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wangyk 2011-11-23 20:47
王应宽 Wang Yingkuan Beijing, China November 23, 2011 海外华人农业、生物与食品工程师协会主席汪宁博士、 候任主席盛祝平博士访问我院 应中国农业工程学会理事长朱明院长的邀请,回国参加学术交流的海外华人农业、生物与食品工程师协会( AOCABFE )主席、美国俄克拉荷马州立大学副教授汪宁博士,新当选的 AOCABFE 下任主席、德克萨斯农工大学副教授盛祝平博士于 11 月 9 日访问我院。朱明院长在七楼贵宾室会见了来访客人。朱明理事长通报了中国农业工程学会 (CSAE) 刚在重庆西南大学成功召开的 CSAE2011 学术年会的盛况,介绍了邀请美国农业与生物工程师学会( ASABE )主席 SoniaJacobsen ,执行总监 DarrinDrollinger 应邀参加年会交流以及就中美农工学会开展学术交流、建设标准与注册工程师体系引进和科技项目合作等所进行的一系列会谈和取得的成果,下一步将开展一些实质性的合作。朱明理事长希望 AOC 肩负起沟通 ASABE 与 CSAE 之间的桥梁,充分调动 AOC 的专家资源,在开展中美农业科技学术交流与合作方面发挥更大作用,做出更大成绩。信息中心副主任、《国际农业与生物工程学报》( IJABE )执行主编王应宽博士简要汇报了国际英文刊 IJABE 近年取得的成绩和面临的困难。大家一致认为, IJABE 近年来发展很快,取得了显著成绩,要以争取被《工程索引》 (EiCompendex) 为突破口,争取更好更快的发展。 IJABE 是 CSAE 与 AOC 长期合作的重要项目, AOC 的两位主席都表示,将会尽全力支持办好期刊。王应宽担任 AOC 执委兼中国区负责人,最近又被增补为中国农业工程学会国际交流工作委员会副主任。王博士表示,将发挥有利条件和自身优势,积极加强与 ASABE , AOC , CSAE 三方的沟通与合作,为办好期刊、开展中美学术交流和科技合作多做工作。我院科技处副处长徐哲参加了会谈。 Group photo with Prof. Ning Wang from OSU and Zhuping Sheng from TAMU Prof. Zhu Ming met with AOC President Dr. Ning Wang and AOC President-elect Dr. Zhupingsheng Zhu Good exchange during meeting at CAAE
个人分类: 学术交流|5072 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 wangyk 2011-10-30 15:50
王应宽 Wang Yingkuan Beijing, China October 30, 2011 中美农工学会国际交流与合作论坛纪要 时间: 2011 年 10 月 23 日上午 9 : 15 —— 12 : 00 地点: 重庆 西南大学科研楼会议室 参加人员: 美国农业与生物工程师学会 (ASABE) 主席 Sonia Jacobsen 女士, ASABE 执行总监 Darrin Drollinger 先生,中国农业工程学会 (CSAE) 理事长、农业部规划设计研究院院长朱明研究员, CSAE 常务副理事长罗锡文院士, CSAE 名誉理事长汪懋华院士, CSAE 副理事长、西北农林科技大学副校长吴普特教授, CSAE 副理事长、国土资源部土地整理中心副主任郧文聚研究员, CSAE 常务理事华南农业大学区颖刚教授,中国农业大学李洪文、李保明教授, CSAE 秘书长秦京光,农业部规划设计研究院信息中心副主任、 CSAE 国际交流工作委员会副主任、国际英文刊主编王应宽, CSAE 常务理事、农业工程学报常务副主编魏秀菊、 CSAE 秘书处武耘、学报编辑曾勰婷。 主要讨论议题: 中美农业工程学会加强交流与合作的具体方式、机制、重点内容和方法步骤等。会议由 CSAE 理事长朱明主持,王应宽博士担任翻译。 主要内容: 1 介绍参会人员。王应宽博士介绍了中美两个学会的参会人员。 2 朱明理事长概要介绍了中国农业工程学会的历史发展和基本情况。 3 朱明理事长阐述了中国农业工程学会希望与美方 ASABE 开展交流与合作的可能领域: 1 )如何进一步扩大深化两会的学术交流 相互组织参加对方相关的学术交流和年会; 合作主办共同感兴趣专题的综合性学术交流会议; 学术刊物的交换和推广; 网站的相互链接。 2 )如何引进、转化或采用 ASABE 的相关标准,包括技术标准与建设标准,标准框架与体系,重点标准领域,合作方式等。 3 )如何开展有效的技术合作(合作研发、成果转化、转移):重点领域,方式与途径。 4 )如何推进共同信息平台建设 如基础信息 - 专家库、项目库和成果库; 合作信息 - 寻求项目合作、成果转化推广、交流信息——论文,研究进展等。 4 与会领导和专家意见和建议 1 )中美两国农业工程学会面临良好的合作发展机遇,建议两个学会指定战略合作专家,研究形成中美开展合作的战略报告,然后签署推行,开展战略合作。应建立有效机制,促进长期合作。因为学会领导层人员变动频繁,希望以协议或制度确定合作框架,以便继任者继续推进。 2 )建议中美两个学会合作机制化,每次会谈后形成的纪要需要编号备忘,便于查找追溯。 3 )由于相互了解不够深入,尚达不到提出具体问题开展合作的程度,因此,一方面,还需要加强“小同行”专家层面的沟通;另一方面,积极思考,寻求合作的切入点。 4 )为了深入开展实质性交流与合作,建议针对国家、各省的重大项目需要,提出问题,开展实质性交流与合作;各省针对各省的具体情况和需要提出需要合作交流的议题和引进、合作的关键技术,如玉米收获机械、甘蔗收获机械、水稻机械、棉花收获机械等;还可以动员学会各专业委员会和各省分会提出热点问题开展深入的交流与合作。 5 )建立中美两国学会会员信息平台,包括会员在研项目,以便双方会员了解,在了解的基础上,可以相互参加对方在研项目,以便加强实质性合作。 6 )为加强中美两个学会在学术会议方面的合作,鉴于 ASABE 年会上有“ Chinese Session ”讨论与中国农业工程有关的问题,为两会合作一个很实际的起点,建议考虑在 CSAE 年会上也设一个“ International Session ”,请 ASABE 参与来讨论国际农业工程中大家感兴趣的一些问题。 7 )希望中美两国学会为年轻人提供学习交流与合作机会,两个学会分别指定一人作为联系人,同时中国农业工程学会各专业委员会确定联系人与美国学会的相关领域联系人进行对接。 8 )确定会议合作机制,如每两年举行一次国际年会,两会联合主办,在中美轮流承办,会议名称考虑为 “ 中美农业工程国际研讨会 ” 或 “ 亚太农业工程国际研讨会 ” 。 9 )寻求双方企业赞助,争取每年送 10 人以上的博士生、访问学者到对方访问、学习,开展项目合作; 10 )除了高新尖技术合作,还可以针对中国近几年所需技术,利用美国成熟技术与经验,鼓励美国学者将相关技术在中国进行转化与应用。 中美农工学会交流合作重庆会谈 论坛一角 博主担任会议全程翻译
个人分类: 学术交流|3807 次阅读|1 个评论
Introduction to ASABE and Cooperation between ASABE and CSAE
wangyk 2011-10-20 11:47
王应宽 Wang Yingkuan Beijing, China October 20, 2011 Introduction to ASABE and Cooperation between ASABE and CSAE Darrin Drollinger, ASABE Executive Director / 戴林 . 卓灵杰 , ASABE 执行总监 Jacobsen Sonia , ASABE President / 杰克布森 . 索妮娅 , ASABE 主席 Jacobsen and Drollinger presentation outline The numbers correspond to the slide in the PowerPoint file. 序号与幻灯片的序号对应 DROLLINGER to speak 1. Thank you for inviting us to share information about the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Introduce both Ms. Jacobsen and Mr. Drollinger. 2. ASABE recently launched a new website and much of the structure of this presentation comes from the webpages. 