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xuyue 2017-10-18 23:29
Live Samples: Raising Standards for Accuracy in Research 活体实验:精准科研的最新标志! In vivo sample testing is one of the most important aspects of research in life sciences. The importance of observing the functions and behaviors of a sample as they occur in real life is irrefutable. Obviously, a living organism is very different physiologically than when it is deceased. So how do we assemble information from studying a non-living sample in a way that accurately depicts how it behaves while alive? Well the good news is, now you don’t have to. Non-invasive micro-test technology (NMT) allows live samples to be tested without the system making physical contact with them. NMT measures the concentration gradient of a specific molecule and/or ion by means of selective/specific micro-electrodes 'vibrated' (repeatedly moved between measurement points) at a selected distance in the media. This means that the data accurately represents the functions and ionic/molecular flux activity of the sample in its natural physiological state. The flux of ions and molecules is comparable to a language; this data can show cellular stress and reveal important information such as connections between physiological functions and genes. W ould you be able to effectively study photosynthesis in a dead plant? Well of course not! It is easily agreed upon that one will obtain the most accurate understanding of something by studying it while it is alive. However, until now there have been limited tools to study live samples with, as most current technologies rely on invasive procedures (such as labeling, dyeing, etc.) while conducting experiments. Imagine how much differently animal cells behave once they are deceased? If you looked at live tumor cells under a microscope, would they behave differently than dead tumor cells? Could you accurately predict the result of introducing stressors to living neuron cells by observing what occurs when they are introduced to non-living neuron cells? A great deal of previous research might not accurately depict how living things actually function right down to the cellular level. In 2012-2013, scientists used NMT at YoungerUSA’s NMT Research Facility in Beijing to study the ionic activity of tumor cells. The sample used in this research was a live rat with tumors growing on its back (see Figure 1). Flux data for Cl-, Na+, K+, H+, and Ca2+ were successfully obtained with the tumor completely intact, and the rat still alive. If the tumor had been removed or biopsied and tested, the same results would not have been achieved. Learning more about how tumors interact with their host will help pave the way towards developing new, more effective methods of cancer treatment, and eventually even prevention. More Information NMT ON the For, from Visit: http://youngerusa.com/ .
个人分类: NMT-101|2777 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 15 zuojun 2015-2-20 14:06
I arrived in my hometown last night, to spend some time with my parents. I can hear the firecrackers almost non-stop. I know I am in mainland China. But, do I really know what it means to be in mainland China? Clearly not! Even though I come back to visit twice a year, and I have learned how to take a city bus, I clearly forgot about what I cannot get: Youtube, google phone, google search, etc. I clicked a link in my friend's email, and I was told not available. Why not? I didn't understand. After a while, I realized that it's a Youtube link! I tried to make calls via google phone, but the webpage was blank. I waited and waited, and then realized I had forgotten that this is mainland China! I tried to search something online, and the search never went anywhere. GDI! I forgot Google search is not allowed here... But, why?
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|5110 次阅读|18 个评论
[转载]Live Cell Imaging: The Future for Discoveries
bigdataage 2013-5-10 09:31
Live Cell Imaging: The Future for Discoveries http://www.sciencemag.org/content/340/6133/766.3.summary Science 10 May 2013: Vol.340 no.6133 p.766 Cellular imaging remains one of the most important techniques in life science research based in part on the notion that “seeing is believing.” For a variety of practical reasons including types of probes available and access of probes to their intracellular targets, imaging is currently most often performed on specimens that have been fixed and labeled. Although technically more challenging, live cell imaging enables researchers to study cellular events and processes that cannot be visualized in fixed specimens and to follow short- and long-term dynamic processes to gain deeper insights into the complex mechanisms of cell biology. In this webinar viewers will: learn from our speakers the benefits of imaging live cells using techniques such as high resolution microscopy, superresolution microscopy, and high-content analysis receive practical advice on how to overcome some of the technical challenges in live cell imaging obtain guidance on how they can modify their imaging practices to obtain superior results have their questions answered by our respected thought leaders. Speaker Bios Lynne Turnbull, Ph.D.,University of Technology,Sydney, Australia Dr. Turnbull commenced her scientific career as a physiologist and completed her doctoral studies at Macquarie University in Australia in the area of cardiac biophysics. This was followed by postdoctoral training at the University of California, San Francisco, where she studied various mouse models of heart failure, after which she returned to Australia to the Baker Heart Research Institute and then to Monash University (Melbourne). A change of research focus to microbiology led to a burgeoning interest in optical microscopy and its application to the study of biofilms and motility in bacteria. In 2008, Dr. Turnbull moved to the ithree