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Generic GPCR residue numbering
albumns 2015-2-1 23:14
Trends in pharmacological science, Volume 36, Issue 1, p22–31, January 2015 Abstract Generic residue numbers facilitate comparisons of, for example, mutational effects, ligand interactions, and structural motifs. The numbering scheme by Ballesteros and Weinstein for residues within the class A GPCRs (G protein-coupled receptors) has more than 1100 citations, and the recent crystal structures for classes B, C, and F now call for a community consensus in residue number- ing within and across these classes. Furthermore, the structural era has uncovered helix bulges and constric- tions that offset the generic residue numbers. The use of generic residue numbers depends on convenient access by pharmacologists, chemists, and structural biologists. We review the generic residue numbering schemes for each GPCR class, as well as a complementary structure- based scheme, and provide illustrative examples and GPCR database (GPCRDB) web tools to number any receptor sequence or structure. Alignment of the class-specific generic residue numbers based on structural alignment of crystal structures of representative receptors from class A (bovine rhodopsin, bRho), B (glucagon receptor), C (metabotropic glutamate receptor 1, mGlu1), and F (Smoothene, SMO). Class-specific reference residue positions (X.50) for each of the seven TM helices are given in bold font. Full text
个人分类: 科研笔记|4703 次阅读|0 个评论
CAC CCPR 42th-会议 -西安
canpingp2222 2010-4-21 08:06
4月19日,国际食品法典农药残留委员会(CCPR)第42届年会在陕西西安开幕,来自73个成员国、1个成员组织和10个国际组织的242位代表将重点审议279项农药最大残留限量标准,讨论农药残留风险分析原则、小作物和特殊作物农药最大残留限量评估导则、法典农药评估优先列表等多个议题,会议成果将对推进国际农产品和食品安全保障体系建设发挥积极作用。 - http://www.gov.cn/gzdt/2010-04/20/content_1587729.htm 我很荣幸被选为CCPR分析方法特别工作组:(ad doc Working group on method of analysis)的Co-chair, 澳大利亚的Peter Scheelings 当选工作组主席。 会议的进一步情况及时向大家通报
个人分类: 未分类|4473 次阅读|1 个评论

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