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“人类命运共同体” 新理念赞- 【悠悠同学情138】
热度 1 xucq45 2017-5-7 19:54
水调歌头 赞习主席提出人类命运共同体新理念 命运共同体, 人类谱新篇。 中华拓展智慧, 福祉惠人间。 一路更兼一带, 双翼翔飞环宇, 携手共行前。 好梦同床作, 杯酒聚享酣。 星河转, 生存斗, 万千年。 应知反省, 禽兽规矩霸权传。 业有专攻长短, 国有富穷强弱, 合作共赢欢。 圆我中国梦, 更助五洲繁。 (于景林)
个人分类: 悠悠同学情|1635 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 4 controlhopeless 2013-1-24 11:53
注:很有趣,发现不能发言一周,而且瞬间所以博文被隐藏。 但以前的博文还能修改,那就修改一篇,加上被删的那篇。这个修改“劣迹”是科学网逼的。这对想要删自己博客的人是个好办法,只要随便说点什么,科学网一禁言,所有博文就被隐藏,这就省了许多时间。干脆封博客算了,本人也能去做正事了。 -------------------------------------- 为中国培养了两个诺贝尔奖的北师大童庆炳老师-您有何贡献 北师大童庆炳老师在担任北师大研究生院副院长期间为中国培养了两个诺贝尔奖。 百度上给出的时间为 1985-1995年,曾任北京师范大学研究生院副院长兼团委书记。 两名诺贝尔奖获得学位时间:1989年刘晓波博士,1991年莫言硕士。刘的情况可见 国图网站 莫言的硕士论文情况北师大我查不到,但一定没问题,见童庆炳老师的博文: 为何低调 。 2010年诺贝尔和平奖授予因犯有煽动颠覆国家政权罪而被中国司法机关判处徒刑的罪犯刘晓波。见 人民网 2012年诺贝尔文学奖授予莫言。 获奖之前的2012年10月, 莫言说: 我的北京师范大学硕士是滥竽充数 既然莫言承认硕士论文有3000字是其导师写的,然后莫言抄上的,北师大和教育部应该查其论文是否伪造、抄袭,如是应该取消其硕士,追究其指导教师的责任。 童庆炳老师的低调是否是因为莫言的硕士论文,例如莫言所说是滥竽充数、伪造?童庆炳老师的低调是否因为刘晓波的和平奖,以及其因“颠覆政府”的言行获罪? 童庆炳老师的低调是否是因为他“利用期间做研究生院副院长之便”,从而做了诺贝尔获得者得指导教师? 对诺贝尔获得者们,对诺贝尔获得者的国家,童庆炳老师您有何贡献? 又及,科学网那里去买去买赌博粉? -------------------------------------- 以下是原来的 2013-01-24 青铜器只要不是日本人重新埋过就好 日本出土1件中国战国时期青铜器 科学网就是好,新领导更好。在科学网,你会发现许多中国秦始皇被坑过,留下来的后人,这真是个奇迹。 --------------------------------------
个人分类: 不说白不说|260 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 3 SeaDau 2012-6-4 19:15
