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热度 9 xuyingxiao 2011-9-3 05:09
捡垃圾是有传统的。小孩似乎都比较喜欢捡东西,许仙同志小时候喜欢到学校捡粉笔头,我则喜欢捡半截铅笔,尤其喜欢那种头上带橡皮的,尽管有的已经磨平了,但把那黄灿灿的壳剥开,里面还有不少剩余。由于小学操场河边的垃圾堆中特别容易捡到,于是我经常去那里转悠。 中学的学校在西面的垃圾场上盖了几户面朝东的房子,我们家符合条件终于搬了过去,我在那里度过了丰富的初中生活。我家房子左手是一排朝南的房子,一 直连到学校的食堂。这一排房子后面和西面都是垃圾堆,那里成了我寻宝的宝地。年纪大一些,志趣也高雅了一些,主要搜集各种漂亮的烟盒,把上面的图案剪下 来。印象最深的是大前门,非常漂亮的城楼。也搜集火柴盒,后来才知道那叫集火花。不过我能找到的大部分是直接印在盒子上的线条画,粗粗的绿色线条、盒子很 粗糙。偶尔找到那种像邮票一般精美的、印在纸上然后贴在盒子上的火花,就会非常兴奋。那时还在垃圾堆里捡废旧电池,将电池屁股上戳个洞灌点盐水继续使用。 不能用的电池就砸开取出碳棒写字、或者做电解水的实验。 人长大了,知道垃圾脏了,捡垃圾的劲头就逐渐丢失了。一直到出了国。 出国后捡垃圾一方面是为了节约。俺出国时没赶上好时候,正是留学基金委多年一直想提到资助额度却又一直没有提高的末期,资助额低于当地的最低生活要 求。不过这低于一个人最低生活要求的美金愣是养活了俺一家三口——这点也可以看出老美的穷人真是比国内的穷人幸福啊。不管如何,这种情况下还是一切本着勤 俭节约的原则,能省就省。 另一方面的原因就是当初抱定决心不准备在美国常住,这样买家具就成了鸡肋,能用二手的就尽量用二手的吧。 再一方面也是因为美国的垃圾很多也确实不是垃圾。在上外培训时,老师说美国的路边会有人把不要的家具扔在马路上,你看到了就可以捡回家。我们听了觉 得不可思议,出了国才发现美国的房子和我们不一样,扔在马路上其实只是扔在自己家门口较远的草坪上。大家的潜规则就是扔了这么远就是不要了,随便你拿去。 有的还在上面贴个“免费”的字样。 带女儿捡的所谓垃圾,其实是路边看到树叶、树枝、石子、纸片、虫子、花花草草、橡皮筋、链条等。刚来美国时女儿不肯出去活动,就对她说出去捡玩具,于是就兴高采烈地跟着我走了。把它们当作玩具,既锻炼女儿身体,又让她有买玩具般的开心。 垃圾桶里的垃圾也捡了不少,这个可以算是真正的捡垃圾。但历史是螺旋式发展的,出国的捡垃圾已经不同于小时候的捡垃圾了,有非常精美昂贵的名牌玩 具、有还比较新的各种家具。一种情形是,老美租房子住的很多,由于没有户籍限制,搬家又比较频繁,而老美的习惯是租房子时房子里什么家具都不带,自己重新 来过。所以搬家时房间里的家具如果搬走太麻烦的话就大量地扔掉。另一种情形是很多家庭东西更新快,又怕麻烦没有去捐出去,于是非常好的东西就直接扔掉了。 所谓的垃圾箱,就是一个桶而已,也不脏。从人家家里直接拿过来和从桶里拿过来有什么高低贵贱的区别?所以这些家具和玩具成了一些学生和低收入的老美的目标。 其实坐拥千万资产的家庭也会买二手货,甚至也会到垃圾桶捡别人刚扔的东西。这样多绿色环保和减少碳排放啊。 刚捡了个平面电视机,比我家原来人家送的电视机好多了。可惜电线被剪掉了,得自己修一下。这是俺第一次拆电视机,比拆电脑容易多了。只是以前知道电 视机即使电源拔掉里面也有高压电,所以等电视机闲置了一天才开拆。修好后把我们老的电视机扔垃圾桶了,结果晚上去查看一下,电视机没人要,但遥控器被人捡 走了,电源线也是一样被齐根剪了——竟然有人只要电线不要电视机。
个人分类: 生活|5750 次阅读|23 个评论
毛宁波 2011-7-26 07:55
MIT researchers have found a way to improve the energy density of a type of battery known as lithium-air (or lithium-oxygen) batteries, producing a device that could potentially pack several times more energy per pound than the lithium-ion batteries that now dominate the market for rechargeable devices in everything from cellphones to cars. The work is a continuation of a project that last year demonstrated improved efficiency in lithium-air batteries through the use of noble-metal-based catalysts. In principle, lithium-air batteries have the potential to pack even more punch for a given weight than lithium-ion batteries because they replace one of the heavy solid electrodes with a porous carbon electrode that stores energy by capturing oxygen from air flowing through the system, combining it with lithium ions to form lithium oxides. The new work takes this advantage one step further, creating carbon-fiber-based electrodes that are substantially more porous than other carbon electrodes, and can therefore more efficiently store the solid oxidized lithium that fills the pores as the battery discharges. "We grow vertically aligned arrays of carbon nanofibers using a chemical vapor deposition process. These carpet-like arrays provide a highly conductive, low-density scaffold for energy storage," explains Robert Mitchell, a graduate student in MIT's Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE) and co-author of a paper describing the new findings in the journal Energy and Environmental Science . During discharge, lithium-peroxide particles grow on the carbon fibers, adds co-author Betar Gallant, a graduate student in MIT's Department of Mechanical Engineering. In designing an ideal electrode material, she says, it's important to "minimize the amount of carbon, which adds unwanted weight to the battery, and maximize the space available for lithium peroxide," the active compound that forms during the discharging of lithium-air batteries. "We were able to create a novel carpet-like material — composed of more than 90 percent void space — that can be filled by the reactive material during battery operation," says Yang Shao-Horn, the Gail E. Kendall Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering and senior author of the paper. The other senior author of the paper is Carl Thompson, the Stavros Salapatas Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and interim head of DMSE. In earlier lithium-air battery research that Shao-Horn and her students reported last year, they demonstrated that carbon particles could be used to make efficient electrodes for lithium-air batteries. In that work, the carbon structures were more complex but only had about 70 percent void space. The gravimetric energy stored by these electrodes — the amount of power they can store for a given weight — "is among the highest values reported to date, which shows that tuning the carbon structure is a promising route for increasing the energy density of lithium-air batteries," Gallant says. The result is an electrode that can store four times as much energy for its weight as present lithium-ion battery electrodes. In the paper published last year, the team had estimated the kinds of improvement in gravimetric efficiency that might be achieved with lithium-air batteries; this new work "realizes this gravimetric gain," Shao-Horn says. Further work is still needed to translate these basic laboratory advances into a practical commercial product, she cautions. Because the electrodes take the form of orderly "carpets" of carbon fibers — unlike the randomly arranged carbon particles in other electrodes — it is relatively easy to use a scanning electron microscope to observe the behavior of the electrodes at intermediate states of charge. The researchers say this ability to observe the process, an advantage that they had not anticipated, is a critical step toward further improving battery performance. For example, it could help explain why existing systems degrade after many charge-discharge cycles. Ji-Guang Zhang, a laboratory fellow in battery technology at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, says this is "original and high-quality work." He adds that this research "demonstrates a very unique approach to preparing high-capacity electrodes for lithium-air batteries." http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2011/better-battery-storage-0725.html
个人分类: 世界能源|3820 次阅读|0 个评论
wanyuehua 2011-6-19 08:04
