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CIGR期刊章程-Bylaws of the CIGR Journal
wangyk 2010-6-7 13:10
王 应 宽 2010-06-07 Beijing, China CIGR 期刊章程(草案) Bylaws of the CIGR Journal Article 1: Name The name of this journal is The CIGR Journal (herein the Journal). Article 2: Purpose The Journal is the official, refereed, scholarly Journal of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR). The purpose of the Journal is to provide an open forum for researchers and practitioners of agricultural and biosystems engineering to exchange new and original knowledge. Manuscripts published in the Journal make new and unique empirical, theoretical and/or applied contributions to the field of agricultural and biosystems engineering. The Journal is published online. The official language of the Journal is English. Article 3: Governance 3.1 The CIGR Presidium has final authority on all matters related to the Journal. 3.2 The Journal shall be governed by a Journal Policy Board (herein the Board). The chairman of the Board shall be the CIGR President, the Editor and other members appointed by the CIGR Presidium. 3.3 The Journal shall be managed by the Editor. Final authority over the content of the Journal is retained by the Editor. The Editor receives manuscripts submitted to the Journal, assigns them to Section Editors and ensures that each article accepted for the Journal is made available online to the scientific community immediately after the review and editing process is complete and aggregated on a quarterly cycle. The Editor may enlist assistance from CIGR members to maintain the flow of the Journal. 3.4 Each CIGR Section Chair will appoint one or more Section Editors. Section Editors will ensure that: 1) a rigorous and timely manuscript peer review process takes place, including finding appropriate reviewers, and 2) the presentation of the document meets CIGR standards, including language. Article 4: Terms of Service 4.1 The terms of service of any position associated to the Journal will be two years. 4.2 Terms of service for appointed positions may be extended for up to two additional terms. 4.3 The CIGR Presidium may remove any individual associated to the journal should they fail to perform their duties. Article 5: Hosting and Security 5.1 The Journal shall be hosted at a secure site proposed by the Journal Policy Board and approved by the Presidium. 5.2 Domain names and passwords related to the web site and the journal management shall be kept by the CIGR Secretary General and cannot be changed without his/her approval. Article 6: Acceptance of Manuscripts 6.1 Submissions will be evaluated by at least two Referees who will judge the quality and appropriateness of each manuscript for publication . 6.2 Based on the recommendations of the Referees and the Section Editor, the Editor will decide to publish the manuscript as submitted, publish the manuscript with suggested revisions, or reject the manuscript for publication. 6.3 In all cases the author will be notified of the Editors decision, and in the event the manuscript is rejected, a summary of the reasons for that decision will be forwarded. Article 7: Copyright 7.1 When a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors assign world rights to the article to The CIGR Journal, for publication in any form. 7.2 Authors are free to use their articles in any work written by them, or in any collection of their own works, provided that appropriate acknowledgement is given to the Journal . 