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cynosure 2019-10-11 14:47
B.J.Zhu, H.Yan, Y.Zhong, J.K.Chen, Y.F.Du, H.H.Cheng, Dave.A.Yuen, Relativistic HPIC-LBM and its Application in Large Temporal-spatial Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection. Part I. Model Development and Validation. Applied Mathematical Modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2019.09.043 B.J.Zhu, H.Yan, Y.Zhong, J.K.Chen, Y.F.Du, H.H.Cheng, Dave.A.Yuen, Relativistic HPIC-LBM and its application in large temporal-spatial turbulent magnetic reconnection. Part II. Role of turbulence in the flux rope interaction. Applied Mathematical Modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2019.05.027 衷心感谢2015.7~至今 国家超算中心广州中心天河二号各位老师的支持和帮助! 楼的地基框架、基础有了(RHPIC-LBM),可以考虑盖楼的事儿了(LTSTMR)!
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[转载]Arcgis出了问题--显示“ArcGIS Initializing Application”
majiaping 2015-8-17 20:48
今天打开 Arcgis 发现显示 “Initializing Application” 可就是打不开, 于是网上搜了, 发现真是症状其实是: ArcMap 程序启动时会在 C:\\Users\\MyDocuments\\ArcGIS\\ 生成 Default.gdb 、 Default1.gdb 、 Default2.gdb 、 …… 等 , ArcMap 进程不关闭,会一直停留在那里,并生成 很多很多 Default.gdb 。 一种解决方法是: 将 C:\Users\\MyDocuments\\ 下的 ArcGIS 文件夹删掉, 然后新建名为 ArcGIS” 的 txt (注意没有扩展名)。 重启启动 ArcMap 即可。 详见: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_672d81210101h1c8.html 第二种解决方法是:打补丁 从 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=7f6c0cb4-7a5e-4790-a7cf-9e139e6819c0displaylang=en 下载 xml 的补丁,然后一路 next 安装即可。 详见: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a823f67010167dn.html 先试了第一不行,删了ArcGis 文件夹后还会重新生成, 于是用了第二种,解决。 ps: 不同的情况可能不一样,有的网友是用第一种方法解决的。
2661 次阅读|1 个评论
Arcgis出了问题--显示“ArcGIS Initializing Application”
热度 1 yiboliu 2014-10-15 19:22
今天打开 Arcgis 发现显示 “Initializing Application” 可就是打不开, 于是网上搜了, 发现真是症状其实是: ArcMap 程序启动时会在 C:\\Users\\MyDocuments\\ArcGIS\\ 生成 Default.gdb 、 Default1.gdb 、 Default2.gdb 、 …… 等 , ArcMap 进程不关闭,会一直停留在那里,并生成 很多很多 Default.gdb 。 一种解决方法是: 将 C:\Users\\MyDocuments\\ 下的 ArcGIS 文件夹删掉, 然后新建名为 ArcGIS” 的 txt (注意没有扩展名)。 重启启动 ArcMap 即可。 详见: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_672d81210101h1c8.html 第二种解决方法是:打补丁 从 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=7f6c0cb4-7a5e-4790-a7cf-9e139e6819c0displaylang=en 下载 xml 的补丁,然后一路 next 安装即可。 详见: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a823f67010167dn.html 先试了第一不行,删了ArcGis 文件夹后还会重新生成, 于是用了第二种,解决。 ps: 不同的情况可能不一样,有的网友是用第一种方法解决的。
8834 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载] Naviance
zuojun 2013-5-1 13:56
This is useful for high school students in the US, at least. http://www.naviance.com/about/
个人分类: Education|1901 次阅读|0 个评论
test result of all-phase
zhwang554 2012-6-20 05:06
60 王相怡.基于OMAP嵌入式动平衡去重控制系统研究 .长春理工大学,硕士,2018年 59 胡敬春;张宇;朱伟华;史明;孟少君.毫米波幅相精确控制系统及方法 . 上海机电工程研究所, CN108319157A, 2018-07-24 58 Ning Y, Zhou F, Liu L, et al. ISAR Multi-Band Fusion Based on Attributed Scattering Center //2018 International Conference on Radar (RADAR). 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With a Hanning window and no noise, φap converges to the real signal phase of a strong isolated peak as 1/N4. This is a dramatic improvement over the 1/N convergence of an ordinary FFT analysis on noiseless data. In the presence of a noise background that is 1% of the signal peak, the ApFFT convergence diminishes to 1/N. 19 Zhang Y, Fu J, Li G. A Novel Self-Calibration Method for Acoustic Vector Sensor . Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, 2018. 