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csiro 2016-5-22 06:44
1. 研究兴趣 我的研究工作主要涉及应用气象学、全球变化生态学、水文和水资源学等学科,研究兴趣主要包括: ⦁ 植被-大气相互作用:植被生产力和水、碳、氮循环的机理与模拟; ⦁ 作物生长模型、耕作系统设计与农业水资源管理和粮食安全; ⦁ 气候变化对生态系统的影响与评估。 2. 教学理念 自2004年起在中国科学院大学担任硕士研究生课程《生态系统模型》的主讲教授(现在称首席教授);自2011年起在悉尼科技大学担任硕士研究生课程Climate Change and Ecological Modelling的主讲教授(Subject cordinator)。教学效果,经学生网上评估,多年各项指标都是优秀。 我在悉尼科技大学开设了《气候变化与生态模拟》课程,主持制定了教学方案。包括系统地规划教学目标、教学内容、教学模式、实习内容和学生报告等,并顺利通过了理学院教学委员会的评估和新课程设置。 我的教学理念主要包括: ⦁ 知识的灌输:注重理论,注重学生研究能力的培养和思维方式的训练;获取知识的方法和途径;让学生拿到课题知道怎么做; ⦁ 技能的训练:注重学生动手能力的培养,学以致用;让学生拿到课题会做数据分析和模拟; ⦁ 深入浅出,吸引学生的兴趣。如应用古诗词、文学典故去解释复杂的数学模型的框架,以便于学生的理解。 ⦁ 鼓励学生参与教学活动。根据悉尼科技大学的要求,参与了“教学2014(Teaching Learning 2014)”的教学创新活动。在上课前要求学生充分预习课程内容,在课堂上进一步深入讨论。 ⦁ 通过学生报告的完成,锻炼学生的科技论文的写作能力。
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热度 2 maxguang 2013-4-17 10:59
虽然从本科到硕士到博士到博后一直没有离开公共卫生,可是似乎每个阶段做的东西都不一样。一方面是由于公卫领域实在太广,一方面是自己没有限制选导师的方向。其实很有意思。我时常羡慕研究方向专注的人,比如说起某某某,所有人都知道是研究某某病某某领域的专家,术业有专攻嘛,往往专一的研究方向更能提高同行对其的认同感。而我身边一些研究兴趣专一的同学也时不时羡慕我,说我经历多经验就多,什么领域都了解都会做。我也认识几个大牛老板,比如美国肥胖界有名的David Allison,总统奖获得者,前美国肥胖协会主席,他的研究方向极广,做肥胖的还有极强的统计学背景,而且还在遗传流行病学有相当深的造诣。当然,人家大牛能力太强,广泛的研究兴趣似乎也被大家认可。 我本科做卫管,硕士做社医,博士博后做流病,但是流病里心血管病、糖尿病、肥胖、伤害、妇幼都做过。看我发的文章,似乎每个背景下都有,但是每个背景下都不专。唯一能拿得出手的是肥胖和车祸伤害,但是似乎按目前的职业方向看也要渐行渐远了。导师曾经跟我说,让我focus到2-3个方向中,这样对将来发展有好处。可是,多年下来,似乎还是沉积不下来。 希望随着自己主导的研究越来越多,慢慢也就形成了自己的兴趣和方向吧。其实道理很简单,要么放弃一些方向专注最感兴趣的2-3个,要么成为David Allison那样的牛人吧。路漫漫啊。 贴个跟大牛的合影,得瑟下。
6847 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 2 lin602 2012-4-20 10:42
刚刚改过我的科学网中个人资料,发现‘研究领域’在首页中显示不是最好,应该是‘研究兴趣’更为确切。因为研究领域是固定的,不能反映真正的研究兴趣。例如:我填的‘有机化工’中内容是非常非常多的,我只是对其中胶粘剂新产品开发感兴趣。林产化工中内容也很多,我只做松香松节油化学。 ‘研究兴趣’最好是自己根据自己的内容撰写,而且可能要给大点的位置才能表达清楚,不用这样菜单式选择。 我们要找合作者,是从他的研究兴趣中找的,不是研究领域中找。 研究领域是‘无血无肉’的表述,只有‘研究兴趣’或叫‘研究方向’才是大家所关心的,也是互相请教寻求合作的基础,可能也是研究生们选导师所关心的内容。 以上建议供参考。
2578 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 21 lin602 2012-2-8 09:20
我们不少人想到网上找合作者,找请教者,但各博主的研究兴趣不知道,又不好多问。 所以强烈建议科学网及早在各博主主页上增加博主的 1 研究兴趣,2 现工作单位 3 电子邮件地址 。 我与鲍永利教授的合作就是在科学网上看到她的签名档,通过联系建立的,她来南京开会我们还见面商量合作研究事宜,我们已经进行了实质性的合作,且已经有文章投稿了。这就是一个例子。 同意的博主请给予推荐。谢谢。
4112 次阅读|38 个评论
carldy 2010-4-23 20:05
2 ,近几年教学与科研成绩一览表: 2.1 研究课题状况 11 )基于英汉商务翻译语料库的译文搭配特征研究( 2013 年福建省教育厅社科 A 类项目, JA13219S ,主持 人左尚君) 10) 平行语料库对齐技术研究与软件开发 (2013 年福建省社科规划一般项目, 2013B222 ;主持人 ) ; 9 )基于语料库的译文“源语透过效应”研究( 2010 年国家社科基金项目,编号 10CYY005 ,主持人); 8 )翻译中“源语透过效应”的认知探索——基于语料库的实证研究(福建省教育厅社科 A 类项目,编号 JA10206S ,主持人); 7 )基于语料库的大学生英语写作能力表征研究(福建省教育厅社科基金项目,主持人为左尚君,编号 JBS09376 ,主要参与者 ); 6 )国家级精品课程《综合英语》教程支持项目(高等教育出版社编号 ZH09-004 ,已结题,主持人 ) ; 5 )基于语料库的英汉翻译语言特征量化研究( 2007 年国家社科基金项目,主持人为浙江大学肖忠华教授,编号 07BYY011 ,主要参与者) ; 4 )基于语料库及校园网的英语教学模式的改革与研究 ( 教育部全国高等教学研究中心“十一五”国家课题“我国高校应用型人才培养模式研究”,编号 FIB070335-A15-11 ,已结题,主持人 ) ; 3 )基于现代教学媒体的英语教学模式的研究与应用(福建工程学院“十一五”教育科学基金课题,编号 GB-K-05-33, 已结题,主持人); 2 )翻译学理论、翻译批评及翻译教学―基于语料库的实证分析研究(福建工程学院科研发展基金立项项目,编号 GY-S0643 ,已结题,主持人 ) ; 1 )语用学在大学英语教学中的运用(福建工程学院科研启动项目,已结题,主持人) 2.2 学术论文(按时间倒序排列) 33) 左尚君、戴光荣 . 