7.3 During the submission process, Authors must provide assurance that their manuscripts have not been previously published. 7.4 It is the Authors responsibility to secure copyright releases for using the work of other people, including text or images, unless this can be accomplished through proper citations. 7.5 Permission is granted for reproduction of articles from the Journal for educational purposes so long as the only charge made to the user is the cost of reproduction. T he title, names and affiliations of the authors should be clearly visible in the first page. In addition, t he following notice must appear on the first page of the reproduced materials: Copyright, ( Insert Appropriate Year Here ), by The CIGR Journal. Reproduced for educational use with the permission of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Article 8: Meetings 8.1 The Board shall meet during the CIGR Congress and the CIGR International Conference. 8.2 The Board shall meet online as needed to ensure rapid resolution of issues that fall under its purvey. 8.3 The agenda for each meeting must be sent by the chair to the members of the Board in advance to the meeting. 8.4 A Board member may in advance to the meeting request the chair to include an item in the agenda. 8.5 Quorum for any meeting shall be 51%. 8.6 Voting may take place by Proxy or by email. 8.7 Minutes of each meeting must be taken, approved and submitted to the Secretary General. Article 9: Modification to these Bylaws. 9.1 Changes to these bylaws can be proposed by any CIGR member to the Journal Policy Board. 9.2 Proposed changes to these bylaws must be submitted to the Presidium by the Journal Policy board for approval. 9.3 Amendments to these bylaws shall become effective at the end of the Presidium meeting in which they are approved.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|4480 次阅读|1 个评论
wangyk 2010-6-7 11:21
王 应 宽 2010 - 0 6 - 06 Beijing, China CIGR 期刊政策委员会第一次会议纪要 博主按: 最近因 为 工作的关系, 连续 参加了好几个网 络视频 会 议 ,会 议 大多是与美国的同行 专 家 交流,因 为时 差 的关系,大多在晚上 9 点后,或者 临 晨 4 点多开会, 这 也 是咱不辞辛 劳 参会的 见证 。 讨论 了相关的 问题 。将会 议 的 议 程 或相关情况 转 帖 于此,留此存照。此文 为 5 月 28 日召开的 CIGR 期刊政策委 员 会 第一次会 议 的 纪 要 。 CIGR Journal Policy Board M eeting Minutes Online via Skype May 28 th , 2010 In Attendance: Paulo Magalhes, Bill Stout, Wang Yingkuan (Editor), Fedro Zazueta (Chair). Absent: Daniel Berckmans, Amadou Maiga Meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM. Overview of recent developments of the CIGR Journal Charge: 1) Facilitate the business of the Journal. 2) Identify strategic directions and goals, and evaluate progress towards their attainment. 3) Protect and improve on the good name of CIGR. For this purpose, the Journal is now hosted by the Chinese associations who are funding a professionally run editorial office for a period of 5 years. Review of the Bylaws The name of the Journal shall be t he CIGR Journal, by acclamation. The official language is English, by acclamation. A print version may be considered in the future. However, this will require a business plan to ensure that the Journal remains at no cost to authors and readers. Add dates related to changes to the bylaws to the document. Remove the number of people in article 3.2, by acclamation. Clarify article 3.4 to indicate that section Editors are appointed by the technical sections, by acclamation. The Editor can recommend candidates for section editors. New article 8 is accepted by acclamation. Article 7.1 change to CIGR to to the CIGR Journal Article 7. 