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 《太阳能材料和太阳能电池》荷兰 ISSN:0927-0248 , 1979 年创刊,全年 12 期, Elsevier Science 出版社, SCI 、 EI 收录期刊, Elsevier 出版集团( ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE )出版, 1992 年 入选 Web of Science 的 Science Citation Index 和 Science Citation Index Expanded ,目前在 SCI 数据库可以检索到该期刊 1992 年的第 25 卷第 1 期到 2011 年的第 95 卷第 7 期共 4810 篇论文。 该刊 SCI 2005 年影响因子 2.002 , 2006 年影响因子 2.321 , 2007 年影响因子 2.002 , 2008 年影响因子 2.788 , 2009 年影响因子 3.858, 2009 年 5 年期影响因子 3.854 。 2009 年 JCR 能源与燃料排名第 8 位( 71 种)、 Q1 (一区),材料科学(多学科)排名第 36 位( 214 种)、 Q1 (一区)。 说明:影响因子的四分位区间是指将一个学科领域内所有期刊影响因子大小顺序排列后,将所有期刊分成四等份,从而形成四个区间并分别标记为 Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 。 SCI 收录该刊的 4810 篇文章包括学术论文 3524 篇、会议论文 1113 篇、社论 57 篇、评论 46 篇、通讯 39 篇、更正 20 篇等。 4810 篇文章的作者涉及 101 个国家与地区,主要国家与地区分布:日本 819 篇,美国 573 篇,德国 569 篇,印度 433 篇,中国 425 篇(其中台湾地区 111 篇),韩国 261 篇,法国 221 篇,墨西哥 199 篇,澳大利亚 182 篇,西班牙 175 篇,瑞典 165 篇,意大利 163 篇,英国 130 篇,瑞士 117 篇,荷兰 102 篇,比利时 80 篇,土耳其 72 篇,丹麦 70 篇等。 4810 篇文章的作者单位涉及 2443 个研究机构,在该刊发表论文最多的研究机构为墨西哥国立自治大学( UNIV NACL AUTONOMA MEXICO ) 119 篇、澳大利亚新南维尔士大学( UNIV NEW S WALES ) 96 篇、美国国家可再生能源实验室( NATL RENEWABLE ENERGY LAB ) 88 篇、德国夫琅禾费太阳能系统研究所( FRAUNHOFER INST SOLAR ENERGY SYST ) 87 篇、瑞典乌普萨拉大学( UPPSALA UNIV ) 75 篇、日本产业技术综合研究所( NATL INST ADV IND SCI TECHNOL ) 74 篇、中国科学院( CHINESE ACAD SCI ) 72 篇。 中国学者在 《太阳能材料和太阳能电池》 ( Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells )期刊上发表论文的单位有中国科学院( Chinese Acad Sci ) 72 篇,浙江大学( ZHEJIANG UNIV ) 22 篇、清华大学( TSING HUA UNIV ) 22 篇、北京大学( PEKING UNIV ) 16 篇,中国科学技术大学( UNIV SCI TECHNOL CHINA ) 15 篇、上海交通大学( SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIV ) 14 篇、南开大学( NANKAI UNIV ) 12 篇等。 4810 篇文章共被引用 57,051 次 (其中 2007 年被引用 4652 次、 2008 年被引用 6279 次、 2009 年被引用 7845 次, 2010 年被引用 10149 次, 2011 年被引用 7086 次), 平均引用 11.86 次 ,年均引用次数 2852.55 , H 指数为 77 (有 77 篇文章每篇最少被引用 77 次以上)。 《太阳能材料和太阳能电池》 ( Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells )投稿指南 刊载光电、光热和光化太阳能转换的材料科学问题,以及太阳能电池的理论、技术、应用、相关经济问题的研究论文,涉及有关的固体物理学、冶金学、陶瓷学、光学和电化学等。 随着太阳能电池的研究逐渐热门,这个杂志的影响因子也是暴发户式的增长,审稿较快,见刊也很快,对文章要求也比较宽松,有适当的新意就很容易被接收。语言方面也不是苛刻。平均 3 个月的审稿周期,投稿平均命中率为 50% 。 网址: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09270248 编委会: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaleditorialboard.cws_home/505675/editorialboard 作者指南: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505675/authorinstructions 在线投稿: http://ees.elsevier.com/solmat/ 该刊在 SCI 数据库被引最多的 10 篇论文: 1. 标题 : A review on highly ordered, vertically oriented TiO2 nanotube arrays: Fabrication, material properties, and solar energy applications 作者 : Mor GK, Varghese OK, Paulose M, et al. 来源出版物 : SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 卷 : 90 期 : 14 页 : 2011-2075 出版年 : SEP 6 2006 被引频次 : 482 2. 标题 : Electrochromic tungsten oxide films: Review of progress 1993-1998 作者 : Granqvist CG 来源出版物 : SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 卷 : 60 期 : 3 页 : 201-262 出版年 : JAN 31 2000 被引频次 : 458 3. 标题 : A brief history of the development of organic and polymeric photovoltaics 作者 : Spanggaard H, Krebs FC 来源出版物 : SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 卷 : 83 期 : 2-3 页 : 125-146 出版年 : JUN 15 2004 被引频次 : 428 4. 标题 : Organic photovoltaics: technology and market 作者 : Brabec CJ 来源出版物 : SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 卷 : 83 期 : 2-3 页 : 273-292 出版年 : JUN 15 2004 被引频次 : 407 5. 标题 : Low band gap polymers for organic photovoltaics 作者 : Bundgaard E, Krebs FC 来源出版物 : SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 卷 : 91 期 : 11 页 : 954-985 出版年 : JUL 6 2007 被引频次 : 380 6. 标题 : Stability/degradation of polymer solar cells 作者 : Jorgensen M, Norrman K, Krebs FC 来源出版物 : SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 卷 : 92 期 : 7 页 : 686-714 出版年 : JUL 2008 被引频次 : 373 7. 标题 : Intrinsic microcrystalline silicon: A new material for photovoltaics 作者 : Vetterl O, Finger F, Carius R, et al. 来源出版物 : SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 卷 : 62 期 : 1-2 页 : 97-108 出版年 : APR 15 2000 被引频次 : 305 8. 标题 : Low cost photovoltaic modules based on dye sensitized nanocrystalline titanium dioxide and carbon powder 作者 : Kay A, Gratzel M 来源出版物 : SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 卷 : 44 期 : 1 页 : 99-117 出版年 : OCT 30 1996 被引频次 : 297 9. 标题 : Fabrication and processing of polymer solar cells: A review of printing and coating techniques 作者 : Krebs FC 来源出版物 : SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 卷 : 93 期 : 4 特刊 : Sp. Iss. SI 页 : 394-412 出版年 : APR 2009 被引频次 : 286 10. 标题 : Highly efficient photon-to-electron conversion with mercurochrome-sensitized nanoporous oxide semiconductor solar cells 作者 : Hara K, Horiguchi T, Kinoshita T, et al. 来源出版物 : SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 卷 : 64 期 : 2 页 : 115-134 出版年 : SEP 30 2000 被引频次 : 256
个人分类: SCI应用实例|13301 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 4 liwei999 2011-4-13 10:44
从机械化到电子化的潮流。 作者: mirror (*) 日期: 04/12/2011 20:04:21 今天看到了全电气化了的汽车 ,感受到了时代的潮流。手表、相机等等都是从机械过渡到了电子,唯有这个汽车还落在后边。主要的原因在于电池。 电池比起汽油的能量密度来,由于没有排放(不用氧气),先天就不足。不过电池可以循环使用跑两百公里几分钟换个电池也未尝不可,开个电池出租也可以繁荣。只是开车本身是个负担,还有个安全的问题。在这些个领域,也应该有个巨大的产业。能否赶上这个产业革命的潮流,就要看国人的造化了。 所谓基础研究的作用,就是能够带来这样“革命”的一个量的积累。 ---------- 就“是”论事儿,就“事儿”论是,就“事儿”论“事儿”。
个人分类: 镜子大全|2824 次阅读|4 个评论
lxznano 2011-3-13 19:40
出来半年多终于组装了我的第一批的电池,虽然电池的效率很低,但是这毕竟是我的第一批的器件,值得纪念,同时也希望能够尽快优化实验条件制备出高性能的电池。 经过半年的努力终于组装了第一批的电池
个人分类: 生活点滴|2563 次阅读|0 个评论
麦立强 2010-11-17 00:26
【按】近日科研与课题方面的事务较多,处理完几件事情后,感觉腰酸背疼,然后下意识地出去在harvard Yard里跑了一圈,感觉舒服多了。近期哈佛大学关于纳米,材料,化学,应用物理等方面的学术报告很多,挤时间听一下,感觉真的不错,这是哈佛比较有优势的地方,近期听的报告有《科学》(science)主编布鲁斯艾伯茨(Bruce Alberts)、肯尼迪政府学院关于国际竞争力和软实力的系列报告和讨论( 哈佛大学 杰出服务教授、肯尼迪政府学院前院长、软实力理论创始人 约瑟夫奈也将做报告 ),并有幸与大数学家、哈佛大学著名教授 丘成桐 (Shing-Tung Yau)老师交谈,感觉到,大师就是不一样,对问题的看法和视角非常独特,对纳米科学与技术方面研究也有重要的借鉴作用。还有一种体会,中国一词被提及的次数和机会明显提高,而且对中国各方面的认识也趋于理智,中国确实发展的很快,美国等大国也不得不承认,但美国对科学研究,基础建设等的一丝不苟,确实也值得我们学习!现在我们访问学者和学生在有所辨别的基础上,取其精华,去其糟粕,不失为一个合理的做法!下面摘录新闻经纬的新闻报道,以供交流,欢迎您提供宝贵的意见,评论和建议,以及有机会进行合作! 新闻经纬讯 11月15日,《自然》杂志的亚洲材料(NPG Asia Materials)网站以Energy materials: Honey I shrunk the battery为题报道了武汉理工大学麦立强教授与哈佛大学Lieber教授课题组合作完成的研究成果。该网站首次对武汉理工大学研究成果进行了报道。   亚洲材料网站将该成果作为研究亮点报道,阐述了构筑以单根纳米线为电极的全固态能源存储器件,为电池容量衰减机制提供了新的认识和理解,可同时用于原位检测微纳电池性能及微纳系统支撑电源。该成果发表于《纳米快报》2010年第10期(Nano Lett. 2010, 10(10): 4272),随后被世界著名的德国网站Nanowerk和国内知名的科学网进行了Spotlight和专题报导。   据了解,麦立强教授课题组长期致力于纳米线电池材料与器件研究,其发表于《纳米快报》第11期的分级结构钒氧化物超长纳米线论文(Nano Lett. 2010, 10(11):4750)被权威替代能源网站Green Car Congress在第一时间作了专题报道。(来源 武汉理工大学)   【小资料】《Nature》是世界最著名的科技期刊,自1869年创刊以来,始终如一地报道和评论全球科技领域里最重要的突破,其办刊宗旨是将科学发现的重要结果介绍给公众,让公众尽早知道全世界自然知识的每一分支中取得的所有进展。   附链接: 《自然》(亚洲材料)相关报道        《纳米快报》刊登原文 http://jingwei.whut.edu.cn/news/news.aspx?id=53867 http://www.ccug.net/news/2010/11/16/33546.jhtm
个人分类: 学术快讯|6766 次阅读|3 个评论
yuliping 2010-11-5 22:18
去年买的 THINKPAD T400 2767MU7 笔记本,原装 3 芯电池不行了。新电池省着用差不多能对付 2 小时, 1 年半以后只能用 20 分钟了,于是在淘宝网上找电池。发现 6 芯电池价格从 170 到 1000 之间,自己掏钱买原装电池的纯粹傻冒,买便宜的也担心质量,就怕买到翻新的旧电池。于是将价格从小到大排序,选择信用高的商家。最后连运费花费 194 元买了上海酷洁 http://coolclaen.taobao.com 的电池,该商家有 4 颗钻石,信用度应该不错。网上通过阿里汪汪和一位汪姓客服人员聊了一下,确认的相关细节,服务态度不错。支付方式选择货到付款, 3 天到货,一切顺利。 电池设计容量 47.52 瓦时,实际容量 44.25 瓦时。经过两次充放电,将屏幕亮度设到 10 ,采用集成显卡,激活电池延时,正常 WORD 文档, QQ 软件,待机工作时间 3 个小时 40 分钟,这是很好的结果了,说明这家的质量不错。 有趣的是,这个店家网上放了一堆工厂的图片,规模应该可以,但是英语水平太臭,酷洁应该是 coolclean ,店家写成 coolclaen ,类似臭豆腐,闻着臭,吃着香,呵呵。 2010.11.5 俞立平于江北
个人分类: 生活其他|5602 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载]单纳米线电化学器件Single nanowires for nanobattery d
麦立强 2010-10-8 12:08