有个地方,人杰地灵; 从古至今,传奇不断。 小小县城,风景秀丽; 渌江环绕,西山守望。 西山脚下,红拂古陵; 渌江书院,醴泉相伴。 三刀古石,文笔奇峰; 渌水之中,状元芳洲。 革命圣地,古迹尤存; 先农坛里,主席讲习。 立三古居,教育基地; 左权公园,书写新篇。 烟花鞭炮,闻名全球; 精致陶瓷,走向世界。 遵道中学,百年老校; 莘莘学子,英才辈出。 青云亭边,琅琅书声; 瑞渌池旁,梦想流连。 小小县城,藏龙卧虎; 从古至今,从未间断。 PS:1.民国将军县 http://www.zzedu.gov.cn:8090/blog/u/16/archives/2010/136.html 2.醴陵古八景 http://baike.baidu.com/view/7475646.htm?fromTaglist 3.醴陵新八景 http://blog.eloveqq.com/a3888.html 4. 三刀石和文笔峰 http://www.zzsskl.gov.cn/?thread-1238-1.html 另,只因远离故土,思念家乡,故顺手写下,心中的家乡,以解思乡之情。如有不通的地方,求指点。
3726 次阅读|5 个评论
长诗:物理圣歌(A hymn of physics)
热度 2 warlong 2012-5-6 18:07
长诗:物理圣歌(A hymn of physics)
物理圣歌( A hymn of physics ) 沉思的明月 流淌出波函数的光 盛满霍金的宇宙 自然的智慧 沉浸在数形的快乐中 神奇的李群世界 在四维时空里 展开那华丽的内衣 (多宇宙玄图:瞬子、奇点?大爆炸、大碰撞?) 参透佛家的空 攀越道家的峰 忘情希腊的泉 远古吹来女神的幽香 曼妙的 N 维流形 抽出 S 弦的丝 织成 D 膜的茧 旋转着、碰撞着 组合着、纠缠着 量子宇宙泡 是帝子吹玩的游戏 奇点大爆炸之前 它玩着啥样道具 谁凭算符演绎 集天地大美 用方程谱写诗律 痴情的哲人 企图在抽象的空间中 奏出量子的舞曲 恍如真空破裂 太极旋动 虫洞噪开混沌 刹那闪出太初的光 沸腾的玻色子 弥漫成元气 凝结的费米子 组构成万物 谁撒开恢恢天网 将无边星海捞尽 何来暗能,超势? 唯凭极速的光 去度量局域宇宙 但闻虫洞的波谱 激发时空的结构 将星系、云彩、人类 涂在 AdS 真空的膜上 四维流形 浸入混沌的太清 有序,熵增 守恒,轮回 作者:郑中 2012-5-6
个人分类: 道法自然|4813 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 4 BaoHaifei 2011-2-16 12:24
飞翔的天鹅 - 心中的赞歌 鲍海飞 2011-2-16 看了李学宽 老师的《天鹅湖( 3 )让天鹅飞一会》,让人心中荡漾。 那本来属于它的天空,今天它终于忍不住了,它奋力展翅,腾空而起,只因它的心中有首歌。看那,那天鹅在飞翔! 不恋清波恋云河,展翅一跃荡清波; 身如飞梭一路去,一路飞奔一路歌。 虽然心中有忐忑,虽然前路尽坎坷; 谁叫我是那天鹅:狂风暴雨不畏缩! 不慕云河慕梦河,奋力一搏别乐窝; 只因心中有个梦,只因梦中有首歌。 纵使天路云难测,纵使千山万水隔。 波折尽处好山河,一路艰辛又如何! 不怕前路难琢磨,不畏艰险要求索; 只因歌中唱着梦,只因梦中好山河。 参考: 李学宽老师天鹅湖( 3 ) 让天鹅飞一会 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=254303do=blogid=413252from=space
个人分类: 流水诗|3245 次阅读|9 个评论
热度 3 BaoHaifei 2011-1-25 13:34
不做神仙只做驼 鲍海飞 2011-1-25 今天中午,看了李学宽老师的《自然的美( 5 )之驼图》,那沙漠中的驼铃,那长长的身影,不禁心为之动,为驼一赋。 不做神仙只做驼,驼儿处处安乐窝; 青天白云云朵朵,绿野黄沙沙漠漠; 天底无私大草场,地上锦绣青草稞。 亦步亦趋稳脚步,且仰且俯问坎坷; 急时从容大步迈,闲暇小心细履踱; 路途遥远耐饥渴,不费心思寻小河。 一身重担挑肩上,一路驼铃奏凯歌: 山花烂漫枝头绣,林木清幽风声过; 向前向前勇向前,风沙走石不畏缩; 但问世间有何物,吃苦耐劳胜过我?
