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Science Advances 已被SCI收录,期待第一个影响因子。
IPBCS 2017-10-12 10:51
13878 次阅读|0 个评论
崔蓝月论文在《RSC Advances》发表
热度 1 rczeng 2016-6-25 00:04
RSC Advances 出版速度真快,接受到正式出版7天。 Lan-Yue Cui, Rong-Chang Zeng, Shuo-Qi Li, Fen Zhang and En-Hou Han . Corrosion resistance of layer-by-layer assembled polyvinylpyrrolidone/polyacrylic acid and amorphous silica films on AZ31 magnesium alloys . RSC Advances, 2016, 6 , 63107-63116 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA08613F. 附论文 Corrosion resistance of layer-by-layer assembled.pdf .
个人分类: 研究生|3828 次阅读|1 个评论
zhpd55 2015-5-26 09:55
Advancesin Theoretical and Mathematical Physics : 参考文献数与期刊因子呈现负相关 诸平 《理论与数学物理进展》( Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics ) ISSN: 1095-0761 (Print) ; 1095-0753 (Online) 。主编由美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学( Pennsylvania State University )的 Abhay V. Ashtekar 、普林斯顿大学 (Princeton University) 的 Elliot Lieb 、哈佛大学 (Harvard University) 的丘成桐( Shing-Tung Yau )以及麻省理工学院 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 的 Barton Zwiebach 担任。 《理论与数学物理进展》是一本关注理论物理和数学交叉学科研究的双月刊。适用的物理学领域包括原子物理、凝聚态物理、共形场论、无序与随机系统、动力系统、场论、广义相对论、可积模型、量子引力、薛定谔算子、统计力学、弦理论等;适用的数学领域包括分析、代数几何、代数拓扑、 Hopf 代数、纽结理论、非交换几何、量子群、辛几何等。 ATMP 被 MathSciNet , ZentralBlatt , Science Citation Index ( SCI )和 Current Contents: Physical, Chemical Earth Sciences 索引。根据 SCImago 数据库提供的信息, 《理论与数学物理进展》 1999 年的平均参考文献数为 38.51 条,而 SJR=20.488 , 2009 年平均参考文献数增加到 40.50 条,而 SJR 下降到 1.129 ; 2013 年平均参考文献数增加到 63.67 条, SJR 下降到 0.820 ;再看看 JCR(Journal Citation Reports) 提供的 IF 随参考文献数的变化情况: 2007 年平均参考文献数为 35.22 条, IF=2.980;2009 年平均参考文献数增加到 40.50 条; IF 下降到 2.034 ; 2013 年平均参考文献数增加到 63.67 条, IF 下降到 1.781.1999 ~ 2013 年之间参考文献数与期刊因子的负相关性图示如下:
个人分类: 科技期刊研究|3418 次阅读|0 个评论
sunbohua 2015-2-1 20:57
Call for Proposal 英文学术丛书 AMM 征稿启事 http://academic.hep.com.cn/mh/amm/index.html 让我们来出版您的英文学术专著 由中国最大出版集团 - 高等教育出版社与国际著名出版集团联合出版的英文版学术丛书 Advancesin Materials and Mechanics(AMM) 已经出版十几部有影响力的专著(已经出版11本,还有3本即将交稿)。为了保证学术水准丛书开始阶段主要是编委会约稿的形式组稿,为了进一步推动该领域的学术发展,现欢迎希望出版自己英文学术专著的有成就的学者自由投稿(欢迎专业 英文教科书和研究著作,一般不支持论文集)。 Advances in Materials and Mechanics 丛书由南非科学院院士孙博华教授主编,陈十一院士等任副主编,杨卫院士等任科学顾问。 该丛书被选为国家重点图书,高等教育出版社全资资助出版所有经国际评委和编委会通过的选题(不收任何形式的出版费),除了在国外发行外还同时在国内发行。 希望投稿的学者请联系主编: sunb@cput.ac.za 或责任编审 刘剑波 Ms.Jianbo Liu Higher Education Press 15F Fortune Tower, 4 Huixin Dongjie Beijing 100029,P. R. China. Tel:0086-10-58556318 Fax: 0086-10-58556028 Email: liujb@hep.com.cn 有关丛书介绍 : http://academic.hep.com.cn/mh/amm/index.html According to Prof. Ken P. Chong of the U.S. National Science Foundation,mechanics and materials are essential elements in all of the transcendenttechnologies that are the primary drivers of the twenty first century and in the new economy. The transcendenttechnologies include nanotechnology, microelectronics, information technologyand biotechnology as well as the enabling and supporting infrastructure systemsand materials. Research opportunities and challenges in mechanics andmaterials, including nanomechanics, microscopy, radiation scattering and othernanoscale metrologies, as well as improved engineering and design of materialsin the exciting information age are to be addressed. The AMM will mainly focus on the development of modern materials, mechanics,and their interaction in the form of new theory, methodology, experiments andapplications, and provide both authoritative literature reviews and researchresults on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest toscientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but alsoof interest to the many who use the results of investigations in mechanics invarious application areas such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental,mechanical and nuclear engineering. The Series is publishing in an area of high visibility and impact. Contentis provided by active, leading scientists in the field by invitation of theeditors. Many of the books published will become classics within their fields.
3914 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 18 qpzeng 2014-9-12 10:17
在Nature发行了几十份子刊后,Science终于坐不住了,继多年前“犹抱琵琶半遮面”地推出Signaling和Translational Medicine后,本月又正式宣布Advances创刊,并计划于明年2月发表第一篇文章。 Science Advances将只有电子版,而且是开放获取,这就意味着要求作者付费发表。看起来它的编辑方针与发行模式跟PLoS ONE差不多,比如发文范围极其广泛,几乎无所不包,诸如生命科学、物理学、社会及行为科学都在其征稿范围之内,此外还有计算机科学、工程学和数学等。 Science的名气显然大过PLoS,Science Advances的要价也高于 PLoS ONE,前者 是每篇3000美金,而且可能还有附加费,而后者是每篇1380美金,没有附加费。所谓附加费,一是超过10页需另交1500美金,二是选择CC BY(不限制商业用途)需另加1000美金,而CC BY-NC(限制商业用途)则无需附加费。 Science Advances的创刊无疑会对Nature Communications和Cell Report 等产生冲击,也许会象它们的“长辈”Cell、Nature、Science一样形成三足鼎立之势,而且PLoS ONE显然不是其对手,只得依赖“薄利多销”来寻求生存空间了。 我不认为 Science Advances 将来会沦为一份“灌水”期刊,但无疑中国人发表的文章应该会占好几成。呵呵,这样一来,不知又有多少中国人的纳税钱要源源不断地落入美国人的腰包! Science Advances is an online-only, open-access journal for all the sciences and the newest addition to the Science family of publications. Science Advances features important, well-executed research in the life, physical, social and behavioral sciences—as well as computer science, engineering, and mathematics. The editorial office will open in September 2014 and the journal will publish its first articles in February 2015. Read our February 2014 Science editorial announcing Science Advances here . Read the frequently asked questions about Science Advances. Editorial Vision Science Advances will rapidly publish high-quality, original research in the physical, life, environmental, mathematical, engineering, computer, and social sciences that has the potential to make significant advances in any relevant field. The journal seeks to publish articles that make important contributions to research in any of the relevant disciplines, and those that promote new collaborations, stimulate further experiments, or inspire new directions in applying science to solve immediate problems that matter to society. Science Advances welcomes articles from interdisciplinary teams whose work is best disseminated in a broad journal and articles of interest to a disciplinary audience, so long as the quality and importance of the scientific contribution remains high. The journal will consider longer articles incorporating information that otherwise would be left to supplemental material so long as the length is justified by the content. Open access model and article processing charges (APCs) Science Advances is an open-access journal supported by article processing charges (APCs). The journal is online-only and will rapidly publish articles. Articles will be freely available as soon as they are published. Authors may choose to publish under one of two Creative Commons licenses: CC BY or CC BY-NC. The CC BY license allows users to freely distribute, adapt, or re-use articles, including for commercial purposes. The CC BY-NC license allows users to distribute, adapt, or re-use articles for non-commercial purposes, while commercial use requires prior permission. The APC for articles published under a CC BY-NC license is $3,000. Several discounts or surcharges may apply. Significant discounts are available for corresponding authors who are members of AAAS and/or those who are located at institutions that license or subscribe to AAAS journals. Surcharges may apply for authors selecting to publish under a CC BY license ( $1,000 surcharge ) or those whose articles are more 10 pages in length ( $1,500 ). AAAS may offer APC waivers upon request to authors in the developing world or to those experiencing financial hardships. Promotional discounts also will be available to Science Advances’ first authors.
