monitor camera * Harness: electric connection between the membrane and the main body * Tether: mechanical connection between the membrane and the main body Image of the view after completing the second stage deployment
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xiaguangqing 2010-3-16 10:56
( http://www.spacemart.com/reports/USAF_Eyes_Mini_Thrusters_For_Use_In_Satellite_Propulsion_999.html ) USAF Eyes Mini-Thrusters For Use In Satellite Propulsion A prototype of a miniature electrospray thruster with four rows of ion emitters is shown here. The thruster is contained within two black plates each measuring about one square inch. Credit: Credit: Dr. Paulo Lozano, MIT by Staff Writers Wright Patterson AFB OH (SPX) Mar 04, 2010 Mini- thrusters or miniature, electric propulsion systems are being developed, which could make it easier for the Air Force's small satellites, including the latest CubeSats, to perform space maneuvers and undertake formidable tasks like searching for planets beyond our solar system . With Air Force Office of Scientific Research funding, researchers led by Dr. Paulo Lozano at Massachusetts Institute of Technology are considering the advantages of electric propulsion over more traditional chemical rocketry. As a result, they have discovered ionic liquid ion sources which are the core elements of the mini-thruster. In addition to the benefits anticipated for small satellites, the technology may have applicability in completely different areas. Fast-moving ions coming out from the mini-thrusters can be used to etch semiconductors to create patterns in the nanometer scale, to fabricate computer chips or small mechanical devices, said Lozano. The team is interested in the properties that allow advances in travel between different orbits in space and the ability for spacecraft to self-destruct upon controlled re-entry, therefore preventing the creation of additional space debris. Lozano predicts that he will have a mini-thruster prototype developed in about four or five months and he expects the technology to become a reality in the next two years. He plans to begin measuring the velocity of the ions and their energy as soon as the prototype is ready to determine the thrust and efficiency of the engine. Later this year, the team will begin looking at how to integrate mini-thrusters to flight hardware. ( http://www.space.cetin.net.cn/index.asp?modelname=new_space%2Fnews_nrFractionNo=titleno=XWEN0000recno=65734 ) 美国空军着眼于将迷你推力器用于卫星推进 新闻发布时间:2010-03-04    迷你推力器或小型电推进系统正在开发中,它们将使得空军的小卫星(如最新的立方体卫星)更易执行太空机动,并完成像寻找太阳系外行星这样艰巨的任务。      利用美国空军科学研究办公室的资金,由美国麻省理工学院罗扎诺博士领导的研究人员,正在考虑电推进与传统化学火箭相比具有的优势。结果,他们发现“离子性液体离子源”是迷你推力器的核心元素。      迷你推力器可使太空中的航天器在不同轨道间移动,也能够让航天器在受控再入时自毁,由此防止产生额外的太空垃圾。除了应用于小卫星,此项技术还可能应用于完全不同的领域。产生于迷你推力器的快速移动离子能被用于蚀刻半导体,由此创造出纳米级模式,制造计算机芯片或小型化学装置。    罗扎诺博士预测,在未来4或5个月内将开发出迷你推力器的样机,他希望此项技术在未来2年将变为现实。他计划一旦确定了样机发动机的推力和效率,就开始测量离子的速度和它们的能量。今年晚些时候,该团队将开始考虑如何将迷你推力器集成到飞行硬件上。(中国航天工程咨询中心 谢慧敏 郭多娴)
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