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dsm9393 2020-4-18 18:28
对全球热文 《年轻》 的疑问和思考 都世民 (Du Shimin) 70 多年前 , 德裔美籍人塞缪尔 · 厄尔曼写的一篇只有四百多字的短文,在美国发表时,曾引起全美国轰动,成千上万的读者将其抄录 , 当作座右铭,许多中老年人把它作为安排后半生的精神支柱。美国的麦克阿瑟将军在指挥整个太平洋战争期间,办公桌上始终摆放着一个镜框 , 镜框内有短文《年轻》的复印件 。 松下公司的创始人松下幸之助说: “ 多年来,《年轻》始终是我的座右铭。 ” 塞缪尔 · 厄尔曼 (1840.4.13-1924.3.21) 是一名生于 德国 的美国作家。儿时随家人移居美利坚,参加过 南北战争 ,之后定居伯明翰,经营五金杂货,年逾 70 开始写作。著作有知名散文《青春》等。散文《青春》有多种译文版本,有王佐良、黄志坚译 。 塞缪尔 · 厄尔曼 ( https://www.sohu.com/a/205953460_100008487 , 2017-11-22 08:27 ) ( http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_53085b8d0101j7ft.html , 2014-01-26 ) ( https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%A1%9E%E7%BC%AA%E5%B0%94%C2%B7%E5%8E%84%E5%B0%94%E6%9B%BC/8723009?fr=aladdin ) 为什么这篇短文成为座右铭? 这篇短文阐述了年轻与衰老,以一种与众不同的思维模式,告诉人们:人为什么会衰老?怎样能变得始终年轻? “ 没有人仅仅因为时光的流逝而变得衰老,只是随着理想和追求的丧失,人类才出现了老人 ” 。 “ 岁月可以在皮肤上留下皱纹 ”。为什么有的老人到老时感到无所事事,疾病缠身?为什么有的老人感到自己在受苦,没有快乐,没有希望的火苗?可是有的老人精神抖擞、谈笑风生、思想敏捷。人们又何尝不希望到 80 岁时仍然年轻,这其中的奥妙到底在哪里? 对 《年青》 一文的疑问和思考 1 ) What is youth? Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind ; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the refreshness of the deep springs of life. 2 ) Do humans have souls? Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . 3 ) Is there a channel for electromagnetic waves in the heart of people? In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young. 4 ) Is there the aerials deep in the heart that receives electromagnetic waves? When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at twenty, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch the waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at eighty. 5 ) Is the soul spiritual or material? your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old 。 上面提出了 5 个问题,既然这篇短文被人们当做 座右铭 ,那么文中的观点也就被人们所接受,也就是说上面的 5 个问题人们是同意的。这就是人有灵魂,在灵魂深处有电磁波通道,是通过天线所接收,而接收的电磁波是物质不是精神,可是人的心态,心灵接收的各种信息,并不都是物质,有人的意念、思维。 70 多年前,作家塞缪尔 · 厄尔曼就 “ 预言 ” 人体内有电磁波通道,在灵魂深处有天线的存在,让人惊叹 !为什么会惊叹?因为现在生物医学,不认为人体内有电磁波通道,只承认神经元构成的神经网络,这是离子通道。他们不利用麦克斯韦提出的电磁理论,而是利用 H -H 方程。而同步科学的研究,给出的偏微分方程与麦克斯韦提出的 4 个方程式 是有区别的, 而同步科学提出的数学模型却无法用实验证实。为什么多学科的研究都脱离了麦克斯韦的电磁理论?难道麦克斯韦的电磁理论在这些学科不实用吗? 2017 年,美国国防却提出了寻找人体内的电磁波通道,要建立这样的研究课题,这说明美国的研究人员和专家认为有电磁波通道,否则不会成立这样的课题 。可是这已经是 70 年后了,才考虑这个问题。在我们国家是否也应该考虑这个问题呢?笔者认为很有必要。 生物医学认为,人类的终极研究课题是大脑,不承认灵魂的存在。大脑是不是由灵魂所控制?还是大脑控制人体 ? 这是两个截然不同的问题,不能够混为一谈。 其实 2500 年前,佛学认为人的眼睛与心紧密关联,这种观念依靠什么?是神经元放电构成的离子通道吗?还是有电磁波通道的存在?如今人们议论的天眼、第 3 只眼,是不是构成电磁通道的关键位置?大脑中的松果体是不是中间站?松果体中的脑沙,能不能收发电磁波?人体内的天线与天线学科所创立的各种天线有什么差异?细胞能否收发电磁波?细胞的电属性和电磁属性,通过什么样的方式进行研究?这些微弱的信号又该通过什么样的实验的方法解决?这确实是个难题 。 尽管七十年前已经有人提出了这样一个问题,他不是科幻作品,也不是神话,他是文化作品,他不像是夸张的创作,是有文化基础 。 东西方文化都有这种含义,但中国传统文化没有电磁波的概念,而这一概念也是近百年才有的 。在大宇宙中,电磁波理论发挥了巨大的作用,改变了我们的社会,遗憾的是在小宇宙中不能够发挥作用,应该引起人们的关注。破解这个问题,需要多学科的研究人员共同努力,在不久的将来会看到曙光。
个人分类: 小宇宙探索|2310 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 freefloating 2014-8-30 10:27
YOUNG BEAUTIFUL ,是 Lana Del Rey 演唱的歌曲,出自电影《 了不起的盖茨比 》中原声歌曲。 YOUNG BEAUTIFUL 摘自百度百科:http://baike.baidu.com/view/10498633.htm?fr=aladdin 英文 I've seen the world   Done it all, had my cake now   Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel-Air now   Hot summer nights mid July   When you and I were forever wild   The crazy days, the city lights   The way you'd play with me like a child   Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful   Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul   I know you will, I know you will   I know that you will Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful I've seen the world, lit it up as my stage now Channeling angels in, the new age now   Hot summer days, rock and roll   The way you'd play for