个人分类: 博客趣闻|46337 次阅读|27 个评论
预测:影响因子迅速飙升的神刊"Disaster Advances"明年会出局!
热度 3 waterlilyqd 2013-7-30 17:49
一年间, Disaster Advances的 影响因子一下从0.692飙升到2.272而成为印度期刊中影响因子最高的期刊, 学科排位从Q4上升到Q2和Q1!这是怎样一种不可能的情形,但是,这个期刊做到了! 对准备向Disaster Advances投稿的人员提一个醒: 如果文章今年没能刊登而留到明年刊出, 则有可能遭遇该刊被踢出SCI或者没有影响因子的尴尬(该刊用于计算2012年影响因子的自引率高达84%)! ------------------------------------------------------------- This afternoon, one colleague asked me to check the 2011 IMPACT FACTOR of the journal DISASTER ADVANCES because he found its 2012 IMPACT FACTOR has surged to 2.272 from last year's IF=0.692. What an amazing progress for a journal! However, nothing worth to admire if it's just impact factor surge! I analyzed its self cites used to calculate impact factor and found 375 cites (84%) of the total 443 cites are self-cited. If the self cites are substracted, then the impact factor will be lower than 0.500. This journal's self cites used to calculate 2011 IMPACT FACTR account for 69% of the total cites. If a journal has high self cites in consecutive years, then the chance to be removed from the SCI journal list wil be very high! The detailed information for this journal is as follows: __________________________________________________________ Full Journal Title: Disaster Advances ISO Abbrev. Title: Disaster Adv. JCR Abbrev. Title: DISASTER ADV ISSN: 0974-262X Issues/Year: 4 Language: ENGLISH Journal Country/Territory: INDIA Publisher: DISASTER ADVANCES Publisher Address: SECTOR AG-80, SCHEME NO 54, VIJAY NAGAR, A B RD, INDORE 452010, INDIA Eigenfactorreg; Score 0.00034 Article Influencereg; Score 0.076 ____________________________________________________________
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|19010 次阅读|6 个评论
[转载]CFP: ASSA (Advances in Systems Science and Applications
bhwangustc 2013-1-25 19:18
[转载]CFP: ASSA (Advances in Systems Science and Applications
ASSA ( Advances in Systems Science and Applications ) http://www.ijassa.net:8080/assa/kwjs_en.jsp 欢迎国内在统计物理、复杂系统与复杂性科学、复杂网络、交通流、数据挖掘、信息物理、社会物理、生物物理、经济物理、系统科学及其应用等领域从事研究与教学的各位老师同学踊跃投稿! 稿件可以直接投给编辑部,也可以发给我,由我推荐审稿。 Journal Information Introduction The International Institute for General Systems Studies (IIGSS) was inaugurated in the U.S.A. onJanuary1, 1994.It wasfounded · To promote the fundamental research of general systems theory and applications in all branchesof knowledge, · To establish scientific communications among researchers and practitioners with similar interests inorder toexchange mostrecent ideas and developments in related areas, · To gain international visibility of the advances of the research in general systems theory andapplications and show a unitedcommitment to the arrival of the new era, when all branches of knowledge will be unified under the name of systems, · To provide public relations benefits, · To bring diverse international groups and individuals together as a unified effort to contribute tomultiple endeavors, and · To provide an umbrella for individual members or groups of members of the institute to gain accessofdifferent funding sources, among other things. In the past years, the IIGSS has hosted various workshops, conference, and events. A good numberofrenowned scholarsfrom around the world have been actively involved in IIGSS’ endeavors. Among others, the IIGSS has published an official international journal, entitled Advances in Systems Science and Applications (ASSA). It was originally established as an electronic publication in the 1990s and isnow since the start of the year 2000 a regular hard-copy peer refereed journal. The ASSA aims to reflect the most recent advancement of systems research and welcomes the submission of top qualityresearch papers. Editorial Board ADVANCES IN SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS An official journal of the International Institute for General Systems Studies Editor-in-chief: Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest President of International Institute for General Systems Studies Department of Mathematics Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education at Slippery Rock Slippery Rock, PA 16057, U.S.A. e-mail: Jeffrey.forrest@sru.edu; Jeffrey.forrest@yahoo.com Associate Editors: Tadeusz Kaczorek Member of Polish Academy of Sciences Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bia?ystok Technical University ul. Wiejska 45D, 15–351 Bia?ystok, Poland Electrical Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok,. e-mail: kaczorek@isep.pw.edu.pl Kyoich Jim Kijima Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama , Meguro-ku,Tokyo. 152-8552, Japan e-mail: kijima@valdes.titech.ac.jp Associate Editor/Managing: Dejun Chen School of Information Engineering Wuhan University of Technology Luoshi Road 122, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei 430070 e-mail: mrchendj@163.com Board of Editors: Tsan-Ming (Jason) Choi, Hong Kong Rm ST740, Institute of Textiles and Clothing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong e-mail: tcjason@inet.polyu.edu.hk Franois Dubois, France President of AFSCET (French Association for Systems Science) since 2008. University Professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Paris). Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM), Mathematiques, 292 rue Saint Martin, 75141 Paris Cedex 03, FranceParis Cedex 03, France e-mail: francois.dubois@cnam.fr Zeraoulia Elhadj, Algeria Department of Mathematics Tébessa University, Tébessa (12002), Algeria. e-mail: zelhadj12@yahoo.fr and zeraoulia@mail.univ-tebessa.dz. Yan Gao, China Executive Dean, Business School University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 516 Jungong Road, Shanghai 200093, PR China e-mail: gaoyan@usst.edu.cn Tseyaye Habtemariam Dean of College of Veterinary Medicine, Nursing Allied Health Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL 36088 Phone: 334-727-8174 Fax#: 334-727-8177 e-mail: habtemart@mytu.tuskegee.edu Cheng-Hsiung Hsieh (xie zhengxun), Taiwan Dept Computer Science/Information Engineering Chaoyang University of Technology 168, Jifeng E Rd, Wufeng District Taichung, 41349, Taiwan, ROC e-mail: chhsieh@cyut.edu.tw Jeffrey Johnson, UK (President of Complex Systems Society) The Design Group, Faculty of Maths, Computing and Technology, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK e-mail: j.h.johnson@open.ac.uk Janusz Kacprzyk, Poland Full Member, Polish Academy of Sciences Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences ul. Newelska 6, 01-447 Warsaw, Poland e-mail: Janusz.Kacprzyk@ibspan.waw.pl Konstantino Karamanos, Belgium Center for Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems Campus Plaine - CP 231 Université Libre de Bruxelles B-1050 Brussels - Belgium E-mail: kkaraman@ulb.ac.be; koskaraman@gmail.com Qiaoxing Li, China School of Management Lanzhou University Lanzhou, Gansu, PR China e-mail: qxli13@hotmail.com; liqx@lzu.edu.cn Rafael Pla Lopez, Spain Vice-president of the Spanish Society of General Systems Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada, Universitat de València, C/Dr.Moliner, 50, 46100 Burjassot, Spain e-mail: rafael_pla@alteritat.net;Rafael.Pla@uv.es Nicholas A. Nechval, Latvia Department of Applied Mathematics University of Latvia Raina bulv. 19, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia E-mail: nechval@junik.lv Dmitry Novikov, Russia Member of Russian Academy of Sciences PROFSOJUZNAYA ST., 65, Institute of Control Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences MOSCOW, 117997, RUSSIA e-mail: novikov@tushino.com Duc Truong Pham, UK OBE FREng FLSW FSME BE PhD DEng FIET FIMechE Chance Professor and Head of the School of Mechanical Engineering University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom e-mail: http://d.t.pham@bham.ac.uk Jose Perez Rios, Spain E.T.S. Ingenieria Informatica Universidad de Valladolid Campus Miguel Delibes s/n ES-47011 Valladolid, Spain e-mail: rios@uva.es Ganti Prasada Rao Inventive Pathways- Management consultancy PO Box 2623, Abu Dhabi, UAE. e-mail: gant irao@emirates.net.ae Emil Scarlat, Romania Department of Informatics and Economic Cybernetics Bucharest University of Economic Studies 15-17, Calea Dorobantilor, Room 2621 010552, Bucharest , Romania e-mail: emil.scarlat@csie.ase.ro; emil.scarlat@yahoo.com Vladimir Tsurkov, Russia Member of Russian Academy of Sciences Head, Department of Complex Systems of Computing Center Russian Academy of Sciences Vavilov str., 40, Moscow, 119333, Russia e-mail: tsurkov@ccas.ru; tsurkov@gmail.com Edward Tunstel, USA Vice president of IEEE Society of Systems, Man and Cybernetics Applied Physics Laboratory The Johns Hopkins University 11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel, Maryland 20723 e-mail: tunstel@gmail.com and tunstel@ieee.org Tom Vaneker, The Netherlands President of European Triz Association Faculty of Engineering Technology University of Twente Drienerlolaan 5, 7522 NB Enschede, The Netherlands e-mail: T.Vaneker@utwente.nl Binghong Wang, China Institute of Theoretical Physics Department of Modern Physics University of Science and Technology of China Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R.China e-mail: bhwang@ustc.edu.cn; bhwangustc@gmail.com Guo Wei, USA Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of North Carolina at Pembroke Pembroke, North Carolina, 28372-1510, USA; e-mail: guo.wei@uncp.edu Paul Peng Wen, Australia Deputy Head of Discipline: Electrical and Electronic Engineering Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computing Faculty of Sciences University of Southern Queensland TOOWOOMBA QUEENSLAND 4350 AUSTRALIA e-mail: pengwen@usq.edu.au John Wood, England Emeritus Professor in Design Goldsmiths, University of London, New Cross, London, SE14 6NW, UK e-mail: maxripple@googlemail.com; j.wood@gold.ac.uk Guosheng Zhang, China Associate Dean, School of International Economics and Trade Beijing International Studies University 1 Dingfuzhuang South ST, Chaoqiang distinct Beijing 10024,P.R.China e-mail: zhanggs0804@yahoo.com.cn Key Columns Key columns: ◆ general system theory ◆ system science andengineering ◆ uncertainty system ◆ transportation information and safty ◆ biological engineering ◆ environmental science ◆ image processing ◆ interdisciplinary research Guidelines for Authors Submissions guide Submissions tips contributor tips Advances in Systems Science and Applications(ASSA) aims to promote prompt exchange with worldwide universities and academic institutions. It mainly reflects the latest academic achievements have been and is being made recently in many disciplines ofscientific research in the world. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts on recent researches that have not beenpublished, nor are intended to be published elsewhere.ASSA owns the copy right of the articles once published in it. The paper relative system science will be received, and following articles are especially welcome : generalsystem theory, system science andengineering, uncertainty system, transportation information and safty, biological engineering, environmental science, image processingand interdisciplinary research. . function resize(img,limitwidth) { if(img.widthlimitwidth) { img.height=img.height*limitwidth/img.width; img.width=limitwidth; } } Submissions statement The manuscript should include the following: title, author's name(s) and biography, company or institute, abstract and key words. The main parts of the manuscript should consist of introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, figures and tables with captions and descriptions, in which detailed quantity, amount and unit will be given. Abstract condenses mainly for the objective, material and methods, key results and conclusion, preferably no less than 300 words in total. Key words should consist of 3-8 words or phrases. All technical measuring units must be in accordance with international standard ( IS). Citation should be listed in accordance with the sequence of quoting at the related part from earlier to later. The format of literatures quoted please refer toASSA already published. Manuscripts should be prepared and submitedin MS Word, however, the editor reserves the right to revise some expressions in the manuscript when it is philologically necessary. Authors who tend not to accept such revision should declare in advance. Contribute notes Notice to contributors Advances in Systems Science and Applications(ASSA) aims to promote prompt exchange with worldwide universities and academic institutions. It mainly reflects the latest academic achievements have been and is being made recently in many disciplines of scientific research in the world. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts on recent researches that have not been published, nor are intended to be published elsewhere.ASSA owns the copy right of the articles once published in it. The paper relative system science will be received, and following articles are especially welcome : general system theory, system science andengineering, uncertainty system, transportation information and safty, biological engineering, environmental science, image processingand interdisciplinary research. The manuscript should include the following: title, author's name(s) and biography, company or institute, abstract and key words. The main parts of the manuscript should consist of introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, figures and tables with captions and descriptions, in which detailed quantity, amount and unit will be given. Abstract condenses mainly for the objective, material and methods, key results and conclusion, preferably no less than 300 words in total. Key words should consist of 3-8 words or phrases. All technical measuring units must be in accordance with international standard (IS). Citation should be listed in accordance with the sequence of quoting at the related part from earlier to later. The format of literatures quoted please refer toASSA already published . Manuscripts should be prepared and submited in MS Word , however, the editor reserves the right to revise some expressions inthe manuscript when it is philologically necessary. Authors who tend not to accept such revision should declare in advance. . Contact Us Editor-in-chief Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest Department of Mathematics Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Slippery Rock, PA 16057, U.S.A. e-mail: Jeffrey.forrest@sru.edu Associate Editors Tadeusz Kaczorek Electrical Engineering Bialystok University of Technology Bialystok, Poland e-mail: kaczorek@ee.pw.edu.pl Kyoich Kijima Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology Tokyo Institute of Technology 2-12-1 Ookayama , Meguro-ku Tokyo. 152-8552, Japan e-mail: kijima@valdes.titech.ac.jp Associate/Managing Editor Dejun Chen School of Information Engineering Wuhan University of Technology 122 LuoShi Road, Wuhan 430070, China e-mail: mrchendj@163.com Office Online Referee Login Editor-in-chief Login Editor Login Advertisement For Advertiser Ad Query Ad Fast Retrieval ASSA logo
个人分类: 会议信息|6631 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]The editorial board of the international journal ASSA
bhwangustc 2012-11-3 23:41