Single nanowires provide unique tool for nanoscale battery diagnosis ( Nanowerk Spotlight ) Traditionally, battery materials have usually been studied with bulk quantities in a complex environment with both active electrode components and many other supporting materials such as polymer binders and conductive additives. Although nanomaterials have been found to be able to improve battery performance, the complexity has made it hard to tell clearly about their advantages. Moreover, it is difficult to know whether fast capacity fading is due to the intrinsic nature of the transport property changes of active nanomaterials or an extrinsic reason from their interactions with the supporting materials, if all of them are studied together. The goal to understand the intrinsic reason of active material capacity fading has motivated a group of researchers to design single nanowire electrochemical devices as an extremely simplified model system to push the fundamental limits of the nanowire materials for energy storage applications. The result is a powerful and effective diagnostic tool for property degradation of lithium ion based energy storage devices. In the September 10, 2010 online edition of Nano Letters ( Single Nanowire Electrochemical Devices ), they report a study of vanadium oxide based cathode and silicon based anode at the single nanowire level and demonstrated that a single nanowire electrode can work as a versatile platform to study the correlation between material structure changes, transport property, and electrochemical property. In our work, the electrical transport property evolution of the single nanowire under charging/discharging test has been reported for the first time, Liqiang Mai tells Nanowerk. By designing single nanowire electrode devices, our findings show that conductivity of the nanowire electrode decreased reversibly for vanadium oxide nanowire by shallow discharge/charge or irreversibly for vanadium oxide nanowire by deep discharge/charge, or silicon nanowire during the electrochemical reaction, which limits the cycle life of the devices. Schematic diagram of a single nanowire electrode device design. A single vanadium oxide nanowire or silicon nanowire is the work electrode, and HOPG or LiCoO 2 nanofilm is the counter electrode. The electrolyte is the PEO-LiClO 4 -PC-EC polymer. (Reprinted with permission from American Chemical Society) This first all-solid-state single nanowire electrochemical device, designed by Mai, a professor at the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT), and advanced research scholar at the Lieber Research Group at Harvard University, together with Yajie Dong, a graduate student of the same Harvard group, and their collaborators from the WUT-Harvard Joint Nano Key Lab, is a unique and versatile platform for in situ probing the intrinsic mechanism for electrode capacity fading, which is one of the biggest challenges in Li ion based energy storage devices. The insight gained from our study could help understand why the capacities of lithium ion batteries fade during their life time and provide scientific basis for designing, diagnosing and optimizing high performance lithium ion based energy storage devices says Dong. Restraining the conductivity decrease of battery electrode materials is a key issue for improving the performance of lithium ion batteries. The team has reported on their work on using chemical prelithiation to improve cycling performance of nanostructured electrode materials in a previous publication ( Improved cycling stability of nanostructured electrode materials enabled by prelithiation ). The electrode device in this research was configured with one vanadium oxide nanowire with a length of 10-45 m and a diameter of 20-100 nm as cathode, and one flake of highly ordered pyrolytic graphite as anode. Dong explains that during battery charge or discharge, Li + ions move out or into the cathode materials, oxidizing or reducing it to different states. This process was usually studied ex situ after disassembling the battery. So far, only in situ XRD or NMR could provide some indirect hint on materials structure changes during the battery test. Our single nanowire battery design provides a unique advantage to study this in situ without disturbing the battery components. In addition, such a single nanowire electrochemical device could also find applications in providing the potential power needs of nanodevices in future self-powered nanosystems. Designed as a nanoscale electrical energy storage device, it could be combined with nanowire-based solar cells, nanogenerators, etc for powering nanodevices in the fields of nanoelectronics, optoelectronics or biosensing. Mai notes that the research and development of lithium ion based energy storage devices has been focused in two directions. On one hand, in the areas of electric vehicles and other large grid scale energy storage devices, these batteries are becoming bigger and bigger. On the other hand, in the areas of microelectronics or even self-powered nanosystems, they are becoming smaller and smaller. In either direction, when the size scales start to diverge from traditional batteries by orders of magnitude, the old battery design won't be efficient enough to achieve high energy, power density and long cycle life with satisfactory safety features. Novel efficient design based on deep understanding of battery behaviors, such as the intrinsic reasons of energy storage device performance degradation studied in our work, will be important for tomorrow's energy storage devices Mai concludes. By Michael Berger. Copyright 2010 Nanowerk http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=18211.php
个人分类: 新闻关注|3698 次阅读|0 个评论
liwei999 2010-9-8 20:20
这次是偷着乐应李老师的太阳能电池的话题。 (2862 bytes) Posted by: mirror Date: September 08, 2010 05:24AM 看到李老师的《为什么硅晶体可以用来做太阳能电池?》( )问题时,还真的愣了一下。 这次接受批判,既不阴阳怪气,也不居高临下地回答一哈李老师的问题。在解答之前,先发表一个感慨:乱七八糟的中医、中药混在一起居然可以成事儿!这是李老师不愿意、也不能够容忍的。同样,如此乱七八糟的物理概念掺合在一起,居然能够拼成(出)一个比较象样的问题来!这也是个奇迹了。 镜某并不是居高临下地看李老师。镜某不过是想介绍一个现象:如果因为乱七八糟而不能容忍中医中药行医的话,那么用同样理由也可以禁止李老师教物理了。镜某主张宽待中医,实际上也就是说要宽待李老师,所谓的做人要厚道。 李老师的原文不长,不妨全引用过来。 引用: 李老师问: 硅是 间接带隙半导体 , 电子跃迁 需要声子参与才能保证 动量守恒 ,导致跃迁几率很低。所以,硅不能用来做发光二极管。砷化镓是 直接带隙 ,是做发光二极管的恰当材料。 按道理, 发光和光吸收是相反的两个过程 ,硅的发光和光吸收应该都是不容易进行的。但是,硅却可以用来做太阳能电池。这是什么道理呢? 这个问题还真不好回答,因为诱导李老师思考这个问题的思维几乎都是错的。所谓回答问题就是纠正错误。 1)按道理, 发光和光吸收是相反的两个过程 一句里缺了3个主(体)的定语。 什么东西的、什么波段的、什么样的 发光和光吸收才是相反的两个过程呢?所谓的按道理就是要考虑到这些个情形。显然,李老师的脑子里是光的共振吸收和发光情形,在道理上属于特殊情况。 2)在理解发光二极管的机制时,李老师用了 电子跃迁 的说法,并且想到了一般人不知道的需要声子参与的事儿。这是第二的错误了。发光二极管的发光不是来自 电子跃迁 ,那是个原子系统的说明,而半导体是凝聚态,不需要作原子系统的模型。发光二极管的发光机制是电子和空孔的 结合 。电子和空孔分别来自P、N型半导体,它们在PN结处相遇、结合。相遇是因为有电压的驱动,结合是因为半导体材料是 直接带隙 ,发光是因为要能量守恒。 3)硅(却)可以用来做太阳能电池是因为有PN结构。材料的PN结合部的电位差是光电池的驱动力,PN结处光吸收产生的电子和空孔对儿再没有结合,被电势差两边的同伙给拉过去了。这就是硅用来做太阳能电池的道理了。 为什么不能禁酒?大约可以给出N个道理来说明,虽然禁酒有M多个好处。今天人们列出太阳能电池的N多个好处来,主张发展太阳能。在镜某看来,这个做法与主张禁酒是同样的。都长不了。恐怕挺不过二十年。当初德国的绿党上台,主张废除核能。若干年后的今天,有些松口了。大电站的生态不是那么好改变的,而且太阳能的补贴是从大电站的发电中获取的。 太阳能的利用的根本出路在于取暖。从低级能量到低级能量,不用非太大的力气。小康生活必然要用到热水和取暖。这部分能用太阳能也就可以了,做人不能太贪。用太阳能发电就是太贪了,当年的大跃进也是因为太贪了才搞起来的。政府不掏劳务费,老百姓白干活。这样的好事儿不可能长久。因此太阳能电池最多再有十年的折腾。 又跑题了,打住。 就是论事儿,就事儿论是,就事儿论事儿。 http://www.starlakeporch.net/bbs/read.php?1,66034,66034#msg-66034
个人分类: 镜子大全|4310 次阅读|8 个评论
imwgj 2010-8-20 10:31
个人分类: 科研笔记|6573 次阅读|3 个评论
选修4第四章第一节 原电池
yaoronggui 2009-12-29 17:09
桂耀荣 2009年12月29日 刚参加完学校优质课比赛,现在将我的课件及学案发布在此。 下载地址: 原电池
个人分类: 高中化学|3013 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 陈良尧 2009-12-14 08:45