3. The Society was founded in 1907 as the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. A founding leader and first president of the Society was J.B. Davidson, a professor at Iowa State University. 4. The founding meeting took place in Madison, Wisconsin. The first staff member was Raymond Olney. 5. The Society headquarters are in St. Joseph, Michigan, about 75 miles northeast of Chicago. Darrin lives near the office and Sonia lives in Minnesota. 6. The headquarters building is the center of activity for the Society and was built in 1969. 1 感谢邀请我们来参会与大家交流分享美国农业与生物工程师学会 (ASABE) 的相关信息。 介绍杰克布森女士和卓林杰先生。 2 ASABE 最近设计了新的网站,本报告的大部分结构内容来自这个新的网站。 3 ASABE 创建于 1907 年,最初名叫 “ 美国农业工程师学会( ASAE ) ” 。学会的创立者和首任主席是衣阿华州立大学的戴维森教授。 4 ASAE 的成立大会在威斯康辛州的麦迪逊召开。学会的第一位专职员工是雷蒙德 . 奥尔尼。 5 ASABE 的总部设在密歇根州的圣约瑟,在芝加哥东北面 75 英里处。戴林住在 ASABE 总部附近,索妮雅住在明尼苏达州。 6 学会总部的办公楼舍建于 1969 年,是学会活动的中心。 7. The Society traces its origin to the mechanization of agriculture. We are eager to discuss sharing this well documented progress to benefit the Chinese. ASABE recognizes historical landmarks and a major milestone for harvesting was the McCormick Reaper. This is the fourth ASABE historic landmark dedicated in 1972. 8. The 25 th historic landmark dedicated in 1990 recognizes the importance of studying soil compaction criteria. Historically, farm tillage tools were designed without scientific knowledge of how tools work the soil thus not working properly from one soil type to the next. 9. The 57 th historic landmark dedicated in 2011 recognizes the United States Department of Agriculture Small Watershed Program. Since 1948, over 11,000 dams and associated conservation practices in more than 2000 watersheds have been part of this program. These projects have improved the quality of life and the environment in rural communities by protecting people’s lives and property, conserving soil and water resources, reducing flooding, providing economic development, recreation and improving wildlife habitats. 10. A few statistics about ASABE. As of December 31, 2010 the Society had 8211 members, of which 1035 were students and 7176 were practicing professionals. More than 100 members living in China and many more who live outside China. 7 学会的缘起归因于农业的机械化。我们渴望探讨将这些经实践证明的进步与大家分享,让中国的同行受益。 ASABE 确认了一些技术革新的历史里程碑,在收获技术方面的一个重要里程碑就是麦科密克收获机。这是 ASABE 于 1972 年确认的第四个里程碑式进步。 8 ASABE 于 1990 年确认的第 25 个里程碑是研究土壤压实标准。根据历史事实,农业耕作工具没有根据农具如何在土壤里工作的科学知识来设计,因此也就不能在不同类型的土壤中很好的工作。 9 ASABE 2011 年认证的第 55 个里程碑是美国农业部的小流域项目。自 1948 年该项目实施开始,累计在 2000 多个小流域修建了 11000 多个水坝,并进行了一系列相关的水土保持实践。这些项目提升了农村社区的生活品质,改善了环境,保护了人民的生命财产,保护了水土资源,减少了洪涝灾害,改善了野生动物栖息地,提供了休闲娱乐的场所,促进了经济的发展。 10 这张片子是关于 ASABE 的一些统计数据。截至 2010 年 12 月 31 日, ASABE 共有会员 8211 名,其中从业专家会员 7176 名,学生会员 1035 名。来自中国的会员大约 100 名,其他都不居住在中国。 11. ASABE has members in 100 countries. The largest group is in the United States, followed by Canada. We are pleased to say we have many (number?) members in China. We have seen a steady increase in non-U.S. and non-Canadian members over the last 10 years. We attribute it to electronic communication and delivery of benefits and services. The introduction of reduced-dues membership categories for developing nations has also brought in new members. 12. The largest technical interest area is Power and Machinery with 31 percent of the members followed by Soil and Water. 13. My staff is led by 5 directors. And now I ask ASABE President Ms. Jacobsen to speak. 11 ASABE 的会员来自 100 多个国家。会员最多的国家是美国,其次是加拿大。我们很高兴中国有我们很多会员。在过去十年里,我们很高兴的看到非美国和非加拿大的会员人数一直在增长。我们把这个归因于采用电子途径交流和传递利益和服务。对发展中国家降低会员费也吸引了一些新的会员。 12 最感兴趣的技术领域是动力与机械,该领域的会员占总数的 31% ,期次是水土领域。 13 我们 ASABE 包括 5 个部门:会议部、出版部、会员发展部、公共事务部、技术标准部,职员分别由 5 个主任领导。接下来,有请杰克布森作报告。 JACOBSEN to speak 14. Before I became president, I worked with the Board of Trustees of the Society to discuss what we wanted to focus on while I am president. The result can be summarized as 3 letters –E – I- O. 15. The first letter, E, stands for Expertise. This is a focus on the fact that ASABE has talented members with a wide range of knowledge and skills. 