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zhpd55 2010-4-5 09:01
据 Thomson Reuters2010 年4月4日公布的统计结果,中国(不含台湾地区)社会科学研究方面的论文被Web of Science数据库中的社会科学引文索引数据库(Social Sciences Citation Index database)收录的18363篇论文中,论文来源最多的前10名单位,香港7家,大陆3家。 香港中文大学名列榜首,有2863篇论文;其次是香港大学2728篇;香港理工大学名列第三,有1714篇论文被收录;香港城市大学和香港科技大学分别被收录1543和1143篇论文,而北京大学名列第6,被收录论文1053篇;中国科学院被收录946篇,香港浸会大学529篇,北京师范大学455篇,香港岭南大学343篇。详见下文: Ten Most Prolific Chinese Institutions in Social Sciences, 1999-2009 Of Chinese institutions whose researchers published papers in Thomson Reuters-indexed journals in the Social Sciences (as defined by the Web of Science Social Sciences Citation Index database) between 1999 and 2009, those below represent the 10 institutions contributing the highest percent of China's output (18,363 papers total) in this field. Some of the topics covered in the 2,863 papers published in part by the Chinese University of Hong Kong include designing cross-cultural research, international variation in the incidence of hip fractures, eating disorders among high school females in China, academic self-concept in Hong Kong schools, and ownership and control in corporations. The University of Hong Kong's highly cited papers cover such diverse topics as multicultural minds, suicide prevention strategies, information technology acceptance studies, functional MRI studies of brain activation during the processing of Chinese characters and words, modeling sustainable urban development, and healthcare professionals' acceptance of telemedicine technology. Meanwhile, among mainland institutions, Peking University has contributed papers relating to nicotine addiction, indigenous Chinese personality constructs, national character vs. mean personality traits, the prevalence of mental disorders in metropolitan China, east-west differences in psychological well-being, employee performance in China, and sex-selective abortion in rural central China. The full list of the most prolific Chinese institutions in the Social Sciences is as follows: Rank Institution Papers % of China's total papers 1 CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG香港中文大学 2863 15.59% 2 UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG香港大学 2728 14.85% 3 HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY 香港理工大学 1714 9.33% 4 CITY UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG香港城市大学 1543 8.40% 5 HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 香港理工大学 1143 6.22% 6 PEKING UNIVERSITY 北京大学 1053 5.73% 7 CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 中国科学院 946 5.15% 8 HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY 香港浸会大学 529 2.88% 9 BEIJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY 北京师范大学 455 2.47% 10 LINGNAN UNIVERSITY 香港岭南大学 343 1.86% SOURCE: Thomson Reuters Web of Science data as of 24 March 2010 (SSCI, 1999-2009, addresses containing China, original articles, reviews, and proceedings papers only.
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