2014. 汉语译文中标点符号使用特征:基于语料库的研究 . 福建工程学院学报 . 12 ( 1 ): 32) 左尚君、戴光荣 . 2014. 基于 Wmatrix 的《红楼梦》两英译本文体对比研究 . 嘉兴学院学报 .26 (1): 1-7. 31 )左尚君、戴光荣 . 2013. 基于语料库的体标记在汉语母语与汉语译文中的分布差异与解读 . 外国语言文学 . 30(3):181-188. 30)Dai,G.,Corbett,J.and Song,Y.(forthcoming). Automatic Sentence Alignment of English-Chinese Parallel Corpora: Core Technologies and Applications. 29 ) Xiao,R. Dai,G.(forthcoming). Lexical and grammatical properties of Translated Chinese: Translation universal hypotheses reevaluated from the Chinese perspective. Corpus Linguistics and Linguisitc theory. 28 )戴光荣 .(2013). 汉语译文搭配特征研究: “ 源语透过效应 ” 个案探讨 . 《当代外语研究》,第一期。 27) 吴建平,戴光荣. (2012). 英漢詞匯化情感隱喻探索的新模式——評《隱喻,詞源和文化:基于語料庫的探索和方法論反思》.上海理工大學學報(社會科學版),34(1):74-78. 26 )戴光荣,肖忠华 .(2011). 译文中“源语透过效应”研究 : 基于语料库的英译汉被动句研究 . 《翻译季刊》第四期; 25 )戴光荣,肖忠华 . (2011). 汉语译文中的话语重述标记:基于语料库的研究.《外国语言文学》第三期; 24 )戴光荣,肖忠华 .(2011). 基于语料库的语言对比与翻译研究 . 《国际学术动态》第三期; 23) 左尚君,戴光荣 .(2011). 商务合同英语同义词连用及其翻译——基于自建语料库的研究 . 《术语标准化与信息技术》 . 第 2 期; 22 )肖忠华,戴光荣 .(2011). 翻译教学与研究的新框架:语料库翻译学综述 . 《外语教学理论与实践》( CSSCI 扩展版来源期刊) . 第 1 期; 20 )戴光荣,肖忠华 . 基于自建英汉翻译语料库的翻译明晰化研究 . 《中国翻译》( CSSCI 来源期刊), 2010 年第 1 期: 76-80 ; 19 )戴光荣 . 高等院校本科翻译师资培训‘翻译理论研究’模块述评 . 《嘉兴学院学报》, 2010 年第 2 期: 121-124 ; 18 )肖忠华,戴光荣 . 寻求‘第三语码’——基于汉语译文语料库的翻译共性研究 . 《外语教学与研究》( CSSCI 来源期刊), 2010 年第 1 期: 53-61 ; 17) 肖忠华,戴光荣 . 语料库在语言教学中的运用——中国英语学习者被动句式习得个案研究 . 《浙江大学学报》( CSSCI 来源期刊), 2010 年第 4 期: 189-200 . 16 )肖忠华,戴光荣 . 汉语译文中习语与词簇的使用特征:基于语料库的研究 . 《外语研究》( CSSCI 来源期刊), 2010 年第 3 期: 79-86 . 15 )戴光荣 . 标书文本语言特征分析及翻译对策 . 《中国科技术语》(由中国科学院主管,全国科学技术名词审订委员会主办,主编:路甬祥), 2010 年第 4 期: 37-40 . 14 )戴光荣 . 基于语料库的术语翻译:以“选修课”英译为个案研究 . 《术语标准化与信息技术》, 2010 年第 2 期: 44-47 . 13) 戴光荣 . Applications of Keywords and Collocation to Translation-Studies and Teaching Based on Translation Corpora---A Tentative Research on Parallel Corpus of 17th NCCPC Report. Translation Journal. (《翻译期刊》)(美国) 2009 年第 3 期,网络在线 http://accurapid.com/journal/49corpus.htm 12 )肖忠华,戴光荣 . 英语中的否定:基于语料库的研究 . 《外国语言文学》 2009 年第 4 期: 228-236 . 11 )戴光荣,左尚君 . 基于语料库的中国学习者英语空间介词 in 误用的认知隐喻解读 . 《华东外语教学论坛(第 4 辑)(主编:杨敏 王俊菊)(上海:上海外语教育出版社) . 2009: 301-315. 10 )戴光荣 . 基于自建平行语料库基础上的翻译明晰化研究 . 《第 18 届世界翻译大会论文集》(北京:外文出版社), 2008: 242-252. 9 )戴光荣 . 基于大学校园网络的英语教学平台建设刍议 . 《嘉应学院学报》, 2008 年第 1 期: 94-97 . 8 )戴光荣 . 基于语料库的英汉语词汇互译研究 . 《厦门理工学院学报》, 2008 年第 3 期: 94-98 . 7 )左尚君 , 戴光荣 . 英语广告语篇在美学关照下的翻译 . 《嘉应学院学报》, 2007 年第 1 期: 113-117 . 6 )戴光荣 . 英汉语篇语音衔接对比分析 . 《福建工程学院学报》, 2006 年第 2 期: 216-219 . 5 )戴光荣 . 信息化条件下谈科学翻译学——兼《科学翻译学》评介 . 《中国科技翻译》(核心期刊), 2005 年第 1 期: 62-65 。此文还收入由中国翻译协会科技翻译委员会、中国科学院科技翻译工作者协会主编的《科技翻译信息化》(北京:科学出版社) 2005 : 306-311. 4 )戴光荣,左尚君 . 交际关联与翻译 . 《外语与翻译》, 2004 年第 3 期: 28-31 . 3 )左尚君,戴光荣 . 语用学在大学英语教学中的指导作用 . 《福建工程学院学报》, 2004 年第 4 期: 498-501 . 