16. We have experts in biofuels, ecological engineering, animal housing design, agricultural equipment design and manufacture, bioprocessing, food engineering, to mention a few. We want to focus on this strength of the Society and expand it by making it more visible to those inside and outside the Society. 17. That leads to the second letter, I. I stands for Image . ASABE is a relatively small professional society, so the way to increase our visibility is to tell the world through words and actions that we are really good at what we do. Agricultural and biological engineers have the expertise to solve challenges the world is facing today. 14 担任 ASABE 主席之前,我与学会董事会一起工作,讨论当我担任主席之后我们应该重点着眼于哪些方面。我将思考的结果总结为 3 个字母: E—— I—— O 。 15 第一个字母 E ( Expertise ),代表专门知识或技能。这是我们的重点,因为 ASABE 拥有各种知识和技能的有才干的会员。 16 我们拥有生物燃料、生态工程、畜禽舍设计、农业装备设计与制造、生物加工、食品工程等领域的专家,在此仅仅例举一些。我们希望聚焦于学会这方面的优势,并通过扩大在学会内外的显示度使之更强势。 17 那就导致了我们说的第 2 个字母 I, 代表形象( Image )。 ASABE 是一个规模相对较小的专业学术团体,因此增加显示度的方法就是用我们的语言和行动告诉世界我们真正擅长于我们所从事的职业。农业与生物工程师拥有解决世界所面临挑战的知识和技能。 18. Bill Clinton stated this when he addressed our centennial meeting in Minneapolis in 2007: We live in exciting times for engineers to meet the challenges for food, fiber, and fuel. The next 50 years are an “engineer’s dream” for the complex challenges that lie ahead. 19. All of this involves Outreach . It means telling our story and showing what we can do. 20. We want young people to hear about our discipline so they choose to study biological and agricultural engineering at a university. We want politicians to learn about ASABE so they come to us for answers when faced with national issues in our fields of expertise. Our communities need to know we exist and what skills we can offer. It is the responsibility of each one of us! 18 美国前总统比尔 . 克林顿 2007 年在明尼阿波利斯参加学会百周年会议演讲时如是说:对于工程师来说,为解决食物、纤维和燃料所面临的挑战,我们正生活在一个令人激动的时代。后 50 年是一个工程师的梦想,有机会为应对复杂挑战大显身手。 19 所有这些都涉及拓展延伸 (Outreach) 。意思就是讲我们的故事,向世界展示我们能做什么。 20 我们想让年轻人了解我们的学科,以便他们能选择在大学里学习农业与生物工程专业。我们想让政治家了解我们的学会 ASABE ,以便当他们面临我们技术领域的全国性问题时来向我们求助寻找答案。我们的社区也需要知道我们的存在以及我们能提供什么专业技能。这是我们每个人的责任! 21. We will address these focus areas through use of ASABE’s organizational structure, which includes four councils. 22. ASABE offers members and society many publications such as the Transaction and Resource magazine. The Technical Library is a wonderful member benefit, which offers resource information on engineering. ASABE is pleased with the cooperative sharing of publication information with CSAE and looks forward to expanding these efforts. 23. The Membership Department offers services to student, young professional, mid-career and retired members. It provides support for Section or geographic membership groups as well as career placement and advancement services. 21 我们将通过学会的组织结构来从事我们所聚焦的重点领域, ASABE 包括 4 个委员会:出版、会议、会员、标准。 22 ASABE 为会员和社会提供很多出版物,包括美国农业与生物工程师学会会刊和资源杂志。 ASABE 的技术图书馆是一个非常好的会员利益,提供很多工程方面的资源信息。 ASABE 非常乐意与中国农业工程学会合作共享出版物信息,并期待加强这方面的努力。 23 学会的会员发展委员会为学生会员、年轻专业会员、中等职业人员会员和退休会员提供服务。既为专业领域会员,也为不同地域分布的会员群体提供职业定位和提升服务支持。 24. The Meetings Council plans all the events and conferences of the Society. These include specialty events and the main Annual International Meeting such as next year’s in Dallas, Texas on July 29-August 1, 2012. 25. The Standards Department publishes all the technical standards and engineering practices for the Society. ASABE’s standards program is accredited by the American National Standards Institute or ANSI and we also serve as the U.S. Technical Advisory Group Administrator for a number of ISO committees and one IEC committee. We see significant opportunity to expand our cooperative relationship with CSAE in the standards area. 26. Dr. Wang asked us to address licensure as professional engineers and how it is achieved in the United States. It has three components: Education, Experience and Examination. 24 会议委员会规划学会所有的活动和会议。这些包括专题活动和主要的年度国际会议,例如下一年的 7 月 29 日至 8 月 1 日德克萨斯州的达拉斯召开的国际学术会议。 