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[转载]Roche cobas HPV Test: cervical cancer, FDA
genesquared 2012-11-14 09:12
cobas HPV Test – P100020 http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/DeviceApprovalsandClearances/Recently-ApprovedDevices/ucm254518.htm Product Name: cobas HPV Test PMA Applicant: Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. Address: 4300 Hacienda Drive, PO Box 9002, Pleasanton, CA 94588-0900 Approval Date: April 19, 2011 Approval Letter: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/ cdrh_docs/pdf10/p100020a.pdf What is it? The cobas HPV Test is an automated test run on the cobas 4800 system which is used to identify human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA from 14 high-risk genital HPV types that are commonly associated with cervical cancer . The test specifically identifies types HPV 16 and HPV 18 while concurrently detecting the rest of the high risk types (31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68). If test results are positive, the patient is likely infected with HPV. How does it work? DNA is isolated from a scrape of cells from a woman’s cervix and is subsequently mixed in reaction wells with primers and probes that specifically recognize and amplify HPV DNA. This reaction produces fluorescence, which is then measured to determine the presence of HPV in the cervical sample. When is it used? Test results may be used in women age 30 and over, or women age 21 and older with borderline cellular (cytology) results to determine the need for additional follow-up and diagnostic procedures. Test results should be used together with the physician’s assessment of cytology history, other risk factors, and professional guidelines. What will it accomplish? The test provides information to physicians on a patient’s risk for developing cervical cancer. Although HPV infection is very common, and usually self-resolving, if HPV DNA is present, the patient is in a higher risk category for developing cervical cancer than if HPV is not detected. When should it not be used? The cobas HPV Test is not intended: for use as a screening device for women under age 30 with normal cervical cytology. to substitute for regular cervical cytology screening. for use in determining the need for treatment of the cervix in the absence of high-grade cervical dysplasia . Patients who are HPV 16/18 positive should be monitored carefully for the development of high-grade cervical dysplasia according to current practice guidelines. The use of this test has not been evaluated for the management of women with prior treatment of the cervix, those who had a hysterectomy, or who are pregnant, or who have other risk factors (such as, HIV positive, immunocompromised, history of Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)). Additional information : Summary of Safety and Effectiveness and labeling are available online. Other Resources: CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) ASCCP - Consensus Guidelines - 2006 Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Women with Abnormal Cervical Screening Tests - - Page Last Updated: 05/06/2011
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zhangt10 2010-4-9 01:51
这几天的新闻里看到了名人的丧事,新闻里强调的是身体衰竭,又暗示看的是癌症科的。再翻了翻别处才发现原来是死于子宫颈癌。 真的对这种为故人讳的做法很不理解。 以前的博文里提到过中国女性高发年龄段的恶性HPV携带率可以高过15%,某名人算是一年13万的其中之一,有什么需要忌讳的呢? 要知道以现代中国社会的演变而言,家里”红旗不倒“的太太被丈夫传染的危险性可能不比情事丰富的“彩旗“女人小呢。 记得去年和研究传染病的女同事提到中国的子宫颈癌爆发问题,她提到的类比是英国维多利亚时代的贵族妇女。 那时贵族女性婚姻的社会要求是婚前处女。她们的价值包括了她们的被作为丈夫治疗梅毒和保证后代健康的工具。 而多年以后很多贵族女性的命运不可避免的不是因为水银中毒或神经损伤疯掉,就是在阴暗的阁楼耻辱地腐烂(我一直对贝莎,简爱前任的病例很好奇-典型的后期梅毒症状啊. 结尾也耐人寻味)。 如果社会对于子宫颈癌还是采取这么讳疾忌医的态度,那就难怪中国的宫颈抹片普及率会那么的低了。
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