institute at the University of Technology Sydney and is currently a senior research fellow. In addition to her research focus on microbial biofilms, bacterial motility, and pathogenicity, Dr. Turnbull is also the OMX Application Specialist for the Microbial Imaging Facility. In this role, she works with many collaborators to facilitate implementing superresolution microscopy into their research programs as well as developing novel techniques for microbial live cell imaging. Edward M. Campbell Ph.D. , Loyola University ,Chicago, IL Dr. Campbell completed both his undergraduate and graduate studies at the University of Illinois, at the Champaign-Urbana and Chicago campuses, respectively. With his Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology, Dr. Campbell undertook postdoctoral research and training at Northwestern University in the Feinberg School of Medicine, before joining the faculty of Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine in Chicago as an assistant professor in 2008. His research focus is on the mechanisms by which endogenous cellular proteins impact retroviral replication, in particular the interaction of cellular TRIM5α with retroviruses such as HIV-1. In this work, Dr. Campbell makes extensive use of quantitative, live cell imaging techniques to monitor the formation of TRIM5α assemblies, termed cytoplasmic bodies, around HIV-1 virions during restriction. His studies have also utilized fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to understand the dynamics of these assemblies and their organization. Dr. Campbell was honored with the Junior Scientist of the Year award in 2011 from the Stritch School of Medicine. Nick Thomas, Ph.D. , GE Healthcare ,Cardiff, Wales Dr. Thomas is principal scientist in Cell Technologies at GE Healthcare based in Cardiff, Wales. He has a B.S. in biochemistry from the University of Glasgow and a Ph.D. from the University of Wales College of Medicine. In a 30-year career with Amersham International, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Nycomed Amersham, Amersham, and GE Healthcare he has held a number of positions in Operations, Marketing, and Research and Development. He is the inventor or co-inventor of over 60 patents covering a wide range of technologies including microfabrication, molecular and cellular sensors, and cellular imaging. Dr. Thomas has worked on the development of cellular analysis instrumentation, software, and reagents for the past decade and has published a number of review papers and book chapters on the subject. Dr. Thomas recently received the prestigious 2012 GE Edison Award for contributions to research and development. Moderator: Sean Sanders, Ph.D. , Science /AAAS ,Washington, DC Dr. Sanders did his undergraduate training at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and his Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge, UK, supported by the Wellcome Trust. Following postdoctoral training at the National Institutes of Health and Georgetown University, Dr. Sanders joined TranXenoGen, a startup biotechnology company in Massachusetts working on avian transgenics. Pursuing his parallel passion for writing and editing, Dr. Sanders joined BioTechniques as an editor, before joining Science /AAAS in 2006. Currently Dr. Sanders is the Editor for Custom Publishing for the journal Science and Program Director for Outreach. Online Resources For related product information, go to: www.gelifesciences.com/cellimaging
2053 次阅读|0 个评论
rrerre 2011-1-5 10:42
1.Tohackandmakeuseofllvm,Ineedtodothefollowingthings: 1.1Tofigureoutthebytecoderepresentationllvmused. 1.2Tofigureoutthepassmanagerandthepassesimplementedbyllvm. 1.3Tofigureouttherepresentationusedbyllvmformachinecode. 1.4Tohackthemachineconfigurationfilesofllvm. 2.TodoSPMallocationonllvminfrastructure,note: 2.1Togettheinterferegraphofvariables. 2.2Togettheaccessfrequencyofthevariables. 2.3Thesituationofvariablesrelatedshouldbeafterregisterallocation,namely,theyareinmachinecodeform. 3.Togettheinterferegraphofvariablesinmachinecodeform,note: 3.1Tocomputetheliverangeofeachvariable,andgettheinterfererelationamongvariablesbycomparingtheirliveranges. 3.2Inllvmtheliverangesarecomputedbeforeregisterallocation,butIneedthetheliverangesafterregisterallocation(see2.3),whichmaybedifferentfromthatcomputedbyllvm,sincethelive-rangesplittingprocessofregisterallocationwillchangeliveranges. Todo:perhapsthereisaneedtorecomputetheliverangesafterregisterallocation. Todo:theliverangcomputingalgorithminllvmmaycomputeliverangesforbothvirtualandphysicalregisters,butthelattershouldberemovedforme. 4.Togettheaccessfrequencyofvariablesinmachinecodeform,note: Totodistinguishvirtualregistersfromphysicalregisters. Todo:todistinguishuse/defforvirtualregisters. 5.Do3first.
个人分类: 学习日记|2908 次阅读|0 个评论
lab meeting
shixiuchao 2010-12-10 10:16
content: 1 development of the experiment on hand. 2discuss the protocol which is to perform. 3 report the references you have read,include methods, ideas, investigation index, etc. what enlightened you.
个人分类: 生活点滴|2316 次阅读|0 个评论
Window Live Spaces博客搬家应急方案
outcrop 2010-9-29 10:43
Window Live Spaces关了,转移到Wordpress.com那是中国用户的噩梦:慢、不稳定。不过还好,国内不少博客服务商,提供有博客搬家功能,比如: 新浪博客搬家服务: http://control.blog.sina.com.cn/admin/blogmove/blogmove.php?bsptype=msn 网易博客搬家服务: http://blog.163.com/clone/clone.html?blog 欢迎回归,应急是受 陈安老师 熏陶的的。
个人分类: 生活点滴|4441 次阅读|1 个评论
忘记XP下的Outlook Express,Win7使用Windows Live Mail
eecs 2010-4-18 14:34
eml文件是一种常见的邮件客户端能够导入和导出的单个邮件的存储格式,但是outlook却不支持。由于XP下默认安装outlook express,outlook express支持eml格式,而且和outlook兼容性非常好,所以XP下管理eml文件不是个大问题。但是到了win7下,outlook express不见了,outlook该如何识别eml文件呢,答案就是windows live mail,windows live mail是windows live系列工具之一,其功能等同于outlook express。live mail能够识别eml文件,而且通过outlook connector和outlook完美兼容。因此,在win7下如果对eml文件发愁的话,就安装live mail吧,别忘了同时安装outlook connector。
个人分类: 文章专区|14585 次阅读|0 个评论

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