25 标准委员会为学会发布出版所有的技术标准和工程实践规范。 ASABE 的标准项目受到美国国家标准学会的认可,我们还担任美国技术咨询群组管理员,负责几个国际标准化组织( ISO )的委员会和一个国际电工技术委员会 IEC 所属的委员会。我们看到在标准领域与中国农业工程学会有加强合作的重要机遇。 26 王应宽博士要求我们介绍职业工程师认证体系,以及在美国如何获得资格认证。该体系由三部分组成:教育、经验和考试( 3 个 E )。 27. A professional engineer must have a bachelors degree and most states require that it come from an ABET accredited university. Transcripts from universities outside the United States are evaluated by NCEES to determine possible equivalency. 28. Experience is the second part of licensure. Each engineer must work at least four years learning from an experienced, licensed engineer. 27 职业工程师必须拥有本科学位,大多数州要求是从美国工程与技术认证委员会( Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) )认可的大学获得的学位。从美国以外的大学获得的成绩单需要提交 “ 全国工程与测量考试委员会 ”(NCEES) 评估以确定其可能的同等性(同等学力)。 28 经验是获得资格认证的第二个要件。每位工程师必须向有富有经验并获得职业资格认证的工程师至少学习工作 4 年(才有资格参加考试)。 29. The examination portion of the licensure process is composed of two examinations. Both are administered by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES). The Fundamentals of Engineering exam is taken by many students when they are in their last year of college. It covers many subjects that they studied while at the university. 30. This slide shows some of the subjects covered by the FE exam. The test is an 8 hour examination. During the four hours in the morning everyone answers the same questions. 31. In the afternoon, each candidate selects a module that is in the area of engineering which they have studied and in which they intend to practice as an engineer. 29 职业工程师资格认证过程的考试部分包括两部分。两部分考试均由 “ 全国工程与测量考试委员会 ”(NCEES) 组织实施。 大多数学生在大学最后一年(大四)时参加工程基础知识考试,考试内容涉及他们在大学学习的很多主题。 30 这张片子显示工程基础考试涵盖的主题,如电磁学、流体力学、化学、静力学、动力学、材料力学、工程经济学、计算机、数学、热力学、概率统计学、伦理学等。这是一个 8 小时的考试,在上午的 4 个小时内,所有的考生都参加相同的考试回答相同的问题。 31 下午的考试中,每个考生选择一个他所学习的工程领域的一个模块,也是他将来要担任工程师从事的领域。每个模块包括 60 个问题,如化学、土木工程、电气工程、环境工程、工业工程、机械工程等。 32. The second part of the examination is the professional engineering examination. This is taken in the discipline in which the engineer is working. Some states have a residency requirement that an engineer must be living in that state at the time they take the exam. Some states do not have this requirement, including Washington, California, Oregon and Minnesota. These states are more accustomed to having engineers from the Pacific Rim or Canada come to take the exam and practice in their states. 33. The Agricultural Professional Engineering exam is written by ASABE members. It is offered once a year in October. Like other PE exams, it has 80 multiple choice questions. A study guide is available on the ASABE website. Webinars are held in the weeks prior to the exam to help candidates study for the exam. The webinars are archived on the ASABE website and can be viewed by members at any time to review the material. 34. Please enjoy these photos from the 2011 Annual International Meeting of ASABE in Louisville, Kentucky when we were honored to welcome a large delegation from CSAE for discussions on cooperation between the two Societies. You will see many familiar faces. 32 第二部分考试是职业工程考试。 考试内容在工程师所从事工作的学科领域。有些州还有居住属地年限的要求,即要求应考工程师参加考试的时候必须是居住在该州的。有些州,如华盛顿州、加利福尼亚州、俄勒冈州、明尼苏达州就没有居住年限的要求。这些州经常接收环太平洋地区或加拿大的工程师在各自属地进行工程实践而来此参加考试。 33 农业职业工程师考试的考试题由 ASABE 的会员出题。每年考试一次,定在 10 月份。与其他的职业工程师考试类似,包括 80 个多项选择题。在 ASABE 的网站上可以找到学习指南。在考试前的几周提供网络在线研讨会以帮助应试者针对考试而学习。在线研讨会的材料仓储在 ASABE 的网站,会员可以随时学习浏览,还可以查阅复习以前的资料。 34 请欣赏以下在肯塔基路易斯维尔召开的 2011ASABE 学会年会期间拍摄的照片,我们很荣幸的欢迎来自中国农业工程学会的参会代表团。这是两个学会洽谈合作的照片。你们可以看到很多熟悉的面孔。 35. Photo 36. Photo 37. The discipline of agricultural and biological engineering will be stronger when we work together on projects that benefit our communities, our nations, and the world. We believe CSAE and ASABE can be good partners to improve agriculture in the world. Thank you for allowing us to join your meeting. 38. Questions? 37 当我们齐心协力致力于开展让我们的社区、我们的国家和全世界都受益的科学研究与项目实践时, 农业与生物工程学科将更加强大。 我们相信,中国农业工程学会和美国农业与生物工程师学会可以成为促进全世界农业发展的良好伙伴!再次感谢允许我们来此参加你们的会议。 38 有人提问吗?
