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热度 6 wangxh 2014-3-28 22:45
这都什么事儿?韩国人移交中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸!怎么感觉这么滑稽呢! 我们要回志愿军烈士遗骸干嘛呀?在哪儿晾着吗?位于沈阳的抗美援朝烈士陵园的英雄们已经很少有人光顾了(俺上大学时班级组织去过的)。 如果仍然在异国他乡,烈士们还能感觉到“为祖国”贡献了自己生命与青春,如果“回国”了,基本上默默无闻了……即使位于祖国心脏的心脏的心脏的人民英雄纪念碑又有多少人为了缅怀先烈的丰功伟绩而光顾呢?我们天天骂小鬼子去靖国神社拜鬼,可我们自己呢?又有多少领导干部去参拜我们的神呢? 当地时间3月28日上午7时30分,中韩双方在韩国仁川国际机场,举行在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸交接仪式。中方交接在韩志愿军烈士遗骸代表团团长、民政部优抚安置局局长邹铭与韩方代表、韩国国防部军备控制次长文尚均准将现场签署了交接书,确认交接437具志愿军烈士遗骸以及相关遗物,随后中方为烈士遗骸覆盖国旗,并举行了简短祭奠仪式,烈士遗骸由中方礼兵护送登上运送遗骸专机。专机将于28日上午飞抵沈阳。(人民网发) 引自 http://www.32bk.com/bktuku/junshi/2014-03-28/26661.html
3782 次阅读|10 个评论
wangyk 2010-4-15 02:28
Address at Inaugural Ceremony of CIGR E-Journal Handover to China By Prof. Wang Maohua, Honorary President of CSAE and CSAM, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) April 7, 2010 Beijing Dear Distinguished Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR E-Journal, Prof.Fedro Zazueta, Dear Honorary president of CIGR, Prof. Bill Stout, Dear colleagues of CIGR, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very happy to meet so many friends of our CIGR community here for the inaugural ceremony of CIGR E-Journal handover to China . This is a significant landmark in further promotion of the cooperation between CIGR and Chinese agricultural engineering federation. 21 years before in 1989, the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (CSAM) and the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE) were joined as a Chinese Federation of CSAM and CSAE to represent agricultural engineering professional community in China to become a national member of CIGR. Since then, the academic exchange and friendship between Chinese agricultural engineers and colleagues of worldwide agricultural and biological societies have become more and more close link with good cooperation development. In the past 80 years, the CIGR have played a great role in consolidation of worldwide agricultural engineering communities to promote knowledge and experience transfer and contribute to change the conventional agriculture into modern food production system with advanced engineering and management technologies in the world. Some Chinese Scholars have actively involved in CIGR leadership and sessions in promotion of academic activities. In 2004, the CIGR International Conference with the theme of The Olympics of Agricultural Engineering was successfully held in Beijing . I would like to express my sincere thanks to all former and active CIGR leadership, all our friends for their great trust, friendship and cooperation. The CIGR E-Journal Handover to China from today will be much helpful for Chinese federation of CSAM and CSAE to learn more experience for CIGR activities. Here I would like to thank the former president of CIGR, Prof. Bill Stout, for his initiation to propose the CIGR E-Journal Handover to China and to extend CIGR E-Journal editorial experience to Chinese Editorial group in many years. I believe that the editorial board and both the CSAM and CSAE will do best efforts to make the EJournal even great success and continuous getting support and guidance from all of you! I believe the CIGR E-Journal will provide good services to CIGR community in the future! The cooperation of Chinese Federation of CSAM CSAE with CIGR is a multi-win-win strategy. In the past, we all benefited a lot from our successful cooperation. In the future, we will write a new chapter in the further even successful cooperation. Great thanks to CIGR Leaders have made the decision that the 18th CIGR World Congress in 2014 will be held in Beijing , China . We will do our best to co-sponsor this important event. Chinese Agricultural and biological engineering community will maintain a close relationship and cooperation with CIGR and establish a strategic cooperative partnership among CIGR, CSAM and CSAE. The world become flat, the fast advances of information and communication technology will change our working and life pattern and will have chance to use the new technologies to create a harmonious world. Thank you.