The editorial board of the international journal “Advances in Systems Science and Applications.” Editorial Board of ASSA, starting in November , 2012 Editor-in-chief: Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest President of International Institute for General Systems Studies Department of Mathematics Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education at Slippery Rock Slippery Rock, PA 16057, U.S.A. e-mail: Jeffrey.forrest@sru.edu ; Jeffrey.forrest@yahoo.com Associate Editors: Tadeusz Kaczorek Member of Polish Academy of Sciences Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Białystok Technical University ul. Wiejska 45D, 15–351 Białystok, Poland Electrical Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok,. e-mail: kaczorek@isep.pw.edu.pl Kyoich Jim Kijima Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama , Meguro-ku,Tokyo. 152-8552, Japan e-mail: kijima@valdes.titech.ac.jp Associate Editor/Managing: Dejun Chen School of Information Engineering Wuhan University of Technology Luoshi Road 122, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei 430070 e-mail: mrchendj@163.com Board of Editors Tsan-Ming ( Jason) Choi, Hong Kong Rm ST740, Institute of Textiles and Clothing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong e-mail: tcjason@inet.polyu.edu.hk Franois Dubois, France President of AFSCET (French Association for Systems Science) since 2011. University Professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Paris). Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM), Specialite Mathematiques, 292 rue Saint Martin, 75141 Paris Cedex 03, France e-mail: francois.dubois@cnam.fr Zeraoulia Elhadj, Algeria Department of Mathematics Tébessa University, Tébessa (12002), Algeria. e-mail: zelhadj12@yahoo.fr and zeraoulia@mail.univ-tebessa.dz . Yan Gao, China Executive Dean, Business School University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 516 Jungong Road, Shanghai 200093, PR China e-mail: gaoyan@usst.edu.cn Tseyaye Habtemariam Dean of College of Veterinary Medicine, Nursing Allied Health Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL 36088 Phone: 334-727-8174 Fax#: 334-727-8177 e-mail: habtemart@mytu.tuskegee.edu Cheng-Hsiung Hsieh ( 谢政勋 xie zhengxun), Taiwan Dept Computer Science/Information Engineering Chaoyang University of Technology 168, Jifeng E Rd, Wufeng District Taichung, 41349, Taiwan, ROC e-mail: chhsieh@cyut.edu.tw Jeffrey Johnson, UK (President of Complex Systems Society) The Design Group, Faculty of Maths, Computing and Technology, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK e-mail: j.h.johnson@open.ac.uk Janusz Kacprzyk, Poland Full Member, Polish Academy of Sciences Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences ul. Newelska 6, 01-447 Warsaw, Poland e-mail: Janusz.Kacprzyk@ibspan.waw.pl Konstantino Karamanos, Belgium Center for Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems Campus Plaine - CP 231 Université Libre de Bruxelles B-1050 Brussels - Belgium E-mail: kkaraman@ulb.ac.be ; koskaraman@gmail.com Qiaoxin Li, China School of Management Lanzhou University Lanzhou, Gansu, PR China e-mail: qxli13@hotmail.com ; liqx@lzu.edu.cn Rafael Pla Lopez, Spain Vice-president of the Spanish Society of General Systems Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada, Universitat de València, C/Dr.Moliner, 50, 46100 Burjassot, Spain e-mail: rafael_pla@alteritat.net ; Rafael.Pla@uv.es Nicholas A. Nechval, Latvia Department of Applied Mathematics University of Latvia Raina bulv. 19, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia E-mail: nechval@junik.lv Dmitry Novikov, Russia Member of Russian Academy of Sciences Profsojuznaya st., 65, Institute of Control Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, 117997, Russia e-mail: novikov@tushino.com Jose Perez Rios, Spain E.T.S. Ingenieria Informatica Universidad de Valladolid Campus Miguel Delibes s/n ES-47011 Valladolid, Spain e-mail: rios@uva.es Ganti Prasada Rao Inventive Pathways- Management consultancy PO Box 2623, Abu Dhabi, UAE. e-mail: gantirao@emirates.net.ae Emil Scarlat, Romania Department of Economic Cybernetics and Informatics Bucharest University of Economics 15-17, Calea Dorobantilor, Room 2618 010552, Bucharest, , Romania e-mail: emil.scarlat@csie.ase.ro ; emil.scarlat@yahoo.com Vladimir Tsurkov, Russia Member of Russian Academy of Sciences Head, Department of Complex Systems of Computing Center Russian Academy of Sciences Vavilov str., 40, Moscow, 119333, Russia e-mail: tsurkov@ccas.ru ; tsurkov@gmail.com Edward Tunstel, USA Vice president of IEEE Society of Systems, Man and Cybernetics Applied Physics Laboratory The Johns Hopkins University 11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel, Maryland 20723 e-mail: tunstel@gmail.com and tunstel@ieee.org Tom Vaneker, The Netherlands President of European Triz Association Faculty of Engineering Technology University of Twente Drienerlolaan 5, 7522 NB Enschede, The Netherlands e-mail: T.Vaneker@utwente.nl Binghong Wang, China Institute of Theoretical Physics Department of Modern Physics University of Science and Technology of China Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R.China e-mail: bhwang@ustc.edu.cn ; bhwangustc@gmail.com Guo Wei, USA Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of North Carolina at Pembroke Pembroke, North Carolina, 28372-1510, USA; e-mail: guo.wei@uncp.edu John Wood, England Emeritus Professor in Design Goldsmiths, University of London, New Cross, London, SE14 6NW, UK e-mail: maxripple@googlemail.com ; j.wood@gold.ac.uk Guosheng Zhang, China Associate Dean, School of International Economics and Trade Beijing International Studies University 北京市朝阳区定福庄南里 1 号 zip 10024 e-mail: zhanggs0804@yahoo.com.cn
个人分类: 统计物理复杂系统研究进展|4019 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]AIP Advances已经被SCI收录!
热度 1 AIPBeijing2010 2012-5-24 20:57
AIP Advances已经被SCI收录! http://www.aip.org/press_release/aip_advances_thomson.html
个人分类: AIP Advances|7109 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]AIP Advances 视频和播客
AIPBeijing2010 2011-11-11 08:32
AIP Advances 视频和播客 如果您认为您的 AIP Advances 文章应在视频或播客专辑中作主题介绍,请联络 content.dev@aip.org 。 Samuel M. Khamis 谈论他最近在 AIP Advances 上发表的一篇文章 Samuel M. Khamis 讲述了他在 AIP Advances 发表的一篇文章,文章介绍了一种生产应用型的大型纳米晶体管阵列的过程,该阵列能够在化学传感器到集成电路组件领域应用。这个突破性的生产流程的产生要归 功于其快速高效的制造方法,每秒钟能生产上千个器件——快于现有的技术二、三个数量级。这项研究代表了基于碳纳米管的电子设备研究方向的里程碑似的一步。 发表于2011年8月4日 | 更多 Samuel M. Khamis 讲述他为什么选择 AIP Advances 发表他的研究成果 Adamant Technologies 的 Samuel M. Khamis 告诉我们他决定在 AIP Advances 发表文章的初衷。他说,评论功能和所有人都能免费看到期刊文章是他选择在这个新刊发表文章的主要原因。 发表于2011年8月4日 | 更多 采访执行主编 Robert H. Austin Robert H. Austin 是 AIP Advances ,一个为物理学界出版的开放获取期刊的执行主编。 Austin教授谈论了新刊的同行评审过程和接受标准。更开放的评审过程允许文章的研究领域和话题更具多样性。 AIP Advances 并不是一个标准的传统的物理期刊。 发表于2011年7月13日 | 更多 采访执行主编 Vincent H. Crespi 在这个视频采访中,执行主编 Vincent H. Crespi 谈论了他对AIP的最新的开放获取期刊 AIP Advances 的看法。 Crespi教授讲述了信息发现的重要性,以及怎么通过AIP的评级和评论模式,最关键和最重要的工作能够被科学界发现。 发表于2011年7月13日 | 更多 采访执行主编A. T. Charlie Johnson 在这个视频采访中, AIP Advances 的执行主编 A. T. Charlie Johnson 讲述了 AIP Advances 的开放获取出版模式,知识共享许可协议如何惠及作者、以及开放获取的重要性。观看这段视频,听Johnson教授还讲述该期刊的同行评审是如何操作的,以及在发表后对文章进行评论和评级是怎样让每篇文章靠自身特点而凸现出来的。 发表于2011年7月6日 | 更多 采访作者 Ernesto Mazzucato 博士—“A midsize tokamak as a fast track to burning plasmas” 普林斯顿大学等离子体物理实验室的Ernesto Mazzucato博士,讨论和解释了他在AIP Advances发表的第一篇文章 “A midsize tokamak as a fast track to burning plasmas” 中的想法。 发表于2011年6月9日 | 更多 采访作者 Matthew D. McCluskey 教授—“Nitrogen is a deep acceptor in ZnO” 在这段音频采访中,Matthew D. McCluskey 教授解释了他和他的研究小组在他们最近的一篇文章 “Nitrogen is a deep acceptor in ZnO” 中的研究动机和发现。 发表于2011年5月16日 | 更多
个人分类: AIP Advances|1891 次阅读|0 个评论
yolandahongmei 2011-8-15 20:58