2 )戴光荣 . 语境关联与翻译 . 《英语研究》, 2003 年第 2 期: 52-56 . 1 )戴光荣 . 关联理论对翻译标准的解构——兼评刘重德先生的 “ 信达切” . 蒋坚松、彭利元主编、湖南师范大学出版社出版的《刘重德翻译思想及其他》, 2003 : 175-184. 2.3 ( 待)出版的书稿(倒序排列) 3 ) 《译文源语透过效应研究》(国家社科基金结项专著,上海交通大学出版社, 2013 ; ISBN : 978-7-313-10381-9/H ,字数 25 万字) 2) 《实用国际商务翻译教程》(主编, 41.5 万字;清华大学出版社北京交通大学出版社, 2013 ; ISBN : 978-7-5121-1474-6/H.307 ) ; 1 )《英汉汉英环境科学与工程词汇手册》(受上海外语教育出版社重点辞书项目——“英汉 / 汉英大百科综合 词汇手册”负责人邀请,主编环境科学分册,33.5万字;上海外语教育出版社,2012年2月出版;ISBN:9787544622981,235页)。 2.4 获奖情况 ( 按时间倒序排列 ) 13 ) 2012 年两岸四地博士生学术论坛(澳门) Outstanding Paper Award (杰出学术论文奖); 12 ) 2011 年福建工程学院优秀科技工作者; 11 ) 2011 年第八届福建青年五四奖章; 10 ) 2010 年指导学生张建兵在全国大学生英语竞赛( NECCS )中,获 B 类(英语专业)一等奖; 9) 学术论文“基于语料库的中国学习者英语空间介词 IN 的误用的认知隐喻解读”获华东地区六省一市外文学会第六届外语教学论坛论文一等奖; 8 ) 2009 年福建工程学院本科毕业论文优秀指导老师奖; 7 )中国科学院中国科技翻译工作者协会第 12 届( 2006 )优秀论文二等奖; 6 )全国第二届( 2006.10 )“芙蓉杯”青年翻译大赛,获优胜奖; 5 ) 2005 年福建省 CCTV 演讲赛优秀指导老师奖; 4 )中国科学院中国科技翻译工作者协会第 11 届( 2004 )优秀论文二等奖; 3 )全国第一( 2003.10 )“芙蓉杯”青年翻译大赛,获优胜奖; 2 ) 2002 年湖南科技翻译工作者协会优秀论文一等奖; 1) 中南大学优秀研究生奖 (2002) ;邵阳学院优秀学生奖学金 (1995-1998) 。 3 参加学术研讨会 ( 按时间倒序排列 ) 8) 语料库技术及应用语言学国际会议(苏州) 2012.6.28-30. 7) 2012 年两岸四地博士生学术论坛(澳门) 2012.1.2-3. 6 ) 2010 年 7 月 25 日- 8 月 5 日,参加在英国 Edge Hill University 举行的第二届“语料库及语言对比与翻译国际研讨会( UCCTS )”,宣读论文““ SL Shining Through ” in Translational Language A Corpus based Study of Chinese Translationof English Passives ”; 5 ) 2010 年 11 月 5 日- 8 日,参加在澳门大学举行的第六届亚洲翻译家论坛,选读论文“译文中源语透过效应研究——基于语料库的英译汉被动句研究”; 4 ) 2009 年全国首届语料库翻译学研讨会(上海),宣读论文“寻求‘第三语码’——基于汉语译文语料库的翻译共性研究”,修改稿发表在《外语教学与研究》, 2010 年第 1 期 3 ) 2008 年 8 月,第 18 届世界翻译大会(上海),宣读“基于自建平行语料库基础上的翻译明晰化研究”并全文收入论文集,修改稿发表在《中国翻译》 2010 年第一期。 2 ) 2008 年 8 月,香港城市大学“韩礼德语言智能应用中心第二届国际学术研讨会”,宣读论文 Applications of Keywords and Collocation to Translation-Studies and Teaching Based on Translation Corpora---A Tentative Research on Parallel Corpus of 17th NCCPC Report 。 1 ) 2008 年 9 月“语料库及语言对比与翻译国际研讨会( UCCTS )”浙江大学,宣读论文。 English Version: 1 Research Projects 1.1 Current research projects 1) A Corpus-based Study of “SL Shining Through” in Translational Languages (Grant Reference 10CYY005, funded by the China National Foundation of Social Science, will be completed soon, Principal Investigator) . 2) A Cognitive Exploration of SL Shinig Through in Translational Langages (Grant Reference JA10206S, funded by the Department of Education, Fujian Province, will be completed soon, Principal Investigator) 1.2 Previous research projects 1) An Tentative Research on the English Teaching Pattern Based on Corpus and Internet (Grant Reference FIB070335-A15-11, funded by China Research Center for Teaching and Learning in Universities and Colleges, Ministry of Education, China. Principal Investigator) 2) A Corpus-Based Quantitative Study of Translational Chinese in English-Chinese Translation (Grant Reference07BYY011, funded by the