个人分类: 流水诗|2775 次阅读|6 个评论
Sibiling 2010-9-6 11:40
中科院材料所序歌 吕鹏辉 宁波其处东南兮,吾所坐落乎镇海。海镇波宁,大楼今成;红日初升,映我华亭。江东故地,材料新所,已聚睿气,又开新元。古有兰亭之佳话,今逢盛世建伟业。河姆渡文化七千年,而今科技巨擎蓝天。长三角,镇海防,创业始,茶花香。浙人行走遍世界,世人如今聚宁波。物华天宝,人杰地灵,矗我大楼,三载筑成。海天雄镇,商邦故里,浙东史学,阳明学派。环三山而临大海,处庄市而依宁绍:立此地焉,吾材料所,报国以何?科技其责。万古绿岭,千顷海岸,名人故地,儒商摇篮。鱼米之香飘九州,书墨其彩传寰宇。高新技术流笔端,材料新所执牛耳。杭嘉湖工业待哺,浙东南经济腾飞。出五洋以钓灰鳖兮,俯群岛可揽大鹏。 支撑经发区,辐射长三角。材料有基地,科班是核心。浙东门户,院士之乡,人文梓荫,商帮精神。集成先进技术,创新文化名所。钟灵毓秀,名人灿若星星;科技兴企,人谓此地皆鸿。包玉刚,邵逸夫,志在教育有英名;王宽诚,路甬祥,情系新所兴故邦。觅唐诗之踪,追魏晋之风,天地瑞气,山川精华。北仑有良港,东海大渔场。钱塘入海瞰世界,亚太注目在杭湾;舟山普陀名中外,甬江一脉入海流。吴越争春秋风波,东吴分三国秋色。明州得其幸焉?千年精神之真传。甬人自强,德厚载物,吾所奋进,志远不息。 Foreword Song of NIMTE,CAS By Penghui Lui Our institute is situated in Zhenhai district of Ningbo and Ningbo 's located in southeast of China . The Laboratory has been built at the moment East China Sea calm and quiet, and then the rising sun shine on our gorgeous building. More, the new institute of materials is lie on the east of the historic lower reach of Yangtze River , where many talents have been gathered and more important it will be. Just in Lan Ting of this area a group of famed men enjoyed a charming story of creating in the past, while our fellows will invent more in this great technical era. We shared a long history of culture here from about seven thousand years ago in Hemudu, and now it is the time we create the history of science. Zhenhai is the gateway of Yangtze River Delta in modern history, people here take camellia as Ningbo 's floral emblem when they begin opening up a great trading. People in Zhejiang province went around the entire world before while more youth choose Ningbo to challenge their potential now. So our institute was built for them lasting three years here where is rich in natural resources and outstanding figures, such as the praise famous town of east China, hometown of business, origin of the history of east Zhejiang and Mr. Wang Yangming school of thought. Where can we find this new institute? Oh, it's just in Zhuangshi Street , not far from the Ningshao plain. What is the responsibility of the technician in this institute? They will dedicate all their talents to our motherland. This lab location, as the hometown of many famous culture person and more talented businessmen of the moment, is so superior that there are more than one thousand acre seashore in its east as well as ten thousands of year-old green hills in its west. Ningbo is famous in China for it's rich of rice and fish, but it is well known in the world for it's the mother country of handwriting and Chinese ink. Our researchers readily created lots of high-tech, so the trend of material science progress will be leaded by our institute. The industry in modern local city as Hangzhou , Jiaxing, Huzhou etc. are to be fueled by our technology, and then we will make the economics of southeast in Zhejiang take off in future. By setting out from Huibie Ocean nearby and passing five seas we will get to many islands, even everywhere of the world, to communicate with some world class researchers or collaborate with a few multinational companies. Our institute will support local economics with new technologies, and take its economic radiation to all of the Yangtze River area. As one of material base of Chinese Academy of Sciences, therein we take all researchers the core of our institute. Be in a famous city as gateway of east Zhejiang province and the town of academicians, we inherit the essence sprite of humanities and business of Ningbo and will carry it forward surely. Soon we will integrate all of advanced technology to make our institute a famous one with innovative culture. Thanks for the efforts of our leaders, a group of great research professors have been attracted like stars approaching the sun into our institute to construct it, then, their technologies helped lots of companies developing fast so that a fine reputation was given to our institute. Such local marked men as Sir Bao Yugang and Shao Yifu are interested to develop Chinese education, while Mr. Wang Kuancheng and Lu Yongxiang have a strong affection to our motherland and built this new institute in their hometown. They are superexcellent ones who inherited the spirit from immemorial Tang dynasty, or the ethos of far-back Wei and Jin dynasty, and brought here an essence of heaven and mountains, ocean and the earth. There are great Beilun harbor of Ningbo and major fishing grounds of East China Sea in this zone. Along Qiantang River we can go into the sea and make marvelous business with this world, so the Asia-Pacific district give more of their attention to Hangzhou Bay nearby. It is well known that Zhoushan Islands and Putuo Temple attract many people to worship here, but Yong River in Ningbo stream far to take local men abroad. Wu and Yue State struggled here in Chunqiu era of China , and their posterities became one of Three Empery originated from east Ningbo . Are age-old Mingzhou always fortunately? It's just the true sprite of millenniums make it. People in Ningbo are self-improved with better virtue inherited, and further we will exert all our efforts forever to bright our institute as world class! 原文来自: http://www.nimte.ac.cn/wh/cxjt/201007/t20100705_2892968.html
个人分类: 生活点滴|4366 次阅读|2 个评论
罗帆 2010-3-28 21:31
沙尘喧嚣 风雨交集 缤纷的落英 低吟生命的挽歌 雨过天青 阳光明媚 迟开的花朵 高唱生命的赞歌
个人分类: 艺术空间|4246 次阅读|8 个评论

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