The first issue of RSC Publishing's new journal RSC Advances has been published online. The journal covers the breadth of the chemical sciences, including speciality and interdisciplinary fields and is the first journal to feature the new system of 'topic modelling'. Scientists from Argentina to New Zealand, South Korea to the United States have shown their support for RSC Advances by submitting their work. Communications, full papers and reviews are all represented in the mix that encompasses all the main areas of the chemical sciences - and access is free throughout 2011 and 2012. Sophisticated behind-the-scenes 'topic modelling' classifies the content into one or more of 12 subject categories, such as energy, analytical and organic, accessible via the subject tab on the website. This enables readers to go straight to the most relevant content. RSC Advances is the first chemical science journal to classify content using topic modelling. Richard Kidd, Informatics Manager at RSC Publishing, explained: "We have used the latest understanding of topic modelling research to build clear and meaningful categories for RSC publications, which will evolve alongside the research scope of our publications. It's a great tool for us and our readers to track how the subjects develop." Associate Editor Professor Marcos Eberlin, from Brazil, said: "This is a very nice collection indeed. The subject tab is superb." 特别提醒,从2011年到2012可以免费参考阅读: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/ra
个人分类: 化学新闻|5758 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Research Highlights & News from AIP Advances
AIPBeijing2010 2011-8-1 07:32
Subject: Research Highlights News from AIP Advances News Announcements from AIP Advances Featured Interview In this video interview, Professor Austin discusses the peer review process and standards for this new journal. The more open reviewing process allows for more variety in the published articles' scope and reach. AIP Advances is not your standard physics journal. Click here to watch video For more video and audio interviews with the editors and authors, visit http://aipadvances.aip.org/features/videos_and_podcasts . If you think your AIP Advances paper should be featured in a video or podcast, contact content.dev@aip.org . Top Downloads View the 20 most downloaded articles published in AIP Advances , updated monthly. Image from Hidden temporal order unveiled in stock market volatility variance Y. Shapira, D. Y. Kenett, Ohad Raviv, and E. Ben-Jacob AIP Advances 1 , 022127 (2011) Rate and Comment on These Research Highlights Surface reconstruction precursor to melting in Au 309 clusters Fuyi Chen, Z. Y. Li, and Roy L. Johnston The authors use molecular dynamics simulations to clarify the role played by the surface facets in the melting transition in gold clusters. The surface reconstruction leads to an enhanced melting temperature for (100) faceted decahedral and cuboctahedral cluster compared to that of (111) faceted icosahedral gold cluster, which forms a liquid patch due to surface vacancy. AIP Advances 1 , 032105 (2011) Manipulating absorption and diffusion of H atom on graphene by mechanical strain Ming Yang, Argo Nurbawono, Chun Zhang, Rongqin Wu, Yuanping Feng, and Ariando Effects of the tensile strain on absorption and diffusion of hydrogen atoms on graphene have been studied by first-principles calculations. According to the article, the calculations suggested that there exists a barrier of 0.22 eV for H atom to diffuse from free space to graphene. AIP Advances 1 , 032109 (2011) More Research Highlights AIP Advances Launch Party Attending the ACS Fall 2011 National Meeting in Denver, CO? Please join us on Tuesday 30 August from 6:30–8:30pm at the Rock Bottom Brewery – 1001 16th Street Unit A-100, Denver, CO. Register at the door to win exciting prizes. Space is limited. Please RSVP to thall@aip.org . Can't make our party? Stop by the American Institute of Physics booth #1714 at the ACS Fall Meeting to enter to win an iPad 2 and to hear the latest news about AIP Advances and The Journal of Chemical Physics . Call for Papers: Physics of Cancer AIP Advances is now accepting manuscripts for a special section to be published in Volume 1, Issue 4 (Oct-Dec 2011) with a focus on the Physics of Cancer . The special section will aim to advance, from a physics perspective, fundamental understanding of the complex systems of tumors and their behavior. The goal is to enable new concepts and new ways of viewing cancer to flow from the physical and mathematical sciences to the cancer research community. Learn more Stay In Touch Timely updates about AIP Advances are available on these social networks: Subscribe to the Table of Contents alerts or the RSS feed to receive the latest research as it is published. Submit your manuscript Information for Contributors This is an email advertisement. If you do not wish to receive e-mail from AIP Advances , send an e-mail to unsubscribe_aipadvances@aip.org with the words "Unsubscribe AIP Advances" in the subject line. 2 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite 1NO1 Melville, NY 11747 USA © 2011
个人分类: AIP Advances|2222 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]在新视频采访中,AIP Advances的执行主编谈论该期刊
AIPBeijing2010 2011-7-26 07:41
在新视频采访中,AIP Advances的执行主编谈论该期刊 毫无疑问,在仅仅创刊五个月后,AIP新出版的开放获取期刊 AIP Advances 就大大吸引了物理科学界的驻足和关注。 现在,紧跟6月份刚刚发布的单篇文章下载数据(一个监测摘要和全文下载量的工具), AIP Advances 会在主页上发布 一系列 对5位执行主编的视频采访。 在 第一个视频 中,来自宾夕法尼亚大学的 A. T. Charlie Johnson教授谈论了 AIP Advances 的开放获取出版模式,知识共享许可协议如何惠及作者、以及将科技出版物向所有人开放的重要性,尤其是在发展中国家。此外, Johnson 教授还讲述了该期刊的同行评审如可操作,在发表后对文章进行评论和评级是怎样让文章靠自身特点而凸现出来。 在接下来的几周里,还会贴出两个视频,届时,执行主编 Vincent H. Crespi 和 Robert H. Austin会谈论他们对该期刊的独特见解以及他们对开放获取的大致观点。
个人分类: AIP Advances|1706 次阅读|0 个评论
AIP Advances 的小特色
热度 1 AIPBeijing2010 2011-7-25 15:04
AIP Advances ,美国物理联合会新出版的开放获取期刊,它不像其他期刊对文章内容要求很严格。该期刊的同行评审过程只是评审文章是否是原创,文章是否存在技术性错误,内容是否与已发表文章有较多重复等等。 至于文章质量如何,则交给科学社区人员的自由评价。例如,对文章进行评级,从一星到五星。 也可以登陆并对文章进行评论,这些评论也会经过编辑部审阅,一般会在大约两个工作日内完成,然后显 示在文章的 Comments 中。 说道这里,不妨看一下一位读者对这篇文章的评论: http://aipadvances.aip.org/resource/1/aaidbi/v1/i1/p012106_s1?bypassSSO=1 Based on discussion in paper "Mathematical model II. Basic particle and special relativity", I wish to preset following analysis/observations to understand the concept of speed of a photon in motion: (A) See the Section III - "Lorentz (Relativistic) transformation". If speed of signal is assumed as c in both the lab and moving frames then the distance the source has traveled from its original position is measured differently by the lab and moving frame observers. The author therefore suggests that this assumption of keeping speed invariant leads to a situation where possibly we are not studying the same two events from the two frames. (B) See the discussion about emission of a photon by a moving source in Section IX(A)- "Lorentz transformations using the model". Photon is emitted in +X' direction by a moving frame source, when origins of both frames overlapped with each other. This is first event at time zero. Distance traveled by photon in time t' in moving frame measured on moving frame scale= x' =ct'. Distance traveled by source in lab, as expected by moving frame observers (distance the lab frame origin has traveled in –X' direction as measured on moving frame scale) = s' = vt'. Total distance the photon should have traveled in lab as expected by moving frame observers should be L' = (c+v)t'. The author has suggested two options for studying this photon from lab frame. The lab axis X and moving frame axis X' are parallel. As discussed in Section III, we assume that relative speed between frames is measured as v from both the frames. Option 1: If speed of photon in motion as seen in lab is taken as (c+v) then distance traveled by photon in time t''' in lab frame measured on lab scale =L1= x =(c+v)t'''. Distance traveled by source in lab = s1= x'''= vt'''. As given in the paper, we have the