汽车在拓宽人类活动的视野和空间自由度方面扮演了独一无二的角色,至今已日臻完善的汽油发动机技术是关键。 品牌汽车都拥有一颗强健的发动机心脏,集省油、长寿命和高可靠性等优点于一身,能经得起翻山越岭和寒冬酷暑等恶劣条件的严峻考验, 因此,非有长期研究积累和先进制造业基础,决计造不出一台高性能发动机。汽车业出身的部长先生深谙其中的道理,面对发展我国汽车工业的艰巨任务,设想的捷径是绕过瓶颈,跨越台阶,不再走周边国家的老路,如韩国现代那样化力气研究传统汽油发动机,而是跳到研究和发展下一代电动汽车。 汽油车只要给油就走,即使在荒无人烟的戈壁峻岭,只要多带几桶油就可放心驱车几千里而无性命之忧。 电动车给电就走,不易随处给电的载能模式是另一道坎,相对于较为成熟的电机技术而言,研制高性能电池是关键,主要不是电子和机械,而是电化学方面的困难。 毕竟受到如此巨大的电动车市场诱惑,吊足了无数科学家和工程师们的胃口,满以为是自己的春天,谁知这片春天的叶子却笃悠飘进了化学家们的园子里。储氢电池、燃料电池、铅酸电池、镍铬电池、锂电池,还有其它五花八门的各色电池,都是化学家们的研究天地,从部长碗里分走了一块又一块肥美蛋糕,而容不得邻域的馋者有半点插手的机会。 几年过去了,各种参数和性能指标试下来,给出的结论是,短期内真正能让电动汽车跑百来公里路程乃是早已在手机和计算机里被普遍应用的锂电池,不是几十或几百克重,而是几百公斤重的组合式锂电池。因此,要让大家都买得起电动汽车,很大程度将取决于锂电池的价格。然而,圈里圈外无不都已喜气洋洋,在翘首巴望着另一轮锂电池市场的繁荣到来。 国际上也有同样的情形。为摆脱对石油的依赖,在汽油车向电动车转型的过程中,美国几大汽车制造商都瞄准了锂电池,但美国不是富锂国家,而是位于南美洲的玻利维亚贫穷小国为世界提供了超过 50 %的锂资源 (如下图所示,位于玻利维亚约 1.2 万平方公里的盐床储藏了世界上最大的锂资源, Time, Jan. 22,2009 )。 显然,最有利可图并能使玻利维亚迅速脱贫致富的有效途径不是卖粗锂资源,而是要卖经过深度加工的锂电池产品,将产生更为丰厚的利润。依靠玻利维亚自有技术来研发高性能锂电池有很大困难,无奈中仍只能与工业国家的厂商合作开发,同时将被分吃掉一大块锂利润。 在未来一、二十年间,由于经济和技术方面的原因,我国恐难采取一步到位的更换汽油车而实现全锂电池驱动的电动车方案。如不是石油和环境等因素,久经技术积累和考验的汽油车在跑远路,省油和高可靠性等方面仍有很大优势。汽油和电混合动力驱动的技术则过于昂贵和复杂,短期内不易为我国的汽车工业界掌握。 笔者与同事设想,有无另一种途径,既保留汽油机的优点和功能,又能用电驱动? 早期汽车都采用后轮驱动模式,即发动机被置于汽车前端,通过一根长轴将动力传至后轮驱动汽车。现在家用汽车底部已革除了那根动力传输轴,都已改为前轮驱动模式,即由发动机直接驱动前轮行驶。 因此,可考虑用电驱动后轮,同时仍保留汽油机的前轮驱动功能。如在上海及其周边地区,目前大多数上班族每天的行车里程估计都不超过 50 公里 ,甚至不超过 30 公里 。因此,短途上下班开车可用电驱动,这将显著降低电池负担,缩小其体积和重量,也便于在家或办公地附近快速充电。一旦在路上发生电故障,或需跑远路,高性能的汽油发动机可立马启动发挥作用。 如在后轮加装电机,并腾出后备箱的部分空间放电池,连带电机制动机构的改造,不破坏原有汽车功能,约添 2 - 3 万元人民币的改装费,同时省下相当部分的油钱,或许会有很多用户乐意考虑和接受这种较易于技术实现的两全方案。
个人分类: 杂文|4944 次阅读|7 个评论
教你如何运用COMSOL做电池(一) 各个模块功能的选择
COMSOLFEM 2009-10-21 21:22
COMSOL Multiphysics ,自定 义 偏微分方程 来 模 拟 任何方程可以描述的物理 现 象。 AC/DC ,模 拟 燃料 电 池中的 电传导 和 电势 等 Chemical Engineerin g 包含 质 量 传递 、 动 量 传递 、能量 传递 方程,用于解 决 流体流 动 、物 质扩 散 问题 、 电 化 学 反 应 等 MEMS ,微流体、微 结 构 以及 电 磁 问题 ,解 决 器件中的 电 磁-流- 热 - 结 构 等多 种 耦合多物理 场 Heat Transfer ,用于解 决 燃料 电 池中的 热传导 、 对 流 传热 、 热辐 射 问题 Reaction Engineering ,用于解 决 反 应 工程、反 应热 等 问题 Structural Mechanics ,用于仿 真 电 池的 结 构 力学问题 Optimization ,设定一个目标函数,进行优化设计 CAD ,导入复杂几何模型 Material ,材料库及自定义材料属性 在后续的章节中,我们会陆续为大家讲解集中主流电池的仿真模拟。
个人分类: 电化学|12391 次阅读|1 个评论
加州笔记之三十一 微型核电池
siccashq 2009-10-11 09:34
密苏里大学出了一个简报,该校的Kwon J. W.教授在物理应用快报上报道了最新的关于微型核电池的结果,这种新型的二次电池概念在能源领域研究比较少,但是由于能量密度比一般锂电池高几个数量级,所以在某些特殊环境下应用很有希望,如纳米卫星。核电池的提法比较吓人,但并不是我们通常所想的发生核裂变的链式反应输出能量,而是利用被辐射后的高能同位素衰变时逐步释放出的能量。Kwon在这个新工作中主要贡献在于利用金属硒作为能量接受体,避免了固体半导体材料在高能辐射下因为晶格发生畸变而失效。具体的工作原理是同位素硫35释放出高能beta射线激发半导体硒中处于价带的电子,造成电荷分离,半导体硒和金属电极形成肖特基势垒促进了电子和空穴的分离,当外电路加上载荷时,电子就会经由外加载荷奔向空穴结婚,灯亮了。Kwon目前得到的能量转换效率仅有1.2%,功率在nW级。 这种利用核辐射来制备电池是不是为核废料处理提供了一种能源回收的策略? MU Researchers Create Smaller and More Efficient Nuclear Battery Mizzou scientist develops a powerful nuclear battery that uses a liquid semiconductor Oct. 07, 2009 Story Contact(s) : Kelsey Jackson, JacksonKN@missouri.edu , (573) 882-8353 COLUMBIA, Mo. Batteries can power anything from small sensors to large systems. While scientists are finding ways to make them smaller but even more powerful, problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves. University of Missouri researchers are developing a nuclear energy source that is smaller, lighter and more efficient. To provide enough power, we need certain methods with high energy density, said Jae Kwon, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at MU. The radioisotope battery can provide power density that is six orders of magnitude higher than chemical batteries. Kwon and his research team have been working on building a small nuclear battery, currently the size and thickness of a penny, intended to power various micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (M/NEMS). Although nuclear batteries can pose concerns, Kwon said they are safe. People hear the word nuclear and think of something very dangerous, he said. However, nuclear power sources have already been safely powering a variety of devices, such as pace-makers, space satellites and underwater systems. His innovation is not only in the batterys size, but also in its semiconductor. Kwons battery uses a liquid semiconductor rather than a solid semiconductor. The critical part of using a radioactive battery is that when you harvest the energy, part of the radiation energy can damage the lattice structure of the solid semiconductor, Kwon said. By using a liquid semiconductor, we believe we can minimize that problem. Kwon has been collaborating with J. David Robertson, chemistry professor and associate director of the MU Research Reactor , and is working to build and test the battery at the facility. In the future, they hope to increase the batterys power, shrink its size and try with various other materials. Kwon said that the battery could be thinner than the thickness of human hair. Theyve also applied for a provisional patent. Kwons research has been published in the Journal of Applied Physics Letters and Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry . In addition, last June, he received an outstanding paper award for his research on nuclear batteries at the IEEE International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems in Denver (Transducers 2009). (谁找到第二篇文章和我说一声)
个人分类: 加州笔记|6243 次阅读|10 个评论
yahuang 2009-9-22 09:15
The timelineTimeline A timeline is a graphical representation of a chronological sequence of events, also referred to as a chronology. It can also mean a schedule of activities, such as a timetable.... of solar cellSolar cell A solar cell or photovoltaic cell is a device that converts sunlight directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. Sometimes the term solar cell is reserved for devices intended specifically to capture energy from sunlight, while the term photovoltaic cell is used when the source is unspecified.... s begins in the 1800s when it is observed that the presence of sunlight is capable of generating usable electrical energy. Solar cells have gone on to be used in many applications. They have historically been used in situations where electrical power from the grid is unavailable. The last world record achieved in solar cell efficiency appears in bold. arex Corp.(Enron/Amoco)v.Arco Solar, Inc.Ddel, 805 Fsupp 252 Fed Digest. Discussion Ask a question about 'Timeline of solar cells'Start a new discussion about 'Timeline of solar cells'Answer questions from other usersFull Discussion Forum Encyclopedia The timelineTimeline A timeline is a graphical representation of a chronological sequence of events, also referred to as a chronology. It can also mean a schedule of activities, such as a timetable.... of solar cellSolar cell A solar cell or photovoltaic cell is a device that converts sunlight directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. Sometimes the term solar cell is reserved for devices intended specifically to capture energy from sunlight, while the term photovoltaic cell is used when the source is unspecified.... s begins in the 1800s when it is observed that the presence of sunlight is capable of generating usable electrical energy. Solar cells have gone on to be used in many applications. They have historically been used in situations where electrical power from the grid is unavailable. The last world record achieved in solar cell efficiency appears in bold. Timeline 1800s 1839 - Alexandre Edmond BecquerelA. E. Becquerel Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel was a France physicist who studied the solar spectrum, magnetism, electricity, and optics. He is known for his work in luminescence and phosphorescence.... observes the photoelectric effectPhotoelectric effect The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from matter after the absorption of energy from electromagnetic wave such as x-rays or visible light.... via an electrode in a conductive solution exposed to light. 