18 Chengyou Wang, Rongyang Shan, Xiao Zhou*. Anti-HEVC recompression video watermarking algorithm based on the all phase biorthogonal transform and SVD . IETE Technical Review, vol. 35, pp. 1-17, published online: Jun. 21, 2018. 17 Liu X. Ocean wind and wave parameter estimation from ship-borne x-band marine radar data . Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2018. 16 Zheng X, Zhao C, Zhang H, et al. 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Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2013. 23 田熙燕 , 杜留锋 . 全相位 FIR 滤波器仿真实验平台设计 . 网友世界 , 2013 (18): 43-43. 22 王志杰 , 李 宇 , 黄海宁 . 全相位 FFT 在合成孔径水声通信运动补偿中的应用 . 电子与信息学报 , 2013, 35(9): 2206-2212 21 谭春花 . 基于 C55x 的 apFFT/FFT 相位差频谱校正算法实现 . 制造业自动化 . 2013/6/15 14:18:02 20 江晓东 , 谢京稳 . 基于全相 FFT 的多频比相测距方法研究 . 现代雷达 , 2013,35(12):43-46 19 周 林 , 杜金其 , 李怀花 , 等 . 基于 IEC 标准和全相位谱分析的谐波间谐波检测方法 . 电力系统保护与控制 , 2013, 41(11): 51-59. 18 马丽娟 . 基于 ARM9 的三相不平衡度测试仪设计 . 电子设计工程 , 2013, 21(11): 168-171. 17 何 为 , 颜学龙 , 李延平 . 基于虚拟仪器的牵引变频器测试系统 . 计算机测量与控制 , 2013, 21(011): 2935-2937. 16 王 凯 , 段发阶 , 郭浩天 , 等 . 基于大频差双频激光的发动机叶尖间隙测量技术 . 光电子 , 激光 , 2013, 10: 024. 15 陈 栋 , 刘恩海 . 相位式激光测距的 FFT 与 apFFT 鉴相研究 . 激光与红外 , 2013, 43(10): 1108-1112. 14 肖汶斌 , 董文才 . 基于全相位时移相位差的船模试验信号频谱分析方法研究 ( 英文 ) . 船舶力学 , 2013, 17(9): 998-1008. 13 贺 同 , 陈 星 , 洪龙龙 . 基于 FPGA 的全相位 FFT 高精度频率测量 . 电子测量技术 , 2013 (8): 80-83. 12 马玉韬 , 轩秀巍 , 车 进 , 等 . 基于全相位滤波理论的基因预测 . 上海交通大学学报 , 2013, 47(007): 1149-1154. ( 被引 1) 11 杨 颖 , 李醒飞 , 寇 科 , 等 . 小波分析在激光自混合干涉位移传感器中的应用 . 光电子 . 激光 , 2013, 6: 010. 10 董雅洁 . 几种鉴相技术的比较 . 科技创新与生产力 , 2013 年 5 月 , 总 232 期 :89-91 9 黄晓红 , 李 娟 , 张 琳 . 正弦波频率估计的全相位 Kay 算法 . 河南理工大学学报 : 自然科学版 , 2013, 32(4): 472-475. 8 张翼鹏 , 陈 亮 , 郝 欢 , 等 . 一种改进的基于 FFT 的信号插值算法 . 数据采集与处理 , 2013 (2): 173-177. 7 马玉韬 , 车 进 , 关 欣 , 等 . 加窗窄通带滤波器蛋白质编码区预测算法 . 数据采集与处理 , 2013 (2): 129-135. 6 黄翔东 , 王 博 , 杜宇彬 , 等 . 全相位 FFT 测相方差及其 Cramer-Rao 下限 . 数据采集与处理 , 2013 (2): 160-165. 5 杨 颖 , 李醒飞 , 李洪宇 , 等 . 基于激光 A 混合效应的加速度传感器 . 光学学报 , 2013 (2): 234-240. ( 被引 1) 4 杨宇祥 , 樊巨宝 . 基于全相位 FFT 算法的电力谐波检测方法 . 中国科技论文在线 . 2013-2. 3 宋 宁 . 基于全相位的自适应数字滤波器设计方法 . 电子测试 , 2013 (1): 97-100. 2 杨伏洲 , 王海燕 , 申晓红 , 等 . 基于被动时反 “ 双扩展 ” 效应的信号检测算法 . 计算机仿真 , 2013, 30(1): 276-279. 1 谭思炜 , 任志良 , 孙常存 . 全相位 FFT 相位差频谱校正法改进 . 系统工程与电子技术 , 2013, 35(1). ( 被引 1) 101 熊刚强 , 余建德 , 熊昌镇 , 齐东旭 U- 正交变换的可逆实现及其图像无损编码 . . 计算机研究与发展 ,2012,48(4):855-863 100 王桂英 ,. 基于分布式和有限节点监测的光纤传感关键技术研究 . 天津大学 ,,2012 99 王桂英 , 金杰 , 吕辰刚 . 基于 Labview 的光纤光栅波长解调系统 . 压电与声光 .2012,34(6):824-827 98 王刘旺 , 黄建才 , 孙建新 , 王强 , 朱永利 . 电力系统保护与控制 ,2012,40(24):28-33 97 王恩成 , 苏腾芳 , 袁开国 , 伍淳华 , 王玉庆 . 哼唱检索中联合音高与能量的音符切分算法 . 计算机工程 .2012,38(9):4-7 96 张进高 , 卢琴芬 , 王利 , 叶云岳 , 洪伟明 . 基于 FFT 的直线电机地铁牵引电机功率因数角测量 . 浙江大学学报 2012,46(11):1981-1984 王兆华 95 孔新新 , 黄旻 , 张文喜 . 傅里叶望远镜中激光频移误差对成像质量影响的分析 . 光学学报 ,2012,32(12) 94 武威 . 超声电机的低速检测与分析系统 . 机电工程技术 . 2012,41(07):35-37 93 余永华 ; 杨建国 ; 何浩 . 船舶轴功率在线监测系统 . CN202188931U,2012-04-11 92 王正博 . 北斗同步、授时方案与激光冷却镉离子微波频标的研究 . 清华大学 ,2012 91 周秋峰 , 高亚东 , 邱立峰 . 混合算法在直升机旋翼动平衡优化中的应用 . 第二十八届( 2012 )全国直升机年会论文 90 范新桥 . 基于多点电流测量的输电线路故障定位方法研究 . 华北电力大学 .2012 89 王选钢 . 高速高精度相位式激光测量关键技术研究 . 中国科学院研究生院 .2012 88 Mai W , Phung B T, Ambikairajah E. Detection of high impedance fault s in medium voltage distribution networks //IPEC, 2012 Conference on Power Energy. IEEE, 2012: 562-567. 87 SU Dan,TU Yaqing,LI Ming,LUO Jiangyuan. Comparative Analysis of Frequency Estimation Methods . 第三十一届中国控制会议 .2012 86 Huichun Sun , Yonghui,Zhang , Xiyuan Zhang ,, Xiong Lin . AH Phase FFT Analysis with Phase Measurement Applications in Electronic Measurement . ICMEE 2012. Advances in mechanical and electronic engineering. vol. 2 85 Chengyou Wang . Directional APBT and Its Application in Image Coding . 