widely accepted time dilation relation t'''= γ t' between the lab and source frame time. (In the paper lab time t''' is shown as t with three dots on the top of it.) Option 2: Speed of photon in lab is kept invariant as c then distance traveled by photon in lab measured on lab scale =L2= x = ct. Photon shall take time t to travel distance x. Distance traveled by source as measured in lab = s2= vt. Here t = γ(1+v/c)t'. A transformation relation should give relation between measurements from the two frames while studying same event. For distance transformation relation to be acceptable, distance between two positions in space measured from moving and lab frame, should change by certain fixed proportion. Study the options now and take ratios of distances measured from two frames. For Option 1: (Distance traveled by photon as measured in lab)/ (Distance traveled by photon in lab as expected by the moving frame observer) =L1/L' = γ. Also, (Distance traveled by source as measured in lab)/ (Distance traveled by source in lab as expected from moving frame) =s1/s'= γ. The ratio of distances for both measurements is γ. For Option 2: (Distance traveled by photon as measured in lab)/ (Distance traveled by photon in lab as expected by the moving frame observer)=L2/L' = γ. But, (Distance traveled by source as measured in lab)/ (Distance traveled by source in lab as expected from moving frame) =s2/s'= γ(1+v/c)= ζ . Note that ζ ≠ γ . Here for the two measurements, the ratio of distances is not same. In first option, the source has traveled distance vt''' (wrongly typed as v in the paper) and in second option vt from its original position. The author has therefore suggested that these are two independent situations. Only for the Option 1, the distances have changed by same proportion γ and hence can be treated as a better option to study distance between same two consecutive events occurring at a certain distance from each other in space. But when we take speed of signal as c in both frames then possibly we are not studying the same events from the moving and lab frame. Therefore suggesting speed of photon ‘in motion’ as (c+v) in lab seems to be a superior option. It seems that, for the classical approach, time frames do not play a crucial role in obtaining relativistic transformation relation for energy (Section VII). The model based approach only requires dl/dt = c at the instant of collision for obtaining relativistic transformation relations. Dr.Arun Sapre, Ph.D (Plasma Physics), Mumbai University. M.Sc (Physics), Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Written by Dr. Arun Sapre, 6 April 2011 04:10 这样读者与作者直接的一对一的沟通,可能对双方都有所帮助,有助于他们互相理解与交流。 评星级,更能直观说明文章的受欢迎程度。 待续
个人分类: AIP Advances|2793 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]Research Highlights & News from AIP Advances
AIPBeijing2010 2011-7-22 07:20
Subject: Research Highlights News from AIP Advances News Announcements from AIP Advances Featured Interview In this video interview, Vincent Crespi, Executive Editor, discusses the importance of information discovery, and how, through AIP's rating and commenting modules, the most crucial and important work can be found by the scientific community. Click here to watch video For more video and audio interviews with the editors and authors, visit http://aipadvances.aip.org/features/videos_and_podcasts . If you think your AIP Advances paper should be featured in a video or podcast, contact content.dev@aip.org . Top Downloads View the 20 most downloaded articles published in AIP Advances , updated monthly. Image from Adiabatic quantum simulators J. D. Biamonte, V. Bergholm, J. D. Whitfield, J. Fitzsimons, and A. Aspuru-Guzik AIP Advances 1 , 022126 (2011) Rate and Comment on These Research Highlights Stochastic dynamics of phase singularities under ventricular fibrillation in 2D Beeler-Reuter model Akio Suzuki and Hidetoshi Konno The stochastic dynamical nature of sustained ventricular fibrillation remains unclear due to the complexity of high dimensional chaos in a heterogeneous system. In this paper, various statistical mechanical properties of sustained VF are studied numerically in 2D Beeler-Reuter-Drouhard-Roberge model with normal and modified ionic current conductance.. AIP Advances 1 , 032103 (2011) Development of microfabricated TiO₂ channel waveguides Masayuki Furuhashi, Masazumi Fujiwara, Takahito Ohshiro, Makusu Tsutsui, Kazuki Matsubara, Masateru Taniguchi, Shigeki Takeuchi, and Tomoji Kawai For the benefits of miniaturization, development of microfabrication process for waveguides is demanded. TiO₂ is one of the suitable candidates for the microfabricated waveguide because of the high refractive index and the transparency. AIP Advances 1 , 032102 (2011) More Research Highlights Call for Papers: Physics of Cancer AIP Advances is now accepting manuscripts for a special section to be published in Volume 1, Issue 4 (Oct-Dec 2011) with a focus on the Physics of Cancer . The special section will aim to advance, from a physics perspective, fundamental understanding of the complex systems of tumors and their behavior. The goal is to enable new concepts and new ways of viewing cancer to flow from the physical and mathematical sciences to the cancer research community. Learn more Stay In Touch Timely updates about AIP Advances are available on these social networks: Subscribe to the Table of Contents alerts or the RSS feed to receive the latest research as it is published. Submit your manuscript Information for Contributors This is an email advertisement. If you do not wish to receive e-mail from AIP Advances , send an e-mail to unsubscribe_aipadvances@aip.org with the words "Unsubscribe AIP Advances" in the subject line. 2 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite 1NO1 Melville, NY 11747 USA © 2011
个人分类: AIP Advances|1864 次阅读|0 个评论
再谈 AIP Advances
热度 5 AIPBeijing2010 2011-7-4 15:26
2011 年 3 月, AIP (美国物理联合会)出版了一个新的开放获取的期刊—— AIP Advances ,涵盖所有应用物理研究领域,并且覆盖现有 AIP 期刊未涉及领域。该期刊以开放获取、快速发表、支持发表后科学社区人员的自由评价为特点,在创刊后的不到两个月时间内,已经吸引了全球物理学家的密切关注。 2011 年 3 月 1 日,该期刊首批文章发表。 并且前 100 篇被接受文章免收文章处理费( Article Processing Charles )! 关于文章处理费( Article Processing Charles ),这个问题值得商讨和阐释清楚。 很多科研人员,无论年长年轻,对这个费用往往都很排斥。有时会听到有的教授讲,“最不喜欢向开放获取期刊投稿,还收什么 APC 费, 1000 多美元呢”。现在看一下各学协会出版社收取 APC 费用的大致标准: 再看几个开放获取期刊收费的例子: 可以明显感觉到,其实学协会出版社收费标准并不高,比起各国图书馆或作者单独购买期刊或者文章的传播成本,这个 1000 多美元花的还是很值的,而且一点都不贵。 并且 APC 收费按照国家的 GDP 标准来收,有相应的科研实力,就交得起这个开放获取的文章处理费。其实科研人员不缺这个钱的。国家和各级科研机构基本上都支持开放获取的,科研经费中本身就包含有所谓的 APC 费用。只不过,就像小孩子一样,妈妈给了他 10 元钱去买瓶醋,告诉他坐车去,但是小孩子走路去,用省下来的钱买冰棍吃了。 并不是说不交文章处理费或者不选择开放获取有什么错,只是反映了研究者对自己文章的不同态度而已。国外很多科学家是愿意支付文章处理费的,他们愿意他们的研究成果永久免费获取,更快更广的传播。但是有的研究人员就想,我放在自己的网站主页上也一样,或者干脆放在 VeryCD 上,干嘛非要花这 1000 多美元,好贵的,折合成人民币 10,000 多呢! AIP Advances 具备传统开放获取期刊的基本特点,走的是“金色道路”,就是作者付费,读者可以免费获取全文。 AIP Advances 的APC ( Article Processing Charles ) 费用是1350美元。基于 Creative Commons agreement (知识共享许可协议),作者保留版权。除此之外,它涉及研究领域广,涵盖所有应用物理研究领域,并且覆盖现有 AIP 期刊未涉及领域。它不像其他期刊对文章内容要求很严格。该期刊的同行评审过程只是评审文章是否是原创,内容不与已发表文章有较多重复即可。至于文章质量如何,则交给科学社区人员的自由评价。例如,对文章进行评级,从一星到五星。也可以登陆并对文章进行评论,这些评论也会经过编辑部审阅,一般会在大约两个工作日内完成,然后显示在文章的 Comments 中。 自 5 月开博以来,陆续收到多为读者或以发表文章作者的咨询,大多数是关于是否已经被 SCI 收录,影响因子如何等等。现摘录如下: 1. 我在贵刊投了文章,是 JAP 推荐的,很担心不能很快被 SCI 收录,到时无法毕业。不知什么时候能被 SCI 收录? 博主回复 (2011-6-25 10:14) :您好!感谢您的关心。 AIPAdvances 是 2011 年 3 月创刊的,目前还没有被收录,因为要被 SCI 收录,至少要等到出了 3 期之后才可以。 AIP 出版的期刊没有不被 SCI 收录的,包括 AIP 出版的所有会议文集系列,全部都被 SCI 收录。但是被收录需要一个过程,请您不要着急,被收录只是时间的问题。“单篇论文阅读下载数据”功能与 SCI 统计引次、影响因子等,没有冲突。一个新刊要有影响因子至少要等 2 年之后,如 AIP 在 2009 年出版的新刊 JRSE ,根据昨天发布的最新期刊引证报告,它已经有影响因子。希望有所帮助。 2. 你们的期刊多长时间出版一期,一期会有几篇文章 博主回复 (2011-6-2420:23) :您好,谢谢提问!这是一个只有电子版的开放获取期刊,今年 3 月出版第一期,常规文章 18 篇, 6 月出版第二期,现在标注还只是一部分,但是已经有 40 篇文章出版。所以,它的形式并不像传统期刊那么固定。只要有原创性的,没技术性错误的文章,都可以发表。 