me at your show   And all the ways I got to know   Your pretty face and electric soul    Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful   Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul   I know you will, I know you will   I know that you will   Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful    Dear lord when I get to heaven   Please let me bring my man   When he comes tell me that you'll let him in   Father tell me if you can   Oh that grace, oh that body   Oh that face makes me wanna party   He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds    Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful   Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul   I know you will, I know you will   I know that you will   Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful   Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful   Will you still love me when I'm not young and beautiful 中文翻译 版本一:   看过繁华   历尽沧桑,人已老   金钱,成就,如过眼烟云   仲夏午夜   疯狂的你我   放纵的日子,城市的灯光   我们孩提般的嬉戏   当我青春不再,容颜已老,你是否还会爱我   当我一无所有,只留悲伤,你是否还会爱我   我知道你会,你会   你会的   当我容颜已老,你是否还会爱我   看过这世界,把它点亮,做我的舞台   安排演员,新的时代   炎热夏日,激情四射   你给我的表演   和那一切关于   你面庞和心灵的记忆   当我青春不再,容颜已老,你是否还会爱我   当我一无所有,只留悲伤,你是否还会爱我   我知道你会,你会   你会的   当我容颜已老,你还会爱我   主,当我升入天堂   请允许我带上爱人   在他到来时准许通行   请降恩吧主   那风度,那身躯   那面庞,都让我雀跃   他是我的太阳,赐予我钻石般的光芒   当我青春不再,容颜已老,你是否还会爱我   当我一无所有,只留悲伤,你是否还会爱我   我知道你会,你会   你会的   当我容颜已老,你还会爱我   当我容颜已老,你还会爱我   你仍会爱我 版本二: 目睹世界,尽失初样   金迷纸醉,靡靡奢华   仲夏夜茫,七月未央   你我年少轻狂,不惧岁月漫长   纵情时光,华灯初上   你我嬉戏疯狂,童稚之心难藏   当韶华逝去,容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒?   当一无所有,遍体鳞伤,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒?   我深知你会,我深知你会   我深知你的爱经久绵长   当容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒?   目睹世界,舞台聚光   粉墨登场,年代转化   白日盛夏,歌舞激荡   你华装登场,独为我唱   精致脸庞,魂灵不羁狂妄,你华装登场,我一睹难忘   当韶华逝去,容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒?   当一无所有,遍体鳞伤,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒?   我深知你会,我深知你会   我深知你的爱经久绵长   当容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒   上帝啊,当我去到天堂   请允许他伴我前往   在他到来时请准许通行   上帝您会允许的   翩翩风度,让我沉沦疯狂   彼为吾日,令我若珠宝夺目璀璨   当韶华逝去,容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒?   当一无所有,遍体鳞伤,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒?我   深知你会,我深知你会   我深知你的爱经久绵长   当容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒   当容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒   当韶华逝去,容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒? 中英对照 I've seen the world ,Done it all, had my cake now 看彻繁华,尽失初妆 Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel-Air now 虚度游迂,历尽沧桑 Hot summer nights, mid-July 仲夏夜茫,七月未央 When you and I were forever wild 起初你我年少轻狂,不惧岁月漫长 The crazy days, the city lights 纵情时光,华灯初放 The way you'd play with me like a child 我们如孩提时光嬉戏疯狂 Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful 当韶华逝去,容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,地久天长 Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul 当一无所栖,遍体鳞伤,你是否爱我如初,地久天长 I know you will, I know you will 我深知你会,我深知你会 I know that you will 我深知你的爱经久绵长 Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful 当容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,地久天长 I've seen the world, lit itup as my stage now 荣华过场,舞台聚光 Channeling angels in the new age now 时空流转,冠冕新王 Hot summer days, rock and roll 仲夏夜梦,热烈怒放 The way you'd play for me at your show 你盛装登场,独为我而唱 And all the ways I got to know .Your pretty face and electric soul 精致脸庞,灵魂不羁狂妄;一眼千年,我一睹难忘 Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful 当韶华逝去,容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,地久天长 Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul 当一无所栖,遍体鳞伤,你是否爱我如初,地久天长 I know you will, I know you will 我深知你会,我深知你会 I know that you will 我深知你的爱经久绵长 Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful 当容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,地久天长 Dear lord when I get to heaven 敬天爱人,若将引我入天堂 Please let me bring my man 可否有他相伴身旁 When he comes tell me that you'll let him in 让他随行,让他入场 Father tell me if you can 天父请应允我最后愿望 All that grace, all that body,all that face makes me wanna party 优雅气场,让我沉沦疯狂 He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds 他是我的太阳,他的光芒,如宝石夺目,璀璨闪亮 Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful 当韶华逝去,容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,地久天长 Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul 当一无所栖,遍体鳞伤,你是否爱我如初,地久天长 I know you will, I know you will 我深知你会,我深知你会 I know that you will 我深知你的爱经久绵长 Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful 当容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,地久天长 Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful 当容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,地久天长 Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful 当韶华逝去,容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,直到地久天长
个人分类: 单曲循环|4736 次阅读|15 个评论
LifestyleDesign---Day 10
dymseu 2014-2-24 11:13
2/23/2014 Sunday 10:00:42 PM LifestyleDesign---Day Ten Mylife in the United States Welcometo day 10! Praisethe Lord, now comes to the end of the week. It’s time to reviewing the past and meet the new challenges in the coming week. Frist priority is the To Do Lists in the coming day and week, followed by the summary of the past week. 2 Timothy 2:4 No one serving as a soldier entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please the one who enlisted him. 2:5 And also if anyone contends in the games, he is not crowned unless he contends lawfully. 2:6 The laboring farmer must be the first to partake of the fruit. 2:7 Consider what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in all things. Must Do Tasks in the Coming Week Num. To Do List Priorities Due Date Yes/No 1 Finish Structural Dynamics homework 1 Mon. 05:00pm 2 Fellowship with Br. Luke via Skype 1 Tue. 10:00am 3 Finish Soil Engineering Homework 1 Wed. 06:20pm 4 Prepare for Road Test Documents 1 Wed. 10:00pm 5 Road Test Practice at Test Center 1 Wed. 05:00pm 6 Hand in the assigned draft paper 1 Fri. 04:15pm 7 Draft the Goals to be achieved in March 1 Fri. 23:15pm 8 Finish assigned tasks in daily schedule 1 Sun. 23:30pm To Do Lists on Monday Num. To Do List Priorities Due Date Yes/No 1 Finish Structural Dynamics homework 1 Mon. 05:00pm 2 Finish assigned tasks in daily schedule 1 Mon. 23:30pm 3 Fellowship with Br. Michael 2 Mon. 10:00am 4 Print Road Test Appointment Details 2 Wed. 06:20pm 5 Road test Practice 2 Wed. 17:30pm 6 Prepare for Road Test Documents 3 Wed. 10:00pm 7 Finish 2 pages of the Draft paper 3 Fri. 04:15pm 1 Thessonians 5:23 “And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ According to 1 Thessonians 5:23 man was created God’s vessel. The Bible divides thisvessel into three parts----the spirit, the soul, and the body. I’ll summarize my past week based on these three parts. Before we go, just a little bit definitions. The Body, refers to the physical body we have, belonging to the physiological level, contacts the things in the material world. It’s the most superficial part in man’s body. Inthe past week, I’m following a self-paced physical training plan: 14 Days to100 Burpees. Up to today, I can do 75reps, within 10 minutes. By the end I’ll be doing 100 at a time. This high intensity interval training