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Signal Processing(ICSP 2012) 84 李醒飞 , 杨颖 , 寇科 , 王错 . 基于激光自混合干涉的石英挠性加速度计 . 中国 专利 CN102520209A, 2012-06-27 83 周雪松 , 陈广柱 , 马幼捷 . 基于加窗全相位 FFT 的 APF 谐波检测与控制系统及方法 . . 中国 专利 CN102832620A. ,2012-12-19 82 邹月娴 , 徐祥俊 . 一种基于信号频域稀疏性的 TIADC 时间失配参数盲测量方法 . 中国 专利 201210454365.2 81 81 熊昌镇 , 郭芬红 , 周标 , 熊刚强 . 全相位双正交 U 变换的图像插值方法 . 第十六届全国图象图形学学术会议暨第六届立体图象技术学术研讨会论文集 2012.07 80apFFT 变换算法的 TMS320C6000 汇编程序 . 登记号 2012SR090279 成都林海电子有限责任公司 : 中国 2012/9/2 79 吕文韬 . 基于全相位谱分析技术的频谱分析仪 . 浙江大学 . 第五届全国大学生创新创业年会入选展示项目及学术论文 .2012/11/27 78 缑宁祎 . 高速高精度相应式激光测距数字鉴相方法研究 . 中国科学院研究生院 2012 77 王 博 . 分布式光纤周界安防系统定位和模式识别研究 . 天津大学 , 2012 76 马玉韬 . 基于滤波理论和特征统计的蛋白质编码区预测算法研究 . 天津大学 硕士 , 2012 75 杜宇彬 . 强电磁干扰下高压输电线电晕监测系统研究 . 天津大学 硕士 , 2012 74 杨世平 . 超宽带微波检测乳腺肿瘤频谱分析及全相位方法的应用 . 天津大学 硕士 , 2012 73 崔海涛 . 全相位 FRM 滤波器设计技术研究及其硬件实现 . 天津大学 , 2012. 72 叶德超 . 基于大频差双频激光的旋转叶片叶尖间隙测量技术 . 天津大学 , 2012. 71 朱晴晴 . 短样本信号的全相位参数估计及重构算法的研究 . 天津大学硕士 , 2012. 70 程鹏飞 . 基于新型滤波技术的光纤光栅波长解调系统研究 . 天津大学 , 2012. . 69 史伟光 . 基于射频识别技术的室内定位算法研究 . 天津大学博士 , 2012 年 ( 被引 7) 68 刘晨曦 . 电力系统谐波检测全相位频谱分析研究 . 东北大学 , 2012. 67 王 尧 . 复杂波形条件下剩余电流检测技术研究 . 河北工业大学博士 , 2012. 66 杨前成 . 基于 ARM 的矿用低压馈电开关保护装置的研究与设计 . 航州 : 中国计量学院 , 20l2, 2012. 65 黄泽辰 . 基于嵌入式系统的编码器测试平台软件设计与实现 . 华中科技大学 , 2012. 64 黄行蓉 . 数字中频 gnss 信号源的软件设计 . 北京航空航天大学 硕士 , 2012 63 高文玉 . 风力发电变流器板件自动测试系统的研究与实现 . 电子科技大学 , 2012. 62 高红梅 . 视频图像序列的目标跟踪算法研究 . 西安电子科技大学 , 2012. 61 崔旭利 . 多输入多输出随机振动试验控制算法及若干问题研究 . 南京航空航天大学 , 2011. . 60 于洪光 . 液压挖掘机典型负载工况研究 . 浙江工业大学 , 2012. 59 陈宝伟 . 超宽覆盖多波束测深技术研究与实现 . 哈尔滨 : 哈尔滨工程大学 , 2012. 58 王 松 . 基于 FPGA 的 DS/FH 系统研究 . 西安邮电学院 , 2012. 57 于欢欢 . 基于 SAPDFT 检测算法的 APF 控制策略的研究 . 辽宁工程技术大学 , 2012. 56 廉彦超 . 高压容性设备绝缘在线监测系统研究与开发 . 湖南大学硕士 , 2012 年 55 刘海龙 . 植入电子器件体导电能量传递的场路耦合模拟研究 . 重庆大学 , 2012. 54 翟昌民 . 基于 DSP 和位置敏感探测器的多光束位置同步检测系统的研究 . 重庆大学 , 2012. . ( 被引 1) 53 马 兰 . 基阵相位一致性测量系统 . 哈尔滨工程大学 , 2012. 52 严晓丹 . 基于改进的 FFT 电力系统谐波检测算法研究与实现 . 西华大学 , 2012. 51 方汉方 . 基于 FFT 超声波传输时间高精度测量的研究 . 西华大学 , 2012 50 刘艳利 . 电力系统谐波检测算法研究与实现 . 山东大学 , 2012. . ( 被引 1) 49 张西原 . 基于全相位 FFT 的三相电相位测量系统研究 . 海南大学 , 2012. 48 孙 婷 . 手持式激光测距仪的研究 . 北京 : 北京交通大学 , 2012.( 被引 3) 47 张汉芯 . 阵列激光测距系统调制与解调技术研究 . 大连海事大学 , 2012. 46 孙明杰 . 光栅莫尔条纹 CCD 细分技术研究 . 沈阳工业大学 , 2012. 45 陆冬雨 , 黄静如 , 田 岚 . 全相位滤波器对人工耳蜗丰富音听感知的研究 . 2012' 中国西部声学学术交流会论文集 (Ⅱ), 2012. 44 王 静 . 基于全相位沃尔什双正交变换和霍夫曼编码的静态图像压缩 . 天津工业大学 硕士 , 2012 43 Lu X, Zhang Y. Phase detection algorithm and precision analysis based on all phase FFT. Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence (ACAI 2012), International Conference 3-5 March 2012 p1564- 1567 42 Wang C. Bayer patterned image compression based on wavelet transform and all phase interpolation //Signal Processing (ICSP), 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on. IEEE, 2012, 1: 708-711. 41 Bing W, Wei Y, Dongkai Y, et al. A new method of phase synchronization for GPS signals based bistatic radar //World Automation Congress (WAC), 2012. IEEE, 2012: 1-4. 40 Dong C, Ren L. The design of all-phase FFT cymometer based on DSP //Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2012 International Conference on. IEEE, 2012: 303-305. 39 Reducing Spectral Leakage of Rectangular Window? westocl Comp.DSP 2012-04-17 11:07:00.www.dsprelated.com/showmessage/171814/1.php‎ 38 Chen X, Zhang Y. Detection and Analysis of Power System Harmonics Based on FPGA //Wireless Communications and Applications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012: 445-454. 