这里有来自 AIP 纽约长岛出版中心的专业负责人的指导: For AIP Advances, there is no set limit forhow many papers to be published. Actually we are seeking submissions and try topublish as many as possible. As long as a paper meets the critiera, it can bepublished as soon as possible. 文章内容是期刊的重中之重,没有顶级的论文,绝没有高质量的期刊。众所周知, Nature 和 Science 以及 Physics Today , Applied Physics Letters , Physical ReviewLetters , Cell 等国际知名杂志或期刊,它们的受追捧和引用次数如此之高,是因为它们发表最新最热门最重大的科学研究成果和科技突破。因而它们广受关注,影响因子在各自领域遥遥领先。 但是决定期刊质量和声望的不仅仅是影响因子。 也就是说,在高影响因子期刊上发表的论文,其论文本身未必一定会比发表在其他影响因子稍低的期刊上的论文优秀多少;反之,在低影响因子期刊上发表的论文,并不意味着其内容逊色于其他高影响因子期刊上的文章。美国大多数大学评选教授的标准,并不只是看你发了多少篇高点数的论文,要看论文,会更注重你是否在你所从事的研究领域的知名期刊上发表了有影响力的论文。例如,在应用物理研究领域,他们首先会看 Applied Physics Letters , Journal of AppliedPhysics Letters 等,在化学物理领域,当然毫无疑问,他们不会错过标志化学物理学科诞生的 The Journal of Chemical Physics 。从某种程度上讲,美国的这种评价体系更科学、更客观。 而对论文本身的评价呢?大家首先会想到发在那个期刊上,期刊影响因子多少,被引用次数多少等。这只是针对某一作者发表的某一篇论文而言。要对整个期刊的论文做比较公平客观地评价,恐怕仅仅影响因子或者引用次数这个标准会有失偏颇。 钟爱开放获取的 PLoS One 则很标新立异,不在乎影响因子,只要好的论文,论文的好与不好由各自领域的研究人员来评价,所谓的“由科学社区主导”。他们这种办刊方式与传统期刊风格迥异,形式活跃,当然关注度也很高。 AIP 新出版的开放获取期刊 AIPAdvances 就属于这一类“新型开放获取期刊”。 AIP Advances 是一个快速发表、由” 社区驱动” 的开放获取期刊,集中在应用物理研究领域。所有论文均在知识共享许可协议下发表,作者保留版权;作者需要支付论文处理费用,发表论文可以在世界范围内免费获取。 2011 年 3 月 1 日, AIP Advances 发表了首批论文。 2011 年 6 月 21 日, AIP 出版中心宣布,为其新的开放获取期刊 AIP Advances ( http://aipadvances.aip.org/ )提供“单篇论文阅读下载数据”( Article-Level Metrics )功能。该功能根据 COUNTER( 网络电子资源在线使用计数 ) 第三号标准,自论文在线发表之日起,逐日累积论文摘要及全文浏览数据,以图表形式显示。 大家可以来看一下这个新工具: * 该图表显示了自文章“ Nitrogen isa deep acceptor in ZnO ”自 4 月 14 日在线发表至 6 月 19 日以来,累计的摘要浏览量和全文获取量以及走势,印象深刻的是,自文章发表一个月之后,这两个指标迅速增加,充分证实了开饭获取期刊快速传播的特色。 而这些数据对单篇文章本身究竟意味着什么呢? “ 单篇论文阅读下载数据” 使论文独立于论文所在期刊之外,以单篇研究论文为中心,对论文自身的科学价值进行评估。这些评估可以随着论文使用量的增加,显示论文自身的影响力。 AIP Advances 期刊现已提供一些” 社区驱动” 功能,比如在文章发表后,读者可以对论文的影响力、表现力和可信度进行评论和评分。” 单篇论文阅读下载数据”为研究人员和读者进一步提供了鉴定研究成果的新颖而重要的方式。 从统计学意义讲,这种“单篇论文阅读下载数据”( Article-Level Metrics )更为客观公正,更体现文章本身的价值。 您是否感觉到 AIP Advances 独特的魅力了呢?可能您向 AIP 期刊投稿时,编辑部会因为您的文章研究领域与 AIP 的期刊不符而推荐您转投到 AIP Advances ,恭喜您,这是一个好消息! AIP Advances 涵盖所有应用物理研究领域,并且覆盖现有 AIP 期刊未涉及领域。 AIP Advances 有最好的数字出版技术支持,选择在 AIPAdvances 上发表文章,您的研究工作将会成为科学界关注的焦点。 AIP Advances 将带给您: • 无以伦比的快速出版速度 • 出版后同行专家的评论 • 永久免费在线获取全文 • 全世界媒体广泛报道 • 知识共享许可协议,作者保留版权 • 出现在 AIP 的 Scitation 平台 所以,有了这些金牌保证,您还担忧什么呢?不妨尝试一番。其实已经有很多来自中国的文章在 AIP Advances 上发表了。科研人员现在也越来越时髦,追求新潮的期刊和传播方式了。
个人分类: AIP Advances|23842 次阅读|6 个评论
影响因子PK 单篇论文阅读下载数据 (Article-Level Metrics)
热度 2 AIPBeijing2010 2011-6-22 13:20
文章内容是期刊的重中之重,没有顶级的论文,绝没有高质量的期刊。众所周知, Nature 和 Science 以及 Physics Today , Applied Physics Letters , Physical Review Letters , Cell 等国际知名杂志或期刊,它们的受追捧和引用次数如此之高,是因为它们发表最新最热门最重大的科学研究成果和科技突破。因而它们广受关注,影响因子在各自领域遥遥领先。 但是决定期刊质量和声望的不仅仅是影响因子。 也就是说,在高影响因子期刊上发表的论文,其论文本身未必一定会比发表在其他影响因子稍低的期刊上的论文优秀多少;反之,在低影响因子期刊上发表的论文,并不意味着其内容逊色于其他高影响因子期刊上的文章。美国大多数大学评选教授的标准,并不只是看你发了多少篇高点数的论文,要看论文,会更注重 你是否在你所从事的研究领域的知名期刊上发表了有影响力的论文 。例如,在应用物理研究领域,他们首先会看 Applied Physics Letters , Journal Of Applied Physics Letters 等,在化学物理领域,当然毫无疑问,他们不会错过标志化学物理学科诞生的 The Journal of Chemical Physics 。从某种程度上讲,美国的这种评价体系更科学、更客观。 而对论文本身的评价呢?大家首先会想到发在那个期刊上,期刊影响因子多少,被引用次数多少等。这只是针对某一作者发表的某一篇论文而言。要对整个期刊的论文做比较公平客观地评价,恐怕仅仅影响因子或者引用次数这个标准会有失偏颇。 钟爱开放获取的 PLoS One 则很标新立异,不在乎影响因子,只要好的论文,论文的好与不好由各自领域的研究人员来评价,所谓的“由科学社区主导”。他们这种办刊方式与传统期刊风格迥异,形式活跃,当然关注度也很高。 AIP新出版的开放获取期刊 AIP Advances 就属于这一类“新型开放获取期刊”。 AIP Advances 是一个快速发表、由” 社区驱动” 的开放获取期刊,集中在应用物理研究领域。所有论文均在知识共享许可协议下发表,作者保留版权;作者需要支付论文处理费用,发表论文可以在世界范围内免费获取。2011年3月1日, AIP Advances 发表了首批论文。 2011年6月21日, AIP出版中心宣布 ,为其新的开放获取期刊 AIP Advances ( http://aipadvances.aip.org/ )提供“单篇论文阅读下载数据”(Article-Level Metrics)功能。该功能根据 COUNTER(网络电子资源在线使用计数) 第三号标准 ,自论文在线发表之日起,逐日累积论文摘要及全文浏览数据,以图表形式显示。 大家可以来看一下这个新工具: *该图表显示了自文章“ Nitrogen is a deep acceptor in ZnO ”自4月14日在线发表至6月19日以来,累计的摘要浏览量和全文获取量以及走势,印象深刻的是,自文章发表一个月之后,这两个指标迅速增加,充分证实了开饭获取期刊快速传播的特色。 而这些数据对单篇文章本身究竟意味着什么呢? “ 单篇论文阅读下载数据” 使论文独立于论文所在期刊之外,以单篇研究论文为中心,对论文自身的科学价值进行评估。这些评估可以随着论文使用量的增加,显示论文自身的影响力。 AIP Advances 期刊现已提供一些” 社区驱动” 功能,比如在文章发表后,读者可以对论文的影响力、表现力和可信度进行评论和评分。” 单篇论文阅读下载数据”为研究人员和读者进一步提供了鉴定研究成果的新颖而重要的方式。 从统计学意义讲,这种“单篇论文阅读下载数据”(Article-Level Metrics)更为客观公正,更体现文章本身的价值。 您是否感觉到 AIP Advances 独特的魅力了呢?可能您向AIP期刊投稿时,编辑部会因为您的文章研究领域与AIP的期刊不符而推荐您转投到 AIP Advances ,恭喜您,这是一个好消息! AIP Advances 涵盖所有应用物理研究领域,并且覆盖现有 AIP 期刊未涉及领域。 AIP Advances 有最好的数字出版技术支持,选择在 AIP Advances 上发表文章,您的研究工作将会成为科学界关注的焦点。 AIP Advances 将带给您: •无以伦比的快速出版速度 •出版后同行专家的评论 •永久免费在线获取全文 •全世界媒体广泛报道 • 知识共享许可协议,作者保留版权 •出现在AIP 的 Scitation 平台 所以,有了这些金牌保证,您还担忧什么呢?不妨尝试一番。其实已经有很多来自中国的文章在 AIP Advances 上发表了。科研人员现在也越来越时髦,追求新潮的期刊和传播方式了。
个人分类: AIP Advances|3147 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载]Top scientific advances of 2010 & big ideas in past 10
chrujun 2010-12-19 20:01
http://www.sciencemag.org/site/special/insights2010/ The 17 December 2010 issue of Science includes special sections highlighting the Breakthrough of the Year and Insights of the Decade Insights of the Decade Introduction Stepping Away From the Trees For a Look at the Forest by Science News Staff Science 's news staff takes a break from reporting to review some big ideas of the past 10 years and the technologies that made them possible. The Dark Genome Since the publication of the human genome sequence in 2001, scientists have found that the so-called junk DNA that lies between genes actually carries out many important functions. Precision Cosmology In the past decade, cosmologists have deduced a very precise recipe for the content of the universe, as well as instructions for putting it together, transforming cosmology from a largely qualitative endeavor to a precision science with a standard theory. Ancient DNA Scientists have been giving us new views of the prehistoric world in the past decade that hinge on the realization that biomolecules such as ancient DNA and collagen can survive for tens of thousands of years and give important information about long-dead plants, animals, and humans. Water on Mars The past decade's half-dozen martian missions have made it clear that early in Mars history, liquid water on or just inside the planet did indeed persist long enough to alter rock and, possibly, sustain the origin of life. Reprogramming Cells By prompting a cell to overexpress a few genes, researchers have discovered in the past decade how to turn a skin or blood cell into a pluripotent cell: one that has regained the potential to become any number of cells in the body. The Microbiome This past decade has seen a shift in how we see the microbes and viruses in and on our bodies, most of which are commensal and just call the human body home; collectively, they have come to be called the human microbiome. Exoplanets Data on the 500-and-counting planets discovered outside of our solar system in the past decade are revolutionizing researchers' understanding of how planetary systems form and evolve. Inflammation Over the past decade, it has become widely accepted that inflammation is a driving force behind chronic diseases that will kill nearly all of us: cancer, diabetes and obesity, Alzheimer's disease, and atherosclerosis. Metamaterials In the past decade, physicists and engineers pioneered new ways to guide and manipulate light, creating lenses that defy the fundamental limit on the resolution of an ordinary lens and even constructing cloaks that make an object invisible-sort of. Climate Change Research In the past few years, climate scientists finally agreed that the world is indeed warming, humans are behind it, and natural processes are unlikely to rein it in-just as they had suspected. Insights of the Decade For all checked items News For all checked items Select this article Introduction Stepping Away From the Trees For a Look at the Forest The News Staff 17 December 2010 : 1612 - 1613 . Science 's news staff takes a break from reporting to review some big ideas of the past 10 years and the technologies that made them