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Chappaqua, NY Valley Rd一段居民房一瞥
黄安年 2015-7-13 08:27
Chappaqua, NY Valley Rd 一段居民房一瞥 黄安年文 黄安年的博客/2015年7月12日晚上,13日上午北京时间发布 这里发布的是今天早晨我们 Chappaqua, NY 住地附近 Valley Rd 一段散步 , 同时欣赏不同住宅的外景 , 这里的照片 25 张是随机拍摄的。 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 ,
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|2458 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 zhangt10 2015-1-13 05:38
从海拔3300多米的印加圣都Cusco,去丛林边缘 海拔2300米的Machu Picchu , 需要从乌鲁班巴河流过的圣谷转乘火车。从高原坐车下到山谷,去起点站欧莲台的山上转了一下。 这里曾经是印加帝国中兴之帝的农庄,山下的印加古镇还保留着原先的规划和不少古旧的梯田水渠。 因为是2800多米的海拔,不很潮湿,高原反应也不会很严重。 去马丘比丘七年以前只有外国投资的PeruRail运营, 现在又有了一个当地人开的InkaRail。似乎是欧洲买来的旧观景火车,我们乘的那班只有一节车厢,不知为何标的却是B车。 一路摇摇晃晃的沿着河谷往山下去。 高原的村庄 欧连台中心广场,爬完山一杯冰啤 小镇从印加时期就持续有居民了 车窗外的遗迹 旅店窗外,对面那个云雾缭绕的山顶有马丘比丘
个人分类: 东游西逛|2661 次阅读|13 个评论
美国物理学会George E. Valley Jr. Prize首次授予中国优秀博士生
spetea 2012-11-6 17:47
2012 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Jinhui Chen (陈金辉)(我注:2012入选 首批青年拔尖人才支持计划 ) Chinese Academy of Science(中国科学院 上海应用物理研究所 ) Citation: " In recognition of his discovery of the first antimatter hypernucleus and his seminal contributions to the study of partonic matter using φ mesons produced in relativistic nuclear collisions. " 获奖原因:首次发现反超核物质核用相对论重离子核反应中用 φ介子对partonic物质的有创意的贡献. Selection Committee: Pierre Meystre, Chair; S. Tan; C. Callan; R. Byer; B. Barish 近日的好消息.陈同学获得了以上奖项.该奖据说是aps在全球毕业5年内的博士中遴选出来的.每年只授予一人,奖金若干.该奖从2002年至今,每两年评审一次,目前仅有六人获得. 祝陈同学蒸蒸日上. 如今不在一个地方,我就不说我们俩当时是一起读研,一起毕业,一个办公室的了. ps: winners in past years: 2010 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Shina Tan Georgia Institute of Technology 2008 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Paul Sorensen Brookhaven National Laboratory 2006 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Irfan Siddiqi University of California, Berkeley 2004 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Ivo Souza University of California, Berkeley 2002 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient David Goldhaber-Gordon Stanford University
个人分类: 研究介绍|4994 次阅读|1 个评论
SVIEF 2011 (2011 高创会) currently on-going is a BIG event
liwei999 2011-10-23 02:40
it was a big event of 5000+ people, hundreds of CEOs, a dozen Chinese mayors and all the Chinese American politicians, plus high-profile businesses, investors, entrepreneurs and technologists are gethering together in Santa Clara for three days to promote the innovation and cooperation between China and US. Said that the Chinese business sponsors were more than happy to pay for the appearance fee $150,000 for the former president Bill Clinton who gave the keynote speech in the opening yesterday. Bill, as usual, was a great speaker. He mentioned during the QA that China's entry into WTO marked a great turning point for China to be an integrated part of the world economy and he personally made a big effort for that. A big applause from the crowd, of course, because indeed, without WTO membership, China's economy would not have developed this far. Funny thing is that only a few days ago, Mrs. Clinton made some very harsh remarks on China's trade and currency policy and even called for allies to join the efforts to force China to behave better. There is lots of tension there in the bilateral trade right now. That is perhaps why Bill Clinton had to say at the very beginning of his speech something to the effect that we have many issues, even conflicts between our two countries, but, he continued, it is a win-win we should sit and talk to resolve the issues and promote the trade. He promoted his foundation and his engagement with the foundation to get involved in some poorest areas of the world to help develop the economy while protecting the environment. In answering the questions, which international leaders impressed him the most. Before he praised, as expected, the then Chinese president Jiang Zeming and premier Zhu Rongji, who are the best partners to lead China at its best, he went on with a long list of the leaders whom he admires and was close friends with: Mandela, Yeltsin, Yitzhak Rabin, etc. it was fun. Here is my short video for the news: 中文版: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P3g36b9gds 国内土豆: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/9AiyApHBmHo/ 英文版: youTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz0z3Jm51_c 国内土豆网: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/UJQiz-Q1Iv4/ http://home.99people.com/space.php?uid=142746do=blogid=8288 由于有规定克林顿演讲不得录像(其实还是很多人在录),所以 只剪了几个镜头(不含现场声音)意思意思。 两分钟的 trailer 帮助宣传一下这次活动而已。
个人分类: 其他杂碎|3497 次阅读|0 个评论
Red River Valley;Click Go the Shears
panfq 2009-1-27 12:21