1873 - Willoughby SmithWilloughby Smith Willoughby Smith was an English electrical engineer who discovered the photoconductivity of the element selenium. This discovery led to the invention of photoelectric cells, including those used in the earliest television systems.... finds that seleniumSelenium Selenium is a chemical element with the atomic number 34, represented by the chemical symbol Se, an atomic mass of 78.96. It is a nonmetal, chemically related to sulfur and tellurium, and rarely occurs in its elemental state in nature.... is photoconductive. 1877 - W.G. Adams and R.E. Day observed the photovoltaic effect in solid seleniumSelenium Selenium is a chemical element with the atomic number 34, represented by the chemical symbol Se, an atomic mass of 78.96. It is a nonmetal, chemically related to sulfur and tellurium, and rarely occurs in its elemental state in nature.... , and published a paper on the selenium cell. 'The action of light on selenium,' in Proceedings of the Royal Society, A25, 113. 1883 - Charles FrittsCharles Fritts Charles Fritts was an American inventor credited with creating the first working solar cell in 1884.Fritts coated the semiconductor material selenium with an extremely thin layer of gold.... develops a solar cell using selenium on a thin layer of gold to form a device giving less than 1% efficiency. 1887 - Heinrich Hertz investigates ultraviolet light photoconductivity. 1887 - James Moser reports dye sensitised photoelectrochemical cell. 1888 - Edward WestonEdward Weston (chemist) Edward Weston was an English chemist noted for his achievements in electroplating and his development of the electrochemical cell, named the Weston cell, for the voltage standard.... receives patent US389124, Solar cell, and US389125, Solar cell. 1894 - Melvin Severy receives patent US527377, Solar cell, and US527379, Solar cell. 1897 - Harry Reagan receives patent US588177, Solar cell.. 1900-1929 1901 - Nikola TeslaNikola Tesla Nikola Tesla was an inventor and a mechanical engineer and electrical engineer. Tesla was born in the village of Smiljan near the town of Gospic, in Croatia .... receives the patent US685957, Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy, and US685958, Method of Utilizing of Radiant Energy. 1902 - Philipp von Lenard observes the variation in electron energy with light frequency. 1904 - Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein Albert Einstein was a Germany-born theoretical physics. He is best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass?energy equivalence, expressed by the equation E = mc2.... publishes a paper on the photoelectric effect. Wilhelm Hallwachs makes a semiconductor-junction solar cell (copperCopper Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu and atomic number 29.It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity.... and copper oxideCopper oxide Copper oxide can refer to*Copper oxide , a red powder;*Copper oxide , a black powder.... ). 1913 - William CoblentzWilliam Coblentz William Weber Coblentz was an United States physicist notable for his contributions to infrared radiometry and spectroscopy.... receives US1077219, Solar cell. 1914 - Sven Ason Berglund patents methods of increasing the capacity of photosensitive cells. 1916 - Robert MillikanRobert Millikan Robert Andrews Millikan was an United States experimental physics, and Nobel Prize for Physics in physics for his measurement of the charge on the electron and for his work on the photoelectric effect.... conducts experiments and proves the photoelectric effect. 1918 - Jan CzochralskiJan Czochralski Jan Czochralski was a Poland chemistry who invented the Czochralski process, which is used to grow single crystals and is used in the production of semiconductor wafers.... , a Polish scientist, produces a method to grow single crystals of metal. Decades later, the method is adapted to produce single-crystal silicon. 1920s - Solar water-heating systems, utilizing flat collectors (or flat-plate collectors), relied upon in homes and apartment buildings in FloridaFlorida Florida is a U.S. state located in the Southeastern United States of the United States, bordering Alabama to the northwest and Georgia to the northeast.... and southern CaliforniaCalifornia California is a U.S. state on the West Coast of the United States of the United States, along the Pacific Ocean. It is bordered by Oregon to the north, Nevada to the east, Arizona to the southeast, and to the south the Mexico state of Baja California.... . 1930-1959 1932 - Audobert and Stora discover the photovoltaic effect in Cadmium selenideCadmium selenide Cadmium selenide is a solid, binary compound of cadmium and selenium. Common names for this compound are cadmium selenide, cadmium selenide, and cadmoselite .... (CdSe), a photovoltaic material still used today. 1946 - Russell OhlRussell Ohl Russell Ohl was an American engineer who is generally recognized for patenting the modern solar cell . Ohl was a notable semiconductor researcher prior to the invention of the transistor.... receives patent US2402662, Light sensitive device. 1948 - Gordon TealGordon K. Teal Gordon Kidd Teal invented a method of applying the Czochralski method to produce extremely pure germanium single crystals used in making greatly improved transistors.... and John Little adapt the Czochralski method of crystal growth to produce single-crystalline germanium and, later, silicon. 1950s - Bell LabsBell Labs Bell Laboratories is the research organization of Alcatel-Lucent and previously of the American Telephone Telegraph Company .Bell Laboratories has had its headquarters at Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, and it has research and development facilities throughout the world.... produce solar cells for space activities. 1953 - Gerald Pearson begins research into lithiumLithium Lithium is a chemical element with the symbol Li and atomic number 3. It is a soft alkali metal with a silver-white color. Under standard conditions for temperature and pressure, it is the lightest metal and the least dense solid element.... -siliconSilicon Silicon is the most common metalloid. It is a chemical element, which has the symbol Si and atomic number 14. The atomic mass is 28.0855.... photovoltaic cells. 