2 , add the authors to the credit. Strategic Planning CIGRs online strategy relies in three support services: The web page (CIGR.org), the Journal (CIGRJournal.org), and the CIGR meetings and conferences proceedings (CIGRProceedings.org). Papers submitted to proceedings may be submitted for review to the Journal after the conference. Frequency of publication, will be Q uarterly, this may be changed to Bimonthly in the future. But articles may be posted online immediately after the review process is complete and the final draft is accepted by the Editor. Chair will change bylaws to be consistent. Frequency of publication is delegated to the Editor who will keep the Board Informed. Journal format, two columns, is del e gated to the Editor. Communications with Thomson Reuters . Standards are very strict. We will focus on meeting their standards while applying to other indexing databases (Elsevier s Scopus , EI, etc.). The Editor will develop a plan to address indexing focusing on important indexing databases. Issues related to quality improvement The Editor will develop a plan for discussion that addresses numbers, competencies and training of the Section Editors. An Editorial Board is proposed by the Editor to include wide representation from the membership. This is approved by acclamation. The Editor will present a plan on how to execute this. Reformatting old papers Only papers starting from 2010 in the short term. Others may be considered in the future as workload and staff ratios permit. Submission. All the manuscripts will be submitted electronically online through the OJS . Currently cite references using Chicago S tyle, this will be maintained. Copyright Will need to study which philosophy we will subscribe to (Copyright by the author or the Journal). Board members are asked to investigate this for later discussion. Quebec Meeting Next meeting of the Board. Combine Board Meeting with Section Editor Meeting. The Chair will communicate this to the section editors. Actionable items (See details above) Chair Edit Bylaws as discussed The Editor will provide Plans as mentioned above. Board members will investigate copyright practice in societies they are associated with. Chair will communicate board meeting time to the section Editors. All Board members will send agenda items to the Chair. Meeting Adjourned at 10:25 AM.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3275 次阅读|0 个评论
wangyk 2010-4-11 12:51