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[转载]ASABE Introductory and Congratulatory Address at CSAE2011
wangyk 2011-10-20 11:41
王应宽 Wang Yingkuan Beijing, China October 20, 2011 ASABE Introductory and Congratulatory Address at the Opening Ceremony of CSAE 2011 Darrin Drollinger , ASABE Executive Director Good morning. We are deeply honored to join you here at the CSAE Bi-annual meeting. Based on the program and quality of speakers, this promises to be an excellent meeting and networking opportunity. I am Darrin Drollinger, Executive Director with the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers or ASABE. I have had the pleasure to travel to China several times in the past; however, this is my first trip to the intriguing city of Chongqing. I am looking forward to learning more about this great city as well as gaining a deeper understanding and impression of agriculture in China. I am joined by the elected ASABE President and ask that she provide introductory remarks at this time. Sonia Jacobsen , ASABE President Thank you, Darrin. I am Sonia Maassel Jacobsen. I began to serve as ASABE President in August 2011. It is my privilege to be here with Darrin representing ASABE. Later in the program, we will be giving an overview of who we are and potential areas for expanded cooperation. The United States and China are both large nations seeking to provide food, fiber, and fuel within our borders and beyond. As world population grows, so does the challenge. Collaborative research between the Chinese and Americans can use the best of both cultures to devise innovative solutions to meet a range of economic, environmental, and social needs. ASABE was delighted to welcome about 50 professors and researchers from China to the annual international meeting of ASABE in Louisville, Kentucky, in August 2011. We are grateful to the efforts of Dr. Wang Yingkuan who organized th e CSAE delegation with 34 members to Kentucky , and grateful to CSAE President and CAAE President Prof. Zhu Ming who led the delegation. Other k ey leaders attending the meeting included honorary president Prof. Wang Maohua China Agricultural University, who is an Academic member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; CSAE standing vice president Prof. Luo Xiwen, who is an Academic member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and on the faculty at the South China Agricultural University; Prof. Li Pingping, CSAE Vice President and vice chair of the CSAE delegation to Kentucky, and vice President of Nanjing Forestry University; and CSAE Section Chair of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering, Distinguished Yangtze Scholar, also vice chair of the CSAE delegation to Kentucky, Prof . Kang Shaozhong from China Agricultural University, and so on . It was an honor to have these distinguished individuals come to Louisville to attend the ASABE meeting. The conference provided a unique way for Chinese, American, and Canadian engineers to come together to share ideas that will benefit agricultural industries and education. ASABE and CSAE have a well-established history of working together in the publications area and we are excited to grow this relationship. We see potential for expanded partnership in areas such as publications and technical journals, sharing proven technologies --which have been well documented by ASABE, standards collaboration, student competitions, meetings and education, and exchange of information on professional engineer licensure. This past summer, ASABE was pleased to participate in the 10 th anniversary meeting of the Association of Overseas Chinese Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers or AOC meeting in Louisville, KY. Dr. Ning Wang was elected president and this is especially exciting for me, since I am the first female president in ASABE’s 104 year history. It is noteworthy to point out that Ning is already the third female to serve as president of AOC. Ning is the daughter of Prof. Wang Maohua. Prof. Luo Xiwen, Prof. Zhu Ming , Dr. Wang Yingkuan, and the entire Chinese delegation to Louisville for the ASABE meeting exemplified the mutual desire of ASABE and CSAE to increase cooperation between China and the United States in the area of agricultural engineering and production of food, fiber and fuel. In closing, ASABE would like to thank you again for inviting our participation in the CSAE Biennial meeting. We look forward to increasing the already well established and excellent relationship which exists between our two organizations. We wish much success on the meeting and related discussions. We congratulate you on providing this excellent forum for discussion of ideas and the exchange of information. Thank you . Drollinger and Jacobsen – present congratulatory letter to Conference Chair or CSAE President or group of leaders SJ 10/17/2011