1954 - Bell LabsBell Labs Bell Laboratories is the research organization of Alcatel-Lucent and previously of the American Telephone Telegraph Company .Bell Laboratories has had its headquarters at Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, and it has research and development facilities throughout the world.... announces the invention of the first modern silicon solar cell. Shortly afterwards, they are shown at the National Academy of Science Meeting. These cells have about 6% efficiency. The New York Times forecasts that solar cells will eventually lead to a source of limitless energy of the sun. 1955 - Western ElectricWestern Electric Western Electric Company was an United States electrical engineering company, the manufacturing arm of American Telephone Telegraph from 1881 to 1995.... licences commercial solar cell technologies. Hoffman Electronics-Semiconductor Division creates a 2% efficient commercial solar cell for $25/cell or $1,785/Watt. 1957 - ATT assignors (Gerald L. Pearson, Daryl M. Chapin, and Calvin S. Fuller) receive patent US2780765, Solar Energy Converting Apparatus. They refer to it as the solar batteryBattery (electricity) In electronics, a battery or voltaic cell is a combination of one or more electrochemical cell Galvanic cells which store chemical energy that can be converted into electric potential energy, creating electricity.... . Hoffman Electronics creates an 8% efficient solar cell. 1958 - T. Mandelkorn, U.S. Signal Corps Laboratories, creates n-on-p silicon solar cells, which are more resistant to radiation damage and are better suited for space. Hoffman Electronics creates 9% efficient solar cells. Vanguard I, the first solar powered satellite, was launched with a 0.1W, 100 cm² solar panel. 1959 - Hoffman Electronics creates a 10% efficient commercial solar cell, and introduces the use of a grid contact, reducing the cell's resistance. 1960-1979 1960 - Hoffman Electronics creates a 14% efficient solar cell. 1961 - Solar Energy in the Developing World conference is held by the United NationsUnited Nations The United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are to facilitate cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, Social change, human rights and achieving world peace.... . 1962 - The TelstarTelstar Telstar was the first active communications satellite, and the first satellite designed to transmit telephone and high-speed data communications.... communications satellite is powered by solar cells. 1963 - Sharp CorporationSharp Corporation is a Japanese electronics manufacturer, founded in 1912.It takes its name from one of its founder's first inventions, the Ever-Sharp mechanical pencil, which was invented by Tokuji Hayakawa in 1915.... produces a viable photovoltaic module of silicon solar cells. 1964 - Farrington DanielsFarrington Daniels Farrington Daniels , an American physical chemist, is considered one of the pioneers of the modern direct use of solar energy.... ' landmark book, Direct Use of the Sun's Energy, published by Yale University PressYale University Press Yale University Press is a book publisher 1908 in literature by George Parmly Day. It became an official Academic department of Yale University 1961 in literature, but remains financially and operationally autonomous.... . 1967 - Soyuz 1Soyuz 1 Soyuz 1 was part of the Soviet Union's space program and was launched into orbit on April 23, 1967, carrying a single astronaut, Colonel Vladimir Mikhaylovich Komarov, who was killed when the spacecraft crashed during its return to Earth.... is the first manned spacecraft to be powered by solar cells 1967 - Akira FujishimaAkira Fujishima is a Japanese chemist, professor emeritus, University of Tokyo.He is known for his significant contributions in discovery and research of photocatalytic and superhydrophilic properties of titanium dioxide.... discovers the Honda-Fujishima effect which is used for hydrolysisHydrolysis Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction during which one or more water are split into hydrogen and hydroxide ions which may go on to participate in further reactions.... in the photoelectrochemical cellPhotoelectrochemical cell Photoelectrochemical cells or PECs are solar cells which generate electrical energy from light, including visible light. Each cell consists of a semiconducting photoanode and a metal cathode immersed in an electrolyte.... . 1970 - First highly effective GaAsGaas Gaas is a Communes of France in the Landes Departments of France in Aquitaine in southwestern France.... heterostructure solar cells are created by Zhores Alferov and his team in the USSR. 1971 - Salyut 1Salyut 1 Salyut 1 was the first space station of any kind, and the first Soviet space station. It was launched on April 19, 1971. Its first crew launched in Soyuz 10 but was unable to board it due to a failure in the docking mechanism; its second crew launched in Soyuz 11 and remained on board for 23 productive days.... is powered by solar cells. 1973 - SkylabSkylab Skylab was the first space station the United States launched into orbit, and the second space station ever visited by a human crew. The 100 ton space station was in Earth's orbit from 1973 to 1979, and it was visited by crews three times in 1973 and 1974.... is powered by solar cells. 1974 - Florida Solar Energy CenterFlorida Solar Energy Center The Florida Solar Energy Center is the largest and most active state-supported renewable energy and energy efficiency research, training, testing and certification institute in the United States.... begins . 1974 - J. BaldwinJ. Baldwin James Tennant Baldwin is an American industrial designer and writer. Baldwin was a student of Buckminster Fuller; Baldwin's work has been inspired by Fuller's principles and has popularized and interpreted Fuller's ideas and achievements.... , at Integrated Living Systems, co-develops the world's first building (in New Mexico) heated and otherwise powered by solar and wind powerWind power Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form, such as electricity, using wind turbines. At the end of 2008, worldwide nameplate capacity of wind-powered generators was 120.8 gigawatts.... exclusively. 1976 - David Carlson and Christopher Wronski of RCA Laboratories create first amorphous silicon PV cells, which have an efficiency of 1.1%. 1977 - The Solar Energy Research InstituteNational Renewable Energy Laboratory The National Renewable Energy Laboratory , located in Golden, Colorado, as part of the U.S. Department of Energy, is the United States' primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development.... is established at Golden, ColoradoGolden, Colorado The historic City of Golden is a Colorado municipalities#Home_Rule_Municipality that is the county seat of Jefferson County, Colorado, Colorado, United States.... . 