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Bill Stout教授致辞-Address at Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Ejournal Handover to Chi
wangyk 2010-4-15 02:22
王 应 宽 2010-04-14 Beijing, China Address at Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Ejournal Handover to China Address by Dr Bill Stout CIGR Honorary President Former CIGR Ejournal Editor-in-Chief Good morning to my dear friends and colleagues in China! Good evening to others! I am honored to be invited to participate in this video conference to inaugurate the CIGR Ejournal operations in China. As many of you know, I have been associated with the Ejournal since the original concept was born. It was in August, 1998. I was in Oslo, Norway visiting with CIGR Honorary President, Prof. Egil Berge. We were discussing the need for CIGR to host a means for dispersing technical information to its members in some 95 countries and others interested in agricultural engineering technology around the world. The idea of some kind of international journal emerged. But how? Paper journals are expensive, far beyond the financial resources of CIGR. We talked about the possibility of an electronic journal which has many advantages over paper journals and is much less expensive. I went home and talked with my Texas AM colleagues. They were enthusiastic about the idea and Dr George Sabbagh stepped forward and volunteered to serve as the first Editor-in-Chief. I should also acknowledge the dedicated service of two other Editors-in-Chief---Dr Rosana Moreira and Dr Lingjuan Wang. All these Editors served admirably for several years. The first year, 1999, we published only 7 technical articles and 2 invited overviews. The number of submissions and published articles grew every single year during the first 10 years that I was involved. By the end of 2009 we had published 484 peer reviewed original research papers and 115 invited overviews with authors from 57 countries. All this was done with no cost to authors or readers. But as the Ejournal continued to grow in numbers and quality it became apparent that the workload of processing the submissions was outgrowing the capability of a volunteer Editor-in-Chief to handle. Dr Fedro Zazueta, IT Specialist at the University of Florida (and Incoming President of CIGR) stepped forward and proposed that the Ejournal adopt the Open Journal System, an automated technical journal management system. Everyone agreed so Dr Zazueta was appointed as Editor-in-Chief last year and starting with Volume XI, 2010, the OJS was used. And submissions continued to increase substantially---196 last year. China proposed to host the Ejounal some time ago. Prof. Li Shujun will give details in his address later in this program. That leads us to today---the inauguration of Dr Yingkuan Wang as the Editor-in-Chief under the sponsorship of CSAE and CSAM. Finally, I want to recognize CAAMS and its President, Dr Li Shujun for the moral and financial support for the Ejournal. Details will be given in other presentations. The future of the CIGR Ejournal is bright. It is serving a critical need by providing technical information for both developing countries and industrial countries around the world. It continues to strive for higher quality and is well on its way to becoming as good as any of the best journals in the field of agricultural and biological engineering. I wish the new Editor-in-Chief, Dr Yingkuan Wang and all his colleagues well as they undertake this important assignment. And I look forward to continuing to work as their advisor and supporter. Thank you.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3781 次阅读|0 个评论
CIGR主席Soren Pedersen宣布CIGR会刊落户中国-Formal Announceme
wangyk 2010-4-15 01:59
CIGR主席Soren Pedersen宣布CIGR会刊落户中国-Formal Announcement INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING (CIGR) President 2009-2010 Sren Pedersen Aarhus University 6 April 2010 Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Ejournal Handover to China Formal Announcement CIGR have over the past two years invested large efforts in moving the CIGR Ejournal into a higher and more automated level of operation. The Journal is in an online management system with a well established review and documentation process by Professor Fedro Zazueta, who has been acting as Editor-in-Chief since Professor Bill Stout retired as Editor-in-Chief of the Ejournal. In the meantime comprehensive negotiations were carried out between the Chinese Ag. Eng. Societies, CSAM and CSAE and CIGR on the appointment of a Chinese Editor-in-Chief for the next years. On October 16 2009 a Co-operation Agreement between The Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (CSAM) and The Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE) and The International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering was signed at CSAM. This Co-operation Agreement is subject to the bylaws of the journal Agricultural Engineering International. By this formal announcement CIGR would like to welcome this co-operation with CSAM, CSAE and the new Editor-in-Chief Wang Yingkuan, who is an experienced and formally trained editor. I wish you a pleasant video conference on the Inauguration Ceremony on April 7 2010 and looks forward to a fruitful co-operation for the years to come. Best regards ________________________________________________________ Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Biosystems Engineering. Mail address: Soeren Pedersen, Birketoften 1, DK- 8700 Horsens, Denmark Mobil: 45 2548 7761, Private: 45 7561 3047, Email: soeren.pedersen@agrsci.dk CIGR Formal Announcement
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3845 次阅读|0 个评论

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