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smallland 2015-9-1 14:59
高跟鞋能突出女性化特征,这个问题我在《丑陋的孔雀》中讲过。最近看了一个帖子,一直在强调其与女性化的视觉关系,但没说什么是女性化。 幼体时,男女步态差不多。老年之后,也差不多。也就是说,女性化与年龄有强烈的关系。这倒自然,雌性激素的分泌在生殖期最突出。所以,高跟鞋突出女性化特征,就是突出强调穿着高跟鞋能是女性看起来更年轻,看起来更接近于生殖高峰的年龄,比如20多岁。 其他装束或化妆所强调的女性化,也是类似的功能,即,年轻。比如口红,唇红齿白,是年轻女性的特征,中老年妇女涂一下,也是超这个方向努力。 因为人类幼体发育特征和雌性生殖期的限制,在这方面的性选择已经“过度”,就像孔雀尾巴的夸张,针对幼体雌性的犯罪屡屡发生(法律终于没有了嫖宿幼女罪),这在别的动物是不多见的。即使成年雌性,也已童颜巨乳为荣。童颜,就是幼体的脸。--那么,口红其实是强调了幼体化特征,论嘴唇的红润,成年是比不过幼体的。 再回到高跟鞋。像口红一样,一旦开始,不管多痛苦,女性就会坚持下来。有人用电子技术处理并对照女子穿和不穿高跟鞋走路的,只看几个点,雄性就能判断哪个更有吸引力。这吸引力就是突出胯部的扭动,步幅减小。扭动的效果,其实也同时突出了腰部分明。能看出腰在哪里,也至少说明还没到妊娠的晚期吧。 总之,在讨论人类女性化时,其实常常是在讨论年龄。另一个方面,同时,当然是雌性区别于雄性的特征。
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热度 15 qpzeng 2014-6-17 07:11
把肥胖解释为单纯由能量摄入失衡引起不足以说明人们对饮食及生活方式的不同响应范围,而生理学及解剖学变异可能与肥胖现象有关。 澳大利亚阿德莱德大学的研究人员近日在PLoS One发表文章,破天荒地提出了一个男人肥胖预示“女性化”的假说,即男人肥胖现象是因为体内雌激素过多而引起的。 作者提到,来自贫困家庭的女孩比她兄弟都要胖,而富裕家庭却不出现这种情况,这说明雌激素对脂肪积累有很大影响,不管其经济条件有多差。 在西方发达国家,男女肥胖率大致相当,而贫困国家的肥胖则是女多于男。作者发现,女性对男性的肥胖比例与日常用品总数成反比,由此得出结论:发达国家男女肥胖人数相等甚至胖男多于胖女是因为男性接触环境中雌激素类物质的结果。 这种环境中的雌激素类物质即“外源雌激素”(xenoestrogen)主要来自豆制品(异黄酮)及聚氯乙烯塑料,而西方国家尤其是美国的豆制品消耗量极大。作者指出, 雌 激素之所以能增加体重,是因为它们能抑制甲状腺的功能,同时还能控制下丘脑的运作。 这个假说的主体针对的是西方男人,但东方男人的情况应与此类似。理由是:西方男人的“女性化”已使精子数量大幅度降低,而东方男人精子锐减的现象不是也很常见吗? 我认为,这项研究结论虽然被“谦虚”地冠以假说,但还是由相当丰富和完整的数据得 来 的,只是尚未通过实验加以证实。 不过,下面的研究结果似乎支持本文的结论,只是对雌激素来源的解释不同。 这 篇报道( Obesity may influence heart function through sex hormones )这么说:睾酮(一种雄激素)可以通过芳香酶转变成雌二醇(一种雌激素),其活性在肥胖者中增强,使得雌二醇升高,而睾酮降低 。 你认为这个研究结论靠谱吗?如果回答是肯定的,男人就少吃豆腐、少喝豆浆吧!如果你觉得是无稽之谈,那就照吃不误! 我不妨照此发挥一下:小伙子想变胖,多吃豆腐;个性暴躁的“胡须男”要让性格变得柔和一点,多吃豆腐!再进一步推论,大姑娘太瘦,怎么吃也不胖,那是雌激素分泌不够,也要多吃豆腐!哈哈,信不信由你! 以下是原文的题目和摘要: The Estrogen Hypothesis of Obesity The explanation of obesity as a simple result of positive energy balance fails to account for the scope of variable responses to diets and lifestyles. It is postulated that individual physiological and anatomical variation may be responsible for developing obesity. Girls in poor families develop greater adiposity than their male siblings, a trend not present in richer environments. This indicates strong influence of estrogen on fat accumulation irrespective of poor socioeconomic conditions. Obesity rates in males and females of developed nations are similar, while in poorer nations obesity is much more prevalent in females. Female to male ratio of obesity correlates inversely with gross domestic product. Therefore, the parity of male and female obesity in developed countries may result from male exposure to environmental estrogen-like substances associated with affluence. These hormonally driven mechanisms may be equally active within both sexes in more developed areas, thereby increasing overall obesity. 