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wangyk 2011-10-20 11:37
王应宽 Wang Yingkuan Beijing, China October 20, 2011 ASABE Introductory and Congratulatory Address at the Opening Ceremony of CSAE 2011 美国农业与生物工程师学会在中国农业工程学会 2011 学术年会 (CSAE2011) 开幕式上的介绍与祝贺致词 Darrin Drollinger, ASABE Executive Director 戴林 . 卓灵杰 , ASABE 执行总监 早上好!我是 戴林 . 卓灵杰,美国农业与生物工程师学会的执行总监。应邀参加中国农业工程师学会学术年会,我们深感荣幸!因为有精心安排的会议议程和高水平的演讲专家,这将是一次非常出色的会议和极好的联络交流机会。我很高兴过去来过中国几次,但这是我第一次来到迷人的重庆!我非常期待更多的了解这座美丽的城市,也希望借此机会更深入的了解中国的农业。我参加了 ASABE 主席的致词,让我们邀请 ASABE 主席索妮娅给大家作介绍性致辞。 Jacobsen Sonia , ASABE President 杰克布森 . 索妮娅 , ASABE 主席 谢谢您,戴林。 我是索妮娅 . 马塞尔 . 杰克布森。我从 2011 年 8 月开始担任 ASABE 主席。我很荣幸与戴林一起代表 ASABE 在这里致词。在后面的议程中,我们将向大家介绍 ASABE 的情况与扩大合作的潜在领域。 美国与中国是两个大国,都在本国内和超越国界的寻求获得提供足够的食物、纤维和燃料。随着世界人口的增长,挑战也日益增大。中美两国科研人员的合作研究可以充分利用两种文化探索出创新的解决方法,以满足经济、环境和社会需求。 ASABE 很高兴的欢迎了来自中国的 50 多位专家学者参加了 8 月份在美国肯塔基州路易斯维尔召开的 ASABE 2011 学术年会。我们非常感谢王应宽博士为组织中国农业工程参会代表团所付出的努力,感谢 CSAE 理事长朱明率领代表团参会! 参加 2011 ASABE 学术年会的主要中国专家领导还包括: CSAE 名誉理事长、中国工程院院士、中国农业大学教授汪懋华, CSAE 常务副理事长、中国工程院院士、华南农业大学教授罗锡文, CSAE 副理事长、南京林业大学副校长、 CSAE 赴美参会代表团副团长李萍萍, CSAE 水土专业委员会主任、 CSAE 赴美参会代表团副团长、长江学者、中国农业大学教授康绍忠等。有这么多来自中国的著名专家到路易斯维尔参加我们 ASABE 的学术年会是我们的荣耀! ASABE 2011 年会也提供了独特的平台,供中国、美国、加拿大工程师们聚在一起交流分享有益于农业产业与教育发展的思想与观念。 ASABE 与 CSAE 过去在出版领域已经建立起了合作关系,我们很高兴继续培育这种关系。我们看到在诸多领域扩大合作的可能性,诸如科技期刊及其他出版物的编辑出版,共享经 ASABE 验证可行的成熟技术,技术标准合作,学生竞赛,学术会议与教育,信息交流,职业工程师认证等等。 刚过去的夏天, ASABE 很高兴在肯塔基州的路易斯维尔市参加了海外华人农业、生物与食品工程师协会(简称 AOC )成立十周年学术庆典大会。汪宁博士当选了 AOC 主席,这令我非常激动,因为我是 ASABE 104 年历史上的第一位女主席。值得一提的是,汪宁已经是 AOC 历史上的第三位女主席了。汪宁是汪懋华院士的女儿,出自书香门第。朱明理事长、罗锡文院士、王应宽博士以及整个中国代表团到路易斯维尔参加 ASABE 会议表明两会共同的愿望——加强中美在农业工程与食品、纤维和燃料生产领域的交流与合作。 最后, ASABE 再次感谢你们邀请我们来参加 CSAE 的学术年会。我们期待提升我们两个学会之间业已建立起来的良好合作关系。我们祝愿本次大会和相关的研讨会圆满成功!热烈祝贺你们为大家提供了砥砺思想和交流信息的极好论坛! 谢谢大家! Drollinger and Jacobsen – present congratulatory letter to Conference Chair or CSAE President or group of leaders SJ 10/18/2011 (翻译整理:王应宽)
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wangyk 2011-10-20 11:34
王应宽 Wang Yingkuan Beijing, China October 20, 2011 International Commission of Agricultural and Biological Engineering(CIGR) Congratulations and Best Wishes to CSAE Dr Bill Stout, Past and Honorary President CIGR Nihau! Good Morning! Presidents Zhu Ming, Luo Xiwen, Wang Maohua, distinguished guests, and all the participants here today. Speaking as a Past President of CIGR, it is my pleasure and honor to bring you greetings from current CIGR President Dr Fedro Zazueta and Incoming President Dr Dawen Sun. They join me in offering their congratulations and wishing CSAE a productive and successful conference. As you all know, CSAE and CSAM are the official Chinese members of CIGR. We value your great contribution to CIGR and to the agricultural engineering profession around the world. CIGR now has about 95 country members. China is one of the leading members. Remember in 2004 when CSAE and CSAM hosted the very successful International CIGR Conference in Beijing attended by about 1000 Agricultural Engineers from China and around the world. In 2010, the CIGR Journal moved to China and Dr Wang Yingkuan became the Editor-in-Chief. In June, 2010, a delegation of about 80 Chinese agricultural engineers participated in the 17th CIGR World Congress held in Quebec, Canada. Currently, the CIGR Technical and Executive Boards include seven Chinese representatives. I invite you to visit the CIGR website at www.CIGR.org for all the details. And last, but not least, you are all invited to participate in the 18th CIGR World Congress to be held three years for now, September 16-19, 2014 in Beijing. See you there! Once again, congratulations and best wishes to CSAE for a successful conference here in Chongqing the next three days. I look forward to participating with you. 国际农业与生物工程学会对 中国农业工程学会的祝贺与祝福 比尔 . 斯道特博士, CIGR 前主席、名誉主席 (中文翻译:王应宽) 你好!早上好!尊敬的理事长朱明、罗锡文、汪懋华先生,各位嘉宾和所有的参会代表, 作为国际农业与生物工程学会的前任主席在此发言,我很高兴也很荣幸把 CIGR 现任主席费卓 . 萨斯韦塔博士和候任主席孙大文博士的问候与祝福带给大家!他们加入我一起热烈祝贺和衷心祝愿中国农业工程学会召开一次成功的和富有成效的大会! 众所周知,中国农业工程学会和中国农业机械学会是国际农业工程学会正式的中国国家会员。我们很重视中国对 CIGR 和全世界农业工程行业的贡献。 CIGR 现有 95 个国家会员。中国是最重要的领导成员之一。可曾记得,中国农业工程学会和中国农业机械学会联合在北京举办了一次非常成功的 CIGR 国际学术会议,吸引了来自中国和世界各地的 1000 多名农业工程专家与会。 2010 年初,国际农业与生物工程学会会刊 CIGR Journal 迁入中国,王应宽博士就任主编。 2010 年 6 月,大约有 80 位中国代表参加了在加拿大魁北克召开的 CIGR 第 17 次世界大会,其中中国农业工程学会组织了 44 人的代表团参会。目前,在国际农业与生物工程学会的执委会和专业技术委员会中,有 7 位中国专家担任委员,占有 8 个职位。我请大家访问 CIGR 的官方网站 www.CIGR.org 了解更多详情。 最后,但也同等重要的是,诚挚邀请和热烈欢迎大家参加即将于 2014 年 9 月 16-19 日在北京召开的 CIGR 第 18 届世界大会。届时北京见! 再次热烈祝贺和良好祝愿中国农业工程学会在接下来 3 天里在重庆举办一次成功的大会!我热切的期盼融入到你们之中。
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wangyk 2011-10-20 11:13