37 Diao J T, Guo J, Li N, et al. The Research and Improvement of APFFT Algorithm . Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 532: 1841-1845. 36 Qin H H. Using Spectrum Correction to Diagnose Mechanical Fault . Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 542: 228-233. 35 Qin H H. Research on the Sampling Frequency’s Range to Improve the Precision of All-Phase FFT Phase Measurement . Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 538: 2147-2152. 34 Fu J, Hou C, Zhao Z. MIMO-OFDM scheme using ApFFT over 3GPP SCM channels . Transactions of Tianjin University, 2012, 18: 128-134.
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[转载] A good article about college application in the US
zuojun 2011-12-4 07:22
I would ignore the poor title. Some Asians' college strategy: Don't check 'Asian' http://news.yahoo.com/asians-college-strategy-dont-check-asian-174442977.html
个人分类: From the U.S.|1659 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Nature Methods Application Notes e-Update: 09 November 2010
xupeiyang 2010-11-10 08:48
NATURE METHODS APPLICATION NOTES e-UPDATE: 09 November 2010 Now available at: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=1m=35969874r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1OQS2b=2j=ODYyOTMwNTcS1mt=1rt=0 Application Notes bring you the latest information about innovative tools and technologies and their applications in the lab. We hope that you will find this service useful and informative and encourage you to sign up for future Updates to ensure that you never miss one! 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Nucleotide-derived Capture Compounds are available as ready-to-use caproKits(TM) for proteomic research. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=8m=35969874r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1OQS2b=2j=ODYyOTMwNTcS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- LOT - Oriel ---------------------- Analyzing signaling pathway activity in FFPE tissue sections for cancer research and drug development www.lot-oriel.com/ Simultaneously image and quantify multiple cancer markers using immunohistochemistry (IHC) or immunofluorescence (IF) http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=16m=35969874r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1OQS2b=2j=ODYyOTMwNTcS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- Epicentre Biotechnologies ---------------------- Novel methods for rRNA removal and directional, ligation-free RNA-seq library preparation www.epibio.com/ Existing library preparation methods for deep sequencing of mRNA (mRNA-seq) are time-consuming, multistep processes that are dependent on intact (nondegraded) total RNA samples, efficient removal of ribosomal RNA (rRNA), ligation of platform-specific adaptors, and multiple clean-up steps to generate di-tagged cDNA. We describe novel methods for rRNA removal from intact and fragmented RNA (Ribo-Zero(TM) technology) and for rapid preparation of directional, di-tagged mRNA-seq libraries (ScriptSeq(TM) technology), which together address the shortcomings of existing mRNA-seq library preparation workflows. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=5m=35969874r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1OQS2b=2j=ODYyOTMwNTcS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- ReGenX Biosciences ---------------------- ReGenX AAV Vector Technology: a tool for in vivo screening www.regenxbio.com/ Transgenic and knockout mice have been used to create disease models and understand gene function. However, such mice are complex to create, breeding colonies must be established, and some models are not viable. Somatic gene transfer with vectors such as adeno-associated virus (AAV) can overcome these limitations. 