以下是Science Daily的相关报道: Are female hormones playing a key role in obesity epidemic? Date: June 13, 2014 Source: University of Adelaide Summary: An imbalance of female sex hormones among men in Western nations may be contributing to high levels of male obesity, according to new research. Scientists suggest that obesity among Western men could be linked with exposure to substances containing the female sex hormone estrogen -- substances that are more often found in affluent societies, such as soy products and plastics. In some Western nations, male obesity is greater than female obesity. While poor diet is no doubt to blame, we believe there is more to it than simply a high caloric intake, Mr Grantham says. Credit: © bahrialtay / Fotolia An imbalance of female sex hormones among men in Western nations may be contributing to high levels of male obesity, according to new research from the University of Adelaide. In a paper published in the online journal PLOS ONE , researchers from the University's School of Medical Sciences suggest that obesity among Western men could be linked with exposure to substances containing the female sex hormone estrogen -- substances that are more often found in affluent societies, such as soy products and plastics. The research was conducted by University of Adelaide medical student James Grantham and co-authored by Professor Maciej Henneberg, Wood Jones Professor of Anthropological and Comparative Anatomy. Mr Grantham compared obesity rates among men and women from around the world with measures such as Gross Domestic Product to determine the impact of affluence on obesity. He found that while it was normal for women in the developing world to have significantly greater levels of obesity than men, the developed world offers quite a different picture. Hormonally driven weight gain occurs more significantly in females than in males, and this is very clear when we look at the rates of obesity in the developing world, Mr Grantham says. However, in the Western world, such as in the United States, Europe and Australia, the rates of obesity between men and women are much closer. In some Western nations, male obesity is greater than female obesity. While poor diet is no doubt to blame, we believe there is more to it than simply a high caloric intake, Mr Grantham says. Professor Henneberg says: Exposure to estrogen is known to cause weight gain, primarily through thyroid inhibition and modulation of the hypothalamus. Soy products contain xenoestrogens, and we are concerned that in societies with a high dietary saturation of soy, such as the United