王应宽 Wang Yingkuan Beijing, China October 20, 2011 中国农业工程学会2011年学术年会即将于重庆召开 中国农业工程学会2011年学术年会即将于2011年10月21-24日在重庆西南大学召开。此次会议邀请了美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、印度、韩国、希腊等国和农业工程国际学术组织的领导和专家代表十余位外宾参会。本次会议将有600多位农业工程界的专家代表参会。因为本人热衷于国际交流,此前与各位国际友人交往甚密,被安排了一大堆翻译和接待任务。明天将陪同美国农业与生物工程学会的主席和执行总监赴重庆开会,直到27日返回北京,一直担任外宾团的全程陪同。下面发一些关于会议的消息,后面的博文将发布专家的开幕式致辞和本人的中文翻译。先睹为快。 中国农业工程学会 2011 年学术年会 开幕式发言和翻译工作安排 2011.10.22 10 10 月 22 日 上午 8 : 30-9 : 45 开幕式 朱明理事长致开幕词 请王应宽将发言稿翻译成英文 重庆市领导致辞 请陈建将发言稿翻译成英文 中国科协领导致辞 请王应宽将发言稿翻译成英文 农业部领导致辞 请王应宽将发言稿翻译成英文 国际农业工程协会代表致辞 请王应宽将发言稿翻译成中文 美国 ASABE 主席致辞 请王应宽将发言稿翻译成中文 澳大利亚农业工程协会主席致辞 请王应宽 ( 陈建 ) 将发言稿翻译成中文 西南大学领导致辞 请陈建将发言稿翻译成英文 9 : 45-10 : 15 照相、茶歇 10 : 15-12 : 00 大会报告(安排 3 人,每人 35 分钟) 汪懋华院士 请李莉将 PPT 翻译成英文 蒋亦元院士 请王应宽(婉拒)将 PPT 翻译成英文 美国 ASABE 执行主席 请王应宽将 PPT 翻译成中文 中午 12 : 15-1 : 30 午餐 下午 1 : 30-3 : 35 大会报告(安排 5 人,每人 25 分钟) 重庆市农机化办主任 请陈建将 PPT 翻译成英文 Nikolaos Sigrimis (希腊) 请李莉将 PPT 翻译成中文 Bill Stout (美国) 请王应宽(推辞)将 PPT 翻译成中文 张强(加拿大) 请张强同时准备中文 PPT 稿 赵春江 请赵春江同时准备英文 PPT 稿 3 : 35 -4 : 05 茶歇 4 : 05-6 : 10 大会报告(安排 5 人,每人 25 分钟) 张百良 请张百良同时准备英文 PPT 稿 李延斌 请李延斌同时准备中文 PPT 稿 Sun-ok Chung (郑先钰)(韩国) 请李民赞将 PPT 翻译成中文 Vilsa M. Salokhe (印度) 请区颖刚将 PPT 翻译成中文 康绍忠 6 : 30-8 : 30 宴会
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wangyk 2011-8-4 18:27
王应宽 2011-08-04 北京 C S AE 祝贺 AOC 成立十周年 的贺信 海外华人农业、生物与食品工程师协会 (AOC) 并兰玉彬主席: 值此海外华人农业、生物与食品工程师协会成立十周年之际,我谨代表中国农业工程学会近万名会员向您并通过您向贵协会全体会员表示热烈祝贺! 海外华人农业、生物系统与食品工程师协会( AOCABFE ) 是一个以北美从事科研与高等教育的华人教授和知名专家为主要会员的学术组织 。自成立以来,一直致力于 加强中国和世界华人农业、生物与食品工程领域的交流与合作,促进中国有关领域的跨越式发展。 多年来,协会积极与 世界农业工程 学 会 、 亚洲农业工程学会 、美国农业与生物工程师学会和中国农业工程学会等密切合作, 组织多次大型学术活动, 取得了令人瞩目的成就,产生了广泛而深远的影响,赢得了中国和世界农业工程同行的钦佩与赞誉。 中国农业工程学会是中国科学技术协会所属的全国一级学会 , 是国际农业工程学会( CIGR )的国家会员。中国农业工程学会现有 24 个分支机构,设有学术交流、国际交流、科学普及、咨询及青年科技 5 个工作委员会;农业机械化 与装备工程 、农业水土工程、设施园艺工程 、 畜牧工程、农村能源工程、农产品加工与贮藏工程、土地利用工程、电 气信息与自动化工程 、农村建筑与环境工程、农业系统工程、农业遥感、农业工程经济与管理、、田间育种试验机械化、农业工程情报信息、山区资源综合开发利用、特种水产工程、蓖麻经济技术、《农业工程学报》编辑委员会等 19 个专业委员会、分会,拥有近万名会员。全国有 23 个省、自治区、直辖市设立了农业工程学会。 AOC 与 CSAE 在合作办刊中建立起了良好关系和深厚友谊。特别是在合作创办英文刊《国际农业与生物工程学报》 (IJABE) 过程中,团结和带领大家,共同支持学术性公益事业。中国农业工程学会一直与贵 协会 保持着密切的联系,在精准农业、农业智能装备、生物能源、遥感信息技术等诸多领域开展了广泛学术交流,还促成了一些国际合作协议的签订。十年来,我们亲如兄弟,相互支持,密切协作,不但在促进中美农业工程教育、学术交流与学科发展方面成绩卓然,也在相互的人员交流和项目合作中 建立 了深厚的友谊。今后我们将一如既往地与贵会紧密合作,携手并肩,共同为推进世界农业与生物工程科技创新和学术繁荣做出更大的贡献! 今后 5 至 10 年,将是中国现代农业大建设时期,也将是中国农业工程科技大发展时期,各种科技要素将向中国聚集。近年来, CSAE 与 AOC 联合办刊、 AAAE 秘书处迁往中国、国际农业工程学会会刊由中国承办、 2014 年世界农业工程大会 将 在中国召开、多位中国农业工程专家在农业工程国际组织担任要职等等都表明了这样一种趋势。向发达国家学习借鉴先进农业工程科技和向发展中国家传播适用农业工程技术的双重性,决定着中国农业工程的特殊地位和作用,加上中国自身地域的广阔性、生产方式的多样性和社会经济发展的阶段性等特点,中国必将成为国际农业工程学科发展和科技创新最活跃、最丰富、最集中的地区。中国农业工程科技的发展正吸引着世界的目光,国际农业工程的中心正在向中国转移。 AOC 作为海外华人农业与生物工程的学术组织,具有专家学者专业覆盖面广、权威性强、影响力大、国际化程度高、信息渠道畅通等特点。在新的历史时期, AOC 将更加成为中国开展农业工程科技国际交流与合作的重要力量。期待 AOC 与 CSAE 建立更加密切的合作关系,不断拓宽合作领域、提高合作水平、拓展发展空间,实现优势互补、互利共赢、共同发展! 中国农业工程学会 朱明 理事长 二〇一一年八月三日 CSAE祝贺AOC成立十周年的贺信.pdf
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Prof. Zhu Ming's Address at Inaugural Ceremony of CIGR Ejoiurnal Handover to Chi
wangyk 2010-4-18 01:19
Address at Inaugural Ceremony of CIGR Ejoiurnal Handover to China By Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CSAE, President of CAAE Dear Mr. Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR E-Journal Prof. Fedro Zazueta, Prof Wang Maohua, Prof Li Shujun, other CIGR Officials and Members, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: Good Morning and good evening! Its great pleasure to meet so many friends and guests here. Its a great honor to be standing here today to witness the inaugural ceremony of CIGR Ejournal handover to China . I am excited and feel privileged to address this ceremony meeting. First, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to CIGR Presidium and our foreign friends. Thank you for your trust and support, so we can operate the CIGR Ejournal in China . Second, I would like to congratulate the CIGR Ejournal and its editorial team for this smooth handover. We warmly welcome CIGR Ejournal to China ! CIGR Ejournal finds a good home to live. China will soon reach the intellectual world through CIGR platform by connecting international experts. China s agricultural engineering will be booming together with the prosperity of CIGR Ejournal. Therefore, maintaining a strategic cooperative partnership between CIGR and CSAE/CSAM is a win-win policy. Its good for all. Third, I am sure we can make CIGR Ejournal successful. CSAE and CSAM are both leading scholarly societies in China , even in Asia and in the world. CAAMS and CAAE are also the leading research academies in China . These two strongest societies and academies in China join hands as cosponsor to operate the journal. Our joint efforts will surely accelerate the development of CIGR Ejournal. Dr. Wang Yingkuan from CSAE is well qualified and completely competent for the new editor-in-chief. As the President of CAAE and CSAE, I assure you that our academy will give full support to run this journal. We will conduct close cooperation with CSAM and CIGR to promote the journal. I wish CIGR Ejournal a great success in China and worldwide ! Thank you.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3598 次阅读|0 个评论