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Here we demonstrate the increased versatility by using alternative filters and selectable lasers to optimize the detection of specific fluorophore and fluorescent protein combinations. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=19m=35969874r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1OQS2b=2j=ODYyOTMwNTcS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- nanoink ---------------------- Direct deposition of micro- and nanoscale hydrogels using Dip Pen Nanolithography (DPN) www.nanoink.net Dip Pen Nanolithography(R) (DPN(TM)) is the controlled delivery of material from nanoscale tips to a surface. Its advantages over other lithography techniques include low operating costs, high resolution, nanoscale registry and multiplexed deposition capabilities. With NanoInk's latest nanolithography tools and new biocompatible patterning protocols, any scientist can easily and rapidly create arbitrary hydrogel patterns with subcellular feature sizes to be used for cell adhesion, cell migration and drug delivery studies. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=18m=35969874r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1OQS2b=2j=ODYyOTMwNTcS1mt=1rt=0
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[转载]Nature Methods Application Notes e-UPDATE: 10 June 2010
xupeiyang 2010-6-11 07:41
NATURE METHODS APPLICATION NOTES e-UPDATE: 10 June 2010 Now available at: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=1m=34967645r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1OQS2b=2j=NzUzOTM4OTMS1mt=1rt=0 Application Notes bring you the latest information about innovative tools and technologies and their applications in the lab. We hope that you will find this service useful and informative and encourage you to sign up for future Updates to ensure that you never miss one! Register to continue receiving Application Notes e-Updates: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=20m=34967645r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1OQS2b=2j=NzUzOTM4OTMS1mt=1rt=0
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[转载]Nature Methods Application Notes e-UPDATE: 13 May 2010
xupeiyang 2010-5-14 07:37
NATURE METHODS APPLICATION NOTES e-UPDATE: 13 May 2010 Now available at: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=1m=34881053r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1OQS2b=2j=NzM2NTE2MzAS1mt=1rt=0 Application Notes bring you the latest information about innovative tools and technologies and their applications in the lab. We hope that you will find this service useful and informative and encourage you to sign up for future Updates to ensure that you never miss one! Register to continue receiving Application Notes e-Updates: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=21m=34881053r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1OQS2b=2j=NzM2NTE2MzAS1mt=1rt=0
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College counseling at Punahou School (5)
zuojun 2010-4-3 05:17