States, this could be working to 'feminize' the males. This would allow men in those communities to artificially imitate the female pattern of weight gain. Another well-established source of xenoestrogen is polyvinyl chloride, known as PVC. This product is in prominent use in most wealthy countries, from plastic medical devices to piping for our water supplies. Professor Henneberg says micro-evolutionary changes may be occurring within Western societies that could also be leading to changes in testosterone and estrogen in men. This would certainly explain the various concerns about sperm count reductions among men in developed nations, he says. Professor Henneberg and Mr Grantham say further research is needed to better understand whether or not environmental factors are leading to a feminization of men in the Western world. Story Source: The above story is based on materials provided by University of Adelaide . Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. Journal Reference : James P. Grantham, Maciej Henneberg. The Estrogen Hypothesis of Obesity . PLoS ONE , 2014; 9 (6): e99776 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099776
个人分类: 健康生活|9659 次阅读|24 个评论
sheep021 2010-8-11 10:05
病从口入。 北京广东湖南洛阳郑州等地均出现性早熟婴儿。把圣元奶粉推上风口浪尖,但有问题的仅仅是圣元吗?诚如卫生部官方所讲:性早熟原因复杂,再说了,人为加入雌性激素也需要成本,奶粉厂家为何要这么做呢? 好一个原因复杂,奶粉里的雌性激素为啥只能是奶粉厂家添加的呢,为何不是从源头就被添加的呢? 圣元涉嫌修改奶源地信息 官网宣传与年报不同 多地曝性早熟婴儿 卫生部不提圣元奶粉 北京广东湖南洛阳郑州等地均出现性早熟婴儿。卫生部发布会期间,除一家媒体外,无论是记者还是新闻发言人,都很少提到圣元两个字,取而代之的是某品牌。 北京性早熟女婴今出检查结果 前天,北京有家长反映,家中一岁大的女婴小英在良乡医院被诊断为性早熟,已喝圣元奶粉半个月。昨天凌晨4点,小英被带到北京儿童医院做相关检查,今天将出结果 多位专家表示成本高可能影响雌激素检测 应慎喝散装奶 内蒙古自治区赤峰市一小男孩因长期饮用散装奶,出现了乳房发育等女性特征。日前他在赤峰市医院查出了病因:长期喝散装牛奶导致小男孩身体内雌性激素分泌相对过剩。 据赤峰市医院内分泌科主任马玉琢介绍,这种小男孩女性化病例,他在近一两年之中已经接诊了20例左右。   最初,在接诊这种病例时,通过多种医疗检测手段进行检查,什么毛病也查不出。这让医生们颇感奇怪:在没有其他药物促发、也没有其他诱因的情况下,怎么会出现这种反常呢?后来经详细询问当事人的生活史时发现,这些小男孩的问题出在食谱上,喝牛奶导致营养过剩,于是身体发胖,同时 喝散装牛奶促使部分男孩子身上出现乳房发育等特征 。   另外, 现实生活中还有一些小女孩因为喝散装牛奶导致性早熟,月经期提前了一至两年,只不过是家长没有注意而已。 马玉琢介绍说,一些出售散装牛奶的养殖户为了让奶牛多产奶,给奶牛喂食添加了某种刺激雌性激素分泌成分的饲料。这样,由于奶牛体内雌性激素分泌相对过剩,奶牛的产奶量增加。居民经常喝这种散装牛奶,就会导致人体内雌性激素分泌相对偏高。 广东4名宝宝性早熟 平时都喝圣元奶粉
个人分类: 生活点滴|1084 次阅读|8 个评论
andyco 2010-4-16 13:22
今天上凤凰网教育频道,不经意间看到这样一个有意思的调查:你认为近年中国男孩存在哪些现象需要被关注?先看看截止2010年4月16日12:50来自凤凰网教育频道的投票结果截图。 看完之后,投票结果多少让我这大男孩有些许尴尬与哭笑不得 姑且不论这问卷设计得是否合理(实际上,问卷设计有结果导向型的嫌疑,个人觉得),也不论这投票结果有多少可信性,这些投选出的结果的确都不同程度上反映了当前新生代男孩们的各项特征,无论你注意与否。如果你已婚且已有爱子,请注意下他身上是否有这些特征呢?如果你仍是在校的学生,请留心下你身边的男性同学 尤其是网友投票结果名列第一的1.变娘了,女性化越来越严重,我深有感触,身边就碰到过不少这样的例子。 任何现象背后都隐藏着各种诱因。世上也不存在无因之果。这原因,聪明而又睿智的你,能想到哪些呢? 教育?抑或大众传媒?又或是这本身就是一种社会进化的正常现象?难道是我Out了? 附凤凰网原调查链接:http://survey.news.ifeng.com/result.php?surveyId=5326
个人分类: 文化&教育|3293 次阅读|2 个评论

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