China National Foundation of Social Science, with Professor Xiao Zhonghua) 3) Translation Studies, Translation Criticism and Translation Teaching—A Tentative Research Based on Translation Corpus (Grant Reference, funded by the Scientific Research Division of Fujian University of Technology; GY-S0643, Principal Investigator) 4) The Research and Application of English Teaching Models Based on Modern Media (Grant ReferencGB-K-05-33, funded by Fujian University of Technology, Principal Investigator) 5) Project of National Excellent-Quality-Course—Integrated Skills of English (Grant Reference ZH09-004, funded by Higher Education Press of China, Principal Investigator) 6) A Corpus-based Investigation for Chinese Learners' English Writing Competence (Grant Reference JBS09376, funded by the Department of Education, Fujian Province; with Ms. Zuo Shangjun) 2 Publications 2.1 Journal articles (in reverse chronological order) Dai,G.,Corbett,J.and Song,Y.(forthcoming). Automatic Sentence Alignment of English-Chinese Parallel Corpora: Core Technologies and Applications. Xiao,R. Dai,G.(forthcoming). Lexical and grammatical properties of Translated Chinese: Translation universal hypotheses reevaluated from the Chinese perspective. Corpus Linguistics and Linguisitc theory. Dai, G.(2013).Collocational Features in Translated Chinese: A Case Study of Source Language (SL) Shining through. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies.(1). Wu,J. G. Dai.(2012). A New Approach to Exploring LEMS in English and Chinese—Comments on Metaphor,Etymology,and Culture:A Corpus-based Exploratio and Methodological Reflection. Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology(Social Sciences Edition),34(1):74-78. Dai , G. Z. Xiao. (2011). “SL Shining Through” in Translational Language: A Corpus-based Study of Chinese Translation of English Passives . Translation Quartrely (62): 85-107. Dai , G. Z. Xiao. (2011). A corpus-based study of reformulation markers in translational Chinese. Foreign Language and Literature Studies 109(3): 184-193. Dai, G. Z. Xiao. (2011). Corpus-based contrastive and translation studies Review of the International Conference UCCTS2010 ( Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies, paper in Chinese; abstract in English). International Academic Development (3): 29-31. Zuo, S. G. Dai.(2011). Consecutive Synonyms of Terms and the Translations in International Business Contracts - A Corpus-based Study (paper in Chinese; abstract in English). Terminology Standardization Information Technology (2): 23-26. Xiao, Z. G. Dai. (2011). A New Framework for Translation Studies and Teaching: A Comprehensive Review of Corpus-based Translation Studies . Foreign Language Learning: Theory and Practice (1):8-15. Dai, G. (Forthcoming).A