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Military Force and American Society
黄安年 2019-3-9 11:24
Military Force and American Society 【Bruce M. Russett Alfred Stepan 编 《 军事力量与美国社会 》, 1973 年 版 】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 393 】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2019 年 3 月 09 日 发布(第 21153 号) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过392单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Bruce M. Russett Alfred Stepan 编 Military Force and American Society ( 《 军事力量与美国社会 》),Harper Row, Publishers, 1973 年 版,371页。 照片10张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1154 次阅读|0 个评论
[建议] 安培力定律与洛伦兹力的高精度现代检验
热度 4 zlyang 2014-11-28 19:28
汉语是联合国官方正式使用的 6 种同等有效语言之一。请不要歧视汉语! Chinese is one of the six equally effective official languages of the United Nations. Not to discriminate against Chinese, please! 安培力定律(Ampère's force law) 与 洛伦兹力(Lorentz force) 的 高精度现代检验 在宏观低速情况下,用高稳定性高精度的现代实验, 重新进行安培力定律(Ampère's force law)与洛伦兹力(Lorentz force)的实验检验。 万一当初的实验精度与稳定性不够,里面有某些偏差怎么办? 起因: 统一场! 引力相互作用和电磁相互作用, 至今未见公认的良好统一。 有没有下述可能: 即 安培力定律(Ampère's force law) 洛伦兹力(Lorentz force) 等 经典实验的精度不够 , 我们现在看到的方程形式不是很准确? 物理学, 归根到底是实验科学。 理论, 归根到底来自实验。 参考文献: Williams E R, Faller J E, Hill H A. New experimental test of Coulomb's law: a laboratory upper limit on the photon rest mass . Physics Review Letters, 1971, 26(12): 721-724. http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.26.721 基础课的精华性(引力磁),《高教研究与探索》,1997,2:pp34-36. Lorentz force - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_force Ampère's force law - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amp%C3%A8re%27s_force_law Newton's law of universal gravitationw - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_law_of_universal_gravitation 安培力定律 (Ampère's force law) 与洛伦兹力 (Lorentz force) 的高精度现代检验 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/thread-2276084-1-1.html
11688 次阅读|16 个评论
Small force, large pressure in DFT calculations
SuperSurfer 2014-1-18 04:42
In DFT simulations, 0.01 ev/Å on force is a very high convergence criterion. But if converge it to the pressure, you will find it still generate a super large residual pressure. ∵ 1N = 1J/m ∵ 1 eV=1.6*10 -19 J ∴0.01 eV/Å =1.6*10 -11 N Assume there is such a residual force on Pt111(1x1) (Pt lattice constant ~4 Å) then it generate a pressure 0.01 eV/Å/(4√3Å 2 ) =1.6*10 -11 N/(4√3Å 2 ) =2.3*10 8 Pa =2.3x10 3 Bar =2.3 kBar This is a few thousands atmospheric pressure
个人分类: Detials|2330 次阅读|0 个评论
From little kids to friends for life
热度 1 zuojun 2013-5-1 14:46
More than 45 years ago, we started a new life together, as the first graders at Hangzhou Jianguo Er'xiao (No. 2 Elementary School). Some of us were friends on and off, and some of us hardly ever spoke to one other. Regardless, we were classmates, for better or worse, for the next 8-9 years. (Yes, we stayed together when we moved on to Hangzhou No. 8 Middle School.) A few of us remained classmates even in high school. Back then, a few months of age difference meant a year difference in age, and even more... Most of us were PIGS, but I was a (little) rate (and remain so). We met for lunch and tea, for laughters and joy, on April 30, 2013. I was lucky to be part of the gathering since I was too busy to call anyone until 9 am... The rest was a fun-filled day. Even rain had to stop for the Sun to come out... Let's meet again before long!
个人分类: iPhoto|5491 次阅读|3 个评论
自由意志系列13:May the Force be With you !
热度 1 jingpeng 2012-6-30 07:20
自由意志系列13:May the Force be With you !