Now, lets plant some seeds, which is a list put together by the student, his parents, and his counselor, for colleges that match the students needs. This list will grow first (expanding), and then shrink down to 6-8 schools for the student to actually apply. Mr. Obenchain started to introduce 15 colleges, most of them I never heard of. He would briefly go over each of them. My son wrote down the name of each school on a pink paper in the left column. To the right of the pink paper, there is a column for Admission odds*. The * is noted at the bottom of the paper for codes to be used for this column: (L) for Likely (90-95% likelihood of acceptance), (P) for Probably (75%), (C) for Core (50% likelihood), and (R) for Reach (5-50% likelihood). Then, Mr. Obenchain took out a crystal ball, a 3-inch-thick Data Book, a binder that lists all the colleges with enough (to be statistically meaningful) Punahou students admitted during 2006-2009. Each page is for a college, say UW (U. of Washington). The far-left column lists from top to bottom GPAs (in a descending order), 4.0, 3.75, 3.5, etc. The second column shows the data for students admitted each year, so each 9 represents one student admitted in 2009. To the right, there is a column showing the number of applicants who were declined and the (likely) reasons. So, for the same GPA (usually at the lower end of admitted), one could be rejected. At the bottom of each page, three SAT score ranges are given for the middle 50% accepted by the college. This info is available to the public at the College Board Web site. Mr. O would show the page, say for Lawrence Univ. We can tell what the range of GPAs is for Punahou students admitted by Lawrence in the past, which GPAs may be too low, and the schools middle 50% SAT. My son would be asked to pick a code for his chance/odds to be accepted by this school. At the end of this exercise, I saw mostly L and two C on the pink paper. There was not even one R. The reason is the person who selected these seeds knew my son well not to add, say Yale, on the list. Then, Mr. O showed us how to grow the list using Naviance , which helps to track each students progress on college application. My son logged into his account, and there is a list of schools selected by his father and his counselor. Yes, parents have access to this account to keep an eye on their child, so does the college counselor. The system offers lots of tools and info. Mr. O quickly showed us how to tell if the school is a teaching college or research type. For each school on my sons list, the system will recommend a list of similar schools. So, one can spend lots of time surfing Naviance (To be continued.)
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College counseling at Punahou School (4)
zuojun 2010-4-3 03:27
Before I move on to selecting colleges for my son (or yours), lets talk about Punahous philosophy of Good Match Appropriate Fit. I want to first cite something from Punahous college counseling Web site: Punahou seeks to provide both students and parents with the best information on college choices and admission requirements to aid in the application process. Its college counseling philosophy is to stress the importance of focusing on a 'good fit', rather than what some may call a 'good school'. Yes, this concept may be new to many Chinese parents, including myself, but please try to consider it. I thought my aunt was great at saying: Marriage is like fitting shoes to your feet. They may look pretty, but only you know how well they fit you. Well, I am not sure she discovered that by herself, but here is a quote you may have heard yourself. The shoe that fits one person pinches another by Carl_Jung (Swiss psychologist; 1875-1961). One of the take-home brochures from Punahou is College Quest 101: Finding the schools that fit me. In this brochure, it lists Parent/Guardians Role as Give ownership of the process to the student Withhold judgment Stress good fit, not good reputation In short, the pertinent question for the student in high school is not Can I get into X College? but rather, Will I be happy and successful at X College? (To be continued.)