Corpus-Based Study of Cognitive Metaphorical Explanations for the Misuse of English Spatial Preposition IN by Chinese Learners (paper in English). Glossa . Dai, G. (2010) Corpus-based Term Translation—A Case Study for English Translations of “Xuan Xiu Ke” (paper in Chinese; abstract in English). Terminology Standardization Information Technology 58(2): 44-47. Dai, G. (2010) Language Characteristics of Tender/Bid Documents and the Translation Strategies (paper in Chinese; abstract in English). China Terminology 12(4): 37-40. Dai, G. (2010) A Review of the “Translation Theory Research” Module of the Training of Trainers for Undergraduate Translation and Interpretation(paper in Chinese; abstract in English). Journal of Jiaxing University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition) .22(2): 121-124. Dai, G. and Z. Xiao (2010) Corpus-based studies on explicitation in translation (paper in Chinese). The Chinese Translators Journal (1): 76-80. Xiao, Z. G. Dai (2010) In pursuit of the “third code”: A study of translation universals based on the ZCTC corpus of translational Chinese (paper in Chinese; abstract in English). Foreign Language Teaching and Research 42(1): 53-61. Xiao, Z. G. Dai (2010) Idioms and word clusters in translational Chinese: A corpus-based study (written in Chinese). Foreign Language Research (3): 79-86. Xiao, Z. G. Dai (2010) Using corpora in language pedagogy: A case study of passive constructions in Chinese learner English (paper in Chinese; abstract in English). Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition). 40(4): 189-200. Xiao, Z. and G. Dai (2009) Negation in English: A corpus-based study (paper in Chinese). Foreign Language and Literature 2009(4): 228-236. Dai, G. (2009) Applications of Keywords and Collocation to Translation-Studies and Teaching Based on Translation Corpora—A Tentative Research on Parallel Corpus of 17th NCCPC Report (paper in English). Translation Journal 13(3). Can be retrieved from the website: http://accurapid.com/journal/49corpus.htm Dai, G. (2008) A Corpus-based Research on Translation between Chinese and English (Paper in Chinese, abstract in English). Journal of Xiamen University of Technology 16(3):94-98. Dai, G. (2008) Discussions about Constructing Campus Network English (Paper in Chinese, abstract in English). Journal of Jiaying University 26(1):94-97. Zuo, S. G. Dai (2007) Aesthetic Considerations in the Translation of English Advertising(Paper in Chinese, abstract in English). Journal of Jiaying University 25(2):113-117. Dai, G. (2006) Contrastive Analysis of Phonological Cohesion in Chinese and English Discourses(Paper in Chinese, abstract in English). Journal of Fujian University of Technology 4(2):216-219. Dai, G. (2005) Investigation of Science Translatology under the Influence of Informatics—Commentary and Introduction to“Science Translatology” (Paper in Chinese, abstract in English). Chinese Science Technology Translators Journal . 