basically removes any excuse I have for not working out because I don’t have enough time.Absolutely, in the past week, I feel more energetic, my endurance was boosted,and my efficiency was also improved. In the next week, I’ll stick to it. May Lord still strengthen me, and preserve my body! So what about the soul? The Soul simply the mental faculty, is our very self, possessing self-consciousness, that we may have our personality. It falls into psychological level, contacting the things of the mental realm and is a deeper part, a medium between our spirit and our body. The past week, I revised my daily schedule, and stick to it strictly. The most challenging one is that I developed a habit of writing blog in English. Writing,in general, is part of living a successful life. It is also a form ofcommunication. Anyhow, the better one writes, the better one speaks. In last week, based on my current skill level, I routinely give 45 minutes to this process each day. Mainly focused on building the habit of writing daily and learning to think in English. Also, I tried another three foreign languages, just out of interest. Anyone can learn to speak a foreign language as long as they are willing to put the time and focus into the project. 화이팅 ! It is never too late to learn to speak a new language! The Spirit, which is the deepest part of man, belong to the spiritual level. As our inmost part, the spirit possessing God-consciousness, that we may contact God.Praise the Lord, in the past week, I experienced Lord as my Good Shepherd, and the one who changes death into life. I no longer complain about death situations around me or I am within. I just turn to Lord, open to Him in every death situation, let this Life-giving Spirit come to my spirit. I felt like I need Him day by day, moment by moment, and Love Him more and more in the past week. Thanks the Lord, He leads me through all the ups and downs. For problems of the body one may see a doctor; for problems of the mind one may visit a psychiatrist; Yet only God can solve the problems of the spirit. Only God can sanctify me wholly and can preserve my entire being, my spirit and souland body, complete, keeping it from being common or defiled. In the coming week, I should cooperate with Him in this matter, pray consistently, and stick to the Bible reading schedule, enjoy Lord Himself daily. Tips:Place for everything and everything in its place. For the rest of your days follow these four rules to keep your house in order: “If you take it out, put it back. If you open it, close it. If you throw it down,pick it up. If you take it off, hang it up. “
个人分类: My Life in the United States|1411 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Soul Kitchen is not a Soup Kitchen
热度 2 zuojun 2011-10-20 05:41
I wish I could try it there one day… http://news.yahoo.com/jon-bon-jovis-charity-restaurant-opens-us-200357606.html http://www.jbjsoulkitchen.org/
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|1526 次阅读|4 个评论
zuojun 2011-10-19 01:08
... my adopted soul food. I grew up by the West Lake. Ok, it was 3-4 bus stops away from the West Lake. My childhood was filled with rice soup for breakfast, which is something I enjoyed with my son on weekends from time to time. Then, I discovered Coach's Rolled Oats, which you can get at Costco (meaning good value/price)... Last Sunday, I felt ill. I couldn't think of having anything for dinner, not even my preferred salads from the CPK. Looking around at my much cleaned little kitchen, I re-discovered the oats. Oh, how great it tasted! It nursed me back to health. I am back!