Red River Valley vocal-1 vocal-2 All Singers From this valley they say you are going, We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile, For they say you are taking the sunshine Which has brightened our pathways a while. Chorus Come and sit by my side if you love me; Do not hasten to bid me adieu, But remember the Red River Valley, And the girl that has loved you so true. I've been thinking a long time, my darling, Of the sweet words you never would say, Now, alas, must my fond hopes all vanish? For they say you are going away. Won't you think of the valley you're leaving, Oh, how lonely and sad it will be, Just think of the fond heart you're breaking, And the grief you are causing to me. From this valley they say you are going, When you go, may your darling go too? Would you leave her behind unprotected, When she loves no one other than you. As you go to your home by the ocean, May you never forget those sweet hours, That we spent in the Red River Valley, And the love we exchanged 'mid the flowers. I have promised you, darling, that never Will a word from my lips cause you pain, And my life, it will be yours forever, If you only will love me again. They will bury me where you have wandered, Near the hills where the daffodils grow, When you're gone from the Red River valley, For I can't live without you I know. 红河谷 范继淹 译配 人们说你就要离开村庄 我们将怀念你的微笑 你的眼睛比太阳更明亮 照耀在我们的心上 走过来坐在我的身旁 不要离别的这样匆忙 要记住红河谷你的故乡,还有那热爱你的姑娘 你可会想到你的故乡 多么寂寞多么凄凉 想一想你走后我的痛苦 想一想留给我的悲伤 走过来坐在我的身旁, 不要离别的这样匆忙 要记住红河谷你的故乡,还有那热爱你的姑娘 人们说 你就要离开村庄,要离开热爱你的姑娘 为什么不让她和你同去, 为什么把她留在村庄 亲爱的人我曾经答应你, 我决不让你烦恼 只要你能够重新爱我 我愿意永远留在你身旁 走过来坐在我的身旁 不要离别的这样匆忙 要记住红河谷你的故乡 还有那热爱你的姑娘 Click Go the Shears 羊毛剪子喀嚓嚓 ( 澳大利亚) vocal more ABC Broadcast Bare Belled Ewe mp3 Lingo-music Click Go the Shears is a traditional Australian folk song. The song details a day's work for a sheep shearer in the days before machine shears. The enduring popularity of this song reflects the traditional role that the wool industry has played in Australian life. The song describes the various roles in the shearing shed, including the ringer, the boss of the board, the colonial experience man and the tar boy. After the day's shearing, the old shearer takes his cheque and heads to the local pub for a drinking session. The tune is an adaptation of the American Civil War song Ring the Bell, Watchman by Henry Clay Work and the first verse follows closely, in parody, Work's lyrics as well. The second verse in the original 19th century song is as follows: Click goes his shears; click, click, click. Wide are the blows, and his hand is moving quick, The ringer looks round, for he lost it by a blow, And he curses that old shearer with the bare belled ewe . 【 shear 剪羊毛。 ringer 敲钟人。 belly 肚皮 ewe 母羊。光秃秃的老母羊。】 The usual chorus 合唱 of the song is as follows: Click go the shears boys, click, click, click, Wide is his blow and his hands move quick, The ringer looks around and is beaten by a blow, And curses the old snagger with the bare-bellied yoe …… The lyrics vary widely; bare-bellied yoe ( yoe 母羊 is a dialect word for ewe) is often bare-bellied joe or even blue-bellied ewe. The last line in the verse about the colonial experience man smelling like a whore 妓女 is often bowdlerised to 删除 smelling like a sewer or completely rewritten./bowdlerize 删除(书刊、剧本等中)有伤风化的词语或场面 / snagger : The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) 2. Austral. A slow, inexpert, or poor sheep-shearer./ A Dictionary of Australian Slang snagger : an inept shearer /bare-bellied yoe: young ewe with lightly-fleeced belly region, not needing shearing./snag: 妨碍,被戳坏。'snag' - to make a tear in a piece of fabric. …… Chorus sung after each verse Click go the shears boys, click, click, click, Wide is his blow and his hands move quick, The ringer looks around and is beaten by a blow, And curses the old snagger with the bare-bellied joe. Verse 1 Out on the board the old shearer stands, Grasping his shears in his thin bony hands Fixed is his gaze on a bare-bellied yoe, Glory if he gets her, won't he make the ringer go. Verse 2 In the middle of the floor in his cane bottomed chair Sits the boss of the board with his eyes everywhere, Notes well each fleece as it comes to the screen, Paying strict attention that it's taken off clean. Click, click, that's how the shears go Click, click, so awfully quick You pull out a sheep he'll give a kick And still hear your shears going click, click, click) 五线谱 +mp3 http://folkstream.com/022.html http://www.imagesaustralia.com/shearingoftherams.htm 羊毛剪子咔嚓响 剪羊毛的老工人站在板壁旁,枯瘠的手握着羊毛剪刀, 两只眼睛盯着那老母羊,剪下母羊的毛他就将优胜者赶上。 /羊毛剪子咔嚓响,低弯着腰来剪子动得欢。 那优胜者抬头发现刚好被人赶上,嘴里不停骂着老头和那老母羊。 /RR 涂焦油的青年等候在一旁,油呼呼的手提着一只油罐, 眼看一只老羊背上受了伤,她就赶快提着油罐上前来帮忙。RR 剪完羊毛人人领到报偿,捆上你的行囊快把路赶, 我们来到一间小酒馆,招呼路过的弟兄大家痛快喝一番。RR 剪羊毛的老工人站在柜台旁,手捏着酒杯他凝神思量, 木通里的酒就要被人喝完,拼死干活,拼命喝酒,没有好下场。RR 相关链接 Lingo-music
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