18(1): 62-65. Zuo, S. G. Dai (2004) The Guidance of Pragmatics to College English Teaching (Paper in Chinese, abstract in English). Journal of Fujian University of Technology 2(4):498-501. Dai, G. S. Zuo (2004) Communication, Relevance and Translation (Paper in Chinese, abstract in English). Foreign Languages and Translation . 11(3):28-31. Dai, G. (2003) Context, Relevance and Translation(Paper in Chinese). English Studies . 2(2):52-56. Dai, G. (2003) Contrastive Studies and Translation for the Cultural Connotations of Chinese and English Numerals(paper in Chinese). Shangdong Foreign Languages Teaching Journal . No(1): 103-106. 2.2 Books 3)Dai,G. Source Language Shining through in Translated Languages (Monograph for the project of the National Science Foundation of China),forthcoming. 2)Dai, G. (2013) A Practical Course for International Business Translation . Beijing: Beijing Jiaotong University Press /Qinghua University Press. 1)Dai, G. (2012) An English-Chinese Chinese-English Glossary of Environmental Science and Engineering . Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press(ISBN:9787544622981,235 pages). 2.3 Book chapters Dai, G. (2008) Corpus-based Studies on Explicitation of Translation (paper in Chinese). In Chinese Translators’ Association (ed.) XVIII FIT World Congress Processings .Beijing: Foreign Language Press. 242-252. Dai, G. (2005) About Science Translatology under the Influence of Informatics—Commentary and Introduction to“Science Translatology” (Paper in Chinese).in Sci-Tech Translation Committee-TAC, Science Technology Translators Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (eds.) Informationization in Science and Technology Translation . Beijing: Science Press. 306-311. Dai, G. (2003) The Deconstruction of Translation-Standards According to Relevance-Theory—The Comments on the Standard of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Closeness”Put Forth by Mr. Liu Zhongde. in Jiang Jiansong, Peng Liyuan. (eds.) Liu Zhongde’s Translation Thoughts and Others . Changsha: Hunan Normal University Press. 3 Vocational Training and Conferences: 14)Corpus Technologies Applied Linguistics: An International Conference(Suzhou, China),June 28-30,2012. 13) The Academic Forum for PhD Candidates from the Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (Jan 2-3, 2012. Macau). 12) 6 th -8 th November, 2010: The FIT 6 th Asian Translators’ Forum (Macau University) 11) 27 th -29 th July, 2010: International Conference entitiled “Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS2010) at Edge Hill University in the United Kingdom. 