possible. Summary Full Text Full Text (PDF) Select this article Shining a Light on the Genome's 'Dark Matter' Elizabeth Pennisi 17 December 2010 : 1614 . Since the publication of the human genome sequence in 2001, scientists have found that the so-called junk DNA that lies between genes actually carries out many important functions. Summary Full Text Full Text (PDF) Select this article A Recipe for the Cosmos Adrian Cho 17 December 2010 : 1615 . In the past decade, cosmologists have deduced a very precise recipe for the content of the universe, as well as instructions for putting it together, transforming cosmology from a largely qualitative endeavor to a precision science with a standard theory. Summary Full Text Full Text (PDF) Select this article Tiny Time Machines Revisit Ancient Life Ann Gibbons 17 December 2010 : 1616 . Scientists have been giving us new views of the prehistoric world in the past decade that hinge on the realization that biomolecules such as ancient DNA and collagen can survive for tens of thousands of years and give important information about long-dead plants, animals, and humans. Summary Full Text Full Text (PDF) Select this article A Roller-Coaster Plunge Into Martian Waterand Life? Richard A. Kerr 17 December 2010 : 1617 . The past decade's half-dozen martian missions have made it clear that early in Mars history, liquid water on or just inside the planet did indeed persist long enough to alter rock and, possibly, sustain the origin of life. Summary Full Text Full Text (PDF) Select this article Cells Rewrite Their Own Destiny Gretchen Vogel 17 December 2010 : 1618 . By prompting a cell to overexpress a few genes, researchers have discovered in the past decade how to turn a skin or blood cell into a pluripotent cell: one that has regained the potential to become any number of cells in the body. Summary Full Text Full Text (PDF) Select this article Body's Hardworking Microbes Get Some Overdue Respect Elizabeth Pennisi 17 December 2010 : 1619 . This past decade has seen a shift in how we see the microbes and viruses in and on our bodies, most of which are commensal and just call the human body home; collectively, they have come to be called the human microbiome. Summary Full Text Full Text (PDF) Select this article Alien Planets Hit the Commodities Market Yudhijit Bhattacharjee 17 December 2010 : 1620 . Data on the 500-and-counting planets discovered outside of our solar system in the past decade are revolutionizing researchers' understanding of how planetary systems form and evolve. Summary Full Text Full Text (PDF) Select this article Inflammation Bares a Dark Side Jennifer Couzin-Frankel 17 December 2010 : 1621 . Over the past decade, it has become widely accepted that inflammation is a driving force behind chronic diseases that will kill nearly all of us: cancer, diabetes and obesity, Alzheimer's disease, and atherosclerosis. Summary Full Text Full Text (PDF) Select this article Strange New Tricks With Light Robert F. Service and Adrian Cho 17 December 2010 : 1622 . In the past decade, physicists and engineers pioneered new ways to guide and manipulate light, creating lenses that defy the fundamental limit on the resolution of an ordinary lens and even constructing cloaks that make an object invisiblesort of. Summary Full Text Full Text (PDF) Select this article Climatologists Feel the Heat As Science Meets Politics Richard A. Kerr and Eli Kintisch 17 December 2010 : 1623 . In the past few years, climate scientists finally agreed that the world is indeed warming, humans are behind it, and natural processes are unlikely to rein it injust as they had suspected. Summary Full Text Full Text (PDF)
个人分类: 哲学与科学|4061 次阅读|0 个评论
White Paper: Advances in Nanotechnology
xupeiyang 2010-5-19 07:28
Nature Publishing Group continues its long standing tradition of providing the means for product manufacturers, service providers, publishers and other corporations to reach members of the scientific community who have opted-in to receive such messages. Nature Publishing Group does not endorse any of the products or services advertised here. ********************************************************************** ADVANCES IN NANOTECHNOLOGY Nanotechnology is already used in thousands of products looking to explore the amazing properties of nanoparticles. Industries as diverse as the life sciences, clean technology, aerospace and defense are seeing the dramatic possibilities that nanotechnology can open in their fields. The Advances in Nanotechnology white paper describes some of these opportunities. Specifically, it discusses: * Some of the most promising and ambitious nanotech research projects and industry products * The advantages and challenges inherent in the nanotech field * Nanotech's applications in the life sciences, clean technology, aviation, aerospace and defense Download now - http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=1m=34896233r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyMgS2b=2j=NzQwODUyNTUS1mt=1rt=0 Produced by respected industry analysts in partnership with Enterprise Florida, Inc., this paper is a must-read for anyone involved in high-tech today. ********************************************************************** As a registered user of Nature Publishing Group's Web sites, our database indicates that you have opted-in to receive third-party email. If you no longer wish to receive these emails or to discontinue all email services from Nature Publishing Group, please update your online account at - http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=7m=34896233r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyMgS2b=2j=NzQwODUyNTUS1mt=1rt=0 (You will need to log in to be recognized as a Nature registrant) For further technical assistance, please contact our registration department mailto:registration@nature.com For print subscription inquiries, please contact our subscription department mailto:subscriptions@nature.com For other inquiries, please contact our customer feedback department mailto:feedback@nature.com Nature Publishing Group 75 Varick Street, 9th floor, New York, NY 10013-1917, USA Nature Publishing Group's worldwide offices: London - Paris - Munich - New Delhi - Tokyo - Melbourne San Diego - San Francisco - Washington - New York - Boston Macmillan Publishers Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales under company number 785998 and whose registered office is located at Brunel Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS.
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[转载]陈关荣等人新论文:Some recent advances in complex network synchronization
Fangjinqin 2010-3-27 11:25
Some Recent Advances in Complex Networks Synchronization _ Guanrong Chen, Xiaofan Wang, Xiang Li, and Jinhu Lv (陈关荣,汪小帆,李翔,吕金虎) 按语: 我把陈关荣等四位合作的文章推荐到这个专栏,完全是为了推动博文比赛. 因为 他们当中有三位是评委,自然将不参加评选. (方锦清2010、3、27) Abstract. The current study of complex dynamical networks is pervading almost all kinds of science, engineering and technology, ranging from mathematics to computers, physics to biology, even to sociology. Its impacts on the modern high-tech industries, financial markets and human life are prominent and will be far-reaching. Research on fundamental properties and dynamical features of such complex networks has indeed become overwhelming. This Chapter presents a brief overview of some past and current studies on the subject of complex dynamical network synchronization, particularly from an engineering and technological perspective. Some commonly concerned issues in the current research of network synchronization, mainly on Some recent advances in complex network synchroniz
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