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College counseling at Punahou School (3)
zuojun 2010-4-3 02:42
Lets talk about SAT . Many years ago, I reconnected with a grade school classmate. She told me that her only son got 2400 on SAT. Hearing silence over the phone line, she asked me if I knew about SAT. I said I only knew SAT is a test used for college admission but had no idea about the score itself. Well, 800 is the perfect score for each component of the test, and SAT (reasoning) test has three parts: reading, math, and writing. So, her son had a perfect SAT test score! I hear more about SAT scores since then. My son also took PSAT, twice, as required and paid for by his school, and finally his first SAT last December on his 17th birthday. What I learned from Mr. Obenchain is how college admission offices view SAT vs. GPA. He added two more numbers to the Bell Curve he draw for the GPA: 500 and 600s. These are the corresponding cutoffs for each SAT component, say math. These two numbers are matched with the two GPAs, 3.0 and 3.6 (see Part 2 of my Blog), namely 500 and 3.0 are for below average. Mr. Obenchain pointed out that my sons SAT scores are closer to the high cutoff than his GPA. What does this mean? Since SAT measures ones (reasoning) ability and GPA reflects ones efforts, higher SAT than GPA suggests laziness. Well, I knew my son was not doing his best, and now Mr. O sees that, too. The college admission office will see it as well! Unlike the Gao Kao in China, SAT can be taken many times. However, statistics show that scores dont change much for the same student when he takes SAT many times, at least for U.S. students. My son was encouraged to take it one more time, since his writing score was much lower than expected (based on his PSAT, which is not part of the application package). Then, Mr. O said writing is all about grammars. Since teachers in the U.S. dont teach grammars any more, you can imagine how good the students do in SAT. (On the other hand, SAT Prep classes can really boost writing score. Punahou offers SAT Prep, for about $600. I definitely would recommend it to other parents.) At that point, Mr. O asked my son to sign on to his SAT account, and helped him to input some important data. This will ensure that when I register him for the 2nd SAT, all his scores will be collected in the same place for college admission offices to view. What if my son gets a better writing score next time, but slips on his reading? Dont worry, Mr. O said. The admission picks the higher score for each component. There are SAT subject tests, too. I guess only those very motivated students will go for it. There is also ACT (American College Test). Some students do better at ACT since it does not panelize for wrong answers. Mr. O does not recommend my son to take ACT since his SAT scores are strong already. So, I will sign him up for the June SAT, and use October as the safety net in case the June test date does not work out for some reason. (To be continued.)
