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stone1971111 2010-6-4 08:53
做科研需要一种态度,一种感觉。我喜欢乔羽的思想和做法,下面的ppt是他的一些说法。希望自己就是那一只小鸟,自由自在的找自己的定位,快乐的生活着。 下面的 ppt 是整理的一点小资料。 一只小鸟
个人分类: 教学闲论|4197 次阅读|0 个评论
BaoHaifei 2010-5-5 08:56
一只小鸟 鲍海飞 译 2010-5-5 A minor bird Robert Frost I have wished a bird would fly away, And not sing by my house all day; 愿鸟展翼,快快飞走, 不要整天,房前啾啾; Have clapped my hands at him from the door When it seemed as if I could bear no more. 有时似乎,难以忍受, 站在门前,向它拍手。 The fault must partly have been in me. The bird was not to blame for his key. 几分过错,应该在我, 无可指责,鸟儿歌喉。 And of course there must be something wrong In wanting to silence any song. 自然内里,必有缘由, 只想静寂,莫闻鸣啾。
个人分类: 英诗译|4065 次阅读|2 个评论

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