10) 22 nd -25 th October, 2009: The First National Conference on Corpus Translation Studies (jointly sponsored by the National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education at Beijing Foreign Studies University and Foreign Language School of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Shanghai) 9) 27 th July—10 th August, 2009: Training of Trainers for Undergraduate Translation Interpretation (jointly sponsored by the Translators Association of China and the Editorial Department, Chinese Translators Journal) 8) 25 th -28 th Sept, 2008: International Symposium on Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS2008) jointly sponsored by Zhejiang University, University of Central Lancashire, Beijing Foreign Language Studies, Shandong University, and Lancaster University at Zhejiang University. Hangzhou. 7) 11-12 August, 2008: Pre-conference institute (Text Analysis for Translation; Properties of Translated Texts: Methods and Evaluations) for the 2nd HCLS conference—Translation, Language Contact, and Multilingual Communication (City University of Hong Kong) 6) 13-15 August, 2008: 2nd HCLS (The Hillday Centre for Intelligent Applications of Language Studies) conference—Translation, Language Contact, and Multilingual Communication(City University of Hong Kong) 5) 4-7 August, 2008: XVIII World Congress of the International Federation of Translators (Shanghai, China) 4) August.2007: National Training Programs for In-service EFL Teachers in Tertiary Education Workshop on College English Teaching (jointly organized by Beijing Foreign Studies University, National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press) 3) 17-19 March, 2006: The Corpora and English Language Teaching and Research Workshop (jointly organized by the National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education at Beijing Foreign Studies University, University of International Business and Economics, and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. The workshop offered various lectures on “Data-Driven Learning, Corpora and Foreign Language Teaching and Research”. 2) July, 2005: The Workshop on National College English Teaching Reform(jointly organized by Beijing Foreign Studies University, National Research Center for Foreign Language Education and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. The workshop provided various lectures on “ELT Theories, Teaching and Research Methodology, Language testing, CAT, etc). 1) July 20 to 25, 2004: Summer Symposium on English Translation Teaching (jointly sponsored by the Translators Association of China and The Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, CA) Beijing.
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