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College counseling at Punahou School (2)
zuojun 2010-4-2 16:43
Lets first talk about grades, GPA (Grade Point Average). GPA is a numerical way to describe how well a student did in class. Each letter grade has a numerical equivalent: A=4, B=3, C=2, and so forth. Punahou School GPA can be viewed online. Mr. Obenchain draw a Bell Curve, with two cutoff values of 3.0 and 3.6 clearly marked. If a students GPA is less than 3.0, then he is below average. Lets say my son is an average student, like most of his classmates. For these average students, the college admission officer may look at his GPA in two ways: annual average for each year, and the trend. If a students annual-average GPA increases in time, then the trend is positive. This is a good thing. Mr. Obenchain also examined my sons course selection for his senior year, noted two AP courses listed. Another good thing (but these courses require HARD work to get decent grades). Mr. O pointed out one thing that is missing from my sons senior year course sheet: college applications. It takes time to complete each package, and my son is asked to apply to 6-8 schools. (I hope he will apply to 3-4 schools.) The difficult part of each package is the essay, because each school has its own requirement. My son was told to spread the workload of writing essays evenly throughout the school year, and I hope he will remember this excellent piece of advice. It will be good for my son to get even higher GPA for the senior year, to keep the positive trend. There will be a Deans Letter for each student that goes to the colleges admission office. How is the letter written? Well, the letter will be based on the students own voices (through his own writing), drafted by the counselor, revised many times, and finalized by the dean. (Each grade from 9th to 12th, there are two deans who will follow these students through their high school years. Each student is assigned to one of the deans, but he is free to go to any dean if he has an issue to discuss. I am not sure he can fire his dean.) (To be continued.)
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College counseling at Punahou School (1)
zuojun 2010-4-2 10:58
There are 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. to choose from... Where will my only child be in the fall of 2011? I have no experience in terms of helping a child to apply for colleges in the U.S. Am I nervous about the process? Not really. This is because I am counting on Punahou_School , the largest independent school in the States, to guide us through the process. There are about 430 graduates each year, guided by 8-10 college counselors. Not all college counselors are very good, as I was told. However, my son is very lucky, because his counselor, Mr. Obenchain, is the best. I can tell you Mr. O is a great college counselor after having spent 90 mins with him and my son this morning (yes, on April Fools Day, but this Blog is no joke). My son and I have spent very limited time talking about colleges, often on our way to school in the morning when he is willing to chat or listen. However, he has had a semester on college application, and I have attended an evening meeting at Punahou for juniors parents. (I was going to Blog about that meeting, but didnt get to.) I had a list of questions, and my son had some questions, too, for todays meeting. Some background info first: Each student has submitted many pieces of writing about himself, what he wants for college life, etc. So, the counselor knows (probably better than the parents) what the student has been thinking (or daydreaming). Mr. Obenchain intended to cover four areas during the meeting, and he did very well. They are: 1) Transcripts (more important than SAT scores), including annual averages and trend; 2) SAT test scores; 3) Seed of colleges (a list of colleges to start with, which will grow and then shrink to 6-8 at the end of the process); 4) $$$$$ (how much does it cost). I will go over each in more details. So, stay tuned
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