1977 - President Jimmy CarterJimmy Carter James Earl Jimmy Carter, Jr. served as the List of Presidents of the United States President of the United States from 1977 to 1981 and was the recipient of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.... installs solar panelPhotovoltaic module In the field of photovoltaics, a photovoltaic module or photovoltaic panel is a packaged interconnected assembly of photovoltaic cells, also known as solar cells.... s on the White HouseWhite House The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States. Located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., it was built between 1792 and 1800 of white-painted Aquia sandstone in the late Georgian architecture and has been the executive residence of every U.S.... and promotes incentives for solar energy systems. 1977 - The world production of photovoltaic cells exceeded 500 kW Late 1970s: the Energy Crisis1979 energy crisis The 1979 oil crisis in the United States occurred in the wake of the Iranian Revolution. Amid massive protests, the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, fled his country in early 1979, allowing Ayatollah Khomeini to gain control.... ; groundswell of public interest in solar energy use: photovoltaic and active and passive solar, including in architecture and off-grid buildings and home sites. 1980-1999 1980 - The Institute of Energy Conversion at University of Delaware develops the first thin-film solar cell exceeding 10% efficiency using Cu2S/CdS technology. 1982 - Spherical solar cell was developed. 1983 - Worldwide photovoltaic production exceeds 21.3 megawatts, and sales exceed $250 million. 1984 - 30,000 SF Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Roof completed for the Intercultural Center of Georgetown University. At the time of the 20th Anniversary Journey by Horseback for Peace and Photovoltais in 2004 it was still generating an average of one MWh daily as it has for twenty years in the dense urban environment of Washington, DC. 1984 - Amoco Oil pulled factory loan to takeover of Solarex Corporation factory in Frederick, Maryland. 1985 - 20% efficient silicon cells are created by the Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering at the University of New South WalesUniversity of New South Wales The University of New South Wales, also known as UNSW or colloquially as New South, is a university situated in Kensington, New South Wales, a suburb in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.... . 1986 - 'Solar-Voltaic DomeTM' patented by Lt. Colonel Richard T. Headrick of Irvine, CA as an efficient architectural configuration for building-integrated photovoltaics ; Hesperia, CA field array. 1988-1991 AMOCO/Enron used Solarex patents to sue ARCO Solar out of the business of a-Si, see Solarex Corp.(Enron/Amoco)v.Arco Solar, Inc.Ddel, 805 Fsupp 252 Fed Digest. ) 1989 - Reflective solar concentrators are first used with solar cells. 1990 - The Cathedral of MagdeburgCathedral of Magdeburg The Evangelical Church in Germany Cathedral of Magdeburg , officially called the Cathedral of Saints Catherine and Maurice , is one of the oldest Gothic architecture cathedrals in Germany.... installs solar cells on the roof, marking the first installation on a church in East Germany. 1991 - Efficient Photoelectrochemical cells are developed; the Dye-sensitized solar cell is invented. 1991 - PresidentPresident President is a title held by many leaders of organizations, company, trade unions, university, and country. Etymology, a president is one who Wiktionary:Preside, who sits in leadership .... George H. W. BushGeorge H. W. Bush George Herbert Walker Bush served as the List of Presidents of the United States President of the United States from 1989 to 1993. Bush held a variety of political positions prior to his presidency, including Vice President of the United States in the administration of Ronald Reagan and Director of Central Intelligence under Gerald R.... directs the U.S. Department of Energy to establish the National Renewable Energy LaboratoryNational Renewable Energy Laboratory The National Renewable Energy Laboratory , located in Golden, Colorado, as part of the U.S. Department of Energy, is the United States' primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development.... (transferring the existing Solar Energy Research Institute). 1992 - University of South Florida fabricates a 15.89-percent efficient thin-film cell 1993 - The National Renewable Energy LaboratoryNational Renewable Energy Laboratory The National Renewable Energy Laboratory , located in Golden, Colorado, as part of the U.S. Department of Energy, is the United States' primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development.... 's Solar Energy Research Facility is established. 1994 - NREL develops a GaInP/GaAs two-terminal concentrator cell (180 suns) which becomes the first solar cell to exceed 30% conversion efficiency. 1996 - The National Center for Photovoltaics is established. Graetzel, cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausannecole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne The ?cole Polytechnique F?d?rale de Lausanne is one of the two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology and is located in Lausanne, Switzerland.... , LausanneLausanne Lausanne is a city in Romandy, the French language-speaking part of Switzerland, situated on the shores of Lake Geneva , and facing ?vian-les-Bains and with the Jura mountains to its north-west.... , Switzerland achieves 11% efficient energy conversion with dye-sensitized cells that use a photoelectrochemical effect. 1998 - August and September University of New South Wales made premiere offering of on-line 'Advanced Photovoltaics Short Course' 1998 - Historic Joint Agency Rulemaking into the Role of the Utility Distribution Company in Distributed Generation before the California Public Utilities Commission 98-12-015 and 99-10-025; California Energy Commission 99-DIST-GEN(1) and 99-DIST-GEN(2); California Oversight Board 99-1-A-DG 1999 - Total worldwide installed photovoltaic power reached 1000 megawatts. 2000 2002 President George W. Bush installed a 9 kW 'building-integrated photovoltaics' panel on the roof of a grounds maintenance building at the White House for the National Parks Service. Also installed were two solar water heating systems. 2004 March California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed Solar Roofs Initiative for one million solar roofs in California by 2017. June 1 Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius issued a mandate for 1,000 MWp renewable electricity in Kansas by 2015 per Executive Order 04-05 2006 Polysilicon use in photovoltaicsPhotovoltaics Photovoltaics is the field of technology and research related to the application of solar cells for energy by converting sunlight directly into electricity.... exceeds all other polysilicon use for the first time. January 12 California Public Utilities Commission approved the California Solar Initiative (CSI), a comprehensive $2.8 billion program that provides incentives toward solar development over 11 years. December 5 New World Record Achieved in Solar Cell Technology - New Solar Cell Breaks the 40 Percent Efficient Sunlight-to-Electricity Barrier. 