自从写了《 may the force NOT be with you ! 》之后,我发现自己的时运是非常的不济,命途是极其的多舛,似乎force(原力,星球大战的概念, 前文有解释 )正离我而去。所以要写这篇博文,纯粹是为了转转运。(貌似越来越迷信了~~) 上文提了一种理论,思维状态和物质结构只是mind world和energy的一种pattern。根据Max Plank的认识,两者应该是一个东西,就是force。再次无耻地引用一下他的原文: All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. --------Max Plank 这段话同时出现了force和matrix,似乎是两部科幻巨作《星球大战》和《黑客帝国》(英文名是The Matrix, 这个中文翻译很难理解 ,我支持翻译成“母体”)的哲学背景。 这种看法下,mind和matter都只是force的不同pattern了,只是表现出的不同侧面,就像一个平面,有两个面(像基督教的三位一体的解释~~)。这样的话,整个理论更为简洁了,而且可以直接对应mind和matter的pattern,没有了怎么相互作用,各个pattern怎么联系到一起的问题。为了解释清楚一点,举一个布料的例子,一块布有两面,可以染上不同的图案。抖动这块布料的时候,布料上的波纹是在两面都有出现的。对应到物质的结构和mind的状态。 从这个观点来看的话,那真的是万物皆有识了!只是除了人脑,大部分的物体或组织没有足够的相空间,不能达到自我觉知(self awareness)的地步。 如果星球大战就是持这种世界观的话,哲学背景也太深刻了! 最后,祝福一下自己: May the force be with ME ! 有一个游戏就叫《the FORCE》,和电影里的形象差异也太大了! Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible player. ----- Albert Einstein
个人分类: 哲学-自由意志|4765 次阅读|2 个评论
解释一下long/short range force
热度 2 liwei999 2012-1-12 02:30
解释一下long/short range force 作者: mirror (*) 日期: 01/10/2012 20:10:27 这个range是基于什么尺度?常见的力中哪些是long哪些是short的? “Gravity 显然是 long”的说法, 显然是 不好。因为这里需要说出来个“所以然”来,说出是 基于什么样的判断 说是long。因此, 长、短 的问题与其说是基于什么尺度,不如说是基于什么样的思考。思考在先,而论长短在后。 构成物质,讲究个原子之间的结合力。原子之间的事情当然要算短程了。但是,这个 短程 ,比起构成原子核的核子之间的 结合力 来说,已经是足够的 远程 了,因为原子核的尺寸不过只是原子的万分之一。 虽然物质结合要有结合 力 ,但人们细说起此事儿来却都用结合 能 。这相当于把力对距离积分了起来,也就看不出来距离的远近了。但是这个平均是对原子的平均,按这个平均的尺度,可以说是个原子间距离的大小。 论力,总要有个缘由。比如说要论材料的硬度、论材料的强度韧性等等的。要摆平这些可测量到的宏观量与原子的平均结合能的关系,需要导入一些空间尺度的原(分)子集团以及这些集团之间的相位关系。这个空间尺度大约可以成为近程远程判定的标帜。 对应着近远程,还有个局域和广域的说法。valence bond属于局域的,而金属结合就是广域的了。因为valence bond的局域性,才有陶瓷的脆性,也因为金属结合的广域性,所以才有金属的延展性。 这到头来,好像还是没有讲明白 近远程的事儿 。但是所谓的远近程,不过是种解释方法,不必那么介意。 ---------- 就“是”论事儿,就“事儿”论是,就“事儿”论“事儿”。 RE:应该是以力的衰减速度定义的吧,比平方反比衰减更快的是短程力,否则是长程力 “衰减速度定义”?而“比平方反比衰减更快”是说距离。 作者: mirror (*) 日期: 01/10/2012 20:43:56 在自由空间里,可以定义距离的衰减。但是不自由的空间里,距离的衰减就没有意义了。“墙壁”就阻挡了相互作用的 距离。 ---------- 就“是”论事儿,就“事儿”论是,就“事儿”论“事儿”。
个人分类: 镜子大全|3610 次阅读|2 个评论
majian 2010-3-28 13:14
刚被Building and Environment接收的一篇文章 基于数字图像处理方法的行人微观运动特征实验研究( doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.03.015 ) Building and Environment Volume 45, Issue 10 , October 2010, Pages 2160-2169 Experimental Study on Microscopic Moving Characteristics of Pedestrians in Built Corridor Based on Digital Image Processing J. Ma 1,2 , W.G. Song 1, , Z.M. Fang 1 , S.M. Lo 2 , G.X. Liao 1 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL_udi=B6V23-4YT6D18-1_user=1555926_coverDate=10%2F31%2F2010_rdoc=1_fmt=high_orig=search_sort=d_docanchor=view=c_acct=C000053683_version=1_urlVersion=0_userid=1555926md5=dd9bf7e545f83639e5fc1dc0ab70663f Abstract: Experiments of moving characteristics of Chinese pedestrians in a built corridor were conducted. Pedestrians trajectories were first extracted with digital image processing method and then mapped into real space coordinates by adopting a direct linear transformation approach. Moving characteristics of single pedestrian, interaction between pedestrian and the built corridor, and also interaction between pair pedestrians were analyzed and compared with those of the experiments with French pedestrians. It is found that the average relaxation time of the Chinese pedestrians is 0.714s , and the mean free speed is 1.51m /s, which are both larger than those of the French pedestrians. Meanwhile, the Chinese pedestrians also kept a distance of about 0.4m to the wall. When walking too close to the wall, the pedestrian has a tendency to walk far away, which is quantified as exponential decay force. Given a same distance, the fore from the wall on the French pedestrian is larger than on the Chinese pedestrian due to the different pedestrian size and personal space. When one pedestrian evade another standing still pedestrian, the interaction between them shows a non-isotropic feature. We found that the right preference in Chinese pedestrians is more obvious than in French pedestrians . We further quantified the interaction among pedestrians, and found the force from those who locate on the right-forward direction doesnt change much while from those who locate on the left-forward direction varies with the increase of distance. The basic data presented in this study can be used to validate and refine pedestrian traffic models. Keywords: direct linear transformation; pedestrian traffic; evacuation; pedestrian interaction; social force 我们发现行人在与其他行人相互作用时,其他行人对目标行人的作用分三种:当目标行人的左前方出现了其他行人,那么其他行人对目标行人的影响是使其向右偏向;而目标行人右前方出现了其他行人,那么其他行人对目标行人的作用是使目标行人有左行的偏向;如果其他行人出现在目标行人的正前方,那么其对目标行人的作用是使其减速前选择左前或右前偏向。并且,这种偏向性在中国人群中表现为右行的偏向。由于个体体型及可以接受的与他人的最小空间距离等影响,行人动力学模型中需要考虑不同的文化差异造成的影响:需要根据不同地区,不同人群选择或者修正模型以期获得符合实际行人运动的结果。
个人分类: 复杂系统|4492 次阅读|1 个评论

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