王 应 宽 2010-04-11 Beijing, China CIGR 会刊落户中国启动仪式举行,王应宽博士就任主编 2010 年 4 月 7 日上午,国际农业工程学会( CIGR, http://www.cigr.org/ )会刊(下称 CIGR Ejournal, http://www.cigrjournal.org ) 落户中国的移交启动仪式在中国农业机械化研究院( CAAMS )隆重举行。这是落实 2009 年 10 月 16 日中国农业机械学会、中国农业工程学会和国际农业工程学会共同签署的 CIGR Ejournal 合作协议的重要步骤,是 CIGR Ejournal 历史上具有里程碑意义的大事。 CIGR Ejournal 编辑部新址办公室设在中国农机院的新办公楼内。移交启动仪式由 CIGR 即任主席、 CIGR Ejournal 现任主编、美国佛罗里达大学教授 Fedro Zazueta 博士、中国农业机械学会副理事长兼秘书长、中国农机院常务副院长李树君研究员和中国农业工程学会理事长、中国农业工程研究设计院院长朱明研究员共同召集,由 CIGR Ejournal 新任主编王应宽博士和中国农业机械学会( CSAM )国际部张兰芳研究员共同主持仪式。 参加仪式的中方嘉宾包括中国工程院院士、中国农业机械学会和中国农业工程学会名誉理事长汪懋华教授, CIGR 第一技术分会秘书、中国农业大学教授黄冠华博士, CIGR 第二技术分会理事、中国农业大学教授李保明博士,中国农业机械学会副秘书长刘瑞雯研究员、张振新研究员,中国农业机械学会国际部赵小鹏部长,中国农业工程学会秦京光秘书长、管小冬常务副秘书长、《农业工程学报》常务副主编魏秀菊研究员等。此外, CIGR Ejournal 编辑部全体工作人员也参加了启动仪式。 通过网络视频会议参加此次启动仪式的国际嘉宾有: CIGR 即任主席、 CIGR Ejournal 现任主编 Fedro Zazueta 教授, CIGR 名誉主席、 CIGR Ejournal 创始人及前任主编 Bill Stout 教授, CIGR 常务理事会成员、佛罗里达州立大学教授辛建农博士,美国农业部研究中心( USDA-ARS )研究员和得克萨斯农工大学兼职教授兰玉彬博士等。 启动仪式分为两部分,第一部分是通过国际视频会议举行的 CIGR Ejournal 移交仪式, 第二部分为 CIGR Ejournal 落户中国、编辑部新址办公室的揭牌仪式。视频会议中, Fedro Zazueta 教授首先致辞,他对 CIGR Ejournal 落户中国表达了衷心的祝贺,对所有参与会刊移交筹备工作的中国专家和学者们表示衷心的感谢,他祝愿会刊在中国同事们的共同努力下越办越好。随后汪懋华院士在他热情洋溢讲话中特别指出: CIGR Ejournal 落户中国标志着中国农业工程界在国际农业工程学术界的地位再次得到显著提升。会刊创始人 Bill Stout 教授回顾了会刊的创办初衷及近年来的发展历程,特别感谢中国农业机械化科学研究院和李树君博士为推进 CIGR Ejournal 的发展所给予的道德及资金方面的支持,同时表示要尽会刊顾问之责,协助新任主编王应宽博士工作,积极发挥作用,与中国同事一道为将 CIGR Ejournal 办成世界一流期刊而努力。 中国农业机械学会副理事长、中国农机院常务副院长李树君和中国农业工程学会理事长朱明分别代表两个学会致辞。李树君副理事长在致辞中,总结了近几年中方在积极申办 CIGR Ejournal 过程中所做的大量工作,详细规划了会刊落户中国之后的发展目标,他从全球科技合作一体化的高度阐述了承办 CIGR Ejournal ,以此为平台和桥梁推动我国农业工程领域科学家参与国际学术交流、更快走向世界的重要性。李树君副理事长在致辞中介绍了中国农机院为 CIGR Ejournal 提供的诸多支持,包括无偿提供了编辑部的办公场所、配备了先进齐备的办公设施、拨付了一百万元 RMB 的启动资金、选派和招聘了编辑部的工作人员等,同时郑重承诺中国农机院将为 CIGR Ejournal 编辑部提供一流的配套服务。朱明研究员代表中国农业工程学会致辞,感谢 CIGR 主席团和国际友人对中国的信任、支持和友谊,热烈祝贺和欢迎 CIGR 会刊落户中国!朱明院长表示,随着中国科技和经济的发展,中国农业工程将在国际农业工程中发挥更重要的作用, CIGR 与中国合作共同推进学科和技术的发展,将会使各方面收益,因此,建立 CIGR 与中国的战略合作伙伴关系是多赢的举措。最后,朱明院长代表中国农业工程学会表示,将全力支持办好国际英文刊 CIGR Ejournal 。 新任主编王应宽博士发表了 CIGR Ejournal 会刊改进和完善的十大设想,就如何将会刊办成国际一流刊物进行了具体而系统的规划设计。中国农业机械学会国际部张兰芳研究员代表 CIGR Ejournal 编辑部将前期各项准备工作进行了全面系统的介绍。 CIGR 现任主席 Soren Pedersen 教授因故未能出席,他发来亲笔签名贺信,委托 CIGR 即任主席 Fedro Zazueta 教授代表 CIGR 主席团和他本人宣读致辞,郑重宣布 CIGR Ejournal 编辑工作正式移交中国。 视频会议结束后,所有与会代表参加了在中国农机院二楼举办的 CIGR Ejournal 编辑部办公室揭牌仪式。中国农业机械学会副理事长、中国农机院常务副院长李树君研究员及中国农业工程学会理事长朱明研究员共同为 CIGR Ejournal 编辑部办公室揭匾,中国工程院院士、中国农业机械学会和中国农业工程学会名誉理事长汪懋华教授与 CIGR 会刊新任主编王应宽博士共同为会刊主编室揭牌,摄像及摄影都将这一难忘时刻记录了下来。随着现场响起的热烈掌声,移交启动仪式顺利结束, CIGR Ejournal 在发展历程中翻开了新的一页, CIGR Ejournal 来到了中国,期待在中国和世界农业工程界专家的共同努力下, CIGR 会刊将在这块农业大国的沃土上不断发展壮大。仪式结束后,中国农机院在胜利饭店设午宴,共同庆祝 CIGR 会刊落户中国。 资料链接: 国际农业工程学会 (http://www.cigr.org/) 1930 年创建于欧洲比利时。原名为法语 Commission Internationale du Genie Rural ,英文名称为 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING , CIGR 系法语名称的首字母缩写。现更名为世界农业与生物系统工程学会( INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING ),设有 7 个专业技术分会。目前有近一百个国家或机构会员,是农业工程界最大的国际学术团体,如同农业工程界的联合国。国际农业与生物系统工程学会世界大会( CIGR ),每四年举办一届,是世界农业工程领域最重要、影响最广的国际会议。第 17 届世界农业与生物工程学会世界大会即将于 2010 年 6 月 13-17 日在加拿大魁北克召开。中国 1988 年加入世界农业工程学会成为国家会员(中国农业工程学会和中国机械学会组成联合体代表中国农业工程界),近年来一直积极参加由世界农业工程学会举办的各种学术活动,联系日益紧密,合作范围日益扩大。在 2004 年成功承办 CIGR 学术年会的基础上,还将承办 2014 年的 CIGR 第 18 届世界大会。 CIGR 电子会刊创办于 1999 年。此次,国际农业与生物工程学的会刊 CIGR Ejournal (http://www.cigrjournal.org/) 落户中国,由中国农业工程学会和中国农业机械学会联合承办,由王应宽博士担任主编,将进一步加强中国与国际农业工程界的交流与合作。 相关报道: 1 国际农业工程学会会刊落户中国移交启动仪式成功举行 . http://www2.caams.org.cn/njPublic/showNews.asp?id=1545classid=1ND_Flag=1 2 国际农业工程学会会刊落户中国移交启动仪式成功举行 . http://www.agro-csam.org/News/article.asp?id=1440classid=3 . 3 国际农业工程学会会刊落户中国 . http://www.cast.org.cn/n35081/n35548/n38680/11880563.html . 4 国际农业工程学会会刊落户中国移交启动仪式成功举行 . http://intl.cast.org.cn/NewsDetails.aspx?Newsid=62 .
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|6349 次阅读|5 个评论

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