Prof Li Shujun's Address at CIGR Journal Handover Ceremony
wangyk 2010-4-18 01:16
Address at CIGR Journal Handover Ceremony By Prof. Li Shujun Executive President of CAAMS, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Member of Executive Board of CIGR Dear Prof. Fedro Zazueta, Prof. Bill Stout, Prof. Wang Maohua, Prof. Zhu Ming, Dear CIGR colleagues on line and those present, Good morning and good evening! I feel very excited to attend the Handover Ceremony of the CIGR Ejournal to China today and also pleased to meet all of you at the Video Conference. Thanks to Prof. Pedersen, Prof. Fedro and the other members of the CIGR Presidium for giving China the opportunity to operate the CIGR Ejournal. Since the CIGR 2004 International Conference was held in Beijing , more and more Chinese agricultural engineering scientists have been actively involved in the CIGR academic activities and have been playing positive roles in promoting CIGR worldwide. From 2007, we have been seeking the opportunity and studying the possibilities for China to host the CIGR Ejournal. After consultation and discussion between the CIGR Presidium and China many times in the past few years, the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering and CIGR reached an agreement on the sponsorship of the CIGR Ejournal and the three parties signed the agreement on October 16, 2009 in the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS) in Beijing. That was a big step forward for the CIGR Ejournal to come to China . After the agreement was signed, Chinese representatives of CSAM and CSAE actively worked on the preparations. CSAM and CAAMS established a team to be responsible for the implementation of the agreement on the CIGR Ejournal. In order to guarantee the smooth operation of the Editorial Office, CAAMS provided 1 million RMB Yuan as the launching fund. Now two rooms for the Editorial Office of the CIGR Ejournal are ready, they are right here in this building on the second floor, equipped with internet connection facilities, computers, printers, fax machines, 4 lines of telephones as well as the furniture. Later after this video conference, we will have another ceremony, to unveil the nameplates of the Editorial Office and the Editor-in-Chief Office. We plan to record that ceremony and show it to CIGR leaders and colleagues during the 17 th World Congress of CIGR in Quebec . Apart from the facilities, five staff of the CIGR Ejournal Editorial Office have been selected and employed. The incoming Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Wang Yingkuan from CSAE has been recommended and selected by both China and CIGR due to his outstanding professional qualifications. I also want to express appreciation to Prof. Bill Stout for his accepting our invitation to serve as the advisor to the CIGR Ejournal. His rich experiences and professional guidance will help ensure the quality and the international practice of the CIGR Ejournal. For the purpose of making the CIGR Ejournal into a world influential journal and entering the world famous indexing databases of EI and SCI, we will work hard to do a better job in many respects. First of all, operation of the CIGR Ejournal should follow the agreement signed by the three parties on October 16, 2009 in Beijing and the Bylaws document drafted by the CIGR Presidium. The following steps will be taken to ensure publication of high quality papers: Rely on the CIGR section chairs and editors to ensure high quality. Make the best use of the talented people both in China and abroad and utilize all of their knowledge and intelligence. Upgrade the professional level of the Editorial Office staff by continued technical training. I know Dr, Wang Yingkuan, the incoming Editor-in-Chief of the CIGR Ejournal has a detailed business plan to implement these steps. As the host of the CIGR Ejournal, CAAMS will be glad to provide whatever is needed by the CIGR Editorial Office and will be happy to offer the best support service. CAAMS will also invite the universities and research institutes in China to make contributions to the CIGR Ejournal. I have no doubt that with the common efforts of all the related parties under the guidance of the CIGR Presidium and the leadership of the Editor-in-Chief, the CIGR Ejournal can be made into a first-class international journal equal to the best journals in the agricultural/biological engineering area. Thank you!
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3738 次阅读|0 个评论

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