个人分类: Simple Cooking|2754 次阅读|0 个评论
hillpig 2010-4-4 04:14
前一段时间有朋友说到心灵鸡汤四字,突然间对心灵鸡汤四字的起源产生了兴趣,这里略写小文,权作消遣。 先来传统,查查wiki,这一查,有意思: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_Soup_for_the_Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul is a series of books, usually featuring a collection of short and dense inspirational stories and motivational essays. The 101 stories in the first book of the series were compiled by motivational speakers Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen . There have been numerous volumes of Chicken Soup issued. As of January 2006, there were over 105 titles. Many of the books are directed at specific groups of people, e.g. Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul , Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul , Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul , Chicken Soup for the Volunteer's Soul , Chicken Soup for the Grandparent's Soul , Chicken Soup for the Ocean Lover's Soul , Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul , etc. The first book sold over 2 million copies and launched the series. There are now over 100 million copies in print and in 54 languages worldwide. The Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul series, consisting of over over 14 titles, is one of the first series of non-fiction books which have sold directly to teens in the US, Canada, the UK and Australia. The series has spawned a number of imitators and parodies including Chicken Soup for the Vegetarian's Soul and MTV's Beavis and Butt-Head: Chicken Soup for the Butt , as well as a line of licensed products, including greeting cards , calendars , gift products, pet food , CDs , DVDs , and nutritional supplements . A parody can also be found within the PC game A Vampyre Story ; a book titled Chicken Soup For Those Without A Soul can be found in the library. The name Chicken Soup For The Soul was chosen for this series because of the use of chicken soup as a home remedy for the sick, and therefore it was good for the body. The inspirational stories included in this series were meant to be good for the soul. From 1993 to 2008, Chicken Soup for the Soul was published by Health Communications, Inc. 原文写的很简单,就不翻译了。 原来心灵鸡汤是个舶来词,既然是由Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen写的书起头的,咱们就看看他们的书,这一查,他们写的Chicken Soup for the Soul的系列书还不少,有Chicken Soup For The Soul: 101 Stories To Open The Heart And Rekindle The Spirit: http://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Soup-Soul-Jack-Canfield/dp/1558749209/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8s=booksqid=1270324875sr=8-1 。 还有:Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stories That Restore Your Faith in Human Nature http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0091854288?ie=UTF8tag=bookeboolibr-20link_code=wqlcamp=212361creative=380601 ,还有 Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Your Dreams http://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Soup-Soul-Living-Dreams/dp/075730138X/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8s=booksqid=1270324875sr=8-3 等等,就不一一列举了。 咱就从amazon上搜出结果中的第一本书来看看:Chicken Soup For The Soul: 101 Stories To Open The Heart And Rekindle The Spirit: http://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Soup-Soul-Jack-Canfield/dp/1558749209/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8s=booksqid=1270324875sr=8-1 。 这里可以下载: http://www.filefront.com/16016859/ChickenSoupfortheSoul.pdf/ 。但是鼓励买纸质书。 今天引ON LOVE 章的第一篇: Love: The One Creative Force Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor. . . . Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting. Mother Teresa A college professor had his sociology class go into the Baltimore slums to get case histories of 200 young boys. They were asked to write an evaluation of each boy's future. In every case the students wrote, He hasn't got a chance. Twenty-five years later another sociology professor came across the earlier study. He had his students follow up on the project to see what had happened to these boys. With the exception of 20 boys who had moved away or died, the students learned that 176 of the remaining 180 had achieved more than ordinary success as lawyers, doctors and businessmen. The professor was astounded and decided to pursue the matter further. Fortunately, all the men were in the area and he was able to ask each one, How do you account for your success? In each case the reply came with feeling, 'There was a teacher. The teacher was still alive, so he sought her out and asked the old but still alert lady what magic formula she had used to pull these boys out of the slums into successful achievement. The teacher's eyes sparkled and her lips broke into a gentle smile. It's really very simple, she said. I loved those boys. Eric Butterworth 现在回想起来,当我们家贫困的时候,父母的爱让我度过了纯真而又有希望的童年。
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