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The Qingming Festival
自我源于思考 2018-4-4 13:42
Ancient people thought The Qingming Festival is for tomb sweeping But in recent years We see it as the real beginning of spring Not just a day full of memory and remorse During this period, we recollect past, rethink present, and look into the future We pay respect to ordinary people rather than powerful individuals Reason and logic have redefined our culture World has suffered too long by wars and collisions Moral discipline taught us not to be hostile but be happy Science and technology have rebuilt this nation Make us strong and our family harmony For more than half a century,this nation focused on connectivity and cooperation. We hold our tradition and look into future with open mind. To build a community of shared future for all humankind.
个人分类: 文学|2877 次阅读|0 个评论
Sonnet: The Empty Chair
zhigangwu 2017-7-14 02:59
The empty chair stands alone at midnight, As the blind stars keep all jasmine flowers silent, Under the darkness a folk song turns on its headlight, Under the sleeping sky only snow mountains are vigilant.        Something inexorably remains standing, Though it is as empty as the meteoritic dream, When an incarcerated eagle wakens from descending, His name is erased by a nation’s gathered steam.        But the silent jasmine blossoms in deep space, As the snowflakes are falling in the vast Nordics, The forest sits on rocks, knitting a deciduous lace, To decorate the empty chair and the empty lines of lyrics.        And morning will walk through and open the blue window, Like a blue ocean on the horizon opened by a volcano.       2010.12
个人分类: 现代诗歌|2097 次阅读|0 个评论
Christmas in China (A Sonnet)
自我源于思考 2010-12-24 16:59
Today is Christmas-eve I knewChristmas for the first time in a fairy-tale Like many others about my age, I Believe A Little Match Girl For that I thought the Christmas was sad and dull But when I got familiar with this festival I realize the Santa Clause is cool And I always expect his arrival In the rhymes of the deer bell He distributes gifts and love worldwide The universe become soft and gentle For these gifts are from our heart inside Santa delivers gifts to children through chimney But bring us all into harmony Merry Christmas!
个人分类: 生活|3937 次阅读|0 个评论
Sonnet: The Mid-autumn Festival Night
自我源于思考 2010-9-25 11:07
When I was a child At mid-autumn festival night The breeze brought smell of ripen cornfield The whole village appeared as a blur in the mist The moon was bigger and closer The dew wet the petals of flower Fog rising from surface of lake like geyser Families eating moon cakes under their bower Children in the village were all delight We played on the carpet of fallen leaves Under the shadow of moonlight With lanterns in hands Adults burning incense to pray deities for reunion and harvest But we playing hide and seek in woods 祝大家中秋节、国庆节快乐!
个人分类: 文学|4278 次阅读|0 个评论
ztwztq2006 2010-4-21 13:09
整理一下以前准备英语时候的笔记,很多很多东西都忘得一干二净。哎,人的大脑也许真的是有限的哦。感觉这些年,也看了不少东西,也忘了不少东西。 慢慢的记起来吧。或者,用到什么就回忆什么,估计也不错。下面简单的整理一下,我07年准备GRE时候看的一些东西。以及以前上些选修课时候学到的东西。 1,sonnet(又叫十四行诗、商籁体)五音步抑扬格。每行十音节,全诗三节。按a-b-a-b-c-d-c-d-e-f-ef-g-g格式押韵。 国内一般传唱shakespeare的比较多。包括第一首被翻译成中文的那首。不过,我感觉诗这东西很有意思。你必须心里真的有东西,才能写出来。没有感情或者情绪,即使你读过再多的诗,写出来的东西也没有那种神韵。记下几首我喜欢的。 AlfredTennyson(维多利亚时代,桂冠诗人) TheEagle Theyclaspsthecragwithcrookedhands, closetothesuninlonelylands, Ring’dwiththeazureworld,hestands, Thewrinkledseabeneathhimcrawls, Hewatchesfromhismountainwalls, Andlikeathunderbolthefalls. 这首诗写的很有王者之气。我读着的时候,感觉他像是在写若干年以后的拿破仑,也许彼得大帝。。。和普希金的有首长诗《铜骑士》很像。 WilliamWordsworth IWanderedLonelyasaCloud. Iwanderedlonelyasacloud Thatfloatsonhigho’ervalesandhills, WhenallatonceIsawacrowd, Ahost,ofgoldendaffodils: Besidethelake,beneaththetrees, Flutteringanddancinginthebreeze. Continuousasthestarsthatshine. Andtwinkleonthemilkyway, Theystretchedinnever-endingline. Alongthemarginofabay: TenthousandsawIataglance, Tossingtheirheadsinsprightlydance. Thewavesbesidethemdanced;butthey Outdidthesparklingwavesinglee; Apoetcouldnotbutbegay; Insuchajocundcompany, Igazed—andgazed—butlittlethought Whatwealththeshowtomehadbrought: Foroft,whenonmycoachIlie Invacantorinpensivemood, Theyflashuponthatinwardeye, Whichistheblissofsolitude; Andthenmyheartwithpleasurefills, Anddanceswiththedaffodils. 从云到水仙花,华兹华斯总是透着那份从容的淡雅和悠闲,真是让人羡慕啊。不过,感觉上多了几分纯真,少了几分成熟。对比,元朝张可久(我很喜欢的一个曲作家)他的曲总是能够令我感觉一份功成名就,看淡名利的闲淡。或许说,元曲里面大多数人都是如此吧。呵呵 APsalmofLife(据钱钟书先生考证,这是第一首被译为汉语的英文诗歌) byHenryWadsworthLongfellow. 本身,对这首诗不太感兴趣,因为没有太多的共鸣。
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