2007 Investors begin offering free installation in return for a long term Power Purchase AgreementPower Purchase Agreement A Power Purchase Agreement is a legal contract between an electricity generator and a host site owner or lessor. The host site owner or lessor purchases energy or capacity from the PPA Provider .... (PPA). April 23 Start of construction of Nellis Solar Power PlantNellis Solar Power Plant The Nellis Solar Power Plant is the largest solar photovoltaic system in North America, and is located within Nellis Air Force Base in Clark County, Nevada, Nevada, on the northeast side of Las Vegas, Nevada.... , a 15 MW PPA installation. 5 MW began operation on October 12, and the final third was completed in December. May The Vatican announced that in order to conserve Earth's resources they would be installing solar panels on some buildings, in a comprehensive energy project that will pay for itself in a few years. June 18 GoogleGoogle Google Inc. is an United States public company, earning revenue from AdWords related to its Google search, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Apps, Orkut, and YouTube services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the Google Search Appliance.... solar panel project begins operation . July 30 University of Delaware claims to achieve new world record in Solar Cell Technology without independent confirmation - 42.8% efficiency. December 18 NanosolarNanosolar Nanosolar is a developer of solar power technology. Based in San Jose, California, CA, Nanosolar has developed and commercialized a low-cost printed electronics solar cell manufacturing process.... ships the first commercial printed CIGSCopper indium gallium selenide Copper indium selenide redirects here.Copper indium gallium selenide is a I-III-VI compound semiconductor material composed of copper, indium, gallium, and selenium.... , claiming that they will eventually ship for less than $1/WattWATT WATT is a radio station broadcasting a News radio-Talk radio-Sports radio format. Licensed to Cadillac, Michigan, it first began broadcasting in 1945.... . However, the company does not publicly disclose the technical specifications or current selling price of the modules. 2008 August 13. New World Record Achieved in Solar Cell Efficiency: Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy LaboratoryNational Renewable Energy Laboratory The National Renewable Energy Laboratory , located in Golden, Colorado, as part of the U.S. Department of Energy, is the United States' primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development.... (NREL) have set a world record in solar cell efficiency with a photovoltaic device that converts 40.8 percent of the light that hits it into electricity. The inverted metamorphic triple-junction solar cellMultijunction photovoltaic cell Multijunction photovoltaic cells are a sub-class of solar cell or photovoltaic cell developed for higher efficiency. These multijunction cells consist of multiple thin films produced using molecular beam epitaxy and / or Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy.... was designed, fabricated and independently measured at NREL. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Timeline_of_solar_cells http://www1.eere.energy.gov/solar/solar_time_1900.html http://knol.google.com/k/william-pentland/solar-energy/1g0rrsoesmjko/2?version=113 #
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xbyang 2009-9-17 16:18
  现在,人们希望各种电器越来越小,甚至有人希望开发一种可以直接贴到耳壁上的小型音乐播放机。要把这些电器造得特别微小,一个重要的前提是让提供电源的电池变小。为此,美国麻省理工学院的研究人员开始利用只有直径只有6纳米的病毒来制造电池,他们用这种病毒制造的微型电池的尺寸只有几十微米,只相当于一个细胞的大小。   要生产微型电池,就需要纳米电极和导线,而用金属丝来制造这些元件要求高温高压的极端环境,成本大,设备要求高。为此,负责这项研究的麻省理工学院的贝尔彻教授决定向自然界学习,希望制造一种仿生材料。她最先想到的是神经纤维,动物的神经纤维末稍就是一种天然的纳米导线,它们可以传递神经电信号。由于人造神经纤维的生产成本十分高,难度特别大,他们放弃了这一计划。   后来,研究人员从鲍鱼贝壳的形成过程得到了启示。他们发现鲍鱼分泌的一种蛋白质可迫使碳酸钙分子定向排列,逐渐形成鲍鱼坚硬的贝壳。贝尔彻等人提取了制造这种特殊蛋白质的鲍鱼基因,把它通过基因技术移植到病毒中。在特殊蛋白质的控制下,这些病毒可以自动地首尾相连,形成一种纳米级别的生物导线,可以用来制造电池的电极和导线。这种技术有个专门的科学术语,叫做自组装技术。   更为可喜的是,病毒的这种生物自组装过程不需要高温高压,也不需要特别昂贵的设备,只要培养液合适,它们在常温下就可以完成组装。在自然界的环境中,鲍鱼要形成一个完整的贝壳需要15年。而在实验室条件下,这些病毒组装一个电极只需要两星期。病毒电池的主要材料是一般电子元件所采用的材料。然而,采用病毒作为电极和导线后,电池一下子就变得很小了,而且这种电池具有透明、柔软和可折叠的优点。   无论是在组装过程这还是电池的使用过程中,这些连成一线的病毒都是活的。贝尔彻和她的小组用显微镜扫描了数以百万计的病毒DNA,从而为这一工作筛选出最好的候选病毒。他们最终选择的病毒是长条状的M13病毒,其直径仅6纳米,长为880纳米,它是一种非常简单而且容易被操纵的病毒。目前,他们正通过无害的微生物细胞来复制M13病毒,然后再把它们组装到高分子材料上。   微型病毒电池包括阴极、阳极和电解液三个部分。目前,麻省理工学院工程师现已完成了阳极和电解液的设计。研究人员用一种超薄的聚合物材料作为病毒电池的外壳,在薄膜上建立电池的接头,其直径仅有4~8微米。在电池接头的顶部,研究小组堆积固定电解液的聚合层。接下来,将病毒组装在在电池接头上,最终形成电池的阳极。比起目前微型电池用的碳纳米管电极材料来说,病毒电极的储能效果提高了2倍。一个病毒电池包括若干个电极组成的电极阵列,这样可以提高电池的输出电流。   研究人员表示,微型病毒电池的确可以为手机和MP3供电,但是近期内还显得有些珍贵的病毒电池将主要用于治疗疾病和制造精密仪器,比如,现在一些患者需要在体内植入一些医疗器械(起搏器、血管机器人等),这些器械就可以用病毒电池来供电。或许有人担心病毒电池破裂了怎么办,那些病毒会不会危害人体的健康?病毒电池的密闭性和稳定性都很好,通常不会出现破裂的情况。即使病毒电池在意外情况下破裂,那些泄漏的病毒也不会危害人体,因为它们已经进行过无害化基因改造。   利用病毒研制电池是一个良好的开端,今后研究人员还将利用病毒上不同位置的蛋白质的特性,研制能满足有不同要求的电子元器件,如有机晶体管。此外,同样的病毒组装技术还可以用于研制更加有效的生化反应催化剂。研究人员还希望这种病毒组装技术制造太阳能电池、涂料、纺织品等产品需要的纳米材料。
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imwgj 2009-2-10 17:14
能量的储存在国民经济和日常生活中起着重要的作用,尤其是电能的储存。电能的储存就小的方面而言可以用于日常生活中,如用于各种电子设备的电池,就大的方面而言可以调节电力供应和节约能源。然而,电力和油、气等燃料能源不同,它的贮存十分困难。电的这种特性使得电力供应系统的建设与运行必须与用电需求相匹配,而电力的需求是有时间和季节性的。用电高峰期,电力紧张;而用电低谷时,电力过剩。常用的储能系统有化学储存如蓄电池和机械能储存如抽水蓄能电站等。常用的抽水蓄能电站虽然已经实用化,但是受到选址等方面的限制。而传统的化学蓄电池可以不受地理位置的限制,有利于分散布置,可以接近用电中心。因此,世界各国的科学家都在致力于开发性能较好的新型储能电池。 蓄电体系包括铅酸、Ni一cd、Ni一MH和锂离子电池。而上述体系因为环保、成本、安全等各种各样的原因,无法成为大型储能体系的选择,因此必须探索新的储能体系。本实验室经过一段时间的探索,发现水溶液可充锂电池(简称水锂电:Aqueous rechargeable lithium battery, ARLB)可望成为新型的储能体系。本实验室采用传统的固相法合成一系列材料,用循环伏安法研究了这些材料在水溶液中的电位和稳定性,发现材料在水的电化学窗口范围内在水溶液中都能稳定存在,而且电位适合组装成可实用的电池。其容量在材料未做优化的条件下仍然可以和传统的铅酸电池、镍镉电池相媲美,而且具有良好的循环性能,经过长时间的充放电循环,电池的容量几乎没有衰减。目前该类电池已经做到450次以上,其循环性能远远好于文献报道中类似的电池。而且打破了人们传统认为的水锂电循环性能不好的观念。 目前,我们实验室还率先开展具有新型储电机理的新储电体系的探索,从目前的结果来看,有望实现真正意义上的绿色储能,为人类的可持续发展作点贡献。
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MIT研制由病毒构成的微型电池 直径仅4微米
麦立强 2008-8-25 00:06
北京时间8月22日消息,据美国生活科学网报道,8月20日,美国麻省理工学院研究人员宣称,未来将出现一种新型微型电池,由病毒微生物构成,仅有半个人体细胞大小。 点 击 图 片 看 原 图 微型电池的电极阵列,每个电极直径仅有4微米 点 击 图 片 看 原 图 对微型电池进行测试 目前,麻省理工学院工程师现已完成这种微型电池三个部分中的两部分设计,该微型电池可向植入式医学传感器或实验室计算机芯片提供动力,以及那些非常小的物体。此外,它还可以超乎想像地植入其他生命体内。据悉,这种微型电池可以在某装置表面进行盖印或打印。 麻省理工学院教授保拉?哈蒙德、安吉拉?贝尔彻、常业明(音译)和研究小组同事共同负责此项研究,他们指出,据我们了解,这是用于制作和安置微电池电极的第一个微接触打印实例,同时这也是首次装配病毒用于微型电池制造。该研究报告发表在《美国国家自然科学院学报》期刊上。 贝尔彻说,目前研究小组已建造并测试了微型电池所需三个部分中其中两个,该技术自身并不涉及任何昂贵装置,同时该实验需要在室温下完成。微型电池包括两个相反电极----阴极和阳极,它们由电解液进行隔离。在当前的研究状态中,麻省理工学院的研究小组已建立了阴、阳极和电解液。 首先,研究小组在光亮、橡胶材料上使用一种叫做软平版印刷术(soft lithography)的普通技术建立微型电池接头模型,这些微型电池接头的直径仅有4-8微米。在电池接头的顶部,研究小组堆积了多个双聚合体层,其作用是固体电解液和电池离析器。接下来,将病毒自装配在电池接头的聚合体层顶部,最终形成阳极。这样便形成了一个微型电池接头盖印,每个电池接头都覆盖着电解层和氧化钴阳极。 哈蒙德解释,然后我们制造电池接头盖印,并将电解液和阳极转移至一个铂金结构。连同锂薄片一起进行测试。目前,研究小组着眼于建立完整电池的第三个部分----阴极,他们采用滤过性毒菌装配技术。 贝尔彻说,我们非常感兴趣采用生物有机体整合这种微型电池。据悉,这项研究工作是由美国陆军研究所和大卫露西尔?帕卡德基金会投资完成的。 http://www.